cu-nu-u row livli For sale, 100 acres, all cleared and in good state of cultivation part clay and part sandy loam. 21,5 miles from good market. ,.Buiidings good. Small orchard. There is an overplus of- about 9 acres in lot. Price $3000. Owner going West, T. C. Fisher, Real Estate. Barrie. 40tf ------------ . _ ~ _ I we u1i.eI1 $11. ana Ln1nK of her i credit. Sales , When we are all alone, Friday, Dec. i5--Mrs. J. J.:For memory Is the only friend Ferguson, lot 1, con. 10, Innisl .Th1t grief earl 0311 1'03 OWII; farm stock and implements. Sale Like IVY 011 the Weather Oak at -1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, auc. when Other th1I18_s decay. Thursday, Dec_ 1/,_Archie Our love for her W111 still keep Smith, lot 20, con. 12, Oro, hors- green. - es, cattle and pigs. Sale at 1 p.rn. And I1eVe1` fade eway. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. HUSBAND AND FAMILY. J.; con. Innisl; Sale. auc.' I 'Ph11r'cnv Than A A Av-nln-`n 4 MARRIED ! =I+1ORREST---SHANAHAN -- On! Saturday, Nov. 25, at St. Mich-. ael s Cathedral, Toronto, by Rev. Father Trailing, Gertrude; Shanahan of Hillsdale to Fred. Forrest of Toronto. UNGLES--FORWARD- -At Cen- inn! M .-.I......1:,.; 11 . _ . . _ . ..- COLE-On Tuesday, Dec. 5, .to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.` Cole, Utop_ ia, a son. ` DALE--In R. V. Hospital, VVed- T nesday, Dec. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. XV . J. Dale, Bradford, a daugh- er. . . ELLIS--At Lockwood, Sask., on| Friday, Dec. ,1, to Mr. and Mrs. Ellard A. Ellis, a daughter. INNIS---On Thursday, Nov. 30, to Pte. and Mrs. Innis, a son. LENNOX-In Barrie, on Nov. 24, a son to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lennox, Mary St. McCUAIG-On Nov. 25, to Mr. -and .Mrs. Neil D. McC.uaig,l The Highlands, Shanty Bay, a a daughter (Lauretta Jean). McGUTCHEON-Iu Barrie, on Thursday, Nov. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCutche0n, a son. SMITH-In Barrie, on Friday, - Dec. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith,'Vespra St., a daughter. 4.` U...-u.;:.u.'\;1|. vv nltuj-Ab U611-` tral Methodist Parsonage, on Nov. 29, by Rev. H. Mqoore, Jno. E. Uncles to Miss Mabel M. `Forward, both of Hawkeseone._ :1, in a handsome case. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 BORN n \\.r\.c6\alo lJ\.6L \uauI._y U1 \/UH CC Spoons, 6 in a nice case, $|.90. Rodgers' Tea Spoons, 6 in case, $2 Rodgers Dessert Forks, 6 in a case. Price, $3.25. if .U`N'DERWO0WI) NO. 5, LATEST model, two-color ribbon, back spacer, ---for sale cheap to a quick buyer.. Apply `to Box ~B" This omce. mII\f\ Ladies Hand Bags, newest styles. Prices, $3.75, 3.00, 2.50, L75, L50, I.0O, 89. Boudoir Caps. handsome New York goods, in'Muslins and Lace, ' at small prices, 25C, 1 9c, |8c, 35c_ Ladies Dust Caps. Special l5c. New line of Reading Books just in. Alger's Boy Scouts, on a Long Hike, Tom the Boot Black. and many others. Prices, 15c, 2 for 25. Splendid line of nice Bound Books. Prices, 25c and 20c, `by best authors. You should see them. Children's Picture Books. Special prices, 5c, l0c,- 25. The Best News of Christmas Handkerchiefs You should see our lines at 25c, 20c, l5c,2 for 25c; We, 3 for 25; 5c, 6 for 25; 4c, 3 for We. Ladies Fancy Collars, handsome lines. Prices $|.50, L25, L00, 75c, 50c. 35c, 25c, 19c. Only 14 Days to do your Shopping Useful Christmas Gifts . In loving memory of Mary A. McCann, who died Nov. 29, 1913. iWe often sit and think of her \1;n n-nn 11" 1\`r\c\A Thursday Wholesale Prices- Fall VVheat .. .. ....$i.60-$l.65 `Buckwheat .. .. .. $1.2o-$1.25 Peas .. .. . . . . . . ..$2.25-$2.35 Oats .. .. .. .. ....65c.-70c. Barley .. .. .. ..$1.10_$1.15 Rye .. .. .. . . . . ..$1.35-$1./40 Spring Chicken .. .. ..16c-18c Old Fowl .. .. .. ....12c-l/ac Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 to 18:-.. Turkey .. . . . . . . . . .23c-25c Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . .38c..40c Eggs . . .. . . . . . . . . . .45c-50c Potatoes, bag . . . . . .$1.75-$'1.85 Hay . . . . . . . . . .$10.00-$12.00 Wool, washed, lb. ..47c to 480. Wool, unwashed, lb. . .350 to 360 Beef Hides, cured . . . . . .22c_24o .Beef Hides, green . . . . .200-220 lTallow, rendered, lb. . .7c to 81:. Sheep Skins . . . . . .$2.50-$3.50 lHorse Hides .. ....$5.00-$6.00 Horse Hair, lb .. .. . . . . ..35c Lamb Skins .. .. ..$1.00-$2.25 |Calf Skins, green ..22c-25c ,Flour`(Ontario) .. .$9.75-$10.00 3Flour (Manitoba) .$iO.50-$H.0(l `Bran, per ton . . . .$32.00-$33.00 Shorts, per ton . . . . . . . .$36.00 *Alsike Seed . . . . . . .$7.50-$9.00 Red Clover Seed . .$10.00-$11.50 The ar-e[a1l Extra Value. Barrie Markets FOR .'SALE---Two good drivers, su`itab}le for farm or town work; double or single; 7 and 9 years old. A. F. Garrett, -Barrie. ' 48-tf. Thursday, December 1, 1916. In Memoriam Mina that-la. 1 Th: hi1_\`c 8.11:1 d_\' ler! HNU spa: thm pull this th is ch04 Anl PHONOGRAPH ion SALE-Good as new. Cost $65. Owner will Iet it go for $35. Address Box Z this office. ~ 45tf all Hull Q11. Cunt fern en-1' `Alr Alr hm! UH hm Wic` .|n and` (Ian: coj Fun I.()sT-sai}le neckpiece, on` Toronto St... Barrie, Friday night, Dec. 1.. Finder please leave at. this office. 49-49 HOQEJSE TO-TREN"I`-On IBradfo_rd sunny` nnlu/uni. An..l.l. _.....-..... FOR SALE-BestWI;1ake piano. Two hundred dollars. M-rs. Finley, 21 McDonald St., Bar- rie, . 47--49p HORSE FOR sALi3:Quiet, grey horse, 7 years old. Apply tn Mrs. R. B. Anderson, Barrie. ` 50-52 ,WANTED-Maid for general work. Apply to Mrs. Albert Bryson, Bradford St. I 49-49i LOST--Dark Brown Owl Pigeoi; banded. Reward. A. F. A Malcomson, P. 0. Square. 49 GIRL WANTED for housework.` Good wages. Mrs. R. A. Baker, 64 Forest Hill Road, Toronto. -_-- w-----u- ti VIII l `undersigned has received instructions from J. B. Felldlng to sell by Public Auction at the Barrie Hotel Yards, Barrie, on Saturday; Dec. 9, the following: 6` Sf.P.P.l`e and vhnifnna 0 vvnn-nn FURNISHED ZIiC)(OMS To LE \lI:4l.. I\G\ .-.:lI..,\.-.l. 1.--...` A_.,_ TO L-ET--So'u'th half double! house, modern. Phone 353 or call at 165 Bradford St. 48- `FURS remodeled and 'repaired. l. ' Mica NJ 'NI'nAvI}hnn A99 (Tallinn, TROOMS-TO RENT, with or with- out board, or for light house- "*<-_ The cost of edvertlelng In this 0|umn le ONE OEIIT PER WORD IAGI-I INSERTION, with a mini- mum charge of 15 cents. Terms cash. _ For Adlete of 25 words or Over, three Insertions will be glvehfor the prlce or two, or slx for the price of four. The Ex- aminer and Saturday lllornlng eovers `Barrie and dletrlct thor- oughl{ and glvee the biggest ad- vertla ng value In the county. ROOMS TO TRENT-.-Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 468. 49-0 MAID WANTED-Apply to Mrs. G. A. Brown, 95 Owen St. keeping. 133 Collier St. Phone 186. V 49-6 AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE lI'II__ \J|.I\. " Llblu IJIIE-WC, (Wag'n7er). Both ave been used m Barme and are m first- ..class condition. Apply to Walter Urry. . 27-tf.l 1 IJU.L uuun uuvva, D1.Jl'll15U1'5. The above are all good thrifty, hreedy Cattle and will be sold without reserve. - II1..__.... ..-.E 5.1., AA '1. (}O0I)'AS.SOR'I`MENT of fast colors in Blue and Black Serg- os, for ladi<~s' and men's suit- .ings. We also do cleaning and pressing, alterations and re- pains. Harry Twiss, Tailor, Owen St.` 23tf uuuau L\l' uu4uJ.--LJH .D1'uu1u;'u St.., next school; eight rooms, `all modern conveniences. Ap- ply to Alex. Cowan, Barrie. 7-9 LIIILVILILLJJJJ u.Ll\JLu.D LU LA.L`J.L -1 With or without hoard. Apply to .i35*C0llier St., P.h23etf692. L UIIIUUWIGQ GI "Isms M. McArthur,N1 3U 3`1`11`r'1 St. Phone 186. . 38-50 A Snap If Taken at Once` I-.. _-I- Al\l\ "Evin:i8E{Ry:}\5ci'I;BerI \J\J --6 loaves bread, 2%, doz. buns, '1 doz. eggs, 1- basket apples, cash 500., 2 lbs. butter, 1 bag turnips, 1 basket potatoes. 9th Line, In- nisfil--Cash $2.30,. 1 pillow. Grenfel Khaki Circ1e-Cash $2.75 1 lb. butter. .Da1ston--7 loaves bread. n_m:-_. cu. nr_'1'|_-.1:_1 1-n____,_1- Bobations, Sat., Dec. 2: Knock J. Shepard shipped two cars of 5hogs yesterday. Prices qudted at the local stockyards this week were: hogs-, $10.75; sows, $7.50; cattle. $5.00 to $6.00; lambs, $10.00. . * . _ mun LL15 OIIIJLAILI ,lJU 11]. U11 JJCU. II) Barrie B1-anch ' is in need of more Workers in all -its depart-V ments. The Society is a volun- tary one. Do not wait to be ask- ed to help,` but offer your servic- es. They. will be appreciated. - The Annual Country -Produce Sale will take place in the rooms on Saturday, Dec. 9th. Both don- ations and orders wil1'be wel- corned. T - `l'\.__.-1:-_._ IV-` 1-\_-, n,1-7 ,1 VVIIIIIULLII 11.700]. VU. Terms} of SaIe:--12 months credit wnll be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum off for cash. . Sale to commence at 1 p.m. III `I nl..n-..:.--. ----4I-..-__ ""3`1i1ier st; Methodist Church had charge of the Shop on Sa_t., Dec. 2. Net receipts, $100.03. On Sat., Dec. 9, The Soldiers Aid" will take charge for the Red Cross and the following Saturday the Congregational - and Reformed Episcopal Churches. ' 0 Q"'|I\'t\ ftsvvmrva-:4~`nn `k':n aqua`,- J..'J Uylll \JllLlI.\JI.lUDo yxau Shop Committee this week:-- Mrs. Little, Mrs. D, H.-MaeLaren. Next week, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. A. Carson. ' up! ll\/LII I. I.rVl/IJDIIILLS 1JUDDllJl('I- A surrogate case, Sidey vs Ste- wart, occupied the attention of .I11(l;re Vance all day, Monday, fourteen witnesses being" examin- ed. The parties come from Not- ltawasaga and the action is brought to secure the guardian- ship of a boy of twelve, whose father was killed at a barn rats-` ling last July. The plaintiff is an iunele and the defendant grand- lmother of the lad. _ Judgment was ireserved. ` The r};g1a}'1Ja"ck'{1Ig'vm take` place Thursday, Dec. 14.; All sewing should be in or_1 Dec. 13. Dhnn:n `E)y.nnnl-. -2 AAA -~19 At Gue'lph Winter Fair this week, C. C; Hinds with his Bar- red Rocks took second prize for cockerel in a class of 89, and seventh prize for pullet in a class of 72. Mr. Hinds was elected a vice-president of the Canadian Barred. Plymouth Rock Club. ' A. F. A. Malcomson, with his own pigeons and those he has been keeping for CO1. Barker, cleaned up nearly everything possible. A onnnnnrnln nnon Q4:-lruv `In Gin IUD KIVV 1101 o W.'A. Lowe & Son have added UL! ' a new branch to their furniture L business, that of upholstering ` Mr. W. Noland, who conducted a repair, shop at V Charlotte and Berczy Sts., will look after the ` upholstering work. - ' 34-tf John `Thompson and vDavid M Thompson. wa_nted in Coiling- wood for stealing ,a case of whis_ key, were arrested on.Friday by P. C. Lamhie and P.`C. Sweeney, and returned to" the shipyard town the next morning. Ii.`was- quite a clever `piece of work to pick these men up so quickly, as the description furnished was very meagre. The distinguished photo play star, Mary Miles Minter, will he the attraction at the,Grand Opera House on Tuesday evening only, Dec. 12, in the delightful picture insix parts, Youth s Endearing Charm," lately shown -at the Strand Theatre, Toronto, '1 '10. A1 11.v:_L_._ 11-.-,_ 41-,-, l"(.- ...|l_-I._ to ` large and enthusiastic audiences. . Prices remain the same, .60`. and A .l.I.lIIC\JCI.|lL7 WJILKJLIIUI ' Some of `the -122nd' Bn. men who were in Parry Sound last week on leave ca1'1*ied off a dog with them. A wire being sent to Chief King, he took the dog off the`tI-ain here and shipped it back to its owner. `I7 ' A I -.___ 0 Bl... I_-_.- _.I_I, _ \ A. H. West. conducted the ser_ vices `in the Methodist Church, Penetang, on Sunday last, and on the -two Sundays, previous took charge of the services on the Hiklsdale circuit. 1.`..- AL` -1]... lC\\_...I. `I"\__ ...._.__. llblvlln ICU lI`4X\I4I At a meeting of thesoldiers Aid he_ld on Tuesday last, it was decided to use the money already on hand for-present uses, instead inf keeping it till the end of the war. ' - rnL..-...,J'-.... ._.....: I:..LA___-___ ___ VV L I ! Thunder` and lightning _on Monday afternoon was quite an unusual weather feature for this time of year. Weather prognos- ticators say this is a sign of op- en `wevather. \17__A ,-,__1,,-A ,1 11 FOR SALE---100 acres, Simcoe Gounty, about 5 miles from Town of Barrie, all cleared, clay loam, buildings first- elass. A very desirable proper- . ty. Any reasonable offer will be considered. Apply to T. C. Fisher, Barrie. Ont. 38tf DIIJU VVll.l.l1Ul- Have you renewed your sub- scription yet`? The dollar rate .for arrears, renewals, or new subscriptimrns holds good until Jan. 1st next: ...---A___.. -1! 1L_-tN,I,I- , \ "`i .r.`('E `f13`l`171vIynr<';'L,`~j'J\7vuI11Uc)`luvas em- ployed as a baker by W. P. Soules twentyyears ago, has taken a position with Bryson Bros. Tho nnvnn A-P. `kn T`n{euIn 'Dnnu1-Iv`: \JlLllJDD IJUI. 1LCl4l1.lU"`-Ullly LU .l}U.lI-IJu - Bobby Rowe, son of Mrs. S. _G. Rowe, Dunlop St., has been en- lgaged to coach the hockey teams of the University of Washington lthis winter. i TT..-... --/>-- -.__-_--- I --AA--- u,uu. us, an 9 u uuuun. Engineer James of the,H. E. Commission is to meet the Town Council tonight regarding the proposed new agreement. `DOOR DlI1rY|`A`v , Ivvhn I`Vl\I> l\I\`I lyvoxutvlz vvxuu. JJLJDULL JJL U0. ` The name of the Irish Beauty Doll will be announced at/concert on Dec. 14 in K. of 0. Rooms: Guess her name--on1y 10 pants. Rnhh11 Dnnyn uni: n4` Nun Q 1115. , ' _ -A-.Upholstering and furniture repalrmg done by competent wprkman at Dougall Bros. Fur- n1t}1re Store. . 37tf -\An..l.:...... ._.D LI... `IT--u.....c.. `I ... A meeting of the Women"s In- stitute will be held in,the' Field Comforts Rooms on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 2 o'clock. 'n`1\n-;r\nnn Tnvnnn n4` `Mn 11' 15` IJIIJLLU Ull If Q59 3 Many 'farme'r have taken ad- vantage of the recent open wea- pher to finish up their fall plow- lngi ' I __TTnhn`n`nnnm 01!!` 'IIII'\:`II'l\ `--Read Brysorfs `announce- ment on Page .9. v ` , Monti funrrunna Bnun 4n`rnn ad same stock Market ELECTRIC M() I`0RS FOR SALE -One 2 H.P.- two-phase and me '74. 11.1 . single phase,| (Wagner). havge beenl II(\l\rl in I):-.nv.3.. l\n\lJ ...... -.._ n___1 Red cross Notes '-Redpath s granulated sugar, $8.15 per bag at Hinds Bros. Copeland's Flour always in stock. J-LIL Klll In retiring from the active bus. iness, Mr. Ball recommends to the_ insuring public not only the great Sun Life Assurance Com- pany, but his successor, Mr.` D. J. Reburn. - Prominent Insurance Man Retires 11.. 'I'Y_____,, 'I'\,II I % 1'vi["ri1f`e;i'1TvJi1B" $325" so many years has represented the SUN `LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 0 NARTAINA 5.-. -All-3-~ --- -----------1 uuu 1_u.J.'J.u ADD-Ullniiuu UU. Lil.` CANADA, is retiring on account of ill_health from the active management of the Barrie Agen- cy of that Company. Probably no insurance man in Barrie has been better known for the past fteen years than has Mr. Ball. His work for the Sun Life has been of a very satisfactory na- _ture.- He has seen that giant Company grow from thirty mil- lion do1lars' has reached the enormous gures of over. $275,00.0,000.00 of Insurance in force. . S _l_`,,,",_ _, 0,, , 1. kin. \)lLIJ\Ju Among those `from out of town present were: Mr. and Mrs". F0s_ ten`, Burk s' Falls;Miss Nita Shan- non, Detroit; Miss Gannon, Mrs Coutts, Mrs. and Miss Reid and Mr. and'Mrs. A. Hardie of Toron- to. -_ UA UDUULLII UL IJCCLI. ID. After a. dainty supper, Mr. and MI.-s..fF0ster left on the 5.15 train f0r'Buffal0 and New York, the. bride travelling in a suit of nigger brown with hat to match. On their return they will" reside in Toronto u A_.--_..>_. ll_,,, .1! A II: (I 1JlJl.l.l4_l(1:lll U1 IJUCLIID. _ Miss Elwood _Reid of Toronto played the wedding music, her gift from the groom being a crescent of pearls. A""`nn n 4-]n~:'r\l v n I 1 n n n n In .\...,.I U UIUUA. The bride, who was unattend- ed, and given away by her father. looked very pretty in her wedding gown of lace over white silk. She also wore the gift of the groom, a pendant of pearls. V mac wlixvnn DI\I.l" nJ' "-`f\v|1\w\`r\ LOST-'-Fr`0m TT _________.] pasture of Johni Smith, Midhurst, one` tw0-year- I old steer. red and white, with? horns; ring in under side of right` ear. Persons -harboring same liable to prosecution. v_ Fred. L. Bonney, Shanty Bay. 48-50 Foster--.8ha`nnon The home of Mr. and Mrs. W J. Shannon, V Wellington Street was the scene of a happy and in- teresting event on Saturday after- noon last, December 2, when their only daughter, Miss Irene Isabelle" became the bride of Mr. Charles S. Foster (of Toronto. Rev. D. D. McLeod, D.D., performed the cer- emony, which took` place at 3 o clock.. ' nu..- L...:.,.I.. ___1._ ,-,- 001-] ..I.__. u; auoul. 11451:. Mrs. Jeffrey A. McCarthy and Miss Brydon leave this week for England. Two of Mrs. .McCar- thy s sons are in khaki overseas. Inn W1 U DAr: I A A - . A n A . -. IIIIIJ VV LLLUUL I Archie Burton, who has been ill with nervous trouble in Tor- onto for some weeks, is improv- ing and` expects to go south to recuperate. At the same time his mother, Mrs. Martin Burton,} and h|is sister, Mrs. N. Dyment,` Evil] go to California `for the win.` a er. An_-`..1_ ~n._u.:___ - , 1. u l 014110 (11.0 111. nucuxx UVULDUGD. uni] a Mrs. T. H. Redditt leaves on Tuesday for Winnipeg. After spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Heeney she will proceed to Pasadena, Ga1.,where she ex- pects to be for the reniainder. of the winter. . ` . L._..I.I- 'I\____1-__ ,I_ I, JJL UUZL L7 Mr. aria Mrs. Kels of Millbrodk are visiting their daughter, Mrs. H. A. Sims. ' `Al - ......I 1uI'__ .1 'n-_L _n n lie (10 757111130 Mr. and Mrs. J. Parks of Aber- deen, Wash., are _visiting their uncle, Geo. Parks. M1! 0371:` Inc Tnnnnn nu.-. I-gnu-A LILLUID, \JUUo -I{ (11135: Mr. an Mrs. James Pue have- gone on an extended visit to their son, Rev. J. A. H.`Pue-Gilchrist, Bracebridge. ' Inn Tn4' A R`nfVn-`CL.-- n-an] Illllla IIUL OIDIJCII. `Ill JJI. UllllUo , - Mrs.F`reel of Campbellford is visiting Mrs. George A.:Brown. MFG T11} `xrnhh Dnnfnn Q} UL IJUI. IJI Miss Violet Brown of Coburn is visiting with Mrs. A. Paddison, Brock St. . `II ... _...I `III... 17.1, n II"!!! vuu II'uu , Iivliu C, L116 1Ull0WlI1g`Z 6` steers and heifers, 2-years old, Polled Angus; 14 heifers and steers, 1-year old, Polled Angus; 4 Durham cows, Springers. Tho ghnva own all n...-ma u...:4.-4-. uuuu.I.5WUUu. ' ' Miss Violet:Mingay spent the `_week-end in Toronto. A 1M':.~... ml'............1..__ .- -_.-_.I:.._. - v;oLu1g.l5 nun. uuunsu n.-,.u1`uwu. Mrs. Lot Webb, Bradford St., is visiting her daughter in Pet- erboro. - `IE3- `7_'A`_`. `l\..___,,_ , II II I Luvv VVVUUAD 111 .I.Ul. Ul.llIUo Mrs.*J. McL. Stevenson Vis vis- iting her`sister.`in'Bronte. 1\I m-. ~11`-......I no n.........1....1u-.......1 .-.. Mrs. `S. M. Wells is visiting in Collmgwood. Minn vi.-.I..4.1u'.'........... .........s 41.... 'vvUUn.'-Ullu 111 .I.Ul.'Uu.l:U. _ MISS Ma_conchy.1s spendmg a few Weeks 111' Toronto. ' 1u'...... .r 1|t...'r n.__--._--.. 2- _.:- Ut3`Ut)lllUt:1'. The Vair Grocery Co. have re- ceived large orders for Poultry to reach their destination not la-, ter than the 49th or 20th of Dec- ember. Farmers who have Tur- keys, Geese, Ducks, and Chickens. to sell, will do well to take notice that the Vair Grocery Go. wil1'p'ay the highest market prices on the 16th up to the -19th. `If those who have poultry to sell all put off their `marketing until the 23rd., undoubtedly there will be a great slump in the prices. Tel- ephone or write to us. We will contract now for your poultry and pay you good prices. 30. Lunch Menu Sat., Dec. 9 TOMATO soup A PDRK AND BEANS WITHBGHILI SAUCE BREAD AND BUTTER BAKED APPLES WITH RAISINS TEA OH COFFEE Served In Red Gross Rooms ' ' 11 a.`m.-2 p.m. A A Reminder You know that Christmas Day comes on Monday, the 25th of December. ` r'l1`I..,.. T7.-.2... flnrunnnvr [n hnvn I'D S_e'c._Treas.--Geo. B'i II n i e, Cralghurst. . ' ' 1.... nn`nmn`nn cc-rnuan nu-nu-\A:.-.LA.I Vespra Llberals At a meeting of the Vespra Liberal Association held in'Bar- rie last Saturday the following officers were elected: PI'es.-W. J. Cole, Grenfel. Vice-Pres.---D. M. Cout.ts, Dal- clnn` HOUSE TO RENT Seven rooms, ail modern c.0nveniences, 130 Bradford St. Apply to Mrs. T. `Gray, 22 WeHing't0n SL, phone 309, or to W. J. Gray, execu- tor. 49-tf \JL CAISIILII. Ell): Delegates were appointed to attend the convention in Stayner tomorrow. ' Vlb ston. 01-. SOLDIERS AID Carving Knife, Fork and Steel. Special price . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . Handsome Blacl-0: Leather Club Bags, 18 inch, 2 handles with ttings. Prices . - - - . . s . . . . . . - - - -$l5.75 and $l8.00 Club Bags, I8 inch. Special . . - . . - - . . - . - --$|.39, $4.25 Club Bags. I6 inch, one handle. Price . . . . - - - - -' . - - $2.50 Big Valuesin Leatherette and Leather Suit Cases, 28, 24, 26 incl-;3_ Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$|.'35V, 1.50, L65, L79: 2.35, 2.50. 6.00 ancl.7.50 You should see these lines. Children's Trunks, covered with tin and and tray, I4 inch v $|.50, I6 inch $l.75. With every dollar jrurchase we give you To 5c Coupon redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods atsmall prices. Fancy Tea Aprons. Price. . 5 . - - - - - . - - . - - - . '50c, 25c 19c Children's Boiotees. Price - - - - - -A . . . - - - - - - - -25c and 35c Handsome Ladies' Waists, Georgette Crepes, colors White, Black, Rose, Pink. Cream, Maize, Champagne. Price \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cream and VWhite Shadow Laces. Price - - - - - - - - -$4.00 I % Yoti should see these lines. WANTED-100 cords rst_class, dry 4-ft. Hardwood and 200 `cords tirst-c|ass, green /1-ft. Hardwood. Apply to Lewis & ~Co., Maple Ave., Barrie. 49-51