Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1917, p. 8

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\JI.|A L unsung as you-`-- _-- _l,V or more, reg. 50$ per lb.,.fo7r ...... .. Peerless, Blend E, regular 60C, for. .. Peerless, Blend H, regular 75c, for .. Young Hyson, Green, regular 55C, for.. Japan, regular 45c, for ...... .., .......... .. For afternoon tea here is something very choice, Fancy 1` 1 1 . rI'\ 1 A ,1, , ,,_----1.... #0 PROMPT SERVICE m, size" . $1 .00 l"llNDS BROS. V _The agave are all Special Vglues and are : Go1denUU$i}:&`XsZ:;W'i`::}`Zg1I1`r $5.36 ;3e}"1't. for..-.'. ................. . .% .............................. .. $2.15 4 e give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable See the nicegoods at small prices UU. U1! Duuuchv llunur \,Il\' Interment in Straw DRIVER FOR SAl`.'.f9`. -- Reason- able pl-ice. 'I`et'ms to suit purchaser. J. S. and J. V. Brown, Allandale. ` Phone 383. 12_tf #- Then buy him one of our Hard-V It will give an elegance to his appe bearing that will surely work for g They will outwear any other Su money. Our Hard-Wear! Suits at just in. Hadn t you better come them? Boys Norfolk Suits: Sizes 21 to 25 .. .. .. .. $4.50 Sizes 25 to 30 .. .. .. .. Sizes 31 to 34... .. .. .. .. $9.51 Size 35.. Men s Balbriggan Shirts, special price . .350. Men s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sizes 32 to 46. Worth today 75c., special price .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 50c.each .Men s Union Drawers, size 36 only, these are .. .. 50c. great value 750.. special price. . D0-n t miss these lines at these prices. as they will not last long. DUE Uul LVLUL1 .3 uu.,.._, W`. ing Boots at . . . . Men s Tan Blucher Cut. Men s Tan Straight L `I\..Znp\ LVLULL c .-.....- _ -, V Price .. .. ... .. Men s Black Blucher Price .. .. Har'd-Wear Suits. m appearanceand good inqhim. utwear an ` are new lines 1dn you in and see y Suits for the .1 s Heavy Split Blucher Gut \ '0rk- zat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $2.75 Blucher \V0rking Boots $3.50 Lace Working` Boots. 3k Gut. Working B0095. BERT FETCH V Elocutionist and Entertainer Garden Parties and Church En- gagements, etc. Phone or write _for dates and terms. 437 Quebec Ave-., Toronto. Phone Jet. 3958. ' 19-31 l GHIROPRAGTOR DR. VYLA M. FINLAY, U. C. C. Graduate. Office and resid- ence, 21 McDonald St._. Barrie. Special line of iron bed, mat- tresses~ and springs. Very spe- cial prices. W. A. Lowe 65 Son. ---A-I... 0...... Qnninrv mju BUILDING LOTS "FOR SALE - 66 feet choicest frontage on William Street, Allandale, Box M, Examiner and Satur- day Moruing. A 10tf I , Vidal PI.lUUD- Vvu AA: A-\-vvv -v -- -Get ready for Spring. Buy your paints from W. A. Lowe & Son. Elizabeth St. 'sIs6 'a.& .oo . .. .. $10.50 sure to please. and PHONE 145 .....40c .....50c .....63c .....45c .....35c Thur BHODE ISLAND REDS-- Eggs for T hatching, from a pen` of 8 good- utility hens with a, \vigorous cockerel of splendid type from imported stock. Limited num- ber of settings at $1.00 for 13. J. A. MTa(-Laren. .i'7-tf. "Uf _; `Hine- Elm, fe SC 1 STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE -SuiLabl*e. for barn timber. lumber, shingle. bolts, fence posts. and pail timber. Large or small quantities to suit. purchaser. Also hardwood by the acre. - Apply D. J. Bar- - m--~--m . A H` FOR QUICK SALE--A five-roomed Cottage with lmtht-oo1n' and out-building's attached. One acre of groound and a good siz-` ed orcliard. 'I`own `water; Sit-- uated at. the east. nnrl of Barrie. $1100 cash or 'con\"enient. terms of payment. Apply G'arr'ett`s Music Store. P. O. Box 178.` Phone 259a. l8_t`t`.` * U11. $111.11.`: 1 \J\lIl-Alissa`- ..- turesque Canada (36 11111 Big`~hargain. See them ton s Hardware Store. FOR SALE-,--Montrose Cottage, 88 Glapperton St,., Barrie. _ Central, . desirable property, modern conveniences, med- ium size. solid brick, stone t`-`undat.ion. Possession May 7t.h. Terms tolsuit purchas- er. Apply Mrs. E. A, Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto VWON FARM FOR SALE---70-acre farm known as part of lot. 10, in the 9th con. of Vespra township. Simcoe County. This is a first-class `pasture farm with - running strea-m. About; 25' acres under cultivation, bal- ance in paslure and bush. For further information apply to E}. F.. Wood, 99 Cumberland .n__.._1..I,. mm; .49 40 DIIIJ IAIJI-W0 ~- clay. Stroud. SNAP FOR `QUICK SALE-- Got- tage at Little Lake, including 14-foot boat, two iron beds, mattress and springs, and general camping outt _ all in _ good condition. This` I outt can be bought for $150.00 which is away below value of building alone. Don t delay if; you want it. Apply to W. Bu- chanan, 12i Sophia St., Barrie, for 289 Markham St., Toronto. 18- tf FOR SALEl-Brick house on cor- 1 ner Sophia` and Eccles St., all conveniences, including furn- ace, plumbing, gas for cooking . or lighting, electric light, large cistern, large attic, and beauti- ful lawn, with four fine young apple trees. This property can he bought right` as theyowner is moving to the city. Apply on premises 121 _,Sjo,phia- St. `or to W. Buchanan, -289, `Markham St..'1`oronto. , - 18-tt - . h;|lO. ION LAYING CONTEST - At the Stot-rs, Mountain Grove and North American Egg Laying Contests in 1916. White Wyand-ottes won against all comers. Should not this convince you`? My pure Regal Strain from Mar-tin's best pens are yours at $1.00 [per 13. A. F. A. Malcomson, Phon`e 447, Barrie. Ont.` v 'l6-tf `.,`}x1f;ELiie, "mg is3Intnard's` Llnlment "In the U Duu ;.-v numbers) Lem at Ot- 3. 17-tf '6-tf \Jl. nvIQn.\- FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET - All conveniences. 135 Collier Street.. . b 19-19 IWANTED --TWoInan' tb` scrub store, etc. _Bryson s G0nfec- *tionery.' ' 19-19 WRITE or phone Lennox; Stroud, teacher of `piano and - "1 51.20 FOR SALEQOR TO REZITVT-- Two pasture farms. -Apply at V this office-. T , ` `-19-20. HOUSE TO LET-A--0n High St., all conveniences. Apply to Henry ` . all, Mary St. ' V 19-19 FOR SALVE--Gladstone trap with rubber tires, in excellent con- 'dition. Apply Mrs. Plummer, 54 Peel St. T %19-24p. BABY BUGGY vBr0wn reed, match.- Mrs. Station. WANTED -- Girls for bindery, steady, clean work, good wages. Apply The Reid Press Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. 19.21 i VV ILL THE PARTY whb picked up grey and white shawl on `the Mill Road on April 21 please leave at this office. 19--19 \\; ANTF.D TO nENT-:-i1uuse. mh .,_`.-......:..v.;.nn nun:-I RACK FOR seam ` oak. golden nish, English bev- elled miI`I'0r 18x24. First._cIass cumJil.im`1. Apply at this otTice~.-. ` 19-tf. BOARDERS AND % ROOMERS WANTED. Apply 13 Charlotte St. . 13tf * \vANTED --~ E>;peI'ien<`Pd 939" , 4 _ A .l_. -...nvJv -l>':-un {hr-dL, FOR SALE OR EXCHANC-"F. FOR CAR---30.-ft. motor boat, oak nish, modern ~ f1tt,iug_s. 1! - passenger. Apply to Box /:86, TBa1'rie. . -. = 17-19. GROCERY BUSINESS FORVSALE' ---l.i.`rl|.t.'smck, vmgv 1-easmmhle terms , good -location. Fur fur- th'.1' partimllars enquire _:u. this ,.Y.`2.\.. _ ,|(.')_19 FOR SALE .9. Baym-iviug Mare, nine years, '15 hanrls, sound and absolutely reliable. Also her full ml1l.lll.. PI'ic<~'~ l`l`{.j. hl. A. F. A. Malcomson, Burwie, Phone /:47. I8 < '1\J.V .l'.l`oI LL) I\.llJ.kV.l"""I.lkr\.Ao\.- -.... lrl()(ileI'Il c(mvenien(-.es and good sm'r'0\mdingsT, central location. Apply Box U Exa`miner. 19-.0. -----.---._-__.------- 'l"(_)R SALE----\ ew, clet,a.chel, suc- ruomed brick hmlse, in east end of town, all modem c0nven_ iences and side. d1'.iv_u. Will he V sold reasonably. Apply at this office. 19-21. /. \1V.l"`_JIJ l`J.\p|T'vlIr|u.1.u put. cutter, steady work for firm- class man. Apply. The. {Reid Press |'.imit.ed, Halnilmn, Ont- ario. T ..9-21 SALE---Co11ch, sideboard, dining- room furniture, seal-ers, cum- tain polesgpictuves, gas plate; ~ plate rail, diniug-1'0orn dome, Mississippi Board, etc. 63 Mc. Donald St. . 19-19 WANTED-By May 24th. general to go to summer home at Thornhill, Ont. Wages $22.00 per month. No washing. Good home. For particulars write Mrs. G-moulding, 57 High Park Blvd., Toronto. . - 19-19 L FURS---Remode1le,d and Repair- ed. Miss M. McArthur, 133 Collier St. Phone 186. 16-22 ' ` GOOD BRICK OUSiE3 on Bur- ton Ave: to be sold cheap . Also frame house on`John St. Apply Geo. Smith, Shoe Store, Allan- ` - 49 on \/-uv. dale. RHODE ISLAND RED Settings-- $1-.00 and $1.50. My Cyphers` strain are bred `for winter lay- ._ers. and should produce prize poultry, T Regular Settings `$1.00, Special Settings $1.50 for 13 eggs. Order early. W. G. Hunter, Barrie. - 17- 3`OR SALEL--.Fine stock (`weI'ani- ums and bedding plants. Wiu-z -dow boxes and hanging baskets refilled 110W. Phone 713. E. A. Hl.I`I`iS, Vairville G(mseI'vat,0r- ies. 1'8-21p un-\'* 2" office. PRESS FEEDERS WANTED - : Young men or women `with some: experience in press feed- ing will be given steady work at good wages. Opportunity to learn trade in one of the best printing plants ineCa-nada. Man who can ll job of pressman in this plant is qualified for simi- lar-position at highest salary on high class half-tone `and . dolor work. _ An unusugl op- portunity_ for young men `or women. V Apply by V letter`, stapte exp e1'-`ienc'.e_and qu`a1ic,ation s, to 39`: +11", Examine:-. 49-21- FOR SALE-- with hood to F. A. Seeds, Om 19-19 51,s-`2Io| 4;ns\.~.. |Ir l|v(.)I1-Ln1.-E`), ,, FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET -- Centrally, located and all opu- veniences. Apply at this office-. V 17-19 a. UUl:lI_l_U ill; Uaxzuuu 0 uauu-V yuv. .. T .`-"-8pI~_Ing Necessities . - - Spe- cial value, new designs. of Oil- cloth and Linoleum, at.` Dougall Bros. In-_'__ --11.-.. munnnhnn hoe D1'U5. V -Miss Nellie Shanahan has moved her dress-making estab- lis'hm_ent to `the rooms -over C.rother s Grocery Store. . 18-23 Orillia s population is now 8854, an increase of 800 over last year, and the assessment is $100,000 higher amounting to $3,549,690. ` nan r`1\vY\l'|'l'If\`I'I d5-),D4:1,Ua1U. Geo. Cameron shipped 200 hogs and 55 head of cattle on April 30,- paying $16-.00.per cwt. for hogs, $5.00 to $8.00 for eows and $10.00 `for beef cattle. .Mrs. Hannah Brett, mother of Lieut. Thos. A. Pratt of the 157th Bn. ,Vdied in-Bradford, April 18. She. had been a resident of the village symce 1864. Dnn -['1\nnnn1'il\1 1'19 qfnr Vlll'd.'t' bl DU 1Uu~x. Rev. Roe, formerly pastor of the Baptist, church at Mine sing, has accepted a call `to the First Baptist church, Brantford,; at $4000 per annum. } ~-~----In `ll .[.-.Ir-nnonr| \I1}'Il'\ 79| ill. ewtuuu pvt Qlllxuxnn. Joseph H. `Johnston, who was? born in Barrie /13 ye.-.a1's ago, died: in Bladsworth, Sask., recently.| ].'o{' the great.eI- part of his life he was :1 resident of Stayner. 4-1,; ALA r-....~4 (In nnn can IIU wua u. lUD1u\I.Lu \.IL ....,... --.._. .1 ' .(.%et. a.fteI' the first y you see and kill every one you can. Do not take it as trouble but as a du_t,_v. Flies are disease; carriers 'a11da.1'e enemies t.0 cleanliness and` l1ealt.hfulness.. .4_-. ...I.....-.r.nnl 4he \x1an]( 8.110 lleitlt-lllullxrjaa. Bread was -.uiva'nc.ed this week to 20 cents for the 3-lh. loaf. Even at this the price is easier than Orillia where 2 cents is cha1'g"ed.01' `in Cobalt where 300. is the pI'e sen1 1'aI.v.. I`.\...,..nn4 nnLt\nI*.rI \lT\| r F.an_ lS lrlll? *1|l'UUlll l(lI.(:. --l.arg'est. assortment of Can- 'vass Tennis and Outing Shoes ever before shown in Barrie at Gar'ey s. These are allvbeing slaughteled atth 'BIG-C_HANGE- [N-BUSINESS-V-SALE, now on at Carey s. . t 1.2. :.~...\..,,..,..y.nna in Hin Inna] uarey s. A. big impI`0vemenl.. in the local`, train service was~ made by last we.ek`s additions. The evening mail train out of '1`0routo is now generally on time, something` that 'vm`y rarely occurred under the pvevinus sclmiltlle. rnlnn I03 n`nr\I1`I \`i1'I0` hf fhn .A_ PYUV IUUD s`.!LIl.I(.`-Illl llr. The 19 grouping of the 0. A. L. A. shows Barrie, Port McNi-- coll, Gravenhur-st, Midland, B1-acebridge and Orillia in Inter- mediate Group 9, while Barrie `and Orillia are set down as the Junior Group in N0. 12. -n:. n.,......$.:I :n nu:-nhouinn` ' . , FOR SALE---1 complete-set P10- ___..--,_ {Vac-xntln TTITYYIYIQPS} 7:00 bushels of seed pf)l.at,_oes at. dulllur uluup Au nu. .~. Or-illia Council is purchasing $3.50 per biisiml,\Nhicl1 they will sell" to viii /.on_s at actual cosl.l This is no gm-.al. hat-gain as t..lu-2' best, varieties are listed in the seed` catalbglies at that. price. 'I.`liis weo.l< the Ball Planing `Mill (10. sl.arl.ed work on the erec- tion of a [muse fur .l. W. Pm-risli un the lul. at the snut.h-east, cor- ner til` Collier and Pnyntz Sis. The lmililing is to be of [)ressed hrick, two sl,()re_vs,-and will front. on `Collie-r Stroel. ' 0 n11`-nnnno in 0]` L4(_Hllt_3l' n_L.n'.r:i. ` --In spite of advances in all `merchandise and foodstuffs, Car- :ey s persist. in offering their $30,000.00 stock of Footw,ear at about one-quarter to one-half `of today s values. but their stocks must be reduced one~-half'.and only a short time left to do it in. T Two real estate deals were put through last week by H. D. Jam- ieson. he sold Mrs. Rainforda proper .y-in Napier St. to A. V. Donaldson of Toronto and the L. S. Willson property in God- rington St. to Archie Longhurst. i In each case the property will be i occupied by the purchaser. rnn- 131/1 (`IJA1\T(`Ji`_U\T_RUS.. OCCUDIGG my LIIU put UIIGDUL. `---The BIG CHANGE-IN-BUS- INESS SALE is in full swing at Garey s Shoe Store,. W0men s. patent leather pumps, balaneeof a Spring order received this week, -$3.00 value, all sizes, for $1.99 a pair. Boys Gun Metal Buttoned Boots and Boys Military Tau Boots, worth up -to $4.50 a pair for $2.49 a pair. l-- l--1n.....~.t:n nr nnllnnfinn nf lUl' $4.43 a p . An interesting collection of war relics was on exhibition in :1 window of Geo. Vickers' store this week. Among them were-: An iron cross found on the body of a German officer of- high rank, a.ft.er the battle of Ypres; two wicked looking Hindoo knives found on a Somme battleeld; a German sword bayonet picked up after St. Julien: Belgian rie and infantry cap: pieces of. one of the shells dropped DY. the Zeppelin baby killers at Scarborough.` A sale of fancy work and plain sewing will be held in the Town Hall, May 22nd and 23rd". by the ladies of St. Mary s Church. This will be a splendid opportunity to buy _chil'dren _s dresses, dainty un- de_rwo'ar, hand-worked linens and crocheted articles. Tea willibe "served both afternoons, the pro._. ceeds"of which will .be given to ` the Red Cross Society. In" the evening there will` be` a military d-rill given by,'.th`e,.A-srchi'ldren of St. .-nt__.__I.. uni...-.51 Adwiiuainn 100,-` 7(1'1"lll SIVUII. DJ, ,I;I.lI}__"lJlllILlsvun \'Q ~ Mary's School. `Admission 10c. pf Champion Work Shirt % Alex. Price of Newmarkel, was in town on '1'uesday. _ Jack AI'nis.l,rong of Guelph was in town on Wednesday. " Mrs. Samuel Barclay started this week on a trip to Calgary. l).~Jac0bs 0l' Parry Soiind spent the week-end at his home here. ' R. L. Rice of Vancouver was looking up old friends in town Biggest and `Best, `guaranteed money bat not satised. Light Blue, plain color, 14`/2 t017 74.~,DI`iCe .. .. .. .. .. ..! Men s Khaki'Shirts, well made, big valu day $1.25, special .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Men s Black and White Stripe Work Si made by The Deacon Co., sizes 14% to These are big value, price. . 75c. and ` Men s Black and White Stripe and other A-" -;_n,. 4 /. 14` in 171/). big value today , FOR SALE--A Pony, harness and ' cutter, suitable for lady or-_ children todrive. Apply to Minesing, Phone 91. 14-23 IJIIIO Vvuuu. Harry Armsttjong, wt home on a `visit, left gami on Tuesday. gaml luesuuy . Mrs. T. H. Redditt returned to town this week after spending several months in Westem Can- :u|:\':.m.d California. ` Mr. and Mrs. Morley Black of lilltnvale are in Barrie after hol- idaying in Toronto, MontI`e.a'l, ~`--- -~-nrl T\Tnn-org WDHR, lllg lll .L\}LULLu\.-3 -.--. Quebec and Niagara Falls. mt..." A T.) nnvlnv I219 (`,9 uuenec auu 1Vl`ct5aLa .l.L\;nuu. _ Mrs. A. B. Carley was called to ldndsay on Saturday to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr. Grimston, who died on Friday after being ill only a few days. 7 `F. Murray`Davis, eldest son of! Ald. and Mrs.` Davis, returned! home last night after an absence! of nearly five years. He is one of; two who have charge of the Gan- adian Methodist Mission - Press at Chengtu, in the province of Szechwan, China, which has a _ staff of one hundred `printers. Mr.l Davis left Chengtu on March lst.; and had a trip of 2300 miles by; boat and chair before he reachedi Shanghai. A furlough` of eighteen months has been granted him. Oro Man Died In thewest The body of Wm. Andrew Gm- ham, of Guthrie, who died in the West on'Ma.y 5, reached ~Barrie this morning. and was taken to Guthrie for interment. L ' -Death 7followed an -operation -for. appenj- dicitis. Deceased Was "the young- est son of Arch.'G raham and was but, nineteen years of age. It is 1`-__--_.....1uo ,w~nnn kn Inf} hi DUI, IllIl`t:l,t:t:11 _yca.1.-a U. .,.E,.,. M, __, onlv a fewrweeksgsince he left. his 5 home for the West; " With every dollar purchase we at our Premium Counter. S Clay e`p'1. 4'o, apt-Juicu . . . . en Sl11i8I']t/.9, 2. $1.00 .en other col; ors, sizes 141/. to 171/_, big today 750. Special price 50c., less than you can buy the Shirting for. You should see them. { ______-*-}._._._._.__. PERSONAL MENTION ,Who has been aft for Tema- POULTRYMEN will find it pays to advertise in The Examiner `if they have eggs to sel'l. One cent a word is the cost. 15_tf 10 Duhlop. Sfreet Are value to- . . . 83. Don't buy Boots now without you want to Save Money and `get Better Leather V x and_ better The funeral of Dr. Parker Peacock will take place from the home of his brother, Fred. Pea- cock. Stroud. on Sunday next. at ~r_-;.......,.,.nL n Qfrsnrnd ` `- cemetery. Two aeroplanes from the Camp landed at the Dyment, Farm on Sunday. One had engine trouble and the other aviator ew back A- 1...: .... f\ v\rur\rI"\'\I'\;fi dllu IJIIU UULJUI u.vI.u.u\.u. ll\./I` ..,...v_ to Borden to bring a mechanic. On Sunday morning a plane ew so low over the town as to al- most touch the rnnfs of some of the higher buildings. Major Geo. R. Rodgers had his first exper- ience in aviation during the past week. ' {544-J TEA - TEA- TEA V V This week we are featuring Tea. Tea is ad- _ vancing, and we advise you to put away a few T pounds forstill further advances : : ' ' 200 lbs. Black at per `lb..' .......................... ..25 cents Our regular Peerless, Blend A, in quantities of 3 lbs. ,_ ,_-_ r::n- ..-.. 11. 2.... An, CLEANING AND PRESSING - Your old suit and overcoat can be. made to look like new ` by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf

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