WANTED-TRUSTWOR l`HY MEN AND WOMn:N to travel and` advnrtlse for old estab- lished house of solld nancial standing. Baler W80 1:. year and expenses, all payable in cashl o canvassing required. Glve references and enclose self-addressed stamped enveloxe. Address Man- Children Cry for LJLj___ ASSESSMENT--SWALEY CREEK DRAINAGE. ' 0II'FI.E'l`,-R L-n:.n>m N an aazleaamenl to be made by him of the lands and roads in any way liable to assessment under the said Act, thereby stating as nearly as can be the proportion of benet and outlet liability. which in his opinion will be derived or incurred in consequence of such improved outlet extension and improvement bv every road and lot or .portion of lot, the said I uuu uuueu 2 AND lvnnmms the Municipal Council of the said Township of Veapra hos procured an examination to be made by Maurice lawiller, Esquire,.O. L.S., the Engineer of the said Township. being a person competent for such purpose of such. new or improved outlet and improvement. and extension of sand works and other lands and rondu under the said Municipal Drainage Aer, ancthaa also procured plane. specications and esti- mates of the coat of such extension and im- provemeur. and outlet of said drainage work to be made by the said Maurice Saviller and an assessment to be made by him any wav liable fn ............s - Ann Wnunxas for the better maintenance `of the said drainage work and to prevent damn a to lands and roads it is deemed expe ant to make a. new outlet and to otherwine extend nndimprove the said work and outlet: Ann l\lnn.-H..- u.. 11.; - - - ~ I Wnnuus under By.Law No. 394 the Corporation of the Township of Vespra have heretofore constructed a drainage work in the said Township known as the SWALLY Cum: : Ann ll.'nn-nu... I-.. .|_- |__.., By-Law` to Extend and . Improve the Outlet of ' Swaey reek Drainage` I ` Work. ' `B y%-Law No. 422; Unlonlsm `in ouma. .n|_.n, 9 -' Owner. J. BARRAND? MEBGHANTATAILOR A SCHEDUDE A mm. unen V111 62 IX. IX d- X. X & XI, XI &XII.T Sideroads 5 & 6,10 & 11.... I I ! Con. Linen VIII & IX. 4.-\ ,\'x~\'a \'r:.v unnun UKAINIKGE. MUSE OUTLET.-REP(-)lt 1` No. V. Every home needs -a remedy that is adapted for use in case of sudden accident or illness. Such a one is Pain-Killer. Avoid (substitutes: there : but one Pain- Killer, Perry Davis . `. 5c. and 50c. utuuu mommy magazine numbers. Any Person in Canada or the United States send- ing one dollar'to The Westminster, Toronto, before October 5th, will receive these num- bers for one your from that date and all the previous chapters of Ralph Uonnor s new story, The Man from Glengarry. free. -.,.. ....... .-uuu uuuugarry. ~~ Ralph Connor's new story which is the 1 serial feature of The \Ve'st-minster this year, 5 displays the characteristic marks of Black 5 Rock, and "The Sky Pilot. and leads its 3 author: into new elds. Its scenes are in the ' Ottawa and Quebec districts, and then shift l to the West. The characters are remarka blv f well drawn, the;wrIting is strong and the story throbs with life; is is a good story; The magazine numbers of The Westminster. containing The Man from Glengsrry " in full. may be hurl for one year for one dollar. 1 These monthly numbers are religious but not a sectarian. They contain never less than'6-1 pages, well _p_rinted, abundantly illustrated '_ and bearing an artistic cover design. The I best writers in all the `churches contribute to a these monthly magazine numbers. person States nmm- REPAIRING- annum the following total spcial rates over and above all other rates, -shall be assessed` levied and collected in the same manner and an the same time as other taxes are levied and cnllected as aforesaid, in each year for ihe next ten years after the -nal passing of this By-Law, during which the said deben- 'tures have to run. uua Dy-148W, (lllfll tures run. ' OF PAYMENTS. uu-uulu us me a'cneqnle`A . hereunder written. such debentures to be payable at the Bank of Toronto at Bare at the date set out in the said Schedule A. and to have atta.cb'ed to them proper coupons for I the payment of the interest on the date set I out in the said Schedule. 1 I of the Township of Vespra to borrow on the credit of the Corporation the sum of $700.00. 3 ` being the funds necessary for the work. and I may issue debentures of the said Corporation l ' to that amount in sums of not less than I $50.00 each and payable within ten years from the datethereoi with interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, that is to any. the said debentures ehall be under the [ `seal of the Corporation. signed by the Reeve l and Treasurer. shall bear date on the 1st day of November. 1901, and shall be of the ` amounts respectively set out in the second column of the ScheduIe`A 1 debentures to ho m....i..1.. .,. Lot. ! nneument so made being the assessment hereinafterby this By-Law enacted to be assessed and levied upon anduzeinut the road: Ind lots and part: of lots hereinafter in then: behalf specically set forth and de- scribed. THE Report of the said Maurice Gnviller in respect thereof and his assessment thereof, against the respective lots and parts` of lots and roads and the said works in as follows :- Qmnr nv l1n1-sisup . -- .--i _ ` ......... ..... . causunxahu uue C055 0! me , above work inciudlng cost of By-Law. ` engineering and inspection to amount to the sum seven hundred dollars. An assessment for said amount and plan showing new lands included is annexed to this Report Your obdt. serv t. Sd. M. GAVILLER, C.E., 0.L.S. Collingwond, 30th Ang., 1901. . w. R. Pnocrg . .-...u . unaunu E: In accordance with instructions received as to proposed By-Lnw for extending the outlet of the SWALRY CREEK drainage to the Nottnwaeagn River, I beg leave tolreport as follows : - ` The work required` is from the Westerly terminus of the ditch constructed under the original By-Law and following the channel ; of Muskrat Creek to its outlet at the Nottn~ ` The banks where caved in trimmed up wasnga River. A: before recommended the outlet of the creek foradiatanceruf eight chaineseould be enlarged. The remainder of the channel should have all fallen timber brush and massed woude removed from it. ' and . elo ed, also channel straightened and wi ened in some places where very sharp curves occur. Also sand bare removed. and It clear channel of a general width not les- thnn fteen, feet wide and three `and 9,: feet deep constructed. I estimate the cost of the engineering insnontinn On .............. .- .L- ,, ..._ -..... vvvunnu III II IOIIOWI SW_A_L_E;Y CREEK DRAINAGE. ' Report V.--Io the Reeve and Municipal Council of the Township of Veapra. Gxxrnnnu.-1x :- ,i . The Man From Glengarry. `L rv-_..- J, - E. MUSKR_A I: CREEK ISJPROVED 1- Acres. in: `200 100 Inn nu I00 1 m Our stock can save mom 40 00 4100; s1 oo ___.-.: ' Benet. I 10 -53 16 40 6 15 6 15 18 44 20 50 I 14 35 I 10 25 I Outlet. 4 10 10 2} 28 68 14. 34 20 48 IR `)0 . . . . . . .. .-,zu.uu 10 00 20 00 on M '1`otal Aasesa tl JU Z5 2868' 14 34 20 48 16 38 16 40 6 15 6 15 1s 44 20 50 14 35 10 25 -. . --. .- . Iful urrwco Y > ` , oossaswsoswswsws ..~s-s~~. " $10.00 20 00 40 00 40 00 25 00. 25 00 S0 00 55 00 4U 00 30 00 15 00 8 20 6 1-1 4 10 410 -. .....a nu ,_ Lcu Juurll at the rate of four per cent. per annum, a special rate on the dollar auicient to produce the sum of $9.98. being the required yearly amount therefor. shall over and above all other rates be levied and colleeted in the same manner and at the same time an other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the whole rateable property in the said Township of Vespra, in each year for ten years after the < nal passing of this By-Law during which i the said debentures have to run. 5 THAT the Reeve and Treasurer are I hereby authorized and required to sell and dispose of the said prlce'obtainable. and either by public ten- der or private contract. sis they may deem beat. I! "l`.--- ,- - debentures for the beat 1 l 1 KJUI-|\lG`yc - I Inc residence of Mr. _ and Mail` C.:mpbell, Count slreel, Poll . Arthur, ' was the scene of a very pretty wedding! I this morning, when their second daugh-; ter, Miss Florence, and Mr. Gavin C.l Allan, son of Mr.` John Allan of; Churchill, Onl:., were married by Rev. S. C. Murray, of St. Paul s church, in: uuu FU|lIl'yu Anumber of our youn tended the Anniversary Se] Town Line Presbyterian: Sunday. Tho 1-u_s:Jn....-A -1` `r ozu 61-1 410 410 4 10 In In lcvull In: upcu ID Cl)8.llFDg9S. I John Bayes. `_jr., secured 9 rsts 7 seconds at NeW.nax'ket Fair, on Iaud poultry. A nnnxhar 1-J A..- ---~ ' V .g u ;|.\.1;J.LL11J. Sept. 23rd.-0u baseball duh had a practice last Saturds._v night, and W1 soon be open to challenges. BOVPR_ if ear-In-nrl 0 l'.`....-- -A ` .... an umus to inspection by any ratepuyer or by any holder of said debentnres. S. The proceeds of the special rate herein- before imposed and to be raised under this By-Law shall be used and paid out on account of and for the purpose of retiring the said debentures and coupons respectively ` us they mature due. and to and for no other purpose whatsoever. " UEBY. 6. THE moneys so raised by the sale ofsaid debentures shall be applied for the purpose of the said improved drainage work and - outlet and expenses, and for `no other pur- pnse`whatsoever. 7. THE Treasurer shall keep a proper book of account of the said debentures and the pro- ceeds thereol, setting forth a full and p cular statement. so that the same shall at all times show the number of debentures issued` under this By-Law, the respective amounts of each, the times at which they respectively mature due. the amounts realized from the sale thereof. the application which shall be made from time to time of said amounts. and the said Book and Statements shall be open at all times to inspection by R . . Th. ..........-:I- J -- in Total for Benet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . du. Outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roads and lands of Municipality . . . . . . Total ............... .. 4. FOR paying the sum of $81.00, the amounts assessed against the said roads and lands of the Municipality, and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the mte of annum, the dollar n|1H3minno- 4 ----`~ -` ' with this label attached to the left hand pocket of the coat,hrest assured you are getting Gar- ments, Tailor made, ready to wear, unequalled in the Dominion_ of Canada for money. Measure this store's. success by `the .wonderf.il growth of its clothing business. By insisting on having the best styles and qualities, and A enough of them to meet every possible demand, - besides seeing to it that every bit of extravagance is taken `out of _our prices, we have gained` a leadership that knows no close second. No need to accept our statement for that "fact. Look` around and _make your own comparisons. And remember, buyers at this store may have money refunded if their purchase does not prove satisfactory. A ` Coon Skin Coats are a specialty this year with us.` l Get our prices before. buying. We can `save you]: . , I vm gar w ; 7. VIII ; EU ....... .V VIII i Es}8 . . . . . . .. vm , w ; s ...... .. vm ParnofE9.. vm do. I vm i E9andEl 3 E I lnW....:._: 4111 XII E.A.SMALL 5 Al` XI` uni IA IX TY J'mall s' Royal Brand Clothing is sold in every large centre from the tlantic to`the Pacific. ._.:_ wCHUR_CHILL. Style, Fit, Finish and Value. ---c ~v-q-nu nu-I knniversar} Servies at. the _. Presbyterian church, last SIIOOOIIOI` C0 1'. R. Baker. Lo; or part of Lot. wlu I.ulI|TH.'U Dy Kev. it. in! mun ul-sca- and ' nnrlvnt Ti`..:.. .- L young p90;:]e at. my -q_nru;na.~. 110- LL- :ROYAl.\_lf\_l-\lD~ aw: When you_ purchase a nun ` hogs _ _, ...V.. ....,..u.s. nnwr vnsxung gthe Pan-American, and friends in To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Allan will make. their home in Churchill, where Mr. Allan has business intrests.--DailyV '1\;_____ 1 - the presence ofa few immediate friends. The bride was assisted by her sister Edyfh. and the bridegroom by his bro- ther, Dr. F. Barclay Allar. .\I.A., of Toronln University. After congratula- tions_ and a dejeuner, Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan drove to the Manitoba, accom- prmied by their friends. After visiting ,the Allan u-ii. l---~- 5 cA1`6F2 IA 6 ,,,,, ..__,-..- .........u.ug xu uppiy no nave the By-Lxw or any part thereof quashed. must, not later than ten days after the final passing thereof. serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve and Clerk of the Municipality of his intention to make anplicatinn for that pur- pose to the High Court of Justice during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of this By-Law. ` (Sd.) GEORGE SNEATH, (`I.._I. AND xorxcu 1s mznrmr Enxvrtfzi that anyone intending to apply to I thereof quasheg nnf. lnhzr than 9.... 4...... '_t.,,, .. I 3 l mmcz IS mmenv (:1va.~: that the above is a By-Law provisionally adopted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Veeprn, on the 4th day of September. 1911. and that the Court of Revision for the pur- Mxdhurst. on Friday the 4th day of October next, at 10 o'clock u.m.; and farther. that - immediately after the said assessment in the said By- Law mentioned shall have been nally conrmed, the said Council intend to proceed to nally pass the said By-Law. AND NOTICE EUBTUER GIVEN anyone intending to annlu tn Hang on... J. H.%HAMBlY S Children Cryfgg-V Bll3j:_,, m everv week tor four consecutive weeks it} Tm: Ex.m1sm neufspaper. published in the Town of Barrie. and shall come into force and effecb immediately after the final passing thereof. and may be cited as Bv-Law to Extend and improve the outlet of Swaley Creek Dminage \\ ark. 8. THAT it shall be the duty of the Trees. of this Corporation and he is hereby required , on or defnre the lat day of November in each year during the cunency of said debentures to place to the credit cf this Corporation. at the Bznk of Tnrmito at. Burrie, a sufficient sum to cuver the principal and interest then next: falling due on said dchenmres and coupons, according to the said Schecule `..77' 9. Tins Bv-Law shall be rubliehed once in everv week tor four consecutive in 5.-.... -...I .1! .._:-- Noncz I s a Bv-Law nrnviunnalh. .. : dnnrn 3111 05- .-_____ . $700 00 .11, Clerk. LL95 GIVEN u have the or? rnnub West on opera House. T160 year and GXDBDSCB, Ell payable III 0118113 N0 - atam enveloxe. ager, 855 Caxton B 3., Chlcaku. GUNS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION, . LOADED SHELLS AND CARTRIDGES, APPLE PARERSAND PICKERS, COLORED PLAST LANTERNS. ' Do not fail to see our T.-_lBLE CUTLERY. VVe are Leaders in this Line. SPADES, SHOVELS AND GRAIN SCOOPS. A call solicifetl. No trouble to show goods and quote you price. You will save money by purchasing you:-H Hardware at the I HARDVVARE STORE. n uruncn -Jmce. I Head Ofoe. )N'I`REAL LOVDON. ENGLAND 1. Hmsmuv. SAM. J. Pmxm. mnchIMunuger. I - Manager ATLAS Illrilnon (n... --._ .. -. L R HAMBLY Consisting- of- ztock of WINTER UNDERWEAR is now 2 money by buying your supply at the Men s S1 ,In repairing Watches and Clocks, if` we cannot make your time piece give good satisfaction we charge you nothing. ' No matter how old your watclrtis or how many other jewelers have failed to make it run,`do not con(l_emn it. Your watch is all right if repaired properly. Let us have it. \Ve make no charge if we fail to make it run. ` VVe are also manufacturing jewelers and will take any old gold 1 you have and make you a ring, pin, or brooch. If you have` 1 any of these to repair we will make them like new. It will cost you nomore than a botched job would. ` nmmoivn I "We have the most s lish turnouts in town. the I most comfortable ca ages and the best horses. Once tried aiwngs patronized. Special facilities for weddings an_ iunemls. (`ab meets all grains. Bssaaile called tor and delivered. I HAS A LARGE ASSORTMENT or Head \`DON. ENG! The clotmers, same `and stops the Cough , " and works of!" the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets cure an cold in ' day. No Cuxe, no pay. Price 25 cents -S. B. Kaiser of Cookstown has moved to Alliston. having purchased! Geo. Dale s livery business then; I Scott's Ethnlsion is a blood-making and strength-produoingfond. It removes that "feeling of utter helplessness which takes possession of one who is snering from gsneral debilityn I ' -Rev. Mr. Weeks, on leaving Qrillia! Baptist church. was presented with 8' purse and an address. _ I m;---- -- . Stewal P. H. Pntriarc-he, the Orillia. power- Cotton scheme contractor, offers to take the V9 p plant-. et.c., otf the town's hands for Srndm $l25,000,bindinghimse1f not toincrease ` ` ~ the rates for fty years. He proposes Lit_r.l to run wires to Midland. Pa-net,a.ng.`Cou,_` Goldwater. Waubnushene and `otherls d ' places to supplytbem with light and an M power. ` ' ffm S` no {so- Ilnno . ulnmuu LIVERY min SALE STABLES FALL GOODS. CASTORIA GOOD BLOOD AND SOUND MUSCLES. ` For Infants and Children. Hardware Stone omsm post omca. -HAW ccess_ yles and demand, Irvun L24. -1` ---A r- BARRIE] w complete. `You , :Store. T ' Curries the best assortment of rhsonable nnd[ fashionable imported and Canadian goods in town at reasonable xices. Fit and work guar- u anleed. Give us a. c . If you have your own Hoods bring It along. BOB. COLLIER AND GLAPPEBTON .STS. - BIG - , ,___D, __.. ..,,......u u lr'\.:IDnl.l_!I uuxu. _ l I Mr. and Mrs. . Ben C-aruthers, of Toronto, are spending a few days amongst. friends hem. . J ;q.....x.. n---.-u.--, r--I` * - - mu zugau uuuuuzs ll8l`P.. : J Sandv Carrnthers and wife, from | .Toronto, are visiting for a short. time" with their pairents, I Anuxinher Irom he-re attendxi Har- v_est Hnmefestival at. Grenfel, Monday evening. A'li repurba pie-sans time. l 1|`. __...1 via. n A -- - . I I The ladies of the Utopia Methodist: church intend holdim: a chicken social`- at the home of Mr. Joseph Russell, on` Oct. 1st. ' 4 , ; -__.-- -.. .....-. V. u-uvmn, nn onnaay; I `St. Pa.ul s churchjnten-i holding their H31ve~t H`-nme .~er`vi-.e'Oct. 6th, when Canon ;\l1_1rph_v is expectugi to ofciwte. `Tho HarvestAFe~x'.iv-l will be held the Jfollowing mam, Oct.` uh. | ----..- -- ..u-275...:-r--, uu Q Lu `Y. . Mr` "ma M"S- J- To-Id and son" ~D0gIa5I !'] LIV-'W"iQ"t'9 0f Bnrlie V called on` Mrs; C. Srewwf` 0,, Sunday. - I ' St. PIIIIPR clillrr-H |'nfnn.!'l-...I.J:.. _ .1. ,2 Wm. B~'own, and daugvhter Inez, nf' D,aIstov+, were the ;-uo-sts 0| Mr. and Mrs. P. Ferguson, on Smd ._v. fr * urn` `T..- T '15..) 1 - ` _ . Mrs. E. B. Rnssxell, the Misses Sneath, Stewart and Orrock, Me-srs. Black, - and Hurtou, attenled_the [-Iar-- 9 vest Home service-. on 7th line, on : Sunday. ` ' ' ~ .- J Lit_r.le MnxinCm1t-t~`, son of James] C_outt.~`, me with a serious acci lent on Sundav, while they w -`re returning from S-Ind-av schnoi. Th- nu gy struck the gate, wh-oh` entered mu bu-_:_vy and struck the clnld,- breaking some of I his lih. ' ` x I J... ..,_;_ :__ w. _R. _P_R_DC%TOR, / :\rs. Bishop , of Port Arthur, spent in few days 1ns:week'withMrs.`E. B. Russell. ' r __.. ..-.. ...\......,, uuo .u.:.~s.-ms urr-wk . I , Hrs. Markle. of thie place, rm |)-on visiting her brother, David Garvin of; Elmvale. I -Sept. 241i1.-.\[iss Christie Sueathi has returned to Regina, after spending] a. short time visiting her home and! friends. Mrs. Fletcher. of Ivy, spent Sun: with her. nieces, the Misses Orr-wk I \f.... \I ...`l-l_ ,1 .1 - I - 1 VV;Ve are glad to hear that Joseph Lumley is progresing favorably. ` _._......._, vu uuv aauu. IUSLHUC. The death of Mrs. Alvin Johnson, _ of We)~bnrn. Assn, late of Minesiug, was a shock to the people of Minesiug and the. surrounding places. Mrs. `Johnan was well known and loved by her many friends here, and we express our sympathy Wltll her relatives. Two of her daughters, Mxsses Lilian: and Edizb. are still here. Mrs. Johnsonl dledou Me 171.}: instant, from typhoidi fever. . I __ _- vvwu nIl\lA\I4lO Many a. man has spgnz all his euriiings in trying to get. rid of riucuuiatism. It cost. Mr. James D3 - xison, Oconto, 0nt., between $1,000 nd $2.(JUU'bc-fore he, tried Dr.Hall s liheunmlic Cure. He was 9. help- less invalid for .six years but `suf- fered from sciatica it; his hip joint for ten _vez=.rs. Six bottles cured him uouiylelely and he is now` working his farm. This great blood puri- er is put. up in bottles containing ten clays tygatment. Prise 50 cents - M. all drug stores of The Dr. Hall Medicine Co.,-Kingston, Ont. _ KJ|lLI|lHyl Miss Hanqck gave an interesting account of h'e'r journeying in China,` and also a short descriptioxi of Chinese ways jand,people, in _the Methodfstl church. on the 22nd instant. T1... .a...L ( -- `-' ' Rev. Mr. VVetney, of A `preached in Sc. Pe:ex"s church, Sunday. ' I "- ___---.-4-.1 vs Sept. 2-Lth.-'--Mn=. Jackman. of Sun- nidale Cor:.ers,- I8 visiting her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Crawford. ` - Hrs. Rece, of Detroit, was here on u Visit: to her brother, Joseph Chappel. Muss Ferguson is Visiting Miss P:im- I rose. . It A Ldtli Assurance Connpany. Capital. 96.000300. Founded 1808 ` sppucntlon torms furni.-.hed and rates quoted by. ' G_l9RGE P._._a_ X I_`01_.' g_GE_NT.i , rtvnv :1 O'Vei'l hm the Nnrch Weaz. , M. \'\n.o.1.,. lzlillsdale. icalled on W. 'Tburlow this week. Mr. Fred nun! Mr.-=..J. Richrardson are um-:nding(Oro Fair this week. U I\,\Y 'I 'mI\r."anxl l\I'rz-. J. Wlnfe and Miss White visited iends in Staynef last week. _ -..__-..-nu, nvurlluljn ' ' Mia. J. P. McBride, of`C|n'cago, and -(Mr. and {Mrs. James Richardson, of Savanna, are gueslsof Mrs. T. Brazziel, for a few dava. ' 1:, - -- - 4 ' I ' ~ V V` ' 7'` Sept; 24th.--'Mr. Grlftlxs, Barri9, cu] JCumu:inn, recently. I II-n `I D 1r_n :1 !T COST MONEY. UTOPI A. -MIDHURST, real nail _r(Oro \"ei'l has re-turned home from h '4-ax. FERGU SONVALE. Canadian Branch Oice. I MONTREAL . L M. C. . Bmnchlannger. I MINESING. Mr} and Mrs. wmim' culled nu Mrs. Jsmes i Hr Sunuiny ses ()1-r.u-L-' All-ancniale, :1), here, an nu: BARBIE .Ex_AM1NER,.THURsbAY -uruuaasylum contains 651 inmates and there Vai-e 388 applications for adi mission. ~ - -.......u-nu: us VI lull. Mr. Mullhollsnd o_l'St. Joseph, l\1issouri.~ . is the cause of some trouble in Orillia. Mull is organizer for the International Carriage Workers Union and appeared in Urillin last week. While here he conferred withthe employees in the Tudhope Carriage Com- pany's works, with the result that. a. union was formed here. There are at the present time about 170 emfsloyees working and of , these it is said that 60 joined the union. 4 When Messrs. Tudhope got wind of the , affair they at once gave notice to the joiners 1 that their services would be dispensed with ` Accordingly, on Snurday about 30 men 3 went out. They decided to call a meeting. I , which was held in the Orange Hell on Mon- 3 | day, when 60 turned up and discussed the 3 i situation. Yesterday. however, all the men g excepting 22 returned to work and it looks i l as though the trouble was nvar _Nnm-so I Letter. um-pun; zz returned ! though was over.-Newa-` _.___,__..___._Z. ,3. FOR paying the sum of $265.00. the amount charged_ against the snidlands for I benet, and the sum of $354.00 the amount charged against the said lands for outlet liability apart from said lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the Munici- . pality. and for covering interest thereon for ten years at the rate of four per cent.` per ) Watchmaker,/l`E.ng ;ver ' Manufacturing Jeweler \ IUHOWB i-' I. Tm; said plans,_specications, report, estimates and Assessment of the said Maurice Gnviller are hereby adopted and` conrmed. and the said new and improved outlet and extension and improvement, of said drainage work as therein indicated and set forth shall be made and constructed ID . accordance therewith. - . I 2 n. .|..n .....: ....... L- u--_a,- - nuuululiullfl LDBFBWIIH. I 2. It shall and may Be lawful for the I Reeve and `treasurer of the said Corporation i AND Wuzarms the Council of` the said Cofporatinn of the Township of Vespra are oi the opinion that the said new or improved outlet. and extension and improvement of the said drainage work should be made and in desirable`. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of `the said Corporation pursimnr. to the-provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act enacts as follows:'-- ' I '1`-n. ..-:.:I ._I-.., -`N -Or'illiaAsylum contains 651 (1 are `annlirafinnn cm. ..a: , . , I Wilmot Cook . . . . . .` 3 I Wilmot_()ook . . . . . . A Tomliuaon Bros. . . . 4 Jas. Stewart . . . . . . .. Rubt. Stewart . . . . .. Ed. Jones . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Dobbin .. . . . Dr. E. D. Morton Ben. Tracey .' . . . . . . . James Torpee . . . . ._ H. English . . . . . . . . . Wm. Fralick . . . . Joe. Chappele. . . . Mrs. Ma:-y Kent . W. J. Standen.. . . 1 Dr. McDonald . . . . . . "W m. McDonald. . . . . \VcArt.hur Bros. Co. ! Municipality . `I Twp. Council. vespra '.l`\`vp.` Wm. Orock . . . Robt. Urock . . . --- M unroe . -- Blumell W. H. Walton. Pat. Cavanagh. Pat. Cavauagh. David Hirons. .. rat. uavuuagh Hirons. Jas. Him-lle . xppucntlon forms rnteiiiuoled bl GEORGE PLAXTON; AGENT. Barrie Unt. Oice in McCarthy Block.