Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1917, p. 4

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NAIITYII - Mr. and Mrs." D. J; Miller of Utopia spent the week-end with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jacks. ` -__-\.-.. -lJ -nr\r\u`\`(l `kn:-n` nna IIHFVUDIJ lxlllb VVUUl'\o . The Knicker-ho,c_ker Ice Co. `lost! a goodlhorsra last week. PAENTENGI Page Four` News from A Neighborin % A Phone C. BROWN] FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD ` BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF I-IE8, cues AND PASTRY 11.1 ,_ ,1 n-|__1.--. ' "1'3;k;'2Ba"'aies'1{;3 `for. Elizabeth and Small Streets. `Special Fares now in effect to `resorts in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Lou- isiana "and other Southern Stat- es, and to Bermuda and the West Indies. "Return Llmlt May 31st, 1911. LIBERAL s1'oP-ovens ` ALLOWED For full information write `to `G. _'E. HORNING, D.P.A., Union Sta- tion, Toronto`, Ont. ` 4- .. __-g- - -`nn' co 'ro Vair s Dutch Parlour TEA ` W" Bovnu. obi-I-'5: H01` OHOOOLATI % 'rouurro aouuuou snnnwuouzs PIE AND emu: NIFB. LHUB. uavna. ` V A number 1' people `here are suffering fr`: LaGrippe. rx__:4._ .......-\1-.nn 4':-nrn orvnnn Lunches served, from _10o up. For saa e-wgry -Savturday or` by special order- Aum`:mIb)Il@ anncdl Carriage W. (L Malcomsolr wmnzn TOURS l'lO_ME MADE OAKEI 'HE Undeuigned has I` I Paint A Shop over Hux- table n Garage, next the Wellington HoteI,where he is prepared to do Higlhcleu Painting of A Automobiles and Cu- 1.9-21 Dunlap St. FOB rinses. Make your ar- rangement: now to have your Cu or Buggy re- painted. A Prices oh Application. SUIleI'lIl5' l1'('ll uaulappo. V Quite a number from around Nantyr attended the dance given by Noah Grose last Friday even- ing. All report a good time. 1u'..... h `D.-.nHna~' nf' nnnlmfnwn 250 A; Told by'0lr GUIIDLES V Feb. 12--Mrs. Wm. Pool;ar--` rived home at the week`,-end from. Toronto, after spending two weeks with friends there. " Snowshoeing is the latest fad here; Young people from town enjoy the sport and are making good use of the snow up this way. T ` ` rru..- 1-InInnvn`nQ` 4'1-nnn T. n T._: way. ' p The delegates from L. O. L. No. 452, Barrie,_ who attended the County Lodge held in Stay- ner on Feb. 6, did not arrive- home until noon the next day on account of the train being stall- ed near Collingwood.'The meet- ing was all that could be desired, the largest in attendance and best ever held in the District. Two sessions were held: One in the afternoon and one in the ev- ening. All the Primary Lodges were well represented. The County Master, H. G. Robertson, of Barrie, gave a splendid report of the workings of the Order un- der his charge. The District Master's report was also very gratifying. The secret and de- gree work was exemplified most-I ly by the Barrie brethren. A banquet was given by the Stay- nerbrethren, who entertained all most royally which made the vis- it very pleasant and profitable. I'\_.. 'TV..L. L! ...l.-..-um -nnn-nlu nvnr'\7_ lb VUl._y [JIUuDuLsu Uvanun v........, .011 Feb. 6, when nearly every- one in our village had retired for the nigllti about 11.30, phones began to ring and it was soon discovered that Mr. McKeever s house, occupied by Frank" Chap- pel, was on "re. Neighbors gatheredes soon as possible and saved a large portion of the con- tents. The house, which was a frame building, was a.total loss with some insuranceon the pro- perty. Mr. Chappell has moved to Mrs. Forbes house for the present. ` '- ' ll ..- nnnn has nnnivnr` qnfnlv Flt: p1'e5cu1.. Mrs. Parr has arrived safely at Calgary, where she has gone to visit her daughter. Mr-s. T. E. Smith has gone to Orillia to visit her mother, Mrs. ab l..4'd.1llj_J .DU1`uUu. ` ~ . VlGO' - Feb. 12~-T.' E. Potts and E. L`. Priest have returned from Osh- awa and intend taking up work` at Camp Borden. ' u_-- m 1:: emu. Inna: (1-nnn in Mises Effie Summerfeldt and Irene Potts spent Saturday with friends in Collingwood. ,, L_1.l ..L 1 .-.`l.n 'I)lniv-`:1 lI'lBl1us 111 uuuu15 vvuuu. The partyheld at John Blair's was a success, everyone report.- ing a good time. -n.r:-,. Tnnvun Vnllxr nf Drrv 1115'. All rupuut. u 5U\J\.a u ---- -.. Mrs. D. Banting`-of Cookstownl spent a few days with her par- ents last week.. ' ___,.I 1UI ..,. Q flnnrlnn hgvn Bllliil 1'UUl . Miss Margaret. Kelly and Mr. 'Th0s. Skeliton were married quietly at the R. C. Church, Phelpston, by Rev. M. J. Gear-in. on Monday morning. 1115 '0. 5UUu buuu. Miss Irene Kelly of Parry Sound is visiting" under. the par- ental roof. ' 1-: . _ _ . ....; 17-11.. an.-I Mn ORO. STATION Feb. 'l2--M1*. and Mrs. Percy Ben are spending` a few days with their `parents here. ' -~- n----suma rlwmq -_m.13 _._..L Wlb. bll_C.Il. 1JaLUu.uD ILUI-V- Ernest Crawford, '1`hos. and Wesley Crawford and Melville Metcalf spent over Sunday at their homes. ,.-_._~..4 AL-` Hanna nun l.-MU UUIUUDI; buxa vvxuuoa. Llusvo A hockey match was played` between Oro and Hawkestone on Saturday, Feb. 10, Oro winning 4 to 2. snnnrrv an Feb. 12--Thos. sWhite, Brace- bridge, is spending a couple of weeks-with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Hart. ' ' V u u r - u .- rv, ,|,_AA_ ____g g__;__ hllll uxgunuszu , Sorry to report that there are many victims of-German meas- les and La Grippe -here. r\---....... a.....,.I..-. ne.-.-I-.4 and H55 uuu 145:1. uxzppo uuxu. . During Sunday night. and` Monday morning the thermom-| eter dropped to 28 `below ze.ro,1 the coldest, this winter here. 3 L _ -1_-__ _\-...4 ..l- --..~.,. nlnuvnrl William Sanderson and his sister, Mrs. H. Handy, of Toron- to, came up on Saturday even- ing to see their mother, who is conned-to her bed. A 1 1-1;`, I 'lI.'_'II!__.__ _`- _.:..:L' UOIlllll(3p'LU uer uuu. V Miss Ethel Williams is visit- ing` for a few weeks with her` sister in` Toronto. A,I-__-_ LL- _... ` BIILB lust, \M:I:1\., Mr. and Mrs. S. Gordon have returned home after visiting friends at Lindsay. T rc...._`1.,_... nl` Dnnnin nfxn; DIODUL Ill .L\JL\1La.u\.ro Miss Gertie Adams ha'sA1'e- turned `to Toronto {after a few holidays. 'n....4 ...v Q...-.`I...4..k.,.n.nn nvsnva` uuuuaqa. 4. L. Hart of Saskatchewan spent a few days in this village recent- ly. i cmuouunrr Feb. 12-i-The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held last Thursday. . Preparatory. service was held in the evening and communion service oniSab- bath. !\ I 0,1,`- (V,-_L_; ___-L -1 The Patriotic Society met at Mrs. T. C. C.raig ,s.on Thursday. Miss Mabel Stone of Barrie was home over Sunday. 11 1"l-._|. L--. 1-1--.. .. .......-.: `=.5.`;1a:ai,a;t;1;';1; a pm: tion in Orillia. ` = ` `:4 __:a -nu"..- '|l'..Y`l-.._.J.. -9 1'... have been visiting with `Mr. and |Mrs. H. ElIis,`1'eave this evening .,,__z,_ z... c<....I4 Q4.-\ Mo .lV.ll'5o 114. .LJlllD, IUILVLJ ulxlu u v u A . . .. to visit friends in sauii, Ste. Mai rie before rcturing to their home in Duval, Sask; -__.J 'lUI ...~ D ilillnn onanf 11-I are llll1JlU\'lll5- u R. Ellis has accepted a goodl fpositiorl at Camp Bordm. '11:..- A...y:I.'...... on Hun Dnzi Fnneu ll'lUl1l.l-3 (ll: JJIIILI-JtA_y a F. T. Grafton of Barrie con- ducted the service in the Meth- odist Church here on Sunday. A..__._.'.. 1\Enl`*nlInnnln annnf 111 uuvun, Daan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Miller spent`; over Sunday with the 1att.er s} `pa1~en`ts at Nantyr. I .1 r\V'|`I nnlnrl Sn cunn W ngnhgp nnf lJdl'UllI.:D an LVCI/llU.Yln ` *I am glad to see F. Rachar out again after his recent illness, and also glad 1.0 know that the memheI's_0f his. family who were in are impr0vin'. \ n 17In:.- 1...". ..,.nnnlnA n nvnn` :1JUa1l;lUl_l uh LJcuup 1JIJL\AI.z||- I The Auxiliary to the Red Cross sent [,0 Barrie Red Cruss`Ro0ms1 on Saturday for the l monthly, shipment._ the following: 33 prs.` socks, 19 suits pyjamas, 5 greyl annel shirts, 3 property bags,` 1 pr. slippers and a small -.quan- 1 tity o_f_ papers and magazinesy T......J`..' ',\1".l-`In- can/\ur\`.`r\ lknnn kn17n 01!! UL VLLWL U lA4lL\A .u. vu;7..~-----v-.-. `inside '0fthe month t,i1e--re,have also been knitted for Field Com .forts.si'x pairs of sbcks. .\_. o_1..--..)..-. 1..-; 41.- 6. .-41 IL} 7 IUIIX JJLIIILATJ III. t.)\J\JJ\AJn 6&1 Saturday {last the Sixth } Line cont,rib11.ted to the Redg Cross Rooms $3.00 in cash. % child:-en's Aid Donations | Recent donations to the Child- ren's Sheltemare as follows:-- mr.__ A rn `run- 4~....:1.. 11-. T 1 Luu .3 uucnusi, arc us Lulu Mrs. A. T. Little, fruit; Mrs. J. R.lDonnelly, clothing; Mr. Shan- non, milk; Mrs. J. F. Cavanagh (Edgar), clothing; Mrs. F. T. Grafton, clothing and fruit; Mrs. West, clothing and fruit; Mrs. Robertson (Shanty Bay), cloth- Mrs. Laidlaw, $1.00 and cloth- ing; Mrs. ,W. O." McKinn.0n, clothing; N. Cotter, rubbers; Mrs. Calderwood, ' sandwiches and cake; W.M.S., Presbyterian .Church, Hillsdale, bedding; Ed- envale Women's Institute, cloth- ing; Minesing Women s Instite ute, groceries and fruit; Shanty Bay" Women s Institute, bedding. rn.........,a... (`At `lvuunrlc `:unna;7\(T I I ing and fruit; Jas. Vair, fruim` `nu: hum .I.)a._y VV `JIIIDLL 0 LL:-Juauuuu, .uvuu...D. Towards Got Fund :---Minesing Women s Institute, $5.00`; New_ Lowell W:_)me`n s Institute, $5.00. A Delicious Cream Soup in which spinach is boiled, but to rich avor and it.will make Do not throw away the water put it on the stove, boil it down` a delicious cream soup. 011151. lJllU.l'UlI IIULU U11 LJuLu.:u~_7- Miss Annie McCul-laugh spent the week-end with Miss Irene Martin. -~----1 5, ...-..-..-.n4 Ghnl nun Sun Life of Canada Sets New Records ESULTS secured during the year 1916 re-affirm the position of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada as the leading life assurance organization in the Dominion. Once more it leads the field among Canadian Companies in each of the following respects : largest New Business. 'l.argest Business in Force. Largest Assets. largest Surplus Earnings. largest Net Surplus. Largest Income. largest Distribution ot Life Assurance Benets. -Cli 333353 Qmtfjnut The following large and uniform increases registered during.,the year 1916 clearly demonstrate the strength of the Company's position and the condence and prestige it enjoys in the public mind : . 1916 1915 lNCREASE ' Assets II It December 31st . . .3 . $82,948,996 $74,326,423 $8,622,573 (1 1.3% Cash Income . . - . ' . S . . . 18,499,131 15,972,672 2,523,459 (15.8% Surplus paid or allotted to Policyholders. 1,1 10,900 985,437 125.413 (12.7 % Net Surplus as at December 31st. . . 8,509,865 7,545,591 964274 (12.8% Total Payments to Policyholders. . . 7,578,016 7,199,479 443.537 ( 3-3% Assurances lssued and Paid for in Cash . 42,772,293 34,373,351 7393.445 (22.6% Assurances in Force . . . '. . . 281,434,700 257,404,160 24,030,540 ( 9.3% Coincident with the above increases, the Company succeeded 7during the year in effecting a substantial and important reduction in the ratio of expense, a feature which favourably affects earnings on policyholders account. 7___ _ -___ . _._...- __-_------ J'IUII3lU -U Cl IJCIFCIIIIICU JIUI O. 3 Surplus . 1872 -Ihon JLDEIVI 1896 'Il\l| J Uvv 1916 SUNLIFE gm Al\ r\ If` V1nf\\I"l`l\E HEAD c5F1=EE MoNTm~:AL THE Y1-:AR`s_1_u`._su1_.Ts lVli`l.l'l.a1u. , I regret. to report that our teacher, Miss Smith, has sent in her resignation and is leaving at Easter. . 7'il'HE COMPANY `S GROWTH 48,210.73 373,500.31 1,836,253.00 6,212,615.02 13,499,131.62 INCOME 96,461.95 1,573,027. 10 6,388,144.66 24,292,692.65 82.948.996.06 ASSETS Thursday, Februa_ry'15, 1911 . D. J. REBUIIN, District Agent, Barr-ie._ `urn ASS xumcas IN 1-` ac: 1 ,064,350.00 9,413,358.07 38, 196,890.92 102,566,398.10 T 281.434.699.94 BELL: EWART Feb. 13.--The house belong- -ing to `Henry Gallagher was de-' stroyed by`r-e on Monday after- noon, but most of the contents were saved. The house was in- sured. J AL- ._._,.l.L..... nrxu\r":":l\1\ 1917 l.'UU.o Should the weather conditions prove favorable, the Belle Ewart [ce Co. -and the Knickerbocker Ice Co. will complete their ice harvest this week. ,_.,_1_,_-1-.__.. 1,... (`rs -1n.-.41

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