Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1917, p. 2

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R The _ne"`w, War `Savings Certi- `'c atsl`which have been `created. by` tjlie G'o,vernment`_to encourage ` thrift a`nd'_econ_omy and give every om; an opportunity` to assist in 'ri'a"riging our war expenditure are now on sale at everybank anti money order post office in ea`na gAa.. The $25 certificate `sells for $21.50, the $50 for $43 and I the"$y1`00_fo1` $86'."As an invest-. Inellt these -certificates offer many attractive features, chief of which are the absolute secur- ity and the excellent interest re- turn. For every $21.50 lent to the Government now, $25 will be srt'ur`n`e d `at theend of three years. __There are two other fea- tulfeis` which are especially inter. esting tosmall investors. First, thec'er"t,ili_(:a.tes may be surrend- ered at any time, if the buyer sl1'o,u'l'd`. need his money; and sec- ond. eac_lrtxeI`ticate is register- ed at Ottawa in the buyer's name . . -, _/ - Keep the Home Fires Burning The Drummer Boy A , - I Carnival of Venice Whispering Winds Lau rentian March Land of the Mapl Here Comes the Groom Sornetime ` Katinlta Medley-Fox Trot Poor Buttery-Fox Trot Two Exquisite Red Seals Non e vet (`Tia not True) (Tnor) McCo1-"mack Petite Value (Violin) . Maud `Powell Hear them hat any`I-lis Mate r% s %Voi'ce" dealer s { F nun: AND AL|_gANDAE' sinricnas. n. A . spans; manager. which should be in your colledtion. We have carefully selected these re- cords from; our list of several thou- sands, as those that will appeal to you.` - In these numbers you will find popular and comic songs. vocal, patriotic, instrumental and dances`, and you will enjoy every one of iago Two . His zmgggggg vw? DaTJ- : A YKCKER8 ` Twelve-inch. double.-aided Victor records `Write for free co"py o'f o_u:r 4,50-page Mueica] En. cyclopedia Iiiiig ove!"6(X)0. Vldtor Records. _ F. Himmelreich F. Hilnmelreich Band of First Regiment Grenadier Guards of Canada Band of F int Regiment Grenadier Guard: of Canada` (Pinnoforte) , (Pianoforte) } 1 J IJI canung james Reed-]. F. Harrison I end if lostor stolen, is therefore valueless to anyone _.else. Collingwood has re-appointed its school nurse.. The surpris- ing thing is that Gollingwood should have dispensed with the nurse after experiencing the ad- vantages derived from her ser- vices. In Barrie some were op- vposed to a school nurse but the work done by Miss Somerville has amply _demonstrated_ the im- portance of her duties. V The Midland Dry Dock C0. is contemplating` extensions that will enable it to handle any ves- sel plying ontlie, Great Lakes. A bylaw is to be submitted grant- ing them `a loan bf $25,000 from the mu`nieipa'lit,y, which . will mean an annual `payment of $2091.98 for principal` and inter- est. I-.il many otlmr tnwns-. l\ [id'land has had some unpleas- Raymond Hitchcock] Raymond Hitchcock I Vitr Military Bahd] Vidtor Military Band 1 Frederick Wheeleig Frederick Wheeler B.ankingBsiness%In\}i%tAd.Tf *`-We invite the banking? accounts of - pmer.--~ chants, . manufactur `ers; fsociet-ies and in-_ dividuals. ' . We offer the modern -Banking service of a progressive Bank`, possessing ample re- s o u r c e s, extensive connections and com- plete facilities. -All customers of The Bank of Toronto are assured every cour- tesy and attention. ......$5,000,000 Funds . . . $8,501,989 :} '3l'9s f} 132:2 } 35665 ;2I6oo6 -l82l`4 74486 % _ A g::Lc|5:?d....a .... ..e,gg_;ggg BANK owToI=3>_T> I788! ISI94 ant eiperiences with honused in- %%dustr,ies_;;.."but<= this will hardly. p`re\?e'n =: the_ `proposition going throughf ' ` - AA -, . Certain ratepayers in Port Mc-' Nicoll are. making `application to the Legislature` for a special `Act lage. It is hard to see what ad- vantages would accrue to them through incorporation,- that increased taxes they would be ~ called upon, to pay. Were the proposed incorporation to in- fcludefall the sub-divisions that were laid out at the time of the boom, '"I`ayA'1`own_ship would pro- bably hold up both hands for the legislation, but the lands to_ be taken consist of about five hun- : dred acres situated nearest to the waterfront and G.P.R. tera ` minal; leaving most of the out- side stuff," which is of very lit- tle value, for Tay to look after. `It is hardly likely Tay will allow _Port McNicoll people to take ad- vantage of them in this fashion `L without a. strong protest. to `secure incorporation as a vil- ' would compensate them for the y ' ' he Collingwood Bulletin is so ewhat astray in its figures when it says that" the County Council patriotic grants to be paid this year will mean a levy- of four mills. On the county eq`ualiza`ti0n, one mill produces $50,718. . The patriotic grant amounts to $130,000 ($120,000 for Patriotic Fund and $10.00!) for Sa.ilo'rs_ Relief) which would mean a levy of less than 2 3_5_ "mills toipay these grants` Bar- -rie s rate will be sligzhtly lower even than this, for while/the lo- cal roll shows _`a total of M.0`l8.389 it is equalized at $3.636,57'3. Looked at in a lump sum $'l,30`.000 seems quite a. lot of mone_v, but when this is brok- en up into the individual shares. the amount is n.otws'o large but what there is plenty of margin for a \'ol11ntar,v contribution in the -Patriotic Fund campaign} wliieli is soon to be undertaken; The annual meeting `of the Board of Trade will beheld on Friday night of this week. At the meetings of the Board of Trade, whether annual or other- wise, the attendance has gener- ally included only a compara- tively small I`epl't`.S0]1i.'d.tl0Il of our b.usine-ss men. Some, to ex- cuse their absence. find fault with the Board. and ask what good-itihas ever been to the '.I.i\\'V1. On dilferent e occasions proved its usefulnss, and its failure to do more IS due to the apathy of those who shouldbe active in maintaining "the Board but prefer to hold aloof and crit- icize. Properly supported and directed, the Board can be of im_ mense benet, to the community and upon every business man there rests a personal respons- ibility to carry. his? individual share of the work entailed in_ the success`ful operation of such a Board. ` Scores of men can find tiinev-for several nights of recre- ation every week butwhen they are asked" to give afew hours once a month for the cousidera-" -tion of_ matters ttfat af"l'eet the town s -welfare, they become very much occupied. In- dividually our business men will lcompare favorably with those in any other town, but when it comes to all getting together and applying some of their ability, energy and enterprise the promotionpof. the town s wel- fare many show a sad-lack. On the eve of the annual meeting, "every business man should give serious consideration to his re- sponsibilities and resolve that "the Board of.Trade shall. have (his active assistance durin.g the ensuing year. There will be many questions-of importance to deal with, and the extent to which the town. will he advantaged will be `largely determined by.the amount of thoughtlan-d effort given to them by our business men and other citizens. ance tomorrow night will do '.much t.o start the Board on a good year s work: towards` A large attendg it hast suddenly ` Collingwood's use of electric power took a big jump last year and the consumers are reaping the benet in the shape of re- ductions of. 13% Pier `cent in power rates,` 20 per cent in do- mest.ic lighting and 25 per cent cents per k.w.h., as rcompard with 33/)` and 1% which were last year's rates. 'p The commercial rates are 5, 2% `and .5, as com- pared with 7, 31/2 and .7. .. The power rates are 2, 1% and .15 centsper k.w.h., as compared with 2.8,` 1,8 and .15. There "is no change in discounts. T. No re- duction has been made in street lighting-"this year owing to the fact that the cost ofioperation showed a small decit. This was brought about by a $2.00 per ~. lamp reduction being made last year. at the request of thelocal _Cpmmissio'n to -llelp out the vgouircil .in..1:`heir. finances, These in c_omm.e_'rcial lightin . The do-I mestic rates are 2 2 and 1/4 '_` rates. went fixito. e'e"ct .oIi` J an. ist,p - 13917.. "Barrie consumers are` a-` Tull nnmi: `imlnan Ann .-.sA'runnAv nonrmm .= COMMENT 01-` THE WEEK :- waitig th seort `of the local el`ectric_.lighting_ system with a -good*deal `of interest t0.see'/how the: spI=0ts"pr0misesd us by. Mr. James pan out-" - T ` t Renfrew, which -has without. exception the best ,to.wn weekly newspaper in Canada, the.`-_1\Ier-. cury, and is very pi-0gres._sive_ in many ways, nds7_it. difficult to secure members for ~- its._ "town council. The rst nominations `for 1917 left fourcouncillors short, and on the second attempt not one 01 the eleven nominated qualied. `If a third effort fails the ve members already elected will go ahead and run the town affairs for this year. Such a lack v of interest in municipal affairs 1 is not what one would expecti . from a live town like Renfrew. R `Another Record Year Fer Sun Life of Canada It is evident from the results obtained by the Sun Life of Can- ada` for 1916, essential figures ofel which appear elsewhere in this issue, that the big Montreal Company has quite kept up with its usual rate` of progress. The Sun again maintained its leadership `among Canadian life assurance companies in amount of new assurances issued, total assurances-in force, assets, sur_ plus and income. Assurances for $42,700,000 were issued and paid for in cash during the past ,\"e`ar, constituting a record for all Canadian companies to date and bringing Sun Life assu1'aI)J ces in force to the total of over $28|,000,000. Something` of_ the `phenomenal growth of the }o1np-any in recent years is in- dicaietl by the fact that assur- ances in force ha\F'o more HI."-IT} lrebled in the past twelve years. ~ I Turning" tn the factors indica- l,ivo_u'f narlcial sl.1'ength', it. is noted that, RSHP-`['AS now total p1-ac- tically $83,(_)(\0,'000, an incl-oa,s(-,1 nf 0vor.$8,500,0_00 for year. Not! surplus over all 1iabi1il,'1'es. and capital I1uw'.st'.1nds at $8,509,865, an in(:r(}:1se for the year of close` on $1-,000.00(I. Iash ilmmlw frmn` premiums and investments 101,-` allod nre21I'lS,' $lV8,500,O00._ l 1\.._._._.. 11.... --/\P\-\ 1L.` (`1.-\.m-~n..'u l4Wlll'VI II-Ann I <.-n,\.r (I\v- \,r\rwI J I y . . ., _ I)u1'ing the year the Company paid a total of $7,578,000 tn its p0lic_vhnld'ers, bringing um pay- ments to [)OliC} hO1d0l'S since 01'. g'anizal.i0n to over $60.000,000. Such a record POIIOCLS credit upon the di1'ect,ors and nicers in charge of the G0mpany s af`fairs, and shoulgl be a source of no small gratification to Sun Life policylmlclers. E ' Knights of Columbus ` (Orillia Times} E Over two hundred Knights of ((`.olumbu'fs assembled .in Orillia Eon Tuesday to install a class of fifty candidates. The Councils `represented inc-rluded Barrie, Po- |torl'mrough. Sault. Ste. Marie. North Bay, Cobalt, To1'onlo, St. Catl1a1'ines,' Belleville, Lindsay Orillia and Penetang'uishene. 111- the morning, prior to the `Isl. degree, which was put on by the Orillia team, solemn high mass was sung by Dean O Mal_ ley, Barrie, assisted by Father () Leary, Bracebridge, and Fat.h- er`Nobert, Orillia. In the after- noon the second degree was put -1 ne rlace POI` uenume Dargauls '- H. H. OTTON & SON 0 3 . 900990909990 909000090 0009990909 1"-hursday, #h[UIl7 15, 1917 ------------------`____________ T BerlinerGr2imf-o-phone Co.,Limited 9 1 7 }Le`npir- St. Moixtreal %% _, . on by Barrie, assisted by Father O (}0rman, Cobalt, and in the ev- ening the third degree by Past State Deputy Dan. O C0nnell, Peterborough, "and team from Peterborough. -_---nA..4 1.. . n n . .4 .-.4 I (3001 UUL UUEII. An excellent. banquet, at Knights nf Columbus Hall fol- lowed the degree work, which was put, on at the Parish Hall.. --A book of 47; Old Favorite Songs, with music. Just what. you have been looking for. Only 250. Ga1'rett s Music Store. ' -Furnished rooms to let, with breakfast if required. Apply Mrs. L. Stephens, 48 James St. , Ten victor Records Fen-inch. double-sided Vidtor Records--9O cents fdr the! ' two sjelellons 2 ._ . o:hAL?Rsc|:|5.arzRY~Tow'N many ' ,... *::=~....'..,;.:.:=..<. :.' no L661 run "'H_Is'm(ru's; v,o.ct"`~ 2. , _'|`|lKUI-'.'|IM_tK,;.- g _ Ti "Twas Only an lrishman's Dream A Henry Burr] Everybody Loves an Irish Song " American Qyartet I On Honolulu Bay Peerless Q mrtet] In the Sweet Long Ago V Sterling Trio J Hush-a-Bye. Me Baby Edna Brown ] Somewhere My Love Lies Dreaming '7 Inna.-. R--'.-Ll F I-`lnrnnn

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