Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1916, p. 7

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Westminster Hotel, Toronto Some people have never tried Red `Rose Tea be- cause they think it is just ordinary tea put into packages; WRONG! ' Red Rose Tea is a master blend of more than a dozen high-grade Indian and Cglon has 14:. - nrcrrrunrwn vn auvav Inlsll G UULUII g}-irgrade Ce lon teas. It is a DISTIN C tea -distinctive in avor, in rich-' ness, in strength, in economy To prove it, try it. ' In sealed packages only. J'.I`o Help` Agriculture -1.-m A Real Hotel Without a Bar _ Bright and dttractlvo. I'll-obroot. Every bod- room has I. both:-con. Elegant turnllhlnu. splendid cumno. Buy occoutouhopplng dio- trictu and thontros. Froo taxi Iervlco- from Union Sutton and wharf. {Ask to: Provlncul Motor taxis. :v-'_ v..__. - in b ti. $1.50 to B.Ag:.l"Bl|O:i:f:`I.f. gab `hoe. I:unchoon. 850 soc; Diner. 500 to 75. Inclusive. tutu. V A-..-1... nun. nun}; mm 1 day. Write for to 50; Dinner. we. to 700.. -llIl3lllllVI- nun. American plan. 32.50 to $8.50 a day. Write for booklet to MD JAIVII ITBII1`. TORONTO. UllllU1'll1 J.'l.'Ul|lUb1Ull. .I.'uLa.1ua. Printing accounts were passed as follows :--Barber & Co.,. $6.00; Gazette, $2.50; Walter Scott, `$27.25; Advance, $174.50. 7'11-in nn41'n~n l"_nn-no $10,000 a month to Patriotic Fund and $10,000 {straight to the H British 8aiIors _ Relief Fund. -3341.50; nu.va.uuc,_ :p1I*:.uu. The .act1on of Couns. Carter and Fleming with reference to the construction of `a new bridge on sideline 20 and 21; Con. 1, Tecumseth, was ratified and they were authorized to complete the work. C|.\.~.-tI.-..-.4-.. `RYA-y vu-----c -. Couns. Pulford and D. A. Bell made a unique suggestion when they asked the Roads'&.Bridges Committee to" consider the advis- ability of asking the Ontario Gov. ernment to-apply part of the $750,000 raised from automobile` licenses for the relief of such townships as have special ex- penses in bridges, thpse town- ships with three or more rivers to get 50 per cent. of the cost of all bridges not on a County Roads System, those with two rivers to get 40 per cent. and with one riv- er 30 per cent. The proposition did -not meet with favor from the Roads & Bridges Committee,-_but was turned down flat. ._ .117 1' his room in`the court house, he will be paid $50 for linoleum, pa- per-ing and desk, the last to he used in the tI'easurer s office. 7 A n:Il.....'..-.:.. ......-n ..-..-.:A Q]. KI. Llbtiu Ill LIIU ucaauxcx B UlllUUo J. >A..Gilles'pie was paid $4.54 for postage -in connection, with Uniform Promotion Exams. v 2 /~n_.:_.4:__._ -._....-_...4.. ......... ..-nu-`and Ulfdblllll. ' . A grant of $200 was made. to- ward the cost of a concrete cul- vert on the County Road System in Matchedash. ` Repair Kirkpatrick Bridge Coun. Train and the County `Engineer were authorized to xmake necessary repairs to Kirk- patrick 'BI'idge. ,-- _,.-.n ..--u,.,L..:.. On Thursday afternoon,--W. `J. Holden of Collingwood -and J. Laughland, District Rep1~esent.a`_ tive of the Dept. of Agriculture,. addressed the Council on re-for-3 estetion. ` _....__._4 -2 mnnn .-..-.n vv\nI"n lvn rlvuus A\./an g.. .\.c... A bylaw was passed auth0riz_ ing the erection or purchase of iexisting lines and the mainten- ance of a telephone line by Peter Blair of Rosemont, between lots 10 and 11, across cons. 1 to 5, Tossorontio. ~n_,____-__; --.-~ ,.-`..a,.......4 l'\`` H. | J. UDBUl'Ulll/1U. ' Payment was. ordered of the account of Angus Livingstone, Collingwood, for work done on a concrete culvert on the Simcoe_ Grey line, amounting to $3.80; also oNottawasaga. s account of $17.50 for tile used in same._ - -....... 7,.` _n $325 will be placed to credit of Orillia Tp. Good Roads account to relieve an overdraft 0f"long standing. ` ' ` ..nnnI\/\;\ n__ n-_-1-..- n..1: ...1- C |lLlJ|.I\.llll $10,600 for Sailors Relief {A grant of $10,000 was made to the British Sail0rs Relief Fund.` $130,000 wAs voran ' ` av qounrrv councn. Commitment papers of Zelia Robitaille and Florida. Chetien of. Penetang to the St.` Mary s Indus- trial School were received. For their keep in that institution the Gouny has to pay 30 centsa day e-ac . , - - ' _.3II_'_!- ',l._l..._.L-_....... ....a.-.;~.--nl:....-ml W6;-illtia s debentures amounting to $35,000 for -the reconstruction of its `municipal buildings will be guaranteed; also for $110,000 expended in connection with its power plant. , _ Compulsory Committals`? Goun. Simpson asked autlioritty to consult a solicitor ' as to the County s power to committ per- sons to the House of Refuge a- gainst their will. As far asihe could read the regulations and the statutes, the County has this power. Goun. `Bennett held the contrary `opinion, but agreed that it is very desirable that the'Cou,n- ty authorities should be able to send indigent poor to the House even if they did not consent. Leg- al advice will be secured on the Ian tau. I point. Something New Patriotic -Fund Grant The Finance Committee recom- mended that a grant of $10,000 per month he paid to the Cana- dian Patriotic Fund for .1917, or until the war ends providing such should take place before the close of- the year. (`nun Dn-in`:-I 00110!` U1 lalll JUGI. ' Coun. Baird asked. that the Town of Orillia be paid itsshare of this levy, because Orillia does not draw from the Central Fund. If the $120,000 is more than is needed for supporting the de- pendents of Simcoe soldiers, and some of it is required to helprout other parts -`of Canada,` Orillia is quite willing to hear its `share of thilggeneril. burden. `:1 {ho} ho uu ' cuts; cu uui. ucu. I oun. Simpson `said `that he was informed that $400 a month was sent to Orillia from-the Gen- tral Fund, also that the majority of the citizens" in that town fav- ored aifiliation` with the Canadian `Patriotic Fund. No member wished to do any injustice to Orillia, but it might lead, to ser- ious complications if any rebate were granted a municipality in a case of this kind. 7-- 4.__.I__ n,_--__ `I'1..:.....I .-.t..t....l UGDU U]. lzlllb l\l.1lUo In reply, Coun. Baird stated that this money from Ottawa was for dependents of Rama Indians and others outside Orillia, but was distributed from his town as the nearest point. '|\/Tenn In-nrl-ino~ rnnn n'f' nrillin IAIIU IIUVG-1 UDI: pU11lh. . Many leading men of Orillia tell me, said. Coun. Bennett, that a vote of the ratepayers would show `an overwhelming _majority in favor of ailiating }with the Canadian Patriotic Fund, but certain inuences are at work to keep things as at present. n'In.n Vnnrxnr 11100 orlnnfnrl I I`hCIT\`i J (Continuedpfrom Page One) Favors a New C. A. Shelter Coun. Bennett presented the- report of the special committee| appointed to select a-suitable` buildtfig for the Children s `Aid Shelter. This committee had in- spected a number of houses, but found that none of them wouldi meet the requirements without the expenditure of a considerable sum of money. While your com- mittee is not aware what action the Council intend taking in the' way `of securing `proper accom- modation, they would suggest that the County purchase a lot and erect a suitable building. This need not entail a large ex- penditure as a moderate sized building would full all require- ments. In the meantime to re- lieve the congestion in the pre.. sent Shelter, your committee would recommend that if the So- .ciety can obtain a suitable house the rrent therefor be paid by the County, should it be the inten_ tion of the Council to_ assist the Society. 1'! _I ,` A _._._',_..ll......,. 'lllULlDlJ ' House of Refuge. \Varden Martin suggested that the by_laws.shou1d belso amend- ed that, the County would be re- sponsihle for the traiispoiftation of inmates. to the House oi` Re- fuge, instead of the municipali- ties` "from which the inmates came. V ' ' 11:- i1T.......l.:...' n`nr\ nun-none`-nrl 'd.[llt9. `His Worship` also suggested that the Warden should he em- powered to commit people to the House whether they were willing to go or not. Hecited cases from Sunnidale where half-starved old people refused to go to the House but were `a source of grave an- xiety to himself and others. ' Finance Qhairman Simpson recom- mended payment of an account of $54.10 to Dr. Cumming, fees incurred on the committal of an insane person. The township of '1`ecumseth' had paid the account but will be reimbursed, `accord- ing to Statute. ' QKD mo nah-I fn {Tnnnfv t`nr- 2. IIU A1751) lzll-11155 G9 at: ynuounnu. The `report was adopted unani- mously. I . IJn'non n{-' Dnfncrn 1113,` Ills uwu. IIIIIUDO. MI`. Sunpson also advlsed pay- ment_to the following Industrial Schools: `Alexandria, $14.40; St. John s, $135.30; Victoria, $262.50 and St. Mary s, $167.40. In T1........n4`4 and `MI N Qfnnhnnq Hug LU oL`a.l.uu:. $50 was paid to County for a pedla1> s license by Mr. Mctculf of Rawkestone for his assistant dur-- mg his ownfillness. 1\ n Qhnnenn glen advieod nn.v.. d.!ILl Db. LV1'cu'y D, l]JlUl.`RU. _ . 'I`.- Beecroft and M. N; Stephens were r'e_app0inted auditors of the '1`reasure1"Vbooks for 1917 at $100. . ` . _ Roads and Bridges Anaccount, of $17 to Dr. J. A. jllarvie of Goldwater for attend- |aL1ce upon an indigent was pass- (lyl1U` ed. yen to the claim of VVm. H. Muore of Orillia for damage to his auto- mobile alleged to have been cans- ed by a defective culvert on the County road system. AJ:nIn iI1nL` DiTY1hi1PQQd No action was advised rel-.1tive' UO1lI1I.y I'UH.U fsybciii, _Ad_jala was reimbursed $2.2 for repairs to bridge on Dufferin and Simcoe boundary, and. 1`ecumset.h got $15.20, half cost of a culvert, boundary line Simcoe and York. No Action . The claim of Herb. Mapes for compensation for injuries to horse and harness caused by :11..- leged defec/tive culvert on County Road System was not recognized. Condolences Resolutions ..of condolence were passed to Mrs. J.. S./ Du` in the loss of her husband and son, t9 Coun. Dundass in the loss of his wife, to Coun. Scanlon in the loss of his mo-ther and to Mrs. J. J. Goldie in the loss of her hus- band. - _ A Shelter Must \Vait The Finance Committee to which was referred. the special report re a new Shelter for the Children s .Aid Society recom- mended that no action be taken `in that direction for the present. . of Sunnidale to recover $300 damages for ooding of his lands was considered unwarranted by Finance Committee so the Chair- man and Coun. Train were auth- orized to take necessary steps to fight the suit. V . An account of $157.65 from :11 A -r `r)..1'I `KID nnnnfv snlici- Lu; ua. w-V..-- J7"12.1i, K.C., county s0lici- tor, was passed. _ \ To Pay Ry. Fare A report from the House of Re- fuge. "Committee T recommended that the .fares of indigentscom- mitted to the House be paid as well as of the person accompany- ing them when indigentsare un- able to travel alone. nu... .....~..~\:44nn Inov-Ina` falran ...u ..v L. -.c _ .._,__, The annua-1 gr:ar;t 0f'$5OO'a year was voted for the A.gricu1_ ame L0 LI'a,ve1 uluuu. . The committee having taken advice, advised the _Council that indigents might be committed to the House, even if they were un- willing to go. -Refunds to Two Townships The Government having taken over` large tracts. of `Essa and Tossorontio for military purnos-' es, $123 will be refunded to Essa and $101.15 to Tossorontio as soon as the levies are received from those townships. Road Inspection _For the_work of members (and- mileage) in connection with road was nhm: Izxmman Ann snunonv Inonnma IL 01 D1Ul.Uu nu... county inspection, the following amounts were passed :-- W. Borrow, 2 days . . . . ..$ 6.00 H. Downer, 4 days . . . . . . 15.00 - D. McNabb, 33 days .. .. 99.00 E. Dutton, 3 days .. .. .. 9.00` J. Stewart, 3 days . . . . .. 12.00! H. Carter, 2 days . . . . . .. . . 6.00 L. Taylor, 5 days` . . . . . . . 23.00; E. Todd, 4 days . . . . . . .. 16.00 T. Fleming, 1 day . . . . . . 3.00 I H". Coleman, 1 day . . . . . . 5.50` C. F. Wattie, 2.days .. .. 6.00, F. Ball, 3 days . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 I A: Wilson, 2 days . . . . . . 6.00 , D. Banting . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 J; Dundas, 3 days . . . . . . 9.00 J. Joyce, 2% days . . . . .. 10.00 T. Walsh, 2 days 9., . . . . 6.00 D. McKinley, 4 days .. 12.00 G. Overend, 1: days . . . . . . 12.00 \V. G. Stewart, 2 days . . . . 6.00 A. Train, 7 days . . . . . . . . 28.50 P. A. Coughlin, 6 days .. 18.00 D. A. Bell, 6 days .`. .. .. 18.00 P. West, 4 days . . . . . . . . 12.00 E. Jamieson, 10 days . . . . 39.00 I. Scott, 12' days . . . . . . . . 36.00 J. Martin, 10 days . . . . . . 32.00 J. T. Simpson, 2 days . . . . 6.00 J. Stafford, 1 day .. 5.00 -`-Pictures framed at. Bros. is sold by drug ists everywhere at $1 a bott_le,l;p;qgs 9; 85, get}; _f:e_e__copy of -L _....... everywhere at 31 a bottle,6 bottles or 85. Get a free copy our book A Treatise on the Horse" at your druggist's or write us. 116 n_ n I Ircnvnnll (IA I!..-.I._... I.'.II- lie. Lljssnai n v. u...` -..u Br. 3. J. nznmm. co., I It's cheaper to raise colts than to l - buy /zorses. But it's costly if you lose the colts. Keep abottle of Kendall s Spavin Cure handy. For thirty-ve _ years has proved it the safe, reliable remedy for spavin, splint, curb, ring- bone, bony growths and lameness from many causes. .lU5li:1,hU. _ An account of E. Shear for the North Simcoe Teachers Associa- tlon was passed. a H. of R. Inspector AThe resignation of John Mac.) kay as Inspector of the House of Refuge was accepted and T. H. McKnight of Cookstown was ap- pointed in his stead, at $200 per year, without mileage, travelling expenses or any `perquisites. nu -,,, __ -1: n..--_.4__ 'n..,. The Wrigley Spears are constant friends to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. Women workers relish: the refresh- ing, comforting influence of this toothsome, long-lasting confection. Its benefits are many - its cost small. That s Why it s used around the World. Nothing else can take its place. V c t Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. C Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto .every `53:o$ for the funny Spearmen s meal - .-...`:.?...,.. /, 1`E`:`.`3?* 6056 /m , Enosm Falls, Vb Dougall 37tf Boy Last Three. Days Carl Swinden, i5-year-old son of Mr. Swinden, G.T.R.eagent at Rose Point, had an experience last week which falls to few lads and few would have come through it alive. About ten o clock Sun- day morning the boy left home to. ngo to Mountain Mine Camp to getl his dog. He took with him a [couple of sandwiches, three mat- `ches, a shot gun and a few shells, ;and was lightly clad, Sunday be- linga fairly warm day. He reach- ,ed the camp all right, got his dog `and started home, but in some- way lost his direction and turned southward, as it proved after- wards. He tramped around un- til about ten o clock Sunday nightl when he was able to gather enough dry wood together to start a re and he stayed by this re) all night. During the night snow; began to fall. Monday be con. tinued travelling and managed to shoot a cou le of red squirrels, started anot er re with the sec... 0nd of his precious matches, roasted them over the re and %te them. During this day, or uesday morning, wehave not heard for certain, the lad came to a lake and saw two men, stran- gers, in` a canoe, and told them he was lost and asked assistance. These imitations of men told him he had a good pair of legs, the `walking was good, and he might go to it and walk home,-and they left him to starve or perish for _ aught they cared. The boy wan- dered on all day Monday and Mon- i day night he used the last of his precious watches to start a re` to_keep himself from freezing, and in hugging the fire close to keep warm, had a narrow escape from being burned to death as his coat sleeve caugh_t re. Some time Tuesday the boy came to a lake where there was an old raft and he was able to paddle him- isel-f across the lake and shortly afterwards met Richard Lash- brook of Blackstone Lake, who took him home, fed and cared for him and on Wednesday put him on a C.-N.R. trainand sent him home. The boy was little the worse for his experience and had some slight fros_t-bites. Mean- \Jll.!J\.lLLhu\an) \.II. V... l_.....-. __..____. The Chairman of County Pro- perty was authorized to buy nec- essary handcuffs and badges for county constables. County History Sold A. F.'Hunter s offer to purchase the remaining sets of County History at $1.50 each was accept- ed. . s ' 1u'.. rV....-.:... knninm n-iunn nn Co., Toronto, xor / Mothetf / /V book. Two Made in vars Ganada while at Rose Point when he fail- ed to return Sunday, evening search parties were sent out and search was continued until he re- turned home. The searchers would _like the name and address- es of those two men who told the `boy to walk home-they have a nice coat of tar and feathers all ready for them. It was a remar- kable experience and the boy ow- es his life to his wits and his I pluc-k.-Parry Sound `Star. .` Extra copies of the Eizaminer and Saturday Morning are on -sale at the bookstores or this `office. Three cents per copy; Ecbamk Ant- ______ LL... . A11 tor a ne complexion ......... A`-1n:o\lV ca-`nu-A 2t.__> I you must do something more than use cosmetics. You must keep the blood pure, the liver and kidneys active and the bowels regular. You must also correct the digestive ills that cause muddy skin and dull eyes. .l.L.l.l\r L offeryou the needed help. They are mild in action, but cuickly strengthen the stomac , gen- tly stimulate the liver and re - late the bowels. They put e body in good condition so the organs work as nature intend- ed. Backed by sixty years of , usefulness, Beecham s Pills 5i;;W0l`lll a __ J a `box Dilutions with Evrrv Box of Special Value to Won` SCH onnwhcre. In locus. 25 um. fhursday, November 30, 1910. `Mr. Garvin, having given up

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