Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1917, p. 9

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- I Compare these gures with those of other machines, then you will leave your order. " ' IVY May 15--Mrs. W. H. Davis re- turned-home from Toronto last week after spending thewinter with her daughter. 1\';nr- II1(\v\r\ u'nr\v\ n~r\l\r\` `kn May Cari` and Vsori Arnold of Toronto are spend- 3:-.4-'. 1` nan:-xln A-C` rlnv-vn Hnnn A115 i1_UU|.1]_JlU .UJ. uaya IIULU. Mrs. Thos. Lukcas has returned home after spending "the `past month with her daughter, Mrs. Ta3:loI1'), of Port Anson; . L` '1IAv\vIrr vnnrln o 'hr|::`inn:n Ill IJIIU \UUU11 \Jl.l:yo B. Garruthcrsr has made great improvements on his blacksmith shop, which will, nodoubt, he `a great help to the community. ' '1"'hn qI.T"l'I TI.'I\Ii nrsrul-u|:l\1-81:53 In DIJLI. 1]. LLULU U1 .L\Jl-\J.I.l.U\.l usv n ing a _couple .01` days here. no Tkna Tu-anon hone in)- '1'ay10r, 01 .3011, Anson-. L,` _G. B. `Henry `made a busmess trxp to Toronto on Monday. I-`I':... ..-......... .t`..:....-.4... .-....-. Anliivlntn `Jill UIIJUJULI (J4 DUl4'1G1 IIUUI and Mrs. Miller Jennet:t s baby has erysipelas. May 14--M'0thVeTr TsTDay was eel- ebrated in the Methodist Church here on Sunday. -' (`in-.-.n...M.-.4:.-.7. .-.:II 1...` I....1..1 :... All/I-L7 \llL L)\4l;lll.l(l4.y. . Conrmation will `be! held in .the Anglican Church on May 29. 1' T\'nT\nnrnnI*4 nnrn zvnnntn n nun (From Another Correspondent) Reduced Pricesl .lllIU 1lll.6l..l\JCI;I..|. \Jll\.lL U11 VJ*l.I. LVLG4`y DU. - J. McDe1-mott. now sports a-new Ford. `II ..- `I T1` `II _lN____ _ n `W '1 L. J. H; McCa.nn spent Friday in ghe Queen City. f`nnn11lHr.nn; knn v1r1nn~'n l1|1If\l'i` LUGl- IIUIP IIU IIIIU uU1luuu1ul;_Y. The Sixth Line contributed tol fuonuron i MTOPIA the Barrie Red Cross rooms on Saturday the following: 4 dozen- eggs and $3.00 cash. Vlun lint n4` nnl-inlnn nnnt tn 4I-\n Died At. Age of 93` Mrs. Annie Bowman, widow of "John Bowman, died on Monday, May 14, at the home of her son, Thomas, near Gr-own Hill,lhaving: reached the very advanced age of 93 years. Notwithstanding her great age she retained all her faculties to a marked degree and was quite active about the house until she fell aid severely hurt. one of her legs last year. J .._...- L ..... ..- A`1_ l'\ ..... -- CLILIJ. QlUc\JU \/(INDIA. The list of articles sent to the Barrie Red Cross rooms for the monthly `shipment was: Six grey annel shirts, six spits pyjamas, twenty-'tlu'ee prs. socks and don- zi-ted two pillows. \.r;;w `.lI gnu: Ixlcu nu-.uu `v\1I.4|/I. Deceased was born in Co. IT)erry. Ireland, her maiden name being- Annie Bowman. She and I101` husband cames to Canada 56 Cream % Separators` Re1axin3 tl1eTension 94 Wi1hva"3$21W`mt31Ttte%%hav years ago, settling on the ninth concession of Innisl, near Vine.. After her husband s death 37 years ago, she. lived awith her daughter, the late Mrs. Kenny, andher son Thomas. Of a fam- ily of four daughters and two sons, only oneson survives. Mrs" Bowman was a Presbyterian, be- ing for many years an esteemed member ofthe Craigvale church. under the pastorate of Mr. Mc- Conne. Interment took place at the Sixth` Line Cemetery, lnnisfil, yes- terday. Service at the house was taken by Rev. Mr. Herman of 11-aighurst and Rev. D. A. McKen- zie of Churchill officiated at the grave. The pa11-hearers were her son, W. J. Holmes of Colwell, Thomas Bowman -of lnnisl, Thomas Bowman of Stayner, \Vm.. Bowmhn Jr. and Wm. Bowman Sr. of Midland. -vu I .s.|4AL AIL: J. L-LVJJLQ-I-,7 . `JO \lO `JO Graduate. Office and- res1d- ence, 21_McDonald St., Barrie. To Arrive This Week Carload of Western H. H.0tton 8: Son, BROWN CO; Thursday, gy V.v.1.41, 1917; Easily Operated and Noiseless. 160 to 180 lbs ..... ..._..s32 300 to 350 lbs ........ ..$46 ` 500 to 600 lbs. ...... ..$75 T The I60 to I80 lbs. machines, without the stands, sell for $2.8. These are capable of handling all the milk of a moderate. sized farm. They are POTATOES? Lawn Rakes, 50 to_ $1.00. _ V Grass, Shears, 35 to $1.25; Also Buckwheat for Seed Empress, high: wheel, `ball bearing, $9.00 . Star, 9 in. when, 14 in.'_cut, $5.75, 16 in.-cut $6.00 Daisy, 8 in. wheel, .16 in. cut; $5.-25. Pennsylvania, American make, 16 in. cut, $16.50,. Suitable for Seed or Table Use if . vs Jivnlgoa Wevhave thc_n in. sfdclf. Sizs I4, '6, I8 in. cut.` WOodVy_att,` high wheel, $6.25`, $6.75, $7.25. BERT PETOH FURS! ...AT... Delivery can be made at once and that means something just now. f -` I Mulcaster St. I r l I Fall Wheat .. $2.90-$3.00 Buckwheat . . .. . .. .. $1.25 Peas .._ . .. .. A . . $2.35-$2.65 Oatsf. .. .. ' .. ..70-75c. Barley .. .. .. $1.25-$1.30 Rye .. .. . .. $1.80-$1.90 Spring Chicken .. 20c...22c. Old Fowl .. .. .. .. 160,-18c. Ducks . . . . . . . . . . 15 to '18:; Turkey . . . . . . . . . . 286-300. "Butter . . . . I:2c.'44c. ' Eggs .. .. .. .. .. .. 35c. Potatoes, bag .. .. .. .. $4.00 Hay . . . . . . .0 . . .$l0.00-$12..00 n_ Wool, washed, lb... . . . . _57-60c.i Wool, unwashed, 1b.. .. 43-440. Beef Hides, cured . . ;'. 210.220. Beef Hides, green . . . . 20c.-21c. . Tallow, rendered, lb . Sheep Skins ` Thursday Wholesale. Prices. . . `Jo-100. . . . .$2.50-$3.50 . . $5.00-$7.00 Horse Hides Horse Hair, lb .. .. . . . . ..35c Lamb Skins .; .. ..$l.00-$3.50 Calf Skins, green .. t..- .. 25c. Flour (Ontario) .. . .. $12.50 Floulr (Manitoba) .. $13.50 Bran, ton .. .. ..$38-$39 Shorts, .ton. . . $43-$45 Alsike Seed .'.'..$7.5o_$9.oo ' Red Glover Seed. ..$1o.oo-$11.5o MARRIED JESSOP--STOREY---In Port Hur_ on. Mich., at the home of the bride s sister, Mrs. E. H. Bas- sett, by the Rev. O. Sullivan, on April 26, Eva` Fern, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey, Barrie, to Mr. Lyl Jessop 0f"Flint, Mich, . ~ JORY-At Dalston, May_ _ DIED. BLANSHARD-At lot 11, con. 6, Vespra, on Tues.,`May 15, Robt. ` Blanshard, aged 71 years. DEGEER--'-At lot 16, con. 9, Ves- pra, on May 13,aEnoch Degeer, aged 50 years and'2 mos. BLACKMORE--At lot 25, con. 7, Oro, on Mon.,' May 14, `R. J. Blackmore, aged 71 years. , John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jory, aged 6 mos., 8 days. KISSOCK---In Oro, on May 11, Andrew Kissock, aged 63 years, 8 mos. . _ MUNROa-In Vespra, -on Monday, . May. 14, Robert John Munro, aged 84 years, 4 mons. \ _ - # _B0RN ARNOLD-_-At the R.,V. Hospital, on Wednesday, May 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arnold, a son. ' LEWIS---On Thursday, May" 17,` to Mr. and Mrs. "Chas. Lewis, John St. W`..- a son. , RODGERS--On Tuesday, May 15, to Major and Mrs. George R. l Rodgers, a _son. ` Barrie Markets THE f`WO0DYA'l'l' Best V Cnadian I Mow/Iver made. V % 'Ev\ery vMower guardnteged I for I year; wl 160 . .. tc ..28c .. . ..I:2_`c -s, . .. . ..$10.00-$ MOWERS Phone 563 Hose Reels. I LIIIIJI $4.00! \..$10.00-$12..00n .._57-60c.| 43-44c.| Five Points, Hardware -|. LIL VI-9 One of the -largest funerals seen here in some time was that of the late Dr last Sunday afternoon," a very large number of` friends _turn.ing, out to show their respect._for the deceased as well as their sympa- thy for the relatives in the great oss they have sustained. Ser_ vice at the Methodist chur,ch was taken by Rev. Mr. McKee of Rich. mond'Hill assisted by Rev. VVm. G-lement.. The pal)"-bearers were Dr. Turnbull, Dr. Rogers, A. W. Green, and the three brothers of deceased, Fred., Percy and George.. ` 9 I\... 7'I1.-._-.I..__ __:..'L1 `R3,- \/wvun $uw. . On Tuesday night Minerva Lodge, A;F. & A.M., entertained B. W. Bro..Hill, _D.D.G.M., on his official visit" and the occasion proved one of great-enjoyment for the members of the lodge as well as numerous visitors from Barrie, Allist-on and Cookstown. After the lodge, supper was sei'- vd bythe Methodist Ladies Aid and they more than maintained their high reputation in this re. gard. - / ll.1'Jlrl1l.r1 , 1.11.1 Do U LJUUAL 11.46`?- MI'. and Mrs. Geo. Money, also Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson have re- turned to their homes here after spending the winter in Toronto. "Finn vvxnnxv f'n~:nv\/-in nf Unnnk ULJI I3 lIl.LIl'll(}l g `JUL : 1-VJ-L}ll(7~ The farmers in this `vicinity have nished seedingand are now preparing for the root crop. qrluxlulllb ulll; VV ll.LI:\_/L lll .I.\J|.!JLL|,-Ll. The many friends of Enoch Degeer were sorry to learn of his sudden death on Sunday morn- ingafter an illness of ve days with scarlet fever. Mr. Degeer was bornin York County 51 years ago but previous to his {death re- sided in Vespra `He is survived by.his wife and three children, Chat-les,, Wilfrid and Florence, also four brothers and three sis- ters. The funeral took place on Sunday, May 13, to the Grenfel Cemetery. ;The pall-bearers were Robert Kirkup, Charles Harris, Wesley Scott, and Robert Maw. Much sympathy `is extended to Mrs. Degeer and family. RAIYI l`II'\l`I I-lI`ll'\ D:r!\'f\11v r .uLLU. nzubuul auu 1cuu11_y. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Biglow of Saskatoon are visiting the lat- ter s brother, Geo. Money. A fnnvhnnn {n `l1:rV ur:n:v.u' D.C.Howard[ Mother s Day was ttingly ob- served in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Frafton, who was assisted by Rev. Mr. Mc- Kee of Aurora, gave a forceful Mother s Day sermon on. She hath done what she could. The hymns and special anthems were on the same subject. 2 Almost everyone wore the oral emblems sacred tothe day. U10. Llbll. 111.5 DIJU 1.10100 VVUUlX- The cement walk on "Main St. is being connected up `with the new Bank building. QAVIIY-nnr\ 7ln~;`r\111r\(\r` vrvnn n 11:13 LLUVV J..Ia.un .IJl.l1ll.llLl6. _ Sergeant Whitewood was a vis- ltOI' 1n our town recently. I-LA cnnnh n:n n'r\r' I\'I'I'lIt\ t'I7l'\`f\'I| JULII. 111 IJLLL UU VV 1; 1UlJUl.l.lIlJo L All the fresh air and pure water isnot in the east end. During the past week R. J. Stewart, Squire Grose and the School Board have secured ample quan- tities of the pure owing mater- -iali. "W. J. Goodfellow of-Pains- wick did the work. (I ILUVV KJIIGVLUICIJ \./(11 luau VVUCl\n `Miss E. Northgraves of the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, is holidaying at the home of her parents. 1\K;cva Q 1\Knr`11l'|t\I1rr}1 n-P 1)}\.I..'f\ May 16-1&_x'_s`.`E`r.-1\EcKay, Strat- vford, spent a few days with her ulother, Mrs. J. Hockridge. 1\/In nr\A 1`/[run flan `lhfnnnn nlnn The Ladies Aid of Guthrie Church` will hold their annual social evening on May 24th. The Male Chorus from Churchill and others will take part in the pro- gramme. The programme will commence at 8 0, cl0ck. Admis- sion 25 cents. ' .1 ..__-,._1_..__ -.p 41.- n._n._.:- n'____ ClL}ll Qt] \4 \JlllJC!o A member of the Guthrie Sew-- ing Circle received this week" a letter from Pte. Albert Black-" woodin France, thanking herfor a pair of socks that had been sent him. He has been in France over a year and came through the Arras and Vimy f`1ghting.un- injured, never missing a trip up the line. His home is_in Barrow` Bay," Bruce Peninsula. i. May slor Wyevale 'spent. over-Sunday with friends here. - 'I'_.-_.:_ fI--IL'___1 -1.` 7'I'\L__.... l.l'3l. ( MIi.ss Jennie Gulbert of Thorn- ton renewed old- acquaintance- ships here last week. Hun `L111-nl> n ,"`nnr\v\4n 11:5-:}n1-I The Viking Cream` Separators James A. Kirkpat- rick made business trips to the city during the past Week. 'T`Ir-an nnnnnn-l v11nI1r t\"\ '1\ll'n-in Q4 QLIIPC IIL7L\J Illrcll VVKIL/1\o Mrs. Hunt of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. Albert Purvis. i|"n`l\nn,n T\n.. I1vl\(V `=44-:v\rv`vv t'\`\ NANTYR `May 16--Thos. Jacks purchased `a _re_vv Chevrolet car last week. `KT.-.._1.`I....._.-__-- -1` 11.- 11 `"nffisf"1`ia:1iii 5ui;`i`1`5}i>h:1a- delphia visited friends here. t`|...m..-....4...1.-.4:.-...,. 4,. 1|/r.. '.-....,a `J1 (la GU11 _ Mr. arid Mrs, Roy Beatty have returned to Stroudafter spending, the winter here. 1 - srnoun g. T _ Pte.Alvin Webb, writing hi parents said he came through the Vimy Ridge battle unharmed, as did also Pte. Pui'chasefand Pte. Purvis. ' 4. .1 -u . .. LlUl|,.llllay VIDIUULJ. 11 IUILUD 115100 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Emeric. on the arrival of a son. 1|r__ ;___1 1:... 'n'._; 1\-_n1__ I-_,,, Burton Ave../Methodist `chm-ch Rev. G. W. Reynolds, Pastor C`...-.An.. `ll ...-.' 6')I\ Anti`! % - LOU - VV . 1lC`Y LLUIIJD, IGDIILII. "uunday, May 20, 1917 H a.m.-StandingVon Guard. p.m;---Why This Waste? vCombine all the strong points of the high class machines, except the price. `I am selling "The Viking" (made in Sweden) %A=rcmyVo- ..xAIi_Iujg uI:p_sA'runnAv_` npnumo GRAIGVALE GRENI-`EL GUT!-VIRIE LFnov. Il\/(bl lIl\_/Clll \J\JllEl|.lUlJ.lLll.I\Jl.lLUu The Women s- Institute held their annual meeting on Wednes- day afternoon and appointed the following officers for the year :- Pres., Mrs. Jas. A. Jamieson; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. R. D. Henry; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. W. E. Grey; Sec- Treas., - Mrs. Jas. A. Patterson; Directors, Mrs, J. W. Henry, Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Mrs. M. E. Dut- cher: Representativeto "District Annual, Mrs. VV. J. Boake; Dis- trict Director, Mrs. J. A. Lennox. The members of the Institute moved a vote of thanks to the congregation of St. Jude s Church for their liberal collection o f`$22 on Sunday last. i a Sharpe of Hamilton is hol'id1aying`under the parental roof. \ 'Dnn4 I\n4nInnn ill` ,-..'e.nnA-Iv-.n- n |A\Iu.L Cl l1\lL 14 `L111 uultuuj. `MI . and Mrs. J. H. Doane and Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Beynon of T0- I_`0IltO spent t,hisTweek with Mrs. Lambert Doane. 1`72'l1Z-_..l (`11-,,._,.1 -l"'FI",.._.._l_ 1- cleaneu, Altered end nepau-ed: mas m.~moKamIAn' as small st... am-Ie. 1101 L: \J1l (A VIDIIJ UK} 1119 lll`LllIllUL- Dr. Sproule and his bride of Thessakm are here on a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sproule. His many friends extend to Dr. and Mrs. Sproule heartiest. congratulations. Finn \[7n y~n.-.n ,-. T7-\tV`;`~|'I`r\ Inn].-l LVl.CI:Dlxl.7l , \JlJLlIXUlJLJVVl.l.- Pte. Roy Wilson and Mrs. Wil- son -of Toronto spent the week- end with his parents. Roy belongs to the 255th (Queen s Own) and is leaving shortly for overseas. _ Congratulations to Helen, and Bessie Hatton, Elwood McQuay, Matthew Lowrie and Vernon Speers on passing their Entrance Exams. `M335 4 1a"lIri~ i12;re um `42 3"d6}i _ rmation Service held in- the Anglican Church here on May 39. T in 1- nnn nlnnnnrl vsnnnn} I411. LU .lUl.U.l.l.lIlJ Uu. J.u.uu.uu._y. P A ` is many friends are delighted to` know that Rev. G. N.~Grey of Alliston will be. here once more before leaving A1liston.. He will preach both morning and evening in`t.he Thornton Methodist church TA]... " r`l1I_._....._....._.. PITA...-.-.1.-. PuLLlllUul l.Ll\Jl- Bert. Dutcher is spending a week in Hamilton. ' L"lA-..A 1`) . . n A n n ~ A... P`: TTa\v\ru:I\v\ QIJWJIJIJ kJ\.lll\l(Iu'Y' I151 Go M1-. and Mrs. W. J. Boake, Mr. A; McKenzie and Miss Georgie Boakespent a few days recently with Toronto friends. 'l'|__.\...1,._. f'l'll_,.__.._.......... -1` F`l1._.......L.. LVJ`.I-0 (.Ill.\,l L'Ll.U- ll. .l.lJVV\./lo V Dr. and Mrs; Simpson and children and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bishop -of Elmvale spent a few hours have on Sunday. 11.. _,__I 1\._._ .,_J J..JD`tlll|J\Jl. |l lJLI(LI.l\Jn Williard Stewart of `Toronto is here on a visit to his_m-other. (`1,-.._,_I, _,, I__.1,'I_ -1` VVIUIJ |l(_}l LICIIJSIIIJIJL - Irene Hatton spent the week-end with Miss Agnes Mc- Master, Cookstown. nu. 'Dr\vv unmm rxvsrl Mm. urn Illlalll/Clall. Llllbllull 11010 UL; AVLIJJ hill: I am pleased to report .. Mr. Standen in somewhat improved health; A rnI_- 11_-A._.__..... ..._....l:.l..J..... ...I..A GHIROPRAGTOR DR. VYLA M. FINLAY, _U. C. G. f1....-..J.--A_ f\.l!.':..- -_..`l ..__2.I IIUGIIJII .' The Entrance. candidates who had their Exams. at Easter were all successful except one. mkn 1:`:-unn rl`r\I11v\tVl1;1\ Q Q nah an DllUU_UDD1Lll UAUUyD Ul1Uo The Essa Township S. S. Con- ve`nti.QI1 will be held in Baxter on May 28.` D T TJnnnn nnrl rInnrrh{n-n `Dnfh 1.u.a._y nu. - R. J. Hanna and daughter Ruth of Toronto visited Mr. and `Mrs, F. A.. Arnold on Sunday. T\-n nntl RH.-no T\n1r-in nf Qhn` .1 u IL. [ll I.1lJl.ll Ull kJl1ll.\l(;lc.y- Dr. and Mrs. Davis of Shel- burne visited friends -here over Sunday. llama `.`1\Q!I-v1r\vI`1'u -in nv\nv\r':r`It`aI n uuuuuq . Mrs; Coxworth is spending a week with her mother in Barrie. The W. M. S. of the `Presby- terian Church held a missionary conference on Thursday of last week. A good representation were present from Town Line, Baxter and the Church of Eng- land of this place. Dr. MacKen- zie-Smith and Miss Standen were the speakers. ,Dr. Smith, who ha`s been in India six years and rs an `able speaker, gave a most inter- esting and inspiringpaddress on Medical Work in India. Miss Standen, who is home on. fur- lough from Honan, China, and is a very earnest. speaker, also gave a splendid address on her work there. Miss Gauley and Missln- `gram of Barrie. each sang a solo which were much appreciated. After the meeting the ladies gave tea in the basement of the church and all enjoyed a social hour. `|\Il n n.-H-I `|\Il nn 1\'.'H.-... T..........4U... Ill. |:IlU .Llll_Jl. .I.l.lJlJl.L Lll.U.Ul.ll)l.l.l.DlI \Jll\.IL\.lll John A."Thompson, Toronto, spent over Sunday with his fath- er, Andrew Thompson. He was accompanied back by his father and sister, Miss Laura, to spend a couple of weeks. Jinn `X7-v\n1'4`nn:-I Qlrunnnn n+' VVCIJIX .l._l.l. LLCLIIIILULJLI. - Floyd Bannerman of Hamilton spent Sunday` here. V '|\/In nn.-I 'l\lIno \L' I `Dnnlrn `Mln \V1lJl..l LUL lJl.l.l:LI 1L.lUl.l.LlD. Preston Thompson of Toronto is homefor a two-weeks holiday. 1\/Tun \1. {I4'nn4-I 'LTu'II and an-n Lg) IJKVIJIL/ ILVI. (J4 ll"V\J-VV\}Y.JLLC Il\Jll\.J{Ir"o `Mrs. Wilfred Hill and son. Cleveland, of Swiftflurrent, are here on a visit to her parents, |MI'r.\ and Mrs. R. Power. ...,.,J 1\J...._' CV: A ` ~ A... A...) 'ElocutJionist `and Entertainer Garden Parties and Church En- gagements, etc. Phone or write for dates and terms. 437 Quebec Ave., Toronto. Phone Jct. 3958. 19-31

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