Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1917, p. 8

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EAVETROUGHING -- dnsult p. J. Moran, 58 Bayfield St. 12-tf. Ladies' and Children's Black Cotton Fine Ribbed Hose, very sarce goods. sizes 6 to I0. Special price. . . . 25 pair Ladies' Fine vPlain Black Hose, sizes to lo, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Penman s Ladies' Black Cash- mere Hose, the value` is extra good, Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..$l.0O, 90c, 75c, 60c, 50c. Dislllayof Summer DrAes%sA% Goods Buy Priimts Now and get beat choice Crums Prints. ' Specihl price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 VCanadian and English Prints. S1;>e.<:ial Values - - - - - - - Cotton, Poplin, oitette, . Muslim, Piques, Middy, Twills, White Voiles, and, Cross Bar Voiles and Muslin, in Tar}, Navy, Blues, Black and White, they yar handsome goods and you should see them. You should see the above lines. ville and Miss M. A. Stewart of Barrie have recently been added to the nurses in training at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Kip... "KI,-....Z.... T\..______'._`I_ __._I II 1__ --vvv.- - -vuu-. nun a.;.\/ukr.-gun. Miss Monica Barwick and Miss M. I. Mingay sailed for overseas last week, being members of a draft of twenty-three Nursing Sisters belonging to the Cana- dian Army Service Corps. ll -..- . -- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, near Bradford, yes- terday, took place the marriage of their second daiighter, Jean Florence, recent graduate of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, to Mr. Arthur S. Monk- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Monkman, Barrie. . Rev. L. Mac- Lean performed the ceremony in the presence of a few immediate relatives. TFURS-F-Temodelled and Repair; ed.' Miss M. McAr-thur, 133 nL__- 400 AL! no GI-IIROPRAGTOR DR. VYLA M, FINLAY, U. C..C. I`1.....,J.....l.,\ f\.[\`:..._ _,__`I ..._..a. ..--u -u-4.;.., vn I40 \4. ufaduate. `V -.O``ice and resid... ence, 21 McDonald St.., Barrie. .....18;,"1;ic, 15 PHONE 145 14} hm-' Ilvnr Bum '1 1 at -Ma Frui FOR SALE-1 co}f1plete set" Pic__ turesque Canada (36 numbers) Big`barg_ain. See them at Ot- ton s Hardware Store. 17-tf .un_n fI' .11 L! M. 1 fl `4 at t`-. ill '}`l 0` CLEANING XND PRESSING - Your [old suit and overcoat can be -made to [look like new by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf FOR SALE OIIEXCHANGE FOR GAR---30.-ft. motor boat, oak nish, modern ttings, 15- passr>.ng'er; Apply to Box 486, Barrie. ` V A V 17-19. FOR SALE OR TO RENT--Resi- deuce, 8 rooms, electric light, water, 36 Mary St. Apply to Mrs. M. Webb, 26 Small St., `I"\I_.-...._ [Aft AL! `0 FOR SALE OR TO RENT - 400 acres within V half mile town limit, 100 acres cleared, bal_ ance in pasture or bush. Any reasonable offerwill be ac. cepted. W. H. Kell, Barrie R. M. D, 2. 1,7-18p PUMP_S--A good stock on hand, pu1chas:e(l before the last `raise. Will be sold at a reason; able price. Abs0lut,ely`reliable . and satisfactory. T. H. Davis. Close to Market, Barrie. PO. Box 625. Phone 733. . _16-18 WON LAYING. CONTEST --- At the "`St0rrs, Mountain Grove and North American" Egg Laying Contests in 1916. White Wyandottes won against all comers. Should not this convince you`? My pure Regal S.tro.in from Martin's best pens are yours at $1.00 per 13. A." F. A._ Malcomson, Phone 447, Barrie. Ont. . 16-tf 9Xin\a *FoR SALE-70-acre farm known as part of lot 10, in the] 9th con. of Vespra townsnnip, Simooe County. .This is a rst,-class pasture-farm with running stream. About 25 acres under cultivation, bal- ance in pasture and bush. For further information apply to E. F. Wood, 99 Cumberland fS.t., Allandale, Ont. 17-18. FOR SALE---Brick house on cor- ner Sophia and Eccles .St., all - conveniences, including furn- ace, plurnbing, gas for cooking orlighting, electric light, large cistern, large attic, and beauti- ful lawn, with four ne young - apple trees. This property can be bought rightas the owner is moving to the city. Applyon premises [121 Sophia St. or to W. Buchanan, 289 Markham St.. Toronto'\ ' i 18-tf BOARDERS AND ROOMERS' i-vACi'I'IT'I`I'\ A _ ,I An l'1I._..I.-.11.- PIPE FIT'1`ING-- don by P. .1 2 Moran. 4` . V 1241'. '\l'I.IIIJJ-'JLIaLJ LLLVJJ l.Ir\I\/ova.-.--v-av WANTED. Apply 13 Charlotte St. T 13tf i3'ri5he"i 1 6. LVLIDD Lu LVLULLA. on; us U . , avv ,C`t`)llier St. Phone 186. 16-22 '16 :15 A snow storm "was hardly the proper opengng for the month of May. ' ' -' -.,... 4.~..... 4,.n'._-. .44` n anmiinl or-neg G JJULMU an uwuxuuu .; . v . u U . V ~ . V . -. -8pI-Ing Necessitles - spe- cial value, new designs. of_Oil- cloth and Linoleum, at.DougqlI Bros. It - `_...l .1.` Ann}! 4knnn.\1.'nf|D WASHING AND lRON1NG D()NE ----Mrs. Wood, 32 High St. 18-20 WANTED--Woman to do family washing once -a' week. Talc- phone .254. 1 18-18 FOR SALE-C.utLe1',, buggy and harness`. Apply W. Rainford, or at Ott0n s hardware.-18-18 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE - 66 feet choicest frontage .on William Street,` Allandale, Box M, Examiner and Satur- day Morning. ' 10tf \J'd._l1!1) .l)Ul-'lJ.!3ll.`. ` -Piano'Glo_ss, the `finest polish for pianos andvfurniture.` 250. "a bottle at Garrett's Music Store. 1.. _l'__ Qlggganaiblga ,> Q.-`Q Gr llldli ULLU ` uuvusaussu \ova-v-- u- T. A. VSt_.eve.ns,. formerly of the Barrie Creamery, has located in Dunnville, having purchased an_ ice cream business in that thriv_ ing `town. VITLA tutu-In-\v'|`r\1`I1`V rv\nr\`{I'\l1| h 11.15 `nu vv u. The quarterly meeting will be held in the Central Methodist Church next" Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev. D. P. Cameron (Chaplain), who has just returned from the battle front will preach both morning and evening. GASOLINE ATANKS 5- `A11 sizes, .....I.......:.. :......-. 'lUI n....-.n WRITE or phone M. E. Lenndx,! StI'oud,7_teacher of piano and theory. ` 18-30 .Y - , ..Over two tons of a special grass seed was used in seeding down Camp Borden; TIL-.nn'l`1Inoa {ha `B-nncf nniiqh l3.l'UDo . At the `end of April therewere 36 patients in the R. V. Hospital, and the hospital days for the month totalled 1179. .... 1.......p.`| rnnnnon IIIUILUII UUUCIIIUDI J. A 3 vs Last. week an lnnisfil -woman sold 400 bushels of wheat `to a local buyer and ner cheque was a, neat one thousand dollars. A4 ll-un .L-_..........l... MAID WANTED---G00d generali. 9 Apply at this office. ' 18-18 |H0UsE TO LE'1`-+-At 101 Mule-as- Lev St, solid brick, with furn- aceand all `modern c0nven_ iences. Apply to C. T. Devlin, :8-I8 STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE` ---Suitahle for barn timber, lumber. shingle bolts, fence posts and pail timber. Large or small quantities to suit purchaser. Also hardwood by the acre. Apply D. J. Bar- clay, Stroud. 6-tf .l*`()R SALE -- Bay` Driving Mare, nine years, 15 hands, sound and absolutely reliable. Also her full outt. Price right. A. F. A. Maleomson, Barrie, Phone ` /147. " 18 FOR SALE--Fine stock .Gera.ni- lnns and bedding plants. VVin_ ` dowrboxes and hanging baskets rened noun IPhone 7l3.EL A. Iiarris,'VajrviHe l]onservator- ies. . , ~18-21p FOR QUIC-K StALE-A ve-roomed Cottage with bathroome and out-buildings attached. One acre of `ground and a g0od_siz- ed orchard. Town water. Sit- uated at the east end of Barrie. .$1100 cash 0I_' convenient. terms "of payment. Apply (}at'rett s Music Store. P. O. Box 178. Phone 2_59a.t 18-tf. WANTED- Munition Workers, male and female. Steady em- ployment, good wages. Apply to Mr. Hogan, Wellington I-I0- tel, Sunday, May 6; 18518 WHITE LEGHORNS ----.SotLings for sale from a.not.ed laying strain, 75 cents. Also. Barred Books; all from good vigorous birds.` Feilding, Barrie, Phone | 397P12. 18-18] WANTED---Bright ambitious wo- man; as resident manager. Good money-making proposi- tion for woman of good char`- acter and ability. Apply Box ' _G, Examiner. 18-18 'WANTED--Housemaid for Sim- coe Hall Sanitarium. Must be 'rst_class. Hours 7 to 7. Highest wages paid. Apply to Miss O'Connor, head nurse, Allandale. ' 18-18 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT -- 100 acres, Nl lot 7, con. 10, ` Innisfll. 20 acres fall crop, 12 acres of hay, 15 acres of fall ploughing done; Well watered by good well and spring creek. Excellent stock or pasture .farm. Good bank barn 60x40, frame house 24x26. R.M.D. Would giver possession any time. For further particulars apply on premises. I 17-18 SNAP FOR QUICK SALE- Cot- , tage at Little Lake, including - l4-foot `boat, two iron beds, mattress and springs, and general camping outt all in > good condition. This outt can be bought, for $150.00 which is away below value of ;_ building alone. Don t dlay if . you want it. Apply to W. Bu- chanan, 121 Sophia St., Barrie, for 289 Markham St., Toronto`: 0 0 ` . ' ` -1 8-~t 1D\Jl.J,.I.LV_.L`J .LI.lJ.`:l.L|J -"' 1111 01000, galvamzed 1ron. P. J. Moran. T 12-tf FOR SALE--A 'Pony, harness and cutter, suitable for lady ar children to drive. Apply to Minesing, Phone 91. 14-23 GOOD BRICK, HOUSE on Bur- tun Ave., to he sold cheap. Also frame house on John St. Apply (mu. Smith,_"Sh0e Store, Allan- dale. . 18-20 PR.-.ATThomas has sold his farm -on the Nottawasaga River in Ves- `~pra Tp. to S. McIntosh of Essa. The price\was in the neighbor: -hood of $2,000. lI'I'1L_ 11..- I._.1_.-.`I- -_.-.....- ...-._._ - ._-Miss Nellie Shanahan has moved her dress-making estab-Q lishment to the "rooms over Crother s Grocery. Store. A 18-23 '_Up.t.o May 1_st`., 73 dogs were registered wi'th the Town Clerk, but a very_ small percentage - bf the, number shown on. the roll. M._E.vBeatty, `who has been working in Orillia, came home ill on Tuesday morning and -was taken to the Royal Victoria Hos- pital. ' I) A4--"l'1l..,..-.'n.-. `Ann n1-`Ir! `-|1.n - .The re brigade were given a little exercise at noon on.Monday when they were called to the Can- ada Producer & Gas Engine Co's. building, where a spark had `king dled a small blaze on the roof. n mnnn n in _'Canadian `Government bonds: aux. av vldauavnn ununu V The bequest 0fV2(l51:rorV'I'1wthe late Dr. McLeod to the Royal Vic- toria Hospital has been invested and a bed will be endowed to be known as the Duncan Darroch McLeod Got. . . T 1 v\.', "l\l\J J\J\Al .--The date of the Choral 0011-} certfunder the auspices of Collier St. Methodist Choir, assisted 1))?` selected voices from other choirs. , is definitely xed for May 17th. A prominent Toronto lady vocal- ist has promised to take `part. Progrrainnie and further an- nouncements'will beinade next. week. ` V ` --nu d\.1 -.4: sauvu Subscribers living on the Ham- ilton li-ne are reminded that the old service on the G.T.R. was re- sumed last Monday, affording a convenient means of ' reaching Barrie for shopping purposes.l The town merchants will be glad to see you. 7111.- 4-1- -1.` LL- f`lI...\_._l f1-.. I A sale of fancy work and plain sewing will. he held in the Town Hall, May 22nd and 23rd. by the ladies of St. Mary s Church. This will he a splendid nppnrtlinity to buy children s dresses, dainty un- derwearv hand-worked linens and crocheted art.ir~.les. Tea `will be served both afternoons, the pro- ceeds of which will be given to the Red Cross Society. 18-20` -COTTER ---- REARDON -- In St. MTEITED ~ . I Mary s.Chur'ch, `by AV(.-my Rev. Dean () Malle-y, on Apr. 30_. Miss` Johanna Reardon to Nicholasi Cotter. . T ' I TEBBY -_ MORNINGSTAR - At} iiaonsms FOR SALE--0ne heavy Draft, and one driver. Rea- sonable price. Terms to suit purchaser. J. `S. and J. V. Brown, Allandale. - Phone 383. 12-tf BORN ' FINLAYSON -- At. osedale Farm, Killam, Alberta, on April -17 , to Mr. and Mrs. For- bes" Finlayson, a daughter. GARTNER---- In Allandale, on April 30, to P10. and Mrs. Hy. Gartner, Centre St., a daughter. RENNICK-In the R. V; H., Bar-| rie. On Friday, April 27, a. daughter (.0 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rennick, Vespra. . man ~ I ELLIOTT.--At lot 20. con.- 12. Innisfll, Olive Elliott. aged 22 years_. The funeral took place; to Stroud, May 2. I GRAHAM-- At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Barber. Al- landale, on May 2, 1917, Mary` Jane Graham, widow of the late Thomas Graham of Mead- owvale, in her 74th year, In- terment at Brampton `bn Fri._ day. . G _ROSS-I_n Barrie; on May 1st., `Dr. James Arthur Ross. The funeral will leave the residencel of his brother, Dr. W. A. Ross. on Thursday, May 3, at 1.30 p.m. Interment will take place V at Guthrie, at 3 p.m. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Martin wish to thank their many- friends for the kind sympathy and assist- ance in connection with their re- cent bereavement. Seeloy, with international Repu-l tation, called to Barrie. F. H. Seeley,,. of Chicago and Philadelphia, the noted truss ex- pert, will be at the Barrie Hotel, and will remain in Barrie this coming Monday only, May 7th, from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Mr. Seeley says: The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any `case of rup_' ture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case. This instrument received" the only award in England and in Spain, producing result without surgery, injections, medical treatments or prescriptions. Mr. , Seeley has important official documents for inspection. All charity cases without charge, or if any interested call he will be glad to, show same without charge or.t them `if desired.. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in this. section. Eu`-gn nlaunnnnn-5` I-u `kid Buutureggert Here .UhuU;' Hnauu ll]. uuxo uuuuxuu. P.8.-`Every statement. In this notice. has been verified before thb.l-`ode:-al and state courts.- F. H. Sqeley. ' '- . .v\--:;..;- .;u' -(]e11'tr.e'1`lwi\;I.h0(li-st, i3vars0n.-1 age, Wednesday, April 25, by} Rev. H. Moore, MI`. Ernest C.} Te-bby to Miss Francis E; Motui ningstar, all of Barrie. i ! LV1'd._Y l"*'V'V . U. JJJUHD yululnuouxl new Ford car last week . . . . .. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McDonald en- tertained a number of friends on Tuesday evening. . . .A number of farmers finished seeding on Sat- iurday night . . . . ..Mrs.\ W. J. Thompson an.d Mrs. \V. J. Mo'- I.ean.are attendingthe Provincial W. M. S. Convention in Kingston this week . . . . ..Mrs Isaac Speers week. . . .Mrs. (Dr.) Davis of Shelburno visited lvy friends last" week. . . .Mrs. J.- Goodwin and Miss Maude Brooks -are attending a convention in Toronto this week. . . .Mr. Stewart of Uttersou is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Ellis ' ....Mrs. S. Fisher left for her home in Major Tuesday evening. . . . .Mrs. W. C. Speers and Mrs. Wright Speers are spending a few days with Barrie` friends. rhkn. [1{n`D, Qn\111'nrr nihnlo Ql);I'\ It-eturnedhome from Toronto last I magazines, ICVV `lCl.yC VVIIJII L}Clll`lG Alltilllla The Girls Sewing Circle ship- ped the following for April: 2 quilts, 8 suits pyjamas, .29 bath towels,. 20 pr. pillow slips, 1 sheet, 1 housewife, 2 face cloths._ Donations from the junior room of the P. S.: 4 pkg. gum, 2 lead pencils, 1 bag candies, 1 pkg. en- velopes_.. 2 cakes soap, papers, Tir()R SALE OR TO LET-Nice 5- acro farm, large fruit orchard, c0m1'Qrt.al>le -house, good farm V buijdings, town water and elec- . trio light. Apply, Gledhill, T Gorlrington St. East. 17-18 Thursday `Wholesale Prices. I Fall Wheat .. . . .. $.2.50-$2.55 Buckwheat .. .. .. .. .. $1.25 Peas .. .. .. .; $2.35-$2.65` Oats.. .. .. .. .. .. 70-750. Barley .. .. $l.25-$1.30} Rye .. $1.50-$1.55. Spring Chicken .. .. 20c...22c.` Old Fowl .. .. .. .. -16c.-18c. I Ducks-._... . . . . ..15to 184:; Turkey .. .. . . . . ..28c-30c.; Butter .. .. .. .. ..42c-I:4c. Eggs........ ..._..30c.` Potatoes, bag .; .. $3.50-'-$4.00. Hay .. . . . . . ..$10.00-$t2.00' Wool, washed, lb . . . .50e-52o. Wool, unwashed, lb ;.` 350-370. Beef Hides, cured .. .. 210-220. Beef Hides, green .. 20c.-2le. Tallow, rendered. lb .. '.)c-10c. Sheep Skins . . . . . .$2.50-$3.50 . Hot-s`e.Hides ;.' .. $5.00-$7.00` Horse Hair, lb .. .. , . . . . ..35c Lamb Skins .. .. ..$.1.00-$3'.5O Calf Skins`, green .. :. .. 25c. Flour (Ontario) .. .. .. "$12.50 Flour (Manitoba) .. .. $13.50 Bran, ton .. .. $38-$39 Shorts, rton.. .. .. .. $43-$45 Alsike Seed ....$7.50-:$9.00 Red Clover Seed . .$10.'D0--$11.50 ; Barrie Markets May 1--W. J:-L-yons purchased 5 vunnty Wnnd nnn loaf uvoolz Fine Laces Land Em- T broideries Fine Laces, handsome patterns, H5 and 2 inches wide, `big value .l0c. Special price . . . . . . . . . . ..5c New patterns in fine quality of Embroideries. Price |5c and |2%c' You should not miss seeing these lines, they are big value. Boys Crey Cotton Jerseys, red and white trimmed, collar and cuffs. long sleeves, sizes 22 to 3 I . Special price. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys' White Jerseys, half sleeves. these are big value . - - . - -25 each. Boys' Shirt Waists. all" white nd blue, and white and black and white stripes, sizes I2, I215, I3. 13%. Special price . - - - - - - . - - 50 and 750 With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices BHODE ISLAND RED Sr>ttings- $1.00 and $1.50. My Cyphers strain are bred for winter lay- ers, and should produce prize poultry. Regular Settings $1.00, Special Settings $1350 for 13 egg's. Order early. W. C. Hunter, Barrie. ' 17- Boys Jerseys and Shirt Waists Jheat .. b 5 vheat 7 , r}icien' '. .' ' rio) ....'$1 ltoba) $1 .. ..$38 . $43 ....$7.50-:5 seed . $10.00-"$1 aux A\IC\JI Miss \Vinnifred Man` has beenl ' promoted to be head kindergarten director in the North Bay. public schools. run . 1-w 11 rs Miss Maconhy has returned from a visit of several weeks in Toronto. v\ . .o v\- u u A vsxuu. `lengt. Randalllichardson of the Canadian Army Dental Corps left. for overseas on Thursday. Mrs. Pue returned to town on Monday after spending several months with her son in Brace- hridge. V _ 7_`,-._.'1`_.-.I T|.f,___. L... L.,.,.... lJ\/ll\. \Jl Nursing-Sist,er E. VV. Rodgers, who has been nursing in a mili- tary hospital at Bramshott for the last six months, is home on a short furlough. ' .Basil Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Morton, has_t.aken his F11-st_ year- s examination in elec- trical engineering at the Univer- sity of Toronto. ' FOR SALE---Mont:-ose "Cottage, 88 Clapperton St., Barrie. Central, desirable property, modorn conveniences, ,med- ium size. solid brick, stone foundation. _Possession May 7th. Terms to suit purchas- er. Apply Mrs. E. A. Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto 1.\/Iiss C. Mccrimmon of Wood- When food prices are climbing skyward, it is speciallyimportant to save every cent in your buying. Our prices help. For instance ; I I lbs. St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar - . - . . - . . - . . . _ . . . . . .$l .00 Dutch Sett Onions, while they last - . - . - - I . - - . - - - - - - - - . 20c lb. I tin Red Salmon . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5c Lilac Rose Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c C1-iscoe, regular 45 . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Imperial Jelly, 3 pkgs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 5.; Choice Cooking Figs, 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Blueberries, regular me, at 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . -25c 3 pkgs; Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3 Bdnnie Bright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25C 3 Panshine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dutch Cleanser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Soda Biscuits, per box ._ . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Macaroni,2pkgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egg-O-Baking Powder, 5 lb. can, regular $1.25 - - . - - - - - - - - -'9A5c Cillard s' Relish,` regular 25c for . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ We can Beetg, large cans, 2 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . We have a little book to give you Free. "A Story of Sugar." Ask for one. Save Your Cents These Days PROMPT SERVICE HINDS; BROS. PERSONAL MENTION Nainsook, 42 inches wide, fine quality, Special price. . .25c yd. Grey Cotton, ne `quality, 40 inches wide. Extra value I 5c yd. Grey Cottons, 34 inches wide, this to-day is worth i2t}c, I4c, Special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c, IOc yard, White lannelette, ne quality. and cannot be replaced at these prices, 27 inch |3c, 3| inch 16c. 34 inch 20c, 35 inch 25c. ' It I` II I I In Cuirls' and Boys Black Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 8 and 8%. Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l8c,2fo;-35` . Ladies Fibre Silk Hose, Battle Grey, Palm Beach and Black- Special price - - - - . .- - . .75c pair FURNISHED HOUSE 1130 LET - Centrally located and all con-' veniences.` Apply at this office". 17-19

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