Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1917, p. 3

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The `representative ~~- f"An1vnl-ru-urn 1 ,` \ V _ . 4- 5 .2, .....,.____ ...._._.._. `Front: your point of view this announcement is most important. T ` I For herein we `set forth the achievement toward which the 'Wi11ys-Overland organization has aimed for the last `eight years. . This achievement in a word is the completion of the gigantic Willys-Overland organization to a point where a comprehensive lineof automo- biles can be made and`rna_riketed under one head; Thi means" tremendous eoonomies-rnuch great- er than ever before. ' - ` A ""l!'lIursday, February 18, 1911 This means the elimination of all waste, all `lost motion and much greater factory efciency. This means an even higher grade of _cars at much more attractive prices. All of which means a substantial saving for you on the;1;ext par you buy. T `- For now and for the rst time in the history of the automobile business we as one. single organization offer the public a full and com. prehensive line of automobiles.` ' This concentration-this greater efciency-this more effective means of pulling together is going to set anew standard of low priced high"-grade `automobile values. V T V T e of The.Barrie Examiner and Saturday is George F. Thompson. News items for nt country may he handed or phoned to rill be forwarde to this paper. Phone No.. tions, either n or renewals, may be for- Roadster, 104-in. wheelbase . . . I . . . 3 910` `Touring, 106-in. wheelbase . . . `. . . 3 930 Sport Model-Country C1ub-(Illustra.ted) $1050 Overland Light Four Models 7 less than the cost of material to- day. mr:...-. nlnnmnnnt Thnmnann -Inft uay. . Miss Margaret Thompson `left on Monday for Toronto, where she will attend the millinqry op- anings. -.r\nI\ 11:..- Dnoa n4` "Frmnnfn is. Mrs. Lipsett. is conned to her `home with pneumonia. Louis Baker has rented Mrs. '1`. S. Pat.t,ers0n's farm. .. There are e` number of cases `of measles reported in town. A---an --4' Tnnnnln i ViS- 1-#1111153. - . ` Miss Nina Ross of Toronto is visitinglwitvh her sisters, Mrs. T. A.` C. Banting an Mrs. W. G.` Macka . V ` YT f` .1.-..~.. ..,.,...:unA :1 non In-nrl nf LV1aU1a.y. V H. Couse received a car load of nut coal this week. His many cust0me1's`_we1'e glad to receive their allowance; The anniversary services held in the Methodist, Church last. Sunday were largely attended an the o'e1-ing amounted to $311.00. \ II 'l\_'-`l_-._..9 mun nuru. The d amat,i`z-ation -of Dickens C.hrisl..1nas Carol, which -was "p'I'esenl`.ed `by the young people. of 4 St. John sf Church a `short time ago, `was given by them at Allis- _t_,Qn on Friday night by th.e.1fe.- ' %:fuest~-0f~ ~the_- -Aj1l ist_o-rt *Axig1ican; s. { % F. VAN PATTER V Comer Dunlap and Mulcaster Streets, Barrie Plume 147 Wil!_ys:-9_\_r<-:rla1_r_i,. Ltd. I-ioad Office` and Won.-ks West Toronto, Canada ' McGormack-Gorbett On Wednesday_. Feb. 7, at the home of the hride s` parents, a verypretty wedding` was; cele- brated when Mal-y,Jane, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Corbett, became the wife of Mr. James Edward Mecormack, son , of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCor- 1 mack of Allislon-. Promptly on 4 the stroke of twelve the `bride, , wearing, a costume of white silk crepe, the veil caught up with 1 . the bridal wreath. and carrying. . places under an arch of ever. i ed. 1 goldbanrl bracelet, "and to the `ceived many useful and costly train. amid showers of confetti, a bouquet of white roses and pink carnations with ferns,-en- tered the parlor on the arm of her father. They took their greens While Miss `Cora McCor- mack, sister of the groom, play. the weddiI_1g march. The groom s gift to ,the bride was a organist a. gold brooch set with pearls.. Rev. M. F. Cree of Allis- ton performed the ceremony, af- ter which a dainty buffet lunch- eon was served. The bride re- presents showing the esteem in which ._sh'e is held. The happy couple left. Alliston on the 4.30 Mount Fores t, western for Orangeville, VVingham and! other l I l I . :;1$_() .i`ts"'.~_' -,7. _'Tbf": h',1:*i*'itlf?,.i.`.tr`,iii`iii;g } 1-n:jan'nm`: axiuniusa .u'moU`A`1'u'n oAv monmug' T For we operate on thepbasis of- -one executive organization -one factory management -one purchasing unit a -one sales expense .-one group of deal -to plan, produce an and Willys-Knight` models. A CTS d sell all Overlarrci, Willys 1 n-_._A__ -_- .1:.. .I.llU luy; -.,.....--.......-.- __ `Morning in Gookstown George T] 4 nds him. Suhscr`iptiTon's, warded through Mr; Thompson. TOO?` `QC? ZSI As a result we are producing cars of exceptional quality--,and marketing _them at unusually low prices. a a On. .- , W9-) .1 sacs, ZLAK I I OOOJ up -------- ---- __-__ ' Buying power is concetrated. Costs are dis- tributed over all these cars. The savings are 611011110118. - - - A .0 O `J; avvvo Every car is built to a rigid standard of ' per-, formance, comfort and appearance. 7 A -,_- -..l_ -w-----.--wv wv----v_ _ ---, The new models are listed in this announcement. They include `Overland models from the snappy comfortable $930 Light Four to the beautiful Light Six Sedan at $2220. _' 1 1 _a - __ _ 1~n:11_.L_ TTh_ey' include also big, handsome Wi11ys- `Knights from the Four at $1800, to the super efcient Eight at $2 730. `These new models establish price records, value records and performance records which we believe will prove to the public conclusively that the vast economies of vast production are the key note and manufacturing secret of the greatest value for the least amountof money.` Roadster, 112-in. wheelbas . . . . ; . $1170 Touring, 112-'n. whee1base-(Illustrated) . $119Q (cm glen Clrsed Cars) Overland` Big `Four Modeli n W ll\.\.I wuou \ . - u u u -. (See also Clcsed Cars) suit was of navy blue with a pic- ture hat to match.` On their re- turn they will reside in Tecu1n.. Seth. `of measles reporwu 111 um... Mrs. Davies of Toronto is vis- iting wfm her mother", Mrs. Jos. `Kidd. ' _ Albert Glass of Richmond_Hill spent a few days`this week with ..-- 1.. , 7_1 ` Thornton Sewing Gil-clot I The Circle is steadily growing, `which shows a sympathetic in- terest in the work, and a great deal has been .accomplished since`Jan. 1st. A-P nt\ll1.'B hnii Iajiuuc 04111. 1D! . . Several pairs of socks have been knitted and brought in dur- ing the month of January and in order that our own boys may derive the comfort from them, the Circle is distributing them among their respective homes throughout, the vicinity. `. This will aftord the parents an oppor- ltunity of-sending two pairs each direct to their boys in the `trenches. ' - A I.-- ...........1I..- 1-\r\I\v\ annf LFULJUIIUB. A bale has recently been sent I to_ Red Cross Headquarters in Toronto containing 21 suits of pyjamas and 12 hospital shirts. `This month anotherbale will be sent, and contributions of treats or comforts, ` such as. tobacco, cigarettes. candy, gum, etc., or soap, powder, towels, etc., will be `gratefully received, and may she left at; the home of Mrs...Geo Hill, where the bales are packed. Ks all bales sent throughout the };'year. usually contain above `men- tioned, CODtPib_QtiO11S may be handed in arkes most conven- ient to donator. _ -:___.1 ..:.....,. Tnv\ JUIIL LU uU1l(1hULo I Donations received since Jan.| 1st, -1917; will not be publicly` acknowledged until the yearly report ;is printed. . Soldier-s ~ Aid I Prbceeds of Lunch, Saturday,` Feb. 10, amounted to $13.00. (V-I-J1-..~ Air! n-HI 110170` 1'61). LU, a.1uUu.um.-u uu w ; u . V V. The Soldiers Aid will have charge of the Red Cross Shop on Saturday, Feb. 17. Donations needed for Sales Table. Lunch served 11-30 to 2 p.m. Afternoon Tea, -3 to 6 p.rn. .... ,.:-1 A5`:-u nf` rnnrn, LCCI, `U DU U 11.111. A special attendance of mem. hers is requested at the regular meet,ing*onT Tuesday, Feb. 2.0, at 3 o clock. ' I ` %-The regular meeting of Barrie Branch. will be held Feb. 19, at 4 p.m_. Attendance` of Executive and members is requested. ------- ~f\4\AU\ J; nnl 4'1-nnl auu .u',lU11.l.|JUlB LC! Luqguouuu. Some young men do not feel constrained V to join the colors, some ", men would` _b.e`refused if they `fdid,Vbut`_ all` men may wear a Life .Memhershi p pin" of the Can- adian Red Cross"So"ciety. Life 'Memb,_erships are $25.00; but by sp.e`cjal_arrange1nent the Barrie Bramsh has arranged that mon- thly i-subscribers maybecome life l\lUu. days W. E. Stoddart. -3 (NI- _ ._ TI IKOEUSLCK, .|. 1 U-nu. w uccx uaa%\;.uu.~u Touring. 116-in. wheelbase . . . . (See also Closed Cate) Roadster, 1 1 6-in. wheel base-(I11ustI'ated) - $1350 'l`nuuv:nrv 1 I17"\oo`!'\'n:a _ - - - Four Cylinder Touring, 121 in. wheelbase . 31800 t.~:..1.+ r`..1:..A...- 19_=..:.. ..,1.....n.m.IIIlustrated) S2730 .|`Olll' Lyunaer .l0l.lFlI|g, 1251 III. Wnccluaac Eight Cylinder. 125-in. whee1base( Illustrated A (See also Closed Cars) quouu ) $2730_ Ovel-land Big Four Coupe, 112-in. wheelbase $1750 Overland Big Four Sedan, 112-in. wheelbase $2030 Overland Light Six Coupe, 116-in. wheelbase $1940 Overland Light Six Sedan. 116-ix(1i`?7`sr`}qxfe`e l1l:`z A1fl:}s222o Uvenana Llgli D115 aeuau. .I.J.U1u. wuccn van: 0 (Illustrated) Willys-Knight Four Coupe, 114-in. wheelbase $2310 Willys-Knight Four Sedan, 121-in. wheelbase $2730 Willys-Knight Four Limousine, 121'-in. " $2730, All prices f. 0. 1). Toronto _ \ and subject to change` without notxee. Willys-Knight 7 Passenger Modal; , `ed cross Notes Overland and Willy;-Knight Closed Cars " Overland Light Six Models W. E. Stoctuart. Mrs. Chas. Harper attended the funeral of her sister inVTor- -onto last week. 1-1' ,. r~a_n.........'tL. nf` "I`hnmnHOIl- lllUlll.|JC'-1-3 auol uuuu; :- Collier St. Mel/h0di.~'t Cl1u1'L-I1` had cllarge of the Shop last Sat- urday; net receipts 951`..).5l; memberships in C._R.C.S. inclucl- led in day s receipts, $35.00; ` n_ 0-: 13-1.. 1*`. H. Q.\1rHnnu 111ember*s after contributing $2 . 1|l_nL,, .I. L {`l`....,.Im. IIICIIIIJCL 31111.10 AAA. \.JA.l-"o\A-~,- ....,-`,...,` ed On Sat., Feb. 17, the Snldiers` Aid will have Charge of the Shop and the following Sa.lurrlay the 'Cm1gx'egat.i0nal and Rnfnrmcd Episcopal Churches. ' lI.i __.,\,`]_. Donations , Sat.., Feb. 10: 7th Line, Vesp1-a'--`l0 fresh 1-ugs. Crown Hill Inst.itute--l loaf of bread, 1`/.-_doz. cookies. Utupia -`-Cash $2.75. - u_4x.,...;v-.-t.... \.._-_._.._.__,. Shop Com-mit,te'c this \\'n0k:--- Mrs. Walker, lvlrs. Paym-. :\'~.xf. week, Mrs. Eastman, Hrs. Kmg. ~ 1 I\ ~..` GQG: Smith &'0o s Furniture Sale t--_-Owing to the freight em- bargo we have not received the stock of davenports and brass beds We had intended specializ- ing this week for our February Furniture Sale. The puhlic will be notified through th'is-paper` when the goodsvarrive. In the meantime many great"barg'ains canbe, found throughout our. large stock now on dispray.~-- fl PI G....:t`l.-. D. n nnnnnrt Faxllih Ill]-UV uuvvnp G. G. Smith; &","c'c}., `a1 ' Bayeld Sts; Llnlmont our-as DIIIII3-% - `_l_ Page Thad -OIILO Iasn vvttmx. Miss` Galbraith of Thompson- ville spent. oveixsunday w1th`Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Arnold. `W. Stoddart, who has been seriously ill, is slightly improved during the past few days. A cc..1-_...:..-- 4,. 4111: lnqf. Vdav of Ull `.JILIy'I~ . J corner Collier bd during the pasn IBW uaya. Saturday is the, last [day of Fisher's Red Tag Sale--'-It means money to you--Don t'-miss lit. _Fjsherfs wRgd_Tag Price .inWI__.a, dxe's ~ and [Ghildnen s-~`COats"-m69%Ti_95 NEWS 01-` COOKSTOWN

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