Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1917, p. 4

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Page Four IN MEMORIAM DEVLIN, Barrie, Ont. BLIGHTY Name . NOW ON SALE Address . "{c oniomicaI % Suggestions for Baimv lzingerie Hqractivg and GOUPON. Bx-itishers go out to_ the brave 101` of the old flag in the great .11 live in our songs a hundred m, wr'.ter of the international Comes Back to You, has just iece, a new_ \'eteran s song, that the length and breadth of the terling quality, set to a melody L through, sets 3. new standard Thursday, Nrarch 22, 1917. | In loving mo`)m01`y of our` (_iea.r m0t.he1`_. Mrs. Clark, of Inmsl, `who (hed Marc -1915. In a near and silent graveyard. VVhere the trees their branches wave, `Lies a dear and loving mother. In her` cold and silent grave. The flowers laid upon her May wither and decay, But the "love for her who beneath, Will never fade. away. PIi9e 0I!!.Y_...!5 Children Cry run rmcnews CA ST Q R: A IN IVIEIVIORIAM McCall Pattern No. 7040 Phone 259A AND AS ALWAYS `:.FAMII.Y.. ADMIEISTRATRIX SALE or FARM PROPERTY m THE TOWNSHIP or ono. YOU. WILL Augmented'by Splendid Scenic Surroundings--The Latest in Sumptuous Costuming--Usual Electrical Effects-- Catchy Msic Worth Whistling. New and Novel Numbers Galore~-- Notable Company of Comic Artists _.__--g L-L NOTICE " L'dH.|lUll5, III III! cc nauy a, uuuuu BRINGING. Phone 473a. GUS HILL Presents for the First Time in This Town, the Second Series of the - V George McManus Bringing Up Father Cartoons, in Three Rallys, Entitled . nllllel` To wind `up the Estate of the late Thomas Lister Bonney, there will be oifered for sale by Public Auction at the BARBIE HOTEL, BARBIE at one o`clock on - Saturday, March 24th", 1917, the following Parcel Ono---\Vesl, half of lot eleven, "concession four, Oro, 100 1lL`]'QS more on less, nearly all cultivation. There is said to be on this` property a farnl house, a large hank barn, driving shed, and other out- lmildings, Rural Mail, telephone; onemile from Edgar. M11-nn Farm Lands z--- A LAUGHAS YOU HAVE NEVER LAUGHED BEFORE; A :H&8T BF Prices 1:00, 75c, 50c 25. War Tax Egr_a If You Don't Believe 1:-- Ask Mother l'U, Iua-U.:~v-cuu. Notice "is hereby given. that the above named has made an assignm-en.t to` .me under Chap- ter 134, Revised Statutes of On- tario, and amending Acts, Of all his estate, credits and .e.l;Tects for the general benet of his cred- 11...... IN THE MATTER of H. B. Webb, Merchant, Angus, Ontar- io, Ins-olvent. l,.,.-..\'L.-- }'vI;\7n11 flwgf A meeting of Credit-01*s wi11.he held in the .oi`I`iee of The Dana- dian Credit Men"s Association, Limited, 58 Front St. West, To- ronto, 0nT11esday., 1V_I_varch 20th,` at 3 p.m. to receive a statement: of -a1`fa.irs, _app.oint Inspectors; and for the_orde1*ing of the -es-| Late generally-. f`.Jnz-lilrux.-u nrin hnunhtr . I.n{i`Dd u:.a.u 5 itors. L`dl.B, 5l5|1U1'u1I_y'. Cr`editors are hereby H1-oti-ed and reqxiested to file their claims at my address 011 or 13e-| fore date of such meeting, -and] notice is hereby given that after thirty days from date of such- meeting the assignee will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the dehtmr. amon,2)st the parties entitled thereto .,having regard only to the claims of which no- tice shall liave then been given, and he will not be liable for the assets, or any" part" thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims he `shall not-then have had notice. `I\-1_.I -1 rn,..........t- 4t..`.-. nu. An--r Illll/.JlIllu .lL\Jl.I.A .l-4\Ac\4unu Parcel 'I`w0--S0u1,hwest quar- ter of 101. fourteen, .c0nc.ession four, Oro, fty acres more or less; good b,r.n and stable on property watered by creek and well. '11 7, , -__-L .-1. 1:...\.l lburtll l1l!l- IJICII nan`-;; uuu I1uuJLIuo Dated at 'I`nr0I1t0,t.his 9th day` of March, 1917. _ A. S. CRIGHTON, Assignee, c-o Can. Credit, Men s Assocn., Limited. ` \. 1.1.12 cleaned, Altered and Repaired. MISS NI . MGKEHNAN 68 small St... Barrio. Sat.Sale.at.A. F. A. Ma|comson s Rhone 447a _ %c.A'.5"'rc'$_i`-2IA Children Cry FOR I=LIcnEg's . v from a New Point of View Notice to -creditors FURS! After Every Meal The Flavor Lasts `\\' \'-J I o 'Te1`ms--Ten per cent, at. time. of sale, ha]-a_11?ce in "thirty days.. '1.`l1m'n will be reserved bids. lu1`1.he1` -paT1`Licu1ars will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned on application to the un- d orsigned. `I'\('\1\T A'T T'\ Dr\QQ PRETTY, LAUGHING SINGING, DANCING the Rise to Fall of Curtain` "PROPERTIES FOR SALE V ON EASY TERMS All the`. fdllowing prOpe1'ties are in the Grand Trunk calling district: H .,-AA...-. `I.-..sn`|r Innnon an Inf 0lSL1'lUL. 7-room brick house and lot, Innisfil St., sale price $1350.00. $50 down, $15 per month after- wards until paid for. '|\T:nn 13u1r\nr-nlrxrrr I V Nice Bungalow, John 51;. W -sale price $1650. $50 down, per month till paid for. W ~nnnn'\ hvrirflt ht'\'I1QD, and PU]. lI.||J1l.l;1l hill. yuxu J.ua. 0 7 room brick house and lot, John St., West, sa1ep1'ice $1350. $50 _down, $12 per month after- wagds. - -..\.~v.-. Lnn1v 1~.r\11c nnrl `{\{ ; 8 room brick house and 10t,[ `Bradford St., with all the latest ;c01'1veniences. .Sale price $2400.? `Small payment down. I n "I vnnnvn }\n~in1r }'I1'\1`IQn 9711" .DIlIa1l puyultngl, uuwu. 7 {room bI`1Ck house and lot, with. all conveniences, `Brock St., sale price $2600. ' $0100.00 |down, balance mon_th1y paye imrelptsn. 0| _.`..J........ 1'n...`......I,.... Tn]-.n G4 I ll('l Dlllflljo . DONAL]? ROSS, Solicitor forrthe Administr-aI,rix. Daied at Barrie, March 5th,,19l7 l.l'lt3I.|.L5.\. I 6 1'i'd)0m Bungalow, John St.,l price $950. $50 down, $10 per 'mont.h till paid. for. 0 mnnrn kn:-non -111!" Inf nnvnnr ]llUl1lAl1 D111 pa.1u.1u1. 8 room house and 101;, corner] Ellen and .Victoria 5%., price` $950., $100 `down, $12 `per rng}T1i;h afterwards. T ' --1 I.._.:-.1- 1......-... t\~r\l` In` nn` ll1UlI lull. I11 L61 wax UD Neat brick houzse and lot, on` Frederick St., with flowing well water.` Price $1100. $50 d-own. Balan monthly payments. - Larg brick house and lot, 50 William St., has . all convenien_ ces, garage and stable. Price |v$3300;v $500 down. 'I)un'n1p Innuunn nnal In`- |t71{*}'I ' VEDJOUU QTJUUU UUW11- Brick house. and lot; with hot water heating, lighting` and plumbing, Burton Ave., price $2000. Easy terms.` 7 room -house and lot No; 103 Burton Ave., all conveniences. Sale. price $1650. Small pay- ment down. " 11.... .o--...A.`|...... ........J:....'l..nn n4` #1..` llllilll: UUWLI. For further particulars of the above properties apply W. G. THOMPSON & SON, Rea1 Estat.e Agents, Phone 288, Office, 15 Owen St; Barrie. I Mina:-d s Linimnt Relieves jeuralgia. arus uubu p'a.1u nu. Bungalow, John St. Wesg, .l.. nnin GEARKO QR rlnxxrn S31 THE BARBIE EXlHIHEI| SATURDAY MORNING lulu 1ULo house_ GIAOKA GIRLS GRAND Opera House,f_Bar1:ie Wednesday, Mar. 23 R l At `a. meeting of ~1-3arri.e Pres- bytery he1d1ast'week there were. present 23 ministers and 6 eld- ers. On the minutes being ap- proved, the Clerk read the fol- lowing resolution, which, on be- ing read, was approved with a standing vote, and became the resolution of Presbytery. EITITI-.nL {Inn Dnn-ohtvf nr-:7 h9Q I'BS:UluL1Uu U], .I.`.l'UDU) |;l'3Ly. That the Presbytery has learned with profound regret of the death of the Rev. `D. D. Mc- Leod, D.D.,' Minister Emeritus of St. Andrew s Church, Barrie, which took place on Friday, the 9th inst. after a brief illness. He had been pastolj -Of St. Andrew s| Minister Emeritus since June of last year, having previously ser-l ved as minister in Ancaster and] lParis. During that long period, he served.the Church with great; delity and` devotion in every? department of christian activity, whether in his own congregationi or where duty called him. He was a conscientious pastor and a preacher, of great, power and thoroughly evangelical. In Presbytery and the other courts iof the Church, he was listened to with much respect a wise `and judicious adviser and his opinion carried weight. His go- ing away means a distinct loss to St. Andrew's congregation, to`: the Town of Barrie and to the Church at large. lle,.enjoyed the highest esteem of The CgOl1lIllLlI1`- ity in which he lived and was greatly beloved by his congrega- tion which he has served forso `long a time. He contributed to ` his church and country a life in; spircd by devotion to his Lord `and Master and which was spent, in the diligent service of hum- anity. In recording a sense of Dr. McLeod's worth, the Presby- tery also expwesses its sympathy Church for". thirty-two years and,` - to his-devoted son, and other! surviving friends, and commends them to the gracious keeping of: our Heavenly Father. VIWLA 4-.nvu\r.1:llnn ".`\ oni17L\ ULll.' 1`.lUd.\'U1u_y .L'auu:L. g The c.on1mit,Lee to strike the. levy for Presbytery and `Synod: Fund recommended that it, be the; same as last year, viz., 70. per; unit.` nu... ',\'lI.\.--.:..-.1-n .-..-xxx-\nn{nn{n-r\n~n:~. llllx. , l.`he following commissioners` to the (,1"e110T{1l Assemhly= were appointed: Messrs. Gilinour,-i Cree, Currie, Hanna, Pue-Gi1-i christ and Macliersie, Ministers, and Elders from following ses- sions, S1/ayiier, Guthrie, _0I`ill ia, !Migland,_ Midhurst and Ponctang. --...... ...../... nlnrl l-n ILVLIUIELIIU, lillullul-`.U (Ll.1l_l J L/LIIJI/l.l.)Lr_-qo Perlnission was gmrlted to Alliston congx-e"at,i011. as re- quested, to sell part, of their qhurch property. V ' "Plan nnn.~.1-4 nn T-Tnnnn MiQQi1\1'\Q-' Ullul U11 [Jl`J1J\_'/I I1) . ' ' The report 0n.H0me Missions" was preseiited by Rev. J. J. El- li0t,_ Convener. Mr. Byrnes pre- sented his half_year1y repm-1., which was listened to with much interest. Grants were made both to the mission fields and aug- mented eharges and the Synod s Committee met in Toronto last `week to make appnihtments fnr `the summer months. nu- _ 17 T) C! ....-.A Q Q unnnnd but: DUUHIIUI Jlluumlm. The Y.P.S. and S. S. report. was presented by Rev. 11. D. Mccuaig and showed marked progress b0t.h`in the g'r-owth of school, and the givings to budget of the Chu-rah. ` - n--- 11;- n`r\`r\:r\J: A . . A n .-...4n.-I 1x11 Elrizxbel Street U1 LIIU IJII Ul.l"Il. Rev. Mr. Christie reported 011' the amount paid in for Budget, and showed `that the Pro,sb_vtery had fallen far short of the 3110- cation made by Synod. - ,. "I11-`A mall -Psxrxrvx /\{n11'n rrn Uu,|.vlK7ll IIIHAIU Lit) bJ_\/llllhlo r The call from /Air1ieAand Blackbank was tabled for the present. Mr-..Shepher(l and Mr-. McDonald will visit the people and pmmlre infornlation the Presh_vtm*y must, have he1`oI'e the icall can be sustained. n___ 1\n'_. T A-1.I......A -..y...-. nnu-\ L/all ua.u U \1Dlv(.I4lll\lJ Rev. Mr. I.0ckhar.'t itinued Moderator of [till the 1`et.ur-n of M1`. [from 0ve1*s=,as. `ll ... `l'I_......_-_,. .......A...l.-.,J 11'l.Hll UVI 7l'hl`/an Mr. Brown reported that the Allandale people would have a call shm'tly, and Bxinks and Gib- raltar will have Mr. Fnwlie as {stated "supply 1.i1l`Sp1'ing. J. W. Daniel, of Toronto, was} a visitor to the Barrie Libraryj last week and afterwards wrote; The Examiner as follows:-- 1 I err 1---... L-.,.... .... ...-.H.'nn- -I-nu .I.IlU .I_'JJ\(1lll.lllUl. CLO `1UI1\J\vo. I I have heen travelling ini Western and Northern Ontario; for some time and. I very often| visit the pub;li.c libraries of the: different. towns. Last night I had occasion to visit yours and was delighted with your new building. - The whole atmosphere; of the place makes one feel sorry; when closing` time comes. I; consider yours one of the best equipped in the province, con- sidering the size of your town.. I`was also very pleased with the courteous treatment I receivedl from the lady in charge. The thorough knowledge she has of. the equipment and her ability to correctly direct the public to the proper source in the refer- ence depa.rtment makes `your library a great asset to the} readers of Barrie. Read the Adlet Column. B:am-Io Pimsbytery Praise for our Library was con- Coldwzlter, , McD0na1d| The. undersigned desires to inform his customers and the public geiierally that he has pur- chased the butchering. business of Mr. Frank VViseman,and has moved to Mr. Wisema_n s old` stand, nextthe Ford Garage. Your patronage is solicited. ~ The hearts of all loyal lads who have upheld the honor ght across the sea...They will hu years! Gordona V. Thonipson, interna -song hit, When Your Boy Comes has given the. public his masterpiece, a song will shortly ring throughout the < British Empire. A lyric of sterling to n that thrills you through and sta for Canadian song writers. ~ g f`H_eroes of the Flag t\-_.l-... II THAI I 1&1 T? 3: zu---vw ' (The New Veteran's Song) . Go:-eon V.i"1'hompson Every public singer, every school, every r:hurc.h, every 01*cl1est.ra leader, every hand conductor, every home--a11 should copies of this rem:_1rl song. In short, XOU should get a copy to-day. Iln n..4-h...m Inflnnnlrl mhn cnng this snnii Elf, 1\'Iassey get. t,o-day. Mr. Ruthven McDonald, who sang this sung` l\Iassey Hall, says: `Heroes of the Flag is a song: that will live. Mr. Arthur Bllight. says: One of the very hest war SOIISS yet_ produced. Puhl1shed in three keys: N0. 1 low in A flat (C_Df`; No.2, medium in B flat, (D to Bf); N0. 3 high. in D` (Fs toll?) Marked price 60. To introduce, 35c. 9 nr. 4 TheABA1ighty Song referred to. ih all letters from th-?` In 10\'lIl,`. ,` memory of Geo. (3.! Bishop and Hen. Sewrey, who departed this life on March 23, 19-15 and. March 25, 1915. It is not. lhe t_.mu`s on the mom- 1 out shed, . That. tell how beloved ,are the . souls that fled, But. the "tears through many a long night wept, ' And `the sad rernembrance so fondly kept. Their memory is as fresh today, As in the hour they passed away. ' Sleep on. beloved, and take your , rest, . God calls home rst_ whom He loves best. A ---WIFE, SISTER AND BROTHER J. l.l\1 front Other Big Hits ll2IIjjj 43-11:: 1; mcallookotfasbions You will save money by using the couponabelow and ordering all the above songs at once. You will get $`1.G.5 \V0l`i,h for only $1., and we pay the post,a,;:`e. ~ Simply pin a. dollar bill to this adve1*fiscment., lloiit. -coupon, and inail to_day. This adv. will only appear once in this paper. P. 0. Box 178, Barrie Price 250, (by mail 356),` -Canadian. price 30c, by mail 400), including a FREE PATTERN COUPON good forI5c towardvthepurchaseofanyMcCall Pattern, A Ti;ne1jrConcocti6n of Musical Comedy--New from Curtain First Rally--Nomination! Second Rally--Expectation! } Third Rally--Realization I a\\`UU]_JJlI5 but: uuuuu _y . HOME, SWEET HOME, FOR YOU WE'RE FIGHTING Capt. Joe Laws0n s great recruiting` song`. . OONQUERORS Rattling good march for pi:-m0.. , _ _ _ _v _ V - _ _ THREE CHEERS FOR THE LADS OF THE NAVY" rousing naval song by Gordon. V. '.[`hmnPS0Y1. that sweeping the country. Aunt;-n- an-nu---1 Ina;--- #33 \lII IIIEIZE EIr;I.I'l'lI|lf.`. GARRE'l'T'S MUSIC STORE _ "i=i4icE'eoc. . (The So|dIier s Home Sweet Home) \Vri`tten and Composed hy'R. P. West,o11 and Bert Lee GARRETT S MUSIC STORE, . BARBIE. - Please send me the songs listed in Tlie. Examiner of March 22nd. ' Med. 'Hig*h key, for which I enclose`. $1.00 Low \T...,\.A { SPRING QUARTERLY H (lharming and Huthentic Presentation 1 THE SONG OF SONGS! McCall Book of Fashion All n.e;.1,Tm.; at}; For Only sigoo Postpaid. T McCall Pattern No. 7653 M. J.B1{1s;1;NA_1_s_I

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