Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1917, p. 11

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The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single` bar is not a . mere advertisement; It marks a standard set for the buyers `who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials-l'or the soap boiler-for the expert chemists-for the girls, ` All are mindful of the Guarantee -it .is a source of gratication to am the Sunlight workers. A i _even, who wrap and pack`Sunlight. 1 11 u LXIBBUUK. '""$'.333iW. H. Kennedy, W. J. Bry- son, Wm. Br_own, Mrs. Perkins, J. Saso-A. E. Lowe, I-I.` Lowe, A. G. McColl, J. L. Coffee, Mrs. E. Lount, Miss A Spry, A. E. Lennox, Mrs. Emma Myers, R. J_. Finlay, F. Wise- man, E. H. Williams, Rev. H. Moore Adella Moore, Jno. Gordon, Thos. Johnson. ' - '- $4.00-K. Shaney. 1 . $3.00--Alex. Cleland, M_rs. Villiers $2.00-G. W. Raymes, Misses Bell. A. Hickling, R. Moore, Miss Sneath, Miss A. E. Canning, Thos. Grey. Chas. Jones, P. Moran, A. Wice, Jas. Lewis, J. VV. Finlayson, Geo. Ot-l A Jars. Cheesman, T., _R. Huxtable, M. J. Brennan, John Bingham, Bolton Brp.s., Ben. Lawrence. $10.00- H. Ball, Mrs. Monkman.` Mrs. W. D. M}acLaren, E. J; Greav s,-Mrs. Wesley, W. A. Lowe & So , Mrs. Thos.\,McKee, S. E. Turner, R. Carr, A. H. Tuck, Jos. Garvin, D. Gauley, Thos. McCarthy, T. `A. `McCarthy. $6.00<--W. R. N eilly, VV.0. Hough- ton, Misses Aconley, R. G. Hill,.. A. Bowman, W. Kissock. I an nn `n7 rr T_r,'___._,1, , TIT T `IX The condition of ' scrupu- lous cleanliness under which these biscuits are baked corresponds in effect to the cleanliness of - your home kitchen. 57 thrived on it, because it is. a natural pure food. . What is good for wee folk will, as _a rule, be found good for grown-ups, too. C0mmunic_ati0ns were read and disposed of as follows: N. Orser a_sking`permissi0n to cut scrub cedar on road east of his lot. McKinley-`---McDu', granted. 'Jn0.1I.uck-That the statute, lab- or for n.w. 1/; '18, con. 3, be pla- ced on his road division and that some me.,_mbe ofcouncil examine Said road to-s_ e its needs. Tho1n-_ "T'e` Council met on Apr. 25, with all members prfesentk VI \4|JIIn' 50 cents - `Mrs. B. Richardson. friend, friend, Mrs. A. Whitney. Miss W. Adams, Mrs. H. Peters. Mrs. T. Parr, Mrs. C. Low, `Mrs. Gosney, Mrs. Dodge Mrs. W. Bar: nard, Mrs. Trask, Mrs. C. Simmons, Mrs. S. '- Blair, Mrs. Whiteho11se.l Mrs. C. Wilson, A. Smith. 25 cents - A. Hunter, Miss E. "Wasnip, Mrs. G. VVatson, Mrs. A. Switzcr, Miss Bowden, Mrs. NV. Arm- stron_.:, Miss Booth_, . Annie Drake. Mrs. A. E.` Smith, Mr. Bowen. Mra. Tomlinson, Mrs. Harvie, Mrs. M Campbell. A. ` . A m.",7.5mcent.s--1\/I1-s. Wodds, Mrs. VN. Webb. .-nr 1-; v\- 1 1 .-nvuuu, LJ. ;vLu1cy. $24.00-Mrs. Pae, A. E. Cuff, \V. B. Marshall, F. T. -Grafton, C. H. Beelby, W. D. Griffith. ` $20.00 --W. J. Fowler, H. C. M. .?. u1'-ritt. - *$18.00--`R. L..Balmer, W. Twiss. $12.00 -L. B. LeRusl1. A. W. Whitby, A. G, Killman, W. _C. Part- ridge, G. B. Simmons, Mrs. W.` J. Sfsatxnon, Mrs. A. E. H. Creswicke. Wardle. . , $2.00 -M. Brown, J. Webb, E. Whitehread, Geo. A. Clark, R. Mar-_ cellus, Jas. Crawf"ord, Mrs. C. Ille- ` Quade, B. Hill, G. H. Stun(len,. R-. Johnson, Miss Goddard. ` Miss L. Spearn, J. Catlin, T. P. L011g`ll(`,C`(l. L. Godden, Mrs. C. VV. Poucher, F." Rowcliffc. , $1.50-Miss B. Jolmson. $1.00-B. Parker, S. J. Molloran. Mrs. E. Taylor, Mrs. B. Matthews. Mrs. E. H. Firman, Mrs. Lyons. Mrs. W. Cullan. Mrs. E. Firman, jr.. Mrs. R. Dawson, M. E. Holmes." Mrs." Humphrey, Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mrs. T. Crosby, C. E. Hurst, J-as. Sinclair, W. B. Taylor, Miss` MoLen- nan, Mrs. J. Frame, Mrs. O Hearn, Mrs. Houden, Mrs. Ferry, Mrs. VV. James, S. Hurr, Mrs. B. Baor, _Mrs. W . E. Reid, Mrs. F. Hill, Mrs. `S. Henson, Miss 'M. McDonald, Mrs. J. McFa(lden, Mrs. S. Garsido, E. Sim- IIIOIIS. qr '1-vv 1 -r `V- $5.00-W. J. Reynolds, S. J. Brunton, W.- J. Gracey; Jos. Leg'ear, R. J. Guthrie, T. VVilson, Mrs. S. Campbell, C. Tompkins, Mrs. Geo. P01101101`, M. Walker, Geo. Dewar. nan l\l\ $6.00-Ge0. Conron, R. H. Stone. E. Keightley, Chas Brunton, E. Og- den, A. S.`Burton, F. D. Norman. A. Henderson, R. W. Boyd. I. E. Belfry, R. Lee, S. Roach, Mrs. G. Cowie, Mrs. A. Gilchrist, A. Hen- sbn, Mrs. Farneld, Mrs. E. Had- den, Mrs. E. W; Kearns. A- `A $12.00-F.': Whitney, Lem Bros. W. G. Tooke, W; McFadden, C. C. Marshall, VV. J. Clarke, H. Ardoll, C. A. Bean, W. J. Patterson, A. Fleetham, A. Paton, Mrs. W. Cul- ross, W. H. Toole, Mrs. Marshall. R. B. Keitch, Arch. Marshall, A. R. Walker, Mrs. J. Patton, Mrs. W. Greaves Geo. S earin D. uinlan, 7 7 T. D. Redfern, Jos. Pulford, A. Riddell, VV. D.- "Scott, Mrs. Cluson. Alex. Ness, Albert Lines, Mrs. W. A. Looker, C. McNe,vin, Miss S. B. Mirxgay, Miss H. Marshall, `C. \V. Reynolds,J. Harrison, H. A. Curtis. an AA uu H`: uupu uL J.-3-3 Lx. 1xUlll.lUUy . $10.00 "-s. B. Hinds, D. J. Mc- ;Dougall, Drl Hunter, A. E. Little. Mrs. C. Whitney, T. Horne, Miss V. G. .Collins, Miss'H. Meston. man an ---. .LJLs uuuum, u. uucal, A1. uuuuuu. $24.00-A. G. Walker, G. W. Hill. Rev. E. Taylor-, W. Rusk, W. Mc- .Kinley, J. P. McMillan. 2 $18.00-Miss C. Rodgers. ~ $17.00-Pupils Burton Ave. School. $15.00--A. M. Marshall, Mrs. G. Lawrence, Miss K. Kennedy. Q1000 +Q D IJ':...J_ n T `If- AJLVJO Kochberg. 50 cents--M1-As. W. Wiseman, up-. 25 cents--Mr. Fisher, J. D. Hinds. Ward Six $60.00-A. E. Patterson. $48.00-Mrs. J. M.` Bothwell; $36.00-W. J. Gilks. ' $30.00-John Little, W. B. Webb. $25.00--V. Knight, Jno. Steele, Dr. Barber, Shear, A. Goodall. @011 (ID, A (`1 1I`f...lI-..-. (`I `[17 11%|: I Day. L)- an uvvullo` 50 cents - T. McCorkindale, T. Gofton,I J. S. Vair, Mark Hong, Mrs. Janet McMillan, Mrs. Baxter, W. Beeton. ` ' ` 25 oents-Mrs. Rainey. 3 Ward Five $120.00--Albert Bryson. $60.00-E. G. Turnbull, Dr. H. T. Arnall, A. Carson, J. McMartin. $34`.90-Pupils West Ward school. $16.00-A. E._ Stapleton. $12.00--W . Clifton. ' $10.00-John`Shepherd, J. E. Mor- rison. A $5.00--J. Stapleton, W. C. Thomp- son, A. Muir, Agnes Henry, Mar- garet -Henry, Jno. Bryson, David Lewis, S. Caldwell. $3.25-B. Alexander. $6.00--M. Goddard, V. R. Meek- mg. $4.00-J. C. Beatty. $3.00-A. Longhurst. 3 $2.00.-J. St. John, Mrs. M. A. Arnall. $1.00-A. Paddison, Mrs. Sim-J mons, Mrs. Guilfoyle, ,'Mr. Smith. Mm A r*.........,... nu; -AAA\lLlbJ Mrs. (Continued from page 10) . ` Ward Pour $_100-4M. J. Frawley,` Geo. Ball. $84.00--Dr. Little. ,`$60.00-D. C. Mu1'c.hison,V Mrs. A. W. Wilkinson, W. R. King, A. F. '4[4_:;Vr1'ett, W._ A. Grifths, Edw. Cur- rie, Dr. Wallwih. n An 1'3 1 7` ,`. . rm. Eiunji Vi-0..VV.+T-Al..l.'o v\T.l.`ab:LU`y, Mrs. S./T.` Reynolds, I Ffed. Garner, T. Carus `dina, Jas. Paltterson; Vi Llen Murphy, E. Gallagh shall Mrs. J. Dougall, M W. Sweeney, Lem Kew, J. W. eGossling,.Ed. Bu f`.lr|+fnn vu-vv_uyJ, u. a.. . .Luu1c1.f,. J.!Ll'uS. VV Duan- zanan, H. G.Boag,_ P. -Daly, Rbss and Ro`y;*~3 F. Longhuisf, Mrs. H. Marr, W. T. I3uck, Alex. McCrea. $1.35-Carl Love. $1,.25--_.-W111. " `Robinson. $1._.00.--:Mrs. Grajs_1ey, C. Greaves, 'II'___ (`I In `I'\ v-- __ Haway, J. `A. Miilr, Mfs. W.` Buch- 7nnn-n. H 11.12-}... D .T\.'.l;. 1)-..- _-AJ +2 Bikini EXKi` i? _A liD %s`A1:unn Y monultua . ," ;.4.:.uo \lLlL11.I.I`y LU, .1u1. killlzllq `A'.VCameron, - `Guest, Mrs. Oro council :4; 141.1 1 up 111. rs. C `Reynolds, T. n-.. VI` l``......,. .. Gallagher, E uga1l, Mrs. T rn KeW,'Mrs. Ed. Dusk, 1\ Jsuu, A. - Caruso, Irv .-4:, LIL: IV alllllc $50.00- Ed. Bryson, C. A. Shep- ptird, R. F. Garrett. _ $30.00--A. G. MacLellan. $29.00-Gordon Stevenson. . l$25.00-C,. Brown, A. G. Habbick` `Mzwy Graham, Geo. Walker; Mrs. Fmunt, S. Maley. coann 1l'..,. 1).. A 1? rum` 1" `Urry, . D 1| u RILILJ. U;'ry, El-I` R. A Ma1'4 T. Gray, 5. Heard, 1\/I13. M.` `Greaves, L Myers, F. Scar- n-.. I. unu, anu nllalll SHIN!` L0 S. N0. 19. was introclucmi and pa.~'s0d. MPKinln_v--- M(~DufT, the xvagrns of :1 man working n n the roads of Om was increased to $1.75 fnr 10 hours` work. M0- Kir1lcs_v--']`h0mpson, Conn s. Scott. : pson----McDuff, granted. D. Beas_ ley--Bill of $3 `for repairs on his lane damaged drawing gravel. ` On motion of McKinley and Mc- ' Du`, the Reeve to see Mr. Beas- ley re settlement. P. H. 'Wigg, - giving notice that bridge at lot I4, con. 15 and t4, needs to be replaced by annew one. Ezra . Snider, re cutting of cedar un- derbrush near culvert on town_f line Oro and Orillia. Scott,- ' Thompson, Deputy-Reeve Me- Kinlcy t.o inspect request, of both: ` parties. and report at next meet-* ing. \\'. A..Luck, claiming more money for sheep injured by dogs; and V. S. account. McDu"-` Thompson, no action. The l)om-, `inion Alliance. asking the coun-l . . . . . . I cil t.o sign petitions 1n.dupl.1cate: for Dominion Prohibition of thel liquor traffic. McKinley--Scott, the Reeve and Clerk to sign,pe- titions on behalf of this council and forward same to the secre- tary. Dept. of Public Highways, asking for the appointment of a township superintendent of higliways. McKinlcv.--. Mc.Du`, no a('l.ion. T. T. 'windle, sec.- t.reas.. asking council to appoint a representative to Board of Ag- riculture. Scott.---'I`hompson. D. - McKinleyappointed. J. A. Mc- E .ucas. sec. Mitchell Square Far- mers Club, asking that bonus on wire fencing be renewed for 1917 and that likely other clubs in the` I l township would `forward similar requests. As no others have yet come to hand. on motion of_ Scott and McKin.ley. laid over until next meeting. R. 0. Bell,. that time for removal of timber Dill - chased by him on road line, con. 8 and 9. south of ridge, be ex- t,end'ed to Apr. l. I918. Scott-- Mc.I\'inley, granted. T. F . Bell made request for 20 ft. 1? ins. tile for ridge. road line. con. 8 and 9.- McKinley; -- Thompson. request. granted. By_Law M0, to detac.h.eertain lots from S. S. No. 1. cm, and attach same to R NA 11'-10 ;I'\`v'lr\rl-\l\-J -~--J ,1 Let Relpdtlp Sweden it, 12 Cahada CQ, "Limited, Montreal. is` the. Paint that covers the greatest surface-that takes the shortest time to apply-that wears the longest. Martin-Senour l0O7o Pure Paint does all three. Here s the proof. I007: Pure Paint covers 900 s uare feet of surface per gallon. V Q - Hand-mixed-lead-and-oil, and cheap prepared paints, cover only about 500 square feet. - The greatest cost of painting is for labor. It takes less time to apply Martin-Senour l00% Pure Paint because its ne, even texture spreads much easier. . The Paint That Costs The Least sAn.R |'s% cnrrnuaufons TO THE PATRIOTIC rump 1oo/0 PURE PAI}N:I` and McDut'f to examine` and re- port on replacing brirlge at Hawkestone, line, -011. H and 12. PIXIIHAH n.-lnn.....,.,l H- ;_..uvvnunu11u7, uuu, l;7Ull. l'l Hllll IZ. Councll adjourned to meet at the call of th Reeve. H. Ti. 'I_"[vJ`P`I.-()PE, Clerk. cleaned, Altered, And Repaired. mss. ll. lIloK~ENAN as smau st. am-Io. FURS! Page Eleven Crackers and milk! My goodness, you say, ``it s a long time since I have en-_ joyed anything like that." But of course you remem- ber how- good it used to taste -- the crisp, crackly bits 01: golden-brown bis- cuit oating in a bowl of sweet country milk. And it was nourishing. Children thrive and have always 'urity! Purity! Purify! THE Meconmicx MANUFACTURING co., LxM11`an General Oces and Factory: London, Canada. Branch Warhousea: Montreal, Ottawa. Hamilton. Kingston. Winnipeg, Calgary. Port Arthunst. John. NJ- Haker: 41-136 of McCormick : Baas: Biscuit: 'Thursday,.__May 10, 1911,

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