A umou ssnvlcs gin pun `UuE`e;)W1.7'oi" dun Allis;-- aepiie- sentative Layman from -Central lMe'Q1_oqist Church. - , 1-.I_._..'.:_.. ,`n'....' Church. ~ (f) For Our Enemies.-.--.=-Rep. resentative Layman from St.` An`- drew s Church. 1 _ ` I National Anthem. `Benediction. ` iflwfhlreelisubseribers at "widely separated. _`pointsw sent` ' to The Examiner a clipping from, last" Saturday s Montreal Star `show- ing a photogravure of a_ young lady, with the following word- 1ng:-- Does anyone know this girl? The photograph was picked `up in a trench somewhere in France by Pte. Arthur Wright. 1350 Parthenais St., who sent it home tojhis wife. The pic- `ture was `taken in Barrie, Ont. On enquiry The .Examiner learned that the photo re.-pro- duced in The Star is one of Miss ' Marie Arnold of Barrie. 2 Rod Grasp Notes The monthly acking will be held Thursday, April '19. All contributions should be in the rooms by Wednesday, April 18. .A....-3.....--9n f`In-nunnii hurl |LV1.iJ.l.'Ull U1. nun Lcuunyua qzaua `l`\Jl Collier St.` Methodist `Church will have charge of the Shop on Sat., April '7. There will be 3. special sale of home-made can- dy, also fancy bags. and some very special knitting bags. 1111.... "1-\:\t`v':`|'\rlI Qnfrurndovv {ha l'UUl11D uy VJ Uuu.v;2cuu_y,_ 4:y;;. ..v. St. Andrew s Church ha charge -of the Shop on Saturday, March 31. Net receipts $151.00. n-n_-___ nu 1ur..n..,.,I:,.J. 'r`IIm.".n'I-. ' the Red `Cross. VOL) Dpounal. I1u.1uu1A1D yuan. - The following Saturday the! Soldiers Aid w_ill have charge for% 01.1. 1:-.. cn..- I UIIC 1I\J\l LJL U053 Donations on Sat., Mar. 24:`-l Ivy-1 doz. eggs., Sat., March 31: 7th Vespra---2 doz. eggs, . 9th, Ivy,---Cas_h $1.60, 1 lb. butter. Shop committee this week:'Mrs.l Eastman, 'Mrs.'King; next week,` Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Jackson. 1 --Maple leaf paints .and..Fio-l glaze. None better on the mar-I ket. W. A. Lowe Son. ~ 1 churches win unite in mmtgsl for Prayer and Repentance, at] V 4 p.m. `Barr-Ia Photo Fourid In 'Fl'h when they ujbid I-lore} Yes- terday Before -Moving East. to complete Training. . COL; MGPI-lEE S HEM . - _ nuns}. nu: snowme f The ~ 177th Bn., under Lt.-Col.-4 J. B.` McPhee mobilized at the Queen s Park. on Wednesday at`. -ternoon for advancement to an- other stage offtheir training.af-.- ter a winter s steady. drill. . It :-was the rst timerfor thelwhole battalion to he together since going into winter quarters and the thousands who assembled to see the boys of? had an` oppor- tunity to see for themselves the evidences _of eiciency which drew such high praise from Gen. Logieand Gen. Lessard at their inspecti-on last, month. The marching, physique and general bearing were certainly a credit to the good old county that is "giving them--its second batta- lion"--to do valiant duty for King _ and Country. --.-._ -.. ll... A...-.n~\-mnurvun1rr`n auu uuuuw. J . As soon as the arrangements for mobilization and departfire were announced, the`Town made preparations, to serve luncheon , for the: whole battalion `at the Armouries, it being expected that the Orillia and Gollingwood "companies would reach Barrie in ;the morning. However they did not reach town till after one o e1ock. ~ Numerous ladies under the direction. ' of Mrs. . Stewart looked after the preparation and serving of" the luncheon. After the Barrie". contingent had all |heen'se-rved an.d supplied with {extras for their knapsacks, word {was received that the Coiling; gwood men were coming and had `not `had -their dinner. To" meet this emergency meant some hur_ ried work on the part of the ladies but they proved equal to .the occasion and saw' that the Tlollinerwood chaps were provided for before leaving at 2.15 for lthe station. n ___-._;1.` ..1- n...-. 1...-.44.-ll-inn [LIN-'. Shubluu. | The strength` of the battalion gas _it, left the Barrie station at 600.. Nearly .100 were cut 'o in the nal inspect_io`n owing tolhl -very-r_.igid~ requirements of the Ilmper-i_a'~l - servi_c_e `now in force here. A Fourteen sergeants were held by Headquarters for train-_ `ing- purposes. Some of the oi- cers_ were unable to: pass the. \3 p.m. in twotrains was about medical examination and others could not go owing to the battas lion being under strength. The officers who for these-reasons their battalion further were: Major Rodgers, Major Young, Capt. E. E. Stewart, Capt. Gan- ley, Lieuts. Mitchell,` Bird, Pratt, Stocking, Gendron, McVean and Clark. Capt. Harper, chaplain," also was not permitted to ac- company them. Capt. Wood `were not `allowed to accompany `went as a lieutenant. A site Suggestion The possibility of a new site beingaselected for the Collegiate -has broughtout again ..the sug- gestion made` by H. G. Robert- son in' 1911 that the school'be built in the Agricultural Park. Mr. Robertson was chairman of the Board that` year, it being during his regime that _.the re- modelling of the B.C.I. was "un- dertaken. _ __-_- _L_'-._ I CLIVE-ui:wT1ilob`ert%son s was that the agricultural build- ing be moved to the north west ~ corneraof the park, and that the school building should be built on the brow of the `slope where the fair building now stands. This.would _give one elevation to the north facing Elizabeth St. . and one to the east facing Brad- ford St., with a good approach from either street. At a moder- ate cost the ground in front of the school could he terraced and sodded and in time the residen- tial property between the park and -High St. could be acquired and made part of the park. Mr. `Robertson is of the opinion that no better location can be secured for the school and the.cos.t of moving buildings and making other changes would not be_ nearly as great as purchasing a * new site. suggestion 1 Barrie Bowling club - A well attended meeting of the Barrie Bowling Club was held on 'I`ue'sday when the following of- ficers were eleete-d:-- Hon. Pres.--A. Hay. Pres.--M._-J. Frawley. Vice-PI'es.--F. W. Otton. Secy.-A. C. Bricker. Treas.--F. Mart`. ~ {Executive Committee -- TA. Sarjeant, W. R. King, M. Welker, 0. Cameron. - 1`--- n A . u n n n nnpiil -In accordance with the Em.- Vpire-wide movement to have Good Friday celebrated- a_s_a special day for prayer and repentance, Mayor Craig has asked the citi- zens to attend the union service in St. Andrew s Church tomb!"- rowfrom 4.00 to 5.00 pm. The programme, which has been -ar._ ranged under the "direction of the Ministerial Assocn., is as fol- lows:--_- 9 National Anthem. Invocation. , A V Hymn 50-3-Lord While `for All- Mankind We Pray. r _n 17.1.. O....:..t.-unn U. U'd.111U1Uu. Prospects ,for a successful year look good and various con- tests will he held during the sea- SOD. Held -in` Opera` E-igse, Tuesday Night.-.-llI,any Kind Words for Battalion. ENJOYABLE GONOERT "FOR MEN OF 177T|-I BN. An entertainment for the ben- efit of the oicers and men of the 177theBn. and their friends was held on Tuesday night in the opera house, which was well lled. Mayor Craig was chair- Inan and the proganune con- sisted of pleasing selections by the Barrie Orchestra, solos by Mrs. A. E. Lennox, F. H. Hurl- burt and Stewart Douglas, and several short` speeches. `l\...\_ f\71ll'..II,.-- ..-..-..-`(AA .-..-.l `L . uuvunxnn C-U \Jl\l\I\/A&\4-nil . Dean .O Malley pointed out the lesson of history to show that the terrible wa_r through which we are passing should be suc- ceeded by a greater economic, social, educational and political progress than has ever been seen before. The war is one of vital issues to the world and to our country, issues that should stir the deepest and strongest currents in our nature. Sim- coe s response had been splendid and the 177th can be depended upon to live up to the army s best traditions and manfu-lly do its "part in achieving a triumph for right. ` `I1--. `IT IT `IT.-.'|`l.-unn nnnn1rnm J. 151.111: - Rev. W. H. Wallace, speaking on behalf of the churches, com- plimented the 177th on their excellent behaviour while here and assured them that they left behind them a sweet memory. They would not be forgotten by the people of Barrie but would be continually remembered in prayer. - A1-L-.. .. ....,... .........A.. -4? I........4.. zuwavu After some words of hearty praise for the splendid yurig fellows of the 177th, W. A. Boys, K.C., -c_ongI1tulated them upon being under the leadership of such a_ gentleman and true soldier as Lt.-Co1. McPhee, who though offered the post of Bri_ gadier declined the "honor, pre- ferring to stay with the battalion that he had come from France to raise. Such a spirit was wor- thy of emulation. The speaker emphasized the duty" of those at home to do'well their part and while commending the women for their noble efforts on behalf of the soldiers, incidentally in- formed the audience that, if op- portunity oifered, he would sup- port Womanhood Franchise in the Dominion Parliament. ,1 `I. 1- Ul.1,\1 l_I\J11l1Ll.l\ILL .1. (1.1. LLuuA;n\_;;nua Mayor `Craig also added his meed of praise for the 177th. The personnel of the battalion -.. ..A..... 52.... rs-Int` {Inn I11t\1I1r Annn Pun. LYLILLLIL/L l4'Il\/ auuu u\....\_,.. is very ne and the work done fully maintained the high stan- dard set by their predecessors. Of the Golone'l,.he could say that he had thewelfare of his men at heart and the people appre; ciate-d him highlyi as a soldier and a citizen. In leaving Barrie, the t_77th Bn. would have the very best wishes of the citizens. TL [n] llnnknn I1Y;{'k h;Q 1`IQ U1`, JJU L; Vvlxglsuu ua ul.a\1 \/-u---v..-.,. Lt.-Col. McPhee, with his cus- tomary rnodesty, - disclaimed any merit in refusing to be made a Brigadier in View of what, Gen. 'Lessard, one of the best soldiers ._ n_...-,J._ 1.-.: ,....:..I ml` Hm-. A"/*`IHn I 1111` LVLGIIALIIU VV U L I. Reading: of Holy ucripture.- Rev. G. R. Turk. -rnr 4f\ 'I' An}! Cnn`n1| .- Canada today, and Simcoe Coun- ty had` good reason to `be proud of them. a . Short speeches were made by Capt. Harper and Major Scott, who assured the audience that the 177th would carry away many happy recollections of `l).....s.. Barrle. Pte. Herb. Norton, an Alliston soldier, wounded in the battle of the Somme, was presented with $50 in gold on his return to his home in Alliston. LAUALJU L L L A L A J L U U\ILJ.o Capt. Gordon Gallie, who was invalided to England after serv- ing at Salonika for 0 er a year, has recovered and is n w on the staff of the Kitchener Military Hospital at Brighton. 11-..; 117-14.... `r..tt `r:..... (V.-.n:`I l_ULlI (LU JJLI IIUKILLI U01! 0 Capt. .Walter Lett,,Lieut. Cecil Lett, Lieut. Archie Higgs, Sergt. Walter Stephens _and Sergt. Rid- dell \ of the 122n'd. were in town over Sunday on last leave, as their battalion is soon to go ov- erseas. 9 Lieut. T. D. McMillan Wes re- _'I__,..__ - I939}. Proceeds of Non Lunch, Sat., March 31, $10.40.- __- _1-1__ r'n---....I..-- .~......t.'-.-us uzumunn KIA, xy ; v . - vs The weekly Tuesday meeting next week will be postponed till Thursday evening, April 12, when it will take the form of a. social evening at the home of Mrs. Wilkinson, 30 Maple -Ave. Every member is requested to be present and bring others inter- ested. A small fee will be col. lected to aid Soldiers Aid day Saturday, April 14th. . ' rn1_- ...._..A..A........-I f'l1..p....n1a Q'lnnu-nn-n LJGUULLIIAJ, 11111.51 The postponedlLT"1`UI.';3-nch Shower will be held April 18th. Further __._I. ___-..`|_ VVJII IJKJ Ll\Jl\A `Lynn; notice next week. _Rev. H. `Moore. ` ILUV. U. 11. .I.u.I.n. . ` Hymn 505-.0 Lord Stretch" Forth Thy L" Mighty Hand and Guard and Bless Our Father; land. v_ Address.--Rev. H. D. Raymond. Season of Prayer T H {(a) `Prayer of Gonfession.- _ -1- 'r1'.-.....:1:..l:.-..-. / -Special line of iron bed, mat- tresses and springs. Very spe- cial prices, W. A. Lowe &_ %on. , , _. lGARRETT S 2 Block; West of Old Stand The Leading House for Everything in Music Heintzman & Co. Pianos WITH THE MEN IN Kl-IAKI. .Ll.lUl4luu .I.o JJJ LVL\JLVJ.LAl.\Aal.L vvuvu anv- - ed his week as taking a 1 chine gun course in England. MUSIC STORE The Piano of Quality and First in ' Demand Local Warerooms for Soldiers Aid _nuv. 11. LVLUULU. (b) Prayer of Humiliation --= Re'v..Wm. Hipkin. ' (c) Prayer of Repentance - Rev. W. H. Wallace. . (d) Prayer of Gonsecration. 5-- Rev. C. W. Reynolds. . , Hymn 507-_-Give to us Peace in Our Time,` 0 Lord. P `A ' Season of Intercession (a) For our Empire; Her Leaders in Church and State, and all Her People,-Capt. Riches of ~the' Salvation Army. I1 \ 11-.- -_ A......... non!` KT:-511:1` `D116 DGIVGLIULL 111111. . (b) For Our Army and Navy.` -Represe11,tative. Layman from Collier St. Methodist Church. \u:u-A-V. uvuu ...._--.._-..,_- \ (c) For all Soldiers and Sail- o'rs especially dear to the Citi- zens of Bai'rie-- Representative `Layman from ._Congregational Church. A n- - `ll :....!..l....!.-..~ -4` \Jl_1U.l'Ul1o . (d)For the Ministries `of Healing and Help.- -.Represent.a-, tivev Layman from Baptist TIC I31 on coon rnunuv