Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1901, p. 8

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ii; Wlnd_ Blew. then n` +1.n Pay car was here on Monay. M.` Brown visited "the Pan-American {last week, D. H. Gordon, of T01-ovnto, is here visiting friends. ' Jos. Gilchrist has almost. recovered fromblood poisoning. T ` Will Steggles returned last week i from Lindsay. . on ., 2- I___- ! John Walker, " painte:r, is leaving Allandale to reside in Totfonto. -- - n I 1-. -_ ll._....... 5. Fred Young's two children, and Mrs. Aunstrong, are improving. txlluuuunv uv lvtansqu . _ _ . . . _ . -. Mrs. E. Buker left on Monday to Visit her parents at Kingston. u-; ,; ru,-_|...... .......o an (1 .19 he man`: VIUIIJ IIUI tlillvt-Ivu I-v 4.--Bum ... Mis Chm-ltouwent to Gmlt last week to attendher brothel-`s wedding. , . wrap up `_4___ `U U|I\llL\A IQVI IIQv-u-- V w. ---_-c. V Mrs. D, W. Murray and son have returned from a short visit to Toronto. I -- .. .. . . . ,7__4_ wmrrmn -'rm:s1~won'raY MENIND I WOMEN to travel and advertise for-old tab | llshed house of e Stlary 0780 e yam-`and expenses. all payable in cash. No ceuvuging required. Give references and enclose -A-----A A-umInI.n_ Addlll Man- suuun-nun lnwu-1 vv ......-- V___. ,. _. _ Mrs. George Vair has returned from a two weeks visit to the Queen City. W -uv u If n, ,, -__1 4...- u vuv v-uunu nu... .. -_- V_-___ -7 . Waiter and Mrs. Berry. and two children, are visiting an Baaumaris,- Muskoka. A -. . . u 1 1 _ Lu.ucnvns-o Engiuetnan Bruntou, `who has had a severe attack of whooping cuugh, is convalescent. -- -._ 9` q u . .1. g `V 3_ uuuw unucunuu Mrs. W. P. Soules, of Allsndale, is the guest of .\Ir. and Mrs. J. Needham. ,-Elmvale L-mce. , 1'7 n n_.,_.... 1) A ....II ,-nu.uvuue uunue. Rev. H. D. Cameron, B. A., mil conduct auniversxry services at Thorn- ton and Ivy next. Sunday. mu 1 ,2,n__,,,n'_ _c .|... ....... D.....\... uuu uuu ;.v_v uunu \4uul\- ~J. The brickwork of the new Presby- terian church is completed. and presents a most attractive appearance. 1' `IT ,,, __L. L_- L--- _....__.:.}.- `J. Wagner, who has _b'.-Von running, out of here the past six months, has moved his family here from Toronto. Ir 1\ ll, ,, ,_,L- L ,_ L. I ...-.. L.'...Z..n ........- ..... .-_..., .. ............. -. H. Dlery. who has had men bin-ing an uraeaian well, has reached a. depth of over 300 feet without striking water. - t\ (I? 1 I 1- I L `.,_I_ I52-.. On Wednesday of last Week Miss Mary Jagn of Holly was married to George Young of Vespm, Rev. Mr. Churchillofciating. T I I , I __:E- _r l`(,.l nun vunnn vnuvluunuc John A. Curacadden and wife. of Col- lingwood, spent Monday at the house .0: G. D. Paterson. Tney were on their ` way to Edmonton. m,_ ,1 , ,c ._L:. -.....I- 1Ul':.... I user. 855 Caxton Bl g., Chicano. BUM! (10056 UI uuu ........-... V _,,, , G780 year and 'cash. No required. salt -addressei shun enveloye. Address Mau- nu ma aaunanvuvvu On Tuead.sy of _this week Miss Florence Campbell of Port; Arthur, a former resident: of this ward, \Vu.s' married to _Gav'm Allan of Churcbili. re Mrs". Henry Edebobls and Mrs. G. M. Watt. of Brooklyn, N.Y., who for the past week have been guests of Mrs. [James Lyons, Burton Ave., left yester- |da.y for Eugenia. _ .. . . .. . .- `luusnnyu nu v-uvnu `hint-up v- v-.-.._.... ~ .1 L. Brenmm horse, while standing near the depot, Tuesday, took fright at u Vpaasnng train. and injured itself severely by breaking a shaft and run- ning the lnoken end four or live inches into Its neck. ` The G.T.R. air brake car has been here the past: ten days, for the purpose rose ofTg1vin.; insn-ucrions to the men in the serzice here 1I1.~.tl`l1CtOI` fright is most procient, and has 9. happy faculty of -imparting his knowledge to the men. The car contains thirty tons of machinery, and is a. marvel of mechan sm. ' u I The Rev. `Rum! Dean Teney, of Cmighursr, will conduct Anniversary and H|T\'e't Thanksgiving services in St. George ch.i1tch, on Sunuay, Sept. $22nd,Vat11 a mi). and 7 p.u1. And also I Harvest Thanksgiving services at `Christ church. Vespra, nn Sept. 22nd. . -2 ...-. .\- vm.....I. anr...;.m fn thn UIITHI. cuurcn. Vcspla, uu ucpu. .4.1u'I. at 3 p.m A` Thank-Ulfering to the Lord is asked `at each of {He services, to help on His work. The Rice and Harvey Co. are crxming to the Open Hvuse next week. The prices are very low. I0. 20 and 30 cents uu'no ad- vance sale of tickets -.vi|"l he held. Get them early Tne following appared in :1 Brant- ford exchange this sezwbn `Their pro- (lncti()u of the famous English Drama. 0- Pnxnmd--." merited -4 much larger mu f ductiou n! thetamous nngusn Urama. 0-` "Coxnrud--." larger :1 ience. Bm Rice's ianpersonatiou of Mm: \Viddsur. the tramp. was tgue to Me. Their songs as usuuu. were the tines: evaz seen In Catndn. The cnmpany merits a. big crowd as they really give a good perfotm- u snr-9 ` . |J nlntelltlonul III. III In "Did-did you ever shoot a man?" questioned the tenderfoot timldly of Pepperhole Pete. Qua horn \-rnnnov fnnr hnwlad Pen. reppernole rue. 4 See here, young teller, bawled Pep- perhole Pete in a Vjoice that shook Pike's Peak. don't yo_n never reect on my marksmanship ag 1n. Shoot a man? 1 never missed one. you dernl i galoot!-Ohio State Journal. ` E Tuesday, September 24th, WILD uer puuuu Icaauuat "splendidly," answered Mrs. Gum- rox. f`We are very proud of her. She is so very classical and accomplished that she never thlnks of playing a thing that anybody wants to hear."- Washlngton Star. T ' Proof 7173f Superiority. How is your daughter getting on with her piano lessons? Eu-xlnnilv nnuwnrn `M !-cl, nlim. Beniuy to Burn. There are people who can see some- ` thing attractive even In the most unu- sual places. I .don +t known! a more pleasing sight than my cellar presents ln'the early ta1L" ' ' What kind of sight?" - Anthracite, of course."-Cleve1and Pla.ln_ Dealer. Not Worrying Now. My wife used to worry so about me all the time I was out of her sight, but V she doesn't any more." ` T an -nu.-.11 in I-unaf In Drnvianr. ; 3|-IU UUCSIJ I. all unnc. Learned to trust in Providence more. I suppose?" moon an nn oven!-Iv VA:-I can Ivn u.wu-:, I nuppqacs _ Well, no. not exactly. Yonjge, I ve hgd 1;: . lite Ins _"i-,F\ v FALLANDALE. Here For Fair Week.` Unintentional Insult. A2,: ._._.. ......- ..I......d- n ` Our collection of ne, plain and fancylsilks is magnicent. The stock is complete and the prettiest effects procurable are here for your criticism and admiration. I OUR FALL MILLINERY RECEPTION Tucson;Lss4rr:LJ%%z4:e _ _ -__ _ J A and following days, to which we take pleasure in tender- ing to the Ladies of Barrie and County of Simcoe a _ A --L__ __-_n -..___,. |hearty welcome. On this occasion, as on past ones, every effort will be made by our Millinery artists to prepare for your pleasure and satisfaction, and criticism if you will, a display of ' . New Fall Irimmed __Mi|linery ,. J3__l.... 1... 5|... ........4.\- 7 unsurpassed for style and artistic merit by any similar display by the greater cities. We would impress on the minds of. our friends the Important fact in connection with this Mnllinery opening that all Hats on view are designed by . `our ownAMilliner, Miss Wright. and exacuzed in our own room; by our own staff. All orders with which we may be favored will receive the same care and attention as is have in evidence. - ` Tne Centre Simco~ Exhibition is beiniz held in B urrie on the sxme dates as our Millinery Opening. Come and see both. We will be pleased to see you. A Few words on Dress Gtods. Uur stockjis now abmt complete. The materials are those which experience has, taught us are best needed to the requirements of Ladies of this vicinity. No store in Cmad-4 can give better value for the money. Our stock consists chiey of Scotch Tweeds, English Friezee, Canadian Suitings. French Sex-gas, Csshmerel, Covert. Cloths, Cneviots, etc. All priced at quick selling gures. 9 F RAWLEY & DEVLIN v This department has attainiad very high prestige um lexrthe mma..;emem. of Miss .VIurphy, wlmse ability to turn out garments bearing the impress of high class workuiansbipgtaste and fashion, is well kuuwn. Lewe your orders in good time. All rlnnm-fmpnf..c: nf mu` iarcm m-emim-.s wi'l be fullv stocked during this goou nme. All departments of our large premises fully during week. Men s and Boys Clothing, Men's and B)_v.~" Uu-lerweur. Carpets and Oil Cloths, Flmnels and Cotton Good.-=, White an-1 G ev B -a.nket=, Gloves and Hosiery, Ladies F411 Cnats and Silk Waist.-1, Sep u-ace Sk\l'Li and Underwear. FINE BLOUSE GLACE SILK of a pattern in very pretty'stripes in Ox Blood, Turquoise, Pale Blue, Coral, Navy,` Etc., per yard FL:-_91_" Good morning, neighbor! Off to town this morn== ing, I see. Yes, John; I have to get the Hardware for my new house. Where_can I get the best, John? why, at BUCHANAN &. PENSTONE S. That is where I got mine. They have the best and 99 BARRIE HOTEL DOOR EAST children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good e'ect upon their children." . `no (3. (` ncnnnn, I4n:1.'eII. A!a.::.| . ' I Ca-torts 15 an excellent medicine {ow I Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria. destroys 1Vorms and allays Fe\~'erish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and \Vin(1 Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.' Castoria assimilates the. Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children s Panacea-The Mother s Friend. gheapest in tovilg. THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. For i-sites and full-informnti>.:1,-;.g).:_p`1Ay: 9,: WILL BE HELD THIS SEASON ON Dl.?ESSTMAKING DEPT. . EIIECI upon Inll Cnuurcu. 1 D2. G. C. Oseoon. 1.azI.'e1I.1Va::. TEE DOUBLE STORES j Castoria. DRESS GOODS What is Opposite G.T.R. Station and Post Office. Canto:-in ls so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre- I scription known to me." H. A. ARCHER. M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y , FRONT ST., BAR RI E, I . . .`$-`4'Q*%*`v*QvQrQQC Castoria. {hi ...Satisfm:tin| ,3PEO|ALT>Y-DISEASES n I\l`I . Vwill gs-It th-.4 poor toutlyh built right; and is num- =1):-ushes an-._ -put in in sit-:3 1192454-f.\\'n m- `Qv` FINE BLOUSE ENGLISH SILKS in plaids, checks, stripes and plain in very` shade, in_ all patterns only one Blouse length, and as many yards as you like in plain colors. These goods are genuine in quality and worth. A bargain at Call and z 'Hours-1-1 1 ALEXJ D; H. 34)! .=hu1n Jnhnsml 47 Dunlol _]a'Ekson s Robe rts| I 0ice --81 DU. :13. Opposiw 1'4, Phul 25 Bristle: Teeih Etrnal ' Peerles ing Oil Principle` HARVE! ||.- Next UH DH and `Von. Xi MER TAIL 24 20 dozen Ladies Fine Ca'sHmere Hose, all wool and full fashiQned. sizes 8%, 9, only. Marvel- lously ne Hose for the prige, `only l . 25,dozen Ladies Extra Fine C: 9; 9% only, three pairs for E We extend to all a cordial invitation to attend our OGEAN `STEAM$H*|PS Our showing of New York and Parisian Novel- ties will be particularly iriteresting Each depart- ment will contribute to the largest and best opening display we have ever had. All ere Wel- _ come. A Special in Hosiery. INCH BLACK SATIN, is beautiful nish. We; challenge comparison with any satin at $1.00 yard. Our price is ' ' INCH BLACK SATIN, same make as our 85c line but a little lighter in weight. It `is a. popular quality at a popular price. Sells on sight, see it _ -- V V - W exAuuueajVAuii&:L%`i;;i;L; BARBIE 7 -"r Safgsty ~ L Swiftest and M0?` " _ I . The largest; Igupox-cers of British &7 Foreign Goods in Bzn-1 ie 4 CAo}mfort.ab%|e VAIR, VICKERS & CO. FALL MILLINERY uvemm: Silks for Blouses SPECIAL and following days: IIIONOIO Fin Cashmere I-lose in 8%, . >airs $1.00. Single pair ` `35c. Phone pnndinn Rranch Oice. Head Office. ` MONTREM4 LONDON. ENGLAND 1 M. C. Hmsuaw. Sun. J. Pxmuu. , I ! Branch Manager. ~ M unaggr .H'I,`-I.4AS ` ~~----A (`n-un.'.n.n\r. Assurance Connpany. ` I I 1 Capital. s6.000.000. ~ Founded 1808. { Application to:-ms fumhhed and rates quoted by - GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. ~ Barrie. Unt. Otnce in McCarthy Block. _ _j_____.___.____________ ! I BARRIE RAILWAY smug ` `raking enact June 15t_ .1901. `V Passenger Trains leave Barrie for and arrive l from the underme ntloned places as foows : I I 1'03 . TORONTO FRO! i In nn nun . I 1:I...{...na 11.15 am . VJIVI1 V BL` gunman `\i A1\rov . ` " r Mall . Mnskokn Express Muskoka Express _ North _Bgzy Mlxed Atlantic as Pacic Express glmb in Atlantic 5: Pacic Express 1-aw '_ North Bay Mixed 7.8 '~ Grxufenhurst freight (South only) 9.8! -A _: doIJ.ING'WO0D & MEAFORD 11:15 is m Mail 5.! 0:00;}: In . , Express `M 6 ll 5.17 p In o...---...- ..-. 7.31 Ex . ` 9.09 5.333 . M95? 3 vu.aa 'GRAVENURS'l` & NORTH BAY. , - < um [15 xuun Iucuuvuuu llunvvu .- ..-.._ TORONTO ` Express 11.15 9. In Muskoka Express 12.53 P "1 Muskoka. Ex res: 1.28 p m Atlantic as Pact c Express 3.0} p m . Mun - _ 7.53 p m PENETANG. Accommodation Accomunoduplon HAMILTON ll`. -unnnn 75c. 75c. - 25. - ounuazs muun . t eu,amall....... Peu.large Uatl. new. Purloy.............. .. Buckwheat........_. .. 2 Alaike Clover Seed. per bush . Rad lnvnr Sand. 1 {Full Wheat .. ..-. y. Flour, bakers, per bbl.. Flour. family. Shorts. per cwt.... Bun, per cwt......... Woo}, unvhtahed .............. 8 -Wool.washed 1322 1 \ Tallow. rehdored, per lb. . .. . . . . ., Cslfnkinl. per lb . . . . . BeefHides,grean..... 1 Tallow. rough. per 1b.... . Lamb Skins ..... I I Ono-00000 ; ISheepSkinu,....'.............. 75.11 1 Man. rooms? AND nun? Paonunn. M8eef,hindquartera ..7` Boef.forequ|rteru .... ..6 2Mutton,perlb....... ........ 6.. \Lamb............ ' 6.. =Hogs dresaed....... . . . . . . . . .. Hogs. live, ohoioe.l7O to 230ll:s. . .1 1 H033, live. light: and fats. 50; ' has than choice Amuse mover aeeu Red Clover Seed. * Potatoes, per bag. . . . I Apples, per bbl. . . . .. `day. peruon .. . .. { Straw, per load. . .. . ; Wood. dry. thorn. . , Wood. dry. long.... ' Wood, amen. long.` I n A uoga, uva, ugnw n less than choice, `, Chickens per psir. . ', Turkeys, dreued.. .l.su-rl. may lb __... 1 am: Addrcu Delivered by `Archibald Smith. " at the Barrie Creemery. A meeting was held in the ofce of the Burie Creamery, Friday afternoon, -convened for the purpose of listening to 4 an` address by Archibald Smith, the inspector and instructor smploved by the Dairymeu s Association of Western Ontario. R. A. `Thomas presided. In his address} Mr. Smith dwelt prinoipally on the condition of the milk or cream ' received at the crea.mer_y, and explained the requirements necessary for produc- i inghutter of the very highest standard of excellence. mu- 1.--. ...-sl....-! A` `lmmvnuiuu the OI GXCBHQIXCB. The. best method of `improving the quality of butter. said Mr. Smith, is h by pointing out to the farmers the d1f- \ ` culties already existing, and by meeting together in this way and dismissing the best methods of overcoming these de- fects. We "must prot by each other ; experience if we are going to make any improvement, and each patron is indi- vidually iuzerested in the creamery for the reason that if one farmer is furnish- ing crezuu_of an impure avor it will I injure all that to which it is added, " 12...fm-rim m the causes of bad avor, iBA'1'z`R1E MARVKEIPS. ll1Jl1l'9ll UDBU [0 WHICH In la uuucu._ Referring to the causes avor, the speaker continued: The avor oi cream is affected by the milking, or the utensils in which the creamis kept, and in allowing the cream to become sour. Theicream should he kept perfectly l sweet, and in a clean, cool place. The lsonring of cream at farmers Lou-es injures theavor of butter and materially loweis the test. Some farmers think that by allowing the cream to sour a better test is obtained, but such is not the csse. Cream sampled sweet and perfectly ripened by the butter maker will test much higher than if allowed I to sour at the farm, and will command .the highest market price. The cream- eriee have been the means of raising e the standard of quality and increasing the price of butter; and while it few} farmers may nd it protable to engage ;{in private dairying, it is only because l "l their neighhors are sending cream to the factorv, and the butter is being ex- portedyfrom the country, which leaves a `market at home for privatedairymen who would otherwise` not be ubic t) ` engage in business piolitubly. Tho n :9 nl I1}: mi no-n:n`i1l .0I`S greatly ` in Dualness llxuixuuuq. The ma ot hand separators will greatly ~ increase prots of farmers, as by their use `all the fat is recovered from me milk. the skim. milk is in be:at.- possible condition forefeodiug, as it is neitller hon I101` sour, the cream 18 of better avor. and will keep sweet. for much longer time ifpic IS properly cooled im- mediately ufner sepamcmg. If the farm- ers would take into consideraciou the lcost of equipment, and value of time, together Wltll lower price received for butter, they would see at once in would pay lGl]eli1'l1lllCll be set to` patronize a Cl82\lI.lBl'y. I 'I`nu n.nvinIl.\n nf {REE W115 lullv dis- |cueamery. l . Tue vzu-iatiou of test was fully 1 cussed, the chief reason tor variarinn I 9 being the difference in umountof skim- med unlk kept in the cream each day I when skimmed either by hand or .`:epa.r- 1 a._tor, and neglecting to mix-the cream : in one vessel thoroughly before S4lnp- 1 l ling, and allowing the cream to become , sour. \Vheu using the separator the r test. willvury according to temperature of milk fed into the nuchine, the rate ut iuaw, and the speed of the machine. Where cluirying IS can-vied` onto me greatest. extent the` farmers are more prosperous, and -there is much less poverty axnong the well-`ing classes. Tliisidistricpg the speaker said in closing, is us well adapted hr clairying and stock raising as any other in the` pro- ininna :0 Ala ! viuce. THE MAKING: OF BUTTER. Carefully don-acted to data Hmuxz. Sept 18, 1901 "|---- I no I cA`7s7i`6"R'iA. Chuiidren Gry~1 o;' VAIB. VIGKERS & co. WOOL AND H! DES. OOABBE GRAIN BARBIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY. SEPT. 19, 1901. 33 14: AT COLLlNGWO0D.--THE BIGGEST SHIP ' YET BUILT IN CANADA. '1`-liursduy last was an iinportatit date in the history of Collingwood, marking 1 as it did the inauguration of the steel ' shipbuilding industry in that town. "Finn n'uu7 hnnf. hhn ]:l.I`Q`&St QVBI` Sulplluuulus nnuuat/|._v In vqnutv vv .. ... The new boat, the largest launched in Canadian waters, is 325 feet, long and can carry 80,000 bushels of wheat, besides 700 tons of Fuckae freight and 300 tons of coa, wine dmwin 18 feet. of water. VVhen com- leted er cost will be over $300,000. - he was built by the Collingwood Ship- ` buildin Co. for the Northwest Nzwiga. ion 00. and will ply between Sa.rmu and Duluth. - who Immnmna \v:1.a' xvitnrassed bv an D P ' the launch, too`: Sarnia and Uulucn. The lannchin was witnessed by ` immense crow , including over three hundred guests from all over Ontario. At the how a platform was erected and here the christening was per- formed by Miss Long, in the absence of Miss Tarte,`who was to have per- formed this ceremony. The launch was most successful. As the magnifi- cent -steamer slipped from the ways into the water a. great cheer rose from the thousands assembled. Following p'ace the laying of the keel of another vessel to be'390 feet in length and have a capacityof 7,000 tons. This ceremony was vserformed by the Minister of Public orks, Mr. Tarte. l`.\ Han enhannnnnf. lnnnlmnn. served HURONIC LAUNCHED._ 'nox, M. P., To the subsequent luncheon, served ` in the loft of the max.-hinery huildin . over three hundred sat down. J . Long 1`):-esided and beside him sat Hon. J. I. arte, Hon. E. J. Davis, Geo. B. Reeve, General Manager of the G.'I.`.R., Mr. Ooulson. General Manager of the Bank of Toronto and other men. Amon the Barrieites present were, Ma`yor a.denhu1-st, .1 ndge Boys, H. H. Stmth , K. C., Hamghton Len- L. Barwick. J. A. Mac- Laren, Gem Ball, M. Burton. TN. Dy- ment, S. Dyxnent, A. VV. VVilkinson, F. M. Montgomery, F. -H. Phi ps. J. R. Lzunb. F. A. Lett Jno. Dic mson. S. 0. Macdonald, M. J. F_ra,wle , A. E. H Creswicke, S. \VesIey, an H. J. Grasett. 'l`lr.n`n'h..mmxn in Hip nnnrgr-\. `nf an prominent excellent speech dealin chiey with the iniporiance of the s ipbuildin in- dustry to Canadian trade, aida i h tribute to the splendid wor ' that B r. Tarte had done and is doing for Can- ada as Minister of Public Works. On rising to speak Mr. Tarte was given a rousing reception and his ad- ` ress throughout was unctuated with I frequent applause. o s i1-it of nar- C ` row sectionalism pervade his address ' but rather a. spirit of broad Canadian- ` 1 1 Grrasett. _ The chairman, in the course `of an\ "ism. His words were those of a man fully alive to the glorious `possibilities of this country and to the responsibili- ties resting upon himself and other members of the government in seein that these op ortunities are seized an improved to. anada`s greatest advan- tage. He spoke in general terms of Canada's progress and the means un- dertaken to build up the trade of this 3 . country. He also referred to the ini- ` portance of this trade being handled iy Canadians and in this the shi - building plays a prominent part. ;\ r. Tarte went on to sav that the Govern- ment is solving the trans ortation question by improvements. he rail- ways will have to help us. I am lad to see here my friend, Mr. Reeve, en- eral Mana rer of the Grand Trunk. The Gr md Eruuk Railway Company . are `powerful, but not as powerful as the Canadian people. V\ e are their bosses. They have their terminal now at Portland, but the time will come when the Grand Trunk will be glad to come back to Canada. because we have the shortest route to the English mar- ket. \Ve look to them to make it the best, and the Grand Trunk will realize that as soon as the facilities of the St. Lawrence River are suicient. V In uuannnca fin `HPIIP l{:lll'l.V I1)te1`- EEIWUN LINE River sumcient. In response to The Railway ests of Canada." Geo. B. Reeve said, in reply to Mr. '1`arte`s statement regard- ing the G. T. _R. aml its Portland ter- minus. that the Grand Trunk was as , loyal as any company in Canada. They ' had gone. to Portland. with the advice and assistance of a former government, that Canada might have a winter port. They wou'd be glad to use the St. Lawrence outlet when the `facilities were adequate, but in the..1nea.nti1ne the stockholders had to have dividends ` and the thirteen millions invested in Portland could not be permitted to lie ' idle. He hoped Mr. Tat-tie would live to continue the good wnrk he was ' doing to Canada." A nmnlwr of other sneeches were doing to Uzmauzm." A number ot',othe1- speeches were lnude, the last com-ludmg shortly befm* e .5 o clock vmmm nvhn \v|-zhn fn an were then be-r'o1*'e .5 (TCIOCK Those who wished to go were conveyed byt1'ain to the factory of the Colliugwood Meat Go. and shown thro Jgh this establishment. which has 1. capa.-.-ity of over 1000 hogs er day. The guests from the south eft at 6.15 capau.-ity or wuu nogs er uuy. The guests left by special train, the Barrie contingent :u'1-iviug home at 7 o clock, `all im- fmessed with the ixnpm-tance nf Col- l ingwooifs new inclustn-y and with the r hosiaitalityof the Shipbuilding Co and l of t 1e pedple of Collingwond generally. ` I II` VV IIIII IJIU Iv I Hurry Burns and Gen. Waiko.-r uf \VouJ- la.nda" ind an uuplexsant experience on the Auuie C Htll .\]m|d|y afte-`noun. The heavy sea. W 9.9 pmurlinq the lay in her lnathnuse and it was Jecideri to mu her up. to B\l'l`ie Km sucker Hsny had never hefure seen weather on Ke,mpeu- feldu Biy thst would keep him from running his bow. but: thisjiune he found in. By the time they had reached Fishernmns Pomti so much water h\d come mun "the boat that is was impossible to keep up the fires enl there was barely steam enough to make` the shelter of the Point. Ihis they managed to` ' do. and-the but lay there till the weather > r I r mriderated, and her mp to Barrie was com- pleted. A-.. -. A...` -on`:-an yacht as ehe _ . A man m:1_','_ break away from prism M."i`.i"`? 99?. , . hut he cum-at get; away from the tax tun`-3 nf rheumatieni until he takes Dr. II;:l|'s. 1'.'ur.-xzznatic Cure. It is the only I'e3iu.` 1-: x.-me.",' on the market. Mr. ChaIl- 3 II. (.`!~xrl:e', Kingston. Ont., who for fv.-4-4 yeesrs in succession held the,civic R5-rvel watering cnntracboould not put 0.x hi : lwmts or walk for. `several 'weekr. Hy- trieai Dr. Hall`: Rheumatic Cure. ..u~.l three bottles. with the Climax Iron T4 in Pills, completely cured him. This g_m-:. blood puner is put up in bottles cm.- taining ten days treatment. Price "0 cents at nil (in stores or The Dr. HM}. . Pa 993%. ". \I r-,,r-- ,, , mm ran cry for 0' '..`r ONE ESCAPE. 25 l

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