Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1917, p. 3

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Notice hereby given. pur- suant to R.S.O. 1914, and'Amend- lug Acts that all persons having any claims or demands against the late` George Greaves, who `died on or about the sixteenth day of Apr, 1917, at the Town of Bar- rie, in the County of Simcoe, are required on or before i the first {lay of June, 1917, to send by .post prepaid or to _de1_iver to the un- dersigned, Solicitors for the Exe- cutors of the Estate of the said George Greaves, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and state- ments of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. 1...! 1-1`- $-12..- Ll.-1. ...0.l.An `kn DA LSTON Page Phone 611- cAsTLcmA ' For _ % The Kind%You~|Iajle .A|uays wgMA 1 ch i 1` d b y 1 '1' forcing him . to swallow l nauseous .' and mixtures." Children ..read these remedies, and this leads them to hide the *3 mi sick. little ills until serious troub- ` le results. Most of child- hood s troubles originate in constipation and disorders of the stomach. To correct these conditions you will find nothing better than Chaniberlainfs Tablets One tablet at bedtime will do the work and make your child bright and sunny the following morning. The liver is stimulated, the stomach cleansed and the bowels puried - safely end gently. Little folk: appreciate them . `IE --..a- -1 -1! J_-l___ -,, wnnv-nu. vu uauuvinllvllul IVIFIIII 5 H The new q1'eat1on_ answers with: nal `a':1'.":~.onty aII`l` gf uzzlmg 5 queshons sv1f1,1 as How 18 _ zemyst pronounced! . Where, Is Flwn-,3 ders? What. is a. continuous voy- E age? What is ahow2'tzer? What -3 13 white coal? How is skat\pro- i nm1rmnd`? and f.hn11s:nndsnnfnl-Imw: E IUI ` Superiority of Educationalerit. The new creation answer: with? .....-.v -v---w_ ,-.-_,'-vvuv-sv --`mu 25 mm at all daaltrs. orfnu Cluubetlail Medicine Cm, `brunt An`; sTE{{r 1 x13."1'. $5 STEWART, . Executors Solicitors. 1 Barrie, Ontario. ~THE 00., Ltd. IIII 1'03 IIUILI lJ_) lIllUllln And take notice that after the first day of June, 1917, the said Executors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said de- ceased among the persons entit- led thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said Executors will not be liah'le for the said assets or any part thereof to any person ofiwhtose claim they shall-not then have re- ceived notice. `an. 9`- AL_1.`...l.`I-. atngi the hy'drants~'.am`p1.e to c'oi`>e] with a "fire in that institution and report to this Council, as soon as possible. `if more hydrants and larger mains are required. _ |N8PEGTORv.TAY.\8 ~ . ~ put cars $120 non: \7V4isdoi;1---S6u_ls` :--- That` the. rqsxldents who have ashes .in then; back yards, that interfere with, ga1"deI{ing,V be given the privilege to put .t.hem oI1.the street. rt!` /Horsfield -- Lennox --4 That ing consideration of this Council not: demanding any 0 -`the surplus funds, of the Lig Land Water Depts. this.Council ask the Com- missroners to reduce the hydrant rental to this corporation. \ & \4ll|J|,| U\J V I I I O V 5 % u n V - >1 ` The Water and Light Commit- "tee was asked. to consider the ad- ` visabjlity ofplacing a light on. Sophia St. `between Oweniand Clapperton St., one on Grove St. a block westrof Bayfield St. and an0(her\on Bla.k.e St. in-place Qf the one removed to James St._ `heve E;-uent o1}jVt.ed to the] Sophia _St. light as being noti nearly so much needed there-a_s in` many other parts of the town. - -`C -\ . . . . . 1'1 _.__,n..IJ v - w --qv w.,--...~ I... -_ V- Ald. Davis and Ald. Horsneldl pointed out that this light had! twice been ordered by Council. There are `several houses, with 12 or '15 children on this street: which is xfery dark. and without a I sidewalk. 5 ' `I , nn -l!\Ol'|..uv. Ljlll\J VV Lltllll Thursday, May 29,.at 9.30 am. was set. for. the first sitting of the G011rl; of- Revision. I Tyrer---BenI1ett~-- That the] Clerk be instr11ct.ed to look after the o'i0e work in cmmect.i0_n with the En.{:ir1ee1*`s oifice during his absence.`as an `Engineer is not, nngagecl and that he he allowed $12.50 per .1n0nl.h for such extra .._-.1. - 5, Ivvcux W0 rk. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER "of the Estate of Gecrrgo Greaves, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Retired Farmer, deceas- ed. VV lH'1\. Clark--VVisd0m -- That the Chairman of the Board of Works have tile drain repaired on.Cum.. berland St. at W. McC1eary s_ house. ' ~ 7` - - V 4 -. TI`I.\n# .5114-\ llUl1U- - LennoX---R0gers --- That `the Board of Works consider the ad- visabili_t,v of grading Maple Ave. and Mary St. rbelow Welling't_011 Street. `t,__ 11.... - Gr`:-\v::{=r\1I -~-`N -......, W 7 V A Inotion introdtlced by Reeve Bennett to authorize the Chair- man of Works to p1.'u-chase a scarier was rlebgxted at some length and t,h(-3Q _t-eferre(i to com-T m_it.t/ee .T \ _ ,_ _:n.,-_ :-/N` .. rnnnlnlnn 111u.l.uU._ \ This scarinr , is a maohine which is attaelied to the steam {roller for the purpose of break- ing up the road, so that it, will be possible to grado tho metal up to the cent..re and wm`k .`it into propel` shape by I'nll'ing. I \ ll. -._--..L.l `l\tL vv-nnnpn [uuyxa L'Iau\1u\z .~_, -. WV ._,__, The Reeve thought the mach- me would be a good l1n'e'stment iflit could do the work claimed. With no good gravel available and` labor-scarce, the machine would save the price of itself in one `sea- son and would -also give good roads. rn __., 1.-.! :.,.L....u1nn:I in. L'Ul1Ub. v . Ald. Tyre:-`had intervlewed in` the Barrie hospital a man from Camp Borden w.ho had large ex- perienoein road and cement work and this man s opinion was very strongly in favor of the machine. Deputy Souleswas sceptical as to'the usefulness of the machine, sayingvthal he did not think it would be any good _ except on Blake and Louisu.Sts. It would make other streets worse instead ofhetter. u----._ ........{...q II\o if `I 1'Ull has U ua..\. Al_d. Rogers was of the opinio_n| that it would be wise to see one of these machines in operation before. buying. * ` _ The purchase of the machine had been strongly recommended by the Town Engineer, but, the Council decided that further con, sideration was necessary before taking action, 2 _.--u..- 01 neutral`. - . Th,e Mayor argued that itl would be false economy to keep patching up Dunlop St. when a- machineike this could pe se- cured, making possible a good . n..`.....;., Tnum gdviqnd Vgninq JUIJ. Deputy Lowe advised going slow on .expen.ditures this year and_'Ald, Horseld said`~t_hat it would `t-akelhundreds of dollars to put Dunlop St. in shape after it was torn up. . . Whether by a scarier or not, said Ald. .Wisdom, `something should he done to fix up Dunlop St., which is a disgrace to` the town. --~ W-.. n.....:.... nn:r] Hnnl n nnmnnf LUWII. M-ayor Craig said that a cement roadway is what. is needed, and the Reeve remarked that the only` way to?builed s,uc.h`\a road is by `frontage tax. ~ AI.) n.-......n rune nf` {ho nnininn uulveu IIOLICB. _ ` . . _ 'Dated at Barrie, t,pis`t-hirt1eth- day of April, 1917. ~~..-..-.-.-_ :. 4-nu-u-u-I-J11-rA!\r`l'l If the relatives of soldiers who have been killed or wounded would notify The Eaxminer iin.. mediately, the names will be pub- lished at the earliest possible moment thus notifying all rela- tives and friends. As the infor- mation is invariahly telegraphed toithe nearest of kin from Ottawa first, the names do not appear in thecasualty list for three or four days after. The Examiner will give prompt attention to any tel- ephone message or other notie- ation. in these matters. I Tel_e;_ phone 194, or after '6 o clock, 224 ..L. 01`! V y..\l.\.' - 0!` 316. (Continued from f`>a,/ge 1) May Buy a Scarier call, Th,,Examiner Important. changes are taking! place at the (._.`:.T.R. depot here. . .s. Marshall, A. Kirkpatrick andl G. (1. Allan have each had build-l ings Inovml (luring the past week.| ....Go west. young men, go west. So said Horace Greeley, and our barber, Benson Morris, has taken the `advice, going west of the `G. I`.R. track and using: i part of the `hotel building. . . . John J. Barry of West Toronto .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J._l Hampton Blackmore at Barry- more.. . .After twenty-ve years of faithful service `with the G. T. R. at Lefroy. A. G. Gulston hasl A been promoted to Riverdale, Eastl Toronto, v}-'it.h the above Com- pany. Mr. Gulston not only did| -good work for the G.T.R., but al- so for the general public. To -Show in a slight manner their appreciation a number gathered at the station to say farewell and at the same. time presented Mr. Gulston with a club bag and Mrs. Gulston with a purse of coin. A.g Kirkpatrick read the address and[ .. ..--.~.1...... -vnrsvsn T n-Fnnxr Rollo. Ewart. and Churchill gave short. speeches, `all stating how in all these years they had ap- preciated the treatment. and. courtesy of the retiring agent. The gathering dispersed after singing Auld Lang Syne." . . . . . . A very pretty wedding took place recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. c. P McL_e11nan when their} only daughter. Mabel, became the wife of Mr. Thos. White. Ha,m-l ilton, Ontario, is their present 'address_...'.Lefroy welcomes a former employee of the G. T. R. here. "Fred. Tebo, of King, Station, who will take the place vacated by Mr. Gulston. . . .Nothing but theo"icial message of the wound- . ing of Pte; -Harvey. Reidhas been received by his mother, Mrs. Jas. Reid. .I\.1l'l\lJi1.lJl1UI\ LUCILI uuu IIKILOI uuu -.~--ul \a number from Lefroy, Belle `May 8--Harry Davis of Toron- to spent the-week_end with his parents. . . .A number from here` attended thememorial servicefor the late Pte. Frank Rankin of Coekstown. Friday evening". . . . . Mrs. Jas. Lennox is visiting T0- " ronto friends. . . .Sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Coxworth and Mrs. AMc.Quay in the death of their bro- ther, Pte. T. R. Speers, who was killed in Franc'e recen't1y . . . . . . A. Thompson has purchased a new Ford Car. . . .Sacrament will. - be observed in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath lI"_norni\pg.,. . : Samuel Elliott `lost a a val(1a.ble' News from Neighbpring Townships COAL COAL] Mrs. E. O`Neill, Anne Street, Brockville, Ont., writes: I was `troubled with nervousness, heart trouble, dizziness and a `eneral run-down comlltlon of it e system, and itwas. only with iliificultythat I"eould do my work. I `had doctored for sometime without much re-- sult, until a friend in Ottawa advised me to try Dr. Chase s jNerve Food. I did so, and `af- ter taking a treatment found a `great improvement. I can now get a good ,night s rest and am able to do my work much more easily. When I am not feeling just up to the mark I take a few of the Nerve Food Pills,'and find-v` great `benet from them. I am glad to rec- ommend the use of Dr. Chase s Nerve Food to anyone sufferu. mg from nerve trouble of any kind." Mr. Wm. H--.. Moore, Buell SL, Bvotgkville, 0nt., writes: I was troubled with dizziness and sick stolnach-for slime lit- tle time; my heart action was weak and circulation poor. -I vheeame mstless and easily_tir- ed. 1.0-ommenced a treatment .. of Dr. Chase s.Nex-ve' Food, and found almnsl, immediate relief. I have taken about six boxes of this splendid remedy, and intend to still continue taking them. as they have been /of. such benet to me. get night rest, just _ few `Nerve Food W ! Lu UIILIU Ll I by ,uli:l.h 1 uuuiu uu Chas_e Nerve Food. af- foimd to do the Pills, and benefit rec- ommend C.hase Nerve Food anyone ing nervetrouble ' Easily Fatigued F _ a_ of s Nerve found immediate benefit of. set my nerves all going. See- ing your ad. in the newspapers, Isentfor atrial box of Dr. Ghase s Nerve Food, tried it, and bet'ore nishing could see such `an iniproveinent that I continued the treatment until 1- was completely cured 01 all nervous trouble. I have no difficulty now in getting a good night s rest, and do not mind staying alone at all. I have recommended_ Dr. Ghase s Nerve Food to `many of my friends. who have used it with splendid results. Nerves Exhausted .,Mrs. F. Robinson, 30 Have- loek Sl., Brockville,_Ont., writ- es: I suffered from nervous- ness, sleeplessness, headaches. and dizziness Dr. Chase s .Nerve Food was recommended to me by a friend, so I com- menced using it, and found it of` such benefit that. I continued the treatment until I was com- pletely relieved. I was also troubled with constipation and I nd that this treatment; has relieved me of that too. I have recommended Dr. .Chase s Nerve Food to __many of my friends, who have also obtain- ed good results. ` 5l.ll_LBl.l UUUDUFS, DUL they 010 not seem to understand my case. I saw Dr. Ghase s Nerve Food adverti-sed,e and as. it seemed to fit my case I decided to tr_v it. vEven from the first the Nerve Food seemed t.o a- gree with my stomach, and I was soon able to eat and digest my food. I continued the treatment. until I fully recov... ered, and now I would recom- mend the use of Dr..Chase s Nerve Food to anyone sufl ering from nervous indigestion. Sick Headache Mrs. E. H. Hutt, 262 Brock St., Brockville, Ont., writes`:-- Lastwinter I was hotlered with severe sick-headac es, biliousness, nervousness and sleeplessness. I also had trouble with my bands; they used to go to sleep and some- times there would be no feel- ing at all in them. I could not wash dishes, knit, or do any- thing like that, I had been doctoring for some time. with- out results. One day a friend `said to me: Why don t you try Dr. Chase s Nerve Food? It will help you. So I decided to try it, and while taking the rst box-I began to feel a lit- / Mrs. F. A. Meager, 1 Park St. South, Brockville, Ontario, writes: I suffered for years from nervousness, sleepless- ness and weak spells I had neuralgic pains thrcTiI gh my body and very severe pains through the back; my nerves twitched something dreadful. I had indigestion, and could not eat any solid food at all. My heart action was weak, the circulation very poor, and my gums and lips used to be blue. I went. to see the--doctor, but `he told me there was no cure for me. I therefore tried Dr. Chase s Nerve Food, and am pleased to say that they have helped me wonderfully. I can now eat much better, and can take solid food without any difficulty. T I have taken four boxes, and during that time have gained twelve pounds. I am so much better that I in- . tend to continue the treatment, for I am confident they are`-the things to take to build up the system, give strength and make one feel like oneself a- gain. I had tried lots of other medicines. but they did not do me any good. I hope this let- ter will help others who may have suf`f`ered_in the same way as I have. r. Chase s Nerve Food Dizziness LEFROY` 50 cents a box, a full tfeatment of 6 boxes for $2_.50, at all dgalers, or yidmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be t talked mto accepting a substitute.` [mutations only disappoint. Tn anzassingytestimony` to the cures eeeted by Dr. Chase s Nerve Food. During the last few weeks everybody seems to be talking about this great food cure. Persons who were week, nervous or anaemic have found in this well-known restorative the very assistance they needed to regain health, strength and vzgor. Thzs zs the way they stellstheiryexjreriencesv: Told by 0m | I Correspondents V -3&9 horse this week. . .-.The'remains .01` the late Lou. Fisher of Chi- [cage l'orm_erly of thisplaee, were jlaid I0 rest. in the Alliston ceme- gtery last Tllurstlay. The pall- Ibearers were his old school chums of this place. 'I.'0m., Geo., Harry, Willie, Howard and C. W. Bant- ing. . . .G0ngraLu1ati0ns to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Banks on the ar- rival of a daughter. . . .Mrs. Gee. Davis; Sta, spent a few days in Tercmto last week . . . . . .M1`. and |Mr's. Grey of Thornton spent Sun- "day with friends. is now arriving. Present Price: E99. Stove and llut'$9;00 `per ton ' ._ Pea, $8.00 per ton Yours for service. ,.__._--. 4 nnj I .. - VUTOPIA May\7- .[`l1e Seventh Line con- ltributed `to `Barrie Red Cross Rooms on Saturday last 61%; doz. Ieggs and 600. cash . . . . ..Miss M. Murphy, Barrie, spent the week- end with Miss E. Ellis . . . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carson, Barrie, Sun- dayed with friends here. . . .Geo. Dohson of Toronto spent a few days at his home here, last Week. |.. . .Harold Truax is another of !Utopia s young` men to don the lkhaki. As Harold hasenlisted with a Forestry Battalion he will leave for `England shortly. . . .B. Jones, Collingwood, spent over Sunday with friends here. . . .- Our teacher, Miss M. Ellison, spent Saturday and Sunday at/her home near Tottenham. vMay'8--Mr'. and Mrs. Ered. Partridge spent last Sunday with friends in Hawkestone.`. . . . Gar- dening is the order of the day. . . .Bert: Huddleston is able to be out again after having been laid up with the measles... .The Ep- worth League 'of the Methodist Church held `their annual husi_s ness meeting last `Wednesday "night. The officers for the year are: President, George Graham; Vice Pres., Enid Partridge: 2nd. Vice Pres., Clara Partridge; _.3rd. Vice Pres., _lra Partridge; Vllth Vice PI-es., E. G. Drury; Secre-I ta1'y_Treasurer, Elsie Goates. . . : Melville Sutton. of the Second `Line, Vespra. has improved. in health and has gbne to Toronto. 117 111 1\..._.l....'.I.._.. ..\--.....s;.~no- Aluunluna uusnun uvu -.- ~.- V- v_-- .- . . .w. T`: Paifriig 1;urpos;s; working with G. Baldwin for the summer, .while his son Ira will work the home place. " J. IUIU \JUll11L'l DD 0 I 2. UL UUUIXO and 2 doz'. pairs of feet. A goodly left f0!` her home in the W'est. . number of garments were also - -AI1_ aeI`0D1aI16 fI`0m `Camp B0I'- made. for French Relief, material -den was seen bying over this sec- being supplied in both cases. tion on Sunday. This was the ---'--------- 4_ :first to be seen this far down.. . . . Mina!`-d s Llnlmont Lumber- 'Last week the farmers were held man's I-`I-lend. . May 8--Mrs. G. Gordon _ has ' " mpg. Tfnuu, 47 Glnu1*cll.`St.,f Brockville, 0nt., writes: "My nerves were in a very serious .condition--l could not sleep at night,/had frequent eadaches, and would not s"w.,v a one in the house. Any little noise would I sentfor continued .,\.v....l..&..`I-- ...-.-.....'l A-4 (`I1 UUILUIILLIFU IIIIU lll. UGUIIIULLU ullbll l."\'J\ K"lu, LIL L7`./IXVJIIV./,_ Llllllu `V110 dizziness Dr. Nerve was using benefit ~ my obtain- Could "Not% AS\leepL Nervous Incvligesfio| ` Mrs". 1`. HnH._ 47 mmm-,h.St.__ - _ GROWN HILL NANTVH A limited supply of all sizes, fresh mined, clean, dry ` ' SORAIITON GOAL back. by the unfavorable weathet- but are taking` advantage of the ne days now to finish seeding.. . .Miss Lillian Marks has gone on an extended visit to Peterboro. Mrs. J. F. Glow, 20 King St. West,, Brockveille, Unt., writes: I had nervouseindigestion so had that 1 could not eat any- thing,` and failed fr om .170 pounds to 130 pounds. I con- suited` doctors, but they did advertised, t and digest food. and would su May 7 Mr. Subject is a new- co"mer in the village. .Mr. Nelles is moving today to M1's.Mc- Leau s house. . . .M1's. Osler has returned to the village. having been in Barrie with her daughter, `Mrs Hook, `for the winter months. 'III'.. 1\._._ -1` l"I-I.l__.__L_A _._-__ ---psa 4..-\r\1A -vs un vv 11l.u\/I. an-uuuanuo . . . .Mr. Dyer of Goldwater occu- pied the Pfesbyt.erian_ pulpit on Sal)ha.th....H. Martin lost a horse lately. . . .The next meeting of the Patriotic League will he held at Miss Mary Craig s on! Wednesday, May 16. . . . l`he an. nual meeting of the Patriotic League was held on May 3rd. Officers elected for the ensuing year were: Miss Mary Graig, President (re-elected); Mrs. -T. "Hill, Vice President; Mrs. George Snider, Treasurer, (re-electedA):- Mrs. Chas.- Hart, Secretary, (re- . elected). I`.YE.._,,,_,'_`I ('1L-l.,__ Miss McGinnis.. . . _ .. .$ 7.00 Mrs. T. C. Craig . . . . .. 2.00: Thos.C1'aig .. .. .. .. .. 1.00` Geo._Snide-r~.. .. .. .. .. 1.00 -Mrs. VVilson (Eady) -.. 1.00 Orange Lodge No. 195 5.00 Mrs. Little . . 5 1.00 --uvu-lz um Donations-- Proceeds of mite box . 4` . . 3.54 Autograph. quilt, proceeds 44.50 Garden Party, July 1st. ..186./10 Proceeds from ice cream sold on Saturday even- ings .. .. .. .. Proceeds of skating rink one night given by Albert Hudgins .. .. .. .. . 3.35 Concert in November 2;. . . 9135` Concert. March 17th .. .. 50.36 41.80 Y-(v..u- Expenditures Flannelette, wool, annel, etc., for Red Cross work $173.64 Donated to Field Comforts for Xmas boxes to the Simcoevcounty men .. . 20.00 Expenses of garden party. 74.82 Paid for ice cream for Sat- ..n f\f\ -uo , . I I/L uuo--- -~- 1`1\I:d-avy Eights. `Other expen_ses.. . Gash balance on hand l_JlI4l3I1 VVIILDIJI L VVKID LJKJUI CICLI had with- try and Arst Other donations" received were: Mrs. D. H. Minty, _6 feather pil- lows; Mrs. Thos. Hill, 1 quilt; Mrs. John Ward, 1 pair feather pillows. ; TITL... 'T........... -1-.." 1rw\`:` 1`:-... `Inn panzuvv . The `League also` knit for the Field Comforts 77...pa_irsA of socks doz. 18-21 .., . V Financial Statement - Receipts GRAIGHURST $357.30 $357.30 21.30! 11.98 55.06 Gained ' in Weight I/ID I13./lJ|)\4.I.o ~l. bllUL>\7l\'l-U \/Ulltlll` .ued the treatment tintil I found` I was greatly `improved. I cer- tainly cannot speak too highly of thewonderful cure of Dr.` Ghase s Nerve Food.\ `tle better. A .I therefore coming ....,.I ll-.. 1_..-.. J...-_.\L -__._1.2I I 13.--. May 8-Born, on April 28, to Lieut. and Mrs. A. E. Bell, a daughter (Vera Valdce) . . . . Mr. and Mrs. .Geol'ge Caldwell were guests of Mrs. Geo. ,\_?Vil.sol1 on Sunday. . . .Joh1l Caldwell is [111- well and unable lo attend to his work . . . . .,Ml*. and Mrs. G. '1`. Baldwin were the guests of Wilson on Sunday. . . . .Ml'. and Mrs. James Spence intend visit- ingein Saskatcllewan and Alberta in _the neahfllture. . . .Mrs. Henry Williams, I am" glad toreport, is gaining in health again; also Miss Grace,Willia_ms who has been ill, is expec_ted- soon to be herself a- g_aln..`-.. Mis`s Helen Williams of I-the Barrie ,Business College is `home f0!` a few days, 18-19 C. .O Con'u0r of Toronto, is spending a few days here . . . . .. Miss May Quinlan of __Couls0n, spent Sunday with friends here. . {`1 C<--l`l_'_..__. I nu Jvnnv K./KALALIIOV vv Ull 1 yr . .C. Sullivan. Jr.. is on the sick -list. . . .E. TPeters, our general merchant. has purchased a new car. . . .Sorry to report, `the ill- _ness of Mrs. C. Fr-awley . . . . . .D- Fitzgerald sold a valuable horse last week. . . ._P. Lahay spent over iSunday with Mount friends. LL lkzlllj-J 11141. (J v H May 8--Mi ss Anna Leigh was lthe. guest of Miss Myrtle Shaw `for a _feW days last week. . . .Jack McMillan. of Orillia `spent. the week_end under the parentalronf `III.'.-.... \17:.\..-..'.. fW....-_.-1`._....J v-vu.;~v;;x. u;au\Jx unnnz krill \.vIAluA- I.\IIv| . . . .Miss \Vinnie Crawford is staying with Mrs. Archie Flot.chm- of Mitchell Square for a couple of weeks. . . .The farmers are pro- gressing nicely with their seed- ing in this vicinity. Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and \l_ berta via North Bay, Cochi-une and Transcontinental Route. nr via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 30, inclusive. at low rates. Through Tourist Sleep- ingt Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10./:5 p.m., no change of cars, via the Transcontinental route. _ Return Limit, Two Months. Exclusive of date of sale. Final return limit on all tickets, In-c. 31st,. Berth reservations and /lull particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write G; E. Horn- ing, `District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, I ` X V ,;i. .quLLInosL:v. Depot-T Agent :_ : Phox Read the Adlet Column. Homeseekers Excursions mouir}ms1'. Louis ARGYLE:0RO Beam 3;, 3i8IMuro on

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