Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1917, p. 2

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\\t'hatevermay7-be -the law on 1110 subject, it would he very poor policy on the `part of the Board of Education to exact non resident. fees from a pupil whose father is a taxpayer of Barrie. In the case brought to the "attention of the Board on Monday night,.the pub- lic school taxes paid by the par- ent areseveral times greater than- the fees for which the child might ill [ilh .|Ll` Hom "I'll! no vf h ul P H EVIHV Berliner Gram-0-phone Co. I lurrw n ~.u9 m VHis Master s Voicve Barrie Dealer DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CHY ONE PRICE FROM COA\`T TO COAST VICTOR RECORDS--MADE IN CANADA LOOK FOR "HIS llAS`|'I'.'R'S VOICE" TRADE MARK GEO. VICKERS either in. the Executive handling of the sessions nor in the range and depth of the subjects dis-_ cussed. Woman`s training in other societies is standing her in good stead in these larger re- sponsibilities that have been placed upon her. In the town of Renfrew an agreement has been made be- tween the merchants and towns people whereby the delivery hors- es and driversare to be released to help `along food production and the people will carrytheir parcels home. Such an`arrange- ment is strong evidence that the people in that town are-thor_ oughly seized of the seriousness of the food outlook and are will- ing to put themselves to some `inconvenience in order that food -shortage maybe lessened. Were this plan generally adopted it would not only he` of valuable ,-assistance in the present emer__ fgencyhut might lead to a perma- 'nent reduction in the delivery system which is greatly abused `and has become a very serious item in the cost of doing busi- iness. - cure from the Government per-` mission to sell American Sunday I . . 3 An effort, IS bemg made to Re- I [papers in Windsor and other bor- 'dor' towns on the Sabbath. The circulation of these Slunrlay _ .shoel.s is not calculated to benet` the people of the towns along the bowler nxitlier mentally or morally, as a large percentage of their (enntnnts is not worth wasting time upon. Canada is much bel- .t.m.~ oil witlimit, either the Animi- can Sumlay newspa.[_)m~. or the .~\me-rivan Sunday. ' Sunday labor is to lmabnlishcd as far possible in a-large ma,i- <'r'it.y of British munil.i0n works. lslu {LIL/LI ..,. be liable. LIMITEDV Only _in` e-stablishnients in which , the process work is `of necessity continuous, or where contracts of great urgency are being lled, will exceptionsbe made. This decision is the result of an ex- periment carried out for four. monthsin works on the '1yne and Tees, where the abolition of Sun- day labor, according to an official report, has in most cases` been highly beineficial to the health of the workers and the output of munitions. ._ing one family in every three now Between the year which closed on June 30, 1911, and June 30 of last year the number of telephone companies and associations in Canada increased from 537 to 1592, the, length of Wire strung from 687,000 miles to 1.600,000. miles, and the` number ' of tele-l phones connectedywith services from 302,000 to 548,000. The for- mer gure meantone telephone. for about every 23 personsin the country, the latter means one for. about every 14. Roughly speak- has the convenience of a tele-I phone.i The higher price of foodstuffsl has been used as a practical and] very convincing argument that| we should eat less. -Most 01` us believe that we eat too much, but do we realize how much we eat in-a lifetime`? A man 01` seiencel -estimates that the average 1'nan"` of 75 years haseaten fteen hun. i d1"(Bd times his own weight. Tlie bread would make a pile like al _house,- the meat would fill many freight ears. the vegetaliles would ` make a train load, tish and sugar would ll other cars, and the eggs would make a. man hlush to lunk a hen in the eye.--Ex. A(:cur'rling" to a statement is- sued by Mr. \\'. B. Ruadlmuse of the Dep:u'l.I.uent of Agr'i(:L1lture, two thirds uf the usual crop act-.eag'(-5 has been sown in Ontar- in. The St`.1tl}Il'le]lt notes t.l1z1tTma11y ea1`l,V.puI.:rtm2s lmve lwml sown; amt" tl1a`t thorn will be less idle land than usual tlm>uglmut Ont- .'.1I`in. .[`l`m full wllnal. and (('.l( )V`( /I` crops are nut picking up and the pr'nbabil rtie5 are that t,hcso crops will he par-tial failures. There is also 21 decline of small fruits nm~eag'e; hut vmuuy 'l'm-nmrs all uwr the pl'0\'lll(`l`. arc smving un- usuzllly hea\*_v amps of ve,L"etahles. It would ap_pe(sar- that the total value of ornps3.t,l1at, will he raised in Ontario this your will m`i1npa_ro l'avm':tlwl,\,' \X'ith fulflm-,1'_yea1's not- \VilSl&1l14llflf_ f the fall wheat fail- ure. But this does nnt-minimise the gravity 01' the gene!-a.l sit11a.. tiun: for over the Dominion. t,1`mre are g'r'ea.t decreases in thel produce that will be sown. _ ` I The collegiate Site i Mr.EdiVt.01':--Allow me :1 few` words in I'('.g`a.[`d to so irnpm-tanl,; a quest-..ion as :1 situ for a new Collegiate Institute. "TIL... .....~.-`.,.,......L._ r'.`- P-/\-'\4lI .\l` `L\;\ `aw: Aucxvvuxz The arguments o trustees are so extreme that I feel it my duty to show the citizens of Barrie the other side of the ques- tion. They say that a small per- centage of pupils come from Ward Six, but tlle_\;' tail that. Ward Five runs as t'ar south as Bothwell s Corner. in Allan- l|.1>.)uAl.r\lLlI/0 that VVard Four runs west to Eccles St.. The fair way to g;um up t.he percentage would he to put Wards One, Two `:1 d Three A- gainst VVards Foiit-,`ive and` Six (less the pupils who heard in the East End to be near the School) and they would find that a large majority come from the West. End. _In support. of this state- ment, take a few figures. In /1913, Mr. Morrison of the Vvost Ward b School had fourteen pupils in his Entrance class. Thirteen of these -were successful and twelve at- tended Colleg-iat.e;A Every one of these tWelve.without. one excep_ _tion lived on Bradford St... or west of the same. The following` year the one pupil. who failed the previous yema passed the EM. rance and att.endel Collegiate also. Thus .out of a possible fourteen. thfrteen att.ende'l C_olle~ gi-ate and all lived in the "West. or South`-end. Pupils living in the centre of the town, say. on Mary, Toronto. and High Sts., (to say nothing of those fart.her south or west) are compelled to carry their lunch, or to walk that distance four times aday. which is too strenuous. It was a common'oc_ cnrrenee for seventy.{ve pupils to be eating: lunch in the school at one time and it took two rooms to accommodate them". How many pupils carry their lunch since the re`? Only those from out of town. ' II :1 II 1' .15 to statel` dale, and west. to Vairville. also 1 I l' some of the `I I l |lI_l vv LL. - I amytoltl that at the time of the fire there were only three res- ident pupils from VVard One a- gainst eighteen from \V.ard Six attending the Blake St. School; and while the fire was raging one could hear on all sides the re- marks: \Vell! such a place to build a school, anyway. or Now we will have .9. central site. ,_,, `L AL- I say, Mr. Editor. with the town growing west. it/woulvd be just as sane to build the new Collegiate on the town line in A1-_ _Provident people will plant` potatoes aplenty said the Orfllia Packet in its last` issue. This week it will probably tell its read- ers to Boost. beans for a bigger bank balance." The alliteration may please you or -not, but the advice is good, anyway. ya: _IA__QRI_E txnmnugn A_D_ :I,_g;7Ifuu:qAv jnonnnno `landalc as on the present site and it would not. be any fl1I`th(`,I` for the pupils residing in centre of town In walk. " | ,,,lI,,_.I DLIVV ll I\' YVl.N|A\n I . Bomuxse '_l`L'usl(w. Fisller wulkndl `three miles: to School is `rm rea- son why all lhe pupils for the next, -.eI'1l,uI'_\,' (whL-.the1' rubusl, or 'delic.ale`,I should dn the same. crowllml and sonm 0t"Ll1e. pupils can unly uttmul lmlf `.1 lay. much to llm/a11r1uyat1(-0 of the parents. W'h_y not build an East, \V aI`(l Sclnml on, tlu-. old Collegiate site. and clmnge the" huu1'1dalry_ line to The Llmltml Sulnoufl is 0\'e1'-` date all`? The citiess in the \\v"estA ll-ave ruscrvgerl their best sites for sclmhls and so letBa1`rie he noled for its ne ed1_1ca.t,i0na | ad_vam.a- say. Bercr/.y St.., and so acc0tnm0_{ I l i I ges, alsu. 11` A A-\-v.vv\:nr\ I1vl1;Dl | rnngnf gun, dlhu. . If a c0mmit.t.ee, which meant, business, was appointed to look for a, new site, there are many '[)l`()(3\l["c1iDl(3. I say, first and at any Cust, the Agricult.ur.aI grounds; secoml, the'Thomps0n} p1*opert.y at the head of Toronto! S_l.. \\`il.h an eiitrance from Q1.men si Park: or Mrs. B. Hin(`l s property! on this (5UI`l1(;`,l' of Ross and Well- ington St.s., which is just a stop from Q1-w.m1 .~' Park, and -(1. splen- did ele\'al,i0n: or, again. the H211`- vny pr-i-uprty. Let. the pouplv (iocirlo. the site. a T-hanking you, Mr. Edilm`, I lain yours >`il1(.`.`,I`( ,i_\-', ' n ,\ rn1:`h A V1912 1 .A New Idea-- -\.TilP, three medical pi'actil,i(>ine1*s in Shelhurue, Dr. R. E. Davis, Dr. S. T. White and Dr. J. A. Smith, have entered _ into partnership under the rm name of Drs. Dav- is, White & Smith, and will prac. tice their profession here us-l ual. The firm has purchased Dr. Davis` residence and uffice and each member ofthe rm will have a private 0`iee in the smne huilutl `mg. The object, we presume. is: to cut down e.\'penses.~-Shelhurne Free Press. In the case of Duck vs Cal- houn. judgment. was handed out, last week on the appeal by plain- tiff from judgment. of County Court. of Simone of Jz1nuar,v 2/1. 1917. Actinn to recover $1./47`2../:4 for wages as housekeeper and as nurse for three years. At trial judgment, was given plainti" for $94.89, and etch party to pay their own costs. Appeal dismiss-; ed without costs. ' . | ` % Pe.0ple judge you I. , by your ho1pe._ beautiful home, 1, w decorates] _c3uts1de {md 11n1dp 1_ not only a pleasant P1303 to We 1- ______ L`_:.....].. ....A nain-Inhnrc Well ut:l:U1`u.u::u UULDIUC auu uxmuc 1a nut. U111 y u. y;-....,...... ,,-..-- - -but commands the respect and admiration of your friends and neighbors. Good decorating results require good taste plus good nishes, plus proper skill in applying. You can get expert advice on all three if you consult us about ' Paints, Varmishe, Enamels, Stains his to he hoped that old J1.1pi'ter . -'j% .` 1 In order to assist in the work \j of increased production, the Oril- 5 hia Water & Light Commission 1 will furnish _water for gardens y free. Such an arrangement is`; much more easily madesin Orillia '5 where the flat rate is the rule-6] than in. Barrie where the 'major- f ity of lawn andlgarden services`; are upon. meter. No doubt the j concession will he more orless , abused but in making it the Com-j mission! shows a commendable; zeal for furthering` a movementf` which isof the very greatest im_ 1] portance at the present time. Iti] I Pluvius will he a little kinder to ` the gardens than he was last year and that the Orillia, Commission's `T funds niay not he too seriously ] depleleal through their generosity.` In the selection of paint for the exterior it is economy to use Lowe Brothers High Stand- and Paint. It is scientically-made paint thatgives perfect protection with lasting giigh Standard Paint spreads and goes farther than cheap paint- sets in a close tight coat-resists years of wind, sun and wet- failsonly by gradual wear -leaves a good surface for repainting. For the walls and ceil- ings, use Lowe Brothers "High Standard Mellotone. Its rich. colors rest as well as delight the eyes. _It is fadeless and washable-not easily scratched or marred-- and decidedly economical. For renishing furniture, oors and woodwork, V Lowe Brothers Vernicol comes in colors to match usual nishes. Easy to use-economical. For varnish that wears, retains its brilliancy and A depth of lustre, choose Lowe Brothers Little Blue Flag Varmsh-one for every purpose. For solid colors on old oors use Lowe Broth- ers Hard Drying Floor Paint. If you have a decorating problem we'll be glad to help youm You 4:12 always at good point wlqero you on this sign. Lost. the Appeal ``.V 3 RATEPA\'F;ll. The Ontario Citizens Association 1- ,_A1d:..,\ ..... .........- - -.V__ 'Ihe`()ntaI'iu Equal I< L':.mchise Association .:1ml the Franchise Campaign Committee. which was largely insti-ument.a1,in obtaining the \\~' Franchise, were, at t.he c(mve1"1ti0n in 'I`0runto last week rm,-i-gm! into a Prmincial Society for educational propa- ganda fur citizeniship. mun ..,.... Qnn-infxv in named 'I`hP `:'.'d.IlUd lU[' Uu.1u;:u:1uy. _The new Society. is named The ()ni.ario Citizens" Association. The pI'eamb`.e reads: j.`We stand `for principle, not party; justice not favor: co-ope1ation for (10011 cii,izeiis.iiip." Mrs. N. B. John- gston was convener of business `and advisory committee in the ican'ipaigm. and was nominated for Ithe . PI`0Si(i0YlC_\ but declined the. ihonor. accepting the office of `ISL. |V1ce-PI'esident. "~~A~ ..-..... Una ;London. _..._ 1`hese are days of new things and a new sort of political con; wntion _\\':u.sV the gathering of` Liberal xunnxn from all parts nf the nrnvim-e in Toronto on May I] 1`-.. ll-.. .`m-...nI -rv'\r\t\`I.v'\rII .-.4` `Inn LlUl.-L`(`l,`_\ ., uxxc. .--u-.-x-. _V ., -. __ lto) : Rec.-S(-0_[v.. Mrs.` lvlc/Ir1t.,vre, !'Pnmntn: TI'9.as., Mrs. I.awr'snn_. | V IUI:-1'1 Cclucuo. The other officers are: Hon. PIies., Mrs. L. A. Hamilton; PI'es., Mrs. Orrnshy; 2nd. Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. Secord (Brautqford); |COI`.-Sf`C} Mrs. Mnlvnr (Toron- FV- A-_ T\.I'.m-.` 1\4'n'v\`*vvll(\ Phone 1 O8 MERRILL & HUBBARD A "SPECIAL" - "T_BATION A Great Response! sgonse to the bra /e. There's a Wealth of securitx in that re- ,Watch Dunlo1:3Tires" IIIU |lII1V|||I I_v Ill ;,\,rn\;;uLx,: -J. '11 for thn annual meeting nf the Ontario \V0men`s Lihm'a1_Ass0_' oiatirm. Thom: was no sigrn M" :m1at,mnrisl1n.ess or inexperience in the emergency. Standafd _,,-1I -, :l..1:...l..a. .LL.. nvvno If i: FRHRIPSS "lu"I\ IIn [ha nlwu. vvvv -- Vernicol nishes. ,A , .a,;vu.,, I.` ` I M . 1'hursdav.% May 17. PROTECT With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Phone 142. COMMENT OF THE WEEK :7 Canada s Greatest Life Insurance Co. Your Faimily Your Business Your Future D. .J. REBURN, Barrie 7, 1917. Dis. Mgr. A.` 73 770 Scouti Frank Ra Sutherlan % tanglemen Seemed gl Ap1"vi|- "i $<: given` sun tho, lij.:hti dialls m- His IUHM` ku'h\\ I `U: rnlu 2111: [you \\ ill Lllosv l:1_\ 1`in',:' pm`: jng mo-1' Uw Ilzmz 'V\'ell. V H pm im- Lilkv \ \\hiI'I| p4li_.~'ho- I` 1|. ,,..., .. L)!` HI: .Hll'/.0` t.:u1:.:|~ Li-on~ Itlc-.~`. f.hu.1n \\ hit-In t I I1: RV]; "plvl in ii}. HI!` (HI Lh I` ii. `up _%1A}s?;;,9_; Lenoir St. Mamtreal AN!) LE Thur-sda with slay hm`! 811}! From P \\'1'iliH Hllo Depot ,Iu<! eh:

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