Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1867, p. 2

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an: g"!'uin1y[ y tbd `Markos .1 ("4 bmhm `hill! rnnn `n. ' ' iilgxr: I wan, M1 8:` H]-in My Rmnh EH-ZHLY 'To'.`nnt6.. . Ilmdfnrd .. Dlznnlon.-I __ LUJ). p.Hl. u` . !\Ia'1|s;gning North, daily at 10.051\.m., and 5.50 ;\,.m. ' Mzxils going to I um.-mnguishenc, daily at l0..`I5. n.m. DTKYDDV` U \ ll nr A 17 fovnm xonrrt. mnvlsri um:-rn_` end Do\\'nwnrjds. Rem] Upwnrdss A.M' P. A `W. T If. `hn eminent (logree, by the unfortunate Ill-WIJHZX. 4 _ Finance, the political grave of. many :1 minister, is, jiist now, the question of qneatir-ns at the capital. The failure of the Commerrtinl Bank, and consequent distrust in all the Banks of the eountry, hn.-i been most inopportnne at the present time, nn(l,_li;;5: ten_rletl, in no small _(l<{qree, to cirilinrims the Gu)\'ei-nnichf. Filling the vztcmicy in the Finance Department is, just now, nccnpiing the nttentiiiii of_ the Privy Council, Mr. llowlaml, inemi- time, (lisclmrging the duties; and it is xuicl, has been offererl the position er- nizu1ently,`>lut declined it. Hnn'lle`Mr. 'l'ill the late Leiivler of the Gm'eijn- ment. in Nova Scotjn, mid 1n`esenf.l\Iiriister of Cust0ms,.in this Dominion, a very clever nancier, li:is.also, I 1iii:lersstznul," sln-unit` from `the llercnlezintaslc of tnlingg the ship of State through the i rocks fllltl slmnls ow,-r which itlmust ]).'lSFi, to ineet the rcqnireinentsh of the Dmnininn. and restore public C0llll(lC'l1"(`., 'o(tc:nsi`nevl, in linnk fniliires in`the itonntry. It has been 5ll_l_{'_Q"3.`a'l.0(l, nnrl tirgetl within good rleul of frwce, that Messrs. (fruit and Amliiiizilul lizwing \'nlnntzn'ily' witlnlrnwn fmin the` (}m'oi'ninent of the Dominion, the vacan- (,flGS>Sllf\l[l(l not be filled, thereby rolncin;_; the Privy Council l'rnm thirteen to elewrn. I trust the G0\'t-,rnment inay .-icor.-pt the S\I_'_{f_{(`.Sli0Il, and act upon it. The nn~ usually lzirgn nnmhnr of l)ep:lTil1lOlllSA,_. with their uln])lH_V\:f:R, snperniiineruries, &c., &ci, tngtetlirtr with the [m;rezint.r_v"` and l'lUlIll)ll_ _{ with which the l)mniniuni L..- l..,... ,{ ...1 1... , , I ' prevails onvtho minds of m:1n_v members that " reasons" other than private bar] nmnething to do with the withdrasml of the `non. gentleman from the Govermnent at this pa1'Li'c`1lar'juncture in our cQuntry s hiitnry. 1 2 ' ` Finnnnn Hm hnHnn` IVI`-"lL'n rd` nun: n ..`o TIM" |'wInh': un-.l Ylr. Milt. lug! 11'-I v-u&::-v mu gun!/1=l_ A Q:?~?i1Kf1I?3 Q:011m1 ; ,_,f_2i j$.33I, J Qlbnotais, lj;1rDn;;,3zTL;ninb.cr 14, J >137 ;' `Hum nw~l . V` The attitmlrslof the Nlrwa Fcotian rop1`t-3.ent- 21ilV('S in thu Iluuae oi Cnmmons is mijvthing but what We were led to expect it wrm`lrl ibe.` Judging from the tone ofxthe ..\'m"a Sriotinri` press, we lookg.-d forward to n storm upoq ill!- Alrldross, and fully anticipated that the iitlgntist liitlornessa would be indulge.-.rl in; but ha pily such is nut the case. Mr. Hpwe lr-cl 0!? with `u pmvnrfnl .`-`[)0C(!ll against Union. but it lnul no effect; yvt it was rcxnarl;-.thlr: for trznipvr, and it is now :1pp.'m-nt that the llUl'l0l`3lIlU gently- man is prr-.p'm=:l to accept the situation. in so far as the I mli:1mcnt of the Dominion is con- cernwl. lnrlm-l other 'inenibv:r.'s' from Nziyzi Scntm have intiniuted that they are now wil-' ling to let l}llin[.{3?_[:1l\'(l their cmir:-ie, :1lthou;v_l1 they -.1r(-.r1vtcrmim-rl to km-p up the (l1.su11iun mow.-int-nt in their own Province. ~ The :\'0vn Scotizms in the 'Cmnmons. _._._._. _?.__-__..._x _-._. U per Canada. His vivws lmvc been -sllapwl wllh the object of aggrnndizing. .\Ior'1trenl ; hence the press of that city sees t to enlngizc the retiring .Vlini.=.te-1'. and e.-xpre.\e rogret that his services .-.hnnld he lost to thc\com1try. [l had much heitcrlo.-se his scrvicrxs. I an have an injurinusk policy >I'ce? upon in, ur such `u'r)ulrlAhav(- hx.-en the l'CSll I: il .\lr. Ga.ll'\hal re- _ muincd M. the head of the Finance Iieparn ment. That. policy 1121.! been in ope `ration, Gall. has resigned; there is_a. prospect ol grat- ting rid `of the bnneful inllucxcu nt prlpscnl exercised by the Bank of Montreal. The gov- ernmrent will have to take immwliate ncxirm and undo` all tlmtwllas h<.-on done lhmuglx ,.\lr. GL'xlL's policy of f:u'01'itci3m. H O-&-O * and has done much evil, "but how that Mr.` $ai1sagos.--E'ver 0 patrons; with the elm produces. Mr. Gen. 3 2 Stall. Barrie Marli into the nlantlfuctllru gone to'4.>rIn.a1dsernhl-, r latest machinery inv Having condenca in he sllhmitu-d A Saul; We p1-ulmizncc them flrwor. . Musica| Social! announce a rural (re: am-ndla `-social lc T ,.`_ run`!!! - um` w an Hm Wolilnguna links! .\"l`ll\\(-`II IF TR! Ii. WU urcml. (H: :w......;.. Ihnul mus nkgmxg, n.. ,.,,"!,i mhI.I.. m..n,... ...` .1- y. . $ausagos.-E'ver on the alert to fumish his choicest vinri` 3 the country Manndrcll, butcher, No. Market, hm; entered largely manufacture of s:ma.1ge,_,s, and has nxpgnsc in procuring the invenrtvd for that purpose. crmflrlenca our taste as an epicure, _ AV . of them for our use. them of exmsllpnt nncihr ma u L Hm ne sunmma- s:m1ple oilr use. excellent quality and avor. _.,._ . l `` l i Sqcia|."-P1acards on the walls i m23t,in store for all who to he given in the Town 5 1 all, on next Tuusday evening. It is hcingg` gal. up by _\ir.-1. '1'. Summersetl, in connection with the \V.-sloyan Church. In addition ml the usuml fare at a.` '2;-.rJci:1l," the lmvn hmul 5 will he in atlenrluncc and diSC0llX`FG their - sweomst strains. [`lmre will also be aalrlresses. ~' ronrlingvs," and recilationa. '~.-\`n1llasl;, though i not 1035!. .\ii.~s E. Clmlanfilm, an emincncl pilaniat, will prc:=.iln`at the pian0-furt(`. _____. .4 -Q. _ Demorest_ a `Magzine.-This gnrgeou.=.1y 4 illnminatml Mirror of "Fashion, fur the month`; of December, his reached our table, and fur-! 11ish4-,3 :1 pr:rft_zr:t g:xlnx of novelties in tlmvway i | u of illII<'tr:\Lir:n.=I of ihe huhinns in xmgzxn For the Ul'('FH:I1f. fall? Thiu <:m'i:\] in A 1.-mu Hui? almnm` (.'u\ (,`1'mn' (.'mwr:ul\ !~ prN`l1. ; upullwr 9; 5} lsngnxm 390- um-- any i / gasgrwm rwhmsti 55; MN! lb!!! htivb lnhd 0.\I:m!r_um!n why I 1 , Mag: Til 1`?!-099% (yacht! sun In but I I gnu rvwoxa QM mu ms hemr `Hwy 5;. 91*!-1-M-ti imp fmhlssms. sad at 1. km: ' wawrfwn ,v-M821?! [mi hmluv nun. in pk:-sy,. ; vv'vI`v`11N'1 tar Hui up g vs lsumqgi * llnhvh-H. with M Eu at: llxmhal, thdh km. no-wt mu HM-h in Wmrm `pan.-5 Snewwrapnnirdhy aka xqrvirotax Q1 Igugang what! `has lxrnfrsavng-Q suhv Ghdry new in-dis ilk: R-mats; am! mm mm hang. .n... ...x._ rme. `gr - - b I am hnppytn be able` 5 congratulate you on the ahuntlant liarvz-at wiLh' \vhi(_;h it has pleased Providunce to bless the country, and on Lhe goner.1_| prospm-ity of the bunxiniqn. Your new nationulitv enters on its cr)nrr<<: ernmcnt, armed with rie. {rum hnnnw `:1 kn nklu M:1?lR'g?)ir1`,v; Smxt, daily at 6.40 n.m and 6.0. ). p m v. u ' ,. xnun. .1.:u.. -1 {n A ,,, . l l i 1 on inc goner.1_i prospm-ity or the l)JUlIRlQn. nationality lgacke:d' liy the moral support_-Llm material nir1--and the most anlunt -good W-i:jl'it}9 of the Mother country. Within your awn bor1::r.< pe:v.ce,security and pro.-parity prevail, and I fl-1-vently przly that ymu'-mpirruions may be directed to such high and patriotic objects, and Lhutymi may be enolowccl with such ii spi1'it(:t`Inn-lerzxtion : ml \VlStll_tm as will cause you Ldrumlur the grc; t work of Union, which has 1):.-(tn acliiowrl. a lilvssing to yolirselvus. : and your p0,~:U:rll.], and a fresh starting point in thc`mru':1l. pulitirml nhd Inutcrial :MlVMlC1.`- - ment nf the: people of lJ:umrl;1:. After His Exm-llniiuy luul r:>p0;1t(,`r] me v pee::li in French, the Conimons natired. After the retirement ni` Llm ( ,un1mr.nnx unnn V uavlng been 1`4::v.II. I ~ IIul1..\[r. C.\.\{"PBILL movul mm 311 the` Tmonuhorrs present he :1 cmnvnitcczi` tr) decide? Iuuun matters of r)ri\'Hnm-, Xv In nm'n.. an} nus 1):.-(tn aczxlou-rt, the mrn':1l. pulitic hf ncunle. 0 ` SPCCCII In 1'N'1'1f31h Inc igommons l`:t|l'0d. I the_ret1rement of the (gunnnons upon, the c0nqlu`.s10u of the reading pf the S}gut`Ch`5 fmn_1.t1u> 'lhmnc, the usual monon pro form/L ` 1 Imvlng been 1`::v.Il. upunmaue-1'3 Of P he nllndml to the position. in buing had nofdnnbt than I im l mu I ..nicl..nI.-. an \1`I\i..".q'wrr us; mmu 3 Kn: A I H M; pI`I\ ll(`ge:, A20. In pP<','I12H`iC_Vl)f the ;; a rromplutu,-ly now ` L the mlvs which `*---r------`--~` the broeclx-loading 0 ]L1l.leux`._.... (YoH|ugwcod.. U) (mama; doing so a`onme',~: I l.).\7D0.\'. _Vm'_ `H. t`\`v`r1ln;:.-Imports have renchr.-rl In-re that .\I. I.r)vuI.-Hr: is soon to my sign the French .\[ini.~41.ry ofsmne. 11`-wm he succeeded by M. Ranker. . i ` PARIS, .\m~'. -Genem1 Ln .\fnrmv)m. the ` ' rum-nv `I1-ul -m nmJ2.u-um 151 ;l1l.J.V. Teh-grnmq havoe'|) that a .`iuC`)nn`I. typlmnn in Ullilhl.` The dunm-_g. nlnnan 17.4-vnnrl 1113.; I 1nI,mna.` 1m: uunm-_{ nwnse. Beyond thix rs-,civod. B Y A TLJ V"1_'[C' rnma Inn-.-' rnnni 1i:Inij_rhv.---Tl1e rutl) and nthnr p ml all parts of I) two?! as Fe wait -vpl;:|n5-1-I ` ` MH- nuapvrnz `ma Mb 1 THE am) mom 4 ~ Y"\I" Mme; ` , Q. W ML: .mm `J,x{y ]1 4); non Q.. ;:;~ D ry Goods !\ mgr` .5 411.4 I IIVII `::9:;ul\`l*74IJlJlx\T`l` (>131? ._.__.__.q.. __._.?. V la1IlT}TKcWt 1:-.n-mg I . 0. as follow. cuy, mr '= . I tumble i \ I Tim Rut timings Mum! is es. man at! Dan-6* wsumatentwawiwg ! Mai:-nu. um: Mmnunriable tit:-Hing and qummmm nqninvb, karma 1: the u M V UI.EAR_ r11s;& m,x Sm V (:u){mN<;, (;m) fHI\RU\NAHE, and (}N()UK NV and gun can u'...; (M? .Jl).\'!il'H l`\l.`lHl. Dis:_snlutmn HENRY BOYS I WELLINGTON HOTEL. JOHN vWHfE.LEVR., M ill 10.35. A no Tu Lm. um go5.up.~a ul \'\vveIl. 'L town on Wetlnvsrlny. for the 11:; friennls hmixo r-nnlrnl rmrt ruin!!! '!l l{}. Qggd` D Qi7 Kb it!` 2-urrnaam. xwxa. 1 cmzurl upon to ilnnmlrm-. the go5;1ip.~a uf \'\v'veIl. Own Wedm-sdnv. fur the .\`n.\r. .\[D.\'GEf?`!.-II".'l. `I). rfuilosving `v Card" in the P.u`tncr: W I 1'9"! PVQIVE wk, tn that Oh 1 Him (KL. .:._.._ l'|m1-am: mu. n1..m. Apm, 'I'I1:-arlzxy, Tllllmlzxy and Saturday, at lO.`J5 mm. . all. fun l`|.nrn0.-m I\I \ 'I`......,1.... .....I 77 lwmsm. um: ., `M rm? Ktivgwm 5'9-`tn; ` may `N 5 mt it! QT 4 ` . loamy` Z in-mam- ,T&:R3t.~=. i . U `Q Ma. an mum SYIMIT, 'runu,~rru. iDN l`A1 ( T` D In! ` !}h)h\ ' ._ . ' PILES I 1 !/315.5 . .' PILE WHAT 1.9 IT. 110W c'L'z:F.n I f- I`hou.=:mds of,p>r-rsnnsV1In\' Pl1' :~`-sn ; vours wuh the d1sCasu:--_vct mw knuw W ni- hmv it. is (!|l1`('ll. .Evv-rv mmn nr` I is or how in is cum-u. kiavv,-ry cn.~'u ufj" iwiiolhv,-1' mnnifcstud in the forin <:f.ax[-` [ mnmrs. frequent i)IL`( (liIlg.. or in vioh-m'":' King and ir1`it.'itinn, dvpld ('s.<=~n1i.\li_v`-'1 CV)il;_'QSiiGl1 or the abdouiinzil \'L`1)0|l:i oi; ii|`JHV. - This producixs thu engorgcmnm, 4 Lion of the W-ins. f'on nation of tumors. Ir ,1-{nu-_;'n.<;'p:1in and slibring: and rhre r`` I I t I u only be fuiidzimeiilzilly cured by 1119* ` whicli. tuiu-n interu:ilIy.. rtrlievg this ab` cnnv_w.~uinn. Henna nimme-nts. w:ishe:"-` ' .\fi5`.ir\ n:..mi.-.n.; ...~n an im mmhml ` 73` SIHILIJ SUHLIBLS cl!I.\.\`n;.~=.\~ prr.L7. <' / `Pf/`,I,'. s' ' ' Prrm C'ilIj_' !H|`7n. IICUCU {HFHHlf'lJl:`. \`VilSE" >\`.i7-Arm ini1~ctiv>n.. :n1~e:m im `cctn:xl. "` "III'.\fI IIl.'1;`Y.%," HO.\IE0P.1. l'HIG,: SP1-1 IFIC 1 simple sugar pi1I.%t:nlie Ihrw. Linn-.~1 prdx1_'.',.cI1r-zsthe dial:-:Lse: ing the c:.m!i_1iun upon which (ht! (Ii!) lniml.-I. II:::2}jr:1s hzuie been cured b` u uf thv .'n-gar oh,-4.Iin:1r.e cases. \, A1171` nrnmnllv 1..-m-n-4! In; if Prion an grentwnod ow Lowell Rxxnnidvulc... \Vnrrin,'mn. Stnyucr. 13.1110 TENDERS. `TU\\.\\`HH' 01" \V\W\`{).5Il. S`!!! Mm Haw: My mg g 1:: km! :n.mMi:` 1 nuzpliui um; . but: and the Pmgn V. lm-.2 i I! ; ir.smom -u.-av, ;.u:w`l'n. W;: ,`i l`ARlI. 1- `H393 . l'I'wl kI'. . AWE xmjnsza mm Mr. I u.. LOST, ! in '.m....:... 2;... ~ I I. .\ Y (gt )\\' gqcynwggkif EPQIRCQ I 5mm; hnuli TM ` mnaw case. ml by it. Price, Al K3\1 : M A]Htl`\l \s`.u{I`m:v. - g n .1z_ """"" KORTIIERN` 1c,u1,w.n' (rim; `TABLE. rn'n_.xvzr;Lx:iz`g .xz1zston_mnA.

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