Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1917, p. 6

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The undersigned . desires to "inform his customers and the public generally that he has pur- chased the butchering business of Mr. Frank Wiseman and has moved_ to Mr. Wiseman s old stand, next the Ford Garage. Your patronage is solicited. '5; w--vs-.-v cw. -.-wvv v-v-.-6 ---. I-lomeseekers Excursions via GIPIRI , ` -m-:Aa-av mmxafs, sA'runnAv IinAnKE1' (To be continued) NOTICE s,bunch .. . .lhA. .. .. .. bbl. .. .. $5 bunch .. ory,bunch .. ch .. 1, bottle .. .. ..1 y, 410-lb; pall . $1 y,5-lb.pail 1, gallon .. ..$'1 qt. .. .. .s,pa1r .. .. E sLVpair 1 n...-.-.. A. . .' I. .'.'1'5c. xApa $1.50 pa .... 750 n ....*$15 ...., ....5o. . .. 800. .H .. .. 75c. $120-$130 .$80 EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS T All kinds of small repairing- Prompt Service. Touring` Car for hire---Motorcyc.le for sale. as fol- 40;43c. 31-350. 34-35c. . 350: . 17c. 13c ,_ V..uu, eggs TIIQ XIII DI! ruuu , TEACHER or VOICE`. ,PRO_DUC- TION .AN_D` SINGING. Sxfecial lessons for repertoire, English and Italian. Studio at Mrs. Gaul. ey's, 67 McDonald St., Barrie, Phone 681. For terms, etc., call at studio on Wednesdays. Voices tested free. ' E. UEXR I &II in u Ital!!- -L Piano and Vocal Lessons. . 1 work s ecial attention" is lln 4n unllc)-,n Dnm-lnntInn_ 'lIl -Vocal WUl'lS bptsunax GUUUILUJULL go given" to Voice Production. Studio in KingoBl0ck_ Phone /:24 muss ELSIE In-:Lsou TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. Studio at 133 Collier 1\1.__.- A00 .L',JH\Il.I-I.p RlU\.A\Qo\; v... gtreet. _Phone 186. 'run'rou's inane: Phone 484. .15 clapper-ton St. HhEI\RlI&-II 30 --Univ Successor to , Lonnox, Comm 8: Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administrationfand General "Solicitor Notary, Conveyancer, etc.` Offices: Hinds Block, No. a 'I\--.I....-. GI-.n.\l> `Klan :-:11 In `non u-ucuw --- ___--_ ` Barristers, "-So`l_i_c'itors, ' '1`;'otary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in` the premises formerly occupied by `the Bank of Toronto). Branch Office, _Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchison. UM}. kluxuca . .u.~1u.uo .1.u.U\./xx, 4.vu. 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. jmnun E.` cI.Ax'roII, L.'r.c.Iv|. as--- ...-"I Ilnngl Lnonnnn, BARRISTERS, Solicit'0_rs,Notaries Public and Conveyanders. Money to loan in any sums at lowest cur... rent rates. Omce 13 Owen. St., Barrie, Ont. D. M. Stggvart. cH`Am.as w. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- lmond Sts., Toronto. DONALD R088,` LL.B. BARRISTER,- SOLICITOR, E I`C., DanL' Of` Tnnnnfn DII`:l:1;r\1`r Dr-nn;n A..a4L1I.LI.J.LJ.I.121I.,' >..JLll.Al.LJl..l.\Jl.I., .I_'l1.\J., Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, Money to loan. V . AORESWIOKE 8: BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oicesz In Ross Block, Barrie. W . A. J. Bell, K.C. Ofce-t -I-l'es.i(.jence Corner 0! Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. -Telephone 167. A numberof Valuable. Farms and Town Properties for_Sale on the most reason able terms.. ' BA"NK OF TORO BARR 1irTo B UILDI1\T(3` IE on. w. A. ROSS L.R.G.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lona don, Physician, Surgeon, etc. 0!. {Ice and Residence, Dunlop St... Barrie. Telephone 165. (MCGILL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad). Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. w. A. Lewis, M.D., c.lll_ SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie. 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at-91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and` Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by `appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 8. LAWSON, WEl_..cl-I 8: COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crown Life Building, 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephon_e Main 5874.--J. F. Lawson, H. J. Welch, G. H. Playle. ~. ' THE BARBIE `I-`LRNING MILL THOS. ROGERS, PROP., Builder` and. Contractor. . Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds of -Dressed Lumber, Flooring} Ceiling an Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice; Wood turning a specialty. Tanks made to order. The latest improved method for. drying lumber. Fac- toryand Office, Cor. Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163. P.O. Box 685. , SIMGOE manna woluu Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop., R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monument! and Tablets. Only best material used and rst-class.workmen em- ployed. Prices always right. Miss Doano is the only one in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets filled with Spirella bon- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable, exible; hygienic, sani- tary. Fit guaranteed. Maternity and nursing _feature specials. Brassieres, blouse forms, misses and children s, waists. At home Saturdays. 1-6 Charlotte? St Barrie lPhone C. BROWN FOR THE BEST IN ~- swans anew % I-IOIIIE-MADE BREAD - snownrsnann SANDWICH anann AND A"FULLL LINE .,OF A Plea, cues AND PASTRY . Bakery. and Saleshop: -`Cv_or. Elizabeth andvsmall Stream. Fir; & Life Insurance Agent s'r_:wAn'r & STEWART _3qY AND Inuacmsou A|.AunEn.c9wAu on. Iuolrrliaan mm 111--.. ('11 II? yr on. E. . G. 1'UrmauI.I. 11r \ on. H. 1'. Aiiln-_L Accbumrnwrs MEDICAL '-5` 250 llrllll ALL STEAMSHIP7 LINES. -Your passage booked to or from ' all parts of the world. Thu rsd{ Vllln .SIlT| tn] V\'h1 (`Ila ) Tlnl ; fully him has \v-:- but pun des= L Repi-esents Insupance ' inpanies of. undoubteil -Fmancia Standing and L ~ T . A I I Qf`l'I'lIV A IlTQI"I'I' `I TITIFQ gm Shil yea jrh. COX!` "7 , g'E9f!l0.IT |.FNT-.} :, : g . P3. Square,` In:-I-Io. `Fluent n71. I T1-a`ns a'ct a General `Banking |--n(1`_._ A--. all parts Of the WONG. A0 `El 2 1.. L 1`6i"a r;.Inq3`gt`l*AAIIcI T QCIJZXQ Q I `I 113 Real Estate and Money to Loan - NK1O1'-"`F B-G.Jmi1h.A&0o. U N o"i'"Ii"T"A"|'< E R s Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE. ONT. (Successor !o the Late Meaford Webb) Fun .line of all the latest ,(.`.asketg kept in stock, in-. umdmg Grave Vaults. and Oak Shells. Open Day & Night -1 Phone 431 W.lI.NeI|Iy, Fuqol-a_| DIPOOXOIV ""'M'] 1 V, *- H-0 M: '.&""`*- Licensed Embalmor % Proprietor TI-IE BARBIE UNDERTAKING P'AI=lLOR8- ]a. Arn9l_c_i_ __'. II. 2D- I......-..-.. BI-ar`I'cho:s at`. B aIV-rloh and,|landa`l9, I-I. BAANKER5 1'0 DEFEAT Tl-l.E: ElIEM5Y' pfoduqigg every once of Foodstus that younland can bring -forth`-..nd "if. necessary h'o/rrow tmmirchase ,the~_Se1f.' - L I MONEY IS NEEDED---for the war-f:or`h6r.ru`l3 ginrgeeies-for the. growing cost of living: , Increase Your Saving, hold dowri ybur spendii,-/0-pen a Savings A-'1 - Account at The Bank of Toronto,/Savings Ac- ! 04; ........II An lniannn onrrxn -invifnrl Q} 9]] A. 1-. A. mu.co1nsou fott s ataibnishga 1879. Are Well Supplied Open Day and Nlght I uuuuuuu t Established I800 Bookstore ` fnjinpikin us . 19, down your spendifg,-' open Savings Toronto./Savings counts for small or large sums invited at. all Branches of.this Bank. - .. , , L L $lall.E7InIV Budiness. `KTAL...-. I` Phone [82 -H\'i Under ordinary circumstances Theodora would have seen the point of many of the arguments advanced, and "would have arran- gcdher immediate plans accord- ingly, sent a few .w1res to t_0wn,l and mad_e f a martyr of herself but the circumstances were any- thing` but ordinary. cu..- 1.-.: .~...A.-. .-uunnnn-nnmcnnfe Lllllly, uu1.- UL UILLCLL `y . She had made arrange1ent,s to go to tawn at once; as a mat- ter of-fact she had been in Lon- -don, and had returned to Black- port to see her husbando` by Ikn Tflnonrri nhlv {urn (lava h/nf'nrn_ pU1'la LU DUU nun. uuouuuu gm, ..,., the Ubangi only two days before. The next weeek or two of the already "waning Jf.0ndo1'1 season were full of social engagements. And Society was the life-b1o0d of her. London called` her. In Blackport she was -like a fish out of -water, a fair flower doomed to a dark cellar. ` .-.1 ,n ._1.._ I..,..I ....:.J> O. \.l(lnll\ Ublluxo My dear Glare," she had said, you I'eally'a1'(-. Very selfish and i,L1cunside1-ate. Itlisn't that I have suddenly -ta/lien it" into my head to run away to town. Yqu for, get that 1 came up here from London, and I really must,g'c-.L hack; ' I ought. to have gone` this n'1orr1ing`.`v You_must see that I cannot treat people like this." ._1 -11 n..:...` 4:..,.,.; L... var. 4k:n`I- lU(1l..l.I.l.UI.v ULG(Lu.y\.uyILr Lnuu uunu But, all this` timeshe was mink- ing of that -eXtram'dinaI'_v letter and its totally inexplicable ':1nd'~ unqu,esti0nahly pm'en`1ptur_v _(l.- lmand that she should Ineet him `at the Gharing Cross Post, Office iat. haltlpast t.hr'eebt.0morr0\v af_ lter-_'r}00{1.` 1 L _-__:1__ 11__ l1I'7I. llklllllc Monk had sighd heavily. He !was always a little apologetic ;after making any dmnand of The. |0do1-a, always a little. conscious gut` his immense infm'im'ity to his ilovely wife. ' ` ur.1',.-.....-.,. Y\'\r\ .~.~... Jnultnm Inn 'luvun_y Vvlxu. . - . _ ` I<`o1'givo 1e,_ my darling, he said, taking. her hand and kissing it and than caI'rvs: it as he 1nigl1t.a'cl1ild's. ,You know, my little love, that I don l. want. to make it awkward for you or in any way iIlte1'fGPe.'\\ lth my pnt sl life; and pleasure. lleavet-1 for- fendl I givv her little enough, goodness knows: I am grateful for _evoryl..hing`; however small, she"gives her g1'ood_v old hear of :1 lnushand. D0n't,1hink that,_my Idearest, for a moment. But, at the saxne time, I somehow I thought thattthe `circumstances were exceptional, and that `you [would understand." I . It I not _VV \.'\.alI\l Lllllilxl \7UlIull.\.|o I Yes. deargbut whatean I do?" `she asked, with a `childlike smile ;and a little quivering of her nely lcut nostrils. You know I am `so useless, and 1 always feel such -a fool among `all these "clever people up in this dreadful place ---oh, Glare, how I hate and loathe it._,_I always feel, in the way. Please be a. good lmy and make me happy and let me go. You ll make me miserable if,I- think you wanted me to stay all the` time. You know that, don t you`? _ She gave him one of those a wonderful smiles lhatalways re- ducedhim to a slate of humble submission. Of course, I hate to go away and leave you, dear old 7Glare she went on, and` there was a soft cooing note of ` caress in her lovely voine.It was the surest `weapon in her ar- mory. Glare Monk succumbed; O- ....-...l--` Ska no! ` V1f|l\Y|Y\;'f\l'I` \"l|oltI- \.- .-.-.\;.-..- ...v...._-...... early` the nergt morniriyg, Theodora and her maid, with a considerable` amount. of baggage, left by 'th`e _br`eakfast train for London. ` ISUSIIIBSS. - ~ 1 Notes cashed or collected at the most favorable rates. `I . `Ask D\I\I'II(\a-n AIIOTIITI (`I71 Qnv J..JL'll(IK'll.n The train t0renn its" way south, past smaller editions of Blackport,ugly, utilitarian, vast- ly wealthy towns, `the valiant es- quires of the great overlord whic_ quires" of the great over--lord. which Asiurround. Blackport for n'1_ilesi;a.nd'aI1iles` of hlack"an_d I. A; 8AI\l'18,"|.ana g'6I-. BY Coralie Stanton and Heath Hosken Thrift gauu Ihb,` -auu 'I.uU.:pruc .-any . l M ~Th`e'dOra, l13t..d0virn~ the `Window ` iahd- drew~ in long Ab'rahs._-_ or freshair-air cented with new nay .: Aa-nd . meadow-sweet and that Vcuripus earthy smell of na- ture, suggestive of primal forces `that move on_and on; as `it man were not; but only.At__ime and dys- tiny. ' AL LL- ......;...L T 1;`:-\V4Jr\w\ 1('uv|1`!r\:".`\I`I.D uny. , K %__At the great L0ndon_ ftermih-u`s TheQdpr_a Monk found whee1}_,sAI_ nartL- lylturried qut brougham, with its pair `of thoroughbred bays and_its neat coachmane and foot- man. There was also a small omnibus .,for luggage `and ser- vants. It wa__s noon! the train 9 was punctual -to- the m__inujLe_. - `GI... 1-1`; L-.. -v..`:.-I 1; - r\Ilf\rIv yuzxvuu I. UU U11`; 1 xa.a.;.\.|yx.1_n ~ "She Ten her . ;Ifaid to follow with the lugg`age,_`and drovp straight to Hami1to1:1_.1?la It_ was a stiing=\hot -`aI_1d" misty day-one of those days when London seems to steam". and swel- tel` in a Turkish .b`al1$h---=but Theo- dora drew` the'oz'one_`of the. met- ropolis into her lungs and 'sinil_ ed with content. After all, it was London--and it -"was life. ' L ll..lU.l: 1'd.VUl.'uulU I. anon. - .We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in Canada _or the Unlted States. a s - _ Accounts collected. % Sterling Exchange bought or sold. - Special attention will be given tou the accommodation of farmers in this locality. ' _ Money to Loan on Mortgages. Agency Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. ` Office Hours 10 to 4. BEECROFT, Manager. Her spirits rose. Almost she forgot the greathrooding shadow which was hanging over her, forgot that it mightbe only La matter of hours before her ,man__ tie of honor and respectability were stripped from"'her, forgot: that Van 0st and she had a big: score to settle that very after.. noon. She\\`as thinking of otlierf things--of her London and life. |"l.`onight she would sit in her box at the; Opera-in all her bravery and listenrto Caruso singing E lucan le steele. And later there would be the l`.etchwarrens',V and she wmildgsee Hugh Condor---she' never knew that it would he pos- sihle to miss him so much. And `tomorrow then would be Hur- lingham, and II `gh Condor would be playing polo there---oh, it was all so glorious! She could never. never,/` go back t.o _Bla.ckport. . It killed her it dwarfed her soul it ate like the canker of a fell dis-- nase into the Vitals of her being. Rlackport was suicide. ~Merioneth House, Hamilton Place, London, S.\V., was n.omin_ ally Sir Glare Monk s town resi- dence. t In reality Sir Glare had about as much to do with Mel--. iu;1eth House as he had with. Bucking'ha_m. Palace or the Savoy Hotel. . True; he` paid the rent and the other incidental expens- es, which, by the way, were by no means inconsiderable, but it was purely and simply Theodo_ rats abode, and over it "and its elaborate household she reigned supreme. Sir Glare would no more have "gone there unnounced. than he wouldhave opened Lord Mancrof_t s front door and walked into the Mancroft mansion in Grosvenor Place. It was a small house even for L0ri_d0n, which has been describ- ed by a great Spanish novelist as a vast city of cottages. It was smazller even than mid-Vict0rian Dunbury; but it} was a gem of a house `for all that and it had (me nf_ the finest. hallmoms in the metropolis. It/s"walls were hung with some of the finest and rarf est exarnples of Rennaissance art. The Monk e0lleet.i'm' of Antonin Mom's pnrt.I*aits was wm`ld_fam.. ed. its rent: covered one of the l`iGhf`..'~l. collections of beautiful things in .the way of furniture, china, glass, statuary, to he found in a ve-mile radius of Hyde Park Corner. Theodora was too excited to do justice to the dainty _little meal which was `waiting her in the Powder-Blu_0 _ Room. She ran `quickly through her correspon- dence, and saw Mrs, Camber, her lmusekeeper, and gave a few or- ders" concerning ithe immediate fllture. A great many people had call- ed during the last day or two, when she had been absent in B_lackp0rt,, and her table was lil- tered with invitlaldnns and cards and little notes; But she left them all to 160k after themselv.' es till later in the day, when she vainly hoped her mind would be freer. ALL--. _.._..L:l .41` . her "footsteps. this aftetfnoon. Il.UCln She could -do nothing until af_~ Ler she had seen Van Ost, noth- ing except telphone Hugh Con- doxa. That, at all events, she must do}; to prevent his dogging I _ l,_ _.I nu; a\/~.-u.;..._, ' She was surprised that he hadl not already beerrround, `for she had unwisely sent him a wire before she left Blaekport. She had an idea at the back of her mind that he might be useful. -Hers "was a temperament that saw a possih'le.ally' in everybody; and she ski1.lfully`g`ave everyone With whom she came incontact the impressioh that he or she was theonly real `friend she had in the world. As for les autres, they did not matter. `Hugh Con- dor was/deadly` serious, `he was exceptionally rich, and he-was hers to command in the mallest details of life. ~- A - .-, ,4- 'll_ n___.I.._' LICUCIIID `J5 _ 'The'odor-:;wr'ang up Mr. Condor` `at his club---t.he Marathon, in Pi`ccadil'ly--.-'.but, found that.he was 'o1i t'. V {sh-1e: tried him at his ch`am_ \Il'd.l'U D auauo uuuu. uuu U'\JLAn-gv She took a refreshing b th to take away the fatigue` of the " morning journey, dressed in her quietest clothes, and, withoutl saying where she was going or when she might, be expected back, she left Hamilton Place anout a quarter past three and walked in- to Piccadilly. ' ` - . ' It was really too ridiculous of Van 0st to ask her to do this thing--Lo meet her at Charing Cross Post Office like a love-sick servant. maid meeting her amor- ous Guardsman `lover. V 11. was inevitable hat she would be rec- ognized by someone; and, besid- -.-,-.t -nrxuvr ml-un I\l'|v|";('l`l1lI)`|'Ul`7 l 5llll4l'.7l.l U3 aulucuuu, uuu, nu... es, just now` she particularly did not want to do anything wrongly. Then Van Ost. was really such an impossibleand such a very pro- nounceil persm1-at all events, he, was when she last saw him, and! :1 I3I__IA- 'I_-l L- L-..) setcnnm. no.1 \V\JI-\l\`| l'Il\1 l>L'll\.I\.`lAI\.l\-lL'0 Van Ost was awaiting ho-1'. How saxv her she 0l'()SSO(l the busy; Strand and waitodfnr a. rnmwnt..; on the r:=I`11gv in Lhu middle ufg H10 seething vm-tvx of l1'a'i_c. He; came t<`\\'aI'als hot`, :1. 's`in}mlaI'-* looking gure. enough. with his: loose, ill_fit,ling clothes and his` L1lt.I*a-f0roign appearance. ' ' ,,.. ..._. .l.` A TYA . ., .--,.. l...l..l,.,l wan wutsu DIIU xuou ou\v_ nu, ........ it/was not at all likely hat he had improved by the last two years? residence in In1p0po,, the capital of the Concessionairs Company` known as the B. I. R, C. . _ In Picadilly she hailed a taxi-- eah. and drove to Charing Cross '.`W,.5:lLil)I1. She left the cab outside ithe station, entered by one door ::unl left by anolheer, `buying ani `evening paper from the b0o1 during lier rapid transit. Then` she walked slowly, for she \vas' live minutes hefm'e her time, to- words the 1'e11d(-.7.\'ous. I YT, \.vll tl`J.\vt I lb __ I.Il7l,I\ I..bl\aI.Il\J\.Il _ He was snml a. tw1st,c-,d! black cigar. which he throw 21-. way, and which \V;1S pnuncml up- nn hy a 4.lelig'l1tml hewsho_v. 1 LL mi. __.. 79 L... I\CVl'IlA\;I\'I(LlJ Ah, n'1adan1e, ho exclaimed in a liig'h-pil:l1ecl xmico, as he raised his : 'g'1'0o11 plush hat from his lmad with a {2`esl.1n'(~. -nf pulif.(`Il(`SS,_ .hnw have I eag'eI'l,v awaited your 0011)- aing'!' How are you, n`1adamu`? Come" come, let us get. away from this cr_m'd. I have a taxi axvaiting us at, the corner tlwrc-.V Voila`! Quick. madame, I have the fear that we are being close- ly watc-hed." g tt-_._..:`17..-. ;.-x __.- . A .....-..__ _- ,iL [:[em'i'\{.an Ust,\was a very not->1 icoahle gure even in this c0snm-. politan corner nf Lmidnn; Ho". uwns a ~vm'_v tall man, thin and` n:1rrm\'-r-hested, mm slnping; sl1m1ldn.r.~'. a l0nsel,v-knit glire, a small head. and smaller fave that semned to be all ll().s`(3, with no t'm'el1naIl or chin. His hair. was very fair and very soft and silken. His incipient heard and! t'l()ll`$iVa(L.rll(` vvewo own liglitor than his hair. and nmro Qeilken. It wa the heard of a man who had nevm` slum-`pd: and it loft two` have white patclms of skin just below the full, art.iciall.\-' red- denod plum of an under lip on either side nf the little `button of 1 chin. The hare patclws were .sug-g'nsti\'o of pluckml chicken. lmloed. tho man's complexion was unhoalthily pale and 2111210111.. in. Ho nh\`i;msl_\' pmV'dm`ml his t cl1(=ek:~' and tmlchnd them up.` as_ well as his full, 1ir1ploasant,_ln?)k- ing lips , with I'uug`o m` coloring. His eyes \vm'e c'nlm'less. and spoke of absinthe and 0t.11m' in- dulgence. .They were set. ` Very close together. and gave thn ah- suwlly articial face an imprns; sion of exceeding gunning. Cosnieties had also played their part with his lashless eyes and eyebrows. The over-red lips displa._ved a set. of prominent, milk-wheite teeth. `I 1` llIlII\*\VlI.lll\,v l,\.r\.1UlIq He was dressed in a suit. of lmliutmnpn grey rnalerial, resem_ bling a kind of tussm'e silk. He wore a vividly pink shirt, with a large, o.innain0n-c0lnre~.d boys` of `the type usually h1.1t._nrmnnm1sly associated with the Quartier La- tin. His collar and cuffs-were of. the same hue-and mal,eI'ial as his wonderful shirt, and the latter displayed elaborate solitaires, i_n which many precious stones ap- peared to-have been set, irrespec- tive of taste or utility. III! V: LIA UIlI*'U\/ `_Il \.I\I|AauVI His boots were of light, lemon- colored patent leather, with white kid 11ppers--h00t/sq of extreme length and narrowness, with toes which, `although pointed, were at their extreme end per- fectly square. The heliotrope trouzerswere turned -up, a l Ang_ lais.,, `so high that, although the boots were buttoned like a wo- man s halfway uptthe emaciated calf of the` man, they displayed `socks of a vivid and impossible tartan. .\ 1'7. __.2 1'7--- f\._.1 .... L- Dal ball: i ' This- was Henri Van O.st as he appeared in London--Henri Van Qst, t.he general managereof the British Iruhwe Rubber Company, which was just at the moment forming the- principal topic of foreign political c.ontro_V:3rsy.. rn|._ .._.__.. .....:....`l..A 1......-. knnni nu...` JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auotiqneer and Appraiser , _` F6r `County 'o'f'Simc0e.. Prepfred to `conduct Sales at reasonable rates. ..Sa.t./isfaction guaranteed. I gain 1I|__-n-|_I Au. nu--- can ,r~Lv 1511 yxunuxuuu -.z.uz.u.u_v_,.u.,.. I 0 The man might have been` any age aI'I'.0IIlf'LW 6ul;y-uvc W ..._.,,_. .. held himself erect enough-~h,is ' corsets vsavw to that/---and he , moved with, at jaunty air '- From him exuded a very potent perfume"--it was'the odor of a mixture of lavender, Eau dc.Gol- og'ne~, and Jockey Club; called in the _perfumery_ price lists Par- fait Amourfj _ . _ His hands were glovedin lemon kid, and he wore a large `pink rose in his buttonhole; also, he car- lried an umbrella that resemble a lady's parasol. , e Theodora `visibly shuddered' at the appa-rition; It was far Worse than she had expected. - -It was literally appalling. She gave him her hand instinctively. With the a'iif_ of `a -courtier on the stagehe raised "it to his rouged lips and bovvcd very loW.- - --____ ..........-.n nhnnn 'n1gd_ DUWUu' VUl`_y 1uv\.- ~ At your service,. chere mad- ame, he said unctously, -..-. ___A;1._... ....'..n.-1 glqn 'd.l_llU, HU acuu LII]-\JL'LJLADlJ.` ` T. Without another_ word she followed him` to the taxicab, whichwas waiting by the kerb at` {theforner of Duncannon street. ........_I. ...\`n..nnv~.nocv I,'I.lT,7 LIKJI. LILIL LIA .-.114-;.n-av---~-`-- V _ Forgive the great eagerhss I_display-,; madame, he said`, [speaking in his- ugly Belgian, !P`re11ch, but later I will fully ex- plain, and you-will see that for everything I have done and am doingtlletfe is more than a suf. ficient. i*eas?0n." n aI_-1 -....1,.:,..1... H V` ll`7I (7 (ll (7 VVI1 f3\J.l.lLD o Leave evm`ythi'ng' to `me, chem madame, he answmed, with ex- m1ggerat,ed courtesy and with an !air of ridiculously overdone my- {s_'t,o,_r`y H_1at 1nade_`hm` feel `i_nc1i`n;erl n .llUl.Ulllv lcaauu. / I am sure of that, m sieur, she murmured. But tell me--- lwhere are we going? ur ,.,.~-_11.:._ _. I... -...,... nlnnnn -jl;I7I."V IIIIID `IJIC/It`J\J ll rl nu/\Il I I`/In ;u 't.n.lau.2'h aloud. am fully alive hvli0\'=. mv, my (leaf Inarlame, to the dangnrotis positinn of affairs. [Mar:lame s safety and.{2,'00d name gnnuld I1()fAp().~`Sibly he in better $lkuoping.` He Ilodrled with a sly glook of c.unnin.;:`. She thmyzht at. the Inmneut that his was the face of a rat. A 1 I X I I-(lb\:'(.`uv`kJ(kl`.ICV1l.IuLl|;l\.lIl. ,B\Auw A w A A u v V vu- J20 Bayfleld St. Phone 191 (hiders left at A. F. A. Mar1 com- Son's Oftice will receive prompt at,tentirm, T O11t,sidu-b'uym's being` present. possibly had smnething to do witlr the a(l\'au1ceul price of eggs, lwhich rnatlily changed owncI'ship 1-at 3/: {and per dozen, for those whn I]( .f`.ll(`d unl_\;' a. dozen or ltvm. B"11t.te-.1` also was -'10 to 430. `Rhubarb made - an appearance, `Ul(iill,{.;`h in Incalgre. quantities. P0- ti1f1`)E`.S were scarce. % U Average place? were a loWs:-- `Butter, 1b.. 4 .Eggs, d0'/.4911 . . . 3 `Fowl, dressed, lb. - 3 Beef Heart .. .. .. Beef, hinds, lb. . . . :Beef, fm-es, lb. .. .. .. ll`)1'esse(l Pork, lb . . . . lYm1n=g- pigs, pair . . . . . il ()'1l('reS, basket. .. . . . . . -Potatoes. hag` .. .. .. .. Seed potatoes, bag` . . $2.50. Parsnips, basket . . . . . . Beets, basket . . .. Oryions, basket. .. . Gi'een onions, bunch . . Seed Onions, lh~. Apples, Spy, .. Driedlsage; . . '. . . Summer Savory, hunch . . Thyme,` bunch . . . . . . Horsepfladish, . . . Clcvver Honey, . Clover Honey, 5..lb. pail . . Maple Syrup, . . .. Buttermilk. . . . .. ., . Knitted socks, pair . . . '_Knitted mitts,Vpair Hay, mu .. T. .. $412.00. Wstraw, ton . . . . . . .. J M. ;J. BE.NN AN HoIneseeke[r s .Excu`1`sion to \Vest,ern Canada at ~att.ractiv'e `fares each Tuesday until October 31st, via._Canadian _Pac.ic,o the Pioneer Route to `the VVest,A Par- .tic1ilars from any Canadian Pac- i.o.Agent or W. B. Howard; Dis- trict Passenger Agent Toronto, [.141 {III fIl'\ -Alliston -- W'h'eat $2.25. oats 750.,` hay $l0,00-$12.00. potatoes $3.00-$/1.00. but.ter. 36-37c.,, eggs 300... chicken 20_22c.. nu;-\ .- :r\.L|:u\Ju LI.--x\ru, \.-can u\.--uuu. St.aym`ar-Butt.m4 38-/400., 320-., chicken -i~5-18'c. All` I 1Iv1- 1 mm A-- Elmvale--+ Fall iwheat $2.15 _ $2.30, oats 70-750., pdtatnns $2.50-$3.00, chicken 20c., `bul.t,er 3`7-380., eggs 30c. A chance for Those Going West Ont. [Your Reading Needs}

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