Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1917, p. 10

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sun and Wlnd Bring out Ugly Spots. How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Miss Freckle- face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it,.will not cost youa penny unless it removes the free. Akles; while if it does give you 8.` clear complexion the expense is: trifling. `n:---- -A` an ru1v`\nn rnecxu-rncs It s cheaper to raise colts than to buy horses. But it "s costly if you lose the colts. Keep a bottle of Kend1l s Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-ve years hes proved it the safe.Are1iab1e remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ring- bone, hon y growths and lameness from ngany causes. I luuuy. '1l'1U11uD ,_ cu U\Ag.Lu ..v.__., . Mr. Edi`tor,-E:- ~I. "-thought your . ' readers;-r` all `,hein"-gr enthusiastic horsemen, ~w,uld,1_ like . to. know. _- how these nohle_,a-'I_LiI_nals were at-. ' tended to in the army, so -I am now going` to"tak'e' the opportun- ity to give you ageneral idea. These animals are purchased from all over the world.` (large. numbers from Canada) and taken to`Eng1and, `where they are in- spected, classed, detailed. `and sent to different remount'd epots and later issue them todifferent units as required. If a unit is. just mobilizing they are tted out. They~t'hen proceed_to their required places; or iii not issued to a `unit they are sent to a re- mount, depot on ditlcrent fronts. .. They. are then issued from these ) later depots `to, the" units at the ` firing line as required on account of casualties and wastage. . In case an animal takes sick, for is injured, he `isfirst treipeted hy the V. O. in charge of he unit t.o which .the animal belongs- The veterinary has -assistantsgas vet. sergeants who are trained in hos`. ' pita] how to dress and treat the minor` ailments. In case the an- imal s injuries or ailments are - going to last for any length _of time, it is sent to t.he Mobile Vet- erinary Section. which corres- ponds with the Casualty Clearing Station for the soldiers. From here they are forwarded by rail or canal barge to Base Hospital, where everythingis provided to. treat all cases (operating thea- tres). These animals are `all operated on under an anaesthetic. The hospitals` are divided into wards for the different classes of 'diseases--each ward is in charge , of "a veteri*nar_v officer, who has to assist him several experienced or well trained attendants` or nurses (termed dressers). When the animal is fit forservice again it is discharged to a- remount de- pot` to he re-is__s_ued and sent to duty. Every effort. is taken "to`" provide comfort `for these a noble animals, though their hardships are marked more in winter. ow- ing to having tostay out in the open elds and the mud_.;whi_ch is very .plentiful.--Crcemore Star. ` were able co. `Wants 10,000 Horse Power Midland Argns-- The Inter- national Manufacturing Co. pre- sumably a metal rening concern, had a representatiye here last week ascertaining the prospects for location of aplant. They were ` not asking any concessions from the town other than a guarantee that they /could secure electric current to the extent of 5000 h.p. to commence with and another 5000 in a year. The company tried Hamilton and Orillia. before coming here`, but in both cases the order was too large. ' amount of power could be secur- ed here by taking advantage of the different _sources.- of supply now available. -but the Council could not see their way clear to tie thernselves down to a guaran- tee.` The company agreed to employ 1200 men. After `failing in their search for the quantity of power prlesired they finally decided to seek location in the vicinity of their mines and wait until they to develop it within through some th mnselves, or other agency. That . A In~view of the _increase_d cost of publication, the management of thed',_I`oroI1'l;0 Globe has decided .that,'V"a jsl'ightly . incr,eaged,\' sub- 1- , . . s" crip`tion rate 1s- necess_a'ry `mgr- der to keep The Globe at its pre- senthigh standard of efficiency. The price is now $4.00,-\th4is rate becoming ,e_IYecive _on `May 1 st. . .n I`..I... ..-'....,I.-.nn 1'1-t|'I'Il1fVV)`l`I7 min` ueuuuxgug \:u cuuvu _uu _4,uu J --W-` . Gfobe readers 1` enerally `Willi '"apprb'iIe this "course rather `than that The G-`lobe should cheapen the paper by cancelling any. of its special news services or eliming ate its excl1Isiv.e"featu;'es. -__---._A. fl`!-..-. flInkn'a ni1\n|1_ 700,000 or_ less. ' GUS lbb Rszxunuanv-u avuuugvu. At present The Globe's circu- lation exceeds 92,000. _This is larger by 12,000 than that of any other morning paper in Canada, and i's a record equalled by only one other morning paper in Am- erica published in a city of l *_ l APO YouVGoing \IIest_'|'hls-3P"3"97 `I -_.. ..a. rvnunr` APO vou uulug Iywcu - --w-.,... , . i If so, bear in mind that '51.; Canadian Pacic offers especially good train service, "with the finest A possible-. equipment including Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars -to Winni- peg and Vancpuve_1{hy- one of the- most picturesque-r_o`ui.~es in the world, __:A :._ ...~...L...nnnln4AA annlv G|bb_e Nowvg4 00 111111115`. _ _ Simply get an ounce] ofiqthuie ---douh'1e strehgth --` from`anys druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of lhe, homely freckles and get a beautiful com- plexion. Rarely is more than"one `ounce 'nne.ded for the worst case. , --1_ 11... ,)........,..:..4 (`An The.E|smure" Lindsay (Lindsay \Varder) The old Daily House, which changed its name several years - ago to the Py1n House,Ahas been. replaced by the Elsmure. The! transliguratioli (if the term may` be used) of interior and exterior has been wonderful, in fact those who frequented the hotel in days} `gone by, and who resided there, would hardly know the place to- day. The doors of the tony and `aristocratic looking Elsmure were thrown open Monday for` the first time to the general pub- lic when the Daughters of the, Empire had charge of the dining`- room and served light, refresh- ments and hot dinner. At the same time visitors had an op-! portunity of inspecting the en.` I `tire premises, hundreds taking , advantage of .1,1](.`.HO'[)p0l`l.lilIii|_\'. 1 l J :':l 7he`olde `.i`;I.ir..r1e`s't=one.v..(3ity is ail worked up over Dr. Cbe. $e is Nerve? Food. out thevrestorative upbuilding influence of this great food cure; The new ed. ; 7 As Spring approaches more anti more will find theneed of this fan "These are-`interesting letters: A ; , V \ Mi-s'.~ `N el'liei H'ard1ing`," 377- Eafl St., ,Kingston,- Ont}; writ- 5es`: Last winter Ivw_as` suf- fering from ner\7'ousnVess,' head. i aches and dizzy spells. The` headache and dizziness were so bad that I used to faint. I didn t know just,` what.` *to do, until a friend advised me to use Dr. Cha'se s Nerve, Food. So`I got a box and followed up the t1`eat,ment, with splendid `- results. Now I have not had a fainting sijell sihde, and I can slee quite. well. I would rec; ommend this treatment, to anyone `suffering from net`- vousness, dizziness or run- down sysl.em_. " ' 'd(l\"cl.lll,i`l{-:1`, U1 .LlH.5'U[JpU1 l.unu_v. V In the Elsmure the citizens of Lindsaynd a classy, up-t0-date` hotel, minus the bar. The I`(`nO-` vation which has ta} place has `been complete"aa11d Lindsay can `boast, of one of the best and most `modern hotels in the Pro- v'r'nce, thanks to the Business foresight and generosity of the proprietor, F. W. Sutcliff. 11...... nlrunvmrrinn Iqnirn hon-n mnudn. prupuuuux, 1:. vv. uuuu....u. , -Many changes have been made in the Strtcliffe store. itself. The new arrangement gives a large .men's department to_. the `men's wear `apparel, `with entrance on Kent St., `and into tpe former store ' A _.. 1... _ _ . . . ....-n.-.v.ln Innuyn hnnn Big improvements have been made throughout the entire store and new equipment added, The staple and white.- goods depart- ment'is,"now where the Men s De- Mrs. F. Truesdale, 9 Lower Charles street, Kingston, Ont., writesz For some :time I suf_ fered from `l1`.I'V0l1Sll(3SS `and sleeplessness, and I attriliuted it to. the fact that I was alone so much with my. child, my husband hejng a sailor. But after trying` onehox of -Dr. Chase-. s Nerve Food I found I `could goto bed at night and get a good nig`ht s'rest, despite the fact of being alone. I have found excellent. results from the Nerve Food. and reoom- mend it with condence lo all suffering` as I did from, net'- vousness and sleeplessness. I also used some Nerve Food for my little boy, eig'l1t`_veAars old, . andfound it quieted his nor- ves and made him sleep". bet.- ter. Dr`. C hase s about it? You have heard it said that beauty is only sl-:~2n `deepl . Don t believe the rst essential togood health is to keep the digestive organs in perfect workingorder. For this purpose nothing is so helpful as Chamber1ain s Tablets. An occasional dose will prevent or relieve `constipation, indigestion, bilious- 'n'ess, sick `headache, and all their train of attendant evils. ' l .- .-25*ce"ut`si at all druggists or direct from RLAJN `MEDICINE C0., TORONTO 4| What hasn t asked herself this _ question? ' How often have you worried A it. "The key to good looks is health, and" -?Sle%e`pless nss Ullllbtt 1IIik;\|L7u .|u.L luau \r| uu \..~.,.a. Be sure to ask the (l}`11ggist, for the double. st-rengtll olhine as this is the presm'ipt,ion sold un- der guarantee of money back if` it fails to remove freckles. M Dizzy S>pelAl 50 cents a -box, a full treatment of 6 boxesfor $2.50, at all ilealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substitute. lmitations only disappoint. ` Mrs. G. Storring, 13 St.- Catharjne St., Kingston, Ont,, writes-: Ivhave been suffering for the last ve years with nervousness, headaches, so that. my eyeballs would fairly `split, dizziness and w eakness of: the heart and a generally _r11n-d0\iv.n c0ndil.im. I doctor- ecl for s_evera1.yea1s with dif- ferent. doctors, -hut. witl1ou_t '_'_vgett,ing relief. Thrm1gh~1`ead_ ing one of your lmnklets I thought that possihl_v I could get, benet, from Dr. Chase s Nerve Foorl, so I decided to /ivy it. lgot one box. took the pills, and. feeling` betfern; fol- lowed it up with niore. Np\\* I lUVV(5(llI up Wllll Ilium . nu\\' I `am feeling much hntte`r'and. strnngm`, .. and able to` gm. a- round and do my work without . di`icu1t,v. Iwould rovommend Dr. Chasee Nerve Fond ...tn anyone suf`fc~1'ing from nor- V'0l.1Sn(-`SS and 1'un-down can- dition. I Vpartment. Llsedtu M facing \\'il- l...-.. LV6nnn8 iliam Street. Fux uni: Halli OLHJVL. Mr`. Sutcliffe is being compli- mented on thc-. entire 1`>n0\'ati0n :and for tho prngressiw spirit he. ghas ma11i1'e_sl.ud in p1'0\'iding [Lindsay and the -geuerali travel- ing puhlic with such an 1113-14- date hotel, and also an the inn-` gprovenlents he hasxmade to thel [store of J. Sutciliffe S0n.~`. ` Restless, Sleepless ,.-Mrs. S. S. Schoold, 12- : Bagot St-Kingston, writes: About a year` ago I got run down, .=uf`fering from nervous- ness, and could not get a good night s rest. Frmn reading one of your little hooks I he- .2`an taking Dr. Cllasefs Nerw Food. and after making the Negw Food tI`e.a.t.n'mnt. I found g'mat. relief. I recommend this to anyone . as I was` ' from nervousness. My bus- band also 11se.d"sn1I1e. of the Nervo Food, and was relieved of nervousness. i . Retired Farmers ` Some (mt has heen cnunting up I "the retired farlners in Uxhridge and` puts the nulnher at. about `sixty. The retired farmer gen- erally has an eye for a good fre- perty and has time enough 10 keep it in apple-pie m'd_er. He !a`lsn sets the connnunity an ex- `ample of how to keep nne s side`- walk Vc~ln.ar or snow in the, winlmn cause he earned his cun11)e,lence` by hard w_;u'k and ecrmmny, but `he is always good pa,v.--Uxhridge. a Journal. He is not a lavish `spender he-| colllngwood Minister Dead | Rev. D. VV. S. U1'quhart, B.A., who retirerl fl`(,lfl'l the pastorate of the Cullingwnml Proshytex'im'1 church last year owing to ill health, died on Thur': aged /:2 years. He was born in Scotland. was a graduateof Toronto Uni. versity and Knox College. l.i`m1r years ago he went to the Colling-,`- wnnd charge, after having had pastorates at Kippen and Lisle- wel. He leaves a widow and une daughter. Interment tnnk place at Collingwooden Saturda"y. Weak Heart Mrs. B. Robinsoh, -359 Alfred Street, Kingston, Bnt., writes: Some months. ago I was suf- \'\1\v|\Yf\1`I D Lvujxnv xn;un;un;y. -yo V ering from severe nervous headaches, sleeplessness .and general run-down condition. I was so bad at.. times ' that I would have to go to bed. From remembering that my grand- motheralways resorted to Dr. C11ase s remedies, I decided to try fhe Nmve Food, and found it g'a\*e,m great relief. I -am now gaining in weight and feeling` better in every way. Gained in Weight% 1\1:-.2. G. Brdwn, 141/_. Clergy \V". I(in,2fstnn, 0111., \\`1*itu.~': "A ymxr -20 last Sumlner I was badly run down and so ner- .\'nus that I could not sleep at night. hut would have to get up and walk a1':)tm'r1. I had no appolilo. had pains in my_ stomach and back I sent, for nvhwrav xn...-n .`l,Ulll(1.l'u unu uux n. . ... ..,,_ a box of Dr. Cha. s 1\'er\'e Fond, and found _it gave such frond .r'o.s11lt.< that I kept up the treatment until I had taken ve boxes. I have gained in esh, my nervousness is gone, and I can eat as much in one day as I used to in a week. I Sleep well and havenot had a sick headache fnrra long time. 9- -n....-.- 17,`.-..-I ;n BIUIX llI 1`lO.L'IlI'r 1111 .u Iuuo ......~- Dr. Chase s Nerve F00 ig worth a lot. of money to any person that is suffering like I did; it makes a ' person feel young and . full of life, not downbeat-`ted and dull. I am glad to recommend it to all mlfferimz from nervousness, sick headaches and run-down conditions." ` 1* F The matter of an 1-ntrance to` Camp .Bor:lei1 by a`~:,-untiniiation 01` the T0ss01' town` line to the south Of the Camp has` not yet been hruuglit. in a eonclu- l sion SatiSf3.Cl()I`` to Allistun. The,- deviation around the hill at thel ICan1p limits is assured, but the lniattei` of the road leading` to the Camp no nearer solution than it was in the wintei`. Sinister influences are apparently at work Ito block the project and Alliston will in well In wield the sli'mif__" `arm and put the pl'0[)USlt.l(_)Il up hi the propel" authorities de-1 m:1nling' yes or nu.--l*l:-1`a|r.l. ` Call The Examiner 3 If the 1-olatiws of . who` llLl\'(_` lnwn 1{li`d ox" wu11mled- vmuld n0t.i1'y The Eaxiiiiiwr im-i |mediat,ely, thc= names will he puh- I lished' al, the earliest. possible mnment, llms notifyiiig all 1`ela-` liws and frimuls. As the inf01'_' mation is invariably telegraphed In the imarest. of kin from Ottawa rst, Hm names do not appear in the casualty list for t,hi'm: or four days al't.m`. The -Examiner will give prompt att.ent.i:m 10 any tel-` eplmne message or nther notic- ation in these matters. Tole- phm'i- 19-1, or after 6 o clock_. 22/: I A... ll! It is useless to look for happiness while your kidneys and stomach are out or order. Seek Health met, and with it will come that buoyant happiness that money alone can never `buy. from New York, we learn how _ A I V , A chance for Those `Going '-West.{ I-lomeseekers Excursions via . -0.P.R. , H0meseeker s Excursion toi Western Canada at attractive- fares each Tuesday until October 31st,, via Canadian Pacic, the Pioneer Route to the West. Par.` ticulars from any Canadian Pac- ific Agent or VV. B. Howard. Dis- trict Passenger Agent Tm-nnt.n,. Ont. 23-29] Chicago, 111., April 2| -Ma_v0r Thompson said Friday; on auth- ority of an expert of Armour & C0.. that if evo1`y_seed potato now in this c0unt,1'y were planted, the. crop would" -b" t.wenLy-1`1ve per lcent. under normal. Mina'rd s. Linim_e_nt 00., Limited.% 7.11]. t'\_--- ___ Heaifache Potatoes Will Be Short Avxick From Aui'sto`n Exhausted Negves 1(`,l"HIl. .' Up HI |.Il| ,' nnun, . some .\'n`i'v'r- Fnnd. I wish to roconmwnrl the use of Dr. Chasws Fund in persons cuff- ring from nor\'n11. sloop- lrnwxwnss and I`un-d0wn condi- - - M t1OTl_. I I7 Dr. Chase s mess. leecker St. Being-trouled with my kidneys and utnmxmh I was recommend 50 cents a box, a full treat- ment of 6` boxes for $2.50, at` all dealers, `or Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Limited, Toron- to. Do not `be talked into ac- cepting a s/ubstitute. Imita- tions only disappo'1nt,.\/ TPnl1l`l`>' will he rr~cni\'ml by tw>, .Lll]dF`,I`.~iij.f.`ll((i until Mnnria,V, M ,=,_',r' Math, -1 91:, at mmn, my the sup- lply of mo tams .\`e1m:t Lump T1211 , [Vein \'n11gl1r`n:.rl1c~m' Sui`! C11.-.~; ! dish 50 h.m.< lir; class Hard Cami (og'g' and nut .. : also 5 Vtc'~.r:.5 of Cannel (Znal, In hf; deliverai during` thv fall of I91`;-`__ and t7::e winlm` of 1918f; :t'1`mn ti'm`e to Line as rmjuil-ml, zt, tho: Gaol. Qlcnr.-,:'t. House and Bvgi.~`t,1',\' 0'i(,-0 in Ba- rin. All coal to he weighed .-at tnwn .~`0alv.~' and cm'1iti*aIP in he Inh1a iTne-1 thm`r~.nf at. <'n.-'t of CI-'.`_- tractor and In ho a.Ha<:hnd to 3`- `(`.(Ll1l'lf when x~nI1rivrc+d. Tho In-Yv- -vst or any-tmMm' not no-.v.~.-.<:1'=?5.y a('.cept,0d. All i.nmlv1'.< tn ho maxi- led Tenders for Coal. snzxiwl _:_1nd atklrnssc-d tn Are ood for I` the` tumach Have you Indigestion? Yourfoodiwill continue to dis- agree w1th you, -and cause d19- tress until you stre - en your `digestive "organs; ` tone and sweetenthestotnach. Youcan do this'~quick_1y and surely by promptly takmg a few of Their natural action relieves the stomach of undigested food, -stimulates the ow of gastric juice, _renews the activity of the liver and bowels, and strengthens the digestive sys- tem. 'Take them with confi- dence, for 60 years ex nence `prove that Beecham s '11s .1, H. B`l Chairman Co. P1-npc-1-I,\' Cm ..-L8 H} _ Rm` 213. Ran`? TENDERS FOR GOAL` '1'3'ier New York City, wnteu. Being-trouhled stomach I recommended by an ac- quaintance to try your GIN PILLS. I purchased 3, box at a. near`-by drug store, and I can truthfully say that they have been wonderfully eective and I\ am now feeling splendid." I! you have any sus icion of kidney or stomach trouble wrte to-day for a. free sample of Gin Pills, or buy trom your` dghggist--50c. a box, or 6 boxes Nefve /Food :14. at with pl'.~3. `Thu nun uvn .------,, __ kidney your drugglst--50c. for $2.60. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canndu, Limited Toronto, Ont. 1!. s. Aaams-NA-nun-co. he. ` 292 Main 3%., Bualo, N.Y. as ---- new vnnfmnn Now [ FEELS ?EF'!.P'9_..... - is sold by druggxms everywhere at $1 a bottle.6 bottles tor 85. Get a free copy of our bookA Treatise on the Horse`? at your _druggistjs_or write us. 116 nr. n..I.nunAu. co., Eliosblirl rang vn.

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