Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1917, p. 6

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1-||.P~1'o'oEI=:1' 'I'I-IE aulmv by. prod1'i ci1ig -`evlery ounce of` Fund Stutfs that your land can bring forth and if necessary ..hox-row to purchase; theseed. ' ' IOIPIEY/I8 IIEE_D__ED--for the war--for home .emergencies.--for -thp ch .. .. 1, bottle .. .. .. y, 10-lb. pall . S y, 5-1b.pail' >, gallon ..S qt... .. ... .s,pa1r .. .. .. 5, pair .. .. .. .. $12.00_$1 . .. $2.75-$3.00 mg .. $2.50-$3,5O b.. .. .. ..25c. .. 35c .. .. .. .. 75c unch .. .. ..5c0. L .. .. .. $5.00 ch .. . . . . ..5c. bunch .. ...5c. ....5c )ttle ..15c. 0-lb.pa1l $1.50 _lb. pail" 750 1lI0n .. $1.75 .. .. .. ..50. air 80c. air 75c. $12.00_$13.00 . . $8.00 were as fol- .. 40-430. . 30c. . ..20c . .. 350; . ....17c. .. 13c 7 oats chick- eggs eggs eggs MAUD E. GLAXTON, L.T.c.lI|. Piano and Vocal Lessons. In vocal/work special attention is given to Voice Production. Studio in King lock Phone /:24 TEACHER OF PITKNO AND :I_`H_EOR_Y. - Studio at 133 Collier LJ.J-J\.Il.U_J.o nruusunv v-u treet. Phone 186. or-TORONTO . ALEXANDER GOWAI Successor to i Lonnox, Comm 0; Brown Barrister, Solicito-r for obtaining probate_ of wills, guardianship and administration, and General `sfglicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, f`|`:nnLw- Hindu N0 D llUlbQ.[.', .LVUla'dl') , UUuVcya.u.Lc.I., c. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates .of inter- est. `Ofces: 13 Owen St. (i` the premises formerly occupied by the Bank. of Toronto). Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K._C., M.P. D. G. Murchison.` STEWART 8: STEWART BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Office 13 Owen St., Barrie,- Ont. D. M. Stewart. 3 CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., Ant: f`r\1\l';r1nv\`n] r1.4'n 'D11{`r`1'1\l'I Llflllrll-LL .I..ILILl, L)LllJ1\JI..LLIJ.l. J_`J.L\Jog 606 Continental Life B ui1ding, southeast corner Bay and Rich- mond Sts., Toronto. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLIGITOR, ETG., Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, Money to. loan. ORESWIOKE & BELL BARRISTERS SOLICITORS FOR `kn Q I I n n nrynn nu:-.5 n." TuuJ:nn`uu-n :Jr\1.I.L|.J.LJLJ.:A1tLJ, k7\Jl..ll\.J1J.L l3'-Q .l.\JII the Supreme Court of Judicatpro of -Ontario, Proctors, Notarnes, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oicesz` Ln Ross Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. __ rs---urwzj Office and Residence- Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. |%9-0-Ami1h._&00- on. w. A. R0881 L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P,, Lon. gion,-`Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of- fice and Residence, Dunlop St... Barrie. Telephone 165. on. E. G. T1'urmauL|. (McGILL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad). Oice and Residence, corner Elizabeth ,ar;d Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. --1-u Ig lvl-Zn, VII". sUn"r1r AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie. V vv A I-JQEVI ,3. 'H'. 1>"1;11a. on. monnmn won -122 Bloor St, W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every! Saturday. Di_seases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 1.1 am. to 5 .p.m. and by appointmen-t._ Toronto Phone North 3326. Barrie. Phone No. 3. THE BAR IE" PLAi;lNG MILL THOS. ROERS, PROP., Builder and. Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds.` All kinds of Dressed Lumber,- Flooring, Ceiling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning a specialty. Tanks made .tn nr-don T1... 1.4....` : _____ --.- LAWSON, WELcl~I 8: OOMPAIIY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crown Life Building, 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephone Main 587/1.--J.: F.- Lawson, H. J. Weloh. (3 H X V uuxzuug u tspullby. '1'anKs H1300 to order. The latest improved method for drying lumber. Fac- tory and Office, Cor. Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163. P.O. Box 685. w---- w: 1 Ivilliilb "uI'\' Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop., R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in` Granite and Marble Monument! and Tablets. Only best. maternal used and flrst-class workmen em- ployed. , Prices always right. BOYS AND I_i1y_a_cHIso,u -. ...~..4...... c,.1:..:4,m;; `M .-.4 M/D-g Dal-muuuuuu 5ua.L GLIUDUUO 120 Baynold St...-Phone 191 ..J...._ I_l't -1 A Il_I-..` w. A. LEWlS.`M.D., c.u|_ DIIIZWDXT A'\Y`I'\ /\`Y`|Y1tr\v I'\ smcoi MARBLE wonx '`h,`,` [V `I7 I `I3- ,1 '~ Imss ELSITEW uuson i"h`I A 'IYt'\ DR. H. T. ARNIALU-' AOGOUNTANTSV MED!0AL LEGAL BARRIB. 0N1`. u N%D."i3%"i'2'""T'5 ;iC"|'< E R s; Morgue and Chapel- In connection o 611:1! -zhilli Phone 431. ~ ......mai;f{.1+`.I.~:;s;;s biiiiig? W: `Oak Shells. Full line of all the latest Gaskets kept ingstock, in- cluding Grave Vaults and vv [iv-- ---.....v - HONEY/I8 NEEDED--for war--V-for -the growing cost of living; inoroao Your Saving, hold down your _sphding, opon- 9. Savings, . Account at The Bank of Toronto. Savings Ac- ` counts for small or large sums\invited at an Branches of this Bank. ~, .\_ ' _ -- - _- ,_...---_, .... -- V |.Ioon_cod;-Embalriuor ~ V Proprietor Tl-IE BAIIRIE _ V UNDERTAKING PABLOR8` (successor to the Late Meaford Webfs) 7 1;}. \IA -ji... Branches at Ban-rla,-_. and Allandalo, l_-I. BANKERS dcott s Established 1879. -Are WellSuppTliedT Qpen Day and Night r vvvpu--uuu 'Bs iImshed woo -` u.--qp-.put-'-- i Iis7e`cnorI mo.) . Phone: 32?"- They began to bargain. Van- essa, who was growing cold and sick and beginning to understand heard words drop from Septimus 'lips-unique-- rare-- .-probably not another in existence. `LA ~1------s-\._ `\r\'v\l1(\lq I HUI; GLIUUIIUL lu Uanuuuuuuo Finally the stranger handed` Septimus six hank-notes of .ten pounds each, and took the chair away in a cab that a small boy passing -by was sent to fetch. 1171...... I... he! n..-.nn `T-anncen rvuvkzgynamg :1. vv u--.a vu - hen he had- turned a gaze of her step-brother. 6CI.....l.:.-..-..... 7! (`Ian HUI. B blip-UL UUIIUL ,0 Septimus," she cried. How could you! You pretended it "was old. Xou `lied about it. a.u said you `bought it at a sale. You "Know you made it yourself---I saw you finish it ayfew days ago.` Oh, how could you be so wicked ? 6T\.\_..91 L... A J`nAI IVY Auvnln:rv\l\l" \In|, savvv vvunxn Jugs uv nu vv--.---V`- Don't be a fool!" exclaimd the man, ng'eringThi s crisp bank notes. V 1 I n, snvvvvn He gave` you sixty pounds for it because he thoughtxit was hun- dreds of yearsold, she went on. Suddenly .a thought, awful in the illuminating light that it ashed into the workshop, came to her. D_o you mean to say that you pretend all _these things you make are old? she `cried. `_`Oh, Septi- mus, doyou sell'them..for realold things? Oh, no, you can't mean that you dc ; that. . It s`a fraud. |'It's' wicked -- criminal -i-- nor- lguntt; ` ` What on Earth do you think I do? he answered somewhat roughly, but quite openly. Really Vanessa, you should have more smlse. Do you suppose we label nu!` tl1ings---`C0uch of the time of Francois Irremier, made in "Blzu:kpnrt. Or `Florentine cab- 'iue:t_._ inlaid with designs, after Cellini. ' 1nanu-fzictured I _in_ his workshop by Septimus Smith! My'dear girl, don t be a fool!" iv ; ` ,'._It s just as well for you to understand it, he said, xing her with a look, the sulky gloom of which was remarkable by reason of the extreme paleness of his eyes. I thought you'd"foundl it u out. long ago.: I didn't take you for an idiot. But it s" much more _ convenient for you to know. And, mind you---a word to anyone and I'll wring your neck. Secrecy is the life and soul of myjob." , __.__1I_:_'1`_. -1.` ~'Transac.1. a Geheral Banking Business. A h h Notes cashed or collected a't the most favorable rates. We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in Canada or the United States. . A Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange bought or` -Alrl "`o """ O`f *3 uxruru uu u. Auuxs `.`lt,'s `so dreadful, she said, her voice faint with horror. .._-v ..-u mu`. I'\J\Al VJL auny oug- I_woulrln t say anythig It course, she murmulred. ] is awful!"~ T I `7_*,___-- A BY Coralie Stanton and Hgattg Hosken A. s-ms, ? Manager. S The Dog ' tar LIV vv -vvv--V gone Vanessa reproach upon . of gut it 5`?!-I111 Kllllllll 0 She Ispent about a month in a fruitless search. Black-port; was not like gondon; it employedwcry few women in its business hous- es.. Besides`, V~anessa s a`ccom- plishvments, from',.`a commercial point ofview, were insignicant. 'c,...s:......... 1n..n..h.-U1 nf hm. of pU11Lb VIUVV, VVULU Lnsuscnxa. ;;;;;; u- Sepjg}_I_1us 4 laughed at `her ef- forts, and discouraged them in "every way he could. Beneath his rough and surly` exterior `he had a_ kind enough heart, and while he. could subport the girl in `com- parativecomfort, he saw no rea- son why she should earn her own living. _ g ' - ' u11-_1. 1' ..-...--1. ...-...`l- H ...`I...-. ...-.:.-I .:..-. I-LVLLAUO But I wnt work," she said in answer to his `protzests. "I hate to -he`idle.V - ` .'Dv~;l~ nlan nu-nru-n nnrl nn hnuilwa KJIIUL Illla LA 4 \ u I I m -.35`: ~v..c,___ _- sold. a . _ T `Special attention will be given to the a'ccom'modation of farmers A in this locality. Money to_Loan on Mortgags. Agency Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. - Office Hours 10 to 4. T. BEECRQFT, Manager. \IAA.\/I M7`5ii:Vs}p{uE'f I hate to `say it, ' because I am living in your house and you are kind to me. But I` can t do that kind of work. ` I can t help you--really. I was a. fool, I `suppose, not to have guessed before. B,ut I didn t, and 3 I was only too glad to do what I; could. Butenow I simply could: not. . \' _ . In.) My suave A Lit she grew red, and hesita- te before she oke. . Oh- S=.nf.imns_ I hater. tn sav if..I ' _.Ve1:-y well, \ he said brusquely.` |IT don t want you to. _ It's little enough you can do, anyhow, with your clumsy" untrained ngers. Keep your pre_cious conscience clear, Sis. Surely you can occupy lyourself in some other way? - _ C1,. 1'. -.__1I._...'. 11..-.-- -_-A-1_.e A1..- - S0, for another three weeks she fell again into inaction, but time hung` still` more heavily on her hands. ' ' `;vs.....;v-; ..;.. uv-.;u \-IIJll\/A- vvuu I It was then that she sawthe advertiselne-nt for-.a female clerk inserted" in the Blackport Courier by Monk & Go., and determined to answer it in person; andewas engaged, much to her own. sur- prise and delight,.hy Macpher- son in what 4 he a,fterwa1'd-Ms des- cribed as an absent_minded moodi The first day had ended, as we` have seen, in tears, and in com- . fortbrought by the kindly en- couragement. of John Lorion, and the next afternoon, had crowned her in her own eyes with a blaze of glory, because she had actual- ly been chosen to attend to his privatecorrespondence by the great Sir Glare Monk himself. C1,. ..... AI... -v.A...n:-`nu uvvlmn-Iva nhn esuuv Kill \.aI:I.~I.I.J Avauvlnon an- .-yv--. So onthe morning when she was to start these privi1eged'dut- ies she came down td breakfast in the brightest mood that she had lnown since she came to live in Grange Row, and went off to the 0tfice/ in Pole Street engrossed with the idea of her own import- ant work. , ,-SA-.I say`; u Sir Glare Monk was not in his room ; he was notin the office, When the clerkconducted her to th-e small room that she was to occupy next door t0'the great, man s private office, he told her that Sir.Glare had gone to Lon- don that morning for a couple of days. ` ut _I-._u. 1 ____ -. --.1....n....... 41...... \A\oIIJ U. I don`t know whether there will be anything for you to do, Miss Smith_," he added, but you had better wait, anyhow,'; until Mr".`~~L0ri0n turns up. LA L . . m ~ -....l PA...` A . A-V4 J-l\lI l\ll>l> nun sax: nut: Lorion had been sent for to Dunbury very early in the morn- ing to confer with his chief be- fore the lratt.er s dep2irture- by the breakfast train. JAMES PATERSON Licensed {Auctioneer and Appraiser " _ `For. G0"u.nL'y. of Sixncoe. Prepared to conduct-Sales a-t`r-easunahle rates. `Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Faun n-..n..|.| as as"... and MA usavnxsunuu ua uunnno ` Vanessa sat and -`contemplated her quarters and her brand-new Remington machine. \ Compliied with the bare lodg- ing.in `which the famous author had dictated his immortal works to her, Vanessa s new workroom was quite a palace, and she was accordingly very much _i_'n1press- ed.. i V A ' \J wShe had barely `taken it all in when/Lox-ion came into the room with a courteous greeting. ' CCTV-.. 1.--.-. L...'__,J `IE1-.. C1...11L " '75iz6'u ";"1ae3r?:Z"L1"i' Smith, that Sir Glare has been unexpec- t`edlyAcal_led to London? he ask- |d:. -. nt WOPK. But a disappointment awaited DLl1ll:l1.' This was distinct-1y_ damping to Vanessa s ardor. She had set but with such tremendous resol`-. ves,` and now- `she had nothing to Ho but go back to Grange Row. 551': --.... ...:Il Inn".-. vv\tv`11nI1Y| n, UU lJl-ll: 5U uaun. UU \.JILuu.1au noun. If you -will leave me your ad- dress, Lorion went on, I will let you know as soon as.Sir Glare returns. W ` ' ` 4` - --_,-A_ _........!.~ Something in the young man s bearing made her shrink as -she gave.;him the address of the curio shop." He was so tall, so fresh, so upright; his eyes looked into hers `withsuch a pleasantly can- didfgaze. He Was utterly disso- ciated from her si.ep'-brother and his mode of life. 114g saavuu \./A unav- Lorion wrote down the address h but he` still lingered. There was something about the girl that gave `him feelings such as he had, never had about any woman be- fore in his life. There was an- appeal in her heautiiul steady eyes, and yet he was sure that `she was not a weakiclinging crea-| ture. There was character in herl mouth and in her square li-ttle chin. And hnw like she was to` the portrait that hung on the ;\\`:lH of Sir Glare s dining room! _ ilu the `ttlear morning light the ;lil was absolutely startling`. I sci. .. 11,..- _-,.... 1.-...- ..,.1 I... .~. -v`.u vu-.1-..v\v.u-u\..J KJIJ\JIul. .,.--..O. *`Is-is this `your home ad- dresi, Miss Smith? he asked as he looked at what he had writ; ten dnwn. _And then, suddenli` realizing that the question might semn impertincmt. he added? I mean, will it always find you)? 551 L1... -_ IL -_-__ .-.l.-...l....._tI...._.. $7 -u-w jun,--Irv-- wuvu --a Qgders left at_A. F. A."1'\(1a;l'c})m- ;s`_9ji1js Omce' will receive prompt alftntion. - ' I n `.14.! kl ... .I live with my stepb1`othe1',l she answered. But I shall soon be leaving; there. But she did not know why she said it; shq on- ly knew that she suddenly could not comtemplate` staying" in," the place where these frauds were daily perpetrated. ` (XL '--.L__ 1.. l.l--.l.l3! ,.._1.....l `I ._ _..--, 1/V./I-1 ........ ... . Oh, Why is that? asked Lor- ion. . mm. ... . - A .z A.- Oh, it s such a long way from here, she answered. It was a feeble excuse, for the tramcars -covered the distance in a very {short time. - All the same," said LOI`iOIl g'1'avely, I woul' advise. you to stay with your people, Miss Smith. Nicelodgings are very di`icult to fir1d.in Blackpoft, and you know, I don t think it will be necessary for you to get here so very early in the morning;. 56' l...\.. ..~..,-..l.. A.-.I-. v\-\vv V\JAJ uun n.y :1; vnau -:au- Annnnai / I have no people- only ` my stepbrother, she answered. He keeps a curio shop. She looked up, half expecting` to see suspi_ cion in his eyes; but he merely looked interested. V ` _ `Oh, really, he said. I didn t know anybody had time `to buy_ curios in Blackport. I hope you` will allow me to come and see; it? . E A. .. '. - . _I hair. I xnean, it. s a verv our ` 1 .u Oh, no, she exclaimed, and} then. ushed to theroots of her; `plac.e--0nl_y odd bits of china; and a few odd pieces of furni-.73 ture and cheap prints. There s nuthinfg i11te1'esting---really`! ' Lnrion was deeply interested; his curiosity was piqued. How "(Tould a girl like this _come from_ such surroundings as/she de- scribed? -He drew her 6n, and she told him all about her life, and hezsoon realized that she had only just comeito live with her astepbrother. She opened her heart to him in the most deli- qiouly confiding way. ' `I ; .-...... ...-:4- ._... 1....-- I-1-_- at .1-vv..u-J V-.:nu.;.uuA;Ac vvuuJ - It was quite an hour later that it'occurred to him that he had vork to do. The chime ofa clock in the adjoining room made him start. * `.`Really, Miss Smith, you may as well go home, he said. I can't give you anything to do. You're only wasting your time here. . ` ax:-sn'r MOTOR REPAIRS All kinds of small repairing-+ Prompt Service. Touring Car for hire--Mo,g)rcycl_e for sale. "Sh-e had not take her hat off. and she rose slowly and pulled on her rather shabby black gloves. I 65,\...,.l T A... 1.....- __._-_9l'I 1_ -....w.,, .,....,.. .,.u.w. _`jAnd I do hope you ll let me be your friend," he went on, holding` out his` hand, and if you have any difficulty about any- thing you must let me. help you. Q}... .-..-.4 1...... t.......: :. 1...-- -....I ll-LILIIVJQ \'Of course, he could not at this crisis aiford tospend many hours away from P'oIe Sfree-t; but those few" hours gave him strength for" the ght `and put ir-on into his nerve. Must she really go`? Could not she possibly make,an excep- tionof it this once, and postpone it, for a day or two? TL--- .......:.. 1.`-.. ll'___1_ _____1 .._\,-- cw--- .V. --.-.\_:.;;; \.L\'\J'A- every argument at his 'c0mma_n'd this unexpected andyas "he frankly admitted, ridicuously in- excusable and inexplicable re- turn-`made their position In soc- ial Blackport particularly re- marked upon Surely she must see that. . Shewas a public per`- sonage--lhey were both inthe public eye and neither of them could afford to allow private in- terestgs to rank first. V As a matter of fact, he partic- ularly wanted her to preside at a `small dinner` party tomorrow night, and to go to two other dinners with him. I Besides, there was that big |reoepti0n at the town hall. at which royalty was to be present. |He~W011ld have to gfo. She really [must come with him. Ii MARKET Items}! Splendid new green onions were the first of the season at Satui-_ clay m0rning s market. There was also a great traffic in~seer_l pota- toes, which rane from $2.50 to $3.50 per bag. Inside, the Mpr- phys were in some cases sold at 730. abasket, making $4.50 per bag, so it is easily seen how in- creased'Vpr0ducti0n `would help. Butter took `a. deci_de.,l df`_QD, and No. lquality was sold at 40 cts. per 11). Eggs were almuf the same in price., Exchange in duck, goose," hen eggs, etc-.,,are arran_ ged_at the market in many cases. Average pmces l0ws:- Butter, 1b.. .. .. .. .. `Eggs, .d0zen . . .. . . . . . Dressed chicken, p`er lb . Beef Heart .. .. .. .. Beef, binds, lb. . . . . . . . Bee.f, fores, lb. .. .. .. Dressed Pork, lb . . . . .. Potatoes, bag .. $2.7 Seed. potatoes, bag . . $2.5 Par-snips, basket . . . . .. Beets, basket . . . . .. . . lOnions, basket . Green `onions, bunch . Apples, Spy, bbl. . . Dried Sage, bunch . . Summer Savory, .. `Thyme, bunch . . . . . . `;Ho_rse Radish, . lclover, Honey, ]Clover Honey, 5-lb. . gMaple Syrup, . . l`Ruttermilk. qt. . . . . . . lKnitted socks, pair . . 'Knitted'mitts, . |Hay, ton .. .. $l2.0.( [Straw, ton .. .. , Collingwood - Wheat $2.30 - $2./;O, oats 72:740., potatoes per bag $3.25, butter 38-420., eggs 28-320. - ` ---. . .o.,-. A- ~vvv~vu Orillia -- Wheat. $2.20, $1.70-,Thay $10.00-$12.00, ( en 20-230., butter 38-400., 28-300. uvvu 1 an an u--uv grglvi vuv av \J -ruinou-. inIh_,- `I-nonomsu. -'15 'cl`Ipbfort'6n St. ~v-uvuo Al1iston-- Wheat $2.10, Qats 750., hay $10.00-$12.00, potatoes $2.00-$2.50, butter 36-370., eggs 28-30c., chicken 18-210. 'l'I..-_IJ`__..I `7I___l IYIEI f\I\ i\ I7 LI\J\Jo Beeton-Bu_tter 38.-4'U'c., 28-30c. ' St-ayner-Butter 38-400., 320., chicken 15-180. -uv-uuuu, vn-avn:u;-. ;. \/-rvA\/I B1`adford--VVheat $2.00- $2.15, oats 62c., {butter 36-380.; eggs 300. L - ` `. -w- ;. ;`tlh AL. The `undersigned `desires to. inform his customers and the public generally that` he has pur- chased the butchering business of Mr. Frank Wiseman and has `moved to Mr. Wiseman s old stand, next the Ford Garage. Your patronage is solicited. Jr ' '1 "" * a Then again--for Monk usqd mrv argwnnnnf. at his: nnrnmand SATURDAY MARKET NEAR-BY MARKETS. (To be continued) NOTICE cken, 13731` ID .. ..20c ;. lb... .. .. rk,lb .. .. .; r.20c. ag 3s,bag.. asket .. at .. .. .. ;ket [Your Reading Needs]

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