Dbl UUU. [street line. (5) That no action be taken on application of F. T. Grafton to place verandah partly over-.the When the report advising that a scariey be not purchased was presented, a motion was made by| Ald. Payne and Pearce to rec0n-l sider the question in Committee. of the whole. 4 '07.. Al-.. IJIIIAIL unu<.;- \( Pte. Sylvester Tracey of Gren- ` fel was admitted to Springburn Hospital, Glasgow, on May_11., suffering from shell concussion. vWord to this effect reached his father, E. J. Tracey, last Friday. Pte. Tracy is 33 years old. He enlisted with the 28th Bn. in Oct., 1914, at Saskatoon and had been in the trenches since July 1915. An English paper just to hand gives a list of Canadians who won the Military Cross, toget-herewith 4-1- _--_.4:,.,. A9 {-1113 dnnd: lV1l_llh.l`y LJIUDD, hucvunavn {v----- a brief mention of the deeds p which won the decorations. In the list are two well kn-own in ` Barrie. Of Lt. John Henry Gras- ett Strathy it says, He displayed great courage and determination in assisting to destroyan enemy work under the most difficult conditions. Lt. W. Ross.C.amer- on s action is described thus: He reorganized his men "under heavy fire and ledthem forwardto their objective. . He set a splendid example throughout and was largely responsible for the sue- cess of the operation. - 1 `l\.._....-Iil 13` nnnlnn Q{\f\ nf (HESS U1 l:lH'3 U|Jl'JI auuuu. Lieut. -Donald F. Pepler. son of the late F. E. P. Ppler, K.C.. of Barrie, has been wounded in the leg. . After graduating` fr01n\the the battalion left for overseas. ___:u. n... 1.>..1..'..;n.. Iii; Capt. Arthnl-it Ardagh Killed Capt. Arthur Ardagh of Orillia was killed in action on May 10. Capt. Ardagh was the only son of _Dr. Arthur Edward Ardagh and was born in Orillia about 21.years ago. He was a b-orn soldier and for "several years was an active one of the would have gone overseas with the first contingent had his par- ents consented. He went over with a draft a year and a half ago (at the same time as Lt. J. H. Morgan) and has been in France since early last fall. His father went to England in December and . spent Christmas with his sonwho obtained short leave from his duties in France. Dr. Ardagh is the second Orillia medical man to he bereaved by the war. Sergt.- Major Norman Harvie, son" of 1 Dr. A. R. Harvie, having been kill- , ed in action. "officer in the Simcoe Foresters. - When the war broke out he was first to enlist and ` "In landing at . the Dyme_nt Farm shortly after ve o c1.0ck, Monday evening, two aeroplanes ran into fences, but the yers were unhurt. ' - 4L-A Al..- .\.y~I.-(lnvuna on WUIU U 1111 L1]. 1;. It seems that the aviators as one of their nal tests were to stop their engines while 6000.feet in the air and make a descent'_ as they would be compelled to do on active service in case their en- gines beeame disabled. Neither 1.-.! I..-.rln;-I nl. {kn Planes Ran Into Fences UL Uauuu. ' Mr. Ferguson pointed out that sales had been made at $16 an acre and some at $25. I _ _:.I `ll _. 'l'.V.-..,..-.... (Lulu auu ouuaxu uou w~v. These_n1en, said Mr. Fergu- son, refexjring to the letter sent out by agents as to 958, etc., en- deavored to hoodwink the public, -to make as much money an acre as they could. 11.. 1'.1,.--.........n-. Llnn.~.n-I-:4 {kn} PHQ `II IIIIIJ Ald. Hobseld asked [for the yeas and nays T uun...u.. H. on n? diem1g.c1ihg`1 I}-3 buU_y uuunu. Mr. Fe1'g'11s011 thought that his client, J, Enoch Thompson, was entitled to more than $16, as the golf club had been willing to pay $25. 1? `u n, , 1"'.V__.l CV......:LL. n-C` IDQU. Mr. Hall, for Fred Smith of `Montreal, u1`g'edll,hat the expro- `p'riat.i0n price could not be less than $12, the gure in the Kemp- Barr ag1`e_e;ment. ' (\ I\l'\l\ -._.....,.` | .Exce:)t,ii1g the 8,000 acres owned and controlled by Barr, the c_0u1't coilld not accept, the $12. 0 ` _,.. -_.,J...-I .-.1-mnnnn1\1\~r\f ID "UnderAthe amended agreement, where does Barr get $12 if he - -n 41, , IV A _ . A y An]. \Nll!7l'U UUUD mam gum quu .. ..., pays less or if the Government does not consider the price rea- sonable? asked the judge. ...._I. Clillltkllu o tux;--vxa V--- U V, , The alnendlnent duoes not. change the first agreement, said Mr. Hall. -._-- ..-.-u. -.,... H an ]_J1 U1JUD\`:.u uupn. uvuxuuuu u u . V... to Camp Borden. He described the trip of inspection made over the road by representatives of the Board, the County Engineer and two members of Essa Council. Taking it by sections he roughly described the condition of the road between Barrie and Angus, the route being out Eli'/.aheth` St. and along the town line to the rst sideroad on the east, side of the river and thence south and west into" the village. "It had been suggested that the plan should / also include the road smith "of \ Angus to No. 25 sideroad and thus into the Camp, but the 4-.ommitt,ee did not think any further than Angus should be taken in. To put this stretch of road in tirst_class `shape would require about $12,000.. Owing to the fact that it would come under the-ne\V' plan for the development. of interurhan roads, Govt. grants (var,vin_: from 20' to 60 per cent. on (iliTt`l'eIli. sections) should be securahle up to about $6000. A substantial grant from the County might reasonably be expected with sup- plementary-grants from the town- ships interested, leaving-probably $3000 for Barrie to contribute. These gures are rough estim- ates, but the County Engineer has promised a statement in detail. Mr. McAdam suggested that if this plan can be carried out other interurbankroads leading into Barrie could be -taken up later on. Similar `action could be taken by other towns and the result would. be a magnicent road system, which would well repay the towns for the money expended. - ,0 4I_._...1-. ....-`rs lnr|t"n1`fIl" `Clark. JCICID uxxu. .I.LuaJIo _ What s the use of discussing` it all over again? asked~Ald. m - - 4 . 4 . ..-o---..,: 1... 1.... .. n.-... \ll(l.l.l\c ` Ald. Tyrer refused to be a par- ty to using the roller with spikes on the main streets.` - --- r~'---r-: ..... ...~4,.,. um; UH but: u1a.1u :.w1uuuo._ Deputy Soule, suggested that.| -. unlop St. should be treated with? two grades of stone, and thus save the price of a scarier. u1|A'-._--- A nun 09217 H 5u.\/U but: plnuu U}. u s:.vuuuu.u.. Money is scarce, go easy,f advised Ald. Horsfield. ` 4;:-run , `I, _I-_ __.. `l\.....I\..n Q` vvsrno` UAJVISUU nlu. 11UlDllUlu , The holes -on Dunlop St. must be filled," said Ald. Tyrer, who declined to'support_ the report though presented by himself in deference to a majority, of his Committee. T .u_ - _---...;.....:1...'I:.. .-.4"-1 UUIIIJJJILLUU. 1 _ I lI take 't.he responsibility of` that report," volunteered the Reeve. VVe can t get labor, but the Committee, wouldn't` do any-. thing but talk,- so I suggested it in that form. . V ant Average net profits .. $8.64 ti GER'l`RU Dl+J G. RIEEVIE2, Treasurer Secretary's Report 1- It iS,Illy~ pleasure to report that } since May 16, 1916, twenty meet- 5 ings have been held. At six of .\ these Mrs. llurrie occupied the f chair. Six were convened by the ] Honorary President, Mrs. \Vilk- 5 inson, and the remaining" eight .1 by either , Vice President. The work of serving Saturday 5 noon lunches, commenced at the organization of the Society, has 1 been carried on throughout the S year, an Advisory Board of ten Red Cross ladies lending very _ valuable assistance. 25 per cent.` - Slof the net proceeds ' off lunches S has been handed over each month to the Red Cross funds. liifad- 1? dition to these sums a donation , of 21 lled Comfort Bugs were presented to the Red `moss on .. .-Feb. 8th. ~ The articles used in iequipping these bags and money to purchase some which were 0 lacking "were gifts received at 3. pt Shower in Leslie s home. _ The Sewing Conmiittee reports S also 39 pairs of slippers, 36 pro- perty bags, 21 comfort hugs and f; kit bags to the number of 88 ..- LP... in. `D 1) 1` -HIE naive -nf V` D KIL [H.155 bu LIIU uugnu-V. ..- -.- made for the B.R.(.}. 105 pairs-Q1` sucks have been kuit.l.ed from Red Cross W001 `by members of the Club. . A box of Trench Cmu1'm't.s val- ued at $25.00, accompanied by cheque, gifts received at a Show- --. :... M..- \xrnL;nm-m u hnmo. 011.