Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1917, p. 7

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Sweet or sour; best prices pgid; `c%a.ns supplied: ill { gipress . charges `p'aid--- FARMERS. D4:-;_I_13_Y MT A 1] Copy for. the next Telephene Directory closes on the above date! ` 1] Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in thewnew issue! 4] Repert changes required. to ou'rV `Local Manager to-defy, c,oMPANY, 1.'rn. TORONTO Consideration of the private bill of Mr. A. B. Thompson, of ; Centre Simcoe, for the incorpor- tation of the village of Port _Mc- Nicollrresulted in the `applica- ; tion, being-- granted by the Pri- lvate Bills Committee last week. On behalf of some of the rate- lpayers W. A. Boys, M.-P., gave `reasons showing the benet to .the village. He had a petition `signed by.126 ratepayers, 95 be- ing residents. The population was over 800, and the granting of incorporation would provide `police protection and facilitate the securing of more school ac- commodation. v 1'\_'_ -.--.._._ -p u..'.. 4-....i' 41....` ...... . UUl11lllL7ll(1|.vlU11c I annual levy on railway `property Qofu $1,750 is received by the township, and the xed assess- lII_1entagainst the railway for -' By reason -of the fact that an.` school purposes is $300,000, ob-y jection was taken'b_v the town- ship -of Tay to granting the hill.` 1'~r_'I1-____LL ..._._ L...'|.....1J.` .-.4` Incorporation of Port. |I|c|I|o'oII uv G- v-.-. .. V`-`"1 : ifgllmuth, 'o1'_T bi1'z{1"Ef, the Township of Tay, deg-lared there was a population of .612, and `that the petition was never properly signed. _:__.. _..-_.-.1. ... ....s.n.-.1-.- ra-wr:-..-`, -..-`3-\..\... A musing speech in, opp0si_' tion to the -bill was made'by Reeve Dutton, who caused much amusement when he spoke about lifting the dark veil covering the doings, of those promoting` incorp)nation." Tl/In Tllfnlnnn n van:-i~:r1nn\f nf fhn` 1IlO0I`pQl`aI.l0I1." . \ T . Mr. Malone, a resident of the village, said that no more school accommodation is needed be- ` Thursday, Am-I1 '5, _-1911., To lidints in Ilmllllullmllllll Telephone Book. pThe speaker ` referrhdt to threats _of_being' dismissed from his Government position if he opposed the` bill. '-`I4 a man nnnlrl nnf cfinlz nn !Vcaus'e t.h`ere. are "twenty rooms in :5 - ' ' ' run`, uc aa_:uu. . _. - What Is. your posltlon? ask- ed` one of the members. 651 ...v. .-. nuqnlnvu-an nfnnn n' cu U116 U1 buts llluluuuxa. I am a customs officer, and -1f you bring in any contraband I will be right on to you,was the reply. Tn nnnnI~nr`no' Mr 'M'nInnn in- uppuauu uuv Luu. If a man could not stick up for his `person al'-rights, the` isooner he is_ d.ismisse(_1 t'he bet- !ter," he said. A V Hun-.4 .'- 1nI1va nnn.iH}\n 9 oe reply. V __ . I - In concluding, Mr. Ma1onein_ formed the members of the 'c`orn`m'ittee that" he would not `have appeared before them, only he knew they wapted to see a good-looking Irishman.. - rnhn 171141) folro-Vru `Fn.vn1nnd mmnmmm 2 5'UUu-lUUnu15 u'1u1uau.. The vote taken favored the incorporation. f\n~i~nin~n -in nixrinv 11lUUl.'[JUl'iJ.\l:1U1l.. Opinion is Divided On the question of incorpor- ation thereis apparently a very. decided difference` of opiniona- mong the villagers. The Victor.- eia Harb_o1g Era reports the situ- ation as follows:- A- ....1.....x :... Inn: -:no11n uni!-n 9 auun as 1uuuws.-- _ As stated in last issue quite _a 1 number--of Port McNicoll bus}- ` HIBSS men and residents went to . 'Toronto with the object of ham`; ting this place incorporated and! no doubt" the result was most ; `surpri_sing,to both the promoters ` iand. the opposition, the vote 1_n'] parliament being almost unan1_`: lmous in favor ofaincorporation. . It is useless to go into the de- . tails of the "proceedings as prac- - tically everyone is aware of allul particulars in connection with} the situation. At the present` time there seems to be almost a state of riot amongst the inhab- itants. Those in favor of in- corporation. bear `no ill feeling against their opponents and are trying to get them together and; get working .for'the interest of the place, but the opponents, at least quite a number of them, flatly refuse to bury the hatchet and say they are going to ght to the h.itter end. ,They are con.- ptinually crying of an increased tax and so forth and no doubt, if they had their way of doing it., `the tax would certainly "take a -jump. There is no doubt but what the oppositionrwill nomin- ate a reeve and "council and do their utmost to have them elec- ted. There wil have to he a lot of arb,itra.ting done between the _council of Tay and the corpora- tion and it is up to the voters of `.Port McNicoll to nominate a Reeve and Council and elect the ones who will see to it and fight in theinterests of Port McNic- ;oll. \Ve all know that the `op- ponents are still partial to the Township of Tay and if so, are theyg-oing to do anything -that , would in any ,way hamper the a township from`putt1ng anything over on the Port? As before `stated, let everyone get togeth- er a.nd elect a. council that is go- `ing to work in the interests of the place -and men who have ;[some knowledge of this work are the ones that are wanted. The `welfare of Port McNicoll is in their hands, and it is going to be ;what they make it. Knowledge 'costs monev and this is no time to have Port McNicoll saddled }Wlth_ the `cost of anyone getting lexperienee. 1.l.(lL\JVV(4IvI-,U \JUo Horace E. eKin.g, formerly of Barrie, who has been with the Acme Fruit 00., Calgary, has joined the forces of the Quaker Oats C0., and will represent them in Southern Saskatchewan, with headquarters at Moose `Jaw. "l'1I_ _ 1`. L` ! Haynes Bowen, 'of Port Arth- ur, formerly of arrie, has re- m0ved'to Calgary and accepted `a position. with the Ashdown Hardware 90. 1 Y1'_..._,.,_,._ `l'7.'__A. .B..._..._-_.'I_, -1` __.__.........--_.. -~-_.v_- . The Calgary.mAd. club,Won the` advice of their solicitor, A. M. Sinclair, has decided -to appeal the decision of the police magis- trate in the Douglasc-ase to a higher court, and if the conten- tion of Police Magistrate David- son is conrmed by the higher court, thento procure an amend- ment to the criminal code at Ot- tawa, as it `was, intended when parliament passed this act at the instigation of the Calgary Ad. Club, that it should he an offence I ange j:xAJ,u_IIn%:n_Ann sA'ruiinA_v Mainline Western Notes Headache For Two Years A Barrie Man Tlls of Persistent I-la daches and \|ndigest.ion- inally Found His Way to Good Health. The Bell Telephone Co. of Cahada. Barrie, 0nt., April 5 - For two long years the_ Writer of this letter was subject to severe head- aches. The nervous system got runs down; digestion failed, and there was continued loss of weight. ' rnlu. Iinn n4` hm .f`Vlnnnn9n 1\Tn-unyn VV `J16 II III The use of Dr.- _Chase s Nerve Food changed all this, andnow with scores of other Barrie people Nader is recommend- ing the use of.this food cure as the best means of building up the exhausted nervous system and curing headaches, indiges- tion, and all the annoying symp- toms of_ a run-down condition. `II... 'l'..'I..__ `k`| ..,J..... O0 'l\.......1...._.._ DULUQU, .I.Ju1L1U, \)11y., vv1..u.\`/D. During the last two years I had an attack of indigestion,'ac- coma-nied by severe headaches. `I suffered from loss of appetite, a.nd my system became run down. `I also lost. ' considerably in weight. I began using Dr. ;Chase s Nerve Food, and as they {helped me I continued this treat- ment for some time. `My condi- tion is now greatly improved, my headaches are gone andmy health in general is much better. {I can cheerfully recommend the `use of Dr. Chase s Nerve Food to those `suffering from nervous- ness of any kind. An n onn{nn- 4-nnin an:-I -nnafnrao DUIIID J. \J.ll"\.lLJ VVV11 lJ\}l1Ll.'l.L1L}l.l. Mr. Nader, 38 Penetang streht, Barrie, 0nt., Writes: ' n|1n:nm `kn lnnf 41-ryrx uvnnnn T IIIT-30 Ul G411-_y Alllu. , ` As a spring tonic and restora- tive to overcome tired; languid feelings and build up vitality at this time of year there is noth- iing to be compared to Dr. Chase s Nerve Food. `I\... fIL_-..Q_ 'K`| .._....... `I71.-.-.J an. t\ KJIIGDU D LVUL VU .l.' UULI Dr. Cha.se s Nerve. Food. 500 a box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.50. at all dealers, or Ed-, manson, Bates &. Co., Limited, 'I7mrnnto. Do not be talked into accepting a substitute. Imita- tirms only disappoint. for a man to `advertise goods for sale which he did not have in stock. . i The nding was as follows:-- Iourt: , On the evidence which was produced, I find that the boots which were advertised in the particular part of the ad- vertisement of which- complaint was made, were not in stock at the time of the advertisement, or on the day following. Under the section of the code under which this charge is brought, 1. do not think that is an otfense. 1do not think the section covers a case where a man advertises goods he has not in stock. It may he that this is not the inter- pretation of the section intended by parliament, but` after reading it over and studying it carefully, I nd no way in which to inter- pretit to Iind a man guilty in case he~has not the goods which he advertises. I consequently dismiss the charge. ___..__ _......._.... ...___. WYEVALE Mar. 30+-WOI'd was [received thisweek of the death of Pte. Joseph H. Blaokstock in, Eng- land, on March 14. Deceased went overseas wih _the 1'57th. Battalion in November and had not yetreached France. His young wife, who resided in To- ronto after his departure, died in Toronto Hospital just a few days before the news of her hus- band s death reached here. An infant son is left to miss. the lov- ing care of both father and In-other. uh H` ` = i 111-1} l;l.1U1' - . It IS with regret that we re-= cord` the death of one of Wye- vale s oldest'and most respected citizens, George Firth, who died at the General Hospital, Toronto, on March 23. Mr. Firth was born a.t Craighurst in -1843. He came to Wyevale when a young man a.s a carriage_maker. Later he and Samuel Elery engaged in general mercantile business, which partnership was dissolved . why the burning of the `store. He wasgengaged in the lumber bus- iness for a few years and even- tually engaged in general store- keeping. He has very efficiently lled numerous public offices such` as magistrate, commission- er, councillor and school trus- tee. He had been for the past sixteen - 4 years ' postmaster the duties of which office he per- formed faithfully. In poli-ticg he was 'a staunch Liberal, also a "member of the Independent Or- der of Foresters. He` leaves'tso `mourn his loss a wife and three children: John of Toronto, Lil. ian of Barker, N.Y., and,Bella of Bradford and a great, many friends with whom he had been _ _ _ . ...'...l-A.-I .l.l lUI.lllD VVIUI associated. New Issue Report for February. Names in j gorder of merit -.Sr. IV--Elsie Cloughley, Alice Barr. * - _ _ Jr. IV -- Emma Cloughley, Harry Parr. . ea .'I"I'T__T\Tn-nrn 9;. nn'no-hmriv, ossr-L-. _ . ..sr.~ Pr`i-trie r_-~J1_f;nTr`\1 e_s {M Bride; Amy 'R'oss,'.' '1_W_es`-1ey;*Gu ning- ham, Mildred T `.F o;'d:.-a_nd' Gordon -n....;._._ .;1.;; .....'-.1. . .: nu.1:1'_y- runz. . . ` sr. -III--N0rman . Dougherty, E1sie.Gooke;' Frank M-cBrid_e, Eugene McBride. A Jr. III-__f-_Wi1lie"Porter. " Jr. II.- -Lena 'B eecroft;' Char- les `Flemming, TDan, McFadden , Annie? Niceiy, Jane ljideliy, (This class absent).; G-. `I"l' Ttvn ` gvanuxqo vun ug- nnuvnll , I : I Porter, absen_t~.- uaaaa uua_uuw.. . . Sr. II--Ivae Ritchie, Alex. Flemming, C1earence'_.Ford. _ . Sr`. "I---Mil1iee Holmes, %_Lau1-- ene..$;i_;', Olive Boss, "Margaret Ross A ` ' cc-.." n_`Lu..:-...'>`. "1"..3;.'.'.-.~..';'..' A'itl`..15..:.-I-..- s`, s. no. "13, vapnh 11`. __ - 8. 8. N0. 2, DB0 and VESPRA School Report for February ' Sr. IV--`Percy Partridge, Pearl ory. . Jr. IV--El1ner Partridge, Ha- zel Chappell. Sr. III-Annie Partridge, Ray Robson, William `Kenny. _ 'I'T'l `l'T.......I,l T,....- {`|.\...`| LIUUDULI, VV 11116111 1XUI.lllyo Jr. III---Harold Jory, Carl Drury. - .. ,Sr. II-Varley Drury, Russell Jory, Cecil Chappell. V Jr- II-Ste1la Partrigge. Sr. I-Pearl Graham (H0n.) Beatrice. Graham` (Hon.), Alex.` Luck. ` mcall 1500!: of `fasbmzs (by mgil_ 350); =Cant ziidn price 30c, ; (_by mag: 40), %inc'ludin g a FREE PA%TT1 S'RN'COUPON good fof 15` toward the purchase ofanyMcCall Pattern. T ` ' hind Trains ` To obtai_i1, tlie ldwst fare and th _m ost "Convenient routing Xapply to A. F. A. < Malcomson, Insurance-Age_nt,. or w1fite.to R. L. Fairbairn, A 2 General Passenger Dept, 68 `King St. East, ,l`oronto. , I C. T; D1EVL1N,% Barrie, Ont. V1 ucyxixuu CUIIIPICXIOIIS 1' gCIlCI'8] hea.lth-' the lot of the sufferer m Consti- pation - All absolutely needless. Knowing what Chambex-lain s Tablets have done for thousands who suffered from Constipation, In- digestion Headaches, etc.; we earnestly counsel you to start them to-day if youare asuerer. You hardly realize you are taking medicine their action is so gentle-but sure. The liver ante v1'anrnn`Iv T11- I-......-1.. ..-...-..J ._---1- -`|- --nu` u.5n.auvu ucuvluca nurnl very. soon toned snd puried .....u. as-..uvu :3 av gcuuc-Dllt SIIIC. 'J.II'l.lV acts vigorously The bowels respond 1y` Your digestion becomes normal. Your load is V91-v',ennn fnnaul -..A ......:t:-.: SPRING QUARTERLY - H (Zbarming and Huthemic Presmtanmm Smartest ' Spring faslrions fabrics and 1 trimmings , Exquisite B601: 6fJFasHion%s T ' ' Mac.nP.a-.Ng.76s3 To speakridistinpctly, and directly into the mouthpiece - _N eminent telephone man of 30 years ex- . perience says that this is the great nwd in telephoning. Over half the service diculties woulddisappear if distinct and direct speak- "mg were practised. I] To speak towards your telephone from a yard or so away. or to speak across it means ~bacl~ transmission-often wrong numbers, mis- understanding and annoyance. 49 You can help the service. avoii wrong numbers. misun- Anlnfnnliina Ant` nnnnunnna Lu noun-L:-ma :'|'nI'I|nf'n q-A Expert Testimony. Western Cahada aI"1d`%the{ Pacic Coast J ..t,...a.-.. a ;......;" :3 .1.-`.*:*;-;.L.;-a.`."`a `gid t.he3r:t<:.ut;:1:,e?cel,n`with the lip: algulat n An unn Ill :0: nm UITUCGIU IIIIU 5'59 (ICU lnlfaninch fmmits rixp. Good service ` our true intent." The Bell Telephone Co. V of Canada NOW ON s'14LE ' f(s;o ta[oni:ica%u } Mggestlolps for Dainty Lingerie 1lI_tractI)e_ a_nd Jr. I-Rheta Luck, Beth Drury Muriel Luck `and Stella Luck, (equal), Myrtle Chappell, Mild. red Luck, Benny_Blog`el,l,, Ernest Partridge. ' Average attendance 22. E. M. GILCHRIST, Teacher L) VVIIIJIIL ll) JJ1u,J uu_r:|-_,- I isio `certify. that I haw NARD S LINIMENT mj well as prescribed it in 1 tice where a liniment quired and have I18\`6`I` get the de$i1'ed =fTm*t. rs A III` `To whom it may concern: This . 1..-. -A,.n44'-. that I `untvn .1 /.r] NIT McCall Patten e. Flt! I. C. A."K1N<':., M.[)_ Page seven ,l;I I14 : u and I!y.<(`,]f as my; prac- nvnn nn T gm}; as- fzled At.o DREAM WANTED

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