M7|l'|Il'd'I Llnlmont. cures DIM`- thou-la., BARRIE 26 13 11 Total rTc7>TtaTl 49 1066 wags mno "Grand 171 22 128 61 20 14 22 13 IIC \llD1.Il,(&~V \.I\A on Saturday. 82 1.4 18 10 35 10 It _is everybody may share. All ,____ chocolates and `Ben Bons In Fancy Boxes 250. to $2.00 We have no `guessing contest, but rather are of- fering real bargains that nnn n11 I'D. Uvus .1 AJ\J\AJ _--..., All our Candis are pure and wholesome and made by Canadians. A Bryson S Brysorfs XMAS Fountain Luncheonette COMPLETE. Announce- mam NEXT WEEK Extrgx Spec_ial Cana; Dept: Cake Dept. 32-38 Elizabeth St. I A. J. Sarjeant this week had a letter from his son, "Lt. Percy Sarjeant, just as hetwas starting up the river for Mesopotamia. _,-l __.-_ --_ _.___-r-_-.,i,--.. | Gunner Gordon Apper1ey,- son` of Frank _Appe1'lefy, Cookstown,| has been awarded the military medal for distinguished conduct.` ! -W. T. Johnston of Barrie, J. "A. Mathers and T. \V. P. Peacoclg of Stroud, recent medical gradu- gtes, have enlisted with the AM.` . _ . 1 Word has been received that", Major Hedges and Capt. Duncan! of Collingwood `have resigned from the 157th Bn., and are re- turning to Canada. `A_`,-._ L- Pte. Arthur Taylor writing to his parents in Allandalc reports spending leave in London, where I he.was fortunate enough to see ` t.he Lord Mayors procession. Gapt.VG0rd0n Gallie, who haszi been with the University Hospital Corps at Sa-lonica for fourteen _months, has been granted sick leave and_ is now on his way toi England. ~ :- 4 G u. 1 Lieut. J.-H. Morgan has been appointed gays officer for hisibat-U talion, one of his chief duties be-i ing to keep a lo0k-out for gas at- tacks. V ` 117--.: 1...- 1._;__ _._,.._:-....1 -AI....L' -of Mr.-and Mrs. Manuel tojoin I no ---- ~--- . Fred Sarjeant, Lawrence `Reeve , and Bert Reid went to Toronto on Monday and were accepted for` overseas service with the Toronto. University Battery. .They will= not don the khaki until JanuaI'y.1 Harold Manuel of Edson,` A1ta.,A! is now at home for a short visit to his parents before pro-` ceeding to England to join the: navy. This makes the third son` run I- ,,I_1:_____I the colors. Unnu \J\I|\JA-an ` I Among the Canadian soldiers; interned at _Dulmen, Germany, isl Pte John Bohn. He was born. in! Barrie .34 years ago and lived with 5 Mrs. Armson, S13, until he was} 19 years of age. Prior to en- listing with the 92nd Highlanders} he was employed in the Toronto; Street Railvsfay shops. ` - 1 r1__-1 1".1_._..I KJUL Uuu l.Irl.J1AA vvuuJ V--Ur, . It was reported that Capt. Fred. ] Ross was on the Braemar Castle, which was blown up by a mine in the Aegean Sea. This rumor was incorrect. The hospital ship on which hehas been serving is the} Llandavry Castle. This week? Barrie` relatives received a letter! from him written at Malta. ' i L __ -.... Thursday , Deoembef `I, 1916. 'I.LLIAlA nag... -v-.-...._.-.. In a recent letter _from her son, Pte. Kenneth Warner, Mrs. War- ner, Penetang St., received par- ticulars of the death of her son, Sergt. John Warner, who was` killed on Obt. 8th.` After beingl wounded in the leg with shrapnel ' he was heingcarried off the eld :. .. ntnnnlnnn urhnn on hnllnf hifl ne W215 1161115 U'aL`I.'1Uu uu mu: 110111` in a stretcher when a bullet hit. him in the head causinginstantt death. . a 1......" ,4l-... anlznna nnnnnflv: `d. . . Among the soldiers recently? reported_ as having died from wounds was Herbert L. Patience who was born in Cookstown 32 years ago. He attended Albert College, Belleville, and Wesley ,.Gol-lege, Winnipeg, and would now have been a Methodist min- ister had he not ensted for ac- tive service in the 44th Bn. Be- fore he joined the Expeditionary Force hevwas preaching at F1or-i al, Sask. Qzma-4 \X7rn M'r-.T.nHnnd nf the a1, basis. Sergt. Wm. McLel1and of the 157th Bn. had an unusual ex-I perience when he went to visit! his uncle Peter Blain at Black- pool, England. Arriving at his uncles, he was mistaken for a` son of the house, the resemblance I ghetween Sergt. Mc_Le1landvand' Srergt. Blain being so close that even the latter s parents did not know the difference at rst. This` Mr. B1a.ins- family has a won-` derful record for enlistment, all his-eight .sonsb`ein`g in khakis` Three of them were in Australia when war broke out and enlisted t.-here. Altogether Sergt. Mc- Lelland has over 24 first cousins ' Mr. and Mrs. _H. G. Smith, 94 `Sophia St., were notied on Sat- |u'rday that their son, Pte. Fred. Smith had been wounded in the left arm and admitted to hospi- 'tal on Nov. 23 . This is the sec- ond time for him. `In March he was wounded with shrapnel in the arm, leg an.d face, being in the |hospital till June. to France in August. He enlist- |ed with Capt. Macdonnell .weI1t overseas with the 36th Bn. `in June, 1915.` Before enlistment he was employed with his father He returned - and UAUUULIVU. 1.116 LV.lid.pl6 1463.1 Up- ened the meeting. The students sang vigorously and a consider; able volume of sound was pro- duced. Miss B. Dunn then gave an instrumental solo, which was much appreciated by the audi- ence. The only vocal solo of the day was given by Miss Strange-- a humorous mixture of French and English, well sung and much enjoyed. Thechief event of the day was a debate, Resolved, that Russia will eventually he a greater na- tion than Japan. O. Gallagher I011 the G-T-R D3-i_I1:tiI18` taff. TVi_?O:'and G. Quinlan upheld the affirm- u0theI` SONS Of this family are 111 ative side, while D. Macllaren and khaki. was formerly employed , '76th' Bn. -and Horace England. Mr. and Mrs. Smith George. The signed up with. the transport in? C0I`D- VV- R Slllithi VVh`ilG. R. Feilding supported the neg- a ' 2 t" Brown s bakery, enlisted with the. l up There were some spirited arguments about some points. material was well chosen and the style of the speakers was, on the whole, good. Gallagher have` 34 neat` I`e1a't_iV0s' 011 aCtiV8`-and Quinlan both spoke clearly `service. r..-mi OPERA I. II\I T('|`I" I l with little The negative and unhesitatingly, reference to notes. side used their notes. a little too` much, if anything.~ Gallagher made excellent use of his last - I....,J.._. ,.t' L1... .in tlm-king s "uniform. He is the -son of M1`. and` Mrs. J. H. Mc- Lelland, Ore Station. nn -1` l'\l PERA Grand 0 House, :Tues. Ev g only, Dec. 12i Announcement No. 1 i `YOUTH S ;ENDEARlNG CHARM ; the first of the American-Mutual Star Productions, featuring I `with dainty? Mary in the role of an orphan girl who becomes the ward _of a wealthy family and wins the `hearts of all who meet her through her kindness and unaffected sim- iplicity. Miss Minter has` never ap- -peared in a more delightful role. and she is supported "by an excellent cast of players. }Prices No Higher, 6c and He Mary Miles Minter, American- Mutual Star. `First Show at 7.30 ;. Second I Show at 9 p.m. Mary Miles Minter Tl-IE BARBIE EXAMINER Ann sA'runnAv Illonmna IN `SIX ACTS INQUEST DISGLOSED % BUT FEW NEW FACTS Almond Iced Xmas cakes, nicely decorated and of. our usual good quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350. lb. W'm. McBride, reman, eon-ob_ iorated the evidence of the en- gineer that the brakes were in good order and everything poss- 'ih1e done. Both he and Mr. Jack thought _the track` could be seen from 100 yards south of cross- ingp, though not positive. `I r\v\'\l;v1o(\v\ kI|l\1'IY\1\ n1\A lIll.luUIJ\Jl o W. J. Fowler described the road where the accident occurred. A- bout 30 rods from the crossing the track to thewest can be seen, s but a knoll then shuts off the view. At 40 feet from the cross- ing the train might` be seen 60' feet. to the west. Asked his`op- inion as to h`ow the accident oc- curred, he said that Mr. Bolton usually drove with the accelera- tor and had his car throttled down to about eight miles an hour. He may have applied the ihrake without disconnecting his` engine and when he raised his foot from the clutch pedal the car would go ahead but being jthrottled down would not have genough power to carry it over ,the track there being a small vgrade up` to the rails. - l TX-n I'v1nnn rnlnn #nn1r nnnnnuuun l.;l.l\Jl.l5l.l. LIIJD }JU-UIUIVU ....,, . G. Tomlinson, brakeman, and F. Comartin, baggageman, failed to throw any new light on the matter. 11? `r 1"`- I I , -I u AI, 1. Ol.(l.ll\/ lit! I/U D110 111.110. Dr. Tyre:-, who took measure- ments after the accident, found `that Mr. Bo1ton s body fell 89 ft. east. of the centre of the road, and the automobile 28 feet from the same place. He said that when coming up Yonge St. a person forty feet from the rail, cannot see over /10 feet up the ttrack to the west. 1|]... (WALL-.. A4A--__..`l l`_- l`-- _-g_-v-__ -___ The second meeting of the Lit- erary Society was held last Mon- day. A.progranune had been ar- ranged without difficulty by the executive. The Maple Leaf op- much" vocalsolo ofthe `and well l\IVl'\V\` I\`P Aflvv 111$!` \1l\ [AI lvllu VVUOD. Mr. Cotter appeared .for the Crown, Mr; Bell for the relatives of the deceased and Mr. Mccraw of Toronto for the (T-}.T.R.' Ill(l-LlC' `l\Lll}ll\Jll.lJ Llt3\7 \}1 I113 IILCIU three minutes, as leader of the 'alllrmative. He spoke slowly, ra_ ther sarcastically, and disproved `many arguments put forward by the other side. The debate was won by the ailirmative, the points ijudges deliberations, Miss R. McCann gave a humorous recit- gation. It referred to some highly geducated young lady, who, with ;-all her accomplishments, could inot cook. We wonder if she came `from Form Five. McIntyre `read the Lit. paper. It was mainly humorous, parts of `it were very much sg. Somehow 0r`other, the A r\ n n n n I \n T .-.--...-. nlnanl n n A - nn being` 35 to 30. During `the ' 'lI|,ll/ V\ \7l (3 lll}llU I/IIU ICED UIIJUJILLIIIJ. Mr. Henry then performed the [duties of critic, One thing might `be improved on in these critic- isms. If we were told a little of our faults and not just our good points, it might help us at an-A other time. T`I......`I_,.1L...'II IIILIIJII. CK]. kJ\JIl.IlJIIlJVV KII. LIULLL/L, hill] Lower School seemed to apprec_ `iate references to Two hundred `times? Multiply and prove. Half an hour! etc. The per- |sonal parts seemed a bit pointed, -but were none the less enjoyable 1 `Ins Unnn-v `lane. `kn ;..v-v.-uv..,v-- The semi_na1s of-the basket; ball are on. IVA defeated II by a few points on Monday night. `The game was very` evenly con.- tested, but the better team won. III will meet IVB on Thursday night. This will be the great game of the season, according to -the fans. ` Almond Icing, ready to place on your cake . . . .350. lb. Ian Hay, author of the First Hundred Thousand, in a recent -address dealing with the human side of a soldier s life, spoke of the Y.M.C.A. work at the Front. He said: A un :. o ..`l,.l,\..'l. A... .. ..;.....:...n.. LLU auxu c It is 8 o'clock on a oouring wet winter night, and Pte. Mac- Weary has just come on sentry duty....To him arrives the or-- derly sergeant: `You, MacWeary, are warned for leave. The train departs at ve. Away an get your pass. This is the way leave comes upon you aIways-like a thief in the night. . , .MacWeary sets out across ten miles of un- known country in search of a lit- tle wayside station, which war has `turned into a terminus. . . . Beside that station is "a long wooden hut. . . .Over the door is a red triangle with the magic let- ters, `Y.M.C.A. These huts have done work in France for our sol- diers which will never be forgot- ten while human gratitude goes for anything}? - \ Flavelles Ltd., Lindsay, the firm for which Claud Faux is of- fice manager, are planning to re- build their cold" storage and creamery plants destroyed by fire (Continued from page 5.) Will Never Be Forg6tten_ n 11. , LL11 collegiate: _ Notes 'Basketba}1_ a couple of months ago. The stor- age wllbe four storeys high, while creamelfy and 011103 build- The following gures show the number of licenses issued.for autos and commercialtrucks for the City of Toronto for the month of October, 1916, and also the registrations for the Provinceof Ontario for the same month} These gures are copied from the records of the Automobile branch of the Department of Public Works and Highways, and are compiled by Might Dir- ectories, Limited. Figures That Tell The Truth. In this Department, you can get a variety of Hot and Gold Drinks, Cake, Sand- wiches. Pie, Rolls, Etc., at a moderate cost. Just what you need on busy shopping days, whether you live in town or come from a dis- tance. Autos Renewals New 17 143. Renew- als New ' 82 945 You will notice that during the month of October there were 157 licenses taken out for new Ford cars in the City of Toronto. The next nearest figures show: These gures would indicate that we have little or noopposition in small cars selling near the Ford prices. s Another interesting fact is that there were 1!; Ford cars sold for Commercial purposes, no Chevrolet cars, no McLaughlin cars, no Dodge cars, and only one Over- land and one Gray Dort. This is another good indica- tion of` the service the Ford gives. . You will notice that for the Province of Ontario the total number of licenses issued for the five makes of cars mentioned above is as follows: ., There were 49 Ford cars. bought for commercial purposes, no Chevrolets, four McLaughlins, two Over- lands andone Gray Dort. The above ghres certainly indicate the popularity of the Ford car, the true value and the selling value of the different makes of cars. Ford Dealer, REGISTRATIONS FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1916: Autos O Commercial` l\ -o __ 11' _Since last Xmas. there have been many changes, and this is true of our Can- dy Manufacturing Depart-. ment, which now occupies nearly four times as much space as a year ago. We thank you for your generous patronage which has made this change necessary, an-d this year we are offering some really generous bar-. gains in Xmas Candy for the home and gift packages for those who are away from home. 12 10 LIST OF REOISTRATIONS FOR TORONTO ' OCTOBER, 1916: -_l..__ `T 170 21 H2 58 T. R. HUXTABLE, 21 10 70 11 10 26 10 rTotal 1017. IVIGLAUGI-ILIN .. OVERLAND .. CHEVROLET .. none: H.... H GRAY DORT .. FORD CHEVROLET . .. ' lV|cLAUGI'|LIN . . OVERLAND . . DODGE . . . . GRAY DORT .... Name :u.a vvux UU LWU sL01'!_=) 5,-V .13 estimated that the hu11dmS=' W111 cost $30,000. tings will be two storeys. Atirhnfnd that 41-... 1....:lA. Renew. -- als New . 1 4 35 _ Commercial Renewals New 10 1/1' For A the convenience - of our out-0f-t0wn` customers all our special Xmas lines that are ready will he _sold on Saturday at Xmas prices. Special Xmas lines only will be displayed in our windows r\~r\ Qn4I1I'Ir"n17