Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1917, p. 4

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Lt.-C01. Sam. Sharpe, in writ- ing his mother said: He`-was buried with full military honours on April 2nd., .in a little ht0wn~a- bout three miles from here. A Company, to which he belonged, attended infa body with the band and .a..,.-ring party, and the Rev- .15`..- A-Jnrl I>u nf nn;I1-:n' and [bu Jun: UL vy. I Pte. Da.ve- McMast.er, who is undergoing medical t1'eatment in Toronto, is home on a two weeks leave. ' A` up 1 n ya House-cleaning time b71-in:.>,'s a demand for wall paper of whiffh l:`isher_~ s have alarge a.ssort.merit.A| uvgga Mrs. J. S. Duff and Miss Din- woody spent, a few days in Tor- onto lastweek. '. -rs ' \IlLu\_I lI.Iv|-Ill. vv uunn. A number from Barrie `attend- ed the memorial service for Pte. Frank Rankin on'Friday evening. `III.-- 1'_'I___ `l'|-:_.-_. -0 fV....--A~n I usut 11115 -3. In a letter received, Pte..Cli'fton Kell who is now in.F'ranee states -that hewas at the funeral of the late Jim. Sutherland and that he was given a respectful burial by his comrades. ~ now with the battalion, conduc- ted the service `in a very suitable manner, and he was laid to rest with full emilitgry honors. I at- tended topaymy last respects to` the boy and you and your family have my sincere sympathy.` From ac-counts, your boy was an ex- ceed-ingly good soldier and it is to be greatly. V regretted- ..tl,1a.t~;.he ..died without a-n opportunity to Fmeetthe-enemy.e~-f ` . ' T `The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morningin Cookstown is George E. Thompson. News items for Gookstown and adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 nds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for warded through Mr. Thompson.` _ ' Most farmers around this com- munity have made good progress with their seeding, all seeming Lotake an interest in the further production campaign. The wheat around this section of the coun- try on the average seems to be [a fair crop. ' ~ hi- 'nA-.-_ `n.I;...1\l'..\1.... ...'|.... :,. Marwood of Barrie spent the week_-end wih? his A parents here. Miss Nina Ross 1'et.urned to herl home in Toronto on Friday last after an extended visit, with her sister, Mrs. T. A. C. Banting. u -_`_ _'MI`. V way`, .....u- a_IvvvlV.A -;u.ua.s1;u-no /- I `Harvey Corbett of Barrie is: spending this weekhat his home here. w-\- . . . .-v trip to Toronto last Friday. (`ll-..\,.. 'I"I' . . . . . A * .......J `....~..'l-- -1.` TI`.-. " . . I Harry Fnsher made a busmess `.1. n.uI;LL1.\ .lWlaIalAl\lll 01.1 .1. LJLAIAIJ K17`-Ill.---at Mrs. John `Rayner of Graven- Vhurst spent oyer Sunday at Robt. |Ma_rling's. 1.. - 1-11 . _ _ . . ..:-...A `ht... {`!:'l`L,-..nI NEWS OF COOKSTOWN Mrs. Scott and John Monkman of Toronto spent over Sunday at John Gouse s. l-...--uV... .4.-u .1-.--.\.-uu.4o , Pte. "Frank Agnew is now with: `the J`73rd Batt. Higlllandex-s in England- 1\l'..'I-..'l`l.. 1Il-1i1;..1J-_. 1.. ..l..:_..:_. ._. _ Once more our town has suffer- ed the loss oianother of its boys. Official word was received on: Fri- Ldaylast that Pte. Walter Thomas v The Misses Graham have clos- ed up their home and have gone to Toronto where they will take positions.` ' V IX..- .,1_' AL. \._'I__ _-,_,__ McFadden is driving; the rural mail for Wm. Jehb; Wm. Robinson,- who has the] contract to build six houses in St. Gatharines, left for there on Monday, accompanied by Ed. Ar- nold, .Wm. Corbett and Thomas i.Ma.rling. `II ... .....I ll-.-` A..-.I......- `I1...-...;-...-.. Dear Mada1n:- AS company commander of A Company of this battalion, the unpleasant duty falls to my lot of informing you of the facts concerning the unfort_unat'e death of your son, S. A. Herbert. We were practic- ing` a platoon in attack on a sys- tem of trenches using live bombs and live rie grenades. Eourteen platoons had gone over the course when `the platoon to which your son belonged ha.d its turn. Your], son was a rie grenadier and was ring an imaginary point. a- long with the others of his sec- tion. I myself was near the scene of the action when I heard a .4r.enacle explodein the trench. closely followed by another. I realized at once that something was wrong as the bombs were further down -the trench and no one \\'(`Hllt'.i be throwing live bombs in that place. Hurrying over. I found to my horror that one man was wounded and pro- ceeding l`urther found the body of your son. He never suffered, death was instantaneous. I have made u ..un.uva Al Lgc, . -Mr. a.no Mrs. Andrew Ramsey left this week for Toronto where lthey will make their future home. Memorial Service I A memorial service, to honor the memory of the late Pte. Frank Rankin, who died ghting for his country onpApril 10, was held at St. John s Church on -Friday ev- ening last. The large assemblage of peop.le that were `present was a mark of the esteem in which he `was held by the people of Cooks- town and the surrounding coun- try, People drove many miles to be present. A very` appropriate sermon was preached by Rev. W. Creswicke. At the close of -the service Rev-._ J. H. Moore made a very suitable address. Rev. Mr. Lowe of Bond Head also was pre-l sent and assisted inthe service. Seats were reserved for friends of the deceased and additional `seats for the friends of those in khaki - ' A _ Inn 1-. __ _ Ital: J Mrs. Harry Moore, after an` extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Coleman, re- turned on Monday to her home at Eganville, T-.7_.,__...1_ 'I`-l_.-_-,, A` fi'Il', ,1 .._.O-.~... . -..v- Mrs. Fank Bateman of Gilford and Mrs. Smith of Barrie visited at Jas. D0n.nell s on Sunday. r-Q --. One of the daily papers states that boots will be $20.00 a pair. Fisher s stock is complete at very Elittle advance. ' ta 1 1 u 1 -x . .;un-nu IAa\41v\H&L\/\/ I i Mrs. Cowan and daughter Ber_. itha have returned to town. after Ian extended visit, with friends at .'Milt0n and pundas, ..-n ! ]OPI1, on Tuesday, May 8, tag Mr. and _Mrs. Fred.. Rainey, a daughter. A__ _......._..'l....... _.-......L __..... .l...._-..\| y uvun.c..uv- - An aeroplane went over town on Sunday. '91. w'-. Thomas Killed had been killed in action. Pte. `Thomas enlisted with the 157th Batt. and was one of the rstof the Home Guard to volunteer for active service." He had only been out in Canada about three years! and during his stay around this` community he had made many friends. He` worked on the farms of Messrs. Gilroy, Averal and Robinson. His brother, Reginald Thomas,-who has been living` a- round this part, volunteered for active service but was turned down on account of his lieaitiiig. Pte. Thomas has another brother who has given his life for his country. In religion hewas an Anglican; His many 1'rienrls are grieved to hear of his death, but console themselves with the thought that his life was well- spent. an investigation and the cause of the accident was a defective car- tridge. The g1'ena.r.le ineqnestion is [)lEl(_'t`c| in a (`up attached to the imi'/.7.leofl1iorifle and a pin hold- I ins` the spring that drives the striker onto the cup that setsre to a fuse . which explodes the charge in the bomb, is drawn out. The cup prevents this spring from working until the bomb is clear of the cup. What happen- ed in this case was that the car- tridge was strong enough to throw the bomb out of thecup far enough to allow-the spring to work and then it fell back. Pro- bably your son did not notice that the spring had acted until it was too `late. Your son hadrecently been with us in ,our trip up to the line and there, as in every other case, conducted` himself as a Canadian. soldier. should. Since he joined my Company at Witl-ey, your son was a model of what a soldier should be. His platoon commander, and comrades all speak most highly of him and the most general regret in felt at his most unfortunate death.` I made it my personal business to at once do all that could he done, and battalion arrangements will be made for a .man who died just as much for Canada as if he had fallen on the eld of battle. county of Simcoe children's Aid V . Society Donations since Dec. 1st, 19.16 511` all individuals who can alford to give, all churches, schools. so- eieties und.1`ns_titutes, as well as municipalities, will do something to help the Children s Aid work it will prosper as never before. .Note carefully the following donl aliens and see if you cannot do something` to help such a worthy cause:--- ` Collingwood Branch C.A. $25.00 D. T. Rees, Xmas gift .. . . 10.00 Miss Porter, Xmas gift .. 1.00 Miss M. Redditt, Xmas gift 10.00 Midland Methodist S. . . 7.00 Miss N. E. Ardagh .._ . . . . 5.00 H. L. TarBush, Angus . . . . ` Angus Methodist Church 2.00 Crown Hill Women s Inst. 5.00. _The Horton Family, Barrie 3.00 `Miss Mabel V. Miller, .. .. 7.50 `Andrew Carson. .. . . 5.00 Mrs. Wartes .. . . . . .. .. 2.00 T. A. Holhrook, Stayner. . 5 i00 Other Sub`ns., Stayner . . .. 17.00. Corporation of Alliston .. 50.00 Village oficreemore .. .. 20.00 Town of Sitayner .. . . '. . 15.00 Town of Midland . . .. 25.00 Tp. of Innisl .. .. .. .. 10.0 Tp. of Flos.. .. .. .. 10.00 PI"! PI` 'KT(\TT'RY fV If so,'bear in mind that the Canadian Pacic offers especially good train service, with the nest possible equipment including Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars. to Winni- peg and Vancouver by one of the most picturesque routes -in the world, .-_I-1__l -_._.`I__ VV \Jl- l\lO If a trip is contemplated, apply to any C.P.R. Agent for full par- ticulars or write W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toron- to, Ont. - A L 28-29 K Ask for |I|inar`d s and take no! other. ll:-e You Going Wet This Sprlng?} T. T. YOUNG, Secretary-Treasurer County papers will please pub- lish free. ' 10.00 If you. have anything to sell, patronize "The Examiner and Saturday Morning Adlet Column. ,Some person may want what you haveto sell- rrtnun A\JULI v Mr. and i\l1`.~`. .-Xmirnw Potts and-' daug'hl..er Irene went to Barrie to bid good-bye to their s0I1,a11_d brother, T. E. Putts, who V left Camp Borden for Camp Mohawk, lhvsserontio. u \r- r~r I Y\I 2,] ux v:.a.u1\.v. Ml`. John and Miss Helen Blain were Called suddenly to Toronto to see their uncle, James Blain,F who is seriously ill. In the following letter, writ- en to Mrs. Herbert, Major H. P. looke-gives particulars of the accident:- ` ` I115 lvllT)lllDC'lVlJC. W'he'n they are older, let them earn a little money in some way, so as to get an idea of its earn- ing power. To .teach_ a child the buying power of money-without letting him learn the earning power is only half the lesson."-- Kathleen E. Steacy, in Every- wom"an s Vvorld. ` T . VIGO . 1 (Too Late for Last Week) \ The box social held by the W.I. at No. 17 was a decided successu Proceeds were $40.35, to he usd for patriotic work. ` I II ... A...) \l_. . l.._.!.....-. `I\,.Ltn nv~.rl' \Jl.llIlII.`s) 11\ LV- A n.umbm' of the farmers have started seeding. Let us hope that Cs:-ma.da may have a bumper crop this year. ' ' - `children Should Be Taught The Real. Value of Money T`~"1.`eac-.h children the value of money. They must. learn `some! day, and their mistakes are less liable to be costly if made while they are under your care. I.cn:--_ 41..-... .... ,.I1,....nn.-U. ll-. ,,.\,...,w.; .l\Il l`ll\JLl\/ The small child may have to` supplyhis own pP,Il(*ilS and 13-30.. km. knife, and the little ;'.;`i1*l her hair ribbons and handkerchiefs. G0 with them at first to buy |,!u-Se things, but,letT tl1em'~do the buy- ing themselves. ~ cvnrn-.- 11.--- ....... ,.1.-1.... I-J I-Innnw VVll`l 10 .7111 ILI\.lul.'y nun. . I Mrs. Jalnes SIUIUI and daugh-n tel` Be1'_Vl, are visiting` friends and [rel-.1live,s' here. .u- n I UIIUJ ulb \LI.lLJ\_1I J \_v\.Il uuun V. I Give them an allowance, with an understanding that they musi; supply certain of their own wants out of it. Then let, them go without if they fail to make provision for these wants. M'I'u.... -...,.-.n ,.I..:l,-l vr1(\Iv l..=n.~.~. in These Brands are 2nd to none, all guaranteed or money refunded We exchange Flour, Bran and Shorts for Wheat. Chopping Tuesdays and Fridays. ` Ask your grocer for these Hours or phone Gookstown. Cookstown LF,lour Mills KHAKI BRAND MANITOBA FLOUR WATER LILY BLENDED FLOUR MOSS ROSE PAS TRY WHITE WHEAT FLOUR radford, late of O1-il1ia' and -tl..,u1 1115 l~"r"` "J ) I-usnu _uI,au LI\JYa` Manufacturers of 100 plants, your choice, deliv- ered $1.00. Catalogue free. PARADISE OONSERVATORIES I-'. 0. Jones _ Beamsville, Ont. Fruit. Plants I We furnish cans, pay chargers- and give prompt services. . Ask; any shipper. The Toronto Creamery 00., Ltd," church Street, we on A AMA We are opeh to buy cream fc-v` churning and table use. ' \Vrit.e for p1`lC6S. The g'u1'_es of yesterday ma;~:' `he too low for tomorrow. 16-2,-I. F. H. ROBINSON these investments may be pur-:= chased at prices that will give`? returns approximately of 5%. 6`?! and 7%. If you are not familiar? with this form of investment; Write, Phone I I2, or call on I . t H. BENNETT, 57 Dunlop Street. g Barrie, Ont., who will be pleased to furnish full information. and_ transact your business Free of _._-- -....-_-- L`. __--_ b Constitute safety, Sale-bability. Miss Smith, who has been vis- iting` with her sister, Mrs. (Rev'.) J. 'H._Mo1'e, returned to her home `in Toronto this we'ek. nrv and Regular Government War Bonds, Municipal Bonds and Debentures Vegetable Plants Cream Wanted Superior. . . ` J Investments % exEense to nts Flower Plants 50 Varieties EARLY Income. To-day V011. * The Quarterly Official Board of: the Methodist Church met at; Bethesda on Tuesday evening to sum up the business for the yearkl v" -"'i Toronto, Ont. ..v.V--..v ...--.4 VV... -f`Jas; Grant of C'zinn_i11gt,0n spent a feworlays last weekwith his sis- |ter, Mrs; David Coleman.-,. .TT.. _ . . . __ f`|..\-.'l....l.L A1` T\.._....2.. 1.. u: it] uxl .I.\1L \Jll.\I\J Auauu .1. l.l\.AI.Aa. I Chas. Henson and family of To- ronto spent over Sunday with his parents, `Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hen- son. -T ` ` 1- (V 1-. An 1 nr- 1\-

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