Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1917, p. 9

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. .. 250.} . .. ..$10.00?4 .$10. 0-$H..0(1H .$33.iI0-$34.00 `-4 .. . .._$36.00'i, . . .$7J50-`.39-00`. n mg; ::n HE gO0cl [ICVV3 I11 I.` CU] Ill 1 sunny: nay. ' ...o .._,v ,, ___ __ ___ _ ` This Sale affords a splendid opportunity `ti; furnishti1`e home rffered. Below we list a few of the values to be found here : _ ` Tankard Games Barrie curlers won their first game in the Tankard nals, beating Brampton by seven shots, but Peterboro put them out by four points in the next round. In the Governor Grenei-_ al s Competition, Brampton and Barrie again met, the former` winning by eight shots. ' yguwwowuooowonwwoom O09" DI-Iu\oI IV \olnIl\rI J B:ARG1;IN SALE wnrra ENAMEL CURTAIN A POLES-- z ft. long, one inch thick, with fancy silver ends, regular 200. each for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10c GARBAGE PAILS, three sizes, PAlNTED- 4 gal., reg 750 for . . . . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . . ., 83c 6 gal., reg. $1.10 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84c 8 gal., reg`. $1.35 for . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. 98c GARBAGE PAILS, three sizes, GALV.-\.\ lZED-- 4 gal., reg. $1.10 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89c 6 gal., reg. $1.35 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.05 8` gal., reg. $1.50 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.21 GALVANIZED WASH BOILERS, No. 9, reg. $1.65 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.29 ,WH-ITE ENAMEL WATER PI'iGHERS-\\'()rt.h- regular- .1y 500.. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c POCKET KNlVE8-worth regularly 500, but on account ` of having-an advertisement, on them we are able to sell for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10c. each IVORIDE HANDLE DESSERT KNIVES, round or squarje, ' 6 doz. only at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25c. eah A BOY S BA'RGA|N--The SpaIding" Hockey st.ick_ Very Special for _ . . . . . . . , . . . .' . . . . . . . . 25. each Big Clear Up of . Odds and Ends Be- H.H.0TTON & SON fore Stock-Takigg By making most radicel cuts in pric- es we expect to clear out every odd piece of Furniture, and while space will not permit us to tell you all of them, we invite you to come and enjoy a look around in our well heated and most comfort- able store. 1 1 After Inventory A merchant after his annual stock-taking always nds some lines that he has too many of. We offer some splendid bar- gains in our Surplus Stock. For instance FIVE POINTS HARDWARE Good Positions High VAVAages `First; class Tool Makers and Machinists wanted, who have served their time at the Trade. Ap- ply: - TAYLQR-FORBES 00., GUELPI-I, ONT. I Ilwruuu u---.. V. In all coimtrles. Ask for our i.VVEN- l`OR'S ADVISER,which will be sent 11%! ` MARION at MARION. 864, University st. Mnnt:_aI. Page Nine ~'-,~- uh. I 1 LOWE BROS. We're glad to do bur bit tolhelpout in these high-cost-of-livir g days and assist in relieving the strain, so we spread the good ` eagerly looked for by our hosts of housekeeping friends. Prices on our entire stock have been radically reduced. Sa on a moderate expenditure. You'll be losingmoney by not taking advantage of the many wonderful Bargains offered. Two Doors Wost of Are in better position than` ever to attend your wants Choicest Meats Prompt Service Seventeen Days of Extraordinary Economies : : : : See next week s_ adver- tisement for Specials in Davenports & Uivanettes While I".naIm31 Bed with Brass rail, 1'eg'ula1' price $7.00. W'hile they last. A Sale Price .. .. .. $5.00 Enammel BN1 with Brass Tipped. Posls, 1*eg`tilar $3.75. _ Sale Price .'. .. .. $2.95 6` In their new ore Butchers Dreamland 30 ceT1ts Phdne 220 FURS! ite $99.00 coffee i The death o_f.L11ke Hall in the Royal Victoria `Hospital on Sun- day removed a citizen who has been wellpknownin Barrie and the surrounding ' country for tliirtyyears. Mr. Hall was well educated and was a uent speak- \er. His early training was for the ministry`, and he occupied a [number of important pulpits of `the Methodist Episcopal Church, being regarded as one of the brightest men in that church at the time. He" retired from the ministry forty years ago; (`1_'__,.._ ...-.-......~.. Ln `l)n.-uh; lhnfv _uuu.1auy xugu; Juuxo u,-Du. -Since coming` to Barrie thirty` years ago, Mr. Hall devoted him- self to the selling of nursery stock -and in this capacity was known all over the county. He (also did considerable lecturing } on phrenology. . 1'1- .-..... .-.' fniih-Fnl rnornhhr nf | Brunswic . |Wi.1D (1 Db(1,uJ.1uu J4aJJ\Jnuu|.o Mark Hall of con. 7, Vespra, is a brother, and there are two sons and three daughters living in- ..TQ1-onto and another son in New - - ~-~-I ---A.` `L.-.1.-!'n-n Ts1no iuu pI.u.'UuuAu5J. ~ ` He was a" faithful member of I , . iC01lie1' St, Methodist Church and !was of a kindly nature with few, if any, enemies. In politics he was a staunchALiberal.* -1' An... H `yI\PVU\T`I'I `:0 brunswlcx. ' The funeral was held on Tues- `day from. Smith s Morgue, the .pall-bearers being Wm. Part- ridge, Wm. F`-reek, Chief King, J. I). Rodgers, D. D. McLean and: ,W. 0; Hunter. _ ~ _ -The Simcoe County Feather` Go. of Orillia, are making the ten roll feather mattress and the beautiful down comforters from your old feather beds. They also buy old or new feathers. ' Agent will call. Phone 634, - Barrie. V l-t'f._V 7 W. A. Lowe &'j-Son have added .a new branch to their furniture `business, that A of upholstering. Mr. W. Noland, who conducted` a repair" shop at Charlotte and Berczy Sts., will look after the upholstering. work. 34`.tf "-'- 1 JAMES PATERSON blcensed Auotloneer and Appraiser _ For_C0unty of` Simcoe. Prepared to conduct, Sales at reasonable rates, [Satisfaction guaranteed. AAA un-'-.n-I.I Q` BI-lnnn QQI rates, aI.1SIaCLlU11 5_u'a.1a.uwuu. 120 Bayold st. Phone 191 ,Orders left at JA. F. A. MaIcom- ]son s Ofce W111 receive prompt attention_.. T. - Special $15.00 Death of `Luke Hall All solid Quarter-Gu't. Oak, in either fumed or g*u1den nish: cane seat; each set connains {iv,e chairs and one arm. chair. Regjular.\'a.l};e $20.00. ' ` Sale Price T.-.5 . . .. . . $15.00 Regiulat` -$125.00; made of S01- id Quartexucut Oak, fumed wax nish, neat Jacnhcan designs, c0nsisl,ing- of hfully equipp(\.l buffet with II1ir1-or full length, 8-ft,. extension lahle, china cab- inet, ve dime1's- and pe arm chair to Inatch, nea.tly-'triImned and well constructed t,h1`0ug'h0ut... VVG. have also s0vc1'al other much cheaper sets with san1e`disc'0unt in proporticm. ' This Spring is made 1'i`um the best steel wife that can be had_. Pmgular $8.00. Sale Price .. .. .. .. $6.50. \Ve have 1 good Wood Frarne Spring" too. Regular price $3.50 Sale Price . . . . . . `. . $2.50 DINERS E prop0rtiun._ _ ' . V" [j 21154) Sf`V'()1'fl(1 0t,11`ey'n.1uc]1 .. I _ . " _ . , .- . . ~ """"' `"` "` ` `'`` ``'`` L J Established 1869. Cor. Collier and Bayeld Sts., Bame. r I-of-Ilivir and relieving thread news of February Money Savings, knowing it will be . L n .3 _ ___g ._..z._. -..-_n. 1...-.- 1.-.... ......1:..-n.. ..._..-l.......J 'n..:. :,I.. gffnrrlc a gnlr-ndid onnortunitv to furnish the home i THORNTON ` Feb. 7---Mrs. Geo. Henry spent !over Sunday with friends in ! Sta_v11e1'; --> u 1:: r\,_I_-Ll- .,.1' C4,... Mr.ma5nd4'1\11~s. Redpath of Sas- katoon spent a few days recently with Mrs. H. Hindle. A .,__ ~,._...L A-..-... VVIKJIJ $71.5 L7. AL. L.I.lJ.L\.|l.\JI Miss Mary E. Paton spent over Sa.turday.an(l Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paton of (jollingwoo .V m--- \-. -,.1-...-.,.. -4` rn.\...-\nt.x ;u \JlJIllLlD Vv uuua` Sam Armstrong of Toronto is spending a few-monthws with his lcousin; Thos. Henry. n ,, A. 't.1 T 1`\.-...I....` :ru uu:n:4u'-nnr- \J\lLllJll.L .I.l.l\JL'O AAVAALJI Rev. J. Dunlo is visiting this week with his parents in Toronto. ` '1' ` , I, , ,-,' I- _I .1 .\ H..-n l .I.LJl.LIllUl}n - Wm. Cunningham held a suc- cessful sale of his farm stock and implements nere on Wed- nesday. ' 117 `n..- /\-0 Vl'1.-...n.-.41-. nnnni` ll.UDlAll AQ Pae of Toronto spent over Sunday at the homeof W. 0. `Henry, r\___:__... 4,. 11.... virus-\rlr\ Inndnrr Lunch Menu .se:-yea 11.30-2.00 Sat..,'Feb. 10th SGALLOPED SALMON 0 OREAMEO POTATOES BREAD AND BUTTER PIE `Ah `.10 LLULLIJ 0 Owing t.o the roads being -nearly all blocked -last Sabbath the congregation in the Meth- odist Church was not as large as usual.-The servicee in" St, Jude s. and,the Townline Church were C-ancelled altogether. ' , _,1.` 1xr..-......I . . . ~ Ant .-. L-'('l.l.1U!.7II.Uu uni./Lrbuunnun . ` ` _.Mr. Hisey` of VVaverley spent a ;j'ew days last week with his sis- texj, Mrs. Geo. Keast. | . v \ esrnoun ' Feb. 5.---Miss Margaret Con- ; stable of Barrie spent a few days last week with her brother, Alex, Constable. 1-n_-'l_ 9..-... 41.... urn"; zc. KAlJl..|.Dlu1lJlUo ` Herb. Black from the \Vest is visiting his parents, Mr". and `Mrs. Johnston Black. ` run Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Spring `of Tor0_n toT visited relatives here last Week` before leaving for the -West, ` I V 1--`.-:.. 1v..1..I.. ..:..H.-.A V\' 6511.. > , Miss `-Jessie Webb visited [friends in Lefroy 1ast,_week. .2 A \ Miss Margaret J. Mcconkey is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. M.` `Ness, in Barrie. . ` \---3---u In `Inn n:`>r\v\`lY'| and [113 MUSE, Ill .lJa.1I..|U. _ Owing _to the storm and the roads being blocked, there was I110 service in the Presbyterian - ,1 (`(_'-.....J--- 7 IIU DKJL Vl.\.I\/ Church last \Jll\A.l.\1n-A .v--.-., .- W, `Miss Rowena. speht. over Sunday at her home here. - it r1_,_`I____ ......,-I 1';1ursday,- February 8, 1911 Mrs. Chas. McGonkey and ` ` datighter, Mary, sp`ent"~ `a few days 1ast~week with friends in Ba_rri;e, . ` - . Bert Pratt of Toronto spent -----I-.. Linn v\nnnnI'01 OVE3I' * roof: TI-IE. name EXAMINER` Aim SATURDAY mohnlno EFL .l'.l'U:l:L U1 .I.lJ.I.\J1a.uu u1zu..u >Sunday under the parental. Good fresh air for the baby is essential. /Ourv hm stock uf Bahy sleig-hsarrm-u the baby this 4nr.3cnssily. Our special Sleigh, regular $8.50, Sale Price I NANTYR Mrs. D.,II`ViI1g" is not improv- ing as quickly as her friendsj would like. A 11' n:-n,_n-_-....I.{ A1` f'l'1Ann.nl~n \'\'UUlu |u\L-. , ` R. W. McCullough of Toronto} called on friends here re._ce_nt.ly. ` -1 --_ -1` LI`... `v\r\vvI'I n~nt\11r\r' Uulmu U11 11 luuum 1101!.) ;uuu_.....,,. A number of the boysaround here are working on the ice har- vest at Belle Ewart. ` 11,1311. 1\.!'..f`l..lln`-.nn'|n Eng VUDIJ dl JJUIIV .l.`.aV\(.lal. 0. Miss Edith McCullough has I'et.urned home from taking a post graduate course in nursing `in New York. T_ - 1 - ,, 'n--.z-2-1.1 rm`...-I.-.n\ A TEA '1n new mm. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gareld Gordon are \-'isit.ing friends in Lindsay. Slmvellihg snow is the order` of the day. 'mr-_ rn 4" 1\Il,.F.~.H.-.nn-h hue pn_ T 9 VIGO Feb. /4~-Ple. Jake Sloan of the 1 228th B11. spent. his pass with` Miss Effie Summ.e1'fcldt. _ 1.-.`--- u\r\r\1V:*I'Il'I }n U1 mu; ua_y. . Mr.-.?T.'(J.. McCullough has re- t,urned from visiting friends in` Barrie. H1135 .l'.4Il|l_`; >Ju1nnu.u;;u.uu. ` A VV. Bowser is busy moving to` "the Moore fa1`_I1`1. tr!) . --- 17...',J.-.., klnnlvnr` 'LIlL'. LVJ UUYU 1i.1.l_lu. - The :s't0m`n on Friday blocked` the roads so the mail could not get, through on Saturday. n.. n,.,.,...ns n4` {Ho afnvm fhn gitib, l.u1`U'u5u uu ucu.u;uu_,. I 011 account of the storm the; party at. J. Ryan`s had to be post,- lponed on Friday night. Thur-sdzay Wholesale Prices. Fall Wheat... .. .. .. .. $1.60` ` Buckwheat1..- .. . $1.15-$1.25 I Peas .. .. . . . . . $2.25-$2.35 Oats .. .. .. ....65c.-70c. ` 0 0 0 u I o u o 0 I$1o05-$1.u1() Rye . . . . . . . . . .o . . $1.25-$1.3O Spring Chicken . . . . 20c...22c. Old Fowl . . . . . . . . 16c.-18c. Ducks . . . . . . .. 151.0181 Turkey . . . .` . . . . . . . . 28c-300. Butter . . . . . . . . .42c-l:l:c. Eggs . . .L. .. .' . . . . . 40c_-l5c Potatoes, hag . . . .$2.00-$2.10 Hay .. .. . . . . $10.00-$12.00. Wool, washed, lb .. 500-5-;m.1 VVOol,' unwashed, lb .. 350-370. Beef Hides. cured . . T .. 2.tc..2`. c. . "Beef Hides, g1'e.en .. 200-213. L Tallow, rendered, lb .. '.)c.-l0c. Sheep Skins ....$2.5o-$3.5nI . Horse Hides. .. .. $5;()0-$T%_7.`.l0i Horse Hair, lb . . .. . . . . ..35c: Lamb Skins .. .. ..$o1.U0._.$3.5()`; ! Calf Ski'n:s'. _2'reer1 .. .. 250.; Flour .(Ontario) .. $10.00; 1 Flour (Manitoba) .$10. 0-$H..00i Bran, per ton . . . .$33. t0-'$34.00 t Shorts, per ton . . . . ._$36.00' 1.A1sike Seed ....$7 5o-$9.oo Red Clover Seed . .$10 .(;0-$11.50 Barg Marl_:_efts Brass Beds Regular` price $4.50. Sea-,g'1`ass cm1tre and layers 01' full; well lled; covered in blue and fawn art Licking. EXTRA SPlQl_Al,nMATTRESSES $10.0 LII ,_,- ,1. ...,.ll vSOLDlE.l_S AlD* R(-;;'ular price $16.50. A11-b1'a.=s `Bvdstcgxd, with 2-in. posts, high llead and, each containing 7-8 in. tillers with same rod ends; fin- islxed in best quality Iinglisll lacquer. \Vc also 1m\'c a row Rihhun1Brass Bcdsteads excep- tionally cheap. ` MATTRESSES $3.50 IJllII\.l} U1 IIVILIIJ nun: nnnuwvuu -7-...-- Regular $14.00. A11_w0ol: well uuuuu -,vnx.uu. `Lll`_"\_'\}A H--- tilled; in pretty art t.icking_. Just. {IS soft as feath0.I`s. $6.75 (TA 7heat.. heat;.. rio) toha) .$10.3 m .$33.1 Lon ;e'd Ilib. Take care of your Jmulxs -by using; Sectional B0nk-C'\.~'t`.'~` and buy now while the prict-s are re- duced. Ask to see our d::sk com- bination. V 7 * `$93535- `~ 'e.ooao cleaned, Altered and Nepali-ed MISS M. McKERNAlI 58 Small Stu Ba:-I-lo.

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