Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1917, p. 5

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..._...._...... _-_- - Will R. King was re-elected chairman. After thanking` the members for the honor con- ferred on him, he welcomed the /new members in the persons of Dr. Hunter and Mr. Fisher. The long` experience in educational al'l'nir_s enjoyed by Dr. Hunter in` another town would undoubtedly? prove of great value 1.0 the Board. Mr. Fisher had already shown his capacity -for public service in the Town Council and his c'_ounsel in school matters will undoubt,edly be a decided lnelp. The Annual Membership Fee Now Due. Mgmbership. .-` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Active Membership . - - . - . - - . - - - . . -. . - . - .. Associate Membership ~ - . . - - - - - - -. - . - - - THE NEEDS NEVER GREATER. CANADIAN RED CROSS? .....lN..'... ` 2 13.0.]. V V':\VaS d`eui(lv.d that lhe, sec1?eta.1.'_\-' In co1n1nit,t.(~.e. the Board took `up the qlwistion of a.scex.'tVair`1i11g' (tho mnounl. of s:1lvu.g'e t'1'0n'1,tlm At'l.e1' smne discussion it. [he in.~'h-noted to write the proper Vf:mI.hm'il1y asking if some compo- {tent man can h_e sent to pass on the .s:1fo,t._\-' of the present walI_s 'and perhaps give some estimate of flux value of the hurned rumns fur 1-c~,.-cnnsl,rucI,inn ptlrposes. `St/anding C0nuniI.l.o.es I.`in:mceT A McAdam (Chair- man), Ross, Love, Malcomson, I-lu`utm'.L ~ . I\ I:mag'eIneI1t -- Lmfe `(Chain- m;m)..- Wallwin, Malcomson, \\-"?s|IIn1', (lllannen; l. mpo,rty -and Supply-- \Vall- win {cl1ai1`'n1aI, VMcAdam,Cl1an- mm. Ross, Fisher. . u\.l Il\J ll; \Jk3`JL1lA J1 y\lUu1uauo l The Soldiers Aid will have charge of the Red Cross Shop,` Saturday,` Feb. 17th. As this So, ciety ,is unde_nominati0.nal your} assistance is asked inmaking*sthe day 'a success. " 1 I l ! gi-eate1', use of the Penny Saw: ings Bank, for every penny `sav-! mi and iilvested in the Canadian War Loan is just adding that much toward the nancial sl.re11gtl1 0.1` Canada," and at the. sunie time it e11courag`ed'the'ha- hit ofvthrift in the depositors. Mr. King also referred ~ to the n1uvm11ent of the Education De- p:1rtme1'1t_ tmvartl more` extensiw 11.56 of vz1cz111l.. lmid and l1:1111e g:1rde1_1s. "It is esl.i1'11ated that $li),()00_.()00 wO1'tl1 of food st.11ii'.<: can he produced on these lands ll` pi-operly ciiltivated. In 0011- clusimi he asked the c_o_-ope1'a- Lion am] close application of all Hm 111o.111l1e1's.i'n'1` the hettern1enl' of ihe sclmnls t,l1m11g`hout the I l l 1 I .The regular sewing rneeting_| will he held `in the Red Cross Rooms, Tuesday, Feb. lv3th~, at 3 p.m. Jvery member is asked to be present; if possible. mi..- Q-..i,.i:.,..,.9 A:.J ...:n In.-..mI Read the Adlet Column. 1. A.__nicLa}.n. cam W; C. Walls. Buqinu; Manager Treas. Barrie Branch "ln.~ The Roam Would` ha,\*e till after the war. Very much The most 'iinportant. question to lwpdeall. with by the Boartl is the i-e-building" of the Collegiate to a.soeI"l.ai11 wlizlt the amount of s:ul\'a;.~-0.. is l'o1'what would be sznotl miglit not xvuiirant the `re- 1-.onslr1u_-l.ion of the old buildin;_;'.. lfithis 1-e-h11i|din{_.*,' would cost amyth-ing like a new school he thought it would be Wise to sub- | nut to the ratepayers ~ alter-f native propositions fora new: school in a central location or} i~~,_huilding` on the present site! In his opinion nothing would he? gained. by leaving construction. building is being postponed till, after the war and there will he] a. tremendous rush to build `when lmstilities cease, so the cost will i 114- quite as great, if not higher, than at the present. time. `].<`or this reasomlas well as for the` g'm_nl of the S('hn0l_. he urgzedtliat, the question of re-huildin,2' he taken up at the `earliest possible mn`ment. A I Soldiers` Aid. 6- Saturday Morning ~ % $25.00 2.00. 1.00 .......u - Jggnlslna ;.u.nnL. _ _ | ' Major B.'Holford Ardagh, in- jured in England several weeks `ago, is reported to. be making -progress, though slowly,` towards recovery. A consultation of. six ,)rominent doctors reported that !no permanent injury was likely `to `result from his mishap. The accident happened" on a dark gniight." Major Ardagh was. riding down .a hill on a bicycle and ljeollided with a vehicle which was on the wrong side of the ii-oad. Beyond this `Major `Ar- idagh has no recollection of the laeciident. ' _ ._-.. . . l WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI % I. Lieut. Percy Sarjeant is now: ,.at the base hospital at Amara? [on the Tigris. `Judging from the reports. of the .ghtihg around Kut the hospital sta` is kept `busy. V , ) . ,.{`l`.n.-.... .-....:L.'-urn -I-`nnnn tlnnrvx u my \AvI4`] vnnx/J A\Ava.n\4\'J\4I .... .._.....c.`.~.--... A Sin1eoe-.s0ldier writing from l<`.ranee says: 1 can assure you `the home paper is what the boys at the Front most dearly love to get and sending` the paper gives pleasure to many, instead of, as in the case of. a letter, to only` one. Many subscribers buy ex- : `ti-a copies every weeketo send to] the men. overseas. Pte. Geo. Rogers of Sunnidale` (.101-nelfs, wine has been missing since June 13, is now reported killed. He went in the 1st. Con_ tingent and was a bomb threw- ,\.. L- .. A- _,._- _ _ \\7'l. ..-- _I_'._LAl 1.- \~v..--\..v...u- I Most, of the 157th Bn.'subal- terns have been taking courses and expect. to go to France this month or next. Lieut. H. M. ]_)ym'ent is with the Army Service Inrps. Capt. Potter is return- ling to Canada and probably the -Lt. Gar-"net `Weston of. the Mo- tor Boat Patrol has been on duty [in the vicinity of Gibraltar lately. I I IJDIJU Ll\JkJlI vv LALI. 1\/Ien of the 157th_ B11. are keeping up their reputation in the battalions` into which they were drafted. Reports from these units show that the Sim- icoe men. are doing splendid work. In line with the sug`gestion 01' the l .i.(~.11t.;G0vem10r, -he vnrged ilml. principals and teachers try in induce pupils to `make :1 still -...,,u... .. .,..,...., -3:1. When he enlisted he was a bank clerk in Gochrane, and was 22 years of age. Pte. Rogers was a nephew 0f'1`hos. Rogers of the TB:u'1'ie Planing Mill. | . . . I 5 An oicer writing from B1-aim- gshot on Jan. 23, said that the 157th men who -had been in the` x.-iug line ofor.a month, had es-* uaped with only two or three .light esh wounds. A1.` .l.I.... AEI`ItL 1').-. (sour: ; Over thirty" Calladiau batta- *li_uns which went over to Eng- llamd last sumlner andautumn have been broken up. The 157th had lots of company in its dis,- ruption experience. Several of the hutlalions were broken up the day they landed in Eng`1and. A C` .' .` . .. :7. ......:l.'... .. J`...-..v\ BARRIE, CANADA. FEBRUARY 8,1917 four majors, with the possible exception of Major Knowles who I may get a post in the Intelligence vgheptnas he speaks French and `!(.}erman perfectly, having `been educated four years in Germany `l and three yearsin France. Bn. Sergt,-.-Major Johnston has been given a similar post in a newly re-organized training battalion in England. - ---Hear Stewart l)0ugl-as in the clever parody of Gasibiauca---- Opera House, Feb. 15. stage, which t'm'ined a sort of huwei-, a lattice through which lthe spect.alm*.s, looked "out over the daiiciiiig heingi formed with crepe tissue. Jflugs 21Tld`lJl1l1l,lllf_" also were gm1e1'm1sly used and the lig'l1t.ii'ig_was excellent. Pret.-- ty effects in several da1'1cesawe1`e given by the use of-two SDOI |.lig'l1ts. Bmlley s orchestra p1'0-_ vided most. delightful music and the liner was good, making con- ditions all that the dan.c'ei`s could (lesire. The varied and beautiful -gowns iii` the ladies mingling with the khaki u1'i.1'1'0rms of hill. (.'.ers. non-cums. and priV':'1l.es as l.liey_ei i_ieved the dam.-,es made a `very pretty sight. ' ' ' Slipper was , provided in the mat-ket, room` which -was taste- l'u|ly deum'al,ed, and the tables were l)I'ig'1ilened 'hy nliiiiermis _lm.nds0me electric lamps. 1|/I'..:,... O,_...1A ._..--:l L:._ ,...._,-_-,._`AL-- Mn.jm' S4.-,ot,t and his c(m1mit.t,ee xvmm 1ll]HI'iTlQ in their e'0rts and `the praise with which they were showered by Hwfir guests was well merited. `. 6 ()\'eI' four hundred people at,- tendeil the reception given by Lt.-Col. McPhee and ollicers of the 177th Bn. in the Town Hall last Friday and voted it one of the most enjoyable functions of `this nature thatv they had partic- ipated in. In addition to the Ba1`x'ie; "people, about fifty from Orillia and quite a 1i11n'1ber-from Llollingxvood availed themselves of the 177th l1ospil.a.lit,y. T\`T,-.H.:..m, l....,J L"-.. 1-1-L .....l,-.-.. \.IJ- *U-nu` 5. I I IILL 1LlJA]lJ1l'l.4lv.l.I.|I| o Nothingh had been left undone by the khaki conllllittcc that could c011LI'ibL1te to the enjoy- ment, of their :.7,'l1est,s_. every de- tail heing,'hca.1'e`l'ully worked out. Great. pains had been talsen with the d(-,c01`a,i<')11s. Forrning 2.1 canopy effect, va1'i-col01'ed rib- .b0ns of crepe Lissuebwerc draped to either side where sca,ting*ac- e,m11nm(l:1.i,ion was separated |fz'0m the dancers by pillars and covered wit,l1 e\'e1*g'1`ee11s. A similar covering 0ve1*sp1'ead the 04...... ...I..'..l\ 1-...,....-.| . ../A 1' The inaugural meeting; of, the Board 91` Education was `held last night. Judge Wismer was unavoidably absent, and the chair of Mr. Frawloy was vacant, he having resigned and his. success- or not having been appointed by the Separate` School Board. .-_I 177th Bn. At Home ;-.\rp.:nL:u\v;L L .LJ\:;tLIu- The funeral took plann nn \V_ednesday afternoon Hy St. Paul s Cemetery, and was con- ducted by the Rev. B. J. \V. Pm`- ry. The pallmearers were Geo. Webb, Jeffrey Webb, Frank Haight. Perry Givens,-Emersrm Batoman` (Bond Head) and T1'1endo1'e Johnston (Painswiokk Wm. ' Richardson, a former resident of Flos, died in the R. V. Hospital on Monday of this week, aged 73 years. Twelve years ago he went to live- in Minlo, Manitoba." About a month ago he came East and a few days later took ill, passing a- way on Monday. Deceased was" unmarried, and is survived by ve brothers and two sisters, namely; George Richardson, To-. ro'f1t.o; John and Alex. 0fvFer- gusonvale: Walter, Barrie; Jas.. and Martin, Illinois, U. S. A., and Mrs.'Hope of Wyevale. YTVRA I`...-.......l `r\r\1 ..'l..,... - - A beautiful Enlish society Woman, who marries an Empire- `builder for his wealth, dec_eives and maligns him foully to cover up her; own extravagance and nally bows before his master- fulness, is ._a picturesque gure in the kaleidoscopic pages of The Dog Star," the plot of which'-'-but it is a` tantalizing plot, and we must not anticipate. Read The Dog Star in The Ex- aminer-.-'-;-'"y ' ` , . A Vespra Pioneer A pioneer of Vespra Township passedaway on Saturday last, Feb. 3, at lot 15, con. 7, in the person of Mrs. Charlotte Smith, widow of the late Adam Smith, aged 70 years. F.orty-three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Smith emigrated from Shetland, Scot- land, and with the exception of three years spent in Barrie, Mrs. Smith had resided continuously on the 7th line. ' Eighteen years ago her husband died. 7111.. .. . . . ` . .3 _ . - A -. 9` Death` of w. -E. Calder \\-'illiam Edward Calder` died at his home, ml 12, con. '12, 1.11- nisl, on Saturday, Feb. 3, aged 36 years , 4 months and 28 days. He had been ailingx over a yea: from` cancer and since Sept,em_ her had been in a serious con- dition. Deceased had lived in Innisfil all his life. He was twice .maI'ri0.d; his first wife, l\*Ii:~:s -Louiewelih, died six years ago. Two years later he ma'r1`ied Miss J. Givens, whu survives him 10- gether with me child ve months old. He also leaves in mnurnjliis loss his aged mot/2.14:1`, one hI`Oi..I10I`, Thos. Ca1<`leI`,Lraig- vale, a11d ve sisters," Mrs. W. Sluucilen, llanniltun; Mrs. Lon- nox, Tomnto; Mrs. '1`; Johnstdn, Painswick: N11`-5. F. Haight and Mrs. J05. Robinson of Barrie. 'l.`lic Regina L_cade1' records the lm.it.li of :1 little son of J. J. Smith (l'm.'irmi'ly of Edgar) and grundsnn of Mrs. Mary Smith, Lmlisa Sl,., .BaI`i'je. On Jan. 21 the child hm]; sick with diphth- eria and di_o_d on Jan. 24. From Hie .|.(-.:1dcr* tlu,-. following repurt, of lhe funeral is taken:-- 'l`he F11n0i"a1`Mass of the late il`.n.:o,iw. Smith, le.n_year-vold son ml l\~lr. and Nlrs. J. J. Smith, 2224 1\II'..I .-.4....,. Qt .-.l..- ...-._ 1.--..:...J J-.- lll4Ial.l\Jl.L o Mclntyre SL, who was buried p1'i.- vart.ely on ]9`x'irlay, will be c.elehra_. ted this mm-ning at. Holy ROSf1I'_\ `.:1 t.l`m(lr':1l. ]al.her Daley, IL, ofticiafing. ' ._._.L._ AL- __,_ ,_:' nzl 1 `Education Board's Inauguli-all" ()win_.r_2; to the quarantine of tile! :":.nnily no public funeral was EELI lowed and thus the church sea-_ xrim-.s had In be-postponed untill t.0du.y. '1`he grief-stricken par- rmt,s']'1avo received the sympathy nf a Ia.r:.>;e circle of friends, as wollq_as 'f,e.leg,`ra1ns from several parts of Canarla. Arcllbislmp Mathiml telegraphed his symp`-a.- thy and mnejoletlce from Quelzuc. v1 The surviving family are: M1`s.'Jas. Wright, con. 4, Ves- pra; Wm. Smith, Barrie (with the 177th Bn.); Hy. Smith, con. 7. Vespra: Adam Smith. Kinder- sley, Sask., at present at home; Malcolm", if Delisle, Sask., and George R;, of Orillia. One_:~'.nn, John, died about six years ago. An adopted daughter, Maud, new Mrs. A. Bishop, also survives. T111... 1' . . . A . ...l _.._1...'..'L 1.,'L #1..-- . mg.-J. A..l.\JtI\J VA vvJ\JVLll\Ja T`};;3m.f1111eral took _place on Wednesday afternoon to Craig- hursh menu. 41 .-J-n-n.\;`.r, uunuu uun VJV\.'L!o The funeral, which took place on Monday to Midhurst Presby- -te1-ian-ce1nnl,ery, was' largely at,- tended and was conducted by Rev. L. W. Thom. .. ... n:\-nun. l WMauy of. the residents will re.- mmnher her kindly as a good neighbor and friend. Death. of William Richardson The Woman Declved I-Ilm A Young Son Taken Tl:IMS-8h(|o Cellos 3 on. For unun [la ndvuu] 8l.so Love Wins Beck Trophy After" winning the Beck 'l`ro_ phy and holding. same success- fully against the onslaughts of many strong aggregations, that gladiator of the iced arena, R. A. Stephens, and his hand picked helpers went down to `defeat on Tuesday evening before one.Phil Love, who is establishing some reputation as a curler here- abouts, having to his credit this season the Grasett Cup, the District Cup, and now the Beck Trophy. Challenges were re-_ ceive`d by the winners from A. D,` Simon and Chas. MoConkoy,' Stroud, and interest in the Beck Trophyycontest promises to be keen among the admirers of the stane and. besnm." The rinks were as follows:-- Dr. V. A. Hart Alex. ML-Donald R. F. Garrett A.F.A.Malcoms0n R. H. Webb Harry Hook R. A. Stephens Phil Love skip, 11 skip, -15 Copies Weekly v.v.-uun a - We{nesday,'Fr_2h. V] :-R. Lorne M'cMaster, lot, 3, con. 11. E.~s;sz\. farmVst~0ck and i:mp!en'1mxIs. ..Sale at 12.30 sharp. xv; E..Sl_udd_a1*t,. Iauctioneer. I`V 1 I II 11 Y u--rg.-a\;-- _ W'edns`lay. Fob. 21--MI`s.AIe. _\Val,t,-`nnrth half lot 12, con. 5, Innisl, farm stuck and imple_- Iments. `Sale at Al p.m. W. A. M`COI1key,` auctioneer. On Fri.-T, Feb. 23--Jn0; Spearf- Greatly Admired The new I)ou'1inion reed organ supplied to the Baptist church by A. F. Garretl. of the Barrie Music Store was greatly admir- ed at, the recital on Monday niglit for its fine quality of tone and grezit -\-'f)lume. The organ con- tains lifteen sets of reeds, twen- ty-tlve stops, Lwo manual, pedal bass, foot pedal and is equipped with blow lever. Thi: `organ is well suited to congregations of about 400, or it can be equipped with fewer sets of reeds to suit smaller churches. ` Gathered unto the Name. of the Lord Jesus Christ.-Matt. 18:20. Formerly meeting in Hall above Public Library, now meet in old Oddfellows ~ Hall, above A. F. Grarrett s Music Store. Meet- ings as usual: -Lord s Day at H.- (for breaking of Bread), Sunday School at_3, Gospel Meeting at 7)..A hearty invitation is extend.- ed to all those wishing to hear the pure, simple Gospel. 5-7 Wed., Feb. 1.4, Archie Mon; teith, lot 22, con. 2, Vespra. Farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mconkey, auc-' tioneet;-. ucv u ~.-< . . . -` v \J4\.h\Jv-l\.IlA\:\_/A o On , Fri., `Feb. i6._ Mrs. L. Wearing, E_ 1.4; quarter Int, 23, con. 5, Oro, fa,rm' stock, imple- inents and househrd fur-niiure. Sale at 1 15.111. W. A. NIcC a11ct..i')mmr. ` - _ Mun., `Fab. 'l9-He11ry'.Roac:h, lot, 6. con. 7', Oro. farm sluck and in1ple1nents-. 1V p,m.- W. A. Mc- Conkey, _auct.ioneer. -.._` s;-\.a..--\/J, uvu-V u . ` - . . \ ~ -. Speaif- `in, 101. 11, run. 3, Vespra, farm stock, irnplr=n`mnl.s and household furniture, Sale at l p.m. W-..A-. 'McConko,y, auctioneer. ` ,, TI ! , - 13 I, ~I`VI . ,., ._ _ -v.n\\J'\/ , Ian-4I\1wI\ On 'I`ues., Feb. 27` -- "I`hmn:1s Lockhart, south V; lot. 27, can. 1," Vespra, east, of Sunnidale Rn;1(`IT, farm stock and implements, Sale ati p-.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auc.-' tioneer. Application to Parliament APPLICATION will he `made by the Toronto, Barrie and Orillia Railway Company to the Ontario Legislature at the next session `for an Act bringing into force an Act respecting the Company be- ing Chapter~83, Statutes of Ont. `anio, 1915, and substituting lhe words coming into force -for the word passing. in the sixill line of `Section Three t.he..".eof:- 54th Year. The past; week breught "the- culdest day of the winter, 1'*`ri-1 duy s temperature being 22 be: low zero. Readings for the week Ell [TO I---- Feb. Dated this _18th.day of {lr.mu- ary, 1917. BAIN, VBICKNELL, 'MAGDON.. NELL &'G.0RD0N." a-u`:_:;-_._ 1--.. n__.- A-____ i ` 12 below zero) Ivv 22 Below Zero Section 2 Pages 5 to I2 \l'\JAyA./\.lA1, -sovlvicitors for Compaq); cHms'ruu\IS 12 Pages credit Sales A. F. A. MALCOMSON. Lowest Higl :5 V , '22 '10 * 3 '7 5 '14 M9 8 13 17 '16 25A 30 lest Sn w 2. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 5 .' 3 3 1 2. H. BUTTERY No. 6 25 Renew Your Membership 3500

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