Aver" the _ the Uniformly Coca _ Qrapiges , J ERSEY CREAM ....-v-u -..-vs... 764 pairs of socks were ship- pgd this month, partly by mail :a1j1d partly iii_ the box t.0 the Commission. This gratifying- result was brought about by the splendid c0_operat,irm of knit,- te.-rs in town and country. Crown Hill, Craighurst, Edgar, Eden-` vale, Gutln-ie, Gilford, Holly, Fioldcomforts ., .' ' The thanks of the `lads in the `trenches are undoubtedly due to Miss Jones and her pupils who worked so hard to make their` 1 1' concert such a success. After paying all expenses, $153.00 was given to the treasurer tn add to the wool fund. This pays for 306 pairs of socks. Mrs. Stewart is most grateful for such great help just at this juncture, as the call continues for socks and more socks. - A Thursday, Fobrugrj 22, 1911 and "" Dry Clot[1es , Warm "Feet What could be more an etiz- ing than fresh. crisp,_.` .cC.or-` mick s Jersey Cream Sodas which have been baked in. white enarnelled revolving ovens. by men in -snowy white suits? V At JVV fur- cit- coal ighb are Sold fresh everywhre in dier sized packages." =9 33:33 ; ken. `thing Hot Lemonade `S I M PLE precautions, but wonderfully helpful in avoiding grippe ;and colds from exposure. VVhen you get home, put. on dry clothing. get thoroughly .warm, and drink hot lemonade,-- Vplentyiof it and piping hot. Usevhot. water and V Sunkist 'lemAo"ns,---one to ' each glass. jjrjij Good Legions VVhen you order lemons, ask for Sunkist, the_ uniformly good California` lernons._ Sunkist are waxy, tart and juicy. See that they reach you in the clean, crisp tissue wrappers stamped .-Sunkist. They will stay fresh much longer if you leave them_ in these ewriappers until you use them. Always have at _ least a half dozen in the ; house.` ' ' vuuunuvn VV01'k handed in by auxiliaries ---C0llier St. Church-~-43' pyja.- mas, 7iannel shirts,.1 hospital suit, [22 shet,s, 1.2 pmperty bags, 9 hot _wate_r bottle cwvers. 4 qui1ts,_ 8 ties. St. Andrew .s Church--9O suits pyjamas, -'4 ties. Trinity ChurQh--l9 suits pyjamas, 5 ties. Trinity Girls Class---12 property bags, 6 py- jama suits, 6 comfort bags. 12 scultetus bandages, 9 ties. Bap- tist Ch_urch--~6 suit,s pyjamas, 1 scarf." Allandale 8:5 flannel shirts, 5 suits pyjamas, 1 quilt. 5 ties. St. Mary s Church--105 suits pyjamas, 18 property bags, old- osed -four ne(!.. I2 pkgs, oz !bottle cow pital suit fort bags socks. ` T $1085.20. h _. J Red Cross Notes` .' The monthly packing`, `packed. `and shipped Feb. 15, was as fol-` l0Ws:---468` suits pyjamas, 10 hospital suits, 3 ms. hospital` slippers, /18 property bags, 138 grey flannel shirts, 36 hospital ~neckt.ics, 1 Inuffler. 1 trench cap, 12 quilts, 12 s'cult.et,us lJ11]dag'(`,S. 0 ..`l'-...._ -13 , 1 !The "Field Comforts w'orkers g'1'atefulIy acknowledge the re- ceipt of $83.00 fmnl Miss Bur- riss, their share of the B.C.I. entertainment. Miss Burriss and her pupils worked. so hard andjsn faithfully that. they de- served the success theywon. Ivy, the L.A.A.. _l&1'landale, L'e._ pfroy, Mitchell Square_, Oro Sta- tion, Painswic:k, Stroud, Shanty `Bay, Utopia, all helped Barrie and Allandale to send this good- lly number. B.C.I., Ovenden, and ,-the 4th Class at` St. Mary s all sent socks `to this shipment. V-The knitters would `all feel re- paid if they could read the let- ters Mrs. Stewart receives every week. The men are so grateful,. so eagerto send thanks to .the knitters and donors of the socks. So, once "more, on behalf of these brave and `gallant men, Mrs. Stewart gives heartfelt thanks to the knitters of the socks and to the men and wo- men who supply the money.wit.h which to buy wool. ' I . ,. _ |'I'VL - rwo - C aliforh Ia '3 i . California. Fruit Grovlvei-5 Exciting; .-`L`-`*:;..*'::*::.a.%:'.'.'.-':;:.f'.'.*--.. - w l_ -- -.., --r 14. \)1l\JA v.1 II 5 .l\J r (NOS, xuilts, bandages. u u, xv kgs, old` cotton,` 9 hot, water le covers. 7 pillows, 18 hos- 1 suits, 22 sheets, 18 com- for hospitals, 486 ms. rn_.4._I _._I,_, , 3;.."'$'3&h33B"3{33` Lon Anglos. Onlllgfon-3|`: ' V- v a1\III vv I4I:\;|. . ., T zovers. uits, gs hospitals, Total value Oflsllipflleflt, ial A 'typogr,aphical error occur... red in the item last week, the wor several being used in- st d of seventy. The sen- tence should have read _Seven- t_y pairs of _socks have been knitted and "brought in durin the month of January/ .etc. The `members of theicounty feel very grateful to Mfs. W. Todd and Mrs. D. M.Harvie, Or- illia, for their untiring.effo_rts in. this WOI'k r` Barrie, Feb..13, 1917.- , aa1732;O5 . Wehave examined there- ceiputs apd _ex,pen`ditures in con- nectihn with ` this special `Work in Simcoe County Women In- stitIut.eshan`d nd them cbrrect : Mrs. F. Warnica, Sttjoud _ Mrs- J. W. Brown, Dalston. Edith Thompson, Sun. Corners ---Auditors; `D......:- 'l'.1..L An nnn.-r Two` Field . . .$1 Brass plates.. .. . .. .. Postage, drafts`, etc . . . . Bal. donated to --Barrie Field Comforts -urvvna AL \lLl1 J-Vl.lJ|J\Jl. ' [Ill] lance Fund . . .. Interest .. .. .. .._ East Simcoe . . . . .. West, Simcoe .. South Simcoe .. .. .. Centre Simcoe .. .. District donations .. Bal. from :M0t-OI` Brass plate .. .. British Red Cross Postage and Bank Balance in Bank . .. Receipts East Siimrne I.')ist,i`ict. \\"est,'Sini_coe District .. Sm1t.h- Siincoe District Cmitre Si.nic(m, DiSf,I`iCi,..A South and Centre Dis- trict, donations . . . . this- Ids," Slmcoe county AWomen s Insti- tute Special Work, 1915-16 ||\1\'I.I. "Vb! n!ll'o d)6;1at.i(ns, Saturday, Feb. 17 V--Ut.0pia, cash .net.ter} $27.50. The snmvshoe and skating` party at Mrs. H.'_Calde.1'wo0d s _x'\ Miss Burriss of the `Collegiate staff handed - the treasllrer the genmmus sum of $83; being Bar- ri9Bran(:]1 s share nf the sun. 0(`.SSf11l play st,ag'e(l by B.C.I. students. -,.\. . u_.r `.111. I.l'L \lll nu o Shop m)rnmit,t.er> _this week--- Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. King. Next week-Mrs. Ba.1'beI*` Mrs. Jack- son. .'. 9 On` Saltll-(lay, Feb. 24, the C(n2`x.'eg'at.ional and Reformed Churches will `have charge and the following Saturday Allan- dale Churches. . 1 uu 1.1;-Du OIIIJIJGL-3. The Sn].dim's Aid_had charge of tho Shop, Saturday ,Feb. 17. Not. 1'e(:eipt.s were $37.80. Mem- berships` included in receipts, $6.00. ` ~ , . .__ _ -,~ --ngy Ina}: lJl Llll\/L7 LIJL VIJL 1111119 In last, mnnh s packing Min- esing should have been credited with 10 prs. socks, and the S01- diers Aid with 36 prs. slippers. Tho Qnl.-I.'.\...n A:,a 1...; ..x..\....... , Sock's'--(lollier St., 46 pairs. Miss `Booth s class, 17 pairs. St. Andi.-'ow s, 35 pairs. Trinity, 19 pairs. Trinity Girls, 24 pairs. Baptist. 1; ; prs. Allandale, /17 prs. St. Mary s,v38pairs. Con- gregational, ,25.prs. Miss Scott. 56 prs., Dalston. 61 prs. Ivy, 2 prs. Oro Station, 12 ms. Mid- hurst, 6-prs. Minesing, 1,9 prs. Utopia. .33 prs. Grenfel Khaki Circle,` :16 ms. Essa and Innisl towuline, 7 prs. Knock, '19 prs. 1} I103- Solcliers Aid, 9 prs. ~B.G.I., 15` prs.. Total, 465 -pairs. There were 21 pairs besides these 465 `pairs which had to be left until altered, because, of too short feel, some only being 8 "and 81/2 inches. The Head Ofce has re- (mestml that socks __he not less than 101/2 inches in the` feet and not more than 111/, inches, al- so that .s(.(cks should not he rib- bed the whole length of leg, as tlmse are claimed by the men to be hitting places for vermin. 1-. l.-...L .~...--AL9, MOTOR. AMBUT:._A'NCE 'FIJND J- " 3 s'l;i.ppers.4 .gCl.1.'.1u:ch:-i ~:qu.il,.t, .(d0.nated).. Dal- s`ton'-`--l3 pyjamas. f, 3 Ivy`--18 py- ` _ian1a,s,' `5' annel? sl1i1,~{,-5, Qro .- Sotati-on-lj5 `pyjamas, 4 annel s~h'i,17_Ls,"f-2 l1osppital;,su i.ts',o 2 quilts, 2_ Apli-llowsg` (dona,ted)_A. - Painswick 4.j--l4. p`yjaInas.. Minesing---7 h.ospi..t`a.l .. su..itos,A~ 10. . ~p3rJ.a.mas-.. 1 pkg;` old cot_.ton.l Shanty. Bay- -5. pyjamas, :1 ` q.u___ilt _ (donated). _St,I;oud-7 .;pyj_ama,;s,, 2-1 annel Shirts, 2' hospital?` suits, 2 tie s. "-Utopia--19- pyjamas, 5 annel .hir_'t.s,_ 3 property bags, 'I`pr. slippers. ` Glow.es--12 pyjamas. S1,. Paul s-`-6 pyjamas,;6 annel shirtS.- Essa and Innisfil donat- ed_ 4 pyjamas, lquilt. Knock. donated" 27 pyjamas, *1`, hospital sh'i1't., 1 quilt, 7 pillows, 2_ prop- Central School children--5 ties`, (`*1 _ _`I,.,' er-t y' bags,` 6 doz. mouth` wipes. _ Thonikton Sewing circle \ - Y.-- FIELD KITCHEN FUND Receipts n Twas. ,_|`X.Al!I5IIE|!` A|!,_P. sA.TunoA,v% Expenditure Expenditure Ambu- . 54 $1732.05 i .$17o0no 2030 4024 `$2515.79 . $1800.00 .10.00 163.00 n. ....\ $2515.79 .$i3/10.00 /1.05 ' 453.50. C 233.00 . 230.50 . 263.00 .$931.2.o| . 478.59 . 461.00 .A 643.00 1.3-1 2.00 } Beelby--corbett A very pretty but quiet 'wed- ding was snlenmized at the home of Mr` and Mrs; Corbett, Hunts- ville, on" 'Wednesday, February '1/Ltll. \\'ll(:`.Il their only daughter, Mary Isabella, became the wife of Mr. \Vil'l'x-ed Robinson Beelby, for-merlynf Bar-1-ii.-._. the ceremony helm: per'fcn -nied 1)}-' Rev. Mr. ( lilel1rist.`ul' Toronln. Promptly at. twelve n`elock the bride, woar- in2' a navy blue suit with small black hat. and cnr'; hnquet. of roses and lily-nf_lhr:_valley, Ven_| conthibtitih fr-6i'n' B1-anhes in] centre; Slmcoe District to Field Kitchen Fund Randolph and Penetang..$10.00 .\VyehI'idg`e . . . . .. . . . . . 20.00 \V'yevale. . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Birch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25.00 Allenwood . .. . . . . .0 . . . 20.00 Crossland .. .. . . . . . . 25.00 Elmvale. . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Silver Maple, 2nd Line . . 25.00 New Flos . . . . . . .. . . . 25.00 Edenvale . . . . . . .'. . . 18.00 1\Iinesing . . . . . . . . .. 25.00 Dalston. . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 .. .._jj__._.__ .._. _ For Washing :OiIditi`3e;sV Sillgg, ohiffona, kid mags , fathers, lamp shades, pet birdtand animals, paintingtv, piano ..,k:y,n, ne woollens,, or anything dainty or un- usual, use Won ; harm apyohiqg that pure ` , `water inky (ouch. all grocers. Hriiish made Lever Brothers 2 .na,s1b.1:.';.i.L- 10. 20,- 50 and 1001b. Bap. JEAN GRAHAM, YI'I_.-.- . nd Penetang. .5 o o n o o o u o o o a I o Best since 1 7 28 -._.-..., 'I`reas1.1rer . $10.00 . . . . . . . . . Made on%grg;d .on`:Iy--the 2 '....u u\.'uAL uux oxun l/U 1J1Ubl:1'Vb' `(ill of the tra dil,i0nal settings and: business of the old V`.`c0untI'yl show. The scenes are laid in! China and the Cave of Jewels, Willow Pattern Palace, etc., have been reproduced for this [production exactly as they are Aladdln-An(di His Wonderfu \ Lamp ` 1 `In preparing (he famous Eng-j lish pantomime, Aladdin-- and his W01_1derful Lamp for _the Canadian tour, F. Stuart Whyte has been careful to preserve all] Inf` Hun 4nn'A.`l:n.-..-.1 ,...u:_...... __..I tered the parloron the arm of` her father, while the Lohengrin wedding march was being played by Miss Lillian Beelhy, sister of the groom. The groom s gift to the bride was a pearl necklace, and to the pianist a gold brooch` set with pearls and amethysts.| After the ceremony, the happy guests adjourned to the dining-| room and partook of a dainty dejeuner. The bride received` many useful gifts showing the` esteem in which she is held. Af_ ter receiving congratulations from their relatives and other guests the happy couple left on the afternoon train for their future home in Bracebridge. y _IjI,e;re is just about the cheapest, most `enjoyable and most concentrated food you can buy tndpy, but--- After play or work in the crisp, vmitry air nnthing tastes so delicious as a cup of FRY S Cdcoa. Ba'b'y k.'_'<.'>$'s"s this. Big folk know it too. Frys is ALL sp endid, body-building nourishment; there is no waste, and it is in such soluble form that the system can immediately assimilate it. Remember,` nothing will do but FRY ! Lt Rgdpath Swceten it. !staged in the Drury Lane Thea; tre in London. Aladdin comes ;to the Grand on Monday, Feb. 26 I Read the 'Adlet Column. California}-`ruVitGto:onExciuI|D uvc_ry I111 .11! fomia. Eat tines : um- f I ' d f I fg:`t':1i`aoav::::g&ee:lI3IZ fulngu. Order today. Sunsist