Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1917, p. 4

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'A&LIv.l. vv \J.n.;4vv LLLUJ. Executors Solicitors. Barrie,` Ontario. We _fl1I`I1iSh cans, pay cha1*g`e:ar and give prompt services. A553; any shipper. The Toronto Creamery 00., Ltd.._, ' church `Street, 1 n A: ...._L_ ./ A..;L ! We are open to buy cream 1'-2: [churning and table use. VVrite for pmces. The gures of yesterday I`l"l'3.}" [be too low for tomorrow. iRound trip tickets to points in Manitoba , Saskatchewan and AL- Vherta via North Bay, Cochrane land Transcontinental Route, or -via Chicago. St. Paul or Duluth. on sale each Tuesday until OM, 30, inclusive, at low rates. Through Tourist, Sleep- ing Cars to NVINNIPEG on above dates, leaving I Toronto 10.45 p.m., no change of cars, via the l Transcontinental route. 3 Return limit, Two Months, e.-2.-. "elusive of date of sale. Bert-Lo. reservations and full particulam at, all Grand Trunk ticket 0f'f'iC(-st `or write C. E. Horning, Disirisr. iPassenger Agent, Toronto, On- ` 1 1-. . -_..._- -_- .r.)lAA(J\;\4In7 'll.`[ llnj-T'4'l 17.`, I|l}l LL] \" p How to Grmv V'eg'et.ables, Fruit Jzinning, Jr-.ll.v Making. Pickling`, 0tc., "Moat S11b.s'Litutes," VVh,V I Make rny own Clothes and How I Make ']`hnIn. Health and How, to Conserve. 11,." - |16-2i. Demonstration-Lecture Courses}. Subjects li. by her are: W11... 4,. r-.....-. 1.',.,...,.4..L.I,._ 99 I-sT3..--;I. i Depot Agent Homeseekers Excursions GROWN HILL `After the Red Cross.- sewing meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. J. B. Feilding on Tuesday, May 15, the annua.l meeting of the Crown Hill Wo- men's Institute took place. After the Secretary read the minutes of former meeting and Miss E. A_. Hix gave a splendid paper on The Three R s---Rest, Recrea; tion and Right Living. The e1ec-_ tion of oificers then took place and resulted as follows:-- ` I'\,',_. T`I_`-_ Thursday, May 24, 1911. Phone 142. Sun Life of Canada PROTECT With an Ann_ua1 Divi- dend Policy in the Cram Wanted Canada s Greatest Life Insurance Co, D_. J.` REBURN, J. E. BuIL|.'|NcLE, ADM)?!` 0 0 Dl \I\I Your Family Your Business Your F uture The Presbyterian Ladies" Aid will hold an ice cream social and entertainment in Town Hall, Mid- .hur'st, Monday evening,'June 4, at` 7.30. Admission 15 cents, re- freshments extra. ` 21-22 '-'r'o'.-'o'u.o/ om. Dis. Mgr. Phone 6U - `avg house. \r\.u1uuuuavu, a.va.n.u_; ;.-.\;.., ---Vu-4.....- Before the c-jlos of. the meetji'r`1g' Mrs. Feilding served a very dainty lunch. - -. . A. .u-.u.~J .-as A special meeting of the Wom- en s Institute will be held in Guthrie Church on Tuesday, June 5, at 2.30 p.m., when Miss Janet M. Preston of Napanee will ad- dress the Women s Institutes of Guthrie and `Crown Hill. As Miss Preston _is a Domestic Science graduate who has had wide ex- perience in teaching andpublic speaking, her address should he of much interest, to every wo- man. (LILIJ I. Uuuluvu l.I4 President, 'R.ix; V-ice jP1'esident, Mrs. _J. B. Feilding. Secretary-Tr-easux-er; Miss Alice Quinlan; District Direct.or,_ Miss_ `Winnie Caldwell; District Repre- sentative, Mrs. 'I`h0s. Metcalfe. I 1x-1--_., LL- -,1...s.' A0 1.L.,. --..-..4:..L.-...l 1`; CA`-/II u The next Red Cross seWi11g Lmeeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S. J. Dunsmore on Tues- day, May 29. ~......:..! ..-....A,:..... A1` 11... 117A.`-. News from Neighboring Townships Keep |VIinard's Liniment. in the GOQD WAGES AND PlzE`.(lilVlANENT POSITION Fafe paid to Toronto and comfortable lodgings sec- ured if engaged. T` When applying state age, school training and name of schqol principal, Excellent. business opportunity for bright boys in office of large Toronto Packing House en- gaged in producing food for Cana- V dians at home and overseas. > -g As Tuld by 01:! Correspondents _ --5&9 _ Foul-. From 14 to` 18 Years of Ag with High School or Collegiate Education %% MIDI-IURST ...AT... BOX VBARRIE EXAMINER B ovs Delivery can be made_ _at dnce and that means something zjustv-now. The attention of lot owners is drawn to the . Annual Assess- ments for care of lots, which are |pa.yabl e as usual to the Secretary Treasurer` at his.oifce, '41 Dun- lop St., Barrie, Ont. nvuvnnno n-9 In$n nun can-vv-\1'r\r`r\r`l nap um, :.ru.L11U, uuu. Owners oflo s are reminded that unpald assessments from 1913 onward become a charge` against the lot and should not-be allowed to accumulate, -as under the Act they must be paid before lots can be used. T ~ TT.....,.;.I _._-,_, -____L_ 1'-.. l.'\JL\3 UIALJ ICU: .A'ssessmen_t rates: $2.00 per annum for one `lot and $1.00 `for each additional lot owned by `the sameperson. $'_i;O0 for half lot. T Lu` nnvnnnn A-uvnlu A-:11`;-\ -navy-.5-.nI,.4-I ouuu: yoncuu. IUI. Hall (Uli- Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment System now available`, `T they may eliminate, if they wish, further assessments by permanen.t1y en- dowing the lot to provide for. perpetuala `care. `It... A"I'\'A"Il c<;.'.. i1".::...-.. uv \aa ..`......-.,V. .....J-.:. . Last week James McAvoy gave up the ownership and manage- ment of the`Mansi-in House to T. W. Quinn. For seventeen years Mr. Mc.Avoy -and his good wife ,have carried on the Mansion `House, as a strictly temperance hostelry and "never in thattime has either the present License Inspector or his predecessor had reason to even suspect the pre- sence of liquor, and to Mr. Me- Avoy s credit be it said he dem- onstrated that a strictly temper- ance` hotel could be run even when liquor licenses were all around him, and his house has been held up at prohibition meetings all over the country as a model. We hope Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy will make up their minds to remain here as they are too good citizens to-lose. ` Unpaid assessments _for 1913,! 19.14, 1915 and 1.916 are payable now and those for 1917 on othe- fore July 1st. ` A" n n n n n m Ant u.-.4.-..-.5 E30 nn nan M 'Dun1op St., Barrie, On-t. 2'1 -2 _The Fleetfoot `Baseball Team met on Tuesday nightfand elected the following oice'rs_:.-- 'Il'.___-____. 'l'I __ (`11_,-;_,..___ Manager, Rev. J. S. Stevenson; President, E. Brown; 1st. Vice President, G. T. Baldwin; Gapt., Miss G. Stevenson; Se_cy.-Treas., Miss H. Key.` ' "IL--. .-.`,.. 1-- AI--_-.I 1-- -_` 160 to 1801135 ........ ..$32 300 to 350 lbs ..... .....$46 500 to 600 lbs. ..... ...s75 The I60 to` I80 lbs. machines, without the stands, sell for $28. These are capable of handling all the milk of a moderate sized farm. They are V Easily Operated and Naiseless. Compare these gures with those of other machines, then you will leave your ordeg. l I ..v -..D V.-.. -. Xupllhlic Ineetinjgf`-for:Cemetery Improvement will be held on Wednesday, May 30, commencing at 10 o c_lock. A number-of teams and wagons are needed to help _in this important work. Lunch will he served at noon in the lchurch basement for those who lassist. . T ' J. Lowe of Hespeler will address t.he ladies of the Women s Institute on Friday afternoon, June 1, at 2 o clock in the Methodist Church. '. Mrs. Lowe is an enthusiastiin W-0_men s Institute work and was an active worker for a number of years in the Waterloo County Institutes. She has also addressed meetings in many other sections of the Province as a Departmental Rep- resentative. Her practical ex- perience, wide reading and tact insures addresses and advice of much value. Her subject will he Benecial Suggestions to Branch Institutes." Every lady should avail herself of this opportunity of listening to so gifted a speak- er. Everyone will be accorded a very hearty welcome. Musical selections will also be rendered. -.-.u-.4 an... --uJ o They would be pleased t0"':u*- range a match with ,any other team during the summer. _..__I_II_ .__-_A_',_-, f1-.._,l_,_,,, Last week s Parry Sound Star had the following reference to James McAvoy, who is well known to a number in Elos:-- e an.- BARBIE UNION CEMETERY Annual Assessments Pl-IELPSTON oALs1*oN Frau : anlinia Exnmueamun srrunnuv Iluommuna Stroud Women Institute The annualmeeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. E. T_. .McConkey with a good at- tendance. The reports" showed a very successful year on regular and patriotic lines. The officers were re-elected with the` addition of Mrs. J. W. Hughes as Asst;_ Secretary. Mrs. C. Meconkey and Mrs. Robt. Thompson were ap- pointed as representatives to the District Annual, with the Pres., Mrs. F. Warnica, as District Dir- ector. A committee was appoint- ed to arrange a program for. the coming year. Some further ar- rangements were made in con- nection with the public meeting Ito be held on May 31, to be ad- dressed by Mrs. J.iJ. Lowe of Hes- peler. \ Phone 563 Mulcaster`St,. I \4\Jvn., .u..-uu u-vy-- A1bcrLiOrchz'1rd is busy getting the stone work ready for his new barn. A A Newmarket Express-Hera'ld_ - Once'again.we appeal to all New, market, man, woman and child-', to `strain every effort to cultivate to the utmost the land that is in their possession, and by so doing he co-workers with our boys on the firing` line in theght for lib; erty, freed-om and justice. may-.\..c.....V.. \..lV-J . ...-a.;v-, Isaac Downey "is the latest, "ad- dition to the ranks of our motor- ists, he having bought -a Dodge car, last week. A'lI-,.__l '/\___L..._.) :- 1__--__ _._L1_-_... .;n.~a ..- Joseph Orchard. has I`etuf'ned home from Tanquier, Ont. `ll!_ T1 `[1... L..- ......_.- XT7'-_l 1`.,._ . '1\`a'{4's.`ia.` 1%.o;1ig;;c31e` x3{r"st for a trip. ` ...a van v v \4n\l\/Ana and Mrs. A. Park `and Ar- chie McNabb of Collingwood spent Sunday with ,the_ latter s parents "here. IV 'll._.__ 1`__.... _,_I,, , V..- s... v-..; Aa\4A V- J. G. Maw, formerly a private in the 157th Bn. who has been disch-arged from England as phy- sically unt, and has been in T0- rionto hospital for some time, has `returned home and is Improving slowly. Born on Friday, May 18, to Pte. and Mrs. W.` J. Parke, a daughter (Beryl Enid). 1'-_,_._ 'l\.\-_._____ _- LL- 1-1--` '__I` u-nu \A\1I.Aau|L V: ..n. uv. .n. V./\4lL squall Poor Jim Pearsall was killed from right beside me. I will never understand how there were not more of us killed. We were marching across an open field in single file when Fritz opened up on us with concussion shells. As a rule, they will kill within ten or fteen yards, but I was walking` ahead, a.nd Dean behind, with Pearsall next. ' The shell must have hit right in our path. It killed Jim insl.antly, and gave _us a shaking up, and this Dean I speak of, was killed the next night. There we_I.`e- about fteen of us on out-post duty. pretty near up to Fr-itz s front line; in just a row of holes in the ground about ten feet apart. with two men in a post. Fritz shelled us_ all night, but made only` one hit. killing Dean, and a boy from Pen- etanguishene. If his range had been -very little shorter, he would have got the whole bunch of us. I know I was plastered with mud, time after time, from shells bursting near. ' Quite a number from here at- tended "the memorial service at New Lowell for Elwood Wynes on Sunday last. I1--.-I 1- :_-___-4-',_ -n 11-..--_ L; ___4 Combine all the strong points of! the high class machines, except the price; I am selling "The Viking" (made in Sweden) E I;;\:iVr.1gstoVn of Barrie Spent Sunday with friends here. ___A.. --._...-.__ _,_.'II 1-, `I- ,1,` 3,- .- ...-........_, ....,.-- --v--`....a -v- \dI A A war sen-/ice wili be held in the Methodist Church on Friday evening at 8 o clock. 'Il _. _,_ _'I `ll',.. . ,1 `, I A The Late Pte. Pearsall Pte. J. H. Pearsall, whose death was reported recently, was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pearsall, Mitchell Square. Before entering the Merchants Bank he t.00k his collegiate course in Bar- rie. Mr. and Mr-s.LR. G. Richardson, and son George of Barrie have I-etured here to their summer.` home. ' In a letter written on Apr. 15 in which Pte. Stanbrook of Orillia describes the big advance at Vimy, appeared the following reference to the death of Pte. Pearsall:-- n V, ., .EDENVALE May'22--Mr4S. S. 0. Campbell has returned ~.to her home in Mount . Fprest, .accompanied_ by Miss Annie Webber. -.. MINESING ~r\.a; Mrs. R. Boyes, District Secre..I tary for South S-imcoe, attended the Women's Institute meeting in Barrie this week.` ` Churchill Women s' Institute` The annual meeting and elec- tion of `officers will take place at the home of Mrs. R. W. Sloan on Wednesday, May 30, at 2.30. The Department Delegate, Mrs. J. J. Lowe, Hespeler, will be present and `address theladies. `Her list of subjects is as follows: Bene- cial Suggestions to Branch In- stitutes, Home Values,/" Econ- omiie by Saving, Some Advan- tages of Country Homes," Our Bit. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all the ladies 01 the surrounding country to be pre- sent. .-. ... -\ . . o . .~. u-.',uJ,uu -.1`; I.~ln It is hoped, to have Mrs. Lowe of Hespeler speak here on the evening of May 31, announcement of which will appear later. D.C.HowardI The Zs?L)IIh"'s'{{$L},' District Meeting of the Women s Institute held in the lecture room of the 17, proved very interesting" and inst.r'uctive. There was a fair attendance, the surrou_nding Branches being 1~epresented. .1` " T|.I ..-. fWl\.._,.._,._._,._., ., VT1.__.,\_._L.\ .\ Public Library on Thui'sday, lvlayi i n\4J Solos by - Mrs Laidman, Ivlrs. Lennox, . Miss Bessie Ness and Miss Dorothy Boys, were much enjoyed by all. . T1. 1... 'l._.__....l L- I....-.... `III ..- `I ,.---.. .._.- In ;u..u-J AJ\1nAAo n val): Miss Chapman of Toronto, a journalist and one of the speak- ers sent out by the Dept., spoke of the many ways in which the In- stitute could prove-itself invalu- able at the present tim_e--partic_ ularly along the line of thrift- the production and conservation of foods. She urged that people study the value of foods and try to reduce the combined use of those having the same food value. Are you willing to. do this or are you willing` to let some go starv-| 1......-`D11 ..L.- -._I-...I .]\F\L .......... l\/ \} W... ._, ing? she asked. ` The Institute Board has passed _a resolution that there be one meatless day a week and that `lamb and veal be not indulged in, also that. ,the -apple crop which promises to be good, he used, thus lessening the importing of fruits. Miss Chapman` also com- pared the food value and prices` of different foodsand closed her` splendid address by repeating a lpoem written by Lieut. Kett_vle' two` days before he paid the su- preme saerillce and -urged that` we do al1.we can to help the brave heroes by being able to supply .them with the necessary food. Then followed the election of of- cers: Pres.--Mrs. Wm. Harvey lst. Vice-Pres. -- Mrs. D. M. Stewart. v. -.\ .. A rs/v\/vvuaun u 211d. -Vic,e-Pres.~~M1's. C:1.lief'_ wood. Vice-1~ r-es.--~ Mrs. Chzz Stewart. | `Secy.-Tr_eas.--MiTss Malw,lVGau-l lly - {`l_I_, 1. VII . I -,`,I,___,_ Xl,.-{ Inn stitute Meei ng MARTIN-SENOUR Every Building on Your Farm Needs Good Paint. Reduced Pricesi Paint protects. Paint wards off rot and decay. Paint is a property improvement that increaees the value of your whole place. Paint is an investment that pays a big prot in prosperous appearance and long life to the buildings . is saving the farmers of Canada hundreds of thousands of dollars by protecting their homes and barns from wear and weather. This pure, reliable paint spreads easily and is the cheapest in the end, because it covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon and lasts far longer than the cheap prepared paint or hand-mixed lead and oil. 100% PURE PAINT Ask for Farmer's Color Set and Town and Country Homes. Just what you ll need in planning your painting. ` FARMERS 2 Guzu-u. |vw15z:f:e this thirtieth day of April, 1917. : ! STEWART & STEWART, 1-:`_____l-.._9 {'V-1S_S -_- Notice is hereby given pur- suant to R.S.O. 1914, and Amenad-g ing Acts that all persons havingl any claims or demands against` the late George (ireaves, who d-ied j on -or about the sixteenth day oft April, 1917, at the Town of Bar-r rie, in the County of Simcoe, are required on or before the first day of June, 1917, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the un-~ dersigned, Solicitorsefor the Elm." cutors of the Estate. ofthe said George Greavves, their names and addresses and. full particulars in writing of their claims and state-[ ments of their accounts, and the! nature of the securities, if any, held by them. . I 1...: 1-1-- __'-;:__ 1L,: 40- The Viking Cream` Separators .-v-.- .4: u-.u.. And take.not.ice that after the` first day of June, 1917, the said: Executors will proceed to dist.ri-1 hute the assets of the said de-l ceased among the persons entit- led thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall. then have had notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the" said a.ssets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have re- ceived notice. ' ' ' Notice to creditors IN" THE MATTER of the Estate of George Greaves, late of the] Town of Barrie, in the County of, Simcoe, Retired Fm-mer,_ deceas-ll ed. 18-21 Meet,i11g,'sj will he held at the following points in South Simcoe: May 30, at Mrs. R. W. Sl0an s, Chu1'chill;. May 231, at `church, Stmud; June 27, Newton Rubin- s0n;l.]une 2.8, town hall, Cooks- lown; June '29, Temperance Hall, Thornton; June 30, Orange Hall, ilvy. V Ifnn T 1 I .-xx:-n n TJ1\r\u\r\`r\ws :l\I l\lrs. \\l'm>.lard `has had practi- cal experience nlnngr the lines 1n-i dicat.o,(l.l1y the sul`jr-lc.l..'-'. annnunt-T nu:-u, uul IJAL. 1 ed. She has taken a special course in sewing" and has the faculty of limparling information in a nleari `and pleasing manner. Mrs. \V0ul- am will be_ preparerl to demon-` strate some one of the lines v0v_| an-od in tho l`(`., lll&1I` Demonstration l.m:tn1`e Course in Sewing, and to give full partir-,nlars as "to the I-Ill; lllxllpl. V Mrs. J. J. Lowe is an enthusiast in`Won1en`s Insti-tute_'work and was active for a. number of years` in the Waterloo County Institute. In addition she has addressed] nieetings in many bther sections. of the Province as a Departmen- tal Rep1'esentative. Her practi- cal experience, wide reading and tact, insures addresses and ad- vice of much value. Her subjects gave: Beneficial Suggestions to` Bram`-h Institutes, Home Val- I 17 ues, Ecenoxnize by Saving, .ql\li1n A(I\ r)nIun'no n! {Ian K`.-xnnlnn 1yv - I\/Irs. J. .1. Lowe of Hespeler is the speakm' at the lirsf, two and Mrs. M.'I.. Woelard, Toronto, at the others. m_3s," "niconomlze Dy SaV1ng,"| Smne Adyanlagos of the Country I-lame, Our BIL." ' `AI ..,. \\',.,\1_~...J `~-\` ,-_--A: Women's Institute Meetings '.\l-.l,`, `II I (Made -in Canada) Cream ' Separators]

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