Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1917, p. 1

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seven YEARS Given 1 ' TO A FAKE VTER_AN i What appears to he the s.e- , quel to aseries of quarrels over . some; _property of practically little'or no value on the west, lake `suited in amending that may prove exceedingly serious `for two brothers, Philip and.Edward `White. The men live` on adjoin. ] ing properties Just east of the property known as the Capt.. Collins property at Little Har- bor. Both have comfortable homes and the lot of each has or "is supposed to have, a water- front on the harbor hemmed in .by Hen and Chicken Islands. As `far as the police can learn, it is shore road, ,Cellingwood, has re- in regard to the water lots. that the men have been quarrelling from time to time. On Saturday morning`. -Philip` White went to work in the shipyard, as has ter, leaving his wife and family at home. ])uring~ the morning` been his custom during the win- his brother, Edward, coinme-need to erect a line fence when it is said believing that it was inelud- ing a portion of their property, Mrs. Philip White remonstrated with him am] telephoned for her husband, who, as stated. was at the shipyard, at least. two ~miles from the seene of the trouble. Phil-ip at once left. his work. and wheeled home. in all probability working nphis anger all the way. In any case immediately upon reacliing home, .the police` are informed,ih'e got his shotgun and fired at Edward, with the result that his aim proved so deadly that the victim of the atfray -re- ceived the full charge in the left arm, neck and face, terribly lac- erating the neck and face and so seriously injuring the eye that should he recover otherwise he ~ will never regain the-sightf of _it.| y V 'l'1nV1'lnedlai.e`l`_s7v after thewshootivlng Philip White left his home and successfully eluded the police. ietter dated Mar. 10, he asked the lady to get the names of people living at certain address- es on King'St.. West, which she did at great inconvenience to herself. -v L ' - `l.I"-`I`7'___ ...-..-...nn.~ llul. DUI: `Just what use` McKay propos- ed tomake of these addresses when he was released from pri- son, the police have nofyet been able to gure out. ` . /2 He walked `to Stayner where, `hf; il ter shaving off his moustache, he ; boarded the afternoon south- `bound train and armed with a : ticket for Newrnarket, it is `said, continued his ' flight. In the meantime the_ police had com-' municated with the nearby towns and villages-asking -the police to keep a watch for th_e.man. ` Preliminary nzearingi . The prisoner, Philip White twas arraigned in the, Police Court on Monday jafte'rno`on. Crown Attorney Cotter appeared for the -prosecution and A. J. F. 1 Sullivan of'Stayner. for the de- | `fence. `ll 11- , n ,1, j - - J _,,`I_-_. lL\Jll\J\JI P, M. Hogg presided and when the court opened the two families of Whites were present, that of the prisoner and his wife and children on the west side of the I `court room and the wife and six children `of the victim of the` fra- cas on the east side . Mrs. Philip White sat by her husband and seated nearby was his eldest son George, and one little daughter and a small son. With Mrs. Ed- ward White were her`ve sons, three of them strong young nfen and one young daughter. All wore an air of anxiety and the members both of the prisoner s family and those of thevictim bore evidence of realizing the seriousness of the situation. ~n',|-L 11r1.:L- --_._ -1.` 1'3.:l.-.......l DUI IUSJDILUDKD U1. ullu 0 J u u u u A V L no Ralph White, son of Edward!` White, said his father was a. haIf..br-other of Philip White. He said that on last Saturday morn- ing between 9.30 and 10 o c1ockI he saw Philip White come out of' .the'house- with "fa gun. Father : was close to witness and was standing on Emerson -property. With his father he was putting down fence posts` to erect a fence. Philip came out while the work was going on. He said, Get off my property. Father said to my brother Bill, Go and phone the cops. Philipidrew the gun` on lne, and father said again,` Go and phone the cops, when` Philip turned the gun on father and fired. He was about 40 yds. from father and about 25 yards from me. All Philip had said was, Get off my property. He said it twice. After .shot father turned around and walked away. Philip then `pointed the gun. on me and again said, Get off my property, to which I replied, I won t.f I heard my father say, Oh, oh!" and I turned to go to him. He was bleeding badly, the blood trickling down his face. Witness said he was too in.- lerested in his father to pay at- tention to the prisoner, hence did not know where he went. or what he did with gun. /1--- ._.._.._...,.:......l ...L-n n n n n nr` lni ulu VVII/Ll. gun. , .Cross-oxamined, witness said the "fence was a line fence" and that smne yearsag-o Philip \Vhite had a hen-house there. `Mr. Fair had given the authority to build the fence. There had been some trouble between the families in the past. Father made no move toget off the property. Father was standing, but he could not say that he had a orowbar `in his handjat the time. Witness re- peated tho story of prisoner or- deringithem off his property. I did not know that my father had insulted the prisoner s wife` pre- vious to the shooting. -nu--'r7-_- ..:.J 1-... .-vnm'nn11nrI So -Writes co uricil-Flre Brigade Dierencesv Settled -j sanitary Inspector I-Iagart. Resigns. l. At the. meeting_'of the Town Council last Monday, night, a letter was read from the Barrie Gas Co. otfering to sell its plant and business to the Town upon a valuation. Several other items, of importance came up during the session which `lasted about two hours. The absentees were Messrs. Clark, H-orsfield and Lowe. IV with numerous aliases and a F. J. McKay, a New Zealander, very bad record, appeared before` Judge Vance on Tuesday morn- ing, charged withsforgery and fraud, his olfences consisting of making two `forged cheques of $30each and passing them upon_ the Bank of Toronto and Geo. G. Green, Bradford. McKay plead- ed guilty to all four charges and -after his history and record had been given by Inspector Reynolds of the Immigration Dept., His H-onor sentenced the-prisoner to seven years in Kingston peneten- tiary on each charge, the sen- tences to run concurrently. McKay s Own Story At the Guelph Pris-on Farm last month the prisoner gave his own history to Inspector `Rey- nolds as follows:-- 1\t__ -_-..1_1 __.....- .. 1.1......n:.-. Tna A 1-ette;.r from A the Dominion`! Alliance asked the ' Council to sign a petition to, the Govern- ment urging that steps be taken ` to a secure Dominion.-wide grom- bitidn. - any 1-: a 4 u u u o` | ;)uAvLLo `Geo. W. Hagart tendered ms' resignation as Sanitary Inspec- tor. a-an -V ` nu} - Mrs. _ Th"os. Shouldice asked leave to remove a soft maple tree in front of her house on Dunlop Street. l\lIlI vvvu David Lewis, desiring to put up a fence between his lot and the Agricultural Park,, asked the Council _to assume its half of the cost. uvu us The customary g.:ran.t was ask- ed on behalf of the Royal Vic- Itoria Hospital. . Street Oiling Town Engineer Laing sugges- lted that it would be well to have a distinct understanding this year as to what streets are to he oiled. Last season owing to a misunderstanding some streets where a majority of the owners wanted the -work done, were left until late in the season owing to opposition from "a few owners. As a measure of maintenance, he recommended that the following |streets be oiled this year:-- I`if_ lfin St.,._A from Essa . to Baldwin; 'Bradford St., `Essa St. to G.T.R. sm.; Sunnidale Road, 700 north from Kidd s Creek; Ross St., Bayeld to Maple; Clapperton St., Dunlop to Collier; Bayeld St., Dunlop south. If the. three last mentioned streets are oiled it 'W'l end the dust nuisance at the `ive Points. A Gas Co. Would Sell 0. H. Lyon, Mgr. of the Barrie Gas C0,, wrote as follows:-- I.`........\- L.'.._L... L-` 12...... 1|... .-..-..... Commumcations ties could not get together and arrange a _sale. I can assure you that I would do everything to faci1itate_;matters in the interests of the Town, as I feel the towns- people would be better served and get their gas at a lower r_ate by having the Gas Co. in the hands of the municipal corpor- aon. 1'1 1-4 111 1' 13-12-: _.-_ I.luua\JLI.a V T. E. Connor, W. J. McIntyre and D. N. Morrison asked that a .four-foot cement walk he laid in front of their properties on Blake St... east of St. Vincent's Park. " J. Frank Jackson, who was appointed. by the Council, tend- *ered his resignation as a mem- ber of the Public Library Board. This resignation was accepted and R. J. Fletcher was appointed in Mr. Jackson's p'1ace. . TL _._-_ -L...l....Jl 1___ `ll'..._.... f`-...:n. F. J. lIlcKay, ;:a_E;;soIdier,.sn- a.-..--.I 0-.. E-_..-_.. and Ennnul ;n-. at o vnuvnn u 1(`w stated bywvlliayor Craig great pressure had been brought to bear on him to _return to the Board of which he had been a valued member for 25 years. His experience is iespedially needed now-when the new library is be- ing put in good running order. Finally Mr. Fletcher consented to _ accept the re-appointment. Production Campaign '1`, T. Young, Secretary, ' on` behalf of the Barrie Horticultur- al and Town Improvement So- ciety, offered to co-operate with the Town Council in inaugura- ting and carrying on a Produc- tion Campaign. Henry Garland, of the Well- ington Cafe, made application fora permit to erect an electric I `that after Mr. Fletcher resigned lsign. 'l'\..l.'......-I I`1.......tA,-I xzuuxxou Uvulllunu vvuuu cxu. nnnn vu- _ No action was taken on the communication of Peterhoro Council re increased poll tax or on that of the St. Catharines` Council re the saleiof veal. Licensing Restaurants The Clerk was instructed to secure a copy of Toronto s by- law regulating restaurants and any other information necessary to enable the committee to deal with the question of a bylaw governing restaurants and eat "ing houses. - LIID 1.1.0 Refund Granted AM. J. B1-ennan s_ request for refund for portion of hutcher s license overpaid was granted. `R7,. '..A .A.. ....-..~ Jl'\1PI\`If\ 1\r\ `kn The Cow .ByL1W Ald. Lang and Thompson moved that. the Council prohibit the tethering and herding of cattle on the area between St.` Vincent and Nelson Sts., south of Collingwood St. ' r\_-_:_.... L... 11..- ..,...-..~.,\_.. .-.nA \JUlll1le V\'\}uu L . Owing to the commons` and several little used "streets, Ward I had been exempted when` the cattle bylaw was put in force, but thebovines proved a nuisance last summer. People going 'a- long these back streets at nights stumbled over the tethering chains and at times the cows ,hroke loose and played havoc [with the gardens. -:, It was referred to committee. `Law Costs, Etc. Among the -accounts passed were these for law costs: Cres- wicke & Bell, $6.22; Boys &. Mur- chison, general account $55.80, re Hazel Thomas case (includ- ing hospital charges and court costs) $716. ' Change in Library Board .LlUl\lD `for $25.00 ',tanceship. C90 1UL|vvvQo" My right name is Francis Jas, McKay,"-and I was born at Wel- lington, New Zealand, in 1881. My father, who was in the civil service, is dead, but my grand- - father, Rev. Francis Knowles, is ' living. I left New Zealand in 1902 and went to South African war with New Zealand Mounted Rifles. Was in South Africa a- bout six weeks, returning with Rifles to New Zealand. I sailed for Vancouver in August, 1902, as a ship steward. From there I went to Seattle, then went to Pittsburg, ,Pa., and got job at Westinghouse Company. While there had two ngers taken off left hand. Late in.1902, I sailed for Liverpool as a steward. Was `arrested in 1904-1907 (twice) 1908 (twice) and 1910. . Came to America again in 1912. Re- mained in Pittsburg until about October 14, 1914, when Icameto Canada and enlisted at London, as Private Francis Knowles in Mechanical Transport, after which I was sent to Exhibition Grounds, Toronto. In January, 1915, under name Francis Know- les, I was arrested in Toronto for passing fraudulent cheque, or $30.00 and was sentenced to 90 days in jail. Was released April 26, 1915. During imprisonment, the Transport had gone overseas. Was hired in Toronto to go to Bradford to work as farm hand for Clarence Wood, about three miles from village. Told Wood my name was Francis J. McKay. Stayed on farm until July 2, 1915, when I went again to Toronto and en- listed with Canadian Engineers. Was sent` to Ottawa to Rockcliffe Training Camp. While in Otta- wa. I married Florence Rose Friend,-after ,a brief acquain- She was 18 years old. Married under name Francis James McKay. I had told the girl I was a farmer and had half in- terest in farm in Western On- tario. ,_.__L L . QLnnn'n1;#n I nnfh n Ila lIlIiI\G,, Ell &A-&vIuIvI,--v-- `tamed for Forgery and Fraud at BI-adford--I-lad Bad, Record. `then went, to station .and_t_o'ok I :_rst train to Bradford and re-' ceived the letter following. day at Mr. Wood s house.` The signa- * ture on these cheques is -spur`- ious. I never_heard of Officer- whose name I used. Everything connected with the cheques` IS false and fictitious. I passed one `on Mr_. Bernhardt,` of the Bank of Toronto, Bradford, for $30.00 and another on Geo. G. Green, Bradford, for same amount. I- told these gentlemen that I- had _-been invalided home from France -, had been hit in `hip. by] shrapnel and also gassed. I was arrestedin Toronto on Dec. 16, 1916, for uttering fa1seche- que for $40.00, passing same on Mrs. Lee, 5 .Howland.|Avenue, To- r,onto. Was convicted " January 12, .1917, and sentenced to ninety days" in jail, under. name of Francis James. The story Itold Mr. Green and Mr.~Bernhardt.a- bout being wounded and being. invalided home from the trench-. . es is untrue. I was never near the trenches. His Record c _ ' His record in the O1_d`Country as givenby Scotland Yard show- ed, seven imprisonmentss for per- iods of from two months to three years in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh for theft, fraud` endobtaining money by "false pretences. InfTo1f.on,-to he was convicted on `six charges of fraud and .false pretences. IT.` in 1-...-..-...-. `I\ 1.1. . ...,.'l:...'. .... uun.4.u- -guy-uu tIb\JIJ\lLL\/V/K10 He is known to the police as F. 'J. McKay and under the fol- lowing aliases: Francis McD0n- ald, Francis K. Manning, Francis St. John Manning, `Francis Knowles and Percival James Mei Kewan; -um-- collingwbod `Man AI-I-.ested`_ ln_ Barrie for Shooting -his Bro- ther with g Gun.: . Upon the receipt of a wire from `Collingw-ood last Saturday afternoon Chief King met the Meafordv train at Allandale and arrested Philip VVhite, harged with shootinghhis `brother with intent to do bodily harm.` Chief of Police Ross came down on |Monda-y and took ' the prisoner ban]: for hisvpreliminary trial. Theifollowingi [particulars of the affair are from the Gollingwood. Bulletin.

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