Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1917, p. 4

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- uuuv-J Ill JUL lJlll1Uo A311 [hose in and around Dal- ston who were attacked with La. Grippe are gelt.ing' better. Tlin 3/\n{.~.Y 2-- A--Au V `-.-1..,,u uuu 35!/ILIII5 UUl_l.Ul'. The social in connection with the Wnmen s Institute. hold at, the home of Mrs. (ieo. \\`i!. on Monday. (,-\'m':ing', was quitn ax 51l1C(5P,SS. vv 511.1/uz 11.1 LU} Ulll-U: an Mrs. Canning from Alberta are visiting friends in lthis community. Feb. 6--Mr. ahd Mrs. \\ m. Rqlland of Redwing are Visiting M1`. and Mrs_. J. W . Brown. T.-J`... T- .,..._ ._ ; LILLQQ Us VV. JJIVUVVII. few days in Toronto. All Al.__, ' John Jamieson is spending` a Barrie, Rev. Mr. Creswick and Rev. Mr. More of Cookstown. Rev. W'1'n. -Clements and Rev. D A. McKenzie Look part in the dis- cussion. UW\J :7`.UiOaIl '01` the Royal Bank. Toronto, is visiting` at the home lof his father, R. \V. Sloan. `Ml :n,. 1u :1,n..-.x rn_ Jj u ; IJLIJ Au-Linus, Ll. V1. IJIUIIU. Miss -Mildred odd is vlsltlng friends in, '1`01*0nt.0. `III- _ -- .u..uu J11, .Lu uuhuo Miss Ruby kendall ,is spending the winter in Toronto. `III ... ..____I 1:, rv - -` Thursday, February _ It is not a talking machine. Itdoes not merely reproduce sound It Re- Create: music. In this respect, it is--as the greatest critics have pronounccd-the world's most wonderful musical instrument. DALSTON 8, 1817 Come To Our Store W` Re-~ 5%; Asiold by Out I V N Correspondents `V =5_9 in the principal cities on this continent have listened to this direct compa-ri.s_on~, and have been unable to distinguish between the living, breathing voice of the singer and Edison's wonderil Re-Creation of it. Re-Creatio`1_1% of Music -- not merely its Reproduction WAR SQVIIES GI:RIIrIcA1S JAN. 9. I017 FOR FULL PARTICULARS `APPLY AT ANY Tamx on ANY MONEY anosn POST ornca % AT THL`-:I-*FRfO.NT.% g.3PY% T 89- Create: all fa!-rvm of music with absolute fidelity. Miss B. Mum. is holiitdaying for a. week in the Queen City. Tomorrow W. Jones is having -. sale after which he and his unt, S. Wade, intend leav- :g the community. It is with f_oe_linr of deep regret that. %:e`ir Inanyvfriends will `say good- as they were kind and ohlig- .-cg nteighhox-s and good citizens -revery 901180 of the term. Two Hundred Thousand Music Lovers MAKE vouli DOLLARS INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES Lmrrab To $1900.` as 25.00 roe: $21.50 50.00 `4 .43.00 100.00 86.00 FIGHT THREE-YEAR, "'l`1'0n'1e. --..- up xannuo-Jo 4 Lawn ULIJ, ul 0 1 `Harold I4ot:1:l_:ar_t, of Saskatche- wan is spending the winter, at O` A. - . - . l Vc want you to eixioy Mr. EHison s .e-Creations of the gems of the nan;-an `l:`.l:...- -----3--`- l'~ I Fuuauon DIPARTM INT "".".A_V.|lA_ . nouuAuo Mrs. Duncan, Sundridge, is`a visitor in the village. rlr-.. \|7...n-A- 1.1:- .n___ `It; B. Jones is spending` a few days at home as he, has been in- uisposed from the effects of vac- vina-tion. There was no service in either nine` Anglican on Methodist, rhurich on Sunday owing to the <<)ndoit,i0n of the roads. Feb. 3--C1'1arles McCarthy, Sr. who has been under the doet0r s care forthe pastthree years took a sudden change for the worse on Saturday, Jan 27, and "passed `peacefully away on the 29th..;Mr. McCarthy was 68 years of age. He spent the greater partof his life in Brentwood andvicinity. Those who are left behind to mourn the loss of_a loving hus-' hand and kind father are his wife, one son and twodaughters.` Those from a distance who at- tended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan of Sundridge. Messrs. Mecuaig and W. \Va1laee Mr. Goddard and Miss Sarah Mc- Carthy of Toronto. The sym- pathy of the entire community is extended to Mrs. McCarthy and- family in their bereavement. Mr. Harold 1s1;g`v~1iW's{)'c;nt a` few. days in Collingwood last week with Mrs.- Cranston. i `1|.l :.... 'l.1I:._-1_-1`I- 1ur-'I'7-,_,--,; rn, ` .u.a. -.2: \sovu.I.1s . Miss Elizabeth McKinnon, To- ronto, and Miss Margaret.Mc.5 Kinnon, New'Y01`k, are guests 01' Mrs. Chas. McCarthy, Jr, 'TJnnr\lz-I 1 ,`.'.1-1..-..4 ...o o--1-..;,.1.- ;. an: UIIIJ VLIIMIDVJO w\_\;:n. Wallace, Findlay Me- Thomas Chalmers, the famous baritone of the Boston National Grand Opera, is not listening to himself. He is singing, note by note, in direct comparison - with Edison s = marvellous Re-Creation of his voi_ce.~ ` i BREIITWOOD v--v J Lluvn. o 3 quilts, 12 sheets, 193 pairs pillow slips, 180 towels, 80 sur- 61 pairs socks, /11 dozen hand- kerchiefs, 61 dozen face cloths, /17 doz. `gauze wipes, 71 doz. mouth wipes, 61 "hot water hot- .tle covers, 10 housewives, 18 property bags, iznight shirt, 6 cotton binders, 13 1-2 doz. ban- dages, 16 doz. ,sn'i(all pads, 3 helpless shirts, 1. doz. compress- es, 1` parcel of,-`gauze, 3 parcels cotton, 6 comfoirt bags, 83 cakes gum, 1 bar chocolate, 1 doz. wax candles, 3 doz. pen-nihs, 6 pkg. der, '2 boxes blue ointment, 3 pencils, 3, boxes biscuits, 30 box- es of candy, 11 quires of note paper, 9 wrii `envelopes, 1 book, 1 boxi dom1in- oes~, 3 lbs, peanut butter, .6 tooth hand brush,,5pkg's`. of dates, 9 pkgs.oi_' toh;acco,_3 `boxes of cig- arettes.-`_-.-4' ~ ,2 gical gowns, 15 suits,/pyjamas, soap, 43 tins, cocoa, 55 pkgs. of- foot powder, 6 pkg. insect pow. ng pads, 9. dozen- brushesf *5~.1l tooth paste, 1. -gm; nu Adult, Biblelass concert $18.85, Barrie talent rand Miss Bruce $36.45, receipts from moving pictures $6.00, 1st. July picnic $36.00, ice cream sales_$19.i5, Money raised during` year: -4` fowl supper $98.65, Red Cross. pins "$16.47, membership fees $24.35.--T_otal $232.63 0 "IF-..v\...,..J:1___._ min 1'` Y ~ . . u u. J._IJ|1I.bA cp-'uuAr.UoJ_. . Expenditure $185.40, balance on hand $66.08. A bale was shipped every month. Total for the year :- I - ' 0) ...:`IA.L An ,1, 4 -Mn -..~...u nun. uuw_7 vvx/111.115. 4 The skating party` held last Tuesday night was a_ decided sue- ' cess. Lunch was served in aid of the Sewing Circle. The girls in- [tend having another in the near future. ' ' ll. Bell: Colllngwood, spent ver Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell. -nus: bJ\A\~J I01 UKJL LLKILILIQ I am pleased to report. the fol- _lowing oiI`1cers:- Pres., Liz-z.ie McLean. Secy.-Treas - Gertrude Henry Under the leadership of the above mentioned oilicers, the Cir- cle has nished another year of splendid work. The Circle wish- es to thank the following ladies for their kindness: Mrs. Robert Ellis and Mrs. W'atson, who have so generously thrown open their homes for cutting and prepar- ing garments for completion; Mrs. Thompson Jennett, Mrs. S. Burton, Mrs. Brooks, Misses Jen- nett for their kindness in knit- ting. The Circle earnestly re- quests that all the young people will join hands in supplying `funds to -carry on*t.he much- needed work for our brave boys on the battleelds. The follow-- ing are the `oificers for" l_9l7:`-- Pres., Agnes McMaster. Sec., Lizzie.McL"ea.n. Tre'as., Gertrude Henry. Donations during 1916: Balance from 1915 $3.43, base- ball team $6.50, Mrs. Thompson Jennett $2.00,` Esten Davis $1.00, Jack Hatton $2.50,_ Wilfred Hat- ton e$2.50,,Roht. Ellis 250., Mrs. Reid $1.00, Mrs. W. A. Thomp- son 250., Mrs. Jas. Jennett /i0c.,'l .T -1`/I-n.Tnnv\ ml nn 1:I....-.1_ cu- .__... ~ V . . ~ V -.,.,.u;.;o. uuo. uUuut.'lh `2UVU., McLean $1.00, Frank Ste- wart'25c., L.O.L. -450 700., small sums 76c.- ousvun. \JO The Ladies` Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met `at the home of Mrs. W. Carruthers last, Thursday afternoon. I \r\-x ...`l......-_) 1- ,,-_ . .1 n - --v-.1`;-vv 1.545;: U: } Mrs._.R0bt. Lowrie visited her} parents. in Beeton last week. RI ... .._.__] `ll',_, rwa V-nun. ;a.a. .a.:uuu\Ju. JGDU VVUIJA. Mr.` and Mrs. Lee Banting en- tertairied a number of friends` last Thursday evening. 1 "l'\Inn n1...1.:...... _-.__.1_-` L714 I I Feb. 6-A Iiuxhber from here attended Alliston Rink last Qyed- nesday night. 1\;l ..,-. n...L.1 T A___,_:- in -- vs vvnuun Kl! ULIVL/L\J uulu. "W- e11dall Graham has 'been visiting in Toronto for a couple of days. `1|l'-.n. 117..-; -_-.1 L,-,, 1 I -I I W-Mrs. John Sanderson has been conned to her bed for a ` few days with a severe cold. \'I7.\-....J..'l'l f`(_.-'L_,,, I 1 Feb. 6-;O'nA' acnceuht L ef the tsevv-T: Iere weather and=cendition of the roads, Rev. S;~.Irv'vinand Rev. IW. H; A.` French did `not -reach their rappointme-nts last Sunday`.- Service as usual here in Metho- dist church. F. B. Day gave a short sketch of the life and work of Chas. Spurgeon. 1\.I':-.. r`1.....1..'.. A,J._..._- _1- rum. ,1 .-.-.\nm. was. man. a Ice-cutting and shing are the order of the da.y. Messrs. Brooks and Lawson are lling several ice houses. Ice is a good` qualit.y this year. ` ` `IE5..- 'I'-`I..... 04... _`l.,__ , `, '1. ,, 1 Miss ve1;{Be1i i vivsiiing with` .j.`01-onto friends. Mrs. A. T. Arnold entertained number of friends on Wednes- ay evening last. u. ..-u--vu 1 Rev. `W. H. 0. French is in T0- ronto attending the meeting of Syndd. He is a-member of the Rectory `Lands Gommit_tee. cu uyvL:u;n1a u: Luvv uugo an llUl11U_ol Miss Patterson of East Oro `is spending aday or so at Wm.. Pat; ters0I_1 s. _ ' V"SELE}t Martin and `Wife "of_ Toronto spent, Sunday with H. Martin, Sr. `I ..- ....LA:__._ __..I' 11,1,- va. uvugxru Mrs. West and her two child- ren left? recently. for England to live with her friends. Her husband, Pte. West, is `in the trenches.. 1-`. CC A __ sin xanouvnan -J1} ul. suuxlo Miss Gertie Adams of Toronto; is spending a few days at ho1nc_.= `|\II':n.-. `n.-.1.1.......,.... -1: 'n_-; A..- .__ N Ifluaig ?0Ilt.0. were up attending Mr. McGart_h;y s Vfunral. = 11:-.. cv-_-..1_ 1u'-n__-n_ 1 1-. .._y_.,y_u_w-- U51. uuxxuz um. Miss `sa7rah McCarthy and W. Goddard,/ Toronto, are visitors with Mrs., McCarthy. . Tnnlr `I .-............... A..- -1: ----."-\.I .- -u.. -L up, auu\J_\JIaA. uni. a Jack Lawrgence, one of our/"o1d boys _-who `now lives in . B1-i'tish'\_ Columbia; is- renewing old ac- quaintances around our burg. THE_. `BIE EXAMINER AID 8A'I'llRDA'u MORNING sH4NTV BAY UTOPIA Feb. 5-Last Saturday being` ttormy and no one able toget to .own the Seventh Line gave a rash contribution to Barrie Red Zross which amounted to $3.50. A number in this community are suffering from; La Grippe. 1|.-. -uv -x IVY In a letter dated Jan. -16 from{ Pte. Elsmere Lewisof the 157th, he says: I just. came back from my musketny course last Friday. We were at Mytchett Ranges, near Ajdershot. I got. - along: pretty well, making a marks; `man's score. Out of. a classof `107; there were only ten` marks- men, `ve or six of whom wer I_nusketry,_`instructors. _ ` _ `Wm. _ Bailey, `one of Cooks- town s ,,old residents, passed; away _at his home on Sunday.*% Mr: Bailey, who was 69 years of \Vill Carr is hired with Will Dinwoody for the coming` year, and will move his family to the farm early in March. Mr. Carr has rented his house in town to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Henson. _,,_ .--`{-\(`g.O-.>-">\/\l.I\l\-IIJQZU The curlers are having great sport; in the local competition and will be glad to; arI,'a'nge g`a.m_ - es with any of the surr0u11ding` towns. . l VM1`s.ZJ. sold farm to Mr. Howard of Orange- ville. Mr. Howard goes"in ex- tens-ively for` thoroughbred stock. r11 The AllistV"dn 7IVv'I7e`tl1V_1_.1i'syt-.'S11n-. day School held their annual jsleighride to town on Friday lasim` [W 71'!) ' On * Tllursday night. a stag 1 1 1 room of the Methodist. Church ini banquet was held; in the school honor of Pte. David McMast.er. uu;;v- -u.-.u. 4o\uJI-._ .LVJ.(_l;l llllfiu. `. . l 1\rLI`s. Frank Robmson cnm- ; menreed last Sunday as organist in the P1`esbyt,e1'ian Church. run many: A-l4\.'\.A' ;u5 `J11. ! NV. A. Fraser of Barrie spent} the week-e.nd at the home of and Mrs. Robt, Marling. I 1|'.Inn 'l7.....,1- 11-1-.-.---,_ --_-_ Don t'miss Fishm"s Red Tag` Sa]e-E\rm'y,. red Lag means a real i`m'est.1m-nt. . News from Neighboring .-/uo. - V\/\)l,'llJ\`LL|A ` `Latljlines Matls and Skirts arollnd half price when Fisher s `put the RedvTag on. 1 nr A 1:~....,.-.. -1- n_,....-A u `.g;n\.~: 5117;; kJFUUlo. \J v ' _ I _W. E. Stoddart. 1s conned to h1s home w1t,h blood poisoning. `X/`10011 [('n]] f\Asr`r\4-J 11... C1,. 1 ---_. ..x/uzu vvaull LIIUUU lJlJlD(Jl.11ll6a Wilson Kell attended the Sm] cial Convention-in Toronto last} :W.1." ' ~ 'me,"5 ` night. `IN-.- Feb. 6.---Miss Gladys Shief of St. Marys is visiting her byotln- er, Dr. Shier. v. .I.. -Vnn:uL James Curr has sold his farm* to Emerson Speers. ` ` `I7 1? Cu-,.I,.I,._.1 :_ , n I The representative of.The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning inaookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may he handed or `phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 4 finds` him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for- warded through Mr. Thompson. ' \ Thns. Mason gave a dzmco rm (3 young people on Friday n-kl - ' Pago ` Four NEWS OF COOKSTOWN V NOT IF YOU Do YOUR PART. REINFORCE--------:--:RElNFOR'CE JOIN THE 177th, YOUR BATTALION ~..We must have men, strong hearted ghting men, 'infantrymen to ll the gapg Unless we have the Infantrymen we cannot hold the line. Generalhsir Julien Byng, C.O.C. Canadians. SaY_S Cariada will see the day when she has onlyewone D1- evision left _in the line. 7 I ' T 99 Dadd_y,twhat did you do in the g reat War 9 `+1 belonged to a barn-raising battalion. - If You are strong and healthy without beingparticularly ad3Pt_d to Special work do you want to have thls to face In the years to come? `Elke a Strong Maifs Part `u . - , T . J - _ Infantry ' 5,111.1 the Queen of Battles. % ---Sir John French. GOD SAVE THE KING L Fag` I The annual convention of the `Township of lnnisl S.S. Assucn. [was held in Lhe P1'esb_Vte1`ian Ch11r('.h on Wedtlesdty, Jan. 30.' The attendance was very gnnd and the, convention was success- ful. Rev. B. J. W. Perry, Presi- dent, presided, Addresses were lgiven by Rev. G. A. Brown of H On account of snow blockade, there was no service in St. Pet- ey s Anglican Church last Sab- hath. NEW JEDJISGN age, had been ailing for some time and 0n,Sunday the Angel of Death saw lit to reach out and relieve him of his earthly suf,_ ferinv: He was a quiet, unas- suming man and \;ery much re- spected hy all who knew him. The deceased` was born . in the jounty of Armogh, Ireland, in `i848, and iinniigrated to Gama- |da in the year 1882, `In religion he was a Piesbyterian. He is survived by his wife, three bro- thers and two sisters: John and two sisters who live in Ireland; James, who is at the war, and Thomas of Egbert. After a short. service in the house on Tuesday, ghis remains were cotlveyed to {the Egbert cemetery for inter- gment. ' 5an1 Business Invited cinuncuuu, invited capital . . . . Reserved Funds . . We invite the banking accounts. of mer- chants, manufactur- ers, societies and in- dividuals. We oifer the modern -Banking service of a progressive Bank, possessing ample re- s 0 u r c e s, extensive connections and com- plete facilities. .All customers of The Bank of Toronto are assured every cour- tesy and attention. ....$5,000,000 ..$6,501,989 ' ' ` ' "" '"` '1' -`CU HUI]. Hprman Oshprne has ret.11rne(l from the hospltal feeling better H.ffl1.l` :'-I Qnnnnoo{'nl .-..n..-...1:-.. -...,... -/uu lLL!D1Jl`Cl-I lUUllIlg' after a successful operation. ./ s---Furnished rooms to let, with breakfast if required. Apply Mrs. L. Stephens, 48 James St. Mr. and Mrs. \`V. H. Baldwin and riaugfmcr of Alberta, whn have bmm \'iVsil.ing` in Durhmn. Hamilton and T01'nn_Lu sim-n Xmas, awe-ret,111-ning Lu Dalston this \`\'F.`Pk. Jamos Johnson. who has been ill for some time, is not 1`o(-m*- ering as rapid-ly as his frimuls would wish to see/him. 1Tnnrnnn.-s r\ L a.\c"\aIcluUll or me gems Of [the world s great artists. We will arrangean Edisonmusicalc for you. A

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