Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1917, p. 8

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This Week we are featuring Tea. Tea is ad- vancing,` and we advise you .to put away a few pounds for still further advances : : `T ' home. Mr. Smith has many friends who will regret` to learn of his" illness. Special line of iron bed, mat- tresses and springs. Very spe- cial prices. W. A. Lowe & Son. Dry Goods and Accessor- ies"at lowest price for the quality. You should come and see. Men s Wool~- Sox, worth _today 350. Special.-. _-. .25c. Thursday, May 24, this Store will be closed all day Ladies' Fine Fibre Silk Hose,` Black,. Palm Beach, Battleship Grey, Putty, Sand, Brown, Castor. `These are big value . . . . . .75c. palt- .1. uohul. . vv Lu. u.cu I la VV GIIGUU Sunday, May 20, 1917 11 a.m.--Ghristian Reckoning. 3 p.m.-Temperance. 7 p.m.-Baptismal Service. Special music by the choir. Strangers and visitors welcome A Baptist Ohurch Pastor. Wm. Harris Wallace CV--....J..__ 1|/I --. llr STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE --Suitable for barn t.in1ber; lumber, shingle bolts, fence posts and pail timber; Large or small quantities to suit purchaser. Also hardwood by the `acre. Apply D.'J. Bar- clay, Stroud. - 6-tfl : sure to please. I PHONE 145 ..4_Oc ..50c ..63c ..45c .,35c (EOWH the hi price. Th with ThCS The; of ot `leave anazq Olaarj RHODE ISLAND REDS--- Egrgs for hatchimr, from a pen of 8 good utility hens with a vigorous mcockerel of splendid typefrom imported stock. Limited num. ber of settings at $1.00 for 13; 1 J. A. MacLaren. 17-tf. _ phi ? Th ui 1);: SNAP FOR QUICK SALE-- Cot- tage at Little Lake, including 14-foot boat. two iron beds, mattress and springs, and. generalcamping , outflt all in good condition. This outt can be bought. . for $150.00 which is away be.low value. of building alone. Don't delay if ' you want it. Apply to W. B,u- ,, chanan, 121 Sophia,St.'. Barrie, or 289 Markham St., Toronto. A18-tf FOR SALE---Brick house on cor- ner ..Sophia and Eccles St., all I conveniences, including furn- ace, plumbing, gas for cooking 7 or lighting, electric light, large cistern, large attic, and beauti- ful lawn, with four fine young apple trees. This property can be bought right as the owner is moving to the city. Apply on premises 121 Sophia St. or to W. Buchanan, 289 Markham St., Toronto. l 18-ti`, i>REss FEEDERSZTVWANTED .-; 17---- FOR j SALEL-9Mont.rosa Cottage, L -modern 88' Cla.ppo.rton St., Barrie. Central, desirable property, conveniences. med- ium size, solid brick, stone foundation. Possession May 7th. Terms to suit. purchas- er. Apply Mrs. E. A. Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto WON LAYING CONTEST --- At. the Stow-s," Mountain Grove" and North American Egg Laving Contests in 1916. White Wyandnttes won against all comers. Should not this convince you?. My pure Regal Strain from Martin s best pens are yours at $1.00 per 13. A. F. A. Malcomson, Phone 447, Barrie. Ont. `i 16-tf JJLIDD Lu" LV.l\/1; uuua., cu. H... , Collier St. Phone 186. , 16-22 ova--A-Irv vv LLdV.I..LJJ-I Young men or women with SOIIIB experience in press feed- ingrwill be given steady work at good wages. Opportunity to learn trade in one of the best printing plants in Canada. Man who can ll [job of pressman in this plant is qualified for simi- lar position at highest salary on high class l half-tone and color work. An unusual op.-. portunity for young, men 'or women. . Apply bi letter, state` ;experience and qualications, to-Box R", Exain-iner. 19-21 Dull, Luxnauuuu n W. O. McKin`n_;;1Vhas let the contract for his new house, in Bayeld St. to W_. D. Minnikin. __'_ .3 FOR SALE--A Pony, harness and cutter, suitable for` lady or children to drive. Apply to Minesing, Phone 91. _14-23 4 Mrs. Marg'nerite:1`1irner, grad~ uate in massage. Treatments by appointment P. O. .Box 9, Bar`- rie. - .:()---22 A blazing chimney called the remen.` to the home` of Mrs. Thompson, Owen St.,_ on, Sunday afternoon. t ' ` 1u-i|:- `c1l........l.....-. Inna G1 bUI.'uUUu.. ~ --Miss Nellie Shanahan hes moved her dress-making estab-% lishment. to the rooms over Crotherfs Grocery Store. 18-23 -PI'estolene PIANO GLOSS,` guaranteed not to injure piano er ~furniture.. 250. a bottle at . 'I\I\`I rI1TI11(`1 '1|A'I'TCV`ll`1`CV8A.... n`nmv\n I. l.LllI.lIlJlAL\Ju- W V V Q W ~ V u V - V `~- }ARRETT's MUSICCS _core, Phone 259a. - I _ 1'\Yf`1 !V`I"I'A'kTf`1T.` 0301- --Remember the BIG CHANGE.-_-A lN-BUSINESS SALE is` still on-Iat the Carey Shoe Store. Shoes for the whole family at about one.- half .today s price a\t the factory. FOR SALE-One top"bf1o~gy $12:oo Apply at 14VGI`0ve St. 19-20p PIPE FITTING-: Moran. GASOLINE TANKS - All sizes", mnluvnnlnnd in.-um T) T 'I\lI nnnh I VVRITE or phone M. E." Lennox, Stroud, teacher of piano and theoxfy. . ` 18-30 `WANTED -.~ Expm-iexiced paper cutt,e_r_, steady work for first- class man. Apply The Reid Press Limite d, Hamilton, On.t-. ario. ` 4 V .5:1-21 l.~'(.)ll SALE 011- 'I`0 m;NT-- Two pnstllre l'aI'ms.,,Apply at this (.)I1'icu. ' i - 19-20. FURS-- Rem0dei7led~and Repair- V ed. _ Miss M. McArthur, 133 n:.-__ Ana AA dbl WAN'[`EI)--Mnl.nr Boat, in ex- clfangn for g'0o(l building lot, size 50xJ50. Apply Lew Howe, l.ewisI,0n,v New York. 20-27 I [WANTED 0901;`, at once.` Good wages. Apply, 9 Blake St.., or ` write Box 1. Barrie. V . 20-20 AM READY FOR TENANT at 15 Russ SL. Five 01' efg'hL'I't'>(>1'11s, all c0_11ver'1'1en(x-.s. Mrs. Heagwl. ` 20-21. W'A1\'TED ~-- Girls for bindery, ' steady, clean Wot-k, good wages. Apply The Reid Press J_.imited, ' Hamilton, Ontario. 19-21. FOR SALE 35 head of Cattle, Steers and Heifers, 2 years old. ~ Apply to Phil. tioldstein, Wash- ` ,ag`0, Ont. T ~ 20.20 ']`() RE\"P.--B1~ick house, 6 1-omns all c0nver1iences.. Garden and fruit. Choice locality. 90 Mary St. Vacmxti now. . 20-Lf WANTED TO REN .I`--House with modern conveniences. and good surro1u1din.gs, cr=,nt,r-al location. Apply Box U" Examiner. 19_.0 llAl'.I. RACK FOR SAl..F.-I-7 Solid oak. golden nish, English bev- ellod mirror 18x24. 'Fir'st-class condition. Apply at this office-. . 19..tf. FOR SALE - Bay Driving Mare, nine years,`15 hands, sound and abslutely reliable. Also her full outt. Price right. A. F. A. Malcomson, Barie, Phone 447. 2 . 48 |PAS'I`URE-Big Creek Farm, 200 -.acre~pasturage,-,. lot 1.-1, con. 10, Innisfll. A Cattle5p`r1stur.ed month or. season. -- Reasonable charg_ es. Apply Frank. Quantz, 55 ' `Mary St., Barrie. ` 20-20 FOR SALE--1 complete set Pic_.l turesque Canada (36 numbers). Big bargain. See them at Ot- ton`s. Hardware Store, 17-tf FOR SALiE---Gladsl.one trap with rubber tires, `in. excellent. con- (on. Apphr Mre Phnnnmr, 54 Feel St. 19.21:). ROOMS T0 LET-+FumnMmd cw nnfurnished.'AJl conveniences; Usp of phone. 185 Innnqp St I or Phone 468; j 20-?f TWO FURNISHED HOUSES fp 'I\`-ICOFIH CAMP BORDEN .`- -3 Cottage. or ` rooms with; attndaiI;c e"desir V. ;in `neig`hbo`rhoo'd_ -of Camp; for O'ice,r s wifjo V._and` ramny` of three children with `m'i'rse." Full _particulars to Colonel Lang, Headquarters, Toronto. 20-20 RENT--_Eve,ry_ convenience in both; one on Mary St~., `the other won Bradford St. Possession at ~once.' Apply to D. C. -Howard, office 14 Muloaster St., Phone 63. %' 20 l_XC\JIJl.lV.J'J L IILV LLKJ I ~galvaruzed_ 11-on. P. J. Moran. 12-tf :11 onuuc, I \./-x/urahz ....r;.n.n.\.ca; ;.\.r\/-.;.; ...g_u.- -- ton Ave., to be sold che;-o.'AViso frame house on John St. Apply Geo. Smith, Shoe Store, Allan- dale. V T . 18720, GOOD BRICK HOUSE on B_ur-, done by 12-t.f -Only a shot-t,time "left to buy tshoes in the BIG'GIVLNG-UP- BUSINESS SALE. now 0 'at the Carey Shoe Co s. Get i (early, 'while assvojrtments are full. .POUi.;I`RYMEN willy find- it pays` to advertise in The Examiner if they have eggs to sell. One cent a word is the cost. 15tf e tmiotsI VV1i3re"stonv 'e~5fV Mankdale, formerly` of the B.C.I., is acting public school inspector for South Grey, and is mentioned as a can- didate for this position perman- ently. ' ' 1 LI__ n_-__: `r\--__- 1-~r-___- _-. V- `Kathe Grand Opera House on_ Friday and Saturday, May 18 and 19, will be shown a 5-par't photo play Maria Rosa" featuring the famous prima donna star Geral-! dine Farrar. Also a:.coIn_edy reel.: Geo. Camero shiped hogs I 'and.1 car of cattle on Monday. $16.25 wasf the price. paid for hogs. In Toronto yesterday the record price of $17.40 per cwt. viras paid for live hogs fed'and watered. ' 5.. II A. `Ot4to`n & SoI1 s advTt.If -last week` the price of the !z-burn- ' er New Perfection Oil Cooking Steve was given at $1!;.'0 0, whereai as it should have been $17.00. Those` who have `used these oil stoves say they are big value at that gure. 11-..: .1;,_, _-_.\._LL..__. .u_____-__._. 1.1.... `luau u5u|U- Cool dry weathert during the past two weeks has great.ly facil- itatod semling bpe1'ations, the g'1'0und being in pe1'fe`c_t c.0n_d1'tion him working. The (gold high winds have been lmrd on fall wheat and clover. which are greatlydn need of an abundant", warm rain. The Midlzmd Free P1188 re- cently contained two very inter- esting` letters fmm Nursing Sister M. H. Craig, :1 Sister of Mrs. Geo. B. McLean. She is on duty in the Duchess of Cnnnaught Red Cross Hospital, Taplow, E.nglan.d_, which is situated on the 300-acI'e estate mt Major Astor -. s. J. Moore, {elapse om Boy who has won for himself a leading `place in Toronto nancial circles, and has been prominent in social, economic and religious work, has been elected president of the newly organized Parkdale Riding Liberal Association. When the congregation of the Barrie Bap- tist Chureh undertook to buy a parsonage a few years` ago, Mr. Moore gave them _very generous assistance. ` n n nun One engine and boiler t.hat,_for_ med part _of t,l1eV local electric light generating system in p1*e.- Hydro days are being` shipped to Mr.mt.real this week. the C0mmis_. s.i0n-having diSp().`~`f.`d of them for`! $1500._ This sale in no way in- terferes with the steam auxi1ia,r,v which is n1aintained_at the power house for use in case Hydro juice should fail. - Br-igadior F1.-ank Morris held special services in the Salvation Affllly` Ba`I'1'acks last Sunday and in `the afternoon spoke in St. An- _dI`eW S Church on The Salvation Army and the War," showing the part. members of this organize- mm are taking in it. Brigadier IV.I0_m-is is a former Barrieite his family lnavirigresided here about lwent,y-llve years ago. ----The following gt-adua1te.s of Barrie Business College recently acc'ept,edV office positions, ' E. Spence, Bank of Commerce. We) - hurn. Sask.; E. Tessier, Adam`s Engine 00.: F. Bagshaw, BelP& _Go., Midland; E. Ghappell. Let.t. s Ins. O'ice., Bat"I'i'e; D. Keeley, St,mdai'd Chemical (.10., Long't'or(l Mills: L. Hails. Tm-onto fiitm; (l`-race Young, Pensions Office, `Barrie. ..-.-V--. .4` A sale of fancy work and plain sewing will be held in the Town Hall, May 22nd and 23rd. by the ladies of St. Mary's Church. This will he a splendid opportunity to buy children's dresses, dainty _un- derwear, hand-worked linens and crocheted articles. Tea will be served both afternoons, the pro- ceeds of which will be given to the Red Cross Society. In the evening there will be a military drill given by the children of St. Mary's School. Admission 10c. CLEANING AND PRESSING - Your old suit. and overcoat 'can' he made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf May 16 11 19 -4 13 15 16 17 Em: wanna: Low High ~Rain Snow ' 43 .48 0.32 31 37- 0.3 31 39 0.2 .30 50 38 43 0.02 33 .54 - 33 '56 0.02 33 60 2 34 60 . 32- 51 32 `.245 0.02 34 53 39 _.6_1. 33 02 34 . -52x 37 64. 34` cup wv -xvo--uncut-to-ncv '--w. H. BUTTERY. here. lblgls llusuuo u; u.u....~. , Allan Dyment has returned to New York after a visit at his home 1-` I ,1], I`|._.l.... [J KTA.-v Vnn1r 111151]. In Mrs. '1`. Herbert, Lemiox of, Auroravis the guest of Mrs. J. H.] Ben1_1et.t. V 1-..- ..l"1'.`.-I `l JJUIILIGIIU. Miss Catharine Jones 0f'Ed- rnonton is visiting` with Mrs. Thus. Rogers; Mary St.- T [71 'I7`--.;...n.. 1 I.` If T) 1`) ran UUL1 &VJ.l|Jn \)'\J\lc -Bl-Alto, \/'\J\4l\/L.I\/AA. . Meaford Mirr0r--Mrs. T. Con- nor of Barrie is the guest of her parents, `Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gum- mings. 'l|l2....._ `I'\:..I-:.. Q_-L.... 1-... L.,..-..n A `Mrs. Will R. King is vismngl relatives in Ottawa. I rx:.....I:n Dkihnhnnf in via; bRIVER FOR SALE -- Reason- able -price._ Terms to suit purchaser. J. S. and J. V. Brown, Allandale. e Phone 383. A 12-tf, UFU. - Miss Est.e1le Rotz of New York spent last week with Mrs. S. Dy- m-ent. - tn 1: ,_1: , ._A T ,.-.-.. .--- Al 4.uuc-. xuub-41.1, ..uu;./v uv A. F-. Ewing, iv1.P.p. forl Ed'm0nt,0n, paid a short visit to` Sheriff Harvey last Week. 1:... T..L_. `r\_-..-..l'I L....,~ ....t.~.-....-..-ll .-._LJI.\lul\a . ' rMiss Heden Dougall, who has! been attendin-g the Faculty of` Education, Toronto UnivoI`sity, has _returned home. -11- 41-. n l'UldLlVUa Lu uuuuu... Miss Birdie Rhinehart is vis- litipg friends in Orillia`. Annn hnnnonf ha: rnf.iIPnP,d tn] KJLIUA |.|| Llljal. Ix/J Auuuv VV\4LrA.x. ~ Mrs. John Powell has 1-etut-ned home after a visit to her daugh- ter. Mrs. Geo. King, Goderich. I nu--._nA_.: 1m:.......... 1ur...,. 'n r`:-\r| I . Miss Dickie, who has been a! resident of` Barrie many years,, has taken up her residence in] Toronto. , `\ .. . u I 11000 Luau: uuu l.l.\.)1llLlo Mi's. Greevy `of New`Or1eans, on the point of leaving home to pay her annual visit to Barrie`, was seized with~appendimi.is this Week and had to undergo vn op- eration. ' ' 1 vs 1 . . 1 n Rev. Samuel Farley, minister of} the Collingwood Pr_esbyt.erian Church, was married at St. Mar- -. tin s, N.B. , on May 9, to` Miss Mabel McLean, e1dest`daug,hter. of Mr . and Mrs. A. F. Bentley, St. Martin's, N.B. ; C1 "l.._--_ _....... 1.. 1____. .0- A -u..-A A H, -u...4. 1 \A. -S. Fraser was in town for a couple of days this week. -He has severed his cqnnection with the Batik of Nova Scotia and will Violet ib. Tins, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE - 66 feet choicest. frontage on_ William Street, Allandyale, Box M, Examiner and Satur- day Morning. 10tf Boots for the Entire Fam- ily avt prices to suit your pocket book. Men s White Cashniere Sox, sizes 10, 10%, H, spe- cial... .. ..50c. 1-.` u r.-.1 - Men s Black Silk Mercury Sox, sizes 91/2, 10, 101/.,. 11. These are special value at . 50c. pair With every dollar purchase we giveyou a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices PERSONAL MENTION. ; Talcum Powder, 1- ,speci,alA.. .. .. . . 15_c., or 2 for 25. In timeslike these, it is every-- body_ s. duty to serve. Some will" serve by hearing arms. Somewill serve in the production of foods.- Others will serve in the manufac- ture 0f_.necessities of the nation. As distributors " of merchandise, we are ready to serve with bigger and better saving than ever. Ladies Black and Navy Blue Serge Skirts,` newest style; the Black one has two pockets. They are good value $5.00. Special price ` .. .; ..$3.50 . us: 2 rv 1 1-. Ladies Black Sateen Blouses, sizes 36 to '44, withlong sleeves and high neck; they_are special value .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$1.00 John Smith, Collier St., has been in a critical condition for the past week as the result of a stroke of paralysis received last Thursday. He was walking on the} lake shore near his home at Kempenfelt "when paralysis laid hold on him and he fell to the ground unconscious. A neighbor [who saw him .fall `ran to his assistance and with the help of another neighbor carried him FCH1 SALE--FWnc sumk Geranh {HHS and bedding plants. VVin- dprh0xcs and hanging baskets 'reHed noun .Phune 713.11 A. Iiarris, Vairvinc (30nservator- ies. 18-21p .Buy one of the handsome, all leather Handbags to go withwyour new Suit. There are six different styles of these Bags. You shotild .see them. They are big value at, $1.75. Special price .. '..$1.19 Boys Long Sleeve Jerseys; color-s Navy Blue and Grey, trim- med with Red and \Vhite, scarce goods`, price .. .. .. . .. ..35c Boys Short Sleeve Jerseys, ali White and lmivy. Red `trimmed. Special price .. .. .. . . ..25c. Men s, Ladies ,- Misses , Boys , `Youths and (`.hildren s Outing Shoes, White and Tan Colors, prices .. . . .. .. .. Q: an an lug $4 411 $4 an -3-- HEB: 's'1.'5,' 's'1I1b,' '1.'o'o,' age`. take a few months rest at his old home in Nova Scotia before going [into another line of business. TEA - TEA- TEA 200 lbs. Elacl< at per lb .......................... .....25 cents Our regular Peerless, Blend A, in quantities of 3 lbs. __ ER. ,___,11_ Al\- "" """" ` `V i ' ' ` - * ` "7 `-' '1" or more, reg. 50$ per lb., for Peerless, Blend E, l regular 60c`, for... Peerless, Blend H, regular 75C, for .. Young Hyson, Green, regular 55c, for.. "japan, regular 45C, for ................... .. For afternoon tea here is s very choice, Fancy Golden Tipped Assam Tea, regular $2.50 per lb. for .............................................. .,` ..... ..$2.l5 AHINDS BROS. PROMPT SI-ZTRVICE The abov are all Special Values and are : FOR SALE----New, detached, six- roamed brick house. In east. end of town, all modern cnnven- ienccs and side drive. Will he SUM reasonably. Apply at this office. 19-21

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