um 111, Lumu, ._s,Uuu1I1g vlolenuy. I beg ?y0u`r pardon, `he said as he advanced, but can I do anything for you `? V V Thn min` n4nn}nr3 nnrl union.-I quuuu 1.11 000.]. Be ore she spoke she dabhed her. eyes vigorously with a black edged handkerchief; then? she said. with _a note of relief infa very husky voice: A Oh, I saw you yesterday. Yes, he answered. I show; ed_you the way. But do te11`me what is the matter. ` `fN0thing!. ~ she exclaimed, a.nd another sob escaped her. AI m a f_ool--that s all. . . ' _ Are you Macpherson s new;retary?_ He hesitated before t.he"_WOI`d_. ~ uu._yuuu.:.5 .lUl yuua The girl started and raised her head. Then Lorion `recog- nized her as the girl he had di- rected in the central hall on the prefi/ious afternoon. He decided that. withoutv her hat, she was quite pretty. T ` - " Dnfnnn n1-`A nnn1rn nkvn 1-`n1-`inn:-I Read -the, Adlot column. f("i`o` be continued) With E-aster _so near, things `rtook onvakbrisker look at the E market on Saturday. Many iorders were placed for delivery flthis week. No maple syrup was 1 on hand -though many expected ,'.to have some a week hence. PO- rltatoes were still $3.00 _a bag. 1_Butter was a little scarce, re- -ltailing readily at 450. A barre-l ---- l--Inn 11111.0 Q: and El lLa.l1u1g 1'uauu_y an. `tau. u U.-- gOf Spy App_les was $5.00, and `some less favored ones were $3.00 barrel. A large supply of ieggs was on hand. A no "headachegz, torbidj hvr, s1ck stomach, bitter taste in `mouth, furred tongue. dull eyes and muddy skin, all come ..nn o nnnf Q11]V Of EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS All kinds of small repairing- Prompt. Sex-vice. Touring Car for hirre--T-Moto1-cycle `for sale. eyes and I'l_`l11ClCly stun, a.u LU1.J.x\.: _ from a r supply_ pf b11e. Theseu ealthy condltlonsar promptly corrected by A '_U55D was uu. uuuuu ` ' Average prices were as fol- j lows:- - Butter, lb .. .. .. 404420.` Eggs, dozen .. .. .. 320. Dressed chicken, . . .200. ~ Beef, hinds, lb. .. .. . . . . . .170. Beef Heart .. .. .. .. .. 350. Beef, fores, lb. .. .. .. .. 130? Pork, hinds, lb-.. .. .. 23o. . Pork, fores . . .. .. .. . . 19c. Potatoes, bag: . . . . $2.75-3.00 Turnips, bag . . .. .. .. . . 650 Beets, basket .. .. .. .. .. 350 Onions, basket .. .. .. .. 75c Dried Sage, bunch . . . . . . . .50 Summer Savory, bunch . . . . .50 Thyme, bunch .... . . . . . .50 Knitted socks, pair .. .. .. 80c. Knitted mitts, pair . . . . . .' 75o. Hay," ton . .r .. .. $i2.00-$i3..00 Straw, ton .. . .. .. $8.00 Clover Honey, iO_lb. pail . $1.50 a Clover Honey, 5_1b. pail . . . . 750 i Horse Radish, bottle . . . . . .150. i Honey in comb, lb . . . . . . . .180. 40 .. .. per lb. . .. lb -. . .. .. .. .. $2.75 .. . .. .. .. $12.00-$ .. .. .. . .. : Buttermilk, qt; .. .. .. .. \ T` " `" 5 which stimtilate the `liver , regulate _ the -ow of bile, sweeten the stomach, and renew healthy bowel action. A` household remedy ap- proved by sixty years of pub- lic service. For every-day illnesses, Beecham s Pills are 7a tested T -A--- ._ 514:- Qp"_ 4 9):} EA . M .1' '52 w buegolifvocwwzxrge llI`I:`::!:`8. 25:6. Collingwood -' Wheat $1.75- $1.77, oats 68-700., potatoes, bag; $2.50-$2.60, eggs, doz., 30- 350., butter, 11)., 40-420. QI>n1rnnv1 _1Qnffo Qygv DQ`Q`_Q 000., UUDDUL, 111., V-xu-1%/-au- - StayI1er-;-Butter 35-366:, eggs 350.,-chicken 15-180. . A`I`lnl-n~n \X7'Hoof Q1 '75 nafe 0UU.,'Ull1UnUu 10- Luu. 2 Al1ist0n-- Wheat $1.75, oats 700., hay $10.00-$12.00, butter 35:379., eggs 30-32c, potatoes $2.50-$3.00. Beeton--Butter 380., eggs 38c, Orillia - Wheat $21. /5-$1.77, oatse 60-650, eggs 29-30c, butter r.n.. ..1.:,.1...n AA AQn ' IY Reading Needsj Udba, UU-Uu , U550 Nu- |40c., chickzn 16`-18c. S. 8." NO. 1, VESPRA School Report for February Sr.` IV-Hugh Plowman. Jr. IV-,-Har0ld Shannon, Cla- rice Ferris, Harry Wright, Ruth Forbes. C0... TYI . `\r\unr\'uvv/ `DI:-\n1r (11111 ll.`Ul.'UUDu ' Sr. III --- Dorothy Black, Geo. Wright. 1.. 11'1" onnla Dom-inn mum. VV .1I:llIbIl--Harold Pearson, Ethel; Wright, Reta Poole, Reta Win- grove, Roy Malkin, Evelyn Hune _teI:, Willie McKeever, Theo Brown, Fern Wingrove, Cecil Plowman. 01.. 1'7 1'.1........1.. cn.............. mnvu 1' 1UVVll.lCll.1o `Sr. II-Frank Shannon, Fran-. kie Armstrong, Laura Penrose. Tn TI TI;-.4n Any-no!-nnnnr D340 Alt} 1`11'1uDl;1'Ul15, 1JCloU.l.d. .IUlI.l.UUUo Jr. II---Katie Armstrong, Rita Wglleriz Norman Brown. I:`4-`I4-1:;-\ nnnln D01 ? FUUIU, \}l.lVU .l.1l.l1ll:U`1o Jr}. I A---Donald Bell, Allen Brown. .(B) `-`St.an1eyAMa1kin. . Piim er-Ha1-old C'urtis., `Alice Tuc'_k,.-Norman Tuck. L E. WRIGHT, Teacher. I`l'i1.lH\ |J'd.l'V1u, JJULLIU .ua.-Lxuuu. Jr. IV -- Katharine Pearsall, Elsie Horton. Agnes Horan. cu. 111 1` ..u:.. (`Antanana- VV GIIUL , 1` U1 lllall. JJLU W11- Sr-.. I-- Goldie Poole, Ray `Poole, Olive Hunte-r. Tn T A nnnnlt` s. s. No-6, VESPRA School Report. for. February Sr. IV--Ja1nes Handy, Clar- ence Ward, Melville Wattie, Frank Garvin, Lorne Barrett. 1". TXT Vn4l1onnn Donne-311 71'un1'ou's GARAGE . Phone 484. 15 clapper-ton st. Jhlbll 1.I.Ul.l.Uu, I15l.lUD .u.u.La.u Sr. III--_-Lottie Gochrane; ; Jr. III-Mary Salisbury, Gen- trude Hermon, Ella Sal-isbury, Roy Schandlen, Rosie Salisbury, VVi1lis Handy Roy Hermon. .n_ vrr 1' 1.._-.:I 0..-.......-...` mlnnlnn VVillis Handy_., Hoy nermon. `Sr. -`II--Lloyd Spence, Morley Schandlen, Mary Woodrow. 1.. T1 /11.-.A..a 1\A nn+ni+h Tarn, DUIIGIIUIUII, Lu.a,l._y Vv l_l\,l\.lLlJVVq - Jr. II---Gladys` Monteith, Jam es Pearsall, Evelyn Dunn, Hun- ter. Pearsall, George Salisbury. -5-.` `T Wlnnnnnn `In-nrlrr l-Uli r_t:a.La,a.u, \)UUL5U kJu1.loL)\.u._y. Sr. I-_F1orence Handy, Annie Storey, Eddie Schandlen, Hugh Andross, Edith Hex-1'no.n, Walter Craig. . Tn` T Mn I311 r`.r\1`I"'`a DDFDTT 1.`i.'aunuu1u, J.I.U_uu1U 1.` usnuuuuoo. 'Primer:--Whitford , _Gjll, `Liz zie DoI_1el.]y. _ L w _ - ~M. GALLAGIJER. 5- W3;- . I--Mary Coutts, Percy F:-ankcom, Robbie Fieldhouse. SATURDAY MARKET NEAR-BY MARKETS-_ IT IS THE CONTRIBUTION or THOSE` WHO STAY AT HOME To THE WINNING ` 1"'r'5"\7\t"a'IT5c7sF-Z'u7o TEACHER or VOICE pnonuc- 'r1oN AND SINGING. Specie] -lessons for repertoire, English and Italian. Studio at Mr. Geo, Monkm.n s, Mary St.. Barrie. Phone 85b. For terms, etc., an at studio on Wednesdays. Vo ces tested free. MAUI) E. OLAXTOII, |..'r.c.m. Piano and Vocal Losson_s. `In vocal work special attenuon is I ...:-.-.. 4n Ilnlnn Dnntluntinn, `In Vqcal WUl.'.& apuuwu auuuuuxuu. 15 gwen to Voice Production. Studio in King Block Phone 424 TEAci~{' '6?" i>'~:'o' " AND THEORY. Studio at 133 Collier Street. Phone 186. ALEXANDER OOWAI . Successor to Lonnox.-.cowan 8: Brown` Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Cpnveyancer, etc. Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop. Street. Money to loan. Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Gonveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Offices: 13 Owen St. (i the premises formerly` occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchison. BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Publiciand Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Office 13 Owen St., Barrie, Ont. D. M. Stewart. T. ' cHAnLE's w. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- mondi Sts., Toronto. oomu.n R088, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLIGITOR; ETC., Dnvilr A4` '11.-...nn4n Du1;'rI;nrr Dnnn;n L)fL1I:1lv1LJ.I.L.'J1l, kJkll.JL\Jl.L\Il.l Bank of Toronto Building,,Barrie, Money to loan. .I_'l.I.\.J., \-.1 wu V... A. AFI"1ifMAL6i\'n"s'ON . THE -INSURANCE IN IND '5 ,. WEIIBOIT` AGENT. i%*:iIsm -Mo%n%c.Inu can-Inn A `Ho-um-n g.[o?.j[;jsfc%.uueo.`Iui-rue. Phdpo ggju. GRESWIOKE 8: BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR the Supreme Court of Judicature bf Ontario, `Proctors, Notaries, -Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oices: In Ross Block, Barrie. VV. A. J. Bell, K.C. Ofce 31-13Eies-iae-ho-o_-Eo;ner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don,` Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of- ee and Residence, Dunlop St... Barrie. Telephone 165. DR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGILL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad). Ofce and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. w. A. LEWIS, I\{n., c.III_ SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie. --_v--- ---.:-- 1-wk 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, ever)! Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto` Phone North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 8. TI-IE BARBIE PLAIIIING MILL THOS. ROGERS, PROP., Builder and. Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Floor`ing, Ceiling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning a- specialty. Tanks made to order. The latest improved method for drying lumber. Fac- tory and Office, Cor. Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163. P.O. Box 685. -_--_--: ---- -----.. --7-_- Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop.., R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monument! and Tablets. Only best material used and first.-class workmen em- ployed. Prices always right. vMlss Donna is the only one in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets lled with Spirella bon- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable, exible. hygienic, sani- tary. Fitvguaranteed. Maternity and nursing .fea'ture specials. Brassieres,_blouse-xforms, misses and childre`n`sl wa`-ists. ,At home Saturdays. 16 Charlotte St Barrio STEWART & STEWART __-.-...-..._.\.-.. p. Firg & Life Insurance Agent ` aovs Am: Inuncmsou `Y_A MISS4 ELSIE NELSON _____..... 1-\1 A 1\Tt\ SIMOOE MARBLE WORKS A. -- - -w-9 fh IQUQAU QC& It has saved a great many horses-has put -them back to work. even after they have _ many mandthusfarhnve -`T never ownit to fail." been given up. Over 35 years of succeal have proved its value. Hellcat Crivea, Marengo, Sash, wrote last February-"I have used. your Spavin Cure for KENDALL S% many C31 ! 3110. H1! 181' BIVG ` never ovmit {of ' " ` Get Kendall`: Spavil Cum at any an. gist o. Price $1.: bottle.6 ttlea for S3. A Treatise on the Horse", : freon! druggists onfrom -.14 2 I Z_4.l_II 3- " Dr. B. J. Kendall Co. Enoibuu Fulla.Vt.. 0.8.]. on. monruuuaui Lvou cvv DR. H. 'I"_., ARNALL _SPAVI`N cuggig -.___I _ .._-_ _.._......`L--- A. number of Valuable Fax-rbns and Town Properties for Sade on the most` reason ablerterms. -- 4 n-pa `mun -.1-5-um-nnomnns .9091 15-9101 _LEGAL MEDICAL Save a horse and you won't have to buy one. Don't sell or destroy on; horse on account o Spavin, Splint, Ringbone, Cm-b,Sprains or Lameneso. Spend one dollar for 3 bottle. ' for a Horse wuunu u BAN}--6-}? TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE run - - U-ir`-jiTIUVC2I? Qepresents II`!-1su';',anc.e Companies .of.~ undoubted Financial Standing h an T;-ansact a General Banking_| I.nEEcnun&%cn.g `auu. Your passage hooked to .or n-om .y' all garts of the world. _ _ "::'-n>jn`:?-LLI =ALL STEAMSHIP ` LINES. `AV ` Do your share by. building 5 Savings account or investing in war securities. 13 J aunmasnnucu. . c L. I-'. chose, Mani Real Estate;a;imK| oney to Lana WAR TIME EQONOMY IS NO EMPTY PHRASE 9-9-.mi1h..b0n. B./rRRlE, ONT -...-w.-.-uuu-uuvv- - vv - UNDERTAKERS M\0rg1Lu and Chapel in connection \J -u-o O-pn DE; high! Phone'431 .5 L\~ILvvw~ Business. RI`.-.4 n n n W: D? ]Min_niT w.n.uem`y, runes -an Director .(Successor to the Late Meaford Webb) Full line of all 'the latest Gaskets kept in stock,` in- cluding Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. - ` Licensed Embalmor Proprietor TI-IE BARBIE UNDERTAKING PARLOH3 Jas. Arn9lf_i_ ._... D. I20- I_._.--_._.. BANKERS K .._#-_ l'I-_.__.. Established" i879. 5cott s Are Well Supplied Business. . _. Notes cashed or collected at the most favorable rates.- nr- ,.,...|.. r rh-awn nn'anv Open Day and Night Esubllshd Isoo ' Bookstore Phone 82 You know that you need say V` no more," she answered in a low voice. Your wisti is my law, Glare. I only wish`I could have spared you the knowledge,`and at this time particularlyf , ' ` f\l-x Ann-\"} fnnnhln vnnr` h(3.:'-VIII- ab LUIS uuu: p'cU.'b.lUu1a.1.n_y. V `Oh, don't trouble your beau- tiful head about it, my darling, he replied. I am going to con- found a1l my enemies. `I am going to show the world that I am innocent of these atrocious things that I am accused of. Ur: 1r;oanr` ha?` 'DY1l"` 4.12`:-I"i`I'| lullllgs Lllal. I. cum .a.uuum:u_x.u. _ He kis ed her,and again the man was transformed. He was no longer the astute brain, the marvellous, tireless organism, the far--seeing, great-minded Empire builder who thought in continents. He was merely the grey_hair.ed and. rather pathetic man who worshipped and idoliz- ed a woman a great many years younger than himself. There lay his weakness. .Anyone see- him then must have known that here was his vulnerable spot. . ~ 4 TAN nlnnn Thnndnrn Mnnk did spun. ' = Left alone, Theodora Monk did not appear at all like a woman -at ease. It was true that one danger was over for the present. She did not suppose for a mo- `ment that if Lorion found her husband now and told him the truth, the young man would be believed. Her Empire rover Glare was too great, too complete. He would take her word against the ,whole world; of that she was certain. And` she had lied to him to ensure her own safety. pAs faras the bare, unsupported [word of anyone could `harm her, [she waslbeyond the reach_ of V, harm. l 1'\_-4 11.-.... ..-.... .~..-..... 41-. n n n n u ` Hal 111 1 But, there was more than any- lbody s word. There were the apapers she had taken from the !safe.' and that had in turn been Etaken from her blotter, certainly iwithin half an hour of the time ;she had_taken them`. rnt... ......._1.-L1.. .........1....... .1: most, l'd.vUL'auu-_; Lctuvuo . We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in Canada or the .United States. A Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange bought `or sold. . ~ ,,u.._:.:..... ...:H RA nnunn ` H uuu UUJXULL lIl..ILIlllu "'ri.`11e insoluble mystery I of 1 their disappearance. had given her no rest. It had not been part of her plan to let LOI'iO1'1 know that they had gone, but in reality their disappearance nearly drove her mad. 1171.- --__I.I ___-_1.I_._ I..__. 1.1.... l@VV};1;L3ould possibly have taken them? - . 1'1. ___-_ AL. _._._I. _' _ _ A _ . _ ..-I.._... DLIVJIII. 5` It was the most inoomprehen-. sible mystery; Who could have been in the house; who could have had the knowledge of them ?. Thnnn nine -5 1!1"It\l'|`I of {Ho IIOIVU IIGIJ IJIIU IXIIUVVIUUEU UL I/IIWFIII 3` There was a knock at the door. The butler entered with some letters, - C1]..- A--1.. A.I.-_._ `L__1 .11.] __.L -1 OULIIU IGUlIGlq , She took them, but did not at- temp to open them. At the door Gamble paused.- , | Mv`lndv_ hp. naid with 9 ram`. `1'ii ?1a`&,`71? said with a oer- tain hesitation. V . ' ' What is it, Gamble? . I wonder whether your 1Vady- ship would speak to Thurston? Thurston?" ` . -. -The under housemaid, my lady. She's been giving ' such trouble. _ Mrs. Buttock -can do nothing with her. ` She insistson saying she's. seen` -a big black. man in the garden these last three nights. < She swears he one nightshe saw him `on the veranda. _ And, she's"positive'ly' hysterical, and declares. that no- thing will induce her to stay. It doesn't Inatter her go'in`g,. my. .lady,.but we don t want her go- ing telling thesekind. of tales. trnuv ' Iif\`l'l1Iv "n1-\'n'v-uni` I , (I1! `creeps through the bushes, and` I-11.5 `IUIIHIE UIIUOU lllllhl. U1 DQ155- Hp:_w utterly "ab`s`urdI ex- claimed` Lady Mdnk. The girl s rundown, and she's been read- ing` some rubbish. Yes, I'll speak to h-er, V Gamble; All Ifig`h t. " A ` A . Thank you, my lady. The butler withdrew. ' Theo- dora opened her` letters; The first one, was .evidently of impor- tance.` Her eyes >grew_., very bright. .She suddenly put `her hand to her hear-t_as`sh it through. K; read TL _..-.'.'-. _-..3l.l...... _.. .._..-.. J AL-` DL_|llCll.'U IUHIUIU uauur . ,`.`Dear;ILad`y-"Monk," it 1.-'z'iI`1.".`I am; in.London for a few days. 1. must see you at once. It is ab.-; solutely imperativea; If any way W `Qt-itten on paper of the; Gharing Cross Hotel in a.sma1l,A square legible hand`. , V nnnn, JT -..I`...:-\\l..-n1. " 3` niin ' JOHN AIRD. _ H. v.1=. JONES. ma. Gen'L Mamgi` BULK! , Special attention will be given to the accommodation of farmers in this locality. Money to Loan on Mortgages, Agency Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. '_ Office `Hours 10 to 1:. . T. BEECROFT, Manager. ' ` av Coraliestanton 'and' _ Heath Hosken Manager Star The possible, moet mo tomorrow at the Gharing Cross Post Ofce at 3.30-. 3. If impossible, let me Irvsrxuu-9 ' 0 `J00! G Vknpw. 66` CHAPTER.V;' .. VI-Iis !!|aster _s Measure ._Lorion, `am.-1' his `interview with Lady Monk, boat-and a car and went straight vhazk tutne Pole Street omces. He took no heed of the varied and kaleido- seopiescene that unt`-,;lde-J itself" before his eyes as the monster `tramcar glided swiftly tlu-ough the suburbs and; into * I..he,heat-t of the city. Here high . solid buildings _ reared -themselves; here the drfama of commerce was enacted every day for the benet of those who" hurried in _ and out. '\I7"|.'...... Tnnin-s` `Inn.-I vvsnz-In k;n u.uu;uuI,. V "When Lprion had made his way to M0nk s room, .he was told by the clerk in the outer of- {ice that the chief had already ,eft. ` e A * ur'nI....' ....... A...` .......4- Rnn1r 7 I-kn. wiforion went to his own I"oom'.l! A cold douche had been applied` to his mind; His` chief was not here; hexcould not make his con- fession of negligence and folly. He` wondered whether Lady Monk s summons. to her hushancl| could have anything to do with his recent visit. _Was she going to confess to him`? T Was she going to take the wind out of his. sails by telling him the truth! herself before he had had time`, to do so? . ! n._..........,.1.......'.,..... I.......'.~.4$:4~.1An kn` cmmmo up; $15,000,000 -T Resaav: Fuuo. . $13,500,000 H3111. ' The governor` went. back, the! clerk "informed him, after an urgent. message from her lady- sh1p. . ! 1 nninn t-non} in hie: nvnn `nnnrn I LIUUIUUU hllclvlt Ul.l(lalI VV 11:0 LJJJIJ ' IJLLKJAJ - He,went back to his 1;-ooms in `Camden Street at the usual time. The more he thought about Lady Monk, the more the memory 0! her manner aggravated him. To have been present while a woman rifled her h_ushand s private safe, with a key stolen from pim, an.d then, when he demanded an ex- planation, to be told that it was 1-nr\'rr\n11 Q n7hirn' If \X7IQ 'TYInT\, hU UU 5U 5 Remembering her ' attitude, he 3 decided that that was n0t.likely.| `IT. ._.....-..I Lnn1- `I\ In-:r\ -un(\I\VY'\LV I. \p1.auu.uuu, UU JJU uunu uuuy u; was ia w0man s whim! It was `mon- `strous. And when he had lied in his emp1oye_I:`s presence an_d.t0 t.he police, to save her from a nnklin and rH-an--nonnf'1-1| ovnnenrn l l-LIU .]_JUl1UU, by DGVU 1101. JLUIJJ ual p bllc and dtsgraceful exposure, a (1 he. demanded of her that she I.` -1__--1_I . . _ . ,..~ 1... 1....-_.. 'I.~......l-.nnA E11111 llU- ucnuauuuu UL 1161 uuah ouu Should confess to he`rdhusba.n,d_ and `return what she had `stolen, to he met with frivolous exc1am_ ations about a blue butterfly. It was more than flesh and blood could stand. ` run... ........I. .............:....-... L... .~.-n-.n`un.-l UUUIU -D uauu. The next morning he arrived at the oice at the usual hour, justafter nine 0 -clock. The mg limousine at-the door told him that Monk had already harrived. kn in \X7'lnn-u nnnnlnnnl (\l`lYY\ uuau LVLUILD 116511 (1:11 \.r(ul;\1J um; Avuuo When he reached his own room, he rang through at once to know when the chief could see him; As a rule he walted his emp1o_yer s summons; but this morning, he was to_o impatient. The clerk answered that Monk was ready for him at once.- - "nn1r nyno ninnn in Him nnnrn VV(lvD I.\'J(I4Ll" 1.\)l. 111111 (WU UL.-U`J` Monk was alone in his room. Lorion thought there was some- thing curious, slightly strained, in his smile of welcome. as he approached him. T I1-:n'r\ `A $111` 11r\r| or\rvIn}l1:v1rvI IV uyyn. uauuuu 111.11.1- I want to tell you something,` sir, he began abruptly. I have aeconfession to make. I havel not `had a moment s peace of mind since it happened. 1 came to te1lyou yesterday afternoon, but you had_ gone. It s about. the night before last-a.bout the safe-,ahout the mystery. I-- Hn hurl I.-dd k:n `hnn.-In run-n JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to conduct.'Sa1e's at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 man un-..n-|.| as 35-..- and IJQaJ-IJjCJIlJ\J llI.l\J -IIIJUUULJQ He had laid his hands ner- vously on the edge of the pol. ished mahogany table, grasping it in a tight grip. .To his aston_ ishment, before he could pm- ceed any further, he felt Monk- s hand laid on one of his-_-it st:-7 ck cold, and yet `it was a `lig , friendly touch.. ' , H5 I\7V\f\lI\IVl\YI 115110," ALLULIKJIJ UULlUll.- He looketl his . employer straight in the eyes, and the calm grey gaze both reassured and amazed -him. ` "L:-r_'|___ 1' ;|___u _A,-__1 _,,,__ 4, ,, (1111 QIIIICUDUU `-Illlllo 'J-ohn,-I donht want you to say anything about it, said Monk. f : - - `tn ' ` ` ~ " , unbuxd `has sulfa-ed for '_Iomi_ !1n_0_"w1tn-_1_t.iho_ 1iack"1'xil`g1d: w`:Ybur faithfiil servant: L Henri Van O . ICU- .'.UjIw -rt uebund suite;-ed `Iome !inew1th -Ieihe 1iackum `kid- Ighew. troubles. He became so bad It wort was almost `impossible and hehed. tried so many remedies And not no relief that ha hm `hm. puma cuacouragqu. ' ,A !riond.'~adviud him to 3170 Gin Pills _; trial, _so-I none for 3 um 10 box. They did him so-much goo that he got :1: boxes and will continue taking. them until ho is d` . mm mm Mrs. Uaxnos Eu-til." 809. 8 `box : 6boxes for 82.50. ` Write for` free sample to - Qlllnnnvnill hand 1. nu-uulvnno lll III III $11051 ID many IOXIIIQIGI and got no roll that .1; nudgin- oomo diacoux-ago; . A. frlantl"-ulvinal him in :11: 7 IV CCU `V. .5 UV UTIIIIU UV LTIOKAL DRUG 8: OI-IEMIOAI. 00; 0!` CANADA. LIIIITED Toronto, Ont. I as Letter SLEDGE: KJCLUIIULIAIJUJLJLL \.AIA4A-UV Q n u v V \-u . 120 Bayelcl St. Phone 191 Orders left at A. F. A. Ma1com- son's Office will receive prompt a (1 Lien t.i 0 nr. ' . - He `spoke in `short, sharp senten- noes, even more jerkny than us- Aual. "`1 know everyming`. . You have nothmg .to. confess to me, my boy. Do you understand? ` I know. And 1 c1on t. want. to talk about it. I understand. It won t.e make. any diiference. Do you nnn 5) sun: _ Lorion took a moment to re- cover h1s.se1A1'-c0ntr,o1. He stared vacantzy mto MOIIKS fave- ..1\a._.___.. .J.....u nnrnn in if SI- Ill KILL} Lady fI'II..._L as hard as SL661. . A 1---I thank you fromgmy heart sir, Lorion stammered. .``I don t_ want you to mention it, my boy, repeated Monk-; and there_was a light in his eyes that [looked to theyoung man like ap- peal. - A He was so relieved that he ,could.have danced with joy. Ev- lidcutly -Lady Monk was better ithan she seemed. It had ` all, jeolne right. He need n-o longer} warry the burden of a traitor on his shoulders. Monk realized7 that, if he had lied,rit was for Lady Monk s sake. And for his wife s sake he could forgive any- thing. ' u1m.. (loom `mm 1 hnvn, nlwavs Ll11l.l'. - " " """"" l\E/,Iy dear boy, 1 have q1WaYS'took onakbri had the most impliclt oonlldence sa1 in you, the great man sand, a_n(l;,S 13 he `smiled,/showmg h1s sn1all.d1s--his N( colored teeth. You know that: thou nothing could shake 1t. I know ,t -he laid great stress on the: 0 word----'that you are every wayitawes worthy of my trust. I have much _But_ter . a more important work 1n the lu-ltalllng readlly ture for you, John, than you have App]: ever done. I d'on t'want to cramp fa your abilities, my boy. You Want `a large sphere; you will be ` aggs 1 . . - th {t%1`113cE31tsI[?izI1'Ii1fl.yet1`5;nd 3l(:1:,1 nialgltgtimg pm an expedition goes out to the %31`;VtSt:" Lobanzo I m gomg to send you E S 'dOze['l' `in charge of 1t. That W111 be 1n Dggsed chickj a few Inonths tlme. You en- . . e . V . . h` d ,1]: _l%y1(a`;l 1t the last tlme, dldnt U-Egg? H221: _N T `Q\f\l`I'll" {kin}! T {`Y`itJl ,)'Ul.l: I I should think I did, cried Lorion,-boyish `in his relief and enthusiasm. ,. It was great. Well. then you were ionlya junior, continued Monk. But the. next time you shall take the lead yourself. I ve great faith in you John: .I believe you ll do great things." And again he smiled. which was_ a very rare thing for him to do, except into (tjhe face of his beautiful Theo- ora. *- t"IT'l' A 1`|f`l'1'l`.`I`| TTT Ll'JI. (1: CHAPTER VI. V Vanessa 'l'here were two or three other .business men at lunch, and Lor- ion had no chance of any more private conversation with his chief, of which he \was rather `glad, as the dazed feeling oc- casioned by the encounter of the morning` had" not yet worn off. Alterwords he had work to do in his own room. It was just about closing time, about half- past ve, -when he remembered that he wanted to see Macpher- son about some small matter. He went downstairs into the Scots- man s private room in the ship- ping department. But Macpher.. son was not there, and the clerk told him that the manager was attending a meeting to. inquire into a defective rudder supplied to Tone of the Monk boats. I Lorionwas just `going away, when he heard a strange `sound in the small room that led off the Scotsman s private olce. It was a sound so strange that he pausedkand, heedless of the clerk, opened the door and peer- ed in. What he saw made him enter the room with a swift stride and an exclamation of concern. . . ~. , It was a small room, with white-painted walls and a rich, dark carpet in which Macpher- son's typist did herwork. At the farther end was the table that supported the machine, and the sight that Lorion discovered was `su"1c,ie.ntly.distressing to a izoung man -of sympathetic` na- l1I`e - uX`gir.l.sat with .he.1- arms `on the typewriter and her head bur; ied' in ._ them, 2 sobbing` violently. T 'I-nnn~7'1-rn-n1Ln nnnnn V 'Inn- n.`-girl sm EDMUND WALKER, . , c;v.o., u.o.. D.C.L, Prgsidem