W VlVIVQIl`IV .1 [III A hazzdnomely mumnud week! It! I at 1! `..`%:"s'.`.. .-zx?"u%-.`1. ai%8'}'1 Then We Will Want Twice` As Many As we Have ' * At The Present Time. * "SAVE TI-he SEXTON run BARBIE EXAMINER. THURSDAY. SEPT. 26, muL11e;'-1u5n ucar; don't be vain. Not :_1 single infectious . disease` is known in Greenland. ` Little Girl (to visit.or)-Don t you think I look just like mamma? Hen Mother-Hush dear; don't be vain. NO`? 1'1. single `infnbh`nua .-nm.....`.- 3.. run` vvur r'ul.V 1031!. Man. \\'I.\`8l .0W S SonTm.\'a SYRUP has been used by millions of mothrrs for their:-hilriren I when teethimr. If dlstnyhed at night and broken of your rest by a. sick z-lnld suffering and or H11: with win of cutting. teeth send in once an get a bot: e ot "Mrs. \Vin=low`s S mthu: Syrup" fer chlidfen teething. It will rt-ilevet e poorlittfe suerer lminerlhiteiy. Depend upon it. mother there is no1nislnke about If. It cures diarrhaza. regulates the stomach and howcla. cures wind colic; softens the gums. reduce! innmmzuiomnnd 1.-lye: tone and energv to the whole svstcm. "Mrs. Wm-.nlow s Soothing` Syrup" for children teethinc is pkzasnnt to the (ash: and is the trescrimion f I one of the oldest and be-It female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cems a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wins ow : Soothing Syrup. , - L uuuuus wxu yet, sluube we sLanum'us or Prince Immanuel. _,,"To Him be glory in the church Ai1n'oughout all ages! Amen. ' - ---._-n Lununug up LU Llll: >'L'l'])CllL-ll'lI(.'SLC(l 1'0- gion, the crates were opened, ,and the ibises flew-forth, and the way was cleared. and the army of `Moses : cxpcctedly on the Ethiopians that marclied l`ig`]lt; on and came so un-I they flew in wild disnmy. () church of'God. you are not to nmrch in :1! :roun'(lxtbo`ut way. but. to go str:\igl1t| L forward, depending` upon winged in-; . [lucnces to clenr.tl'1e way. Hosts of the living God, march on. march on! ' Church atttenclancc, large now, is going ' to be larger yet. The! sky `is brightening in every direction. _I am glad for` the boy. :md| girl five years old. I think tl1e_v/nmy see the millennium`. 'I`he,wl}eel of apuut .1o.Aou..snq sso.xSo.1d tn1ns_mq;)' one revolution backward. The world 92 moves, the` kingdom zulvaces. All `I nations will yet salute the standards _/'To Him ha ' Ibises'.' The ibis is a bird celebrated punt.-1lIll'.'s`U.'u l'C[2,'l()ll. Hut. 1 ]\I()SES SURPRISE!) THEN. I He sent his~mcn out` to gather up} for serpcnt .slayint_:`. and thse ibises were gathered into crates and into baskets; and tllcy were Cl_'l'iC`d at the I head` of the army of Moses, and,` coming up to the serpent-infested Eioll. 1.110 crnfnn: Worn nnnnn null _ nulllll.L'b' r i It i_s high lime that the church of_- God stop].-ed writing apologies for - the church. Let the men who are' ' on the outside,` who despise religion, write the apologies. 11' any people I do, not want the church they need not have it. It is a free country. If any man does not want the gos- pel he need not have it. It_ is a free ' coilntry. But, you go out, 0 peoplei of God, and give the Gospel to the want. it! It is high time to stop millions of America who do noti I l skirmisliing and bring on a general .engagen1ent. 1 want. to live to Sec} V the Armageddon, all the armies of heaven and hell in battle array, for I know our Conqueror on the white horse will gainthe day. Let the church of God be devoted to nothing else, but go right on to this con-. quest. ' I ing` to conquer the Ethiopians pro-, When Moses and his army were try- : fanc history says, it was expected that he would go in a. roundabout Way and come by the banks of the river, as other armies had done, be- cause the straight route was infested with snakes, and no ,army and no man had dared go across this ser- pent-infested region. But. ]\lOST7..q .QlTHD1?T.Q1.`n rrwrmar l -:-.-. (`moc-Ovcr Henderson`: Hnrdwmo Store ]'.'n!rnnve. Owen Slrcut. 34-ly I . . -'-u~ ALWA YS IN -."l`./U. vuu nu Aullllllls \\itLl.`l', A'.`J I`_. ' ' But, 1 can say to all C-hI`is|.im1 \\'o.rk-l ers, to ull Sundn`\-'-sclmol tc-ncl1ors.| to all evangelists", to all miiiistcx-:_s of the gospel, if we wzmt. our Sun-I tiny-scliools and our prayer n1cctinp;s:` -(rod om *.1o'1nnfl 01 saqaanqn Jnu puui ple we must. freshen up. The simple: fact is, .thc `people am tired of the llumdruxn is the worst. of all hum- drum. You suy over and over again, } Come to, Jesus," until 'tlic plirnsc menuswlbsolutely nothingr. Why do you not tell tlwm 0. story which will make them come to Jesus in live minutes 2 ' ' It `\::\ 4 {cu :...- .1, . .. . -. .l3 uuugau. I I-su_v'to the young men who arel` entering`-the ministry, \ve must. put on more force. more one:-g_v, uml in-' to our religious services more vivuc-I my if we'wm1t the people to come. You look into :1; church court, of any denomination of Clwlstiuns. l~`irst,! you will find the 1n~1-of large com- mon seuse and enI`ne.<:t. look. The education of their 'min(l:<, the piety! of their he:u'ts, the holiness of their] lives, qualify them for their work. Then you will find in every church court. of every xlezlmuixmtion :1 group of men who utterly amaze you with the fact tlmt, such semi-iml.ze-cility can get any pulpits to 1u'e:\cl1 in! Those are the men who give forlorn ; statistics about, church dcc:u.len<:e.. Frogs never cronk in runming W-.1Lcr;=J Arjuilxvu 1\T Q'l\Ar1nr.-nxvn. I bL.l.UlSk/II. l\.| 1'1'u VlHlN U15. - People will not. go to church mere- ly as 11. matter of duty. 'J`he1-e will not "next S-ublmtlx be at thousand people in any city _who. will get, up in the morning and say: ". The Bible says 1 must go to _church. It. is` my duty to go- to church, there- fore I will go to ('lm_rch." The vast multitude of people who go to church, go to church he- cu.m:_e they like it, aml the luultitiule of people who stay mvzty from church stuy mvny l)eemv..s'e they do not like it. 1 am not speaking about the _wn_vV the world ought`. to; be. 1 mn speaking about the \'my the =j \viu'1(l is. '.l`uking` things us they are, l we must. nmve the centripetgl force' of the church mightier than the cen- trifugnl. Tr.unv'fn 1l\n \.`nI:nu- nu... .1... ...... l miliisters saunter around from parlor to ])n.rlo1`. u1)de1',tl1e `uzune _of pastor- ul visitation and go gudding about through the village or the city on errzmds of complete nutlungncss and wrap their brains around :1 cigar ui1_d smoke them up, and then on Sxxtlluluy afternoon put. :1 few crude thougzhts together and on Sumlny morning wonder that the theme .of Clwist and Him crucied does not, bring 11. large audience, and on Mon- duy sit. down and write jereumids for the rolig,-`ions ne\\'spupe1's about the decadence of I .' I CIIURCII A'J"TENDANCE.' lI`\ .-\ nnln quill nnl .-n 4.. -1... For over Fifty Years. V `r\':t.nwh: Qnrvrvnxvn Qunnn I g V NEW ZEALAND. ex that land of contrasts and curiosi- V ties, both in nature and in politics," :1 added its meed of. devotion to the ,7 heir -.1ppar'e'nt.~ ]`he political evolu- f tion of the islands oipthe Southern ) Sea--startling though it has been to liinorc conservative eonnnunities-has | apparently not lessened by one whit ; the loyalty of its people to the 3 Throne,and` Empire. That had been 1 proven on the `battleelds of South Africa, New` Zealand having sent more soldiers in proportionto popu- lation than any other portion of the King's doniinions, and was empha- sized by the enthusiastic welcome t given to the future_ King and Queen ' of Britain by the people of Auck- ' land, Wellingtoii, Lyttleton and * Dunedin. The demonstration of loy- alty on the part. of the Maoris, the natives of the islands, was an espe- cially attractive feature of the visit there. ' Tasmania, theisland paradise, ad- ded its xveleome when the Royal par- ty called at lIoha1`t, and they again went back to the mainland, visiting in turn Adelaide; the capital of South Australia, and Freemantle and Perth, `in West Australia. After this . farewells were said to the Australian _cont'inent; and the Ophir started on. the.third'sc-ctiou of her journey. After a. visit to Mauritius. the.Brit- 't;uuuu[_.', Ill 1$l`lSUIll\0S gI`eeL1ug!~',,a11(l despite the fact, j.hut she held great festivities in Jmm:u'_v in honor of the birth of the C()lXllllOl1\\7_CElllll, the ,capitul of New South \\'-.LIes again [mzmifcstcd how prone she is to en: athusinstic holiday making whenever lthc o1)port.unity o!Tcrs. - Ull\.' - Sydney, the Qrxecn of the South- ern Sens, made up for any short- coming` in Brisbane's greetings, and [(30-9Dit0 fact. Lhnt shrr Imhl rrrnnf rm uuu um Luu p1:()[JlU ruscnuug U10 [absence of the navy. The welcome i was, J1o\\'c\'c1',' a. .thoronghIy loyal one. ` DR. W- D. MnoLAR.'BN Dontllt. Barrie. Vinita Cookstown. .cvery Wednesday. umce -Ross Block. Ensn of the I'm: mm... l,IuuIu_4. n:1.-n:.scnuLLxves of atlrthat is the host in Australia gathering in Melbourne. It is not necessary to go into the (ietuils of the days given up to rcjrdcings; that is now a. nmtter of hisLm:y.` ()wing" to the 1)x'evalei1ce'of the plague in Sydney, N..`~`..\V., it was ne- ,cessm'_v to ch-.m_:e` the prograunnle. land so their Itoyatl Iliglwxlesses travel- Iletl overland to lh'islJam:, the cupit-.1! of Qucenslmul. Their reception there was murrcrl hv Hm nlmmrn nr mm. a nu \uI.:uLmIuuu. 1u\:u' X'L'CL`[.H,l()ll '[l`|C`l`C m:u`rcd by the change of plan, It ls-'e('t.1on of the people resenting the .'.`SC`HCC thl! HIIVV. 'I`hr- \\'nI(`nInn 4 nn: 41;; IIJ'4L.4\./\'1'Il`J in the , new (.`.ommon\vealtli of the Sonth has now [){LSSCd into history. The Duke and the Duchess evcr_vwliere received the most. loyal of greetings. ,the ho-ested rudic-a.li: of the Aus- ltrulinns :~.eeming' only to, iiltensify ,thei1' determiimtion to honor the British Prince. who had come.1:2,000 imiles to assist at the birth of their. '('o:`-fe dm'ation. The fact,_that the lirsr, session of the Commonwealth |Pan'liumcnt. was held inAMelbourne-- pending` the selection of 21 national cap'ital--nhuxmlly-made that marvel- lous city of the south the central point, of the. festivities. "It is esti- mated that close upon .1 million peo- lplc gntlivrerl in the capital of the istute of Victoria to .~:h:u'e iirthe re- |joivin_2`. l'(}]`.'l'CSCIltLtiVCS of atllthat iis the host. in Aucn-..H.. nmnm--'--~ =- >|4'4.ul|I.|1U. V ` : Failing from Portsmouth on March ;`16, they ]\:\.<.<:ed down the /British _ICham1cl and through. the Bay of His- -cay to the .l\.Te(literr:mcnn. There, `where Gil>mlt:n-_g"uurLls the entrance "to that historic sea, couched like :1 ilion ever on the watch for its foes, fltliejr reroivc:l the first welconze from ;one 0:` the outposts of the ldmpiref {Next came M-.1lt-.1. lh'it:1in's island iortres:4 in the Mccliterrmiean. and !therc they came in touch with the `first ` of those mixed populations .\\'hich live in liberty `under the Un- lion -l;1ck.- A few davs. later they \\'(-re pns. through the Suez (`arm I which llrilish diplomacy has made free to the world. and then on to A en, the E1npirc s outpost at the! month of the Red Sea. E (;`eylon, that Sis-land ,of renown) where e'.'cr_v prospect pleases and only mau1i:~`.-\'ilv." gave them :1 glieurty welcome. the native races `pi-m'ing: their fidelity to British con- nection in many tangible ways. At Sim:a\[)()1'e, their ne.\'t stoppin_u;pl-.1ce. the Royal party h=.1d at glimpse of Ihow the Chine.-:0 are converted into .British citizens. Anzl then they pas- :'ed on to Australia, the objcctivef `point of their toure - . | {-< \.ln I ALL BIUTISII SUBJ EC'l`S. i It. may not he in:11-propriute at. this . [time to revimv the vvuxlts that have ll'iUlS[)i|'Cd since the Duke and Duch- ess left "the tigrht little is1zm(I" to visit the outlying` portions of the !I*f11i])i1`e. I .'~'--u'lu'n.r l ....... n._.;..,, -- -- mu: Jung 0! L110 Ul'it.()l1.`'. `H. has been a. journey worthy of the .p.'1'eut. Queen, whose idea it \\'as. or- iginally plzmned by (ween Victoria :15` an mark of her :1.pp1'oy'a1 of the C(mt'edm'ati0n of the Australizui C01- onies. Her Mnjc_-sty Imviug cmi1mis- .si:med her gmndson to open the first Pau-liamcnt of the Cum1n_o1m'eaIth in her name, it, was but (I. step further `when King Edward decided that the `tour should be one of the whole Em-. pire. 'l`hu's it has come that Cm)- udiuns participn,`.e in the testimony -of that loyalty to--the Sm ereign !\\'hich is the proud bmist and privil- jege of 5 .+r .,......_-- -_-,, i Jlllblbll, mien sue sailed from Portsmouth beatring with her the good wishes of millions V of British -subjects in her journey round the Cmpire. It has beeitu. half year Ill- led with unique experiences for all on lxourd. Never before has the heir to Cl. throne inzule a circuit of the globe- without, once leaving his own (lug. Never before. even in'the _da1;.-`s of the great Empires of Ronu: and Greece, was a. prince in at position to visit- thc ends of the earth and receive the homage and tokens of uliectimi-of inillions.of free subjects. All pre- vious Royal [)i'o`,Ljrcss:e.s' sink into in- significance beside this juurnqv of the `son of Britain's I\'in_z:. or, as Lord Rosebery \\ oul(l put. it, the son of the King of the lh-itun.<;-. V. link hnnn :1 u'nnu...... .. , __=-..-us`. months almost to at day passed when the Ophir cast her anchors in the harbor of Quebec` from that day in March. when she sailed beatrivm` Wffh hm. nu. ENGIRGLED THE EMPIRE: Six Months Have Elapsed Sihc the Royal Party Left Ports- 1 nnl-`la 'C`-- --1 - - - vluul uuunuown. ovary Wednesday. Block. Ens: of the 1'05-tome:-, Burma. 3 ..___ THE ROYAL PAR'I`Y_HAVE TRA- VELLED 30,000 MILES. xgot` TH ICI R VWELCOM E -4..- _g.-yJ JJCLB I mouth, England. ,4. - Little Liver Pi11s.! u.-uquua, \}_lllll.' (Ll. Lilpu 1U\\Il ()LL`]'S of the soldiers of the first-South Af- rican Colony were given their med- als. Pm-Imps the most. striking` fea- ture of the I{0_\-'a.l reception in South! Africa was the demonstration 0fVI()_V- any on the part of the bhagks, Zuhp and Basutos vieingwith. each other Vary umnnudueuy. Sotakeasngarc \Vua auu \l\L'l Blli|.llU\\l,'ll l)_V LUU CIUUU; of Wm`; _vct, both in Natal and in; Cape Colony the welcome of their Royal }lig`lInesscs_ was of the most, enthusiastic cllumctor. At Durbzxn; many of the colonists who lmd done such good .~:crvicc in the campaign in and around Ladysmith, received their] re\\ :u'(ls, while at Cape Town OUIOPS nf fltn cnlrlim-u nf Hun n-u .Q.-uh AL 1 UI UIIIUI Om:-o-U:atnirn in:.tl);: Mccnrthy Block. max 10- Mn-Uurl ny & Co u (Jic-ml. two doors oust 0| Doumul Bros. Furniture Store. 20 SOUTH A`!-`RICA was still ovcrslladowccl by the cloud, Of War: V01. hnfh in Nzufnl null in! ish outpost in the Indian Ocean,! where the population, largely of; French descent, gave their. Royal Highncsscs :1 suitable welcome. the Ophir went, on to Durban, and there the tour ;~`c0med to gatlxcr more sig- nificance c\ _e11 tlum in J\ust.ruliu. (1:\1Vr1!11 1. .-~nv.. . Mrs. Jones, Northwood, Ont., writes : Q My baby, eight months old, was very bad with dysentery. y We gave her Dr. Fowler s Extract ` ofWild Strawberry andlit saved her life. VVe have used it in our Mr. F. Churchill, Cornell, Oret., writes :A We have used Dr. * Fowler's Extract: of Wild Straw - berry in the home and always nd it a sure remedy for dysentery." _ UNDERTAKER Barrie 62: Strand la. 1:. SMITH. o--man -ma-or. onarsrf ` cuh: suck I-IEADAGHE. ' Carter s Must Bearbslgnatdre of` ----- --u 11- nvuvurii PIlY.~.l(.`IAN AND summon. ETC. hmu Resident Phy.-chm and Surgeon oHho J'orunto General ll-.su.|uu, with special attention to lnsonucrn of Women uuul Nose and I`|u'out wlvonkz` and also Surgeon to Emergency Hospual. "own 0. ` - nlll.m_YY...A..:..- a...:n. . \l_n_..u._- n., . See Put,-Slmo Wrapped Vllelow. BRES'E'L S V , For pure blood. a bright eye,.z1 clear complexion, a keen appetite, :1 good digestion and refreshing sleep, 1`Axx: - - -"-- Orders by telegraph or telephone promptly attended to Cotns and Caskets of all kinds kept in stock Robes and Crape, and all Faneral Requisites furnished D 0 DOLMAAG-E, Manager, Stsjoud Show Room and Work Shop. Collier St. Barrie. : USED 9 YEARS. stint-:'R:-zrfaiav. Genuine . ran Ilmmls. ran mzzmzss-.__ ran aluousuzsi, ran TRPID um. ` Eon GBHSTIPATIOI. - run sauew sum. van tuzcourtzxlan 1282 N\DII IhV!IlDINlUIl. IJUL. . A strike has been in zunong the.s11c-rmen at Grim.- for st.-v(a'al monfhs. Four hundred steam _1i.shing boats are idle and thousands of fishermen and their fzunilies have been subring great. lnardsflips. Food had to be sent, to them by sympathe- 'tic committees. I progress I `U u DOV`-III ' BARIlIS'l`ER. S()LIL?1'!`()H. PROCTOR. ' ES1)'1`A R Y. (.'U.\ \' 1'3 YA NCISIR, l'} l`Ci S|V`(lll ntlomlon In the IJm.`v.vluu and Prolmtlm: of W nus. chu-lullu; Lcuor.-5 of Admlulsuuuon und Gunlditlm-hip, and collu-lluzvz oi.` ucuuums, Sac. V Money to Loan. Omccs: Rosa Block. Dunlap street, llurrlo. ` ------O France exports 450 million sardines `weighing in all 20,000 tons. !Serious Situation at Gzjimsby, `E_ng1and.--Resu1t of a. Strike. A despatch from London says :- An {1li1l`I]lil]].`,' situation exists at ,Grimsb_v, lifteen miles from Hull, ` ,where :1 mob` of lockc-d-out sheriiicn 'Oli \Vedi1es(lay afternoon wrecked and ,s:et lire to the new otlicc.-+4 of the ;Owners . T-`etlc-ration WhC':'C the own-- ers of the fishing fleet were holding a. meeting. The owners eseapetl and the tire was extinguished, but tho police wvere powerless to quell the riot. L. .. L_, , lIuuL'Il:h' uu 1`l'L'SlU(.`llL Mcninleys life an authoritative statement. xvas , made on Saturday by one of the late P:~esident's clo.--wt friends in New `York City. He said :-'I`he exact -`amount, of President l\fcKinle_y's ipoliciefs is 367.000, and not :1 penny gmore. Up to 1897 his life insurance `policies ziggregntetl about $12,000. Mrs. .McKinle_v's income from the ,insurance policies. the pension or ;S5,000 fl. year whicli Congress will. fpcrztnt. and the money saved by the- Ij`resifl e.nt will be about $13,000 a. xyenr. . , L ._.__. `His Wife's Income Will Be About $13,000 a Year. _ A de:=pat(-.h from New York says :- 'In view of the c.\'aggeI'utc(l reports of the umount. of the in:<'ur:u1ce policies on President McKinlcy's life nutllox-i1.n.tivn cimmnnm mm. lnllltl IVIU UL . After their trip across Canada from !Quebec to Victoria, and back ugain `to I-Ialifnx, this truly Imperial tour !will be closed by :1 call at St. John's: `Newfoundland, Brituin s most. un- cicnt. colony-, and then for Home and Merrie England. 7 A T`j"` imn. b M'K1Nr:Y"s INSURANCE. 11.0 do` honor to the grandson of the grc-at; whine Queen, whose rule had brought them liberty and love. I The Onhir tnur-hm] at 329 v:mm...a uruugnl. Lnem llECl"t_V and IOVO. Ophir touched at St. Vincent for eouling operations, und there said farewell to l=l.M.S. George and Juno xvhich had escorted them all the way to Australia. and so fzu` around the `world. At St. Vincent the Ophlr re- 1 l I ceived fresh consorts, II.M.S. Diadem and Niobe. ` AN-.. 41....:.. .._:_. . n- _.___. FISHERMEN FIRE OFFICES. Mrs. W. Varner, New Germany, N.S., writes: I have great con- dence in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for various dis- "eases in old and young; ,\ Iy little boy had a severe attack or summer ; complaint and I could get nothing to help him until I gave him Straw- berry. The action of this remedy was wonderful and soon had him M perfectly well. L . _ Om-xcx~: um Iu:aw1-:xc1<::-Co1'ner Owen and Collier :sueet.s. lsurrie family for the last nine years and would not be without it. It arouses the, Liver, quuckens circulation. brightens the spirits : generally improves the health. ACTION WONDERFUL. . the srhtcns the snirits and 3 [He ; and cat 11 OJIIOV `U IJIVEE UV IIJIIXI .n1usTxsus~o1xcmrs tor the Suprem Co1u_'t of ndlcntnro for Ont-rio, Pro (on Notunes,Onuveynncen-,eto. Money to Loan. Omcos : nous Block, Barrie. E. II 3. SUN. A. E. H. (huaawmxm. STRATHY & ESTEN AlKIllh".l Ens, E01 citoru :11 Right Court 0 Justice, Nomi-n Public, Ounvoyamocr omceu: Over Bunl. at Toronto. Bm-ic. Money in nun of 62.00 and umvurli, to Low at 6 ml" vent. ' H. H. S'l`RA'l`!l\'. K.C. - G. B. Eswx. I K\' J` -llfl-ls` KIN"! COUNTY onmmc, win be at Ma omco in the Court llmnm. B .n'i:., every Saturday lmirhpco and 120., Cumkrwwn. - hnrzdnomelr lmmntcd weekly. on r. caluuan or any guano om-nu. mm. in !cm`: four mom so IBIIII 9 non nn...a...... nun Vault d bynl 'navmloaleru.- vv vv - r.uua.`.|;uno BARRISTER. SOLIO1 l`OR. v . 2o'1';\1u'. CONV EYANOER 510 MONEY TO L0.-\N on most favorable terms. Wxlls Prolmtn-d. Estates -Atlmlnlstordu Ac -counts collected. Olcc--.\lcCm'thy'a Blopk. South Side Dunlor. Street. Barrio. U uIJ lJL.\l.Ul` JEN-`msv A. Mac/um:-.v., - D. U. .\`u;-n U U. .1UJ'lCIIlHON Money to lonn from 4,; `.9 5 per cent. on hn _pro\'cd fnrxnl-ropcrly. ` . mulluy |0 14011.11. IJONALD Ross. LL.B. DR. J. C. SMITH. PIIYBICIAN. SURGEON duo Owmmn n.-n TIv.'IlIn.~\-nu ._(vm....... r U. unhrullu IHIUAUII. U. D4.-J. UHUWN n()_lccs: Hindu Block. No. 6 Dunlap Street. nrrxe. lmuwh Umucn-Lmmox &: Ardnzh. Graven- hun-z_ ; Leuuox. Ardumn, Uuwmn & llruwu, Urea more and A Halon. - ' \Il\\`l.`\' MA I n |\V mmox,mnAc1I. cowku a snow. ARIUSTERS, S--Ilc-Ito:-.~s for ohtnlulxn: pro lmto ulj wllm, mnnu_llxvn.~'h:u nml mlnllllumu um. um! uencrul solicitors. Notaries . Uouvcy nm'u't-x, clc. . . m-n. nnu uencrul ?eol1cuum,Noturlcs cw, .- Al7ull'l`L)N .Ll~2Z\'.\'0X. Amcx. Cowuv. B. Hnx.F0un Anmun. (;.1.J. uuown L.l3.l3. nm.-n.. Illmluv Iu....I. \'.-. 4: n....I.... up.-an 1'11 1. BUIAN, HUHUJSU ' 01-`lv`lCH mu .\'u.'ur Ju.r~1.'w.:x':u: ]')ol'l\ huulo > BL. Burma. '.lelqh- no `:7. 27 Tan: Mums Daamm copvnmu-rs &c. Anyono sending a sketch and doncrigtlon may quickly nacertaln gar opinion free w invention in probn ly muontahle. Communion. uono strlotl condential. Handbook on Patents cent ea. ldent agency for accurinnbpntenu. Patent: taken t rouih Munn . roceivo vyctialnotica. withoupc nl-ac. int 0 LVASAAAASISA. Tlnngulgnu. other an . Incorporated 1851. AssunAuc__cuMI5An5I. ,`__.___g_I%F.'.' JQHN n75EERsoN_. 'lIlI||-mum Aurnnt. Mocanwnxnozzs I.-. Muxcnisox. l`\ Al2DYu'I`l.`n: vnv n~v-rnv,-o A'. --can-I It OIOOIIJLU V HJIQI | BARI(lS l`ERS. S()l.1Cl`l`0lIH xurauxzuzs, (!u.\'\'1YANOERS, &c. ()mccs--ll:-uk of '1`, rumo Buildings, Barrio. Hrnnclx` om:-L-. (Joklwuler. V Money to Loan. [.`m\'u.n '|?ns:u H. n 1 n n-in-rmmrv ...------no-. -av... nu auvlnvul ARRISTERS. E`~Ol4I(.'I'l'()R. .'zC.. DL'.\`l.U1 S'1`Rl:`.E'l`, :'I4`l.`I 1I.`\! A ll:-D.`-.-.u-u uv ma. Omco Ilouu'Block, 'l3n rr'ie. 0 In. I-1.U. CREBWIOXE. . )n. w. A. Boss, L.'R.O.S.V Edin. I".(.'-. I'.. Lnmlon. Pl IYSUIA N, SURGEON. &c; H-`Flaws /uu>.\'u.-1u~ m~uw..s: Hswsoxa ORESWIOKE. . AI`ll)lQ7l\I.Vna u,.u.._n._._ 1- , u , ibhr: moillhiftk B010 biiiNIivad8lrIl- M2!*.!L,9.a;::-;~;mzI1avk DR. 2: In BRERETON. DENTIST. F. M. MONTGOMERY, A(3EN'l`. BARRIE. 54! II` l1\J\lEl'S\JI`- .:lusm-zmcc Agrent-, Fire and Life. HI 'ln1ik of '.l`orontoVBuilding, - Owen Street. DR. R. s`. BROAD. . Il`T I \V I \Vl\ L-11 tux IV:\\V I'IrIIII nose 8: nnoxovsx: >l)1ur|unnu . '6. w." p;Axm. % Q'l`L`D ant vnvmnn R. T. BANTING. u nr nun _- x'II\'m'IAss. mo. Iunullu MONEY rd LOAN. I.\'VI'IS'I`l~ID IN_CAN:\Z)A... 4-\C()UMULA l`ED FUNDS . 'l`0'.|`AL ASf~`URA1\'CE...... INCOME. ' OVER. . . .. . IlIB(!l.'l:l..| NIICDIIS P. 0. Box 21-$'.~.,BAR_RIE 1W. AUL" , ` I) LvnI1uI'|1..n r V Il'i"l-TICIAL. LEGAL: . uuuvu Ivvvuvu x weekly. `Amos: Hal. o1%"nm1- ncw:`t!ll:3lerI'.' - J. C. lmouovsxu ..o12,5oo,ooo .. 41.'l. >,000 .. 14.30. -.()00 .. 5.450.000 H.3(). 5.450.000 I BARRIF. `. A. Boys. ADDRESI I . sprains, Strains, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sores, Bruises. Stiff Joints, Bites anti Stings of Insccts, Coughs, Colds, Contrapted Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Ctoup. Sou Throat, Quinsey, Whooping rnlla an!` A" pa3n`u' guvnnlnh vnuuyp auto I fuuilp Vumuy, V1 I-I00] Cough and all Painful Swcixigs. ,4 I mun. Irumc over ms UOSK. . _ A bit of sentimcntnlism! said he. The l'u'st- billion 1 ever made. The United Kimrdom miles of road. 18,000 of I 000 of waterway.` Why do you think you are qmtlilied to .~'-uccccd in litcruturuv ? Dec.-xuso, answered Willie \\ ushin:.-ton, nuturo ` never nmkds 'nr._vtl1ing' in vain. T ` must be good for s(m10t!:ing`. and 1;` huvc tried everything else. _'I'1u3' capitalist colored when we S[N)|'.'40 of the check that hung in u. Ineut. frame over his desk. A hit nf cnnvhnnnc.\l:.....o .....:.I 1...` Boers Ambush Three Companies `of Mounted Infantry. T Adesputch from London says :- A despntch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, Sept. 18, mmounces that the Boers on Sept. 17 am- buslled three- companies of mounted fnfmntry with three. guns} command- ed by Major Cough, in the vicinity of 'Scheeper's Nek. After severe ghting the British were overpower- ed and lost their guns, the-sights and breech locks of which welre In-st destroyed. Two omcers and four- teen men were killed, and live 0111- cr-rs um! twenty-live ,1m-.n were. wounded. Five omccrs and 150 men were made prisoners. Mujor Cough, who escnpecl xllwinvg the night, re- ports that the Boers numbered n. thousand men, and that they were connmumled by General ]oL|u1.. , (.'m1m-nl `I-`mm-h vnnm-u um IV...`-, Snx.ith--\Vlu`1t. nmkos so Inuy peo- ple cm /y to get into such.-t.y'. 1h'uwn--\Vull. whnt um).-m. uu\ ......... I!rown--\Vcll, what. nxukcs su many pit! cx-my to gen um) society`! I oL."\3|-`people crazy to keep them out?` \;uuIunlIl|lL'll uy ucnerzu J$OLlm.., (.`m1o1'nl .1-`rout.-I1 reports thut._ Com- mnndunt, Sxnuts, in order to break throug'l1 n. cordon, rushed on n. squadron of the 17th ].4imcors at` ldlnnd.-'~: River I oort., killinp; three oiccrs mul twenL_v men, and wound-I ing one omcor and thirty men. Tho loan-:4, who were drcs.~:c(l in klmki. and \\'um mistaken for ]3rit_ish _ troops, lost. lvcuvily. - I OHNSON & SARJEANT, DEAL E118 in UOAL of all kinds, imported Jiroct from _the mines; also Latin and shingles, Wluta and Grey lame, Plasterer- Hnir Saver Pipes Fire Brick. Fire Oluy. flute: of Paris oments, otc., allot best uumy. and sol at vc-ry ronaonublo rater, l.FFl(`E: 28 Elizabeth S ., nanrly opposite Wellington Hotel. 6-27 LIFI-}'. STUI?l~`..\U)()US 1 R()BLI*}MSl ; `1\`od(L--I_c_un usk you to dinner, olrl man. because. we have no couk. ']'()(l(l--AII(l I ('nn l' ncl: `uni. hnmuuun mm uuul. nu(:zL1I.'s'c. we unve _coul. ' 'l'odxl-And I can't ask you because `we have onc.- TROOP OIL Write for our interesting books Invent- or's Help" and " How you are qwlndlcd." Send us a rough Iketch or model of your in- vention orimprovement and W('WHH you free our opinion as to whether it in probably mtentubfe. Re ecu successfu iy prosecuted by conduct -fully equi and Washington ; 1. us. We ed ofces in Montreal acted applications have often ' nqunlics us to prompt- . ly dispatch work amL,quit-kl secure Patents i as broad as the invention. furnished. Patent: Drocured H1!-nrurh Ifnrhuu :2. u.., 1! ghost reference: i I v v\1I-vivviih I - (runny mvxsh) From Can I. F. Loye, Police Station No. 5. Montrea :-"Wo trequentlymvo Pmmr Duns PAIN-Ku.1.nn for pain: in the atom- ach rheumamm, mjncna, frost bites, chil- blalna. cramm, and all ntillciiona which befall men in our position. I have no heal- utlon in. laying that Pam-Ku.u:n. in tho but remedy to have near at hand." Used Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 25c. and me. bottles. F Thoiwholo Story In a. letter: Wain-Kilhev (rlmw nnna'.\ . Ill luuvrlr his I! Ii WI I TIUU I `me m a_a.;m A Anna: E01! AIIIDI nan In-n . .-u vunvuluo Avoid dangeroua. irritating Witch Hazel preparations represented to ho tho sumo as . Pond : Extract. which eaalty tour: and ctten I contain "wood alcohol, a deadly potion. ' .` .` _ _{:.. _--.A ,.L -_._-:- 1 4-. . STAN13`A`R:>! RELIEVE8 CIIAFING. ITCIIINO `OR IRRI- TATION. OOOLS. COMFORTS AND HEALS `\ "HE SKIN, AFTER SHAVING. n..-I.n A _______ H A umcn: 1391--Bus. gof vvvcr wv I3 mconmsrs ws'3u- _ 7 .. __ ,,,, BRITHSH __BRITISH REVERSE. Lmzsxvmnr SI-J.wm12'NTAL. _._.-. ...._ --...-.... wousw STILL. 1:`-on L has ? jail, WESTERN INSURANGFEB -0F TORONTO.- 142.000 , and 5,-[ C\L'|.V ||L'l'l:llUlll4|')n. V _ I think that. ministerial laziness often empties the church of auditors. Henrers, who are intelligent; through reading newspapers and by active as-. sociation in business circleswvill not. on the Sabbath sit. and listen to 3 platitudes. Heurers will not come to sermons which have in them no importault facts,.no "information, no - stirring poweryno adaptation, no re. The pew will notlisten to the ` pulpit. unless the pulpit._ knows more 1 than the pew. .:'. Ministcriul. laziness has cleared out many churches. Still" 1 y-.- u `.4 a..a.n:4 >)lJ4lJ.LIL` who was paid to stay there until the eiwice was over mid lock up. There is`a great deal o_f"cui1t about Christ. and Him crucied. . It is not Chris-t>_ am! Him crucied as an nbstrac_tior'x, but as au1~omnipotent, s_vmpz1thy ap- hlied to all the xvzmts ahd woes of our immortn) _nuture-'-n. Chrisgxwllo will. help us` in every dolriestimrsocial, nancial. fmlitical, national/truggle -Fa C111-int for _the pm'1or.'a Christ for the nursery. 11 Christ for the kit- chen. n Christ. for the bxu'n_. 11. Christ. for the street. n. Christ for the store, 11 Christ. for "the-banking `house, 11. Christ. {for the factor , a.VChrist. for congressionnl assembly, 21. Christ. for every trial nncj every emergency and ` every pertubntion. T 1>ln'nL- fhnf `-;--'---- n\na4nn{nl uuxulxs llU\V L0 '1)l`(3(\Cl1. ' . Young` ministers are told they must {preach Christ. and Him C1-ucilied. Yes but not as an ubst.x'nction. Mam_v it !'ministcr has preached Christ and Him crucified in such axwuy that he preached ml audience of live hundred j_(1own to two hundred, and from t\vo;` hundred to 01-2 hundred, and from ` one hundred to fifty, and from fty to twenty, and on down until there was little left .-. . -.... _.---_ -__.__,, HOW TO PIIEA CH. 1 - In more cases than one the poorest. .s[)culic1' in the incu-lty is. the pro- D :5 fessor of elocution. We want more ]. I l I l l in our theological semimiries and `in the Dl'()fcSSOI`(LtCS,--111011 like Addi- son Alexander, who could during the week tench men the theory of prtmching and then on Sunday go into the. pulpit, nx1rl.wl;li the thun- der und lightning of Christian elo- a(]llO2lCC show them how- What would gyou think of n fncull._v- of unsuccess- -jful merchants to t uin young, mer- 'c1mnts~ or a. fucul y of unsuccessful lmvyers to train younglmvyers? It is. often the case `that, theological seminuries -cut. a man and clip him I and squm'0 him and n1ol(_l him and bore him and twist him until all the individual is gone out of him and l he is only (1. poor copyoi` it man who ~ was elected to a pi-ofessomte be- fcuuse he could 'nnt, preach. We Iivunt, less deadwood in_1.h'e theologi- `cul seminaries und more uming ievungels. I declare that a man who cmmot. preach himself cannot teach I others how to -pi`euch. \"mmn' miniqtm-u nu-n enm mm... .......+ `wide awake, `more able-bodied; able-V .n1iu(led men, more enthusiastic men l I 1 I 1 2.` IIAVIG BICICN 1lT'}I LE'i`I-ID, and it is high fime tlmt n,m.-rmon he preached for the henelit, of _voun_q l0` men who are just entering the go._s`pel ,- ininistry um! for the warning of-pros- perous churches as to wliut are the cn.uses or decline in nny case. If 41 inerclmlulise crowd out at church, that camnot he helped, butnmler all .0 other eircum.<;t:inces (iU(.'[l(i(`llCC' in church ntte11 is the fault. either 1. of the church or" the pastor. ' 'l'he trouble begins auwy back in tie theulugicul seniinnries. it is . n. slinme that lurpzer provisimi is not. made fur mini.-zters of religion, for the sick mid the aged nnd the in- lirin who have worn themselves out in the service of God. We huv'r.-. im- \'u.l a1S_vIunis_'unl soldiers asyluins for men who fonglit on land mid seat for our country when these men '-lnLve_ become aged or crippled, and lit is :1 slnune that larger prmrisimi `is not made for the good soldiers of Jesus Christ. who have worn thennaelves out. in lmttling for the Lord. lint luck of provision in tlmt i'es1)e:-t makes. :1. temlency to turn `our theological 'seniii1ni`ies into hos- ;pil.uls l'nr sick mid-ngecl and inrm ;)ninisters. When n nmn begins to `go down, they give him the title of ll). IV. by way of.resuscita.tion. If - .Ul11t`i'l1i|S, then the tendency is to . elect him to at profes:sorn1e `in some theolnyricnl .~'eminm'_v, There are ~,gmnd exceptions to this rule, but it. is often" the case that the profes- l_s:orute in (1. theological `seminary is ;O(!CllDi0(l by some minister of the ,`g'n.-ipc-1. who. not being` able- ," preueh, is set. to teach others bi to uurru n.l.LL'l]H(1l1Y.S.- You are not to argue adversely be- cause hero uml there 0. church is de- plctcxl. Churches have their day. Snumctinxes mm-chundlso will entirely occupy a noicrlnhorlxoml and cro\\{(l out. the churches untl families ordin- arily m.temlum. upon them. Some- times :1. clmrch porislms through in- mme-'ine s:(.rilc. But. there are no fxu't.'s to ove;'tln`mv 'the statement that I have nmdc in reg`urd to the increasing attendmncc upon the hum-`c of God. Now, I mu rcmly to udmit, tlmt. there are churches which made in many of the pulpits and in some of the religious llC'WSpzL])_el`S. It is heard over .-md over ugitin that. (_:hurci1 n.Lt.eiulm1ce in America. is in dcc:1(lonc I deny the :~:LuI.cmcnts by'px'c:se11tii1g; some hard facts. No one will dispute Lh o met. that there m'e:mm'e churches in America. than over before, one denomination uvcr-' np,'inp; twn new ch1u'ci_ics every day of the your. 'i`lie law of demand and supply is 'iIl0XOl'TJlO in the ]\'im.v;(imn_ uf Gm! us it. is in tho '\vnrici. Moro churclu.!.' supplir.- argues more ChUl'(.fll privilegv:-1 demanded. More |m11k:~', more b:1i1I\'()L`S; more fuc- turic:-i, more niunufucturors: more iA.'~:i1ip.~x. more imD0i'tcl'H; more churches, mm-c n.t.tendm1t.s.. ' \ nn nu-n nut 4,. ....~.... _.I_-.\......I.. L- hUHl.'l:ll|.'ln , . ! Htu.l'Llll]p,' statements have been i I A .di3spa1tch from \Va$l1.).gtox1 says: Rev. Dr. Tulmugc prcuchccl from the .1'ollo\v-iny; tc'xt,:-}Jcln'ew.-s x. 25. "Net. fox-muldng the assembling of ourselves t0gct,hc1'. .'-HnI'fI|nn- uonzun...-.0... `I.....,. |\...... mctal notice, wlthoupchnrao. In the cientic mcricau. A hnminnmniv mnnnntnd wnnilv. Luv-nan. M