BOARISERS ~ AND` ivy A \'rrv1!'.I1\ A A4 I. Mina:-d"s Llniment for sale everywhere. . ` Get your Easter Groceries Here Oranggs, reg. 40, very Special for ...................... ..27c SWlFT S PREMIUM HAM, BREAKFAST BACON AND BACK BACON FOR EASTER. ' 1,000 lbs." of Black Tea, per lb. . . Soda Biscuits,.. ,. .. .. .. Macaroni .. .. .. .. .. .-. .. Choice Figs .. .. .. .. .. .. . `Tapioca . . . . . Hand-picked Wh.ite.B.e'aI1.s' ...' .. Facy Headless` Herring . . . . .. . G-hase & SaIiborn s Coffee, . . . . . Fancy Blueberries . .~ . . . . . . . PROMPT SERVICE HINDS BROS. At.Easter and every other time you can get Superior Grocery Service here. Prime quali- ty and Easier Prices . -:- -:- -:- -:- L \JIl\JV\JUu K} 1:1 LUUCI .. $1.5o,"-`I135, $1.25 V Ladies B1ue,__Pink, Ladies Black, Putty, Sand, Castor, Pink, Boot Hose. Special .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75. I `Ladies Black Silk Lisle Cinderella Hose, sizes 9% and 10. Special .. .. .. 250. Ladies Black Lisle Hose, outside sizes. Sizes 9, 9%, 10. Special.. .. .. .. 50c. pr. Ladies and Children's Black Fine Ribbed Hose, sizes 6 to 10; very scarce goods; price.. You -should not miss this line. -STANDING TIMBER FOR S LE --Suitable for barn tim er, lumber, shingle bdlts, fence posts and pail timber. Large or small quantities to suit purchaser. Also hardwood by the acre. Apply D. J. Batu` clay, Stroud. T *6-tf Ladies Penman s Black Cashmere Hose, special values . . .. . . 90c., 15c., 60c., 50c. Ladies Black Cashmerino Hose, sizes 9 io 10. Special . . . . 1350. pr.,_3 prs. for $1.00 Children s Penman s Black Fine Ribbed Hose, sizes 4% to 81%., these are very special. Prices. . . . . . 30c., 35c., 40c., 50c., and 60c. Men s Black Pe'nman s Sox; sizes 9%, 10, 10%, 11-. Special prices.. .. 50c. and 40c. Men s Black Silk Mercury Sox; sizes 10, 10%, 11. Will not irritate the feet; combines softness, durability and style withperfect fit. Special .. .. .. . . .. 50c.~pair. Hosiery \ Ladies Silk Hose, colors Black, Pale Mauve, special price .. .. $2.00 white Silk Hose, `special price.. $1.25 Castor, HOLMES-At Baxter ,on March 30, James Holmes, of Dakota, aged 49 years. The funeral took place on Monday from` ,his brother s residence, Uto- pia, interment in Angus Cem- etery. ' MacLACHLAN - At Tollendal on April_ 2, Anne Jane, wife of the late Alexander MacLachlan, aged 70 years. WEBB---In Barrie,` Apr. 4, Mrs. Annie Webb, aged 85 years. Patriotic Fund /canvass Interruption of the work ow- ing to the departure of the 177th Bn. yesterday and the very bad weather today has retarded the Patriotic Fund canvass very con- siderably and it will probably not be ' completed before next week. ' PHONE 145 {I MISS GLENNEY--T-Direvssmaking and lady tailoring. 178 Dun- lop St. Phone 384. 3-15 V4 _r CHE CHE CHE Mel. FOR FOR for wh Si'\'+ `Lie ker Sc-w `fOL": ?._I_ld thr ~':1'llr Vihl; -0!` the CLEANING ZXND V PRESSING - Your old suit- and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Ovyen St. 8-tf f0[`s" hU.\'s inj 3. S04 vi` gilt`; 01 '71 ii`?! in afte'x- Elmv and f m:-,w( ; T many 'succa "Torol me.-`rr`_.~ of wit "is/1'c'I.". FOR QUICK SALE $1050.00 -'--A neat brick house with seven rooms, verandah,` woodshed, and cellar. Suitable for re- tired farmer, tradesman A or laborer. See. it on lot 20 S. Elizabeth St... or apply to T. T. Young. Box 66. Barrie. . 2-tf a`rI \ See` DOMESTIC WANTED - Young girl to go to Toronto to do light work in small family. Will give opportunity for ed- uoation. Good home. .7 Good girl will-receive` every oppor- tunity. State, full particulars and salary. Mrs. B. H. Mc- Creath, 22 Inglewood Drive, ' Toronto. . . 13-14 'IRON! MOULDERS WANTED-- Acoustomed t.o, or willing to- learn, Ma.chine Operating. Highest wages in Canada for Light Moulding. ` Write, or communicate With, Taylor- Forbes Company, e Guelph, Ont. 1 11-16 FOR SALE--Montrose Cottage,` 88 Clapperton __St., Barrie. Central, `desirable property, modern conveniences, med- ium osize. solid brick, stone foundation. Possession May 7th. Terms to suit purchas- er. Apply Mrs. E. A. Russel-1, 409 Markham St., Toronto, or Colin McMillan, Wellington St., Barrie. iitf CAR OF TIMOTHY HAY to hand the quality is right, the price is right; also baled straw; a large stock of timothy seed, clover and alsike seed. `All kinds of feeding stuff, flax seed. G-oi_lcake and flax seed meal. "Dent & Flint seed corn V at lowest prices. Jas. Chees- ma-n, Flour and Feed Mer- chant, corner ' Bradford and Elizabeth Sts.. Barrie. 13-17 2 ing farm in this good farming. district. Large solid. brick FARM FOR SALE - 100 acre Farm, best clay loam, known ` as West half, lot 9,'9th Gon- cession, Essa township, Sim- coe County. `Best grain-grow- house, good barns, and out-' buildings, large orchard, beau`. ` tiful lawns and groves, 10- acre bush, good wells. new wire fence . all along -front. Every convenience such as church,_ school, railway..sta- tions, -market, telephone, mail delivery. This very desirable property must be sold to settle up estate. For further in... formation and sale terms- ap- Wplr [to `Harry 0. Morris, Ad- m nistrator, V237 Havelock` St., . Toronto, `Ont. . ` 12-15` "WXKEB. ASEIS7 13 "5h3171'8Ei" St. 13tf -FOR SALE-Brick Cottage and lot, electric light and water`. Apply 58 Park St. 12-13 `IIUUIJ DU W D .9 Un onus; -- three Yorkshire ? White Sow due early in July. Thos. Smith, TT$nn-in . IJLIU UQL I Utopia. _ R9_oMas LWLIII Illlu 12-13| ALUUQ on: cow run. we -vv--u The_tWo cases set down for trial -at the `Non-Jury ' County Court this week were adjourned by consent. ' -__ - . _ , . --nn-_ 1%-- W:Mafp'1"if.f ijnts and Flo .. glaze. None better on the mar- ket. W. A. Lowe Son. , i-,_' 1! _ _. W --spl-In; Neoessltles - Spe- cial value, new `designs, of Oil- cloth and Linoleum, at Dougall Bros. | `WANTED -% Housemaid; Apply Mrs. Geo. E. Fisher, Galt; Ont. T V 14.15 FOR SALE-`-Rug. Couch. , Call. at - 86 Small St. ` 14.45 A GOOD DRIVER for sale. Ap- ._I__ -4 I`!.........1.l.9._ 'I --'A.a.. Qln.nn' BROOD sows" FOR SALE ~--T `In-an `7l\r|1r(Vl`t:v\l\. WA.NTED-- Experienced gener} al. Apply 50 Mary_St.. 14-tf `EAVETROUGHING - Consult P.` J. Moran, 58 Bayeld St. 12-14 `GENERAL "SERVANT WANTED -Apply Mrs. 0rd, 133 Blake St. 14.14 FOR SALE -- Young Pigs (York- . shire). Apply S. V. Jones, ' _Oro Station. 14-14 `PIPE FITTING-V-- done by` P. J. Morah. ' _ ` 12-14 WANTED-Girl for mo weeks, sleep _at home. Apply at this ofcie`. ' 14-14 TO RENT--Market Garden, fst class soil. Apply to Mrs. M. Moore, 89 Blake St. 14-tfI `FOR SALE--Jersey Heifer, 4 iiyrs.l old, with calf .at foot. For particulars apply at this of- ce. h4-14p FOR SALE--Parlor, dining-room and bedroom furniture, range, gas plate with;-oven. Mrs. A. _ S. Burton, Phone 344. 1.4 `FOR SALE--A Pony, -harness and cutter, suitable for lady or children to drive. Apply to Minesing, Phone 91. 14-23 BU1L1)HIe LOTS FOR SALE V- .66 feet choicest frontage `on William Street, Allandale, Box M, Examiner and Satur- day Morning. 10tf FRAME STABLE FOR SALE - 18x24. Apply at 158 Elizabeth Street. T '13-1\4p WANTED 4- Cook general, small family; good wages. Apply V_ 72 High St. V .13tf FOR SALE CHEAP V-,Gleveland Bicycle, splendid condition. ' _Garrett s Music Store-. 414.'tf FOR SALE--12 Barred Plymouth Rock Pullets, $1.25. Apply to Harry Ottaway, Box 9, Bar- rfie. V 14-14p MAID WANTED-- For_ work in: Av\r\`vv Q: H.157!!! n.~..-.1! `Ln...-. |WANTED--Exper-ienced general; also nursemaid. "Apply Mrs. .H. M..Dyment. 13-14 PASTURE LAND` FOR sALE-7 miles from `Barrie; well Wat: ered. Apply at-this office. AI. IQ.` FOR SALE-- White Wyandotte Eggs for hatching from first- prize winners at Barrie Fair. Apply W. H. Tooth, 53 Victoria St., Barrie. _ ? 14-i7p;. LOST-At Barrie Station, Satur- day, -March 31, black handbag, containing some money,_rai1.. way ticket, etc. Finder please leave at this office. 14-14 [FOR SALE on T0 RENT-Brick residence with 31/2 acres, suitable for market garden, nice location. Apply to Mrs. M. Moore, _89 Blake St`. 14-tf. FOR SALE-Brick residence on Sophia `St.,' seven rooms, bath and kitchen, with every con- venience and good garden. Ap- ply H. G. Boag`, Barrie 3-tf WANTED 4- Summer home, 7 ,rooms or larger. All conven- iences. Safe beach. Apply to W. J. Middleton, Westview Apts.y Christie St., Toronto. ' - 14-15 WANTED- Experienced mold- ers for bench and" floor on light jobbing -work. 450. per hour. Steady work `guaranteed all year. Bowes, Jamieson Foundry; ` Hamilton. 1 4-15 "EGGS FOR SALE-Settings from bred-to-lay prize stock Leg. horns, Single Comb Leghorns, Rose Comb White Wyandottes. Suncrest Poultry. Farm, 261 Bayeld St., Barrie. 14-14 FOR RENT---Nice 5-acre farm, large fruit "orchard, comfort- able house, good_ farm build- ings, town water and electric light. Apply Gledhill, 74 God-` rington St. East. 14-15 HORSE FOR` SALE--- Chestnut, 15% hands high, 1000 lbs., 7 yrs. old, dandy driver,. quiet and reliable. No reasonable` >o er'i refused. Apply 0.: E. Golland, Hawkestone. 14-14.- p`i "a'Z 5;'E7s `1"\zius"1'"t3 ef% 14-tf. "Ha11'_' l.1.c;;1`s,;.~ TApf)1v' 8'5-Ma}? St. \ > % 10-tf -uu |i4;16p .VVGl.I U1 IJIIU UIU Dhavlluo ' Aofthe late Dr. McLeod. The Treasurer , of the Royal Vi'c`toriavHo'spital has received a cheque for $200 from the estate :1 run`, vuuav v .-;ua.o Last Saturday's Montreal Star contained a girl"s picture ,3-that was picked up in France by a Montreal soldier. The photo was taken in Barrie. 1\ FOR SALE --WRubbe1`-tired bug- gy, auto seat, in first-class condition. \ Apply to Geo. vHick1ing, Shant yBay. 12-14 west of the old` stagxd. 19 In Alllll-Ill a.l\IL&\AI.hJa . Just arr-ived-pA new stock of the latest` songsand song folios. Garretfs Music Store, two blocks" 7'I"'l..,. "I1...-A . . . . . . A... A 11... TI......l \JLI.VUI.S .1-VJ]. LJLUCIILLUIDU KIUILVULJO Lower School exams. for High Schools will be held June 12 to 25 and the Middle and Upper; Schools between June 7 and _29. vulva: aavuvvuvns vusxa. --If you have /heard a Talk- ing Machine," hear the New Edison at Keenan s and form your own opinion as to their rel- ative merits. `I ! at 5 cm: vvtdv VIALAVL; Ans .n.ruvsn.a\Jo The average of monthly Penny Bank deposits for January and February were :- South :Ward. 270," Central 340., East Ward 110., West Ward 350., all Barrie 310. fI1L- A`ll..l.-... 'I'1 .......`l.I ._-__.._.L.. \II- vsau Ltd: :15 0 auvgvlav --Hot gross `Burns, 6. The Best, 15 cts. per` doz. Phone 250, Br_ow-n"s bakery, or order from dr1vers.for breakfast delivery. T.nn7ni'I Qnlnnnl nvnrne fnn T-Tit:-I1 vv vbuv I.V'WI-\A uvvo, uugu. .:J|a|ra.L4u Ill-`JO The Alliston Herald reports the death of Mrs. Wm. J. J. 11-". win of Nicolston on Mar. 23, aged 66 years. Albert Handy of Barrie is a ha1f-br-other of de-| ceased. ' T" i - Such an accumulation of dirt! had gathered on Dunlop St. dur- ing the winter that the grader was put on this -week to scrape ittoff. Themachine made a good job besides `being cheaper than the shovel method. * 'I _--1 'I.-1'-_.... --_- ._9..I......1.. ,__.. `II -.. vl.n\J unsvvun gnnuqnnuuo ' Just before six o clock -on Mon- day evening the lights in the business section were out for a "few minutes, owing to a pole at the Five Points being set on fire by the wind blowing against, it a live wire on which the insul- ation was badly worn-. I111..- ...._..'I2.....L,._... -1.` LL- f'I'|.......... The application -of the Town. to, Barrie and Orillia Electric Ry. Co. for an extension of fran- chise was thrown out in com- mittee of the Legislature last week. Barrie will now have to look to the Hydro Comn. for an electric line -to the G.P.R. . Isaac Speers has sold his pro- perty at the north end of Toron- to St., consisting of eleven acres, to J. H. Longbottom of Toronto, the sale being effectedthrough W.` C. Thompson & Son. Mr. Longbottom; whopis a returned s-oldie-r, will engage in market gardening. `II... .7l;I'_\T All-.. 1.1.... _..-_- ......__... | People within several blocks of Queen s `Park were startled, Tuesday morning, by a loud ex- plosion which set the windows in the houses rattling. Some soldiers had taken a bomb out into the middle of the parks and set it off just to let the. people hear what._ a real live bomb sounded like. - n , I FOR SXLE on RENT -- Black- smith Shop with tools. Splen- _ did chance for good workman. Apply Wm. R. Best, Edga. ` . 12-t . cum. \A\JJ.A.aLA. Mr. McLel1;an, the new mana- ger of the Bank of Nova Scotia, was vice president of the Wes- ton Board of Trade at the time of his removal to Barrie. In accepting his resignation the Board expressed its regret and also thanked him for his efforts on behalf of that organization, IJ\lLl-l.|I.A\J\J AnLn\JI Barrie people had their first glimpse of an-aeroplane - from Camp Borden. when one of the big bird machines came asvfar as the west end of the town and was`. insight for about fteen minutes. A dozen or `more of these machines are now in op- eration at Camp Borden and they will be a very common sight over this section of countrydur- ing the `next six months. Last Thursday night the Pub- lic Library Hall was lled with an interested audience that turn- ed out to hear the musicale given by Miss` Claxton and her pupils. The programme, which was long and varied, gave those present a good opportunity of understanding the wide range in-. cluded in Miss Claxton s work. both vocal" and instrumental, and the manner in which she devel- ops musical ability. A goodly sum was realized for the Red Cross Society under whose aus-' gpices i.t was given. Major F. M. Spry of Londdn spent o)ver Sunday with his" mother. '19 _ ,I___ _, -10 rn-_-__1_ 2- LIIUUIIUI a Mark Wooding of. ToroI`1to_ is spending a week with Barrie friends. I`, _ ,_-,l_ -1! 'I1`I.-.._-`I- LL l\J.I.l\J\7O F. H. Gavanagh of Thessalon is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gavanagh. .`Il :...' fI.......A Il'..T\A.nnIA A-l-' Unnn GIIINJ ll GI! IIUI. IIUIIIUI Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Lloyd of the S00 are Easter visitors with the Misses Stevenson, Samson Street. ~ fl rI.I_1,,,_I`r _._.I -1.:I.I KJIIL WWII: Mrs. s. G. caldweir and child- ren left for their home in Edmonton on Monday after a pleasant sojourn with Barrie relatives. _._ ~-_- -_: 2." ....__.........:i Qu V (#1135 ll 0 ' "_l'*s'.Grace McDonald of Ham- ilton is spending her-nEaster vac- ation at her home. ,1 ~n:_._ 1-1 11' ~rI-_.I -1 . The enggement is ' announced ' _of Katie May, daughter of Mr. James Coutts, Avening, to Mr. -Alexandgr Harvey Spence of Mid-1 PERSONAL maunou FOR SALE-' Roughcast cottage, electric light, town water, good cellar, .cement stable, hen house. Apply on prem- ises, N0. 10- Donald St. 8.16 1 fly]. ll-I Miss Susie Mingay, who has been nursing at Niagara Falls, N.Y., for several months, return- ed home on Saturday night. `She goes to Toronto today to report for duty, having been accepted for military nursing overseas. 1|t__ -n-1 1' 1\:,.1..-... r...-.,. `lutnn `burst, the wedding to take place [in April. ~ ~ REL... Q.-.~.{n Rzfinrrnvv tn}-an hoe IKI lllllluurld LLKALLILLLD \JV\ILI.J Mrs.sT. J. Bishop (nee Miss Gertie Taylor) and her two children, returned to her home in Carbon, Alberta, after spend- ing a very enjoyable three months at the home of her fath- er, E5:-Alderman Taylor, where she had the pleasure of meeting many old-time friends. Mr. Justice and Mrs. Lennox announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie, to Lt.- Gol. William Otter Morris_, son of the late Lieut.-Col. W. S. Morris, Superintendent of the R.N.-W.M.P., a.nd Mrs. Morris,-of Toronto. The marriage will take place on Monday, April 9th, at Grace Church! on-the-Hill. Wattie--GaIder -- A pretty though quiet weddings took place on Wednesday even- ing, March 21, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Orok, Hugh- enden, AIta., when Diana Mar- garet, eldest daughter of Mrs. `Geo. Calder, Stayner, became the bride of Mr. John Edward Wattie-, youngest `son of Mr. John Wat- 'tie, Barrie. Among the guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. D. Coutts. Provost, , Mr. and Mrs. James Goutts, Mr. and Mrs. T. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W-attie aw. Mrs. Alex. .Wattie. Rev. Mr. _1- *r~r-_.I:..4_. -t...'.-.4.-..-I K1 1.111 D. rLlUA.vvvuuu1u. Lwvvo nu... hm` och_ of Hardisty officiated. Promptly at 8 o'clock, the bride looking charming in her navy serge travelling suit with silk embroidered Georgette , crepe blouse entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march played by the` groom s sister, Mrs. H, Orok. Immediately after` congratulations and good wishes were received, the wedding party r aired to the dining-room w ere dinner was served. "The happy young couple left on the 1 o'clock train for Edmonton and points west. '. On their return `they will reside in I-Iughenden, `Alberta. ' Ladies White Lisle Gloves, Special .. .. .. .. .. 90o. pr. V Ladies Blaek and White Silk Gloves, double tips; these are extra vvalue. Special prices . . . . . . $1.25, $1.00, 15c., 50c. pr. 53:66. -74V.6b."$.13;v$I5,m$36. $235. $1 .56 $1.50, $1.25. V Ladies Navy Blue Serge Skirts $.6o`,"9.66,' s.b`6,Ws4.F5o, 'si:.'3,' $5.955; $5.-1'5. T.`I'_,, Ours are in stock, all absolutely new. Large and medium and small colors. Geor- gette Crepe, Organdies and Satin.` Handsome goods, easy prices $1.50, $1.25,; $1.00, 75c.,-0e.., 2.5.c.,' But you should see them. ' HORSES FOR SALE--One1mavy .Draft-, and one driver. Rea- sonable price. Terms to suit purchaser. J. S. and J.`V. Brown, Allandale. Phone 383. 12-tf Voile, Silk and Georgette Crepe; handsome goods, newest styles. You should not miss these lines, they are big values. Price . . $2 an $1 an an III! an our an AA nun our 94 an-v old dyes, fine qualivty of serges: made by the best makers. Prices .. .. .. .. .;-. .. .. A- `A 41 -- A... A- A- _.- -_ `_- A- A_. __ ____ 17---- Y__-', Y--vv, Y--wv, Yw-ww, Y -uw. '1""S'{ou should not miss one of these good Skirts at the small prices; - With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices EASTER NECKWEAR Ladies LADIES BLOUSES GLOVES FOR EASTER White, Tan and Black Kid Gloves. Special prices BORN A;RNOLD-On Sunday, April 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arnold, Stroud, a son. GRANT--In Barrie, on Mar. 22, to`Pte. and Mrs. Geo. E. Grant, a daughter. GORDON-At the Royal Victoria Hospital, North Bay, March 11, to "Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gordon, a son. M1LBURN{-'In Barrie on Sat- urday, Mar. 31, to Pte. and Mrs. W. G. Milhurn, 3 Mulcas- ter St., a son (William Alfred George). STICKAvRT-On Sunday, Apr. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stickart, 56 Brook St., a son. WILLIAMS--On Sat., Mar. 31, to Pte. and Mrs, Williams, Mul- caster St., a son. . TO, LET By May 1st., Splendidl clean 6+ro0med brick house. Large separate cellars. Furn- ace, grate, and all conven- iences. Large verandas. Good garden. Best locality.` 90 Mary Street. 12-