Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1916, p. 4

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I have a list` of splendid pro- perties for sale, also a li.st_-of clients looking for locations. T deal in Reai Estste. Have houses for sale. Have farms for sale. 1 Houses to rent. MADE IN CANADA l The habit of birds'in migrat- ing south when winter comes on is inuenced by the need of find- ing a sullicient supply of food. Their return evidences their homing instinct. ' The environment in which a bird or human being is brought up generally becomes a perma.. nent part of its nature. Orni_ thologists have not yet made it clear just what enables the bird to find its way back and forth to the same spot every year. Affnvl Ihnuv rnnlvn n-`A RHCIJ `kA;r\ Do It Now I I ! All Examiner and Saturday `Morning subscriptions` will be payable at the rate of $1.50 per year after Jan. 1st, 1917, but you _have the privilege of renewing a year or two ahead at the old rate if paid before Jan. 1st. - As it is less than two months to the end of the present year, we ad- vise you to renew now if you want to take advantage of the old rate, and save 500. or $1.00. John Kirby, who lives in the 12th concession of Tecumseth. met with a distressing an-uient on Wednesday, Nov. 22. He was assisting his brother--in-law, W. Hawkins, in cutting feed. The work was about coinpleted, the barn oor being cleaned up. when the peg M1`. Ki-rhy was usizig c:1mc':'n contact with the !")1l03I`i. which also uraw his hand in, and before the `machine could be stopped his arm was chopped off neaiaiy as far as the -r=.lbow.--Bee- itnn. World. Mlnard's Llnlment. cures Dis- temper. 011:, column DLJUU UVUL] JUGL. After they mate and build their first nest, and bring up their first family, birds cherish a fondness for that spot as does a man. Lost Arm in cutting Box _I__. Y I-.`L yast, shortening, extra. Just 5 1/3 cents per pound heat, time apd worry, or loss if thg turn out just right, When you can get Bread like this at 5 1/3-,e`n,ts' per pound`? Less thah ,3. good our would cost you, lt alone paying for the" sugar, Brys0n s Bakery try the best. A triumph of `weight, 1% 'pounds for 80; the Baker s art. . Stavmvdard I, 4 FOR 25 DeGeer s Barber Shop You ve tried the rest--noW delivered at your door Sold and made dnly by WI-_lY TRY TO BAKE BREAD fvhnrznj now Phone 26. utch does not V 1n to W'd.5 1`Ui:l.u a.u.u pxcaauoauxuu uxuuo. Dear Mrs. --Lund:--We, th members of the Women s Insti. tute of New Lowell, having 1ea_rn-_ ed with regret of your intended departure from our midst, feel we cannot let you go without ex- pressing in a `tangible form, our appreciation of your services. rendered to , our . Society during your sojourn in this vicinity. Your hearty co_operation in all work for the advancement of the ideal- embodied in our mottoForHome and Country, your sympathetic spirit, and `never-failing kindness, have won for you the esteem and friendship of your fe11ow-work.. ers. We ask you, therefore, to accept this clock, not for its in.- trinsic worth, but as a souvenir of the many pleasant times we have spent together.- Our best wishes are that prosperity and happiness may be yours in your new home, and that you and Mr. Lund may be spared to a long life of future usefulne_ss. n.-._._._.1 ..... L...I....l1' /.4` tin,` Qnnhd-.. REAL ESTATE! Uuaul , navy . Last Monday evening the rnem_l bers of the Ladies Aid and Adult Bible Class assembled in the basement of the Methodist church here to spend a social evening with Mr. and Mrs. Luud and Mr. Fleet on the eve of their depar_ turefor California. In the course of the evening `an appreciative address was read, and a Bible" was presented to Mrs. Lund. For three. years she was Secretary of the Ladies Aid. Nov. 27-Mrs. -W'. V. Muir spept the week-end with her parents In: Apgus. . V some nf our bovs who intend 1116 U1 luuuus L1DU1ll.Al.l.U_DD. Signed on behalf of the Society: Mrs. Jas. Martin, Pres.; Mrs. Geo. Cain, Vice_Pres.; Mrs. Ma-v cham, Secy. T as} Thfnndnu ovnnincr Fha mom I Nov. 27--After a long and. lin- gering illness, Mrs. John Powers passed away on Monday. Nov. 20. She was of a kindly and cheerful disposition and was always ready to lend a helping hand, especially to thesick, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends Deceasedwas an active member of the Mennonite Church. liaving taught the infant class in the Sunday School for a nun=.ber of years. She leaves "to mourn be- sides a husband, two sons, George and Jonas, who is on the police staff, Toronto, and one daugllter, Mrs. F. Weatherall. The funeral took place on Thursday a*.'ternoo~n in the Ebenezer church. The ser- vice was condueted by the pastor, Rev`. H. Frey, assisted bygllev. S. Goudie. - V ' 7111.... 1'..:......J_ .l`....\..... ._ A1..L.s...nA nfxgua. Some of our_ boys leaving [for Toronto treatedthetn- selves and a few of their friends to a fowl supper at the home of Mrs. E. Paddison on Wednesday evening, Nov. 22nd. VI`!-an rnnrnhnrra tr? fhn .\Xfn'ninn Q evening, nuv . (menu. The members of the -Women s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Lawrenceto spend a social even- ing with Mrs. J. Lund before leaving for her new home in Cal.- ifornia. The following address was read and presentation made: nan Rina ..T-n-ntl- ,,\X7n {ho \JLl|.A\.l1UI The friends from a distance were: Mr". and Miss Grove, Mrs. Gower, Mr. and Miss Wideman, all of Gormley, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller of Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Powers, of Toronto. The pallbearers were: Messrs. John Raymer,` George Allen, Levi Troyer, Richard Cook, John and Wm. Pickering`. _ Mrs. Bell- of.Owen Sound spent a week visiting friends here.. Miss Bella Seeler has been on the sick list, but atithe time of writing is somewhat im_p_roved. E~:acw Unnn] A4`ri~nor\~r\ In axyrnuantq VVL 101118 15 UUILIKJVVIICIU IIIQEILUVUWAQ Miss Hazel Atkinson is around again from her severe attack of tonsilitis, but is still ug1_der quar- antine. A ` `l\__LL :_ __- __-_,_--4'-__"_-46 ._.__ __. Death is no respector:-of age or persons and has again entered the neighborhood. and removed from their home the little two-yea1`-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis'At- kinson, after only a few days of suffering. The little fellow'was kicked on the head by a horse on Thursday morning fracturing his skull; and on Sunday afternoon he passed away to his. Heavenly Home. The funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon. The parents have the sympathy of the whole community in; -their sad bereavement. _ 11-.---- .._... -- ...I..........1 -1. 1.....'.:...... LI`./L COW V 61110-I -Every one is pleased at having. the daily mail start `this week, The upper routeis taken by John Freethy "of Stayner. - " . . D. c. HOWARD] Nov} 27+Mrs. Jos. Cavahagh was visiting Mrs. Wm. Robinson in Barrie last week. . mIIw11g_l-1"A;i"ci~i:,o'r'1"I1_2;.s enlisted in the 177th Bu; ' j ` Mrs. W. R. Best spent/two weeks in Toronto on account of the illness of Pte. B. W. Mitchell, who has been conned to the hos- pital since Nov. 1, `suffering from appendicitis. . ` _ Mrs. Wfn. Jamieson was in To.`- ronto last week attending the Women s Institute Convention. ' ii" }n;'{y"'}'{iexI&o'" '{}{'"ius neighborhood of Daniel Bolton, Barrie, were sorry to hear of his sudden death on Sunday. NOV. .28;-Pte. 0. W. Lockhart, 177th Bn., :was home on a week- end pass. Tho 11n11n1' nnnnln o-no` hr: :11 -nun `NEW LOWELL JAOK S LAKE EDGAR HOLLY Nov. 2:9-Geo. Sdules has rent. ad Mrs. SpI'ott s farm for aterm % and is moving in. < Qlnnknvs '1)..nl4 Han ans`:-I "|~:n . Rea1:Estate is booming Barrie. Now is the time dispose of property. all-Ll ID IIIKIVIILE Stephen `has sold his property on Tiin St. to Ed. Fish- er of Allandale; A1,... 11r:1..`...... ~n-..-_.L__ 11--...- `-3 W . Deputy_Reev_e "of Vespra, visited his friends here w_111ile attending the County Coun- cn . " 'II'.... 'II .._.-__ -1 fI_.-,_.D_`l 4--- - 1uuu11U.I $11.10. It U. JJIGUA. Mrs."A.1ex. Mc.D0nald is c0nn_ ed to her bed with pneumonia. H_er many friends wish a speedy recovery. . A . rn'hn"7r\r|r\r1- T nn-`inn AA111` D:Hn LUUUVULJn The Young Ladies Adult. Bible Class of the Methodist Church presented`Misses Mayme and Ida Mat.hers' with beautiful hand satchels before they left for their new home in Toronto. `luI':..-. 1"|"..._4,._. 131---|_ :_ d,:__-1,-.-, `J11: `recent visitor with Mrs_. S. Pratt. II... T\......... Al.` A......... .. -1. ......_- Mrs. Money of Grenfel was 21' VV Illa J. l} A.. Tuck had to paya ne on Monday for an accident which happened in running a jitney to Allandale. He is known tube a `very careful driver. qfnnknvx 1):`:-41-' -1-uInu']n rlnnn.-u1'nnn I `Nov. 27-Miss Irene Martin is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs~._Peter Spring in Toronto Mn nu.-I 1\,I'r.n An1,n...M..... f\-" ur: uxlu 1.1110-.1. UUU1 DJEJLJILE ll]. LULUIIDU Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman of W'i_ arton are visiting the latter s mother, Mrs. R. J`. Black. `I\/Inn -A1,, 1\I|',-.1\m..nI..: :. ..,.....a... LL\ vv LLUHIU Lu. LULULLUU. ' relatives ,at Bradford. f`|.\.......-1._-I_L_'-.._ 1 1:39., 1, `Miss Hester Black is visiting| LL -ICLUIVUU ,,ClvlJ JJLGLIIUILI. I Congratulations to Miss Irene Patterson on receiving the silver set that was given by the Karn Company in their contest while in Stroud. ]'_'__ .'r___3_ 'r _,___-__ , __ ,1 P1 See me befdre you buy, sell, ~ or rent. cl-\1\JlJl.LI.I VJQJIJKJL VV_Llll.l J.VL4LCn L). J. lClvlIU- Mrs. Perry of Angus is at pres- 'ent visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Poole. . A f'I'1--,.'l_ `L.._'l 1- _...__ - .Q__. ._ UGLULLII |.l.|.l.VU1. `.7 Stephen Pratt, while dressing a pig, slipped and fell, {striking the knife, causing a nasty gash between his thumb and forefm- . QR?` agfllhe Barrie:ExamIner. and Sat- urday Morning is one of the best local` papers which comes to our village, and is being read with interest and prot by very many of our citizens. Although the price is. to be raised in the near future, on account of the high cost of material, etc., readers will still have good value for the money. 1 LL K.7|:L uuu Miss Je'ssie Lennox _spent__ Sun- `day under the parental roof. - Your correspondent, as well as the community generally, regrets the sad news of serious wound- ing of Harvey Reive at the Front. FD}... ln`nn4 in Il~..-Cl: J... `[1...-..-... U1 LLCLI. VUJ IICIVC all UIIC .L'l`Jl1lIn 15 The latest in khaki is Henryl Christopher Douse. V Friends have received1etters.l from some at the Front, Jack` King, Jas. Pickett, Harry Harvey, R. E. Whitewoodand others. ' G. Taylor has moved to town from Maple and is assisting on the road department of G.T.R. M7` and MYID rnnnnk u.-. uuu ,cuU ,v1a1u1u5= Au LU]. UHDU. R. J. Stewart has moved to his new residence on Centre Street. Mrs. -George Wallace and Walter Ralston have taken possession of their new homes on-Main Street. The latter is headquarters for the Innisfil and Bell Telephone G0 s. Thu nnnl Q`H'I1nI>n~n. in uunrlnu IJIIU LUGU UULJGI. blllcllh U]. \.lu.L o1lo Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph Cro- nanoare visiting in Toronto. D T Q}nrnnn4 knn rvxnuvnrl In L{n ;.uu;.:uu auu ucu .LUlcpuUuU UU B. l The coal situation is under-, stood to be serious, but so far this locality has not felt any pinch. Pone 653 14 Mulcaster St. JLIUILIJD IIULU LGlJUlI|)lJo Born To Mr. and Mrs._GeoV. Keast on Nov. 24, a daugllter. `Congratulation s. 1\r\v\,` P4-gnnnnl (`Inn Ant). `INA ; Fl lIJa|II.Ll(lr|I1\JllCIn I Wi33n't. forget the date, Dec. 7, for the Bazaar, which will be held afternoon -and evening In the Temperance Hall. For particu- lars see bills. ' * TIT]..- 'Il -LL-.l:_A t`1L_-,._L 1,- ,3 ' IGLD ECU IJIII - The Methodist Church Anni- versary and Thankoffering on Nov. 19 was a decided success. Rev. J. A. Wilson of Hamilton `preached two eloquent sermons` to large congregations: The jghankoering amounted to over 3` O. 1u':._ `l`.II.._... `l\__A._L.._. '.A1_-- -I-_I Nov.- 29;:iV.Eiss Mamie Henry of Toronto spent a few days with friends here recently. _ Dnnn Tn Kn nrsrl Inn nn qzuuuo Miss Flora Dutcher attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss Lult]1{ Sutherland, in Bradford last wee . A II ; _,, .1 11,, IN, , 117-1 0 and Mrs. Geo. Wilson of A1listo n "visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grey recently. ORAIGVALE L Nov. 29-Mr. Green of New Ontario is visiting his brother, Arthur Green. ' " n___. A__..__1___._ ` -,__1 LL- Ill. IJIJ-Lll \J1 `FULL. Corp. Armstrong `spent the week..end with 'his sister, M-rs. Parsons. '3..- TA..- `I`I,..-1`l_ -1` A`lI-_..I-I- .1. (Id. GUILD: Miss Jane Booth of Allandale is the guest of Mrs. Jas. Booth. Very generous _donations from Craigvale were sent in to the Red Cross Rooms on Saturday. Mun T Q Tnn-nnnrl onnnf nxrnn LJULLUCIJ VV I bl]. .l.l IUIJLID 111 JJGL 1 15- Mr. and Mrs. Jos; Gordon are visiting their daughter in Con- cord. Special on Cigars` . ARGYLE, OR0 _ Nov. 28-_-The people ofithis vicinity were shocked to hear of `the terrible accident that occur_ red to Gilbert Bell of East Oro. While cutting straw at J. Pound s` he got his hand bad`1-y mangled in the cog wheels. It was found necessary to have it amputated above thewris-t joint. ':~n Unt, DA!` Ban via`:-|*n~r\nr` UUD IIUUIILD U1]. IJCI-l1LlL\J.Cl:_yo Mrs. J. S. Leonard spent over Sunday with friends in Barrie. Kn n`nrI RE-nu TnQ f1m-rsrlnva nnn TI-!(7)_RNTOiN -cuuopzs sTnounV LE FROY The Wholesale Depletion of Paul- try Laying and Breeding Stock Not warranted Judging from the unpreceden_ ted heavy deliveries of poultry on the central eastern markets so early in the season; itwould ap- pear that farmers and producers generally are not only depleting their ocks unwarrantahly but also rushing them to the market lin an unfinished condition. As a =result, the current price of chick- ens is much below normal valuel at the present time, in compari_l son with the prices of other; meats. This is directly due to the overloading of the market. - \l.'.'l|-. I-"Inn 1-nniol.vinn11iv-v fnv f`.-ans. UVBl'lUuu1ll U1 Lut: iuauu:i.. | With the brisk inquiry for Can-; adian poultry from Great Britain,j it is expected by exporters that; the demand forwell finished, good quality stock will be very keen` during the "coming winter. Be-l sides, there will be a good de- mand for home consumption.` The price for well..nished birds c0nt.inues- firm, but with so much. 'p0or stock arriving wholly un- suited for either storage or.ex_; port, many buyers have recently; reduced their quotations for all [low grades. WA nvrnnnnnn nr 1"\I1lII"Q IUW 5l`i:L|.lUD. The presence of pullets and! young fowl has also been noted; in many shipments. This is most; unfortu_nate considering the price` of eggs. The very firm prospect` for the profitable marketing` of! all poultry products points to thel necessity of co_nserving in every possible way all suitable laying and breeding stock. Unless thisl `is done, there will be but little poultry left in a short time on| the farms in the central eastern portion of the country. Even though feed is scarce and high, it would pay farmers well to fin- ish the birds before offering them for sale and spread their deliver- iesnover a longer period. nnnninlo Gn rlnfn havn 165 uvur i1 lUl.15t3l' pciiuu. Current receipts to date have consisted mainly of live poultry. The season is now sulllciently ad- vanced, however, , to warrant more liberal sliipinentg of dress-" ed poultry; In light of the fact that t.here will be a considerable inovement of Canadian "poultry to Great Britain, it is of the ut- most importancethat all poultry killed on the farms, in -addition to being well_finished,.be pro- perly lgilled and dressed. The` British market, in fact all large markets prefer poultry` bled in the mouth and dry picked. While killing by dislocation may be preferred by some, the presence of blood in the neck and the re- sultant discoloration make it.un- suitable for storage or export purposes. _ D1-nnnn on nnninlnfn-hleedlng Aircraft f.and .%La-fortuna purposes. Proper and complete- bleeding is most essential. Sometimes the, arteries of the neck are not com-I pletely severed, the bird fails to bleed _properly, with the result| that the carcass takes on a red-_ dlish appearance. With proper` attention to details, a useful Are- putation for Canadian poultry canvbe established on the British market this year. It isof the greatest importance, therefore, that all poultry marketed be well- nished, well bled and dressed and packed _in the most attrac- tive mannerpossible, - Elmvale Lance -- Recently, friends from Langman and. Grossland assembled at the home of W. H. Wallace to do honor to a returned veteran, Pte. Fred. Kirkpatrick, by giving him a fowl and oyster supper. There were one hundred and thirty guests present, among whom were Ptes. Harry Be11_and Wes. Kerr, who came up from Barrie to do honor to their friend. i Pte. Fred Kirkpatrick and seven of his former schoolmates went to France in 1915 to serve King land Country in the trenches. Of ithese Ptes. Harry Carruthers and Alfred Davis have been killed in iaction, Ptes. Joseph Davis, Geo. -hDavis,_ Fred Kirkpatrick and N. G. Kirkpatrick have been wounded, =while Wm. MacArthur and \Valt.er i licarruthers have escaped unhurt. 'I'\A_ 1'73,,1 , ..v .-v_. ---<.--- } Councillor Wm. Ansley and ;Wm. Hunter, deliver:-4! excellent ,addresses, and a committee com- posed of B. Graham and R. Kerr, `representing Langman, and D. ;Martin' and H. Hunter, represent- iing Grossland, handed to the ichairnianc a well-lled gpurse `which had been collected among the returned sQldier s friends. This purse the chairman present- `ed to Pte_. Kirkpatrick, who made la suitable `reply. ,1??- v-~---v-~--~-~ ----'v v~~-rvv- v------" | Pte. Kirkpatrick was woundedl by gunshot in the legs, arms, head I and neck on April 6, 1916. Onl the 14th of April he was moved to the war hospital at Igaicester, |Englar'1d, and on October 14, he |sailed from Liverpool for Can-' |ada. I I i On the morning of November 15, Pte. Kirkpatrick went to Le- froy, where he was warmly wel- corned by friends, and from that place he left for the Convalescent `Home for Wounded _Soldiers, W'innipeg, where he will have to undergo anoperation. ART WORK THAT IS A DISTINCT CREDIT TO CANADA Call and see our Samples and they will appeal to your patriotism as well as your appreciation of the artistic THE EXAMINER AND. SATURDAY MORNING Private Greeting Cards and Folders Reliabl-e`_s`a_le-s_manv to act as agent in Simcoe County. PAY WEEKLY Outt free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the business, for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guaran- tee deliveries in first-class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this dis- trict. For particulars write Sales Manager. PELI-IAM NURSERY GO. TORONTO, ONT.

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