Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1917, p. 6

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cpted friendly little courtesies from the` rich man,-even going so far, as to `dine with him in sev- eral of the luxurious cafes for which Paris is famous. The: American was a man .from her own cou,ntry--a big, go.od.-niatur- ed, whole--sou1ed chap, thorough; 1y satised with his fortune and himselfp - tho, I n1r,nseu.A ` `Therefore, why shou.1dn t the lonely, starving Miss Vincent en- ijoy gayelittle dinners and, per- haps, gayer little suppers with him`? Shewas always chapel`- oned. By whom`? By the Hin- .do0, of course. Besides, the mil- liouaire- s"wife knew there was a ?dah 0-1` romance in her husband ` ~`A 1-1- AnHmkl- in ihpqp `VJDIILFII u~ -v-- _. -.that made him excursions into unusual. -vx_1__,,,`},, |USI1USU'd:l. Mrs. Delamche sat, with thoso` {brilliant eyes of hers be-nt rigor- mntsly on the mg. The o.thm- w0- ` 4- ~r......._,....rI a} ham n1-n-in1`I..]V_ lmtlsly 011 mu: rug. Jim, U-.,.u.. .'mn glanced at her vcuriously, Lllugnning with suspicion, Kanan- ._I.a with a glitter in his eyes that ~i`(`;ll1E3d to command silence. But she did not look at `the Priur__:n. However, ran the detec.t.iV'e s monologue, you ll have to ada mit, Mrs. Delaroche, that it was not, exactly grateful on Miss Vin- cent. s.pa1't to listen to the Him-` (100 when he oi't'e1'ed her a large bribe to--shall we say, steal a certain rare and Very beautiful I diamond fronithe mulLi-mill'i0n- *. ail-e. -. n.u___....L...9,. In-nnih r-:nn:i l in were ist 01 have ' and` but y ztguui, ullu but; (]llC)VVL1l.\.I\.lo ` ```It is true. How you have learned it 1 cannot guess, hut-- it is true. (1 Doris Missioner, despite the suggastion coiiveyed in'the` 1ieut- ` enant's revelatioris gazed at Mil_ licente Delaroche COlllI11iSeld.i'iI1g - ly. Elinor s pity was more open. And now, Brit /. went on, Mrs. Delaroche either stole` those jewels in Paris or New: York. If they were stolen in l. ari_;s:, the authorities of this city have no jurisdiction in the case. , On the -other hand, we can p1'u`. c L the necklace was in her posses- : sion-only a day or so ago, and if rlthe crime was cominitted ix1,t.l1is. :'country, we will call in the Dis. 1 trict Attorney. He turned a- 3` bruptly toward the woma'n Mrs. t I)e1aroche, Britz said, I lo i'not_ believe Mrs.` Missioner will c lcall on the French authorities to act, if the crime was coiiimittecl -- in their jurisdiction. If the jew- c els were taken here, Mrs. His- sioner will have no choice in the e matter. ` V I` ` . ( I 1 ,. 41-- L..:L 'rI'V'nnn u1a.hu:1. She "seized atpthe hait.'T'uI'I1- ing hex-_ ashing eyes on the de- tective, she burst forth: :.Lrrn_ , ,A___..l.. .....\..n n4nInn if! `lIUbl;.l_V\3, DIIU Uuxuu Au; us: The jewels were stolen Paris. ' 'I-,_ ..- __..-.-.. 1-\w\I\'r\1'\ `A tense s,ilence was broken `Britz. ' 9! sun 1 , 1 A ._`l- ,.--- vx-st` sna LU LUH Luu uuuu.- V I stole the collarette from Mr; Missioner, she admitted. It was shortly heforehis death, a 9 long time ago._ The plot had all been laid. Griswold and Prince Kananda got me to do it. I met Curtis Griswold` through Mr. Missioner. He made love to me, made me believe he wanted to. marry me. Then, one day, he proposed the plan to steal the jewels. It almost made me laugh, for I was already trying to I` get them for the Prince. `His plan was to have me induce Mr. I Missioner to let me wear them | one night and disappear with the collarette about my throat. ' I _u had agreed to do this, when Gris- , wolcL V ---she cast/"a withering look 9 at the cluhman---`_`brought me \ the sul'>slitute. He didn t know, 1 of course, that I was in thrgpay of` the Prince. -and I didn't inform him of `it. Well, one night Mr. 1. 1 Missioner, after much urging on 1 5 *1 S . I . my part, look the collarette from ,~ his wife's jewel box and-let me , wear it` at a little supper party. n It was then I made the substitu-V -3 U0), .i .'i ~ ~ ,t . Wha't_. "did yo1_1 do with the real` necklace? Manning -interje`ct e_d>- . I` kept it,`*M-rs." Delaroche `re -" I..- llliill-Ll'JG 111 nay; ;.\,....,..-_._ delight in these` the realm of the` che s breath camex "` .l..-....1 mi turned with a bland sm-iilie. f I informed th,e :.`Prince that I had changed my iiiind about `cammitp. .- , ,, n..- nk}-Tnnir and I Mr. changed my mum duuub 5,.-,._........- T ting the robbery, and I told. Mr.` IE Griswold that I had been; unable 8] to make the substitution.. M \`=`~But the- paste jewels he had 12 given you--what,did you tell him a` in regardto theI'n`? Britz asked. to ' I simply told him I had lost ` them, she replied. 5`The- fact of the matter is, I fooled. both I. the Prince and Mr. Griswold. Of ` course, When. Mrs. Missioner dis- 5 covered the robbery, Mr. Gris.. - wold guessed what I had done, and since then he has heen=.'urg- 'J G . ing me to turn the jewels over to -. E him. But I was determined not . to let him have them until after` ' _ our inar-riag,e;. she added: in a A voice laden with the vindictive- " l ness she felt. The semi-eircle of 9 listeners contracted until Mrs. Missioner, j Miss Holcomb, Sands, and. Fitch l were close to Britz. The die-tee- tive, turning to the others, said: I have ln~ad'.the good fortmie to recover the Maharanee dia- mond for you, Mrs.` Missioner, and it reina-ins only to trace- the other jewels of tlie necklace-. I dare say Prince Kananda. can tell us where they are. J `' 1~`--l - ~ . ~ - a n 1'I\~n `Hie. f`n]n__ Wllere uavy nuu. As I told you over Llie~_te1e_ ph0I1e...Lieeurtenant BriLzr,.'. Mrs. Missioner answered, I have re- covered my jewels. ' A ' u A 1 u on ,_ /\-15 ..'A Llrx r\ I'a\`t\J-3" 1.17!) (SUV/t$1'I:u luy JCVVDA-`v. _ A1_l'? a~.ske'd . he d'eteet.ive, slightly ast0n-ished. ' A11, replied the W_i d0\\'. Moreover-. I do not care to pros- elcute , anyone cemrected with their 'dis-ap-pea1*ance.' 1\'0Lfhe }Ii11d0o.<.'. who were responsible for their second (115- appearaque-.e--is it, [Mr-ssihhe you do not xvish them to be punished`? Britz el 'p~0.'tulaLe(E. ALT _I- -_.-A ,..-.uzl W1-cw r'I`&'Qif\`I l_ | D1'lbL U`1\[_HJD|.l.ll(l.uLn.u. I do not, said Mrs. Missi0n- - er quietly. I n1m'er.<-.tar2d their (`~0_I1I1(-.`.(?t-i011 with the rnystery t.'horcughl_v..I'n spite of the mas`. tic met..hod`s they pursued. I du not blame .them._ '17l1e_\' did not `seek the lesser stones of the necklace. In fact, these germ: \\'eI'`.I`0t11I'1`H3d to xne this n'm1-n- ing by one of "the Orientals--a_ man of scholarly at.tainme_nt and higrh character, whom I.mr~t in the East. `These _Iemt,ees~~-l`anat- t.ic._~',` if you wi1l--ha\ e brawzcl death and impristmment to re- cover a jewel which 1 take i is preclmis in their eyes'as was the `Holy trail to C1`usa al`e1's. It is a q11est.inn not merely of religion. hut of e.\'tr`eme piety with them. Ulltltll` siich cim_:111n. 1 cannot consent to appear against thmn, nor to countenance any attempt. to punish them. Be- sides, there was a mist.ake in the acquisition of the 1\'Iahax-anee diamond. It. belongs to these men of the East. They are free tctake it. Isurrender all claim i_ to it. ""-' ' r- ,,_..__-~4..1-,\\,\I.\ LG \\IlLlU\\. 7 . _ . "`In.the eyes of the law. _ he `said, extending` the big Mahau-- l`aneo., this st.0ne is yours. Yull may do with it as you choose. _ Mrs. Missionor accepted the _ stone. permitting her eyes in : linger a mmnent, on its hla'/.ing 1- splndor, Then she \\'.11m>1ed 2`, pabruptly and pussd the diamoml ;|to the Prince. LL14 ,,.___.\ `IV .-.'I\n nn1'.~] '1`n]_-n f f\Vil.h an air of unmistakable respect Britz tumwd t0\\'ard the widow. i` 1' IL- 1...... 97 1,,` it.`_ . ' . I Kananda s eager f'1n_2`0I`I~` 01090 on the genx." ' ' 1-,_,_ ...:',.1,...n.l U11 Int: gt-.n|. Mrs. Missioner has restored your property, Britz said, turn- ing to the Oriental, and I dare- saythe Chief will agree with me i that it is not necessary for use to t take `your case as far as l.he Dis- trict Attorney s oice. You and your f0]1OW-CO1l'nt_I`} Ifl1(3I`i' are at liberty to go. _ T1 advise you to go quickly before I get to `thinking ' too strongly about that little up- 4 side down ride you gave me in- Riverside Drive. I have the hon- or to wish Your. Royal Highness a very good-morning! He made a mock obeisance as the Hindoos, released from their shinging steel bonds, tfiled sil.- ently out of the room. .u1u-:,... 'n...1,.,\w.L. 97 ,,...:,: 13,,;4,, C \JI.1l.l.y \_I\.Ab \1J. UIILI l.\J\/Anni Miss Holcomb, said Brivtz, Chief Manning will procure your release in just about. the time it `takes -us to go from here to court. You will be discharged at once. Yes, doctor, thatwill be a complete vindication of your ancee. My best wishes for your happiness. I ` 1\,.:1_ AL-.. 1---.--......I` 1.. `ml ...-. Harry LJja.mie%'son REAL ESTATE and . I |`Y\JblI. Lncnyynnn u I . ~ - 1. Br-itz then turned` to Mrs. llMissi0n9r. As for the prisoner. Gris- wold, Mrs. Missioner, he said, it makes little difference to him 1 that he was not arrested for _fhe `theft of your diamonds. The` riireclors of the Iroquois Trust Company have a case against` him strong enough to send him up the riverfor a long while. * I trust, Mr. Sands. Britz added signicantly, f.hat- in your new- found happiness you will forget the e momentary -unpleasantness {between us. After all, you see. I was acting in your interests. .......21.. Alan rv\:t\'r|l\;`nr\ Luv .I'lu|Lv:-. I1. is yours," she said. Take 1! lldllu ab l.ll.\'; '|,'l\/\.l|;\,:J:gwx.xu. ...... ..-.,-. a proprietory air Aheiook Mrs. _M`iss irmer s. "hand in his .was"as `-.el`0"quenti'ran` -"expression of-friend- I` WG-3 a.\.I.Ju;-, All JV; . ll-A.lJ\/I-\/~41`; The, pare `smile tfle millonairle ashed at the 1'ieutenant. as with - l_--__ ..I.. Ln I-AA17 Mng awfubvsaozs ' The Wblchsoprano . TEACHER OF VOICE pnomac- TION AND SINGING. specials lessons _for repertbire, Engl.is".1 and Italian. Studio at,M r. Geo. Monkman s, Mary St.,` Barrie. Phone 85b. Fer` terms, ete.,, call at studio on Wednesdays. V0-ices tested free. - . lln 5 I v v Studio . llVDUl\.ruV\u Ciuu T--.>w.u and Farm Pt-operties_ bought said and Exchanged. ` Miss Else NELSON TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. Studio at 133 Collier I30 .. .._.v St.1_`eet.- `ALEXAVIIDER GOWAII ' Successor .to Lonnox. wan In Bl'O_VNI_ _ Barrister, Solicitor for obtaming probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and- General Solicitor, Notary, Gonveyanqer, etc. Offices: Hinds Biock, No. 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. IIIAUD E. cuxron, L.1'.c.m. Piano and Vocal Lessons. In vocal work special attention is given to Vnjfco Production. Q{r|r`;r\ in Vina-. Rlnnl: Dhrme A21; Th ul-s'iiay, fdlirhdy 8, Barristers, So'1'i'<:.i;.o'1-13:,-"lg-)tziry Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money 1 to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Offices: 13=0wen4St. (-in the premises foarmorly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch Office, E1mvvale,.On-t'a=rio. W. A. Boys, K.C., M-.P. D. G. Murchison. STEWART &--STEWRT BARRISTERS, Solicimoxrs, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Office '13: Gwen St., Barrie, Ont. D. M`. Stewart. _ cH'ARI:.Es W . PLAXTON BARRLSTER, SOL1GI']:`%E)R, ETC., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- mond.`-.. SLs., Toronto. \noNA_Ln Ross, L_L.B. B'AJkR[S IT`ER, SOLICETOR, ETG., Bank of Toronto Bu-i.1ding, Barrie_ M9-ney to loan. % cnasfiv-i7cKa &% BELL BARRISTERS, somcwons FOR the Supreme Gomrt of `Judicature of ()nta1~io, PI_`0v0t0I`S, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. 0-mces: in Ross Brock, Barrie. \V. A. J. Bell, K1]. ` EUIYIUI VII 1 v n-.-._.., ` C.V. 0.. LL.D., 'D.C.L.. Preaidcnt Olce -l.?.-es_ili.e-Ila-en-C1-o_1'ner of Toronto and Elizabeth, Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist `Church. Telephone 167; L.R.C.S, Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of.- ce and Residence, Dunlop St... Barrie. Telephone 165. (Mce?1Ifj)'{sEE;cs's'c3}? Io` B}. a. s. Broad). Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. ` w. A. LEWIS, m.n., G.M_ SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, A A n A .-.:n'lI.. `I'll-.4-unn [3] K5! nn]l;n1 DUI.|.\_l1`J1I..l. V1} 1 .l.LV1.'l\JLl1.J\I\JL especially. 3;1onek61. 56Co11ie1'* St., Barrie. 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, ever)! Saturday, Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Ptnng North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 2. THE BARBIE PLANING MILL. THOS. ROGERS, PBOP., Builder. and. Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All _kinds of Dressed Lumber, Floofng, Ceiling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning` a specialty. Tanks made to order. The`latest improved _ method for drying lumber. Fac- tory and Office, Cor'.Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163.. P.O. Box 685. I_39vs Aim nuncmou Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop", R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets; Only best material used and first-class workmen em- ployed. Prices always _ right. ' Phones 1 Miss Doane is the only one in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets lled "with Spirella bon- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable, exible, hygienic. sani- tary, Fit guaranteed. Maternity and nursing feature specials. Brassieres, blouse forms, misses and children's waists. At home Saturdays. 16 Charlotte. St Barrie U -$IIlU I lvuuv U11 la . VIVIUI in King Block Phone 424 , 1y` gratitude. as anyone in society or the Street would expect of gfsilent Sands. e V rn'r1 .11\ . nnvn Reliable saleswrnan to act as agent in Simcoe County. PAY WEEKLY Outt. free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in `the business, for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guaran- tee` deliveries in rst-class condition. Nursery stock is sel1ingwel1 this year and good money can be made in this dis- trict. For particulars write Sales Manager. PELI-IAM nuns:-:nv co. 'ronon1'o, our. l\V\A\n-\r `av Phone 186. SIMOOE `MARBLE weak: 1%: -cu -up 1-: - DR. E. G. TURNBULL on. MORTIMER Lvou DR. H. T. ARNALL DB: > A: ROSS l\I"_u-II.-_ V_-Iv- - V ' A. ' -_ 7 . . A11. k|nd`s`0f small repa1r1ng-- `:1 ?-catxlpt Service. Touring Car for .-l`u'_re--M()Lorcycle for sale. TURTOIWS GARAGE .:lhono 484. 15 clapperton st... - |.oh|. Isriblciii wnmap now lluluu I`_H'E END - ..: -' .' "etb|sshea',4soo.. 3 ' ' \ DERTAKERS1 L;t:e l1-1surance4Ag9nl V I_;g.;`;Iu(%1bcr of Valuable Farms and Town-I Prdperties for-Sale on the most reason 'abk'-..terms. ` " A J - . FA-IVK OF TORONTOBUILDING 1nA1)I')f`l.'.` ` W5-?R!.B_> WT - eal Estate and Mnoneyii-.Ao.Loan .Expg}g_;,moToR` RE nuns .4-`..~' n.':"m:;.`7n+` email reoairing `REPRESENTING : CAN ADlAN EXPRESS C0. W I I T w ---._.___- Licensjed Embalmer Proprietor ; . THE BARBIE . . XJNDERTAKING PARLOR8.= $ (syccessor to the Late Meaford Webb) . 7 ;'l?u'u line of `all the `latest, `igskeets kept in stock, in-- ~o`!uding; Grave Vaults and Oak Sheila. ` `n ' :12 _,I.; BL...` A31 `.1-on -;uu,-.,. . ""0pn Day K Night - 31?-`1.lD~,`_ ,\:'auucu; \;ygg..~- -.V.___w',. %%orae:sj%ci.11eg1;;;gana+pgggvereai; % :Q:_u' .isLSo1icitd`.`j _ - , . , Vegetablqs in_ Sieson, ` '7` I. _. \ . . 1,, ., . rxt. Established 1819. `Handle Everything in_. Eyes}; aud Vggtedf Meats Canned; I*.`Vx'i;s:l-_m< `.Veizetable.s4in_Sea}on`. > - -W` tv, <:33i:E:iE}`$:;.;`%; '{w.n.uemy, I-'unoiI"a| onrmorf, .:___..___._ 7] as. Arnold D- I :9.-. Inaulinnnn ACTH .`5cott s (`_>? bp`t >si1-.%c;'. rsonffs A$1f;9:re;) Are wen Supplied 255&As_9T '. J . INSURANCE "Oven -and Night I VIIIISIU V 'Estibl|shed`.j soc.-` x l'\l\r`l! `.1; Bookstore in connetion General Bankmg lf l_S :_3>0uc|Lu.` - - WERENNAN us~*"sue.;.A *- iMi.ni! L \rJn\r- .- l:AR111 os__.j_..; king t;_1..~.|. I .. --.... .C.AP,|1'ALPAIDPP,-$|5.000.000 ;k:sEkvE FUND-A - $13-50- bought or I Phone 431 Q P`hog|_e . 2 .,i`d i I.)-I-w---- Although all the town papers. 1 near us quote butter much. below I the me. mark this. Week, Barrie 1 has"not as yet decided to lower 1 its price according to Saturday 4 morning s vmarket quotations. 44 and 450. was the invariable re-` my to queries as to the price. Eggs Were` 450. a dozen. It is not often the market hall isdeo- gorated with evergreens to greet the" eye. of the market people. . This little festive touch was . looked at inquiringly by fmany, 5 __but_was only the relics of a dance and did not in any way regulate 't_h`e' `price of butter and eggs. The `outside market was slim, with ;prices the same as last week. i `-`-A-:-.>.... .......M wnrn_ as "fol- 9 "Average pnces were . as `fol-|o ','l0Ws;..`... '1 '0 - ' `Butter .. .. .. . Eggs, dozen . ., . . .. .. Gh'i`ck'er_1,..d1fessed, 1b.. . .2_0'-.22c. V Fowl, lb ._.- .. .. ..-1'60. y .. . r a Goose,1;b.'. . . . . . . -2-0c. Duck, per lb .. .-...18-20c., Beef, hinds, lb. .. . .' . . . . V160. |Beef, fores, lb. .. . 13c 1 '..1.>oc1;... binds, .119 _. . .. . . 18c. .< ' Pork, fores . . .169 3 Potatoes, bag ..$1.75 ` Potatoes, peck . . .. . . ..35c' ` - Turnips, bag .. .. .. .. . P Beets, basket .. .. .. .. .. 30c. Onioha, basket _ . .35c.-50c. Pickling cabbage, head . . . .05c. t_. Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . . . 10c ' 5 Cauliower, each . . . 50-100. A ` Dried Sage, bunch . . . ., . . . .5c. {Summer Savory, bunch . . . . .50. IThyme, `bunch . . . . . . . . -.'5c `Horse Radish, bottle . . . . . ..15c. `Clover Honey, 10-11). pail_. $1.50 iC.1over Honey, 5-1b., pail . . 75c ;Honey in comb, lb . . . . . . . .i8c. 'ivButtermilk, `qt. . . ,. .` . . . . . .50. Knitted socks,.pair .. .. 800. [Knitted mitts, pair .. 75c. _ }Hay, ton .. .. $12.00 ' Straw, ton .. .. $8.00` Near-By Markets/ (February D1, 1917)- 'Bradford-H0gsT $13.50 wt. wheat $1.70`-$1.75, barle'y $1.13- $1.20, oats 604650, peas $2.15, lbuckwheat $1.15, rye $1.35-$1.50,, |butter 35-38: eggs 40-50., am] If\ [CIA uuvuu; vu vy, .,vU,_ St`ayn er----Butter 40-42,A 500, chicken 1 5-180. n-n:..........,.n.-I , \Vhnnf 54 DUU, UIllU.l&|$11 '1 0- 1 uu _ Collingwood -`- Wheat $4.65." $1.70, oats .'60-64c, barle`y`90-- $1.20, peas $2.15-$2.25, buck- Wheat. $-I.`15-_$1.2-5, butter 35- 36c,eggs 50-_55c, `potatoes hu., $1.60. .'A I1:.-`r\~r\ 'VT_Tnn\a Q42 -. Vnwf. 1 -$_2.25.,:,0ats .600, rye $1.25, buck-` j 450, p Ota;toes'?A`-$,2.00.!' 5., as1.ou. . 'A11iston-+H0gs $13.00 cwt., wheat $1.60, barley $1.10, peas wIi'at"$1-Q0;O-:$1 .19, Z hay` $'10{09,:- . `$12.00;, but'er,. 34;.36fc,_ eggs l1v0j'v-:3 'HE `Undersigned has a. I Paint Shop over Hux- table's_ Garage, next the Wellington Hotel,where he is prepared to do High-clan Painting of Automobiles and Car- riegea., Make your or- `V rangementsfnow to have your [Car or Buggy re- painted; Sgt >-,-...._._-_..`._ AKl%!:YW~lh'0gilwavstlzlll I w... Prices on Alpplication) "Pr;msacL `a General Bankmg Bu-,em.ess. Iicvtvs cashed or collected at the mail l'.av0('able pates. . _ ` We `cash Cheques drawn on any Belrllc in Canada or the United tfltes. ' ` ./'u~..~.m1nt.`~' collected. . ` -.. .. _, 13..,.lnnnn~o' hnnght OI`; Aitislnfm amt ll.k-'_"- l:I----..- HA-u '-Al. i ,, d, lb. . 0099 k.... .. .. 430 .`40Cl45c ..20922e. ... .. 160. .. .. 200. ..18-20c, .'l6c. 'I.'6I 75c `$12.00. $8.001 `.- Bravdl said = the 'gl-ieutenant ch at`I,ast; 'ABravissimo, Mrs. Del- f1 arochel If it were notgfor de- : taining_'o1'.'1r good friends, I would e` ins'ist_"up`_on an'encore_.. -_ Really, vs you know; you re entitled _to any A mi1nber,o:f_ `curtain calls for that o The heroine of the Renaiss- e ance__hurglary' ashed furious 1 eyes upon him. Fitch, despite 11 all he knew Britz had done for Elinor, could Iiotconceal his an- ge1',_._E.yen Miss` Holcomb was '_ `i indignant. Mrs. Missioner and V] , Sands looked at,.th_e detective ex..- 1 _pectanLly, Manning's face was 4 impassive. He was prepared for _ any surprise from his shrewd lieutenant. 1 You behold in Mrs. Dela--. roehe, said Britz, , including everybody. in a sweep of his_` hand, one of_.the most talented actresses in America. True, she isn t on the stage, but that s on- ly because the managers haven =_ discovered her. If any of llu.~_ big lnanagers saw such an e.\;-. ample .of her. art as this, [loin """"\ hnn run 'hl'\`QT\nt.. }8gs\. 3 3.II1[.)lB .U1 um _ axu u.._. .--_. engage her on `..hesp0t. _ I don t urlderstand you, .Mr. Britz, sa.id 1\.[rsx. Missioner in- quiringly. A Mrs. Delaroche understgmds me, Mrs. Missionel-, retm-ned the sleuth. She knows? exactly what I? mean.- Don t you, R11`-s. -L ._ 097 VVIIIJIU 5 " De1a1'0che`: L-L-In-_ I99 .. uclall uuuu . N01. said the woman from (i the Renaissance so sharply the 2 word was like a pointed thrust. ?`N0`? retorted the detective. i How truly u.nf0rtu1'iate! Sure- 1' .1y you are mistaken, njiadam; : surely you recall what happeiiecl * `in Paris? It can t he you ve_ forgotten how you obtained pos- session of ll1eiMissioner neck- 1ace---the one with the Mahara- nee diailnond, you .know`? ' She clung` to silence as We a rock of refuge. Britz, still rocking lightly on his heels. raised a nger warningly and looked "at her with that same sax`-- lf eastic smile. A ' s `--~--- nn `wall 92` I (in, castle Sllllle. You know as well as] do. Mrs. Delaroohe,' he went on. that Curtis Griswold di(1n"t `steal the - 1VI:15;1a;'a,nec norklaco. Whate\*e`r other_ crimes are, \m"m h._i,IIl_f he is gruiltless of that.---In act, at `a}I1y_rate. uni , .__.\--...-.\n `an,-`f 13.).` n`.`\`: `.] nub sAfil.iitnA`." act, at any P316. 'I`he,wom'a.n kept her eyes on the oor, her faceipartly zurned : away. All,_the others st."-.m_-,d {ltd Britz in amazement, not r~: i ing the Chief of the l)ete(:tive Bureau. ' ._ Let s run through the pages of _history,_ Mrs. Delaroche, "eontinuedkthe `lieutenant. Per- sonal history, of course -- ll-he history, of a clever little Miss l Vincent, one of the brightest . young women in Paris. You art stud`en.t` there, getting `~alongl remember her when she was an AL ......I..! An n Nnxxvi `H.l'L `dL,uut'..u.L LIIULU, 5uu..u._ ...._..-(__l as well as she could on a New England income in the Latin _Quarte.1'.` 'A bright, clever little` girl she"_was, to he sure, and it was -too bad she had such a hard ' __I:_._ IL... A-\v\l;(\`1.l'a gfe M dreams !~ U1'UG4ll1D I ' All his hearers listened atten-- tivel_y-Mrs. Delarochey in spite nf resolute efforts to appear in- different, full as faithfully as the others. W U- .1- -.;:--...,1 r,,.. FIIJIIUI. D. Prince . Kananda ~'I'rf0ved for- warduntil he stood within a few feet of Mrs. Delaroche. She turned her head slightly and saw him. A glance of mutual recog- nition passed betwee,n7,then1,' but do quickly that it was unobser- ved by the others. The Prince eyed her steadily, with malignant gaze, as of-.a man who has been tricked. A wild fear\_1eaped`into her `eyes ,_ and she a moved away,` ndging close `to Britz. ' ' as-n :....;u 1... 1... ...Anrlnnnrl nl V"-lllle DILJUVJ lJ\J .A.I|.AuLlo It isn t to be wondered at, 1 said Britz sympathetically, 1 "when you recall the many hard- ships Miss Vincent endured- when you? remember on how many mornings shehadtotrudge to her copying work in the Lou- Ivre without even the poor con- solation of a French breakfast, that she permitted a young Hin- dool gentleman to spend a `little money upon her. It wasn t ex- actly in line with New -England , conventionality, of course, but respectful, and she_-'eWeLl,_. she the aristocratic` Easterner had been'introduce`d to her formally enough, his behavior was always -: `wasf,veryplone,ly andfvery blue and 4 it, pfteri v ery hu'n gry'.'f u ~ `HIM; 1\..I ._.....'...'L. .-L3 Ki`; I-:~r\ f\`I'\!] sold." ~ bS1)er;iaI attention will hegiven to -t'h-- accoxmnodation of farmers in7t.l1i._< locality. ` - ? Money to -Luan on Mortgages. .,.A_r;.;e~ncy `Sun Lifr- Assurance Company of Canada. T 0m(:.e Hours 10 to 4. "F. BEEGROFT, .Ma.nager. ,y1hU11 VLILJ s1u5ucLJ. . _Mrs. Delaroi':h`13itf--her lip and iturnpd oIi -Bri-I;"7; ; a;.1c;-91 of such `resentment tha;gt..- 1_\V Irs_.f;_'VMissione1` ';ain,(i%.,Mi$.`s,.r1:IQ} .-hrank away a_ little, 7' " " ` ~`--u.A....J :t";.n-.i}.94 nL.#-`n}n'ah 11: ' a ppuuxu. `V _- 57- .3 V itfneedn t as-tpnish us, Br_itz_, conti-'nuec`, %tha_t_':.when the .poTishe`d Qi t;11_br9'\jght about - &9Q!!3 in$3 .1331 Wit.l`i:3? Am 91'- .i}a`n rxiu1t i;miI1ionaire* she 32c- `Q97 4. JG/U BAIL; nxumu uu.u.. .. -- to realize `her artistic! %RI'I` . L Dela-!. his_ ..the talented` :-lun woman ...'l......n4\`-r `ht; :By`~Marcin Barber. . per.ahhuI .on Sa_vin gs deositq ` branch of 2 I..._ II . Iapaju iictterest allowed at 3% _ of $1 and ghpwards at any siqujiz cannon.

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