"Thu 1!`E'E lntej xii ,"( Wnnsnvlims GEImiIcA?rg JAN. 9. I017 Ginnt Flowering Carnation This carnation is a great favor- , V . ite; the owers are large and fragrant and the plants.-do well outdoors. Tnnspla.med`irito pots in the early fall they bloom profusely from October till the end'of May. Extra plants are easily propagated from them by` cuttings, ffplpirlgs or layering. Seed fofollr catdlogue and Ieclril of out other valuable premiurtzy M ` 18` Darch &HIantes$ed,C9-1We CANA_DA'_ noMImou.arcannon FOR FULL. An*r1cuL4\I=;$ A;-1-LY AT ANY aailxg on ANY MONEY 6RDE.'R owl -not ' MAKE voun nomns IIIDIVIDIIAI. I-_;uncI-IAsls LIMITED TO sumo. AT THE F`;-'%oN'r. B L as the antiseptic, non-injurious -and non-pmsonous skm remedy. $ 25.00 Iron 20:2-1. e_0 7 50.00 43.00 T 100.00 0 86.00 ` mzmsn FIGHT 9% FINANOI ,D:PAR'l"MI,N'l' ' %j _ouN'rv ri.0AD shvs'n=.m% ~ `TOOK $52,907 In 1916 - T (Continued from Page 7) The Warden replied that the cost. was about $100 a day, and as they were in. attendance for four days the -total ran up to a- bout $-i00, two ' days being re- -L- 4_--_-.._...1:A.,. -1.` LL... ..,~....... 1.` quircd in A repol-`t. L6l.L' ..`I'l W1";-mall ourivreports cost` any. lthing like that it would be pretty expensive business for `the pub- lic, said Mr. Ball. It, is a senseless piece of extravagance for the Griiand Jury to make per- iodical `visits to the House of Refuge. This Council niiglit, as well, go down once a year. - ..._.___..1:.._.. ...:.LI.. .. I\`l'\`IfIl'\ j What L Hospitals Use YVIJII, tau KAUVVLL \Jl nu Jutnnu In connection with a clause dealing with the gaol, Coun. Ben- nett remarked that all the Coun- cil had to do with the gaol was topay sions, part of which were I-`B'- turned by the Government. The sheriff was in absolute. control of the gaoll \V;hether lunatics should-be admitted or not, rested with the Sheri and Governor, but humane consideration was a factor that couldn't be overlook- ed by any institution." The-em- ployment of prison labor was not now allowed around the Court |l-l.o11.se, ()\Vl1'l{,"_'i.0 some friction which had arisen among the dif_ ferent rlepartr_nents. IV..- 'l'I..1I ._ ..`I..-.....l...'l L. L`... the salaries and'p1'0vi-. I /1.IlAL IIIIJIJILIJLJO Conn. . all objected to thel criticism of .under-insurance on] the House of Refuge barn and gave the high rate as a reason ,fo1~ the small risk carried; n lax ; 1-:;v uaunuvn-. panama. \4I.JvA.aA.\4\A A rather sarcastic reference to the wisdom of the Grand Jury was made by Co n. Coleman, and then the report was referred to they pleased with it. in . V FRIDAY . : Industmial Schools accounts awere passed as` follows: - St. John- s_. $55.80; Victoria, $110.40; Alexandra, $31.20; St. Mary's, l $l39.lO. ' 1- A11, ,_1_I_ ___.l Mhe various committees to do as l.'f01.1n I.itt.le of Allandale and |se%%% Address alpostcard to us now and receive by retgrn mail a `copy of our new illustrated 80-f page catalogue : of Garden, "Flower and Field" Seeds, Root Seeds, `Grains, Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden T0018, `etc. (iianit Flowering Carnation FREE! SPECIAL.-L-`WeA will gt...` send you free a packet (value I 5:) of our choice UVVU IAINJIJ uv-`pa C-VJ the preparation of the Foster-Dack Co. Limited` Toronto Sold in 2513., 35c., 75:. and 81.25 Iizol by Geo.` Monkman, H.` G. _. Robortbon I. E. Patterson. Ailaridalo. Colin. J. T. S_imp`soV1.1`vAVerc ap- pointed to audit the criminal justice accounts. A .-1L A-.55-- u-uvn nu-:1v:\v\ {kn JUDUIUU a/\JU\I.lA_lLhIJ- . _ Authox.'ity.wa given the War- qenvande Treavsurer to raise by loan from" the bank ;_up to $100,000 {to meet expenseseuntil levies are received. A . $300 per annumwas voted to the Children s Aid Society to pay rent of a suitable building for a Shelter. , No Red Cross Grant A_ `grant to the "Red .Cross So- `ei'ety- was `refused onthe ground that many V municipalities and local branches and ladies socie- ties are giving the Society valu- able assistance. All municipal- ities were urged to grant assist-V` ance to the Society. 11-.-- 117 rn ' cu...........A -1.-.:.-.n4..A GLLUU bu 01.1.0 uvuxuug. Coun. W. T. Stewart objected to the report. He thought the Red Cross money` should be rais- ed in the same way as that for the Patriotic Fund-+`by a/general elevy which would spread the bur- den over the whole county fairly. n:.A....._,.... ....:,J 41.... LIULL UYUL uu.u vvnxuxv vvusnvi -uu-..,.`,. Chairman Simpson said they were informed that if the County gave a grant. many of the local branches would discontinue their efforts and the Society in the end would be the loser. The com- mittee fully sympathized with Red Cross 'work,, but believed! that the best results were obtain- ed from the present` system. f`1-.--... 1'3........~..I-L r'I'1l,.. nn4n:n4:n uu I-L lJl.l1 Ulxu tILvuuLLu uduuu.---.. Coun. Bennett--The_ Patriotic Fund is simply a caseof raising money straight, and it was the only way of reaching. the munic- ipalities that had not been doing their share. In the case of the Red Cross it is different as much of the efforts of its members is directed` to ma.king articles` and many of the mun'icipali.ties are already assisting with grants. Barrie, for example, has been `giving $300 per month. `A gen- erous County grant would un- doubtedly lead to a slackening of. effort in the branches which would be good neither for the So- ciety or the people generally. (VA.-.... CIA.`-nul Tl qqqq 111:]:-1,4 ;1'\ UJUIJ \JL |/ll\J tauuluau o\1A.a.\.44 ya-.. . . oun. Stewart-_-It wou1dn t in- terfere with the work of the branches, `but there are certain shirkers that can only he made ldo. their share by taxation. rn1.._ 'l1T._..,J..... rrn,.:,.. C`.-.1-.3.-.6" Mlnard's Llnlment cur-as Diph- merin. ' |.lU- .,......, W u..i...u.V... , _The Warden+-This Society deserves hearty support. It is simply a question of Whether the ends can best he served by coun- ty aid or by grants from the 10- cal municipalities. ' 1-1---... r1-.-...1.1:... ` U311 ll1l.;llllUl1J(Lll lJ.lUDo Goun. Coughlin - Flos gave over $20.00 to Rd Cross and I` think it. would be unfair to levy 'on us while others have done no- thing. ' I111..- 1I7......J..... f'l'V'I.... A.-..-.~.. ll-.3.-`nu U15 1 Lxc o ' The Warden-The same. thing applied in the. Patriotic Fund. I1--- fVA-_....L.`I:.... 7'I'V'I.-... A a A A . A mg. Goun. C0ughlin--The cases are different. We granted $5000 to the latter and we are quite will- ing to pay our share of the $120,000.. 1\_-_1_ __.,___.! lL_l. - T Coun. Doyle agreed that a change of method would _be had for the Red Cross. With a (mum. ty levy, Orillia would stop its $200 a mont-h, and he thought that _in View of the big levy for Patriotic Fund` Orillia should cease voting $300 a month for soldiers dependents. ` ' VIWL... ....._........l. -...-__ ...J.-_,L...J 1.--]. n\4-wand V.al\.11 J n r ; a.\.A\J s L u n 1. The report was adopted, but before this was done the \Varden urged the members to see that their municipalities do their proper share for the Red Cross. _ County Property Chairman Bennett reported the Jail in la satisfacto1`y condition. An application fr.0'I n Lewis 8; Co. for some consideration on their contract, regarding the in; creased price of coal, was left in the hands .'of- the` Chairman to deal with. - ` 111- 11- rt-1 u-uzvun counsi Ball, Wattie, `Todd and McDowell were named as a sub- committee of County Property to act with chairman when neces- sary. A 'I\._....I:_. ._ -ruaun-`II Printing The following accounts were passed ::-- I Orillia Times, maps . . . .$. 35.00 Barber & Go., for binding ' \ . ..`I............. At`: nn __,uvg -1-. V-v Q cheques.. Advance . . Over 2,000 "pounds have beef: sent to the Allied hospitals since "the war began. What is `a better testimonial than this fact ? an l\.IVl.I\4\.InI Hig School `trustees were ap- pointed as fol1ows:-D. .A; La- hey and G. E. Copeland,` Pene- tang; Dr. J.'~J. Harper, Alliston; Robt. Stewart, Bradford; A. E. Doolittleyand Frank Evans, 0ril`- lia; F. Potvin, Midland. T)'nnnrIn 1-up : 1 Education - ' $2764.97 was voted to Barrie Collegiate and $1050.16 to Brad- ford I-iigh School. / C|..`I..-._`l ,L...--....l...A.-.. ._.n-uh nus Illali, -Ln -L\IUVl.LI-, AI-I-l\.Il\|.l\A Appointments to Boards of Education were as follows: - Barrie, S. J.,Fisher; Collingwood, Hy. Poehlman. \ . 1'.1._1....__......: 111--..-- --.:II 1..- `I...I.J 113": .l'UUllll.lIGllo Entrance Exams. will he held this year at Alliston, Angus, Beeton; Greemore,` Cookstown, Goldwater, Edgar, Elmvale, Hills- dale, Hawkestone, Ivy, Minesing, Stroud, Stayner, Totteriham, Wauhau'sh'ene', Victoria -Harbor and Singham,pton,. . 1'_.1...-.;..- 'l'I._.....-... -.... onnn ru-1\ 'ii|`iiiI5ii: Ei`A 1:i;lIE`R" "T"AIi6`4T"`K*fupK ..7 iIi'6niii`|iia` 45.`00 | -107.30 Roads & Bridges $200 was voted to improve the Fes'serton road into Goldwater, upon condition that Goldwater supplement grant with like a- mount; also $500 for Penetang Road between Hillsdale and Graigh-urst, this to be supple- mented by a like amount from Flos, Medonte and the village` of Hillsdale; $100 on the Vesp1*a- Flos line to connect two pieces of County road, providing that Flos and Vespra each add $100 to it; $500 for Muskoka Road, this amount to be supplemented by Orillia Town and Township to the `extent of $500; $200 to Atherly Road, the town of Oril- lia to supplement with a like a- mount; $200 on .line between Adjala and Tecumseth, on con- dition that 'Adjala and Tec_um_ seth each pay $100; $200 to Tay and Midland line, Tay and Mid- landeeach to add $200 to this a- mount; $100 for sideline"he- tween lots '15 and 16, con. 5 to - con. 9, _Medonte, the township to mznn `I\ 1\Il'...'n Q4 UUH. U, Lucuuuuu uxxu u\JvvL;A1A::1.v uu `supplement; 361,00 to Main St,., BOUT the first thing, the `victim of nervous` collapse does is to cry. With ebbing nerve force all control is lost, and in this helpless, hopeless condition condence disappears and discoura,gfen1ent takes `its place. I .Because sufferers from nervous disorders are often strong and healthy in outward appearance they frequently get little sympathy from their friends or from `doctors Who do not understand nervous diseases. _ A V 7 If there is ever a. time when syxnpathy is needed it is when the nerves give way_ But you must have more than sympathy if you are to recover your nervous energy. '= The feeble, exhausted nerve cells must be nourished back to health by the use of such treat- ment as Dr. Chase s Nerve Food. ~ I 9Qca Gmtment This food cure is so gentle and na.t.urai in action that it admirably suits the delicate condition of the exhausted nervous system, and at the sametime is -Wonderfully potent in restoring?-vigor and strength. ( A little patience is necessary in order to build up the nervous system so far run down, but as headaches disappear, digestion improves,.and you `rest. and sleep better you Will be encouraged to continue this food cure until restoration 18 complete. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Do not be talked intoeaccepting a. substitute. Imita- tions disappoint. e %nommou or emu IIEBENTURE smcx THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TIME, HA` FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT` MAY PURCHASE AT PAR VIN sums OF $500, on ANY MULTIPLETHEREOF. ----.-ax :-. .>v!-.-Ju--u-~. -..- vv-v~--, --__. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st" April and }at October by cheque (free qf exchange at any chartered Bank In Canada.) at the rate of ve per cent per annum from the date of purchase. ~A - --- - I _ ,_'l__.`_._ -...- ---~.- V- --vv rv. av..- `._- ...____ __ ___ T Holders of_ this stockevivill have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equfvalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date-security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. Inn: o D For application forms afxply to the Deputy Minitter of Finance, Ottawa. , DEPARTMENT or FINANCE, OTTAWA ' OCTOBER 7th. 1916. The Hospita.I,s call for Mecca Ointment and want no im1Ita.tz'ons or substitu tn. See you get it. ' To % INVESTORS Principal 1-epayable 1st October, 1919. Stayner, this amount to be sup- plemented by the town. 1~.__1._-__ M ... nrmvn --..... nsannanrlnrl Pl\llll\JlLIl\Ju IJJ |AIl\J I1`) VII. Bylaw N0.` 779 vlias. amended. that bonus paid for wire fences (instead of being xed at. 15 cts) shall he the same as paid by the local niunicipality. No Minors for This Job Charles Gaudaur was appoin- ted cat-0l.al' of the Narrows Bridge at, $100 per year. Coun. `Ball drew attention to the.1'acL that minors had been looking after this_bridge and said t.ha.t,4 this should- not be per- rriitted as the Cuunty would be liable if an accident happened. I Coun. Doyle replied that this was one of the reasons for a cliaiige. The former caretaker: had left [practically ithe whole care of the bridge to two little girls while he drew pay from tl1e| two counties for looking after it-` A clause was added to the by- law. prohibiting the use of min- 01-s n this job. II1I., . (1-__-_._:41..._ . . . A A.~\.~\,....,~l IJIC) [Ill lAllltJ JUUI The Committee 1'ec0mmend-| ed, that $40,000 be appropriated; for Good Reads this year, and the County Engineer was in- structed to keep the expenditure within this amount. _ (Continued on page 11.) `Tiiursday, '4 February RHEUMATISM IN All MY" mes A~n..z4_uv;." Eli fIIl$ IlIwwu--w . Montreal, Que. I have been suffering from . Kidney Trouble for ve long years. I had also rheumatism in all my bones and muscles, could not sleep nights and on some occasions could hardly walk. One day I met one of our leading hotelkeepets who had been cured by your - A Q T l'$l'I IIIS; '\l3l& I $ and he advised me to try them. So I bought two boxes at my drug- gist I and before I had used one box I felt a. big change, before I finished the second one I was com- pletely cured. Eugene Quesnel."` LII .I...uun-.o-l-L- an`! IV}... 'DlII- -I. All druggists sell Gin Pills at` 50. a. box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. Sample free it you write to NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL C0. OF CANADA, LIMITED 'l'm-auto. Ont, In been uuxuu u_y yous `ha adv-{and mo in {arc thnm, UALVJLUIL, .111 M Toronto, Ont. 1, 1917 70 Westminster Hotel, %Tqinto#%