'77t_h "bad the con. bably next Constitute 7and Reglar Tenders f-on aol Supplies Superior . . . Investments '%`i=6|iii%nuG cxeense to Insurance. Barrio v A.v.n_av 94;. L dudmore Sales Co. Safety, Saleabilitz, :1` Income. To-day K c.. B. McLEAN ' m1xz{1?;.T{'e3-:'I1'.}`:1". i"63II .';t::J.:;1'1;c`1 G%4[`If:I`{1,X1`\?_l`~Ifj7`I`*lI51 ` McLAUGHLlN, -r.....a...,,1914........;.....................,;;;...s: FORD, Touring, 1914 ............. .... .... .......... ..s: FORD, Touring, 1914.. ......... .; ............. .... .... ..}..$1 CHEVROLET, New, CHEVROLET, Ngw, CHEVROLET, 1916. Fullx equipped with Electric Starter, Ligts, Spee 111091130-act `LIA-.. 'l`....1.. -4... -..J AT? A n A xvrnu-51-A-n ~ . A Few Bargains For Quick Sale J See The Tavnks In Action" at the Grand, Friday and Saturday. News from Neighboring Townships Ladies and Men s Tailoring We co_rdialIy intrite you `to look over our large stock of` ne Imported woollons. We have the best. assortment of suit cloth: in Town, andere prepared. to make you a tailor- ed.-to-measure Suit or Oval-ooat in -the shortest possible _tir_ne. Latest styles .--- first-el'assfworkm'anshIp, and satisfaction egqaranteedu Prices as ,.l',ow.=as possible'.; ` LADIES `desiring a4,I'Ast-cl'ass tailored sun or coat should give us a trial. You will- be astonished with the manner in which the work is'tu_rned out. ` ' V I-IARRY TWISS ` arch kota, neral from -Uto- Cem- Tlep}ione 73 I ; -5&3 As Told by 0m`. 7 I I Correspondents A THORNTON v. |i'i1_'_ 5. 191.1, .Phon: or Call If Interestd V $695 . . 1-10.3. oshm. - ~ ~ - - ~ - v - v v - - - - - - - - - - w W Tourinig ....... .`;..'._... . .. 1'AAILOR"- ` 3} Ofwer) `stret, - McLean and Pte. ;lJamieson and R. D. _Henry.- The L _ the presentation was made by _=Jas. A. Jamieson: to Mr. _Arnold , a clubibag, and to "Mrs. Arnold a 3 travelling _ is which a dainty` lunch was served`. .g Every one went away wishing Mr. , Toronto spent -over Sunday here ; with Pte. Earle McLean, who!(} was home on last leave . . . . .. W Thornton again is losing a cou- D, ple of its highly esteemed young 1,, men in the persons of Pte. H. E. e, Cecil Morris, 01 who left Barrie on Wednesday tr for overseas. Their many friends S1 hope to see these young menkp, return safely before long. .ThelS1 Epworth League on Friday night 3 will be of a special nature. It, being consecration night the'b( committee have decided to make it a reception of new membe_rs also. The topic will be taken by 1 Chas.`W. Henry, also other mus- In ic, etc., will be given- Everyone in welcome....A -`farewell for Mr. H and Mrs. H. G. Arnold was held H in St. Jude s Church '-on Mar. 24.'w, During the evening some appro-T: priateg remarks were made by ml Messrs. Frank Sinclair, -S. R. W, Brown, J. A." Corbett, Hodgson, M and others. ' -Solos by` Misses Luella Easton and lGei1e vieve `M address of the eveningwas read by A. W. Fletcher of Barrie and . companion, after . and Mrs. Arnold everyeprosperity . -and success in their new home 3 in Toronto. . .- . . .W. J. C. Boake ,!and family have moved into the , fhouse ;Henry. V lately vacated by W. C. La! on f the | We are pleased to report that {the Circle membership is in- }creasing, and the interest or the `members is shown by` the splen- idid attendance, and ` the work ;being done. A I FTTI..- .'........I.. -_- ..`L..--l. -_.L_--..L Iarvssac ! The are about exhaust- !ed, and we earnestly appeal to ;the ' public for nancial help. Thornton Sewing cl:-"ole Phone 293 A Opposite Simcge Hotel I $275 .... ..}..$225 ..........;.-.L.%...275 ...... .........-.$650` L1 . -W. A. Sibbaiif 13;; sold his Agrovceryhusiness in Mulcaster `St. _to Edgar Hutchirison, who is 1 now in charge. `I`-: -EI':'3rvey Greensides,' Mil- dred*_McKni ght. _ 'II'--_..- .1 -I_.. 1.1110 U \IIGl-ll) vvsnn his VIA &V&\J&LLl.l.e :1 U0 mPrimer-George Munro, John Johnston, George Reynolds, Mil- `ton .Bettarid_ge, Annie Johnston. - '1:1-.-...1.-..4 -ll.-...I-._-- -_.I A Univ Fhlan, J-IJ-IJIJ \J9I II- Clarence Mu`nro, Eva Keast, Ernest _McKnight, Sadie Wench, Reba Mayes, George Betteridge, Earl Mayes, Caharlie Betteridge. `[71]. -.- 'II'...-..... > `I ~n ll`! uu;. .n;\Juun_1;. guau, azasnsau U vnassv vvxsc `Highest in attendance and conduct Norene Webb. ' V ' GRIEVE, Teacher. Apr. 2_-.Spring is here once; more and the farmers are look- ing around for their hired men. ....Pte_. Arthur Jacks and Sgt. ,1-I-arold Irving are spending the week-end at their home here. . . . The Misses Jean and Elsie Nel_ son visited Toronto friends last week. . . .Miss Tula. Gordon and Mrs.- Gordon of Davenport are visiting at their home here.... Mrs. W. Latimer spent last week_ with her daughter, Mrs. Lucas, Lefroy. . . .Mrs. Chester McCon_ key and children returned to the` city- after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. John Hughes. . '. . .Mr. and .Mrs. McLachlan and children of Herschel, Sask., have returned home after visiting [friends in the East. uuutna La-uuu-u-.- very critical. Report for Jan. and Feb. for Killyleagh School _IV-Luella Easton, Marie _Mc-` Knight, Zeta Sharpe, Jim Grib- bons; ` I -r-r-r 11', , ,,- _ ' 1-17-1.1. 711-..- JJ\J U'U\JL III-\JO Sr. I -- Olive Munro, .J`ac_k Wonch, Beryl Reynolds,` Eddie Gibbons, Willie Johnstc_m`. 1"_ `I T1 ' II}! MITCHELL soon: On Thursday night, Mar. 29, a number of the friends of` Sergt. Frank Clark met at the home. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Clark, and presented him with ten dollars, Rev. Neil Campbell making the presentation and voicing the good wishes of those present. ` A similar sum -was handedto Peter McCuaig for his son Robert, who had previously. gone with the construction bat- talion.-V Another son of Mr. Mc- Cuaig, Sergt. John McCuaig of the 157th Bn., is now serving` in France. HAWKESTONE Apr._3--Alex. Graham, son of the late John Graham, was seiz- edvwith paralysis in bed last Saturday night, and was found unconscious `by Mrs. Graham when she awoke Sunday morn- ing. He had been in Barrie on Saturday, apparently in his usualhealth. His condition is III -~ Norene' Webb, Tena Wonch, Ethel Keast, Edna May- es,~ Norman Mayes, Chalmer Mayes. ' I _ - _ 1'1 ('11 nnnn l\l\ `Ila-...n 'E`un April '2---Miss Edna Arnold is` visiting Collingwood `friends. . .5. Corp. Mclean and Pte. J. Ghander spent the week-end with] = friends on last leave.,. .`. . . .-Miss; Hattie Bone of Thornton _visited Mr. and Mrs. ` R. Jennett last`. week. . . .. Miss Sadie; Jennett ` is -improving after an operation in the"R.V.H., Barrie. .Born, on March .28, to Mr.` and -`Mrs. Wright Speers a son (stillborn). ....Sy_mpathy is extended to Mrs. Robt.` Lowri'e and Mrs. W. A. Thompson in the loss of their mother, Mrs. Martin, Beeton. . .; |Rev. T. _F. J. Dew visited his par. *ents in Alliston last week . . . . . . The infant son of.Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Cunnings had an operation in the R. V. Hospital on Satur_ day. .V .. Sam. Fisher and Jack ,Ellis returned to the West on `Monday. . . .The- Girls . Sewing `Circle shipped,-the following last week: 1 tin cocoa,` 2 writing pads. 2' cakes soap, 2 tooth brushes, 2 lead pencils, 2 pkgs. envelopes, 6.pkgs. gum, lbox chocolates, 2 comfort bags, ,5 t11I'kiSh towels,- 8 pair pillow slips, 2 suits-pyjamas, 11 bed pan covers, 25 huck towels, 2 sheets, .1 pair blankets, ,2 boxes Blue Ointment. 13 pair socks were also given to the 177_th. iboys. - r Mrs. rs. Friday of this week on account` .....u u usv yxvuu UL IJIIUIL VVULIL l Th}; Circle will not) meet on} of it being Good Friday. av hduse:-`td-`iwuse `c`an`vass during the. week. $100 is. required to: h11y...I,Bat9;`ial .. .,,foI:%`.-W1"k-* s and we ` frlissfour friqI1ii'B:}`B:'1'1"(i" the friends" of the boys ',_in._'khaki WiIl~give Iihe.r"fa;Hy-' ;'.',i`: L g . ' A-The bale Iiacked this week contained the fo_1lowi'ng: 18 suits pyjamas, :12,-_i air"-. pi_llow__s, 51$ I1pus'e.W-Ives coI1tain'ing damning- ne`ed1'e's, Isewing: jnee'd.1es, darning wool,` sewing` cotton, buttons,-A safety pins, shoe laces, pencils (lead), court plaster and hora- cic acid, 52 prs. of socks were sent to the boys in the trenches. - III... '........ ..I.......1_'-..__1-n-11 A uuuu qu mu: uu_yo`1u. hut; l.:1'Ul1U1lU:. We :ar~ejdeeply"grateful to the ladies who are knitting .-for us, and we are proud of their work. 'l`1l-... .r1.'....I.. ___-11 4__u ____ 8. 8. NO. 6, INNISFIL % Grocery sold STROUD , V Ill-hat-d"s' *LlnIn 1nt CuIV-as pm-us. etc. j ~V -_ KILLYLEAGH ' Apr. 2--Pte. Elmer Mayes of Galt is home on his last leave. W. Lsharpe of Hamilton is visiting his; parents here.... Geo; Munro `visited friends in Vespra last week....R. J. Me. "Knight spent a few days i'n,Bar- Ifie last week. Apr. 2--Miss Edna` Secor of_ Allandale is visiting her grand- mother, %M11s. Jos. Secor`...... Miss Esther Groves returned home last week after spending the winter with friends in Brad- ford. . .'.Miss Pearl Walkipshaw is visiting friends in -Toronto. . . .Mrs. Law of Everett spent a few days- with Miss` Ivene Red- fern last Week. . . Jones Lee of Toronto was `in the village on Tuesday. ,` - v-.. n ..-uu.u ALI. uuu guuuia LJ:u_y.I . . . .The many friends of Willie! Nightingale will be pleased to] know that he has recovered from` his attack of measles, and is now taking `a course of training in the Naval` Barracks, England. .` . . McCraw is holidaying with friends in Collingwood . . . . . .Our best wishes accompany Stanley Yates and family who left this week for their new home near Bolton . . . . . '.Friendshere regret. very much to hear of the serious illness of Thos. Spr-oule in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie.-' an-Janna av; vnnu, nun. 1. 41.11.11; . . . .Mrs. Arthurvbtiluon: `nvho has beenovisiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cronan, has `returned to the city . . . . .. The honeymoon being over, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. _Love are comfort- ably settled in their new home, `.`The Cedars. . ' GRENFEL . Apr. 4--'].`he many friends of James Holmes learned with re- gretthat he had "passed away after a short illness at the home of his sister, Mrs.`A. Lowe, at Baxter, last Friday morning, March 30. Mr. Holmes was only forty_nine years old and being of abright cheerful nature made many friends. He had spent .most;of his life here but for the past few years had- resided in North Dakota. The remains were brought by G.P.R. to Essa station and hence to residence. of his brother, Wm. J. Holmes, on Saturday and funeral took place to Angus Cemetery Mon- day afternoon. Service was con- ducted in the church at Ang1_1s.. . .Frank Orr spent Sunday here. . . .A large number attended Wm. Fleming s sale on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and family a.re moving` to Gollingwood. . . . `A large number attended -the Khaki Circle ` at A. Ford s last night. ` -- GRAIGVALE April 4--Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan left last! week for their home_ in Herschell, Sask.,' after spending the winter months with relatives here..Mrs. Thos. Gordon of Concord visited with 1 I friends here last week. . . .George 1 Martin and Wm. Young. spent} the week.-end in the Queen Gity.! "I11-H. nu-.. 4`..:.....,.l.. .4` 117.-11:-` _IApr.e2---A iiumber from out-' side points came in `to meet Chas. Rennie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rennie of. Wasaga, pass through on his way to the Front..;.W. D. Edgar is mov- ing to the city this week. ,. . .Mis's Jessie ,A1lan returned `after an extended visit with friends in the north. . . .Fal1 wheat looks prom- ising for `the, first week of April. 1\lI'..... A..4I....... 1\:'n..... __I..- L..- -._..-..,- -1. A-.aC,uIrn\A uu Jutlxl [(1-LJULLL, a nt|r`7r`1.'berof our girls and boys are writing` their Departmental Exams. now-instead of the latter part of June. - ' E, i. - ' . _. ;. :".`.1-`._3`,.'7':."~ . i ' A - ff` Apr: 2-_-- Pte;lIl_j,`lmjs"s`and Mrs, cnoss spent: t_he* Weekendv With irieiids hares`-\13.Vte_. `Ross was on` .` hjslasii l`eave.i. ; .Mr s. Bell :. spent a. fewydaysilast week with ;~._Ellis is. spending a few`- days with Barrie friends." , ._ . .`E'aster :5 its joy `and gladness is here a- i gain. _ * ness_ comes .-through unselsh ~ service, for" 0"th`)e.`P.{S.V'--1",;-4`-An oppor- ll her son at CbId'W3:ter .~.`Miss "E. w`u.n The real spirit of hap'p'i;, tunity is.`.igiveh`t`:5veiyl7 man, we. man child to cheer the boys who are ghting `for our liberty. -by contributing to the "mold Comforts Shower." `Owing to the conditio of the roads a so- cial is out f the question~ at ipresent. .Hov__vever, a, plan {has `been devised. Each contributor `can l'eave his donation at M. M. ' Bell s store where a- box has [been prepared`. _ The smallest [article will be cheerfully receiv- ed any time from the present `till April 9th. Then the articles [will "be given over to Mrs.,D. M. ;Stewart. who will send them direct to the trenches. A sug; `gestive list of articles may be seen at the store. This is the first appeal for articles for Field Comforts and as Utopia never does things by halves we hope for a liberal res[)0nse.....()wing to a change in the School Regu- lations in regard to farm labour, Lzrnov" ANGUS Thursday Wholesale Prices. Fall Wheat .. .. .. $1.80-$1.85 Buckwheat. .. .. . $1.15-`$1.25 o u o o o n u o o o o o$2.25`$2-35 Oats .. .. .. ....65c.-70c. Barley .. .. .. .. 91.10-$1.25 Rye .. .. .. .. .. $1.30-$1.35 Spring Chicken .. .. 20c._22c. Old Fowl .. .. .. .. 16c.-18c. Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 18 ' Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . .28c-30c. Butter . . . . . . . . . .42c-44c. Eggs .. .. .. .. 28c-30c. Potatoes, bag '.. . $2.50-$2.75 Hay .. .. .....'.$1o.00-$12.oo .Wool, washed, lb ....50c-52e. Wool, unwashed, lb .. 35c-37c. Beef Hides, Sc-ured . . . . 210-220. Beef Hides, green . . .. 20e.-2lc. Tallow, rendered, lb .. '.)c-10c. Sheep Skins. . . _ . . . .$2.50-$3.50 Horse Hides .. $5.00-$7.00 Horse Hair, Alb . ._ . . . . . ; ...35e Lamb Skins .. .. $1.00-$3.50 Calf Skins, green .. . . er. . 25c. Flour (Ontario) .. . . ..$l0.00 Flour` -(Manitoba) .$i0.50-$11.00 .B`r-an, ion . . S . . . .$38..$39 -Shorts, ton . . -. . . .. . . $42443 Alsike Seed . . . . . . .$7.50-`$9.00 Red_'Clover__*Seed ..$1_0.00-$il.50 Iniinnunsr Apr. 4---A very pleasant even- ing was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Story, Third Line, on April 3, in honor of their mother, Mrs. M. A. Story, who celebrated her 76th birth- day. `About twenty guests were present and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. . . .Ptes. Willie Cam- eron, Wallace Coutts and Willie Latter of the 177th'Bn., spent the week_end -on last leave with friends here. . . .'I`he roads are very bad at present, so the mail courier has his own troubles to seek in getting` around with the mail, as the process is slow. . . . `Pte. Chas. Vt /illiams of the 177th Bn_., Orillia, spent a few days on last leave visiting friends here. ....Mrs. A. A. Garvin has re- turned home after spending a few days in,Barrie, with her mother, Mrs. A. F. Garrett, who has been `ill. . . .A. Monteith is conned" to the house with meas- les....The Stork entered the home" of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coch- rane on April 2 and presented them with a fine baby boy. Con- gratulations. . . . __The monthly meeting -of the Midhurst branch Canadian Red Cross Society will be held on Wednesday, April 11, at the home of Mrs. A. Garvin. All interested in this work are invited to attend. Contributions to Barrie branch for March:- Monthly, Mrs. C. Ward $ 2.oo, J. 'Sneath $2.00, Mrs." C. Hickling $1.00, collection $1.15. Members fees--.-Active, Mrs. W. Dunn $2.00; associate, Mrs. J. Handy 1931.00, Mrs. Andross $1.00. To- loai $10.15. Sewing and knitting }returned to Barrie: 7 suits py- ljamas, 10 prs. socks. s. s. no. 12, `lI\ll\llS|'-'IL I School Report for February Sr. IV-Bert Huhbert, Elmer Dyer, Bert Srigley, Lottie S1-ig- ley, John Cochrane. TTT AA.` T--.-... T f\I.l\ IVJJ , II \.I::.:.L \uIvuLAs urazua Jr. IV---Ada Lynn, Lottie Cochrane, Edgar Wharram, Wil- lie Gibson, Dorothy Srigley, Lena. Minnikin. V ` `-11- IN 1 '1'! 1 1 r\I ,| -v.na.Laa..I.a.a.na.n.a.o Jr. III-Sank Tyndale, Olive Lynn, Elsie Gibson, [Eva Kell, Cecil Lynn, Monetta Jago, Irene Kell. 1-v 13-11 1- 1 1 1-31 Jr. II-Milton Lougheed,.Ed- ward Dawson, Frankie Srigley, Marion Reed, Lloyd Srigley, Vera Minnikin, Verna Minnikin, Reu- b.en Bloxham. 71- IN,, 113.11.; .lJ1\JA|lI.&.l.L1o Jr. I Una Hoover, George Gibson, Joseph Cochrane, Nelson Hubbert. t\Aa r\,'_1 -'IV-_,-___ aul \.L.IJlJ\Jl. Us Primer--Ot_to Srigley,' ' George Srigley. ` 1]` IIYATT A1117 "I"nn:-.1-gnu 0nhi1%dr%en' Orv . FUR FI.5'|'-CI|EI.'S c A s T o R I A Barrie Markets \JIpIIh VII-\J.] I I I U QVJ-I I IE`-I-ll OVLI KJI llfl-II E. Dutcher have returned home, after a two-weeks visit with Elmvale friends; . .H. G. Arnold I and family have moved to their _new home -in. Toronto. Their 1 many friends wish them every `* success. . . .Miss Ruth Harper ofli `Toronto will address the Wo-ij men s Missionary Society of the,` Methodist Church next Sunday-`.1 at 10.30 and in the evenin"g thel Pastorwill preachon The Great Easter Message.".'.. . Mrs. Wal- `ter Milligan of Toronto` spent at few days recently with her pars}: vents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cross-`1 'ley. . . .. Mrs. F. 0. Bishop of Elm- it -vale was with her mother, Mrs.;l E`. Dutcher, for a short visit.l J. McLean, Miss Reta!- `McLean and Claire,-McLean ofgl AGENTS FOR PLANET JR. GARDEN TOOLS Everyone having sucientvspoce should `realizeeitoxs a patriotic duty to increase the food production, so make your back yard gazigen produce something this year. BROWN 8 A have a full lineof fresh Field and Garden Seeds now ready. 1 Plants and Bulbs in season. Special prices to market gardeners. ey Fowl . . sEE D S` E. WALLACE, 'I`e.acher. .,..........- ....... .,.- ....-....,..,..-... -`Tenders virill be received up to T___uesday, 10th Appn,..1.947.- The lowest or `any tender not decea- sarily accepted. ' All tenders to be sealed and addressed to J. H. BENNETT, , Chairman Co. Proper? , Com- mittee, Box 243, Barrivgh "14-M Tenders Vwill be received by the undersigned for the follow- ing supplies for the gaol, for the period to commenceon the H-th day of April, 191"], and ending on the 31st. day of March, 1918, namely: Oatmeal per standard barrel, syrup bright, per gallon, coal oil per gallon, potatoes per standard bag, butter per pound, pot barley per pound, salt per barrel, soap (Dalton s) per box. Blank tender forms can be ,I,L_! , Altnhnvn, \J\.llh:I \JJI.~Iu\.vLs u] llkll. Alklllo obtained from the undersigned. ."`I1.\...A.....`.-. -'.II `Inn usnnn`-.4..l .-... L.-. ",1~.'i;,1~. 4--`Mrs. Thompson of Toronto spent over Sunday" with her aunt,_ Miss Mary Mc- Cartney`. . . . Mr. and Mrs. "Chas. .-.I...I.__ 'L-_-_ __..L--_.._-.J L._--_- S-ingle comb Anconas Single comb R. I. Reds Great Layers. Apply B. LAWRENCE, I1K`IlJv\a\r\v\l\ Q.-`Inn STEADvWEMPLOYMEN-1" Q:: - g__ -spurns LU A. F. _l_\:__!VfI__lcomson - I. ' _--`J these investments may be pur- chased at prices that will give returns approximately of 5%, 6% and 7%. If you are not familiar with this form of investment Write, Phone I I2, or call on J . H. BENNETT, 5 7 Dunlop Street. Barrie, Ont, who will be pleased to furnish full information, and transact your business Free of t Western Canada ' NEEDS Thousaniis of Men LP or Spr_'ing Sggding Gobni (WAGE-E ` ' LOW FARES IN EFFECT For Tickets and Information Apply to Government War Bonds, Municipal A Bonds and Debentures Apr. 2--With the departure for overseas ofzthe 177th, Bn., of `which Pte-. `Cecil Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. A; W.Morris, of `Thornton, is a member, makes the list of near .relatives oflMr. and Mrs. A. W. Morris now ser- ving with the colors quite exten- sive. These are as follows:- {Lieuts. Harold, and Herman Par- ker, Lieuts. `Stanley and Jack Scott, Lieuts. Dufferin and-Clif- ford Slemin, .and Ptes. Russell and Hilbert Morris, all nephews; Lieut. John Morris, a cousin -of Mr. Morris, and. his son, Pte. ~Cecil Morris; also Lieut. Hilliard Fennell. The above` are all sex_`-i ving with the colors in France -or are on their way there with . the exception of Lieut. Herman Parker, who is with the British forces in Salonica. All of these have escaped any very serious injury, except Lieut. Stanley :Scott, who paid the supreme_pen- alty last November in the Battle -of Gourcelette Farm, and Lieut. Harold Parker, who was wounded in both eyes last April but is a-' "gain in the trenches. A,.__ I `II..- I'\ A PI1`I_-___4___