Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1917, p. 4

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Automobiles were once con- sidered a great luxury, but now they have become almost a` nec- essity, being used to advantage in manydi'erent ways. One day last week Watson Rowe of New- ton Robinson attached the hax'-- rows to his car and harrowed three acres insabout twenty mm- Utes. `l'I __._.J-__-___ t I_.-I....--.. .....12-..l...iJ Jllllll Ull- F. H. Robinson intends in the` course of two or three weeks to mstall a new engme. Farmers Uh!`-W. Henderson Graham enlisted last week with the Foresters and expects to go overseas in about :1 month. ~ 1?! T1 T\-L!._....__ :_.L.....\_ 2.. Al-.. What Came From Reading` a Pinkham Adver- tisement. . Paterson, N. J. - I thank you forl the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they have made me well and healthy. Some-` `q time ago I felt so ` run down, had pains in my back and side, V was very irregular, tired, nervous, had such b ad dreams, did not feel like eat- ing and had short breath. I read your advertisement in V the newspapers and decided to try a bottle of Lydia E.Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound. It worked from the rst bottle, so I took a second and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E-. Pinl s Blood Purier, and now I am just as well as any other woman. I ad- vise every woman, single or married, who is troubled with any of the afore- said ailments, to try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Purier and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me."-- Mrs. ELSIE J. VAN um: SANDE-, 36 No. York St, Paterson, N. J. -rut-n-I1 IR 1:- ]uII"""||!!l` ;v"}:Z"hLI;-Ia};'i.'15i.{1ham Medicine 1 (`,o., (condential) Lynn, Mass, if you need "special advice. | "V; vv -u-------:- .--_~- ._-_,,- , ..LEA/VE Tonowo 6.40 P.n n..oA|Lv vIa"'7I'i1-: Pion:En.Rou'ra." These Brands are 2nd to none, all gnaranteed orv money refunded. We exchange Flour, Bran and Shorts for Wheat. ' Choppin. Tuesdays and Fridays. - ' Auk your grocer for these Hours or phone C00kSt0VVI`I. .-- no :J1IQI&4\Q' Tlephone No. 37 Great Lakes Steamship Service Via owsu sounin STEAIVISI-IIP MANlTOBA" 4 leaves Owen sound at mid- night `each THURSDAY (con- necting train leaves `Toron- to 5.25 p.m.) forisauitiste. Illa!-i.e, Port Arthur and Fort William. V . SERVICE via PORT lVIclIlic- oLL GOMMENGES JUNE` 2, pm WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER -__ ._--4-`nulls n A1: `a II nun v .. .. u1'I.IE \IIIEEH l'III'I'E ookstowh Flour `P&l';I'.|0 llll'3' from Canadian. Pacic Tloket Agents of V W... B. HOWIRD, District P>as'songoI_-Agent, Torontg, _ozjt KHAKI BRAND MANITOBA FLOUR WATER LILY BLENISED FLOUR Moss ROSE PAS1`-RY T WHITE WHEAT FLOUR Manufacturers `of me lI1SI_.aua.uuu. The late Pte. Thos. .Sp`eers,v whose photo appeared _in last week s issue, was a--nep.hew._of, Mrs. Geo. Cunningham. ,__.1~ .1`..-...:lu J.V.l.l'D. LJUU. \Auu.u.su.auu-1.-.. Herchel Campbell -and` family of Hamilton spent the week-end with his mother, `Mrs. John Campbell. ` ' Men, what about that new suit`? You cannot do better than leave |your_ order at Fisher's. ` ` ' n r~u__4.. ...--..-.$ Qnnrlnvr 1115*`) Iyl}Ul _ Ul LIUI. (Ill -5 JDIIV` V` C. `G. Clute spqant. Sunday Wm` his parents at Mmesmg. 1-1 n..I.:_....,.... :.~ knilrlinrr 9 uxo Futpxluu uu ............c,. F. H.ARobins0n is building a. our house_ and `office, -also a drive_way, for the convenience of farmers to be under cover while at the mill. A 1m,..V.,....:...l Qnnuinn -innhnnnr-'nf' % WDMAN NOW IN A PERFEBT HEALTH III. LHB Ullll. A Memorlal Sex-vnce In-hnnoreof the late Pte. \_Valte1-.'I`h0mas will be held at St. John s' Church Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock. -,,_-'___L._A:-...~..\t` Alan unnirnso 'uu_y V v u . . . U V v ., .. Representatives `of the various churches met in the Anglican School room on Monday night and listened to an. address by Rev. W. Greswick on the Boy Scout work. _ A public meeting is to be held on May 23 for the pur- |pose of organization. rnI-_ n_-_._l 'l`\..........-. (`Lamina n4` IJKJDLA \J.l. \JI.5I.n;;-uvwv-_.,--. The Rural Deanery Chater of South Simcoe will meet at Bond `Head on Thursday; ,,_l),__.I L- I 1J.\J\J1\A u .1.o: ........', - Mrs. `J`osep;1- Kidd is conned to her home with pleurisy. 11'- ,_-._-_ ('1-.. 1:141 llvlnz -u.. 1..-`...-..- -..._,. Herb. `1J`Ii;on and Harvey Gor- hett spent over Sunday with friends at Stayner. vuv __-I----.l .. --..._. .I.`U1'U bulb WUCA. On Tues., May 8, Manitoba Lodge, A.F. & A.M., had the plea- sure of an official visit from the D.D.G.M.,-W. Bro. Hill of Allis- ton. The first degree was well exemplied by 4W. M., F. G. Camp- bell and his officers, who were highly complimented by. the rep- resentative of the Grand Master. VAn{exceHent banquet and toast list followed, There was a good attendance and the night was both protably and pleasantly spent. _ Dnu \X7 nnqxxrinb v-nnfnv nf Qt a.Aavonuuu u -v......, --..-. Wm. Robinson purchased a new Ford this week. r\._ rn.-..,. mm... o M.-...:4n1m apcuu. Rev. W. Greswick, rector of St. John s Church, spoke on. Sunday evening about importing whiskcv into town. Hethought `it very unpatriotic that some people should indulge in. a luxury that- was made out of grain tliaot. is so scarce. He said he was `quite willing to pay $15 or so a barrel for o.ur inwar time, but was displeased to think of people go- ing on consuming the beverage. that is taking so much of the .country s food supply -in order to make it. ' ` T- - `ll..T7'2...`I.._- ,..&'.l....... A 14.` | l.llGJ\U I lit M.1's.vJas. McKin_ley,- after a lin- gering illness, died at. Stayner on 'Thu1*sda.,v, April 10, at the home of her daughi.e1', Mrs. Tuck. Mrs. McKinley was formerly married. to Alex. Carr. of Egbert` and she leaves one daugfhter, Mrs. Tuck of Stayner and one son, Harvey Carr of Egbert. She has been a citizen of this town. for a-' bout, ve years and during `that time had won" many friends by whom she will be great.Iy missed. She was a Presbytmrian and was 63 years of age. ' Her remains were buried at. Thorntoneeme- tery on ' Saturday. ahlnnaun `II II.` ll-\r\17 l:t':l',V -Ull D';1l-l.ll.'U'ct_Y. Trech Shower-- Mrs. Monk- man has kindly offered her home fhr a Trench Shower [0 be held an Wednesday, May Mtornoon and eV'ening, when d0m1't.iQnsf of socks, hntterc.l0th (for 1,1-nnch shirts and handlcertchiefs). tob- acco, loaf sugar. soap and tmvels The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday" Morning in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News `iteins for Gookstown and adjacent country may he handed or phoned "to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper.` Phone No. - 39 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for. warded through Mr. Thompson. . - ' - i May l5--Wm. Dinwoody has will kindly hear this in mind as "purchased a new McLaughlin` the mill will be shut dpwn during car. the installation. 1:.-- 7--.: Unnann in uiaifinsz Tho 12.1.9 Pte. ThOS. .SI53ePS`,' F. H. ROBINSON Plan Your Vacation Trip`Now POINT AU BARIL MUSKOKA LAKES V .. KAWARTI-IA LAKES LAKE IIIAZINAW FRENOI-I and PIOKEREL RIVERS RIDEAU LAKES ' SEVERN RIVER Ire derslghtful resorts and .easily reached via G.P..R.~ Mills will be thankfully accVept.ed_ 1.0 ,_...:| LA n.un Tantra PQfY'Hgh- Will be L[l3.1'lKIUuy .'d.Ul3`U}Jl.L7u_ l_\I send to our boys. Light refresh- ments will be served at a fee of 100. to: defray expenses of mail.. ing. All true British hearts are invited to help send the necessar- ies to our brave boys who are do- ing so much for us and the civil- ization of the world. They need [your help. Come and do your hit. -----__ 1-..:....,:,. ...m..m nun _y\_llI]' IIUIP. \J\_Jlll\1 mg. -..\,. `, -- ~-- . ,, Far-.away friends would often like to receive a copy of I`he Ex- aminer with its interesting news of .Gookstown.. Extra copies may be had every week at Harry Fish- er s store. , Price, three cents. `Before the Public Accounts Committee of the Commons last Friday an enquiry was commen- ced into the purchase by the Gov. ernment ofthe Camp Borden site, which includes 17,300 acres for which the sum of $207,000 was paid.` T 'l\Tn Q-vv:`-r:|r\LNtvA\V rnnnn n\"ln'IiY'\l"` paxu. _ N0 witnesses were examined, but E. B. Devlin caused to -he put on the records the original agree- ment between Sir Edward Vl{en'1p (then Hon. A. Kemp, acting M__inisl,er of M_iliti'a), and James Barr,.of l`0ront0, th1'0ugI1 whom the lands owere secured at the price of twelvedollars per acre. The agreement provided that in the eventof the land secured ex- ceeding 17,300 acres, Mr. Barr -was to receive an addition of $12 per acre on such overplus and in case it did not amount to 17,300 acres. there was to be deducted $12 per acre on the deciency. Mr. Barr stated in the agree- Inenttha-t he was the owner of or had control at the time of, over eight "thdusand acres of the land in question. The agreementywas dated. April 10,` 1916`, and the deal was to heclosed before May 10, 1916. There was also pro- lduced a letter written by J. _T. Barnes, of Toronto, to. Fred. Smith, De La Roche St... Mon- trea.l, the owner of some of the land`, which now constitutes camp Borden, offering him on be- half of the Government, eight dollars per-acre .for. the same. and ' contained. _the ..statement that the bulk of the land; has been purchased` at an average `price of less than-'$7.an'acre. _ This letter was dated September 28.11916. 3 ` -- -p`-um.--5 car. _ Mrs. Levi Henson is visiting with friends in Barrie this week. -10 OLA] V The letter, signed by J.` T.` _Bar- nes and written from 22 College _St., hinted at expropriat.ionVpro__ ceeditigs -if. Mr. Smith did .'not Igcceptw thefo ei',_and the agree- ment hLetwe`eh `Barr and-the Gov- V.'e1}nmen`t- provided that the` Gov- rnment `would gxpropriate in cost 01; Oarp Borden Suite cases where Barr failed to geti the property. A _A $5 an acre prom on land that` cost $7 amounts to more than 70 per cent,., which is a large pmt, particularly when l.he risk is } JoHNST01y_g_ WARREN, Paint The Floors YOU can t.touch up worn-out spots in the linoleum or carpet. When it s worn, that s the end oi-it. A Paintd Floor can be touched up whenever it shows signs of wear. It s bright and `cheery--s`anitary--easily cleaned... and the cost of painting is a mere detail. SENOUR S FLOOR PAINT is. the on familiar, `tried-and-tetsted, reliable Paint for the oors that wears and wears and wears. It s ready for the brush- simply stir and` spread. Dries quickly with a high lustre,_ and free of. stickiness. Anyone c'an make a -grand iob of, it with Senour s Floor Paint. - ' Wlbll IIIUIIUD 111 JJIALLAIJ VIIDDJ .. ---. Mr. Banks and family of Sl;el- burne visited at C. G. Clute s on Saturday. M:.m {1.~.nu-oieh nf 'l`hnmnnnn.- 14 serviceabl oolors-somcthing to suit every. mom ;n the house. V ` ' A `fFloon, Spie and Spa", and Town eed:Country Homes, are twolboeku on bone beautifying that you will enjoy reading. We have copies for yon_I-'uk for then. is111a.liA0r' mum at all. On 1_7.000 acres il. vmnld amount, In $87,500. The Audi'I.or'-G(mm'a.l, who read these documenls 21!. the rmucsl, nf Mr. Devlin. said that he was uo fami]ia.r_wH.h tho n'1aHm.', and his % (Made in caudal) BARRIE. ; examinaijcm was not proceeded. wit.h.-'1`urnni,n Star`. ' ' 7-Mapie Leaf paints and F10- glaze. None better on the mar.. ket. W. A. Lowe & Son. Bul.u1'I1uy. Miss -Galbraith of Thompson. ville spent the week-end at Alex. Arn0ld s. - J . Mrs. L. B. Avery is visiting at Caledonia this week. V Wm. Dvraperhwho has been conned to his home all winter, is decidedly improved and was able to mot.m- to Barrie last week . u.uH. LL! lllxlrilj. Ix: .......---\. -....,.. 7---, Fisher s have just received a` big shipment 'of Men s Straw Hats. Come ear-ly anrl get tted up. - 7 Mother's Day was 0h eerv'ed-in the Methodist, Church last Sun- day. Rev. J. H. More preached to the fathers and mothers. ` lIIl`J Jun.-/a nu .. .,-_-.- .. Jos. Martin of Toronto spent the week-end with his wife, who is ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin. 'I\ no 1,: 41._'_ __.....1- Al.\J .v-. -. ux./t,.- -._..._ ..---. J. left this week for Philadelphia to visit her sister, ,Mrs. Geo. McBride. .

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