Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1917, p. 11

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Fol`. eabove reasons dene. `it ieimpossgble to get, aa. better medicine for babies than; \ `- A ` ~<:;'r 2` sf 7 -~-'_` .4,sn\~ v . . - .`-,.vy l`.....7 , -1,` _, _ ` `B{1t`asid"fr6m__ita satay mum` Fcug%1gs. 454" 3014;; i. the Best remedy known fQ!'_c_l 0l1Pa and i whr'r giv`e:nl_:as' _aqo'3 pip. the` _c__roupy cough appars itwil_l..e_v;n """"" """""'i "1 am often askeawhy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is best for babies. Well, there are several reasons: ' First: lt is p'erfetly harmless and can be given with condence to the youngest or most delicate child. V fl 1 i '1] f vvnnnnsnvnnvv av ooqw J----avv- V- _.._--- ..-___..-- __`__ __ Seondly: It contains no alcohol. opium, "chloroform. mot- phine or any other -narcotic. ' run. 11 t~*|v1'|,,,_' 12.1,- 1. 4.__`I __ _________g__ g_ _____-;;_1 L_ '.p........ v. -.._, v----- -----v Thirdly; Childre:__1' .li'ke"i't. and no persuasion is needed `to get them -%,to tfak;it-.V V _ .. , Act. ,' For this and for other rea- lsons t.h.e women wished to have a share. in the after-war recon- struction work,` and it was known the vote would help them. Hence p the present campaign. The four Western Provinces had granted the vote to women since the war cegan-`-and Ontario` should not be behind. Mrs. Johnston quoted Pres`ident_`Li`ncoln,p who upon his erection to the `olce of President of the United States, had called his wife: Mary, Mary, we are elected. She was sure the wo- men were elected with the men to enter upon -the upbuilding of _ the new post war Empire. Mrs. Johnston.had personal informa_ tion from overseas -that the ghting men were signed, sealed` and settled upon the franchise` for women. .The overwhelming majority of `overseas soldiers votes in B. G. for woman suffrage - was proof of` this. This was one morereason` why the time wa__s -psychological, ` opportune, for Ontario men and _womennt_ home: to fall" into line with the" desires of our bravetroops a-' broad. Becher. who has been lt;;;gi1;ag`itiii at epm,,;;., ,._organ_iezingt,he work, told of the great progress being made and the ,awaknir"1g of both men and .wo1_nen,fas to the importance of the franchise for women. She traced the history of education and the advances made and the value of women's work on the Boards of Education, quoting _Niagara which had elected three ladies to the board by acclama- tion.~ Mrs. Becher explained that the new- movement had its birth_ in 't.he.French Revolution, but the present note was not revolution but coalition and the co"-opera- tion of men and women in, home, church and State. Shel answered the argument that wo-: man s place was inithe home by` describing the large industrial; army of women outside the home` who had I10 voice in the arrange-' ment of the conditions under` which they must labor; This industrial class of women would of necessity increase and shel showed that in the new day that; is` dawning, woman must. have a greater share in all that makes for the 'up-building of the na- tion; so the highest form of pat- riotisniwas to prepare for her; part of the great reconstruction: period. V I L I'1,.,',, ,, ,,, ', ,1, ` if ' 4 " g$20 0 was p1ss;e2d for \the7COun- ty _road :h'et.wee'nx Adjala -'a'_nd_' Te- -c1:;;fr'1`setl_1, "._g upon 1cond_`ition that _ t41io35s4(;V:,,_t.wg ,_t.0.wns hip s pa`-yh $100 , ..... `AI . . Mr. Craig came in during Mrs.` BecheI"s address. He voiced the welcome of the citizens of Bar- rie to Mrs. Becher and sp0ke.eul_ '0g'isti,cally of women s share in the present. war struggle and the advant.ag'e itwould he to men to have the co-operation of women in public affairs. TI--.` TIT ___-:I_ _ 0- _ --- 1.run.:- vvaAuy11.>.Ju Rev.'M1-. `Moore made a few appropriate ren1arks,_ especially _referring to what had been said by Mrs. Becher rega1*ding the in- justice of Ontario laws regard- ing` women. Mr. Moore had not realized how. seriously true this was until'he had been carefully looking` into the subject in rela_ tion to the present. Ontario. cam- paign. ' " \ n,-.._.___.._'1l__ _DI_,I!,, _ 0 l,.,...c.... , A committee of ladies was for.- med to present the petition to the Barrie citizens. for signa- tures,` to forward to the Ontario Legislature . With refreshments and a social hour, a very inter- esting and pleasant gathering dispersed. [June 19 `I 6-. -.-u-s.u-.4.-.1- `The sumhof $500 was voted to assist in bringing the 177th up to strength, the conditions of the grant to be the same as V `for g'rant.s made for like purposes in .]Ia\aIta-I An increase of $50 was voted to the Matron of the House of `Refuge, who will now receive -$400 _per4_`a.nnum. -Orillia and Patriotic Fund With reference to the resolu- tion of Couns. McLeod and Doyle that the County refund to the_Town ofpOrillia $400 month- ly from the `County grant to the Patriotic Fund on account of Or- illia looking after their own de- pendents, the Committee recom- mended that Orillia be again ad- vised to aililiate withthe Cen- tral Fund at Ottawa and if Oril_ lia prefers to` look. after its own dependents "that the Clerk write, the Patriotic Fund suggesting that they refundgto Orillia the ab ove amount. - ' Won t_Meet in Orillia . Having considered the invita- tion of Mayor Curran of Orillia to hold the June Session In that town, the Finance Committee recommended that the Warden convey to the Town of Orillia the thanks of this Council for the kind invitation and also to ex- press its regrets at beingunable to accept on account of all the records and` references being. in the offices in the Court House to which, it is important to have access. ' \ c 7 n _. Finance . The usual grant of "$500 was voted to each of the hospitals in the county. For this grant the county is entitled to have 365 days of free treatrnent. for poor patients `in each of these instit- utions. ` wv\4v\.I 1.:;-4-./-.1 It ` was -decided upon recoin- `Inendation of the Finance Com- mittee that a new equalization of assessment` be not made" this year; ' ' :_._____,_ o m-an . A II No` action was taken upon the request of Coulis. Ball and. Bell for $250 tCi.a;_ss'ist Orov to com. `plate, `the corinecng lik between the? Gountyjroead- north ,3 and _south of: Bass, Lake on _line between econs; =12 and`.:13v.A: V counrrv nonb SYSTEM TOOK $52,907 In 1913 v\..-.v gu--.1 An accoimt of W. A. J. Bell,VK. C., C0un_Ly Solicitor, ,fOI` $187.93 was passed. " .--..._ ..]......l-_I __#__,, `$300 was `voted Creemorfe to spgnd "on-fGou_'r1ty_` rovad betwen ;r,ee1_nore 4 a;nd.~Nott`awasa`ga,.A on _~co_ncl_ition v .thatj,~G1{e_emo re g1.-ants $1 00. or 'th_ iVs :.;WQIfk~' (C0,1tinued from page 10) ' SATURDAY .tHs,.!A!!I EXA-uhsn %-no snrvnnnf -vonumo` `Roads and Bridges vvuv urn tII.~Al.a.val.a. \Juav:AsunL .l.ll.A\A $250 was voted to repair Sun. nidale Road, near Union Ceme- .,tery, Barrie, upon condition thar 1_|Barrie expend .$500 upon the .'.same piece of road. '1 `$15.00 membership fee for the .;Ontario Good Roads Assocn. was :[voted and Chairman Taylorwas -inamed a delegate. _ ' $40,000 on County Roads E The $40,000 appropriated _for _lCounty Roads will he spent as _`;follows:-- ' ' !Adjala .. .. .. ..$-1487.00 _`Essa .. .`. .. .. .. .. 2162.00 Flos .. .. .. .. .. .. 2075.00 ';Innisfil .. .. .. .. 2475.00 :Medon_te .. .. 1... 1375.00 -|Matchedash .. .. .. .. 190.00 `;No1tawasaga .. 2800.00 |Oro .. .. .. 1975.00 "Orillia Township .. .. 1000.00 Sunn_idale .. .. .. .. 1175.00 'Tecumseth .. .. .. .. 3050.001 Tiny .. .. .. .. 1537.001 fTay .. .. .. .. .. 1500.00. Tossorontio .. .. .. .. 681.00. :Vespra .. .1 1462.00. West. Gwilliinbury 1: 1956.00 vsauv -xv L'\J:l1JL\IlllIJIl.|J |.;I.lxu A request of Couns. ,\_Vattie and Todd for `a grant on, the Ves- pra_Innisl townline was sent over to` the June session. TAD. `l"l...J_- __- " um; "`i;oayw;;"`;1;;,omLed caretaker of Severn Bridge at Severn at $10 per `aunum. TIWL... l`1,\.....l.__ TZ`|__...-...-.._~ __--- --_- R./\JV\Jl-Al ..., W W. ............ The County Engineer was ap- pointed a delegate toattend the Good Roads Engineers Confer: enoe in Toronto. each to nsunpplrrlnent this. A us...---..~l. I -.L` fV.____-_ \aAA\4- no a.\Ja. unnuu $16` will be coilected from Duf- ferin County, thIs beinghalf the cost (ff painting Coleman Bridge (IDEA .-_,-._ _._1__1 A- _-_._1__ Alliston . . Bradford .. . .. Barrie .. .. .. Beeton . . . . . . Cbllingwood .. . Creemore . Goldwater Midland .. .. Orillia Town Penetang Stayner .. Tottenham Victoria Harb.0r. Bridges . . pair .. .. .. .. .. R_oad construction .. Bridge -construction Machinery account Grants to villages Grants to towns . Opening snow roads '. Bonus for wire fence. Salary Engineer _and exenses V.. . .. . . Expenses attending Road Conference ' wuwu/ulu;l The material used for metal- ling was unscreened gravel and crushed stone drawn , say, from 1/4: to 4% miles; gravel pnrchas_ ed cost from 10 to 15 cents per yard. Machinery used consisted of road graders, stone crushers, road drags, rooter plows, wheel scrapers and steam rollers. Av- erage wages paid were $1.75 to $2.50'per day for men, and from $3.75 to $4.50 for teams. Engineer s Report The fourteenth annual report for the Simcoe County Good Roads System was presented by F. Campbell, the County Engin_ eer. It showed a total expendi_ ture of $52,907.17; as follows :-- Maintenance and re- .o..nA.-..-. _. a til nte nedash .wasaga a idale mseth Jmntio . . a '. '. truction Jstruction .' . . . .. . now roads" Roads _: I $52907.17 gravel _.___ 13..-..- $ 8050.00 .55 5000.00` $26950.00 ..$ 281.00 . 212.00 .. 1818.00 . - 121.00 1610.00 .. 158.00 150.00 .. 1187.00 1520.00 562.00 168.00 126.00 137.00 $40000.00 1 EN WQMNS REALM .$1908956 38805 I 47413.04 464.47 2333.03 5305.07 4792.93 312.82 .$1/187.00 . . . . , . . . . 3050.00 . 1587.00 . 1500.00 . 681.00 . 1462.00 . 1800.00 10.50 sum Re'f,ini ng`Co., Limited, Mom.-aL So good that: buttr seems unnecessary H e r e s relief from fresh for the boys at the Front and workers at home! DI: 1.144.] l\Jll Mrs. N. B.. Johnston, president, was in the chair, and aft.er the opening devotional exercises in- troduced Mrs. W. Becher, Field "Secretaryiof the Equal Franchise Campaign Committee, who had come up from Toronto to address the meeting. In her opening`re- marks Mrs. Johnston explained the reason for" the present Franchise` Movement in Ontario. MI's._ Johnston said that at the -opening of war the W. C. T.'U. abandoned active suffrage effort for other patriotic work. But a new condition had arisen in view of the referendum ' to be taken. -after the war. The temperance workers felt it important that. "the women should-be armedwith `t-heballot -so that they might help `to perpetnate - the Prohibition Soothes, refreshes, and sustains through weary hours of sus- pense and struggle. It helps appetite and di-: gestion too. Delicious and antiseptic - wholesome and beneficial. After every meal andin the long watch, it cheers thousands every day. A boon to smokers. Send some packets or a box to your soldier lad. . 10 years of vbetmon :1 rr:ad . 5| B:-nun.-rnauxlna--xv --` `V VII1l' M085 BREAD and McCormic1.'s Jersey Cream Sodas are so crackling crisp, so light, and so easily digested that they can be eaten at times when "heavier, coarser foods", perhaps, would cause - discomfort. Sold fresh everywhere in di'erent' sized packages. Ask your grocer. BETTER BREA3 Page Eleven the packet Under the management of thel W.C.T.U. a large number gathe Aered at the h_ome of Mr. Geo. Ball on Wednesday afternoon. There was a very delightful `musical program provided by Mrs. Laid- man, Mrs. (D1'.) Thomas, Miss Violet, Taylor. - . 1| :-.... -M `n 1'..1.......4.-... .......-.:An.-.4 _ "iii A CANADA S_eal_ed ; ` tight 1 -Kept right 3 ~Int.eI-estlng Gathering in Intel-est of Equal Enfranchisement l Thursday, February 1,1911

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