Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1916, p. 8

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4 fZ:':Z:.> Emg Days until Christmas I The Rev. Arthur Strother, who] has just returned from England, will hold services throughoutthel Parish of Vespra on Sunday next, December 3, as follows:-- M;Hh11na` I A n run `LT.-sI-- t`r\v\A 1./uux./1.111101 , GD .l.U1lU . T ; Midhurst-11 a.m., Holy Com-` :munion._ Vespra-2.30 p.m. ' Minesing---7 p.m., Holy Com- -munion. ` . ALAUL 11111.5 COL V IUU ' Strangers and visitors wel-.! 3 come. w ,i ` U5.p`.r.r1`.: -`'lI;he Man who Repented iafter Death. . r\..__` 1..., 1\,,aI -1- 1 I ICIIJUVJI. JJK/(lllllo Our L0rd s Death will he re-95 ?mernbered at the close of the: `morning service. . Q{>~rIn~r\nrvnnn nn:-I 1:3.-u:ln...~ .-....'I H -v -vv-'- --v- w.- lCorne;(.;.l-apperton & Wor.s.l'ey Sts Pastor-Wm. Harris Wallace . Services, Sunday,.Dec. 3rd. ' H a.m.--Jesus.in _the Garden. 3 p.m.--Revelation to John, Rev. 1:1..10._ If 1 vs Mr. Alex. Agar and Mrs. Jas. Irwin desire to express their thanks to friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. K FOR SALE -At the Parsonage, Minesing, four thoroughbred _ Barred Rock Cockerels, bredou the prize poultry farm of Grosch & Son, Milverton. 48 1Al.\Jl.lLl116 ullu UVU11l.1L5. 11a.m. Moving Pictures from. [Another World. * LLT\! ,', `I I u. Juuu/ALJJL U1 \JublGVVD. Lecture by Dr. Speer on Mon- day night. Subject: Crawlers, Crutchers. a_nd Climbers. FVAAJ .A-.--...-.. A`I'l -__._'l-.-_.-, I`! \AAuuu1A\.1o. uxxu \Jl111LU\31Do Good music. All welcome. Come and bring a friend. Rev. :`RZ`31;ii~1I,"13a's'c;."' Anniversary Sunday Rev. Dr. Speer will preach both morning and evening. '1 4 Q Th "`Mnxrinm D;n`1innn -Pnnnn .L.\1LLlU1A\Jl. IV UL Au- 7 p.m.-Divine Judgment on `a 1:IatiL0n of Out1avy`sA. _ A j L__ 'I`\ `ll colller st. Methodist church Barrie Baptist church h cu-u PARISH OF VESPRA You Want to Hurry Up. Thare are only 20 Shop- PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE-Good as new. Cost [$65. Owner will let it go` for $35. Address Box Zf` this office. A 45tf o o o a o o u o n o g u u o o - o a o u IIUUI VII I UV: Ladies Underwe"ar--Large as.s.ortment in Wool and Cot- ton; prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 750. 60c., 50c., 29c., and 250. Ghildren s Vests and Drawers, special va1ues._ . . . . .25c., 35c., 40c., 50c., 60c., 65c., 70c., 75c., $1.00 and $2.00 See our values in Men's and Boys corduroy caps, with pull down ear coverings, at the small price of 50c. Men's Mackinaw Sox, Black, Black and Red, Black and Blue, and Plain Grey; price ..$1.25, $1.00 and 50c. Boys Mackinaw Sox, price . . . .. . . . . . . . . .50c. and 60c. New Stock of Lumberman s Rubbers and Overshoes. Men's, Ladies , Boys and children's Rubbers, spec- ial prices. Just the kind you want under that new suit to make you feel as you look, well dressed. Whatever -kind you want, it s here, and in the size that fits you correctly. Union Suits and Shirts and, Drawers. Penman s closed-crotch Unionsuits, sizes 34 to 42, special price" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 Men's Wool Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44, old prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .$1.00 each Penman s Red Wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44, old prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 each Men's Natural Wool shirts and Drawers, Mercury make, sizes 34 `to 44, prices . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 to $1.50 Men's Wool Fleeced Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, . sizes 32 "to 42, old prices . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15c. each Boys Fleeced Shirts an.d Drawers, Boys Plain Knit Penman s Shirts and Drawers, sizes 24 to 32, prices ........v..50c. to 70c. WINTER UNDERWEAR card of Than ks OOOOOOOOGOOO %ooo0` UNI).-E'RWOOD NO.,5, LATEST model, Ttw0-color ribbon, back spacer, --for sale cheap to a quick buyer. Apply to Box .3 This Office. 45-11 cleaned, Altered and Repaired. MISS ll. MoKEnNAII 58 Small St... lam-Io. The Barrie Examiner Saturday Morning. `The Examiner and Saturday Morning Printing Office, which has one of the best equipped plants in any On- tario town; turns out clean striking-looking Posters for Sales, `Entertainments or other announcement pur- poses at fair prices for the quality of work produced. {When ordering by mail these are the regular sizes to ask for :- Sixteenth Sheets.6x9 inches Eighth Sheets. .9x12- inches Quarter Sheets. 12x18 inches H'alf Sheets. . .18x24 inches Full Sheets. . .2-4x36 inches ADDRESS Thursday; llovembef 30, 1916. POSTER PRINTING Barrie, Ont. JOB DEPT. FURS I HQUSE TO RIlCN"I:--On Bradford 9 ._-__L 4 --.- .._...|..L __-....__.._. .l`;`_".' PHI: Hay \\'m \V'l)1 .I;`I .'1 D111` Tur l`{:_y"" Stun Hm` H'm' Sta)` \\` I1] at, kw: f1'( .1. ex 5+4 i>n1vA'rE BOADING OP. ROOM- 1NG-C?0nveniences. Apply `evenings. Mrs. Gowan, 54 Ec- cles St. ` T - 48-48' -Fen. SALE---Two good drivers,` suitabe for farm or town work; double or single; 7 and 9 years old. A. F. Garrett, Bar1'1'e.' . . 48-tf. FOR SALE-7 White Wyandottei Hens and Cook Bird, Martin, strain. Cheap. Apply` at This Omce. 48-48 | FOR SALE--Best make piano. I`wo hundred dollars." Mrs. Finley, 21 McDonald St.,` Bar- rie. . 47-49p ROOMS TO LET--Apply to 62 Mary St., Barrie. 46-48 `Foa SALE--At a bargain, cutter and buggy. Apply to H. H. Otton & Son. 48-48 WANTED-Man ox"hYouth to at; tend horse and furnace. Ap- ply to this Oice. 48-48 TO LET--South half Tof double! house, modern. Phone 353 or` call at 165 Bradford St. . 48-] PRIVATE SALE 65} FURNITURE, I Rugs, eto.---Mrs. Burton, 9 Penetangi St. Phone 344. 48-1] Children` Cry ' eon rtsmmrs MAID WAN I'ED- For generizl work in small house. Apply at nm..:,. nm-.. /.Q /.5; FURS remodeled and repaired. Miss M. McArthur, 133 Collier. St. Phone 186. -. 38-50`! lllnat-d s Llnlment cures Dls_- nnvus .I.' uu unuujl UU GUIIUD, choice clay loam, half mile from village, church and sta- tion; school at door, On pre- mises bank barn, good stabling, brick house. 3 acres bushland never failing spring on farm. 18 acres fall wheat, 10 acres grass, fall ploughing complet- ed. For particulars apply to W. J. C. Boake, Thornton. 45-4 Owen S`t. 23tf G001) ASSORTMENT of fast colors in Blue and Black Serg- vs, for laciivs` and nwn's suit- ings. We also do cleaning and pressing, alterations and re- pains. Harry Twiss. Tailor, I Page Eight For sale, 100 acres,_ all cleared and in good state of cultivation part -clay and part sandy loam. 2% 0 miles from good market. Buildings good. Small orchard. There is an overplus of about 9 acres in lot. Price $3000. Owner going West. T. C. Fisher, Real Estate. Barrie. .40tf KIKJKYJLJ L\J I.Ivl.'JL` .I.j\J1I .LJl CJDILKILLU St., next school; eight rooms, all modern convenien_ces. Ap- ply to Alex, Cowan, Barrie. 7-9 WU! It Ill aunt This Oice. A snap if Taken" at Once THE. ADALET cowum May A. Bell Marks Co.`.wi1l, be the attraction at the Grand Opera House, Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Nov. 30, Dec. '1 and 2, with matinee on Saturday, in a repertoire of pop- ular plays and special vaudeville features at popular prices, open- ing Thursday night with the great play Sex Against Sex, followed by The Trail of the Lonesome Pine, Friday. Lena Rivers, (Saturday matinee) and Wom- an Against Woman Saturday night. The company is an excel- lent one and the admission being very reasonable, the theatre should be packed at_ everyAper- formance. Lo. o. F. - At the regular weekly meeting of Barrie Lodge, No. 63, I.0.0.F., on Tuesday evening, the follow- ing elective officers were chosen for the ensuing term: N.G.'---A. Paddison. V.G.-Elmer White. Rec.-Secy.---Peter` M`cLarty.g Fin.-Secy.-.--W. P. Soules. ` Treasut-er-H. Twiss. Physician-Dr. Turnbull. Caretaker--`-Wm. Tillett. ` Trustee-W. P. Soules. I I -Carey s can save you at `least 25 percent. on your rub- bers this season. They have a very` large stock of the best, brands made in Canada. Carey s goffer every rubber in their store iat cut-rate .prices. W0men s :1-ubbers at 350., 550. and 65c. a pair; men s rubbers at 590., 75c. and 890. a pair; children s rub- bers at 380., 39c. and 450. a pair; men s 1-buckle overshoes at $1.09 and $1.29 a pair; men s heavy gum rubbers at $1.45, $1.69 and $1.89 a pair. Thousands of pairs` here to select from. Therst of a series of meet- ings for men under the auspices` `of the Ministerial Association will beheld, in the Opera House, on Sunday, {December 3rd., at 4.15 pm. An address will be given by Rev. H. D. Raymond on "`The Value of a -Man, All men invited to attend. A choir of sol- diers will; furnish music. Central Methodist Church has secured the services of Evangel- |ist Roffe, and the Irish Evangel-. ist, McKeeg'an, for one week, commencing` Sunday, Dec. 3, at -11 am. and .7 p.m. Services will be continued afternoons and ev- |ening's during the week. A cor-_ dial invitation is extended to the public to attend these meetings. W. A. Lowe & Son have addeo anew branch to theirfurniture business, that of upholstering Mr. W. Noland, who conducted a repair shop at Charlotte` and Berczy Sts., will lookvafter the upholstering work. _ ' 34-t1 T A small express parcel con_| taining three"diamond_ rings val-| 'ued, at -$550 wholesale, billed to! a local jeweler, disappeared re- cently between Toronto and Ba1'-| Pie. The parcel was short when: the train reached Barrie and soi far its mysterious disappearance is unexplained. ' I rnL_- - - FARM FOR `sALEL1oo acres, nhnina I-lav lnom 'hnH~` m{1n .I. IUUUL UD 1.]. GJIIUII nu I-I\J|.I.6`Gl.l Bros. . % 37t T -.-Miss Birch, Dressmaking Parlors, No. 4 Collier St. 46V-47p _.--__I.-._L_ ___- ..--`I.___... 1.2.. Over one hundred of the lots advertised to be sold for taxes tomorrow already have been re- deemed, and it is probable that Tay Tp. may -buy in some of the lots in Port McNicollvthat are not sold-at the sale. Owing to Christmas falling on the cus"toma-1'y nomination day, municipal nominations will be earlier this year, the .date_xed being Friday, Dec. 22. The elec- tions will be held as usualyon New Year s Day. ` IIV 1'! I" Rev. Samuel Farley has- ac- cep`ted the call to. Gollingwood and will be inducted this (Thurs- day) evening. The induction of `Rev. K. McLean to -the Staynerl charge will take place in the af- ternoon. vn `nu-V- Business` is brigk at the. tan- nery, some over-t1me being nec- esggry to turn out the orders. . fY-_I__I_L-___._.. ___.I .D-___._:L_-_.- `._---`. A meeting of the chairmen of the recruiting committees inithe several municipalities of the county will be held in Barrie to- day, preparatory to organizing a lgeneral recruiting campaign. '-Upholstering and furniture repairing done by competent workman at Dougall Bros. Fur- niture Store; T 37tf --Felt footwear of" all kinds at zero prices only at Carey s Cut-' Rate Shoe` Store. Women's fancy felt` slippers at _ 59c., 69c., 79c., 95c., 99c. and $1.15-a pair. ` -' Trii 'ni~'c'm1nEs' '{ 1:1-kiixvggig pregarations for the Christmas tra e. An experienced hotelman who was in town looking over the lo- cal situation recently i-s reported `to have made an offer to lease ;the Wellington Hotel for ten `years. .- I\ A A 1-41 0 1 r'(`L,_,.-`l_ iii_f-'S1-i;.ting will soon be here.| .Not a bit too early to`secure that pair of - hockey boots. Carey s have their usual splendid assort- ment [this season at cut-rate prices. T ` I I n :1 1 - ,n FOR SALE-100` acres, Simcoe County, about 5 miles from Town of Barrie, all cleared, clay loam, buildings first- class. A very desirable proper- ty. Any reasonable offer will be considered. Apply to T. C. Fisher, Barrie, Ont. 38tf I The regular meeting of the W. ,C.T.U. will be held` at the home of Miss Fannie King on Monday, Dec. 4, at 3 pm. All members are urged to be present.` -BAZAAR--At Christ Church, Thursday, Dec. 7th. Articles suitable for Xmas gifts, Aprons,l Home-made Candy; etc., etc. Tea served` from 6 to 8 p.m. Don t miss it. `--Pict1`1res framed at Doug all nnn Q7}? Local N ews _ _ _--.. _ - - u we-Iavilv The new Governor-General, the Duke of Devonshire, has manifested his interest in the work , being carried on . by the Canadian Patriotic Fund by con- sent ng to become the President of .t e Fund. This position was. held by the Duke s predecessor. the Duke of Connaught,-from the inception of the Fund until his departure from Canada, and the present position of the Fund in national condence and nancial strength is largely due to his in- spiration and personal devotion to its interests. The new Gover- nor-General evidently proposes to take the sameactive part in promoting the welfare of this great ' national undertaking. . D Sausage should not be cooked too quickly, but started on the back of the stove, and after it is cooked through browned quickly. HUI/u auu QIDII U1 XXUVUIIIUUY. Toronto `City Field Day was held on Sunday, Ehe 19th, when many churches of the city were supplied by representatives of the Alliance. ' The large audiences that greeted the speakers evinced deep interest in the Temperance work of Ontario and the Domin- lOI1. ' " IV: lklllo 'Rev. Stewart was one of the speakers in Massey Hall, Sunday aftieI'n0on. This meeting was largely attended and was declared by the oicers in charge, one of themost successful in the history of the Alliance. uuu ;.uu1.au(I._y U1 ldbh VVUUA. Mr. Stewart is Provincial Sec- retary of the Social Service and Moral Reform Council of Sask- atchewan, and was delegate to -the meeting of the D0minion_A1- liance held in Toronto a on the 20 h and 21st of November. "`nnnv\4n `$31-- 171.14 `I'\ vv--wv- vu `It? f&$l VUIII J Rev. W. J. Stewart, M.A., of! Regina; Sask., visited his mother` and sisters, Mrs. J. A. Harris and Mrs. J. W. Brown on Wednesday and Thursday of lasteweek. 1\/In Q`l\rrvr\|m` :. 'n..A..:.....:.1 01.- LOST-Fmm pasture of `John! Smith, Midhurst, one`tw,0_year- old steer, red and white, with horns; ring in. under's`ide of right ear. Persons harboring same liable to pr-osecut.i0n., Fred. L. Bonney, Shanty Bay.i - 48-50; u\JAI1I. J.li0l.ll.l1U-3 U1 lV1U~5Ull1'y. I W. Bro. Lewis, Master of the` lodge, presented to Corinthian the address delivered by the first Master of the lodge, the late VV. Bro. Chalmers, on his installation in 1859. This document of. great historic value was sent to the. presiding -Master of Corinthian! last summer by a son of the late; W. Bro. .Chal_mers `who `lives in \Vinn`ipeg.A - ` A I \AV.I vv (ALL: A specially interesting feature of the programme was an address by R.W. BI`O.`\V. H. Tudhope Q11 isome features of Masonry. `V RP4\ I" nnrie R/I'no4nv\ ml` Hun! u. n . .l.JL\!._.|.1Jl.l U1 AIIISLUII. ` T The degree work was e-xempli- tied with the following Past Mas- ters occupying the chairs: W.M., F. R. Redditt; I.`P.M., Lt.-Col. J. B. McPhee; S.W., Jas. Shrubsole; J;W., John Little; S.D., Ralph B. lllohnston; J.D., 1). Ross; I.G., |WaI-ren Johnson; O.G., A. H. ;Fe,lt; SS.., Fred W. Otton; J.S., P. llgove: D. of (3., F. M. Mo`ntgo1n_ Iery; Treas., Geo. Monkman; Or- iganist, R. Manuel;gChaplain, A. iCo\`7va-n.` ' Mrs, Leslie, 149 Bayeld St., Zvill receive on Wednesday,` Dec. The annual Pastmasters Night` of Corinthian Lodge attracted an unusually large attendance, ine cluding` many visitors, among` whom was the District Deputy, R. W. B1*0.,Hill of Alliston. 'Fhn rlnnnnnn ..~...1. .-..... ..--....._,-l': U. Mrs. `Hamilton of Tdrontd _was with her mother, Mrs. Spry, over Sunday. A '11 A Il'-1--_._-_. _'_.'.l.I_ Beeton W0rld-Stephen Bate- man left on Tuesday to take up residence in Barrie. Mr. Bate- man has been a resident of Bee- ton and vicinity for the past forty years. During the last quarter of a century` he has been a faith- ful employee of the corporation and since the establishment of the waterworks system here, twenty-three.years_ ago, has been in charge` of that department of the town s service. A uv u--muggy . _Mrs`. A. F. A. Malcomson, with her children, is visiting relatives in Toronto. - yq. . u ..s_. run Lira. A. W. ronto *St., will December 8th. nrvvv- --v w- 7---. J. Jamieson oame up from Toronto yesterday to attend the funeral of D. W. Bolton. _ u 1 EL.i+`,C'l`!{lC MOTORS FOR SALE` '-Unc 2 HP. t\v0-phase and one 1,4. H.P. single phase, (Wagner-). Bqth have been used in Barrie and are in 'rst-| class `condition. Apply tn _WalLer Ur-ry. 27-tf. "'1a'."a:1& 1vir;=,'.'.'i=if"c'mon left today for Napanee, called thither by the death _of Mrs. Wm. H. Boyle, siVster-in-law of Mrs. Ot- ton. rrn_- ...__.;:_,_- -1.` ru. 11' n.__._.. | G01. Shannon, 0. 0. Military District No. 1 (London), was in town Mondaylvisiting hisbrother at Simcoe Hall, who is r.ecove'r_ ing after a nervous breakdown; Col. Shannon was on his way to New York to spend a two-weeks: lholiday. ' I `I 1:: run I 1-. - l ` ""v a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swinner_: ton. celebrated the- fiftieth anni-' versary of their marriage on Sun- day, Nov. 26. A For thirty-six years they have been residents of Barrie and enjoy the high esteem of all who know them. That they may be permitted to spend many more anniversaries together is the wish of their-muiiy friends. 'I`\_,i1-,_ I1f,,,II DULLQ The marriage of Pte. H. Saxon of the Machine Gun Section to Miss Isabella Harvey of Elmvale will `takel place on Thursday at Elmvale. At the conclusion of the County Council, Reeve Bethune of Stay- ner, accompanied by Mrs. Beth- lune, left for Florida where they will spend the winter. 1113 -, '=--- `r '--'- "" "-"'.'-' 3 1 -Fred. Wiggins, a recent grad- uate of the O.A.G., has been ap- pointed assistant representative of the Ag`ricultural Dept. at Col- lingwood, and assumed his new du-ties last week. ' The I=:Hd's New President Social Service Secretary nxy `If T CV1-~-----1 `N5 ` PERSONAL MENTION Pastmasters Night ,_., .,, -_I r._, LOST--On Tues, Nov. 2& be- tween Sameant &-Kngx and Mucl.aren s*dr1.1g store, lady's Iack leathe handbag, con- tahng $L00 and mnnechange. Howard at MacLa1*en s drug` store. 48-48 'I'l-IEV annals Exnmlusn AND SATURDAY monuuua Fletcher, 137 To- receive on Friday, mm.-. Llnlmont. cum Diph- IIIOPII. ` WHITTON--At-"1`T);'onto hospita1,! `on Thursday, November 16th, Joseph Whitton, aged 17 years, PLATT--At Phelpston, on Wed.- ` Tuesday, `-.Nov. 22," William A. Platt aged 49-years, 1 month? and 8 days. : THOMPSON-THOMAS-At the Centrail Methodist Parsonage, Nov. 22, by Rev. H. Moore, Mr. Edward Thompson to Mrs. Celia Thomas, both. of Shanty Bay. R:i)G.TLRS-B;ATEMAN- At the home of the hri;l-3'93 Dzireiur, Mr. and Mrs. Jo1'.atha;n Bate- man, on Nov. '22, by Rev. L. MaeLean, Miss Ila Bateuian to Mr. Jas. Rogers, both of West Gwillimbury. STREET-McAFEE -- At Newton MARRIED l Nov. 22, by Rev. J.'W. Dud- geon Miss Nina McAfee, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas _ .McAfee of West Gwillimbury, Robinson Methodist Church, on to Mr. R. J. Street of Toronto. VTHORPE'1-_:SvU;THE.RLAND V-_.- At ti...-. I...\....... /\ ml ... ......l ml ..- 1" A HINDS-In Allandale, _on Wed- nesday, Nov. 22, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaus B. Hinds. \ VOLFENDE.N--In Barrie, `on ` .Nov. 21, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Art. VV01fenden, Clapperton St.` `4l..l.\Jl.I.J. .I.J""k)KJ .L J..L.l_'J'll..LlILLV.LI -`T 11.0 ` the home of Mr. and M s. J. A. Dutcher, uncle and aunt of the? bride, on Nov. 22, "by Rev. A. E. Black, Miss Lulu Sutherland` to Mr. Wm. J. Thorpe, both of` West Gwillimbury. -' With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices. and a mighty ne one to lean against. \ Why not hang out your Dollar Sign ?-And keep it hung out against rainy days? Don't know how? Why here's ten dollars you can nail dow right away. ` LOS I`----Three \yearliI1g cattle from Colwell. Anyone giving dnformatioii that would lead to, their recovery will be liberally rewarded. S. J. Stephens, R. R. No. 2, Barrie. 47-48 A Sign of the Times Invest in a `and save a ten-spot. No sacrice in quality or style. Better come in today and inves- tigate`. _ ~ '>g?~3.'.v."f`-\7'3`_3~7.~$ :;<;?.3:(*j,!t,7.'_4."' 'S.u.I.T_ s9_Lo I-"'V`%"'% X/6:10 The cost` of advertising in this" column is ONE GENT PER WORD EAOI-I INSERTION, with 8. mini- mum oharge of 15 cents. Terms. cash. For Adlets of 25 words or _V0l'.= three insertions will be Qlven for the_ price or two, or six for the price ofyfour. The Ex- aminer and Saturday Morning covers Barrie and district thor- eughliy and gives the biggest ad- vertis ng value in the county. ,

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