Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1917, p. 6

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If the head of `cauliower seems too small, mix with it a littl of the rm `white parts of the cabbage. ` THURSDAYS 'E' EA_MER MAY 8th TOLOCTOBER 30th Ycfur Future is in the West Ggnadian Pacific W. B. HOWARD, District Passeger Agent, ' Toronto, Ont. Tu_.;sDAv The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via V SATURDAY MARKET rt); continued) XLL-:/\|l.- -_a.:so7b `Represents Insurance Cmpaniea ofdundouhted Financial H Standing- an - . T I QFITE` A IIQTIITI T 'llY`I' Great Lakes Roufesf (Season Navigtibn) ../10- .. ..35- M1,) .. 1b.... .. .. k, 1_b .. .. .. -Eiv:ar;/I 250. ". 350. .170. 13c - TIM` Walsh `rand TEACHER OF VOI PRODUC- TION AND _SINGIN.G. Special lessons for" repertoire, English and Italign. Studio at Mrs. Gaul- nnr 1u...`n.-.n.~.l.-I Qf `Rant-in ana 1La1111.- Dbuuxu uu ...._-. \,..___ ey s, 67 McDonald St., Barrie, Phone 681. For terms, etc., call at studio on Wednesdays. Voices tested free... - MAUI) E. OLAXTON; L.1'.c_.m. Piano` and Vocal` Lessons. In vocal work special attention is .- given to Vole Production. Studio it} King Block Phone 424 wuss I-:LsIE NELSON; TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. Studio at 133 Collier -rn___- A02 C III` ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. Your pasage booked to or from all parts-ofj the `world. ` .~ ALEXANDER OOWAI Successor to `Lonnox, cowan I: Irowtg _ Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Gonveyancer, etc. Offices: T Hinds Block, `No. 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. StuI:e\t ,.`3l>h()~11v<;i'86.' aovs AND niluncmsou Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Offices: 13 Owen St. (iii the premises formerly .occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchison. msrawnnr cg s1'EwAn'.r BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Pub'lic and Gonveyancers. Money `to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Office 13 Owen St., Barrie, Ont. D. M. Stewart. GI-AIARLES w. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLIGITOR, ETC., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- mond Sts., Toronto. DONALD R088, LL.B. Q BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC... Dan`! A'\'`` mnnnnfn DI1;lrl;r\(v Dnnn;n L.l.IIIal.IvJ.L).I-.I_'JJ.Ir, KJKJJJLKJLLKILI, JJ.I.\Jcg Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie_ Money to loan. ' - ' GRESWIOKE 8: BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries,- Gonveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Offices: In Ross Block, Barrie. W; A. J.` Bell, K.C. Office and Residence Corner of Toronto`and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. on. w. A. 3653 L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of- fice and Residence, Dunlop St., Barrie. Telephone, 165. A. F. A. MALcoIyIsoN on. E. G. {TURNBULL (MCGILL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad). Oice and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. w. A. Lewis; lI|.D., c.m_ SURGERY AND, GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Cflier St., Barrie. `i Miss Donna is the only `one in `Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets filled with Spirella hon- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable, exible, hygienic, sani- tary. Fit guaranteed. Maternity and nursing feature specials. Brassieres, blouse forms, misses and children s waists. At home Saturdays. 16 Charlotte! St Barrio FOR THE BEST `IN BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BRE D. SANDWICH B EAD AND A FULL LINE OF `PIES, QAKES AND PASTRY " Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streetd. lPhone c. BROWN DR. MORTIMER LYON 122' Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 941 Owen Stg, Barrie, event Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 am. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phonl North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 8 (. SIMOOE MIBILI WOIKI Barrie. G. W. `J. Eastman, Prop.,, R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monument! and Tablets. Only best_materiall used and first-class workmen em- ployed. Prices always right. LAWSON, WELGI-I 8: COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Grown Life Building, 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephone Main 587- 1.-J. F. Lawson, H. J. Welch, G. H. Playle. . TI-IE BARBIE PLANING M\|LI. THOS.- ROGERS, PROP., Builder and. Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds, of Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning a specialty. Tanks made to order. The latest improved method for drying lumber. Fac- tory and. Olce, Cor. Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163. P.O. Box 685. {Your %Reading Needs] on. H. .'r. Al-'INA_LL" ACGOUNTANTS MEDICAL 7LEGA`L 250 1,110 pi- tivui , fully .3 suppli gum p1'u. |.. ; dllcfin penplc \Ne-ks One '1. ylluvv : In mind Sollm" Ihilkv soxlw Whom. .amn-c will I 1.0- _| :1! mJ}mt Hm Him" 7 \\ (')l']\i Thur-4 fal'm.< the I: inslit Rail Estate ahgl Many to "Linn .D1"i /.9 $15. tumx (Bx `ii . vI1.h .Un~_* :-.1 KJIIL aid. BZSNK or-"[ORON'I'O 6;. B2; 'i~u.n.s - mm... 431 -T ankle. om. (N.I.NeIll-y, Funonl Dlroosol- __-',---:7-- THE. .IusunAnc/E` MAN ~ An V ' s1'::AIIIaoA1' Ao:u'r.._ Y . lisp:-osoiitlng `canadldn Hon-thjorn ,9 ;_ . . l_ _._0. square. Ia:-I-lo. ` Phone 441:. s.c._mJ1n.A&co. U N D"i~:"ii'"1"'K'I'< E R s Morgue and Chapel Full line- of all the latest-" Caskets kept in stock, in.` cluding Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. -* W,_ D. :Mi_n_nAikin% ' ' i.acE.s'ea": nI6;f.a3}'"' Proprie2tor- I 1'HE_ BARBIE " `. UN DERTAKING - PARLOI8 , Isuccesor tp the Late Meaford Webb) A192 .e`1f.I@s21.<!- Branches at Ban-lo and Allandale, H. A. 8lM, Manuagel-. A. F. A. NI-ALO0lI|_8__ON HELP To DEFEAT Tl-IE EIIEIIY by. producing every ounce of Food Stuffs that your land `can bring forth and if. necessary borrow tolpulrchase the Seed. .- . 7 / E V E. ' ' MOIIEYIS NEEDED--for the war-for home emergencies--for the growing cost of living. l A Increase Your saving, hold down iyour spending, open .-a.',Savings " Account at The Banktof Toronto.-.Savings`Ac- `~ L E - counts for small or large sums invited at all :- Branches of this Bank. V o .. , BANKERS .`5oott s Bookstore Established `I819. Are Well Supplid Open Day any Night I T-----nu 7` esmmsheq moo in connection Phong 82 He said something in an un- dertone to the uniformed_chauf.. feur, who had obviously received full instructions beforehand, and drove in the diI'eCtiOl1~~OJf Trafal- gar Square; then, swinging round to the right, the nimble little motor cab `darted up Gharing Cross Road, dodging` and over- ta-king traffic at a somewhat reckless pace. ' `u1\7LA-.,\ -.-. ....u11-. t\nn unn fnlr f.iEEcnorI & 00;} 1 UUAIUDD puuu. ""`Where on earth are you tak- .ing me? Tecxlaimed Theodora, whose nerves were beginning _to be affected by the man s irresponi .sible driving. V ~ I H1\T,,.x .-- l'.'\.. nlmnnn uxwnnlnnnfn V DLUAU UL A V 1;.L5 . Not very far, ohere madame, answered Van Ost reassuringly. `fl am aware that _I an {being closely watched `and possibly .fol- lowed by _someone- spies -of yoIu1" good husband, dear madame, no doubt, or possibly polfee det- ectives. I am not quite sure -in my n1ind,b but 1 do not chooseto take any risks. Aha"! They will find a very hard nut to crack in your devoted Henri Van Ost, n est ce pas? - Dete'ctives.`? rasped Theo- dora. T ` L'l__,, 4L_,,, ___-L..L_l_- ..-.,..\.l.'\..-.nn V.Ia- "`I should hope`n.ot," exclaimed - Theodora, with.a~. little shudder of . disgust. ' Madeleine .St.,` Totten_-W . ham Road, was'~'no_t atparticula-rly attractive .neig*hborho.od; V There Was` an odor ofonions and stale cooking in ,_the 'h`eavy,.'heated, `moist`air;- there was a.'s'11pera-e bvundancie (of. very` dirty. children and"unken'1pt loafers; "a general note of. sqsualorprevailed, and the foreign names - over the shops sounded at note of myster - A nu..- ........4..-... ....1.. 1.4-..- :..:.~ 4.1.. \l.Ll_l. $00 More than probably, madame, since the mysterious event of the night before last--the most, dar- ing` burglary at Dunbury."' , H.e chuckled silent1y;:andn she looked at himrin `blank _amazeInent, not unmixed with alarm, What on earth did he know of that`?_ How on earth could he know anything lat all`? I,,-, -_l'I.. (Iv!) (LII o But, m sieur,'yoi1 know noth- ing` of` that, she exclaimed. No' one does. It has not been made public. Why, even the . police `know but very littl.e,'and Sir Crla-re has not informed the press. He made a special point of it. Possibly, dear lady,*answe1'-. e Van Ost, but, all the same, I happen to know of it, and I also happen to` know that, although the matter has not been` made publimproperty, Sir Glare has in- formed the police, and thenpolice have very good reason to subject me to a most annoying espion- age. ' ' u`n...s .-.I.-. --..... 6) ..u,-.l'.-.:.nnA ..,,,,. But. why you? excl'a.imed Theodora. No one knows that you are in Englaud-I~ am cer- tain Glare doesn t know it even 31 HOW. . ' 11t\I .. o. 1 pg- unuvuo Vvhen they were about half- way up Tottenham Court. `Road the cab `swung round, sharply to lthe left into a broad: lgusy street. 551' ...,... |:-.:--... ._-,..\...--:4.\ --- .,-,..,, .V.u a--vv LI All-\/\4v\I, nJ\A\JJ uu. uvvo I am living; i11cog31it0, ex- plained Va-n Ost, apologetjcally. Youtimustl not mind, `but just_ now--it is sxfest, 3`1d`w e can get; everythingnver in a very short time. No one on earth would ex- pect tdnd LadyVMonk_ her'e----or, % for. the matterof that, me eith_ % 1! 61`. - \ :- Oh, but as it happens, Sir Glare does know. He is not such a- fool as he would have '.us- be- lieve." ' " A ` 4-... v .. ' 1 . 1 In =\lcf.t'ring-`, kinvzisi described: The motor cab ltirged into the gat'bage-st1=ewn kerb and ulled up with a jerk outside _ a news- pager shop, a n,ond`esc1-iap't' place th 1: appeared to divide its inter est. b.etwe9n _jour_n.a,~ls~ and tobacco.- Ovei` the `dihgy `wi`r`1djofW.`f iqf cied. __-_._ .____. ..._..._.p....~- ---.--no-n JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and - Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Pi'_epard to . conduct. Sales at . reasonable raes. Satisfaction guaranteed. V`! can l3_..a..|.| no n|.......`4n4 .7 E:e;.i;:t(i`1.ha;7?iii:3_a$?$}:;;,. T 116 Igangios .19. AI`- -4-` "Lii{}s:1 niE c6MdgTA1NE ' Assitfei`; av _ Coralie Stanton Heath Hosken Dog Star The 3% nu... .5-uw,-_ . an: `as 3: Q }%.,3.;1.0-.V jAi.nu'mberLof Valuable Farms and "l`OwVn4 Properties. for Sale on the most 1'-easob able terms. - BANK or TORONTO BUIL`DI.iva ` LA BARRIE - W O ' \lLl\.Au Theodora Lobeyd ..tion without a word. \uv..... 1...-.. ..-.1... 4 .`;`Quik,f sai;fl VanIOst,.; '9pe'ning the oor for the cfab, jmhping to 'he515a;veme_nt, and offering his hand. f`Don t let us waste .a mo- ment. `No one has - seen. us'sO_ far`; of that I.a_I_n quite convinL ced." - `{ g vauno u. "unu- \ \YpuA,knoW` what to do," said Van Ost tq thechau`eur. Be back` in twenty t,min5utes' time, and, in the meantime, drive all ` the while. __ - w`` `\7"('a-I:5-r` *o0d, sir, T snapped the man, qnd drove; off without an-4 other {oak dr Vworc}. UDIIGI` IUUA U1. WUl:u- ` This way, chere madame, edrpdained Van Ost, ushering his beautiful companion along a nar- ravg,Aevil-smelling passage ,or hall alongside the newspaper shop to a'gla~ss-panelled door on which was. painted in foreign lettering: 1.4 L\aau- \.a4a..n4z.J..a_a Directeur: Jean Ular Administration,. Redaction " ' et Annonces v-.m- ostrorened the deer with_a key- It gave immediately on to a steep and narrow staircase, `ill- lighted and badly ventilated. It` was altogether a. most -unprepos- sessing spot. l5`I T.....' A - . A . _.. An-.. `I..'.J_- 99 .... I. knows._f turned." . ` . But this/is simply fn 1';m`ss- ible, `Theodora .protested._ I really cannot stay here. .It s too horrible. Whatever is it`? Where- ever -fare you -taking me`? You must surely see how unpleasant _ it is for me. Not at all. madame; it is no- thing----nothing, I assure you. A res"pecta`ble-newspaper office of a friend of mine, in whose work. I am nancially intereste . And a it is quite safe and---and,.if I may say so, madame, perfectly re- spectable. This is not even a so`- cialist paperr- It is a journal de- voted to quite a conventional cause. To have seen you at my hotel, or to have come to your great andfmagniticent mansion-- Pshaw`! It would have been no- thing short of madness. Herc-.-- well, we might as well be on a desert` islandxfor all that anyone 1 ` ,, , "I, -1` I i 1 -uvww-nag -ayvvu Here we are-, dear lady, ex- claimed Van Ost triumphantly. Upstairs I have a roorn~in read: iness for us, and there we can talk without danger of being dis: 1, tuI.`Lt.).:3d.' ..A. /. . . V.." 5 nuuvvo._ | . ~ B u h0wTcan~ y0\i"beTs1.1're of that? asked Theodora a little fractiously. , ' LL`I'i__A _.-_.n`_......_ 1...-.- 'r'.,..LL...--,... But, madame, have I notxgyes and ears and a~brain`? I have observed. I am used to this sort of-thing. I have not lived througrh the last year withou knowing something---aha.! I assure you I am most. circumspect. most `sus-A picious, and most, cautious. Oh, you may implicitly trust me, dear Lady. M0nk._ (VI..- ..'I..._-............,.I 1...... .I..n.1IJnnn luau '- -Jltbuun 1 En Eaiyneuu 3%. u5`'."."V"1"i.' Orders left? at A. F. A. Malcom- son s Office will receive prompt attention. .lAu. LvLuLLu > shrugged `her shoulders, `and followed him laboriously up l_,____-,- (VI..- ..-.\,.. Withsanother of his theatrical gestures he -took from the breast pocket of his coat. a neat bundle of papers, kept together by a broad elastic hand.` These, ma- dame, he said, are the only documents whichcan possibly in.- criminate you--' the only things which can give you away, or , for the matter of that _ give myself away, Though for my humble self--he bowed obsequiously and at the same time a little depre- cat.iI1gl_y---for myself, chere `ma- dame, I` hope I have already shown you.ho_w-'little it is that. I study myself in this matter. My- self? Pshawl it is nothing. He snapped his gloved ngers above -.his head and laughed. Mr. Val- entine Drake and his society of philanthropic meddlers in .other people s business will have con- siderable diificulty in `carrying out their threats-`-at any rate, a- -gainst my. lady and Sir Glare Monk. Oh,.yes, I have.seen'to all that.,. I am "what you call master of the _ situation in very truth. The time is now ripe, for. your noble husband, whom we have so unwittingly compromised, and -who, let us _confess it, has served us so well--the time has come - for him, I say, to- apply for a warrant for-_the arrest of Mon- sieur Drake aiidthe thers of his persuasion on acha e of crim- inal lihel. I would 1' pe them all in--.-Drake and _all ' ese in his galere." _ I Lsn..1 vsnvv Anon Von .-nq{_. lw1l.u Lvsnuvvuu -.4;;..- navy-- . VV'.I r the steep staircase. She was` annoyed. The man always an- noyed her. His conceit was stu_ pendous. Besides, she was get- ting very bored; and she had so many more pleasant things to do to-day, - The room into which he ush_ _er-ed hit "was? a_ comparatively we1l_f1 rnished apartment, and was obviously an office in "pretty constant use. There were a good many books--di1-ectoI'ies; acco-unt. books, and some newspaper files. o-Irv A i%i>"i~aii}; eeated, said `van Ost., with a grandiloquent. gesture of his gloved hand, an`d permit me _to restore to you what must, 1' am sure, be of immense value to you, and what must also take a. great weight from your mind. Voila, madame! gamete. I . V \ But, my dear Van Ost--_ Theodora commenced, when he interrupted her with an airy wave of his lemon-kid gloved hand. -~-`-`|---_ ... :1 A4 {Pan} T 1 I115 lI.`au1Uu-n1u 5u.:v,uu uwuu. Aha, madame, is it, not that I have most_'hri1liantly [saved the LQKCTUALITE V _ .`~. his inv1ta-` sitatitnniu n,ot`a mah my word? You trusted me {implicitly at a time whqnjyou might _ very Well h:}1've.__.d er'vvise; but I have not shown myself wanting ---`say-.s-0, madame} say so, and give me at least the" satisfaction of hearing fro'm y.o1i1-. lips that 1' did not fail you even at the sac`- rifice ofvmy own I-eputation--nay, even of my own personal" safety-.1 111.11.. \l'\.ILl. u- go-J yr... x..\.-..,-___, Theodora fingered the little dossier nervously, andvstared at `the self?-condent", boasting Van Ost with mingleerfeelings of dis- . ghst, relief and dismay. Disgust was paramount, despite the tragic importance.Abf this meeting" and `the immine_nt events, for even in the most serious episode_s`of life the minutest `and most trivial details are sometimes dominant. Relief there .was, too, because_ of the respite and the briefibreath- .ing. space which had been given her in gaining possession of the proofs of her folly, which others, might callby a very much strong er name; and there was also dis- may-dismay because the "little bundle of papers she held in her hand was imcomplete,` since the original secret circular about which so much had been said and on which so much depended to . them all was uotin that little bundle, but had been stolen from . her houdoir at Dunbury.` 1, _ ___ .11.! ` EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS All kinds of small repairing- Prompt Service. Touring Car for hire--Mot,orcycle for sale. IIIJL IILIILVJKIIL Ulalt -I-/\zII.LAl\Ab`]D .But tell me, Van Ust, how did you get these? she asked, look-V gin; at the papers 3. little Vacant- ly. LT] u-no-, II n L- .__._.---.,.-...,-I n. 9 It was difficult, he answered `with a shrughf his thin sloping, shoulders. t f`l`1'0111` whom di(L. you get,` buying them from one.of his most` trusted servants, he answered, with a cunning smile. Oho, dear lady; these humanita_rian-s have their price, just as"'ol.l1e1' people. Why, Drake is making _a pot of money out of this campaign `on behalf of t.he wretched niggers he glorifies, this tirade against the Lohanzo and the B.I.R.C. Look at his paper and` his weekly puh-` lications--they have I enormous ci1'cu'lations. And then again this ridiculous novel, .this vapid ex- hibition of slosh_v,. sentimental gush-----"l.`he White Man. Pshaw! IIe s making` q, `t`o1'tnne out of tha alone. Thegfellow who wrote] , m7`.l.)`rake. ` I ` But how? ` ` _. ~ By the simple expedient of ` it to_ order got ten pounds down and a chimerical royalty of a.- hout one and a half per cent. 1 have found out all that. I tell you, madame, Lknow exerything there is to be known, and I am` going to ght them tooth and nail if I can only title over the, next few days without being cauglit... Then there s the tre- mendous income from donations and s~uhscript.ions of the Lohan- z'oNatives -Protection Associag tion and the Darkest Africa Em.. ancipation League, and that sheer fraud of an institution of his called the Universal Brotherhood of Mankim`l Society. _It`s a. scan.-_ dal, madame--a. wicked fraud on la credulous public. '`t.hern `: T know, I know, she murmur; ed. tapping the little bundle of papers impatiently; but all lls does-n L ht.-.l-plus in the least." 1-r IlI.l\.I\./ -JuU_ Auuu ILL LIIIAIJIAII You tall exactly like Glare, said Tfieod I-a in a hoped tone of voice. `Rea1l_v, Van Ost., 1 am not in the least interested in air} this- I don t care whet.her'Drake has been to the Lohanzo or whe- ther he has not. All I know is that he s looks very much like making a n;1e'ss of things`. as far as I am concerned , and conse.. quently,he is dangerous. 4He is _r;othing, said Van Ost air-ily. He is not to be consid- Iilucijiiig. `_.;`,l)rake. he cried in impas- sioned tones, this see-undrel l.)rakeecares.nn more for the nat- ive 01` the Lobanzothan he does for the Martian, certainly far less than eitherkyeu or I, anti certainly Sir Glare Monk. Bah. I am sick with such a man; he is not a man at _all_. maclame--he is a turgid humbug, playing the foolwith a silly public which is just sitting around him asking him to make a fool of it. Mon Dieu. I will ex- pose him; I will justify all of us. Only give me time, madame, only give me avfew days--that. is all I ask. Why, this Drake'ereal.ure,A he has never been out {of this country in his life; he has never once set, foot in Africa. ran 91 But Van. Osb was w01.1r_u.l up. He was (leclaiming as to a public meetjng'. ' .n'~.__1_._ H 1.- ._.:_,.1 :_ 1..--.- W _, 4 He cred, Ul't`;l..ll. , V . ` ,- But _for all that, he is doing an unconscionable amount of harm, she insisted. un..:.. an. kn` Hnni in hnnnneo 'I'URTON 8 GARAGE V Phone 484. 15 clappjel-ton 8!. SUUII `d. [U115 Wi:1.qy._a.wa_y. VVhy, certainly, madame. Can you `doubt it? The African nat.-' ive of the L0banzo---ugh._ VV'h0 sh'all speakgof him without. being ill?- He is not a man; he is a creature: he is animal, worse than animal. He is gross; he is unspeakable I Howis it to he considered possible for a moment to .t.rea.t. him, to regard him, . in our, minds even, as `Monsieur ling]. Ill, 0116 xsxuxuuv Quite so; but t,`f1.at.- is becaluse-. the public has been fooled with lies, retorted Van Qst, excitedly. ILA..- 1.1...- `I1'n-:0 no]rz'\r` Thnn I1 LJdB\JJI'\_'Ln -J - IJUD, I. UUUI l;Uu v cl. L Are the_y lies`.; askd Theo_- dora wearily. The Lobanzo Was. `such a. long wa..v._away." u1rr1.___ .......l..-uni" rnnrlnrnn (`an l ;. v;- an _) . Drake would'h`a:v_e `us treat, him, eh?` Our Christian brother? Mon I Dtieulf He knows no honor,~no , dee ency--he must be ` whipped, not spoken to;. He "is lazy-ah, how lazy no one` so vlgell as `my- self can tell. Argument with him as no avail. Punishment must ` .b_e\met_ed out to him-punish-- ment,.cbere_, madame, that he will understand. Imprisonment? It is just `what he most likes; it is a reward not a penalty. :Euro-\ pean chastrsement? Eh`? Ha, ha, - i it is to him as a luxurious mass-7 age. _ We must take him as we find him, hein! This imbecile Drake and these people who swal- low all he chooses to tell them, and 'sit in their eomfortable houses and talk about the Ban- gala; the Boxokopthe Aruwimi as ` -human beings---pshawl 1 They should just take a little summer , holiday in the B.I.R.C., and they L would soonhave a different tale , to tell. ._ - a Lady Monk shook her `head im- . patiently. mu" ...,m,i `Ton net qhn said patiently. \*`My good Van Ost, she said, your opinion `of the wretched niggers of the Lobanzo is of no interest to me.-" She moved her j shoulders inwa shrug that con- . signed those unimportant child- ren of the human race to limbo. _Not-hing interested her at `that precise moment except the pap-1 ers that she held in her hand and wanted to destroy, and the place she found herself in, which s-he wanted to get out of. Yet it was noticeable that, for all/her ,haJughtiness and her, scarcely vei1ed_cont.empt for the strange specimen of humanity with whom she was thus incongruously but very necessarily hroughtinto con- tact, she eyed him with a certain curious deference, and waited for him to take the initiative in the dc-..st.I`IIf3f. im1 of the papers, which was obviously the purpose for which he had brought her to this i` V VV llll'lI Ill: llklaxuu 5.1 L unsavory spot. f"1`o market, to market, to buy a fat hug is an expensive jour- ney these Spring morns. Like- wise to buy a fat print. of biltter, or a dozen of eggs. VVith the big demand from -the cities for eggs they reached 37 cents dozen nnVSaturday.. Butter was rather scarce but (lid not go over 43 cts. peg lb. The big question was the price of potatoes, and whether it was wise to pay $4.50 per bag for seed potatoes. There were sev- eral loads on hand. ` Averae DPICBS. were as fol. ; lows:-. - ... . Butter, lbA.. .. .. .. .. 40-430. : .E rgs, dozen . .- . . _. .35-370. ` Fowl, dressed, lb .. .. 0 `Beef Heart .. .. .. .. 350.? Beef; hinds, lb. . . . . . . . . . ' `Beef, fores, lb. .. .. |.`)ressed Pork, lb . . . . . . . .200. Young pigs, pair .. .. . $12.00 .Potat0es,.basket . . .. .. . . 750.. Potatoes, bag .. . . . .$3.50--$4.50 Seed Corn, cob... .. . . 5. . . . 50. Parsnips, basket . . . . . . . .250. Beets, basket .. .. .. 350 Beans, qt.. .. .. .. .. .. 200. Onions, basket. .. .. .. .. 750 Green. onions, bunch . . '. .-50. Seed Onions, lb. . . . . .. .. 200. Rlmb'a?1:b,` bunch. . . .. . . .. 50. Apples,,Spy, bbl. . . .. .. $5.00 Dried Sage, bunch . . . . . . . .50. Summer Savory, bunch . . . . .50. Thyme, bunch. . . . . . . . . . `.50 Horse Radish, bottle . . . . . .150. Clover Honey, 10--lb. pail `. $1.50 Clover Honey, 5-lb. pail . . . . 750 Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . . . . . .50. Knitted socks, pair . . . . .~. 800. Knitted mitts, pair . . . .. .. 750. Hay, ton .. .. .. $12.00-$l3_.00 Straw, ton . . 0. . . .. . . .. $8.00 Fir; & Life 1 nsurance` Agent j

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