the Columbia before you make your choice of any other machine. yup vvuuav \)Irl:l-J(4la\.llGvl.l Ln-ulslu LBUUILIUD. One trip is nine miles north of Re- velstoke. along the Columbia River to Silver Tip Falls, through the fa- mcas Columbia Canyon. which _tor _ scenic beauty and thrills is unsurpass- ed on the American Continent; and the other is up Mount Reve|stoke.The Dominion Government_ is now building an automobile road from Reveistoke to the top or this. mountain,-.: and has recently expended on 'ttna` road. which is now ten- miles up the mountain. The road zig-zags up the mountain. having an excellent grade. ` a high-powered automobile being able The Grafonola is designed to, play all makes of records as it has the steel, bre and the jewel point needle which requires no changing. REVELSTOKE and `*5 BEAUTI Be sure to examine Garrett s Music Store % B A R RI E You may secure pne from $15.00 up to` $650.00 $20.00 I41 uuu, yvnuovv Also a handeome new Weber piano, regular price $375.00, ` Xmas price, $340.00. ' ' --ORGANS-- Here. is a ne chance for 7 you to secure .a rst-elas's six- octave piano-cased Bell, with eleven steps, or Doherty-with twelve stops, four sets reeds, 1nouse_pmof pedals and 'mir_ ror tops, as good as new. The first price of either organ was $140.00 cash. Xmas price, c-Innn - to go up this road on high gear. Tour- ists who have made this trip as far as the road is completed, claim that there is no trip on the American con- tinent that can compare with it. Should tourists be desirous, ar- _.rang,e_'ments can be made to have sad- dle `horses -a.wa.i_ting them at the end of the automobile road, _so that they can continue to the top of Mount Re- velstoke where a most beautiful na- tural park is situated. in your home this Xmas? Columbia Grafonola Will there be a $145.00 In the months of July and August, this park is a. most brilliant param- ma of color. being covered with the most beautiful of wild flowers. wh;-_/11 give the appearance of the M1026 mountain top being one glorious ma `3 of red, yellow. and green, in the cen- tre otwhich are Lakes Eva. mm r, and Prospect. the background be =1; `tne famous Re'.'e1stokeAz1aCieT- 7 .3 lanes are about five miles from m3 and at the automobile road. 1 .__..----3` You are welcome to call at our store and have them demon.- strated. Music on both sides. Columbia Records 85c up `We havfa slightly used Heintzman & Co. piano, stan- dard price $450, for the Xmas_ trade, $325.00. - Alon n lnn...-la.-.-n.-.... ........ 117-1.-- $65.00 Page Nine This piano `makes.-Erieinds wherever it goes, especially so `at Xmas. We have some beauties upon our store. oor from $400 up. Cash or easy terms of paymeI_1t.T ` Thursday so that these letters often throw interesting sidelights on the battles or conditions at the front. The Examiner and Saturday Morning will_ be pleased to have letters from the front for publica- tion. In supplying such let- ters to us the recipients are not only doing` us a favor, but are'furnis`hing reading that is interesting to thous-. ands of our readers who have relatives or friends in khaki. Good care will be taken of the letters and on- ly such portions as are of general interest will be us.- ed. When soldiers have been wounded their "friends are always anxious to learn par- ticulars and the quickest way to let them know is, throughthe columns of this widely circulated "newspap- er. Kindly send along the letters, and they will be pub- lished, as space permits, in the order received. V LETTERS TO V T SOLDIERS If you can t_ write a letter to some of your soldier friends every week, you can nd a good substitute in an occasional copy of The Ex- aminer and Saturday Morn- ing, as the boys are eager f r the home news. " Postage per paper is one `cent to England and two cents to France. Extra copies may he se- cured at. this otce or from the bookstores at three` cents eao-_h. ` V urhe elntzman E Co. Planoils tbq M Standard of Artistic Exccllence. " :Every soldier. has his friends at home and tells his story in his own way, Thursday, Noveinbef 30, 1916. Whe_at`.._ .. ..$1 wheat .. .. ..$1 . . . . . ..`.....$$1 y . .. .. ... .. x. .. ..$1 gchicken .. .. .<`0w1.. .. o o o o o I o I O a n O o a Soldiers Letters --SPEC.IAI!.-i-- wholesale Prices. ..$L65-$t0 ..$1.10-$1.15 . .` . . . . .$$1.50-$2.15 .. .. ...;65c,70c. .. ..$1.10;$1.15 . .a ..$1;30-$1.35 ken ..16c-18c ....13c_15cf '.... 15 to 18- .l.l.n JJCUIUJ, .I.|u .I.'UDIJU1o Jr. III-C. Beelby, M. Arnold, B; Hunter,`M. Black, `R. Quantz, L. Armstrong, W. Black, J. Suth erland, F. Sutherland, J. C.lem-.- ents, R. Hoover, F. Foster, C. Wgbb." -r A___.3_I.1 1ur 11r_1_1. vV?r'f"I1-L. Arriold, M. Webb, E. Guest, M. McC0nkey, E. Job- |bitt, M. Ferrier, E. Thompson. 1 1)vr:'rv'\4\~n F` U D'nr\`n11 D1111 1.111/D, 1'1: -I-'Ul.l.JU.|., 1.1. .l.l.llJ.l.l.1tJ Primer C H.,Br0ley, L.'f{$:- nolds, I.-C.1ements`, D. Hewson, M. Constable, D. Guest, R.` Black,TC. Sproule. B-E. Arnold, L. Bro- ley, B. Constable. A-A. Guest, L. Foster, A. Hoover. V ~ STROUD _ October Report for Stroud School Sr. IV+A. Robertson, H. Guest, L. Whitney. Tn ITT T 'Dlnn1y "I? 131.-:n1y 'I'\' L'ULLLCLo_' Sr. III-C. Arnold, W. Guest, H. Beelby, R. Foster. Tn III F `Dnnllaxy `Ill Annnlrl Fall Wheat ~ . . Buckwhea't . Peas . Oats T. . . Barley Rye .. .. . . .. Spring Chicken . . Old Fowl .. ... - Ducks . . . . . . . . . Turkey .. .. .. . Butter ,. "Eggs . Potgtoes, bag . . . Hay . . . . . . . . .$ V-IILIJLLU o 'J{-. 1v-:I. Black, E. Black, D." Fegrier. _ . ' `I"I"l` (`I A_.__-I.I 117 I`I--....l. Nov- 28-Mr; and Mrs. George Caldwell have moved into one of Arghie Wats0n s houses. ` ' T\._1.J ..-...........'I..L -1.` L L (#01110 L&LL!J I yullll A number from" Here attended a party at Mr; Erwin s, Egbert, on Monday evening. I A I'\7|:`1f\`I\ f`l\`I\I`l"I.I1I'| `(V :~r\ LVLKILLLJCIJ GVCLILIJ-50 A private detective is needed in this neighhovhood as .sneak thieving is constantly going" on. Grain and fowl are disappearing. Inn Qhnnnn tr" rr'r\vu\~nn Inna `.51-(bill. KIILIKI l\}VVl L? unoayyuux I116; Mrs. Sharpe Toronto has returned home after visiting friends here. Nbv; 28--Miss`Edith Collins A very interesting and well at- 5left On M0I1daY f0P L0I,1d0Il, Where tended meeting of the Union Mis- she will take a_positi0n. V sion was" held `in the Baptist Mr. and Mrs.` Jas._ _Parks c_>f`Church last evening, Nov. 28th. Portland`, , Oregpn, vlslted. th1siAn excellent paper was given by week wlth then` uncle, J. VW. Miss Mays and short addresses Dark: ' znrnnn .-..;.m.-. 1..-. 1ur...~....... 1: nnnn ,... Nov. _28-M'r'ss Laura Carruth_ ers entertained a number of friends last Wednesday evening. Mrs. McQuayd of Sunnidale is visiting friends here. Thnn Dnnlinm ynnlnvunrl 4n TVA VVIJCLIJ JJ.UlIlIL_Il U]. Laws. _Crown Hill people extend their most, sincere sympathy to Mrs. D. W. Bolton and Sons in ,the death of Mr. Bolton. U111!) V` (]uUE\J.I-L D 1lU\ADUDo . ` George Reld, evangelist, of Hawkestone, paid a short visit to Dalston on Monday of this week. '11}-\n nnnnln n4` {Bio nniry-ln`I'\n~n JJQIIGUULL KJLI. LVl.lJlL\ICIuJ K11 011113 VVl;llJL\.a The people of this neighbor- hood were shocked to hear of the sad accident which caused the very sudden death of D. Bolton. Mr. Bolton was widely known and much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquain- _tance and will be. very much missed not only in Barrie, where he has resided for a number of years, but also in the surround- ling country _where he worked as a carpenter. Mrs. Bolton and family have the sincere sympathy ef tihe people of this neighbor- 100 ; - - A5 II 0000 AU UU IV` on on at 0:20" Eggs .. '.. ..42'c.-45c'. Itpotgtoes, . ..$1.65-$1.75. .. ....$9.ou to $11.00 Wool, washed, lb. ..47c to 480. Wool, unwashed, lb. ;.35c to 360. Beef Hides, 0-ured ..18c to 20}. Beef Hides, green . . . . . .' . . . . 18c. Tallow, rendered, lb. ..7c to Sc. Sheep Skins .. =..$2.00 to $3.50 Horse Hides $4.00 to $5.00 Horse Hair .. .. .. .. .. ..40c. `Lamb Skins . . . . . . .$l.00-$1.35 Calf Skins, green . . . .20c to 22c Flour (Ontario) . .$l0.00-$i0.50 Flour (Manitoba) . . . . . . .$l1.60 Bran, per totf . . . . . . . . . .$32.00 `Shorts, per ton . . . .$36.00 VLDLULLLE 11. I-U~l1\.lD llULUa Thos. Banting -motored to To- ronto onATuesday. T - 'I`1'\n Av\r\~:\1nnonn11 ql\I'|I7`:l\l|n {ml w:i`Uf;}eL_:`.X.I;11`1`iUvel;*ce{1.ry Services in ,the Presbyterian Church will be ;conducted next Sunday by Rev. Mr. McIntosh of Bond Head. at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. A 1\I1rv\}\nn +"nr\vv\'h.n~nn nf>n-nnlnrl AA :3 .l.I'.l.bllYJ1 1LA1lUla.ln ride and entertainlnent is to be held on Dec. 21. TUI:..... T'.'1._.__:_ 1171- L-.. 1.-.-.. Crown Hill Xmas sleigh-I ll.\/lbl \JlI .I.J|J|Jo hilt I Miss Virgia VVi,ce has been somewhat laid up of late suffer- ing from an infected hand. Incl LTnnnnn.-I 'DnInunr\ in onrnn 15 Vl1.lJ1ll (11.1 Ll.1.lUL'|JU|.l. l.I.6lr.l.l\Jo Mrsl Howard-Robson 1s some- what better of late. l`I_...-_-._ 1I'.'Il .....n...I.. .....l........l 1L...1... Nov. 29--Re_v. Mr . Brown preached in the Methodist Church ";ast, Sunday. Every `one `there was delighted to hear Mr. Brown once more a \IT-_I.II,,._ l,_II, A". ,_E,__.,`,, __` `wi5l1:: .GurtiAs from the West was in the village last week att.en'd-A ing his fatllero. funeral. l '1"!-an {"n,-u UH] V.nnn nlnimk VLLVU ll.l\Jl-\Jo Wedding bells are ringing` nu nI1n`;n 'P1|r\'rv'\ {Inn 7r\n` vrvncv :1; I. u WV. U\":1\&cMil1an purchased a~ Gray Dort car last week. - ` I U, LILLD. JJ(1.V1U. J.l.lU1l1lJDL{.l.l. . D0n t`be gmng around w1Lh wet .feet when Fisher`s can supply -you with thehest quality rubbers at IQW prices. _ . . _ _ MISS Josephlne Rokglnson 1s confined to her home wlth meas les. . . v A'_,, A ,1}, I\ I I `Garrett s MusicStore Jun. Mrs. Arthur Robinson is very iH at Uualumne of her daughten Mrs. Alf. Ingham, with little hope! of recovery. \X7 \\7 R/| n1\lI'iH n n n 1 1 nnlsnnnrl .~. uu uv;: uau. an ..L`1DuU1'D. . Chas. Robinson has sold to. f'1`h0s. Allison the farm: he recent- 'ly bought from the Hyland Estate -` has been leased for a- number of years by Lorne Mc- lMaster. 1711 (NI 1 u A vs .1. uuxuxunc Ull uauuxuay. Mrs. Addison Rayson of Tor- onto spent over Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. David Thompson. ]\n'n f `Pun n`r\;r\n- n'nrn1~nr` xxwill-1 xsvhl UJDUDL, $11.16. ULIGD. U1Gl'A. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Tor- ~0nto spent over Sunday at T. A., Jebb's. J _` ' fl ` 'IWI._.-l..1:-.`LA. n 1-!!! .uu w u. uusa Wccn ' Miss Hamilt,0'n, milliner` at HopVpe1"s, left. for her home _Pemb1'oke. on Saturday. NJ:-be Adan... D....,L~.,m me rn; 1... iihaYdiiai ?Aii}h3ugn1| VV OUR Parks. vv}u1 Luau U.11U1U, U. MisseGladys VGhantler has re-; turned home after an extended v_1si,t at Adanac, Sask., with her slster, Mrs. Chas. Clark. Rlfn nv\rl '|\lIn/-. T.\lr..-..~A... .\1" I1.... uuuul. . [ !m Mrs. Ed. Svhrubsole of Barr;e' aspent a few days with friends 1n town this week. v | . `n...-.,.:u.___ M_:n:_.___` -4 xx f""}?iaf sfh1ights of different styles 'and also batteries and bulbs are ltu be had at Fisher s. _ IVL... 'n..1...'_._-__._ . I ___I.I 1- C.A.$TQB a A VI &I& To see and hear the mis toN Bears the News from [ Tpwnships I 1' I V1111 ':_Lf9r ana_g:h11are_n. -59. AsTold by our cnowu HILL V cooIs1'o1n(qu_ DA LSTON IVY Of Dr. Speers . lecture to. be given in Collier St. -_Methodist Church next Monday night, the Sarnia Canadian says:-A lec- ture was given in the church on Monday evening by the Rev. J. C. Speer, who took for his subject, Crawlers, Crutchers, and Climb- ers, and was listened to by a large and appreciative audience. His. many humorous sketches fairly ;convulsed the people. We can only say that those who miss- ed attending lost a great treat._ Mr. anc1 "Mr's:-Peters made a business trip to `Toronto this week_. _T'r_I,,'11I, ,, u I `Phone, 259a. P. 0. Box 178.1 VV\J\J\I Miss_ Helena Flanagan has gone on. an extended visit to North Bay. 'l\ 1\If'l1.-nu ~.-`AAA .-. L....-.:.-........ t..:..-. Lo uuc guano Lula. u. l.AuU5W11l.. Messrs. R;Uiitt0n and Frank- com are busy threshing cloveron the 4th line. `IT..- `I71..- . 1 `L 1 1 ` f}3f>}e5 e17i3'11 s. s. will hold I their Christmas entertainment on' Dec. 21'. ` - I LJLDJ 0 ` D. Miller made a business trip to Barrie last week, T I-Tifrrdtovtolrl Boa` -nofnrvnnnl UU .LJ(ll..I.ll: [(1101: VVUUl\o J. Fitzgerald has. retdrneti home from Midland. ' IJIIU '2bll 11116- Wm. Frost, who .has been a resident for some _time at Max Coutts , started for England on Tuesday, Nov. 28. "1-`ll!`|' Dnnokxrlnniaxvx Q Q .311 `Ia.-.1.-`I uxzuo LVLGJD uuu OIIUJ. D (IUIILUD-DUE gwere given by Messrs. Foyston -iand Berry.` The meeting next I Tuesday at 8 p.m. is to be held `in the basement of the Methodist church here. V T.`....L 1___'_l___ \Y'___ n: 1'-r, , Nov. 28-On Wednesday morn- ing, Nov. 22, \V`i]liam Platt, a highly. esteemed citizer of this village, diedafter an illness of .few days. On Friday mornin, Nov. 17th, M_r. Platt, apparently in his usual good health, was working about his automobile in his garage. About 10 o clock his lsister on going into the garage, was horried to nd him lying unconscious on the floor. The engine of the automobilewas running and it was at first thought. that. he received a shock from the batteries, Medical aid was summoned at once and the trouble pronounced apoplexy. Everything possible was done to restore the sufferer. He became conscious forshort intervals on Saturday, but on-Sunday evening he began to weaken and gradual- ly sank until death came on Wed, nesday. forenoong The funeral, which tookjplace on Friday af- ternoon was attended by a `large number of friends, the services being conducted by Rev. J. J. Preston ofithe English Church, Elmvale. `Ill-.- 1 1:_I,1 1x1 11 - --- L1, LUL (1 LUVV L|Cl) Da Hull/Iurs. J. Sutton by prompt ac-i Lion saved their home from being burned. The children, while playing with matches, s/et re to a clothes closet. and a lot of clothes and `hats and other mat- erial were destroyed- '1`}'II) D.`\v Qnlninl I-unlnl n1 I-"Inn UL vvux uuamuy The Box Social held at the Town Hall by the Ladies Aid was the event of the season. The programme was rendered in an 'efective'and sociable way and gave great enjoyment to old and youngp Gongraltulations to the Ladies Aid for their efforts in entertaining - a full house. Fan]! nv\(~l D ' T t1`I'\r\ I-\ n - v A -A i5.oai: V `I r\ or uuuux I.-u.u.1.uL5 a. lull l1Ul.lDt.`:. E. Cook and R." Lynn have re- turned to their. homes - after spending a protable summer in the West. 1u :-_ A ru_,,, - n -..-n vz`X.m(`:J.hegwinT of Millgrove is the guest of Mrs. J. Ghegwin. Mnceve Dr Tihlnn n$nA n1nnv\1r 1._lAIIIv(A.l\Iu Miss Violet Platt and Miss Henderson of New York, retllrned `home after spending aweek here. u N/Inc nnxtriuntr nu-`A nrxvs 'l\Tnn.-..\-. L\J1llb3 U1 uunu: .lUl. cl. LUW uaya. Miss A. Sllannon of Edgar is the guest of her aunt, Miss A. Duran, for a few days. MPG T Q11}{r\n 1111 vxnrxrsnrxlr nn luu-up all/Cl. nptsuuuls 31 WUFK lit`-['05. Mrs. Dewdney. and` son Norman of Toronto attended the funerah of the late W. Platt. N0.'..- 29-A. Cochrane of Par- Ijy Sound is enjoying the com- _IUI`LS of llmue for a few days. ` T\/I1".-a A Q11-1nv\r\n f\`P E`;-In-nn Cm 'I|ll,-sir un L.)ul.u1uG.,Y, LVLIV. (U- /.\w`\|rr.11ng" couple from Om entered the state ofholy matrimony. nu u.Luu_l1Ll aaul. Rev. Mr. Berry, who was sud- 'denly called away to`attend his lhrother s wife s funeral, near Fenwick, after attending S. S. Anniversary services on the Priceville Circuit, and` also a\ memorial service for one of our boys who `was killed in action in France, returned on the 15th inst. T no` 11vnn1r Inn 1)A......-- -_.----l 1 ; l(l:llL/I7, |(7uI.u.1u`/u U11 but: 1Ul.ll 11151:. Last.week Mrs. Berry went to visit her dauprhfer and her hug- hand at. Trout Creek, where Mr. Mnssolman is G.T.R. agent. She will likely be absent for two week.. ' II -rv- 11- n -v VV['I'rI\c`o C. M. `Hinkling of Vespra Have missionary addresses on Mine- sing clrnuit last Sunday which xvore very much _appI'ec-iated and ya liberal response was given. I A nnfghln nxynnf f\IIIII'I'I1vIl'\r] n` 1.1-... uu_y. W'e also have a few f`1ve-oc- tave organs from $20.00 up. Lu.) l.|l1 UIIU VVUI `Robert Coliics, who has been laid up with La Grippe,'is able to lhe around again. D I'll! I/fn DA.a;..Q ..-L A --ns 1. --- -`I ;u. Illuglnl [(7-WIJUIIBU was glvell. A notable event. occurred at the Parsonage on Saturday, Nov. 25. `A vnnnrr nnnnln {Many-n (N..- .....1........! I U11 L11. U11 IJL4 Last Friday, Nov. 24, Harry ,Rowell's little girl swallowed a button which lodged in her throat.` The parents took her to .Toronto on Saturday and had it `removed and returned on Mon- day, the child to all appearance none the worse. ' zxl...-....l f"1,.II_._ __,L_ 1-- Gonvulsed the People MT. ST. LOUIS `rue sham: AEAXVAIIIIIIERAAIID `SATURDAY ulonulud PHELPSTON MIDI-IURST MINESING P. 0. Box 178 Also Patterson s Drug Store, Allandale Phone 2593, Barrie Markets