I U!JLll\l lial; UILKLU gun. - ` I:11s.eyes, ranging the room in the iininediate neighborhood of the chi`onie1', had alighted upon the water:-pipe. The long, flexigbie rubber stem of the narghileil was the. the mouthpiece hung over thew babk of a_ chair within a few feet DstI`et(`hPd`ac1'0Ss the table and I of the top. of the ehiffonier. '] I| lrnr if " unr| {Mn rln4nnfi\7n- K471 l/Ill ) l1LIk" Jib UIIKI \/Ill.ll.\Jll.l\Jl.- E ]. 1l try it," said the detective Idecish-'e4y. Give a hand. here. `doc? ` Y*.,'1_I, I,.,_I,,_,l ,.__ -,._.- -I--,._A IL- UUUE Fitch hooked one arm about the- ornamen.t.al knob at the mark of the cliill'onier, and with his free ghdlld gripped the detecl,iV'e s left wrist. Britz, his left hand` clutch ing the doetor s sleeve, the toe of his left hootvthrust be-tween the chiffouiier and the wall, leaned far out in an attemptyto reach the [lube of the water pipe.. He with.--. l.dl`(~'.\\' his arm quickly, however, ;and gave a little nervous cough 'as the drab death that lay coiled in `the middle of the floor strai:lilmied its lsinster length |room, then, coiled itself once niore directly under the spot where the detectives stretching ' fingers had been. Once more the head arose with that strange, sin- uous, swaying motion, and it be- gran to move slowly back and Iforlh, while the` glistening eyes seeliiml to shoot sparks toward the man who hung at such fear- ful hazawl above it. ' ,l71 ,, . land glided swiftly across the` I ,_,-4,, ul11L:__ :._ f`ll,ll Ilfllntll Vl (llIllV() lb. (`m0!. said Britz. This is getting Loo close for comfort. How far can that thing stretch, dn('l.(>I"?" ` . u.\* I - I , , `L , LL_1 19 _,-_ No higher than that, ans- wered Fitch, at least, I think not. 1 untlerstandithe cnhra can strike only straight forward." Sure it can t make an upper cut?" inquired the sleuth. l m not going to say positive.-` ly. I m not sure of anything with i 1that kind of a brute, Fitch an-. 's\vere(l. The best way is to take no chances. Let me have a_ try for the gun. . A L..'I`nnn.-Mn.-I rvnnvuln` `lnnnnrl 41in lU1 LIIU 5uu. A bifurcated scarlet thread, the slender forked tongue of the rep- tile, darted in and out, of its gap- ing` jaws in a frenzied manner. It was apparent. to anyone--be he scientist 01' 1ayman---that the R(`.I`DOI1t was in a- ewllite heat of fury. Woe betide the human flesh that, came within reach of that eager, death-dea1ing ven- 0111. II II, , 1_,,, 11., Hun. Britz, though he was known the length `and breadth of the de- partment as the coolest proposi- tion under Manning s command, frankly shuddered as he watched the undulating menace of the serpent s body, and the staccato play of the tongue. that seemed to mock him with the deadly humor of a end. He was willing to risk his life, if need be, to prevent the escape of the dark, subtle enem- ies whose demoniacal ingenuity had caught him in such a trap, for trapped he seemed to be be- yond the possibility of escape. That they had matched their cun- ning against his cold, hard, 0c- cidental skill and common sense only made him -the more deter- nifled to outwit, outplay, outflght t em.- (LIT- .1..- 1! .___I LL- .I.\1....L1-... lrlI.Clllu No, doc, said the detective rmly, It was my fool careless- ness that left that gun on that table, and it s up to me to get it. You hold fast and sit tight and if anybody gets stung,'it l1-be me. Once again Britz, warily watch_ ingfthe snake, stretched his ting- ers until he could almost feel them crack and strained his mus- soles almost beyond endurance, the while his nerve was subjected to the severest test of all his ex- nerience. At last he nipped the smooth amber of the pipeslem s mouthpiece between the tips of his rst and second ngers. It was the slightest of grasps; but so steady were the nerves of the Headquarters man thatalthough the cobra in its swaying seemed to approach ever nearer the arm and naked wrist that shrank in- voluntarily from the fanscie*d deaththrust of those gleaming. fangs, still he did not flinch. He clung to thepipestem, his ngers steadily drawing, it toward him until he .:had a firm: clutch on the rubber tub,e.~ Then with a pow- erful upward and backward heave, he regained his position on the-. chionier,. the i twisting hose- grippevd in his hand The other end of the pipestem still was at- tached to the bowl ef the nar- ghlieh. As the tube festooned between the table and the chiff- onier,\i,.t z. went close to the head of the `cobra. Lightning.like, the head dashed forward toward it, fangs bristling, and only a quick twitch of the 'detective?s ngers snatched the stem beyondthe reach/of those poison..freighted ivory neediies. 'T'}-uni {nr-Tr Cunard {ho nfhon and Acoountsmaybeopenedateveryln-andhof1'he Canadanat ofCommercetobeoperatedbymail,a.ndwillreceiv'ethesam nreful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank : business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn h this way as atisfactorIlyasbyapauonaIvi.sittotheBank. #858 lVOI'y Il.B6(I1!>B'S. That jerk freed the other end of the tube from the pipe bowl, and Britz quickly looped it in his hands. Holding both ends of the long stem he knotted a: single loose loop in the middle, andung it like a double lariat upon the table beside the pistol. Slowly dragging the pipestem back," he -pulled it after several trials`-azhout the pistol barrel until the loop encircled the chamber of the wea- Epon. Then handing one end of `the tube to the doctor, Britz took hold ofthe other, explaining his purpose to Fitch in a few words. The detective. stretched his arm away from the chiffonier at one end; the ph3;xs.ician did the same at the other, and they stood pull- ing in opposite directions, thus tightening the loop about ;the pistol. When the grip of the tube ion the weapon was firm enough, 5 11100 nnn'\r\ny1'\oI.\.'n]1r anew` in `EULI. l;l.lU VVUGPULI VVGD n.11u UILU-ul-A, `it was co111p;a;rat~ive1y easy.` to swing the revolver from the table `to the chiffomer. Britz grip.ped ;the gun with an intake of breath i-that hetokenet satisfaction. u1u-___ 41.-.. .1- H L... ....:.J |:ul1G.l; UUl;l:I.t\U11CLlL. Dllu.lD1a,l/l:.lU11. . . Now, then, doc, he sald ihriskly. Let s see if we ean t put the reverse English 0n`that Ga.rden of Eden episode. Here s where the seed of the woman bruises the serpent with his hazel. I T 1114-urn]:-I n.rl'tr;on v7r\11 in An t7'(\I11'| . Ill LIXCKJD l'l_I`J C,\7LlJ`31lIJ VVIUII 11.10 LI5`J\.tln I I would a:d ivise you to do your hruising` at long distance, said ; Fitch, and unless you have more `or'.artridgos about you, I wou-u1dn t waste `a shot. You won t fi`ucI it .oa,sy_t.o hit h>i`m. A : -Dnun {an n vrsnrvxnn` nu "I1Tl'\ "7(LDJ_l.'lJ Llllz ll7J,lll.` 1 Britz in a moment or two "real- ized the doctor spoke true. That swaying, neutI'a1-tinted body was no easy mack for the most prac- tical marksman. first shot went wide". The bullet im1`mdr.led itself in a Peg of the table with a rasping soumd that only iufuria- ted the cobra the more. Britz, his nerve slightly shaken by the miss, red a-gain quickly, shiver- ed the bowl of the nargh-ileh, and caused the snake to oscillate more and more violently. (It became apparent he would gain |nnthing by aiming at its head. hf1`?I\ l'\ `T!!! ft` `I'l'\;l" '0 NIT! Q(LlLl.- `.].J' Only three loaded cartridges remained in` the revolver, and as Britz found no extra ones` in anyl of his pockets, he knew he must make the most of those he had. A third time the pistol cracked. The bullet grazed the serpent s flesh, hut (lid .nol. injure the spine. Quickly the upraised part of the body sank upon the coil, but it reared itself again in an instant, and the furious darting of the tongue revealed that the reptile was more enraged than before. Want to take a crack at it, doc?" asked the detective, hand- ing the weapon to` the physician. V Wifnh 1/101` nn nnnn ;(nn A4` '|1:~r-n uuuuung u_y auluug an Lon uuau. `_`I`11 have a try at mm `mm. sh1ps." be said. I nnln n...,m 1,m,,..a: ......4..:..1.....,. nub l/ll.\7 wUa.1JU|l bu MUG puyaxuxau. Fitch had no poor idea of him- self as a fancy shot, but he found. he muscular control too sadly shaken by his narrow escape from the eobrato shoot str-aigh}. `His shot--the fourth---was a` W1- -der miss than any of the detec- :tive s had been. He handed the pistol back to the Headquarters man and shook his head. ~ L$`,',..-7_.A LL- _..,..__ 1,. `.147, __ LL- ALL 1115 Axxlu, llu ouluo I Britz eyed the revolver grimly. In its blue-esteel chamber were four empty "cartridges and only one that held the potentiality of release from their dangerously uncertain refuge on the chiffonier Crooking his left arm, he used the angle made by his elbow as a rest and leveled the long blue barrel of the big-ealibered wen- pon steadily. Pausing until the swaying of the serpent dimished as much as it apparently was go- ingto do, he red. A cu-villn-Iv-urn l.-.~2.-.43.`.-u. A...-....'l '..-..... .|lll..lyl.l uxlu QLIUUIX LAID IIUCLLI. ``You re the man to stay" on th ring` line, he said. D...'4., mma um. ..mm1..,... .....:m1-. I _ sm inuuun wauix. `c.v.o.. u..n. n.c.I... rxuuong` - KN AIRD. Goncnl Muscat. H. V. I. 10838. An : Gcnonl Mlnlqt Illa UL} LAM}, IJU 1lLC3Llu A writhing, twisting snarl was the result. The cobra coiled and uncoiled with electric rapidity, travelling in circles all over the place between the chiifonier and the table whence Britz had las- soed the pistol. Plainly the rep- tile was hit---mortally wounded, he th"Qught,but as he started to descend impatiently. Fitch seized him and literally flung him back on the chiffonier s smooth top. NI\+ `YO. , QQ;A vxnn uu 1.-no l.1l..lll.l\Jl.1lU.l 0 aluuubu LUIJ. Not yet, said the_ doctor ner- vously. ~Let`s wait a min1_1t.e. Tl utvnn .......-.ns..1..l.. .....1.-......._ vuuoly JJUI/D vvctu; cl. nullubb. It was a protable patience. For after probably a minuteof terrible struggling, the cobra re- turned to its coil and once more reared its head. The gray body throbbed ercely, but closer scru- tiny showed the man the snake had not been hit with fatal `re- sult. Suddenly the physician seized BritzTs arm in a nervous grasp. D11 TIir\;`n11',, LA A--n1A3.....-.l. u VU ouuu Uu.l.i nun bullfi t` .I.\I Ll! True enough. The fth bullet. had passed between the gaping jaws of the reptile and taken off the greater part of that darting scarlet thread as neatly as a sharp instrument could snuff a candle. While the wound doubt- less caused agony to the snake, it did notlessen its anger. The poison-charged fangs remained in its mouth, and the cutting off of its tongue swelled its fury to the ultimate degree . Byyo Jupiter!" he exclaimeda Y0u ve shot out its tongue! 'I"'n11n nnnnn-B 'T`lnn n4`44L 1.-.11-: ____ _...... _..C,. V. (To be continued.) fanzciedi -..... ._1..nynina- awunvs JOIIES The Welsh lopmno TEACHER OF VOICE PRODUG- TIONA AND SINGING. Special lessons for repertoire, English and- Ital 11. Studio at Mr. Geo. Mo-nekman 3, Mary St., Barrie. Phqne 85!). For terms, etc., call at studio on Wednesdays. . V0-ices fested free . V TEACHER 0.1? PIANO` A-ND THEORY. Studio at 67 McDonald St. Phone 681 msuo E. cLAx'rou, L_.'r.c.m.* A Piano and Vocal Lessons. In vocal work special attention is given. to Voico Production. 04m.-n in Vinvo I2]mn,L' Dh-nnn I..m:. THECANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE U11` hU Uvlvv Ivuuvluvllu Stugiirr; in King B. `ck. Phone 405 R&El\3lIt$II Vwuuuuu Successor to Lonnox. cowan 8: Brown Barrister, Solicitoir for obtaining probate of wills, g`uardian_ship-. and administration, and Genera !-. Soliciton, Notary, Gonyeyancer, etc. Oices: -Hindls- Block, No; 8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. c- r-...- __.___v Barristers; . So_l'i-c'it4ors, vliotary Public, Gonveyancers, Etc. Money: to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Ofces-: 13OwenSt. (in the premises formerly` occupied by the Bank. of Toronto). Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M=.P. D. C. Murchison. BARI ._IS~'I;}"i1_1;c_S_,-Sc;iic'i t'o:r:;y,_ i`3_c;t-aries {u)1ic and Gonveya-mt:'elrs. htdoney o oan 1n any sums a owes cur- rent `rates. ,OIce 13 Owen S1`... Barrie, Ont. D. M. Stewart. V CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETG., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- lmond Sts., Toronto. ` DONALD ROSS, l`.L.B. BARRISTEPL. SOLICITOR, ETC., Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie_ Money toloan. cnzswicxa a. BELL BARRISTERS SOLICITORS FOR 7 `kn Q11-nvnnnnn nvivn` A-C` T-..nl....t--_-- JJILLGJLLKJ .z.:.uu.u, u\JJ.Lu1.L uuo 1` `J11 the Supreme Court of Judicature` of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Olcesz Bn Ross Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. _:-::.--j Office and Residence Corner of Torono and Elizabeth Streets, opposite E'1izab.eth St, Methodist Church. Telephone 167. L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of- ce and Residence, Dunlop St... !Bairrie. Telephone 165. . A'u"iJ{d, 5}'s`na1i1*}E5ii'g_ P1`0IIl[e`.t Service. Touring Car for hiv,e--Motorcyc1e for sale. (McGI-I:fJ-)_(-SE1-1-act-as-s- Dr. R. s. Broad). Office and Residence comer Elizabeth and Bradfor Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. . ---n-want, Iiinllng \JnIIl_ SUR-(iEIrl`Y AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie. on. A. J. uuhrzn Late of'Toronto, (Successor to Dr. Embree) Physician, Surgeon and Accoucher. Othe and resi- dence, 12 Burton Ave., Allandale. Telephone 661. THE BARRIE PLANING MILL THOS. ROGERS, PROP., Builder and. Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling and -Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning a specialty. Tanks made to order. The latest improved method for drying lumber. Fac- tory and Office, Cor. Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163. P.O. Box 685. }-----1---* _-_- uuwuuu ----1-: 1I&II 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointmen-t. Toronto Phone North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 2. _-.-.-__ .--ru-an--an II\ll'Il\U Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop.., R. G. Manuel, Mgr. -Dealers in` Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best material used and rst-c1ass workmen em-, ployed, Prices always right. . + Miss Doane is the only one in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets filled with Spirella bon- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable, exible. hygienic, sani- tary. Fit guaranteed. Maternity and nursing feature specials. Brassieres, blouse forms, misses and children's waists. At home Saturdays. 16 Charlotte St Barrie .i. . . an nu-in-IJIJIIIDIIII Represents Insurance Companies of undoubted Financial Standing and `J1 ll and Ill-l\J ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. Your passage booked to or from all parts of the. world. 1'un1'ou's GARAGE Phone 484. 15 clapperpon `st. --_- ---'Ivl&ZIC 'l'l-IE iisunnucs MAN AND STEAIVIBOAT AGENT. Representing canadlan Northern P.O. square. Barrio. Phone 441:. Thursday, December 14, 1918 Children Cry - ran FLETcHER'S G A S T Q R I A STEWA RT" 8: STEWART w. A. Lewis, nn.o., c.M_ DfFT?I )T7 A`AT'I\ rwvvavv-snqrsw f\ AND MIKGH ISON slmcoa MARBLE won an... I`! 117 1 rs . T mss ELSIE NELSON A|..AIioEn cgwnu Fir; 85 Life Insurance Agent on. mosrrmn Lvou `I\I_-, on. E. e.7I"unnBu.L u-rv-v \ A. F. A. MALOOIWSON ...-..\....I._ 'I'._- " on. H. 1'. ARNAL: DR. W. A. R0381 MEDICAL LEGAL ll Il\lIlIl.I\l V: v auuaunc rcu Illa auu LUWIJ Properties for Saie on the most reason able-terms. 1751K n nu.- him- a: P, 1 Alla 0 `H10 plimt .1vnl. build plnyi Lions and t appli to ht Wl`(vl gwln ITIPH '.I'ho'y I'0(`l'l pron but 2 prwwi t\.~` Q `ingr m D 1-` W(vI'| ed 3 tliin haw- Sim. T\:HH< Give Thl. BANK`-6'17` TORONTO BUILDING 3.4121211: O unm: snnou. cmtnl. s15.nou.ono %msmv mun. 813,500,000 Special attention will be given `to the accommodation of farmers tin this locality. - ~ M3`ey to Loan on Mortgages. Xgency Sun- Life Assurance L`ompa'n_y of Canada. Ofce Hours 10 to 4. _ T. TBEECROFT, Manager. Real Estate ati oney to Loan New Meat Market 1 Handjie Evrything in Fresh `and Cured Meats, Canned Goods. Fresh "fan-rACvn`\|nn :01 Qnnanou %U~ICLI LVICGLD \.-GL1llCkI \JUULl3p .L'1Cll 'Vege'tables in Season. Orders Called for and Delivered. Your Patronage is Solicited. -- m3C2CALI A number of Valuable Farms and Town I........_..s2..... L`... Q..I- _.. LL- _._-_; ,._-__._ E iai_1f1ii AN Elinbeth Street. % Phone 473: % G.G.S%mi1h_m&0n- u N D"E"'i'2""fK'k E R s BARRIB. ONT. Morgue and Chapel- Transact 8. General Banking Business. - V `IYAL..- ....nl......-I A... @t\`lI\lI`t||Iu at `Inn Page Ton The Barrie Undertaking Parlors w.n.uemy, Funeral Director` and Embalmor. T v..-_ .._-v.--v- `W. D. lvllngnlkon, Proprietor dpen Day & Night Phone 431 Full line of all, the latest Caskets kept in stock, in- nlun-{nnr anntvn `1lII'I|`Q nn \.lGOL\. 0:5 IIUPIJ Ill DIIUUR, Ill- ctudin Grave Vaults and Oak"S ells. EXPERT MOTOR ? REPAIRS J 9.5-A A=:991. (Ohposlte BI-yson s StVo.I-1.3) ""We lcaavsk "c":iZqh'I T1 rawn on any Bank in Canada or the United States. Accounts collected . . V ;Sdterling Exchange bought or so . ' REPRESENTING : CANADIAN EXPRESS C0. (Successor to the Late Meaford Webb) BANKERS :5cc5tt s Established 1819. Ate Well Supplied .__.at.__ EEAL ESTATE `and INSURANCE V Open Day and Night I '-uu----Vm v- Established I809 In connection DUDIIIUDD. Notes cashed. or collected at the hlogt favorable rates. `[71. nnoh {`!'\unn.nn Hnoxxrn nn onv BANKING BY MAIL Phone 82 IPAENTENGAI Butter was from 42 to 45 eent,s a lb. at the market on Saturday. 'I`he~re~was not a very large supply on hand. For eggs, which. very ve-ry scarce, 550: a dozen was ask- ed. Small baskets of pears,. a new offering,_ were 250., and there were baskets of apples of many sizes and kinds at 150. to 300.- Onions were 35 to 500. per bas- ket. A barrel of Red Pound ap- ples sold for $3.00. Potatoes, of which there was a fairly large guantity on hand, were $2.00 per ag. A _ . _ _ ....._ ..._:..A.. -q'un-an `(Ia -PA] - Jlllgo _ V Averageprices were 'as_ fol.` lows:-- V Butter .. .. ..' . . .. . .420.-450 Eggs, dozen . . . . .550 Chicken, dressed, ,lb . . "160.-180. Fowl, lb. . . . . .. A. . .; . . . . . .13-0. Du0k,-lb....0 . . . . . .......170. .Spring Lamb, fores, . . . . . .180. lspring Lamb, hinds, lb . . . .210. `Pork, fores .. . . . ...` ....160. Pork, hinds, lb . . . . . . . . . .180 E Apples-- Wealthies bbl., .. .. ..$2.50 Snows, bbl. .. .. .. $2.50. I Sweets, bbl. . .. . .'.'.$3.50 `Potatoes, bag . . .. . . . . ..$2.00 `Potatoes, peck . . . . . .- . . 350. lTurnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 for 50. Beets, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50. Citrons, each . . . . . . 50 and 100 P'umpkins,'ea0h .. .. 10--150 Musk Melons .. . . . . .. 100. Onions, basket .. ... .350.-500. Horse Radish, bottle . . . . . .1550. Pickling cabbage, head . .` . .050. Cabbage, each `. . . . . . . ; . . 100' Cauliower, each . . . . . .. 50-100. _ Dried Sage, bunch . . . .' . . . .50. Summer Savory, bunch . . .50. *3Thyme, bunch . . . . . . . .50 `Clover Honey, 10-lb; pail. . $1.50 Clover Honey, 5-lb. pail _. . . . 750 `Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . . . . . .50.. Cream, qt... .. .. .'. .. ..300. Cream for whipping ...500 qt, `EI`)`n1ier7 7,T 1916)` Elmvale--Wheat $1.65, rye 900 -$1.15, peas` $2.00-.$2.40, - oats I60c..70c.c,c buckwheat 90c...1.00, |butter 400., - eggs -/150., dressed. I chicken 15c-16c., potatoes `$1.85 | `% -. L Hn \\7:1-unnl Q4 AK Q-{"70 ua5. Orillia -- Wheat $1.65-`B1'.70, barley $1.00-$1.05, oats 60-630., peas $1.75.-$2.00, buckwheat $1.00-$1.25, rye $1.10..$1.20, but- ter 37-390., dressed chicken 13- 14c., eggs 40.-420., potatoes, bag, $1.15-$2.00, new hay, ton, $10.00- $13.00. V `t`1\I`:v'\rqnu Dusllnn LKA nnnrra I tp1u.uU. Col1iI'1gwood-Butter 450., eggsi 450., potatoes bush. 331.25-531.55, hay, per ton, $10.00-$12.00, oats 62-66o., barley $1.00-$1.05, buck- wheat $1.00-$1.20, chicken 13-150 "A.il.i:9.'t:orV1-Wheat' :13 1'30, . barley- $1..1O,Tpeas $2.25, oats. 58_60c., rye $1.30, buckwheat $1.15, hay, $10.00, butter 420., eggs _45c., po- tatoes bag, $1.75, chicken 14-16c. T. BEEIIROFT & 00.! W. A. Lowe & Son have added a new branch to their furniture business, that of upholstering. Mr. W. Noland, who conducted a repair shop at Charlotte` and Berczy Sts., will look after the upholstering work. 34-tf "'s'taIyI1}r'_1&d- ".2b}3.I e. 40-410., chicken .15-17c. II? A `I, _41___ soldll-s Aid Receipts fromLunch, Saturday Dec. 2, $12.15, % Atu1&@IbIl@ armcd] Carrage W. G. Malcomson snfuanny MARKET Iugnn-a_v MARKETS 'HE Undersigned has a V Paint Shop over Hux- table e Gsrage, next the Wellington Hotel,where he is prepared to do High-eclau Painting of Automoliilea and Car- tiages. , Make your ar- rangement": now to have your Car or Buggy re- painted. Prices on. Application. . 420-4 I! eh. ..c_._..-. on ...'...\. iressed, ` '16c.-'l mb, .1 ,mb, .2 ,s.. .. ds,1b.... ..1 Harry D-. J amieson AI l.~n'l'A'l'l!' .__.I bL .3 II II II5o{ bk. ,, ....;;$350 Lg .... .... eck .. .. .; .. 35c, . ..2 h ...... .. ;h .. 100' each .. ,. 10. ;h,'bo't1e'.'. .. .'.1T5cI bbagm .;..05c. lCh`.. coon no-co .. .. ....5c. vory,bunch .. ...5c. nch * ' ....5c IA IL _...'I Hi] El` ,.42c-450. .A.A...55c. *16c.-'18 . . . . . .170.` .....18c .. ..2-lcil .....1,8c.l .$2.5o .$2.50 .$3.50 .$2.00 IIIVU UUUlIJa . , > 4 It is said to he the most frightful torture man can exper- ience-death by a c:obra s poison. S__cienc_e' has not yet found an an- tidote. If a rattler`-bites you, you 3may save your life- with whiskey if you get itsoon enough. When a cobra sets his teeth in you, you don t have time to drink the whiskey, even ifzthe glass is at your lips, and nobody" knows whether it would do any good if you had time to drink it. A long low whistle was the de- te-etive s only expression of` his appreciation of their predica- ment. His study of Oriental lore did` not acquaint himv with the .ch.aract_eristics of the cob-,ra. But "the doctor was a scientist, and iBri.tz. was willing to take the in- formation on trust. It was a sit. uation in which he felt he could afford to `dispense with experi- niental knowledge. r'r1ln.. 4In1'n1r knn|1};.{'I1l`17 nn-nnnr] Hurt much ?." asked the detec-| tive coolly. H14 4.. 5.-..'A .4 1... n... n ma+ `sees. It stopped midway` of the l.lJ.G'l..l-bill. AUU W I .The thick, `b`e{3.:i.ti-fully rounded i snake, ashen in color and. sinuous of movement, apparently: was noti alarmed by the scramble` of the` doctor and the detectiv.e to the! top` of the 'chi'onier, nor even by the. swing of the divan under the vigorous push of Fitch s foot. It l'.o.-wered the head it had. lifted a few inches from the floor, and continued its passage across the room; but a short, dry laugh from the sleuth evidently angered. it more than any of_ the {louder noi-i room, turning its head once more toward _the- men on their narrow perch. An involuntar.y shiver ran through Fitch, and even Britz felt a little uncomfortable under the se~rpent`s glittering gaze. The! creature coiled itself in the cen-I tre of the floor, its head lifted,| and those heady eyes twinkling furiously. Then began. a, motion of the head like that of" a water- spout to a point _at least knee..g high of a small man. The head ',ben.t forward sliglitly, and the neck on both sides distended very slowly until the loose .1`Ecsh form_ ed a sort of hood behind and slightly above both sides of the] narrow, wicked forehead of the; . serpent. I 1\r\1.* '3, `1`]'I`_'lf iQ! m47$B"121 * cried Fitch, That is the unmistakable sign of the co- .bra, the deadly hooded snake of India. Then you see that hood` commence to come out--don t| wait to see the rest. tLA\.,___L I..,.--. I,..,..... ,1- ..-.-... tlmnb` Will-1|: DU BUG DIIU LUBE-. About how long do you think it-is safe for us. to stay there,` doctor? asked the detective. uT'r_..1.:I :1. ..:L'I...... .....\t.. .-.,. l\U\ -(`An City, Town and Farm `Properties bought, sold and Exchanged. - _ I . Until it either gets us or for- gets us, answered the physician. The distension of the skin a- bout the neck in that way means that the beast is angry. Once it is thoroughly aroused, it never giv_ es up until it strikes its victim [or gis {k.illed---unless something "more startling happens to dis- `tract its attention. T (L`l'\..LL_.... I...,.1_.. IJIJCUUL 3 GDILUU U11`: UUUUVUJVUO l I . .. .1` .-.._ -_........_ ll./1 CIUII LLB QUUU1l|tlU1l- Rather looks as if we were trapped, Britz -said. Q:-\rrs1\rIv"\nI `l'If|:l'\:`l'\l\r'l UL GPFUU, .lJLllh `Quill: I I . Somewhat, regomed F1t"ch` VVeHH3 here to stay uxness that reptile goes. sen-.. H... mm :4 an ..m.- 4|-.:...1,oH| pun: auxin. c-an we kill it, do you think?- asked the detective. 55117.. ...-.. .~.I..L 1` --... LAJ .. .-..._|\ uonuu uuo uuuuuux v u. We might if we had a macn- ine gun-haveA you got a pistol?! T 1nnrn1rv-F14` Ann in}:-\ `hn Y'lI\l\if\ | ll-LC ablll EICDVU JKJLI 5\J|l (11 WCUUI5 ! I brought one into the ro01n,| answered Britz, feeling in his `pockets, but I laid it on that table when I was going through those drawers. Pretty careless`, p.110 Ieh? IIILU Fitch nodded. He was racking his wits for some means of.es- cape which meant, so far as he could see, a method of killingthe snake. It seemed useless to ex. pect help from outside the house. The door between the hall and the rooin in which they were was closed, and before it- hung pore tieres heavy enough to muffle their loudes . shouts. Their Only probable ch nceof relief lay in the hope that the bluecoat would become sufficiently anxious at their failure to .return and would Even in that rather remote eon- tingeney, however, It . was far -from certain they could Warn him "before the cobra could glide across the room and strike him to death.` No, they were thrown utterly upon their own resources. Britz agreed with thedoctor on `that point, as in low tones, so that they might not further in-. flame the serpent, they discuss- enter the house in quest of them.` ed their situation.__ ` '"' nothing acei_ dental about this little sunshine being in the room, said Britz mu singly. Those Oriental strong-armers probably .figured it out that one or both of us would come here, and so they arranged this pleasing little surprise par- ty. I think it is worthy a place in the society columns as one of `the successes of the season." he made light of vthnehdanger because that was his way when he was in a particularly tight place; But he r` alized the peril by this time as fully as did the doc- tor. There was nothing humor- ous in the fact that all the time they were held prisoners atop the `chiffonier by the gray death be. fore them, the Hindoos were doubtless making the most of the time thus gained 1'or escape.. True, he had asked that all the Av|t"u.v\nVIuv nunnhn... n-P nangnn frrnnn Phones 255 & 59. T Office, King Bloch .L.l'U.U, HG u.a.u annou uuuu um: |ux\| ordinary avenues of es_cape from IL!-DU I?! OF HEADQUARTERS "tn: innate zxnnmmu MID an-rununv momma BRITZ By Marcin Barber. `the city he watched, and although he took it for granted Chief Man- ning would carry out the request conscientiously, he was not at all confident the men from the Central Office and from the var- ious precinct headquarters would be"proof against the adrioness of Indian. noblemen, adepts, and thugs; Moreover, it was as good as certain, thatrthe Swami, the Prince-, and their followers would not seek to flee the city byany ordinary _;nute. Britz himself, had he been free to continue the pursuit,. would have looked first to the most extraordinary modesf .of flight. compatible with practi_ cal conditions. From what: line; knew of the men, by this time it? would not. amaze him greatly to find they had left the city by air- ship or submarine, slightly iin-- probable as either means of transit mzizght have been a few years before. N1).-.Ltln.~l .-.. Anal Ln n`vnln:v\r\ JLIIJLLH LJKJJC-JI4'.'/_- | Bottled up, doc! he exclaim... ed g100mi=1.y.. That"s what it looks like-,. " :Tasse11ted;Fi.tt:h. - 'nLT?_-`I_ .,A, 13' `I'\_.:L_ _-_._L.'___._.I $5---- !(.l.D`Dl).l.1l/KILAK L Lfllilln "Un1ess,. Bmtz contlnued, we- can get, that gun " 1 :\n.-I amen. ill n.(`rnnf{1rn]11 nnf rm 'Il'lvll "VJU lullaau ehlll . Abnd use it effectively, put in-. ,5 Fitch . - A =` 1 m something of a shot, the- detm-.t,ivev ventured meditatively. Maybe L mould hit it, and Inaybes; I could get that gun. Ll . . . 1;. l\\V(\C` nn~nn-Irsrv `kn ur\r\IY1 Iv'\. |Your Reading Needs]