Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1901, p. 7

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'l':\ l`Ig'4,'.- at d vim ri tho -' till a v , I `Ways of Proposing Will Differ as Widely as the Natures of ` ' Preposers. There is no royal road t'o prnpos- 4115, and the man who carefully ar- m113I,es-the `precise cunditiom: and `.n\Ct110d oi popping `the question." land rehcairses the very words in `which he will put. his fate to the test, is-very` likely to final his pain- Efully ercctetl fabric topple to` the lgifound, while he blurts out his ques- tion under cmulitions which in xx sane moment \v'oi11Ll appear ridiculous. ; 'I`l`.l\l'l ! ic rnnrn ivnfll fnv n\-nunnln ]ll.IUlll\'HL \\uLuu ll[Jpl.'ill' l'.lUlL'|U()U.\`. ` 'l`l:re is more trutln, for example. {than liction in the following account ml` :1. proposal taken from :1. well- \!lU\\'l1 novel: "\\ hcn Dick, loaning !.w:uin.~:t. the pip;-st,_v,~ haul suddmly !l'cl!, him.~:(.-lf compelled, he knew not `\\'h_v, to abruptly interrupt :1 di.-'.<.-us- 'l,.~:iun on the culture of tomatoes: with Ethe utterly im.'onscqucnt"' inquir-, Daisy. will you be my xvlfe? ])ais_v, `keeping her eyes steadily xed the `II-while on an `elderly pox-ker, simply '.'u1:~`.\\`grc `Yes, ]_)icl<.. '(`nul(l nnv nnvirnnmnnf lm 1`.|nv'n nn- 5*Oz`C>dn! I PECULIAR-`WAYS or POPPING I v `THE QUESTION. '.'u1:~`.\\`gre `Yes, j_)ick.. ! `Could any elwironmcnt be more un- 'ro'm:mtic or any moment. sce11'1im,*ly less oppm-ume? And yet Dick mzhicvcd his object as promptly and isxlcessfully as it he had proposed lwhile oating on an "Italian lake, un- 'dc1' the (`glorious eye of the moon. and to an accompaniment of music flontinyg gently over the \\'11.L`l'.\'. lnd their courage o0'1.in_:: mm of their` Eboms \\*hc-n the , critical moment gcomes. A story is told of Cznr Nich- 'o}as of Russia (g')`:Llldfl1U]('l' of the Iwesent, Plmperor), who dcspaired of ever being; ublc to summon up the ne- ce:-::=m'_v courxl_Lre to prupose'1.o the `: Indy \\"h`om h`e".vished to lnake (lzar-_ iina. 1 A4 1..-. ....,. 4..-. ...|..... n..... .... ... `lllll. ` At, lust. one day, when they wercg dining at the same table, :1 happy, ;solution of the diiculty occurred to 7him. Taking a. favorite ring ollhis lrngcr he concealed it in xx piece of ibrc-ml nnd SllX'!`(3[).ti-U0_LlSly _conveyed' .the broad to her and mvnitcd dcvcl- op`mem.;<. - A few moments later he twns dCli.,"I1t(?(1 to see the ring on one of ,thc 1`i`ix:ccss's lingers. and km.-xv |.th:1t. his strange o(Ter'hml been z\c- gcepted. I A hu-rv Ivhncn clnu-n nvuc un"nn-ha- Jul; this suddcn and unexpected de- ;u:1.Iu:u. | 3 A lovcl` whose -story was unIortu- in-.1t.e!'_v unfolde(l some tixxxengo in u Jcourt of law, chose a. vex-y.novel g;-ml 4 [poetic method of popping tho'ques- gtion. One day he invited the young `lady 0f.his choice to m:comp:m;_v him ml in. tour of his g`m'de:1, that he] might show her 3. curimts-freak of` INut,ure. Leading her to a bed of gcress. I:-er e_ve.; fell on these \vor(ls Soutlinctl in the green of the Cress: I [Love You. ']'hc.p,ix'I was nutumlly gcovered with blushes and confu; lcln1'o,tion, and the lover took suchi mlvuntagc of the p:a-ychicul moment! i that, when the lovers returned to the i Ilnousc. their happiness ::hm\'ed con-- clusively thnt, the horticulture hadi not been in vain. , . A `nu-nu .1... 0`u:\IIlv`\` I I` \r\ n Tin Goodfor nd Teeth `Not Bad for Good Teeth- HUI: lJCl.'ll J11 Villll. A lover who thought to make` nlusic the medium othis proposal did l `not meet. with cqtiul success. Seiz-l Hug an opportune moment when he'- wns alone with his lady-l0ve_, he sat! _d9wn` to the pigmo and began to pl.f1y.| g A'dmns`s " 3 I I ..uuv-urn rnvcnyv 1:1` -I--1V11.\n- ll lllll` \\ inni- It'll of gquuxuuu u) uu llensullua. ! ` At. 1.he,c0nclu.<:ion of Lht; song hc, invited` the girl to si1_)g`;t0 him,% I I _whercupon.she sat, down untl sang, No. sir, with such spirit. that her |'nnswe1' must. have been conclusive, even to Lhudvenscst. or most sanguine` lover.` . A.. ....,...n....`4 ...-.........i.. ';\: um um... . |lU\'L'l`. . _ _ An excellent of 1 lomptory proposal is that of : C1'u,\\`lcy to Hebccca S1:-.'u'p. `you I wtuut. you," `said -\\'H Q-nu nnv-nn \.-nu nu I11 l_\_uu J. \\Lu.u. _\-uu, _a'.uu -31; 1. Lu. i ,\\'i1l you come, yes or no'. _ "Ir dn1'cn'L, Becky said. seemi11:;'l_v, in I;:;rc-at iLf2;ita.tion. > "I say ugai11 Ii lwatzxt you!" .`~'1ir Pitt said thunxpingvk ~thc tuble. "I. can't. get "on without, `you. -\ All my accounts have got. mud-' idled \vit.hout you.` You nm.-st gzomci baclz. Do come L\acI\'." "(.`m1:`e asl wh:-11.. si1"." Rehcccn. gasped out.g !C0me as" Lady_ Cruwlcy, if youf glike." : 1 . I .rnn ,- , ,, .v,,,,,-_ ...._!._...'A.. 1.- - ! ...... ,...,., .... ;......,.- glorjkiug at her. in such a. way as to `leave no dmnbt. that he i11tend't:d the gquestion to be perasonul. ' I AI 1!-\n I-nu!-lncinn nf Ihn cnnn- hn l...... w ` "'l`hcy say the:-(~.'s going to he :x|| ,wcddiug` in t parish next. month. Eblurted out a rustic York_shirenm1`1 to {vii maid. after they had been sitting! 1in' solemn silence` side by side for tfvlmt must `hqve seemed an etcrnit_v.| H\Y.nr- hnn rlnnun'I- cnv 'l:n )" chn nu-` lWlN.1B luusl. .|lu:Vl: u:uiuuu an l:u:| uu_v.- ]"Nay,` thou doesn'_t say so? she mi-i 's\\'e1-ed, 'prickix'1g up her ears. "I've , heard nowt on 1_.. . ,\Vhat s his name? They say it's Jack (.`-lapham, the rustic` lover hnzarded, mentioning `his own name. And Who's 1. lass? the girl. snapped out in suspicion. "Why, she's gotten t - same name as thee, Bess," he ventured. "Will ta come and see it?" fv'Yes,A1`ll come`, Jack, she xmswered, with a quick ` ush and a. sly look at her diplomat- ic lover. "It would be a. pity to dis- appoint `em, wouldn't it?" They - were not disappointed. Maid (breathlessly): Ob, miss, both the gents you is aengngcd to hascullcd, and they're ixirtlte par- lor, and somehow `or ot.l1e17,=:_.1.l1ey ve found it out. and ..;oh, miss, I'm fruit! there will be toublo ! nnms 1.`.lhvHn- 'lnu-rd":-c|"\ (Th (Inn)-I . 'n'muVu1ere Wul ue Llgpulgxu _: ` Miss F-lirtic-:_ ]Iorro_rs.* Oh, dear ! - -\\'lmt shall I do ? - I 1,. `lhah-I I nffpv rr.nnQ1'nn.\ my if I -unxu. snuu 1 nu : .- . Maid (after reflection-)--5, fix it.] I'll run an tell `em you're cryin _ y r eyes out 'cause'y'r father has lost. all his money. * . . _, 1 v.... LEV EN ROYAL I`I-1|ESO.\ AG ES. ! rn'9n- , 3 na- ,. -, ....... .-. ..._r..--. .._..`..... |\rI yuan HALL & RUCKEL, MONTREAL WILT THOIIJ Ill". MINE?" my LU 1'.L'UcL`L'u nlzurp. ; u:u [ wtuut Sir Pitt. 110?. `'1 1'1, `)1 hn`it:\tinn "T I 25| Llll: pm--; ' Sir Pitt; I tell . inn . the `pew- ` Sir Fit 1. Ev':r_v artist and every lmusclu.-c-per! has felt. the need of :2. [)1-meeting apron. Gowns. to be kept in urdc-r, nmst, be cm'e(_l for. Suchax con-` venicnce as the apron illustrated is' sure to be app]-eciuteql at a glance? As illustrated i_t is made M` Holland. linen in the mxtural colpr. and will endure all Ulings. but gingham, per-l came and all siniilur xnuteriaxls are suitable. . 'l`l\.\ nn..,.u v:.- nun` uI~:Il\ r\ run.-A1! E5lIlLlLl)ll.'. . I ']`he aplion `is cut. with u gored.` front and bm:ul sides that are join- 3 ed with :1` curving .' and ]l1C( t,1 at, the back. where they are buttonedl: together. The shape of the se:\m:~;l< means ne:.1tr.ess and fit, and the broad sides completely cover the ` sl'n't. The bib portion extzends over;` 1hn_ShOul(iCI's to -f<.-nn straps that are buttoned t.og.~th(-r at the back of the neck. At th.-. waist IL belt, is! r.ttac.he that is :'|.lsn ~(-.lost,(l at the ,br.ck, and that holds the apron snugly in place. At the Ijlllt ajeaun is placed it genero1:s; pntclu pocket. Tim Slt'0V(3S"ll`C :~`.(9pu)`::Lei zfnd simply finished at the top with cam.-(I hems - and at, the wrists by bzmds into which the fullness is gathcrul. Elas- tics are inst-rt(:d in the casings zul ldrnwn up to the desired :-zize I 'l`n 1-nf ihiu zanrnn fur n I rnnn nf .GRAN`IS FULL PERMISSION TO USE HIS NAME IN BEHALF OF DODD S KIDNEY PILLS. iUI`H\VH. llll LU LIIU Ul.'?ll'(.'ll '.'.lI.U To cut this apron fur a }v.).:mu of D n1(~(-lium "size -L;_vm'ds oi. mn`u.ria1 3:3" l_n:cl1es wide wi_lY be ra.=qui:'ed. - 11:1 IHHIHI ilwas in the Clutch of Bright's Di- v sease-_Suered all the Symp- , toms of this Fearful Mala.dy- But He Took Dodd s Kidney `D."I1.- in "I`~Iu~.-an ] '``` '` . ()tLa\vn, Sept. 16. (Special).--A fo1'l.1mute young: ma-.n is I1'a\uk Chart- .1'a`,ml of t.his city for by the 1nerc.-'t lcllance he \'c;~..-4 . from 1.h-.1t mod- :c1'n' curse so droudctl by doctors, {Bright's Di.<(-use, plze incurable mal- iutiy of the l\'idne_\'.s'. I l`hn etnrv nf Rh`. Ch:1l`[1`i'1l)(l`S CS- ](1(l_V_' 01 1.110 1\1um:_\s. l l`hc story of Mr. (')1iurtr:'ni(l`s gcape from -this dreadl`u( disease is best. told in his own wor s: ' "I had been [.:i'e:Ltly'--tvoiiblotl bv {my Kidne_vs for two years, since hav- `ing a, dose of the grip. I s'u!lere -with l)lCl\'u(`llQ and I atlwuys felt l(lrows_V and very heavy in the limbs, `with frequent. Sl3\`(3l'c l1D(t(l:\CllCS and oftener still severe pains in theftop; ofm_v'homl which m'eveme' `.110 F0111 doing my Work as I would like to do it. Often my lingers and legs would cramp and occasionally I felt. pains liw the loins mid a Very` heavy (lizzy lit.-cling \\"it'l1'slmi-[noses oflarcntli. and [pain in '11:: left :~:ido.. Soxiictimes I {would out very good meals and other times I would `-:':l\'(.` :1 biscuit and :1. cup of ten. and that wmild nish my `meal. I had to-ml:>z' 2 ovcrhthe lbuck of the sspim: and felt very tu"e(.l. iinthe reggion M the ki(lm-ys. wilh :1` i hca.v_v fen-ling` nc1':)ss}tli;,- rloins. in .'~'l`.ort. there'\vus no (on it : was sulTerin_r:,' from In-ight :< Disease. I "I kept tukiny: the medicines the !(I0ctm'.< j-;ave mt-. all this time but `they did me no good. A few wuel-:.< ago I clmncml to tell :1. friend that I ~lI:1(l given up hope. - I '\\`l'.v :lnn f. vnn 1l'V DO(lt1 S Kill- umxm MAN wan WBJTES THIS TIME. `had given hope. } `Why don't you try Dodas uncy Pills?` he told me. 2 --n .......4 .n.-m-vh.- in Hm ch-urr .-:i.m'n jncy l"llIS'. ne LOIU mu. _ ``I went xliI'ccLI_v to the drug: store and got, three boxes which I have used and which have sci much im- proved my health tlmt without hesi- tation I Say I am sure it is but, 1|. lnmtter of a short. time till I become completely and permanently v cured. ....__-_____....._. I -----+.---- [ 48,000 Tm-k:~; have been exiled in the last, 11 3-`ears. This double Russia's record. ` n ; Harry, how do you like my new hzit? I don't know. Harriet. Does- n t it need a little more fruit on top and a little more slxrubbery on the `Info chin `) ' mm H. .lu.uv left. .side ? l<[)ZOI]{]NT Togth Powder 250 mhlil`. :|,(H)`) "4.74= /% ?4 w:e Du]; .35 J-UUA Pills in Time. . V . K 3:2 to -'14) lnch Bust. -WORK] NU AFRO N. ,,,-,__ .. _....v -g\-u\.uu.4Au .LJ.;Cu in New York. Dr. \'-.'ilfx-ed` (3. Frulick m` Ncxv Ym~l.: gave :1 pxxblic llL'lll0l}Sll`:11i0n the oth- er aftcnmnn with :1 uid which he believes will prove succ sslul in cm'-. irg con.s'umpLi(m, provklxng the'pa-I ticnt still retains sufciont lung; ca-' I p:u:it_v to allord a. basis to work up- nn_ I`\vn rmiir-mu nv Il\n u.\4..,. n: I-uuuu,-nu, uulcu \\u.'~a nmue 1n the pre- sence of :1 score of ph_v.-ici:ms. in- cluding Dr. W. C. Mcl(nigl1t. and Dr. A. II. V. Cornell of 1o:~'t,0n. and Dr. George ]`a_vlor. ._supcrintcndcnt.` _of Bcllcvue Hospital. l`hc_v said after- ward that they were much impressed. D1`. Fralich kins: hnnn \vnv-L-incr nn _. .. .-...h uni. 1111-` on. Two rmticms of the Metropoli-i tan Ilospiml in the m1\'-.u1ccd stages- of_consumption sublniuml to the c::-! pc-ximent, which \\ us made in the Score of nh\: ;.1-. [u_)._~L~ nil` I4] wulu tum. LIIQV were nmen nnpresseu. Fyalich kas been working on his cure for tuberculosis for . eight _ve:u's and he says he lms met with success in its use. He Says: "I have been experimenting`-,' with a. uid containing properties similar to? those existing: in the nonnalblood.` This flixid contains comnounu. that [destroy all known disease germs ul- jinost inst_unt1_v. and while its action `is antagonistic. to objectionable or-' 'ga1nism.~: at the same` time it, will in- tensify and increzxse` the desired, pro- iperties of the blood. l " l`I1ic iu flu: (`n-cf tin-in :|\ In. Lia, Dr. IE`ra1ick s New ' | If YO ll Want "5:?1rtE,HI`a't;t?', 333L1nv. Appua. cum rnurra amnnonune. to l on` I. co. Llmltggi U 1-. West Market and home St., Toronto. zperues 01 me moou. ' ",'1`his is the first time in the his- tory of medicine that a material has been infum.-d into the blood which contains compounds that antagonize the germs or disease and their poison -enzmm-tions. In fact every capillary lis llushetl auul every cell fed with 11. .most; potent, and in every way-(le- `sirable enemy to unnnt.-ral condi-' tion:.=." Dr. l~`r::.li'ck says he is nzit. prepared at present to divulge tlu: components 3'1` the uid. . In the demonstration he first bared the arm of the patient `and l.'_1id openn Vein. ]`hc uid'Was gthen i=.ifns-ed through it canuln. Six- leez nunccs of the uid at :1. temper- :ll.!'.l`(: of 106 degrees were infusedrin |t.!;c cases of both patients. Am-rn-ulinw on thncn uvlun ushnncnnll LEO cuscr; U1 IJULH ]Jl1LlCHLS. Accox-din_; to those who witnessed the expuixixenxt the effect of the uid on both patients was the same. The face took on u ush us if there had been a:-ush of blood to the head, the , pulse hecanne stronger, the eyes tbrightenetl nful the lingers and toes beczune \\`:u'm. This indicated, the ductor said. that the iluixl had been extemfed to the exu-n_~me parts of the body. The im'u:si0n made the patient. pe{'spi1'e. _ `Hr Ta`:-nlia-It -.I.`:IVQ Ihnf. when the |!(.`l'S[)l!`O. Dr. I"1'nli('.k -says that wht.-n the -uid `o'.\`s through the veins :1 com- pound forms and nascent o.\'_vgen is iil)cmtcd. The uid,mn_v be given through the mouth. rc~:uu_n or sub- cutaneously. Two tsanct,-1' patients. Dr. Fmlici-: s-.x_v.<, lmve been Ll`(,`:1lt:d successfully with the uid. Dr. Fra- iick has made in ull 106 ('.\`]')Cl`iJ)iCl]lS nnd has met with c-nco1xrug'c1ncn.L in all of them. , ,,i, ,__J._,__...__ IIc-\VhaL _in the world did _v(_)n% tell your 1"ull:c.-1' I had kissed you. for `.7 . I I uh,-7IIn nulznl` uni hntv fr-1' nh\n!' 1` Pilliuna of vuunhzrs tor melt cmzuren wnuu ueeanmu. uonthea the chlld. mfu-us the gums. lllnya puin. cures Hind cnlic. rcgnxlnlgs the ulonx-`xch and hon-ela. and in the best remedy my Dnwrhmn. ltventy-ve cent: 3 bottle. Sold by dnlggnnmglxrx.-ug_}:ogt the world. Be sure und ` uk fur " Mus. Wn:sx.o\v H lsoouuxo Bxuvr." K ` I01 '. ' | Shc-lc :1:~:ked me" how far along I1 had got. ' ror uvrr I`u|y Icoua , Hm. Wn Soorlxmq Svgiur has bpcn used by of mothers for than children while teeahina. rcgumes ulonygch nnd_howe!. and_ the Pint uf U\\r HUI D II} acres each. Gold Coin loses 1 per com. of wciglxt in 50 yeauns, silver 1 per cent. in ten years. . , bf local nprllcations. as they mu1mh`e:1ch the d seemed purlion of the 01!`. '1hr.:ru iuonly ono way an curs deafness. and {lint is by constitu- tional remedir.=.==. Duzfnuk is caused by an 3 luauned condi ion of 1 he mucous lining of tho Euauurhiau _'1`ube. When this tube is iu-- ' amed you nave rumbling sound urimpcr feet, heuriuir. nmi whonn. La out rely closed dmtncaa isllio result. nu-vi unless the ilillam. mntion qan be mks n cut und this Lube reabored to its normal `CO."ldlll'll. leurmg will be de- ntroyod louver: ninp : uses out of ten am caused by o-nan-h, which is nothing but an in- amed condition of the mucous sun-moo . In will zivo One Hundred Dollars for any ' Ductor-Mr. Timingt,`on, your wife! xvi`! risk her life if. she uttcnds that` \vc( . so soon after having the grip. - 'M'r 'rnmnm.nn--\\'o1l. doctor. she`l| gnp. Mr. '.l`imington--\\'c1l, doctor, die if she has to miss it. '1 . Penelope: Ilcavcns, Jack! Have you forgotten how to waltz? You have stepped on my toe. Jack Dasha ink: Pardon me, Penelope, your feet are so small 1 could not see them. I of the surmco . \Vo give Doilarsfor case of Deafness (cauaed by cntrrrh) that can an be cured by Hairs Cutarrh Cure. Soul 101- circulars. tree. . ' F. J. CHENEY 5:, CO., Toledo, 0. 'mml s Linimcnt Curbs Al)a!'Idn:" Cesrlon. Erna. vnn nu-n Innvlnm nor.-A... .v..nm. .. ............a.......:..... 1'1..- _.._:..~.. Minard s Linimcnt Gums Burns, etc,` {'4' Ill '17)`) ...l _ 1'. II. \/Anuan u ; vv uu., Sold by Drlzggmr, 75`. _ Hall's Famx y Bills are the best.. The as 31.05 of the 34 1au*gcsL land- nvncrs in Britain m'cr-ugc 183,000 at-vnu an 1-h uuaunn war T jun j _ Ceylon. ".l.`oa. you are lenvin off your shelves 5: custom-drawinz line which you cannot afford to be without. In and Packages to Retail at 25, 30, 40, so um! um. TO CURE CONSUMPTION. Deafness Cannot be Cu red DOOBIEI) E!Tl]El{ WA Y. For Ovtr Fifty Vears ....~.. unn-runvn Rvunr ha: l- s. - 8. . .- _....I_, o.- '.'-'.n TO 11! E R CE.A.1U".I.`S : If you are not hzindlinz TRUMIPUL. wki Ht: ;->'.n - ` Treatment Trie-d qr GEN l`S-I[` YOU VVAN2` A-I.I.\`E 01? _._ fast.-soiling Hoods! that give you over mu: prom. and H0 in ovary house. wto `no. Tm. F. E. Kaxn Co.._13z Victoria street. 'I`m-onto. `.11.- { NATIONAL - Am) - { PAm|o'n__ ! Once :1 friend of mine and I agreed ithut, it, would be helpful for each of -us to tell the other his faults. How ;did it W()l`k? `We h:u'en't spoken for nine ve-.11-s. ' ` 'l'h!- 1 Toronto. !___--__---- PRICE 30 CENTS. ' Pr! 50 British War Songs ,,o;,,,,; I i ]Ie1cn:I should like to do some- thing that would make him miser- :able for life. Florence: Why don't lyou marry him, pet? The record strawberry was grown in Engl:md.. ]t Weighed T;oz. The record apple, grown in _British (301- umbia. last year, weighed 111). 501.. iinarafs I.inime.nt Relieves Neuralgia :n.u., Hud- } Minard's Llnirng-:Y1t_fnr sale evewwhere Vlhsn you wrlto to an auvortlnnr Ian mm that you law mo Idvertlsaman: In this paper. It In to `our Interest to do so. as our Folks arn troatad |' nuutly and carved with the bout. F - ... .,'~q` Gentlemen,--WhiIe driving down a. very steep hill last August my horse stumbled and fell, cutting himself fcarfully about the head and body. I used MINARD'S IJNIMENT freely on him and in a. few days he was as well as ever. I T) A T)l.`AI1f"'I.T]'I`l(l\T |BArsm an all {kn} Avicniii. * q I. 0. Other! I 60.. Innohutor, Engtnnd I I Lowest prices ever noted. Fine mtulozuo . 500iHustrM1ona.m.1iIc true. Write us for any thing in Slnnlc or lluucul Instrument-. ITYYITITTZW nnvn or n" T;vv|;nr` GALVERT S GARBOLIG __ QINTMENT. I f|ull1!EIlIIg Urllrnip Uruturrnu. I-nu. iE'V"E|;Y TQWN GAN HAVE A BAND 7 - __.- .L .__.--_ ....-_ -..;.b.`.I DH. ` ,m.>o.`au-n- lnmg In M llllc or Iluluclu Illslrulncnru WHALEY RUYGE 85 60., Limited, l i m-......... n..o -..a xvx....r.....-. M... llisminion Lina Steamship: ummanl to Liverpool. Boston to Lint- . the |7I.'L lll` xoting ed his UUKIIIIIIVII I-HIS! usvioluvun Manual Liverpool. gool. Ponlnud to Liverpco). Vin Q\llIIl- town. . Lama Ind Put Steumlnpl. Sn rior uecormnoduinn [or all clung oi I~s9n;crI. _B.n cons nnd gitateraomn rt Imidlhipo. pecxnl attention ha: been given to 910 nd Snlonn n_d '.*.rd-(_3lsa n.cco[u_mQ~lcLion. For RGQFIHG and sheet Metal work ' ROOFING SLATE. in Black Red or Green. SLATE }2LA(.`I(B0.-\Rl)3. We mpply Public and High Schools. Toronto). I`.oo.`ing Fen, Pitch, Coal Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE (Sue New City Build- ings, Toronto. done by our rm)- Metal Ceilings. Cor- nicea. etc. Estimates fnmiahed for work com lots or for materials shi nod to any n I 11. of the country. hone 1963 D. DUTIIIE sollmkdulalde&Vlldmorsts..'|'oron(o w. -. -.-__ .. 77 attention given `wand mud wcommoution. men olpnssago and ill puuculnn. apply to my noun 0! the Company. or . "am-.ua.. Mill: &'Co. ' n.'1'omn. A Co.. 17 sun 8!... Banana. Montreal and remand. -...____,, 38!?3.'EF_'_?E!.F` -..__........_ .._....j.___._ -._. _ Euetauie s1m1eHTj 0|` U EU: (IND l;I.llBB' VVBBT OX {Ill KIHQJ. And louse llangin of every description. GOLD .\iI':DALIS DYERS. ' BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO'Y. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawn & Quebec. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms. Etc. nu-nu -innuu `nun unu: an anal! ll 1) Shcr1;roo.ke. I ins GAMDA psnumaur Ann wssmm cannon ygnlgrggcs oonponnnon lnnsrosnoav run snvmcs will where the most. caulious may leave their money with implicit condence that it is not subject. to risk of any kindis provided by the Savings de- partment. of . otite .n aid or tcgtgz half-\`qa1P1y.re;t 15 re. cog- n a ` ' .65/NADA's PREMIER % ~ G0_MF'ANY ilrdl. Lu:-lama. can-v- vv an-I _.._-. 'l`oronto,0nt., and Winnipeg, Man I vuvwp V--I Div I an b 1 cggggfxpc bul_f?\`es D ed: ah; I:a_diea"\;ear'o! M: kinds. AGENTS WANTEILV GANADILN Llll J\"4n I-- . luv-W v:"-'- 'V"' "' ` a_tg-oot.1'oI-onto. 3.! l-.01..-Ar.-0 an Brit- eVCl'. J. B. A. BISAUCHEMIN. nl\r\Iv[\ \rvVvvvvv-_-~- W PC1094 ` Price 50c. May be had _ from all Music Dealers. D."l`ornncc ($0.. INOINIIIII : OUPPLIBO. Asbestos Ooodn, Flue Covering Lubricating , | crouemotc. WEI. SUTTON Jcourouno co., Limited. 'l'nDnu rn Tains ma, . 124Adc1.u'ae an. '.(`ol.onI2o,0n' I'M Adelaide Tonoxro, on uunucu. TORONTO. I lug! .. .- ;VO8 an \ ll!- ruck tho NAV! I. AND MILITARY NOTES OF THE EMPIRE. [N DAMP AND HAR-BUUR-.] Condensed Paragraphs of Interest to Both Military and _ Civilian. 'l`l:c Wm" Omen has acquired 11 pit.-(:u of grumuf on the property 0! ?\'Im'qui.-x of l)uI`1'crin and Ava at Grey .'.'uint, lrclund. on \`\'hich to erect. at fmn--;.-: m1 bulu.-ry for the protection uf Us-lfn.sL Luuglm an that side. 'l`l:c l\ i11_g`. on the rt.-con11n_cndzitio11 of the Cu1umumlqr-i_n-chiuf, has caus- ml the r_\!u'.x.- c from |)au'tn1oo1' Con- \icL 1 ri: of Rulmrl. Moore. an ex- soldiur, who \\'aus .~:cntcnecd to ten _\-c:u':~: penal sr.-rviuulu by Court Mur- tizll at the` (`)1'a,ngc R'n'c r, South Af- rivu, in N()":{.'\|hUl'. 1H`.)0. V `in the battalion twenty competi- tion of the 2nd I-T:<.ux Voluntm.-rs. :......I u........|.... ... n..1..1.....;.... non balti,ilH0ll lire`! on .'~`r.LLuI' ut. Col(:l1estcr._15ug- lur 'J\'1ill.~:. ug,-,`c(l Ll1iru:i-n. son of xx ser- 1.r:z1nL-instx-ucmr, 1m~...dc one point. more than the rt-zixncntul sergeant.- mujur. who is him. at good shot. The boy :~:hnt. especially well at 500 and ('.(.N) _\`:u'ds. -w-.:-n _ u * .`wun1.r.-:1I1L I'arker. u; \'it'1.m'iu. ('ru,~':~ nu 1\lur:|1 Hist. 111 I.....u\ ... L. Ul'll ,`.rH isl1_ \_v the IIIA Allill \;II 'll,~`\4u I ~F\".'. K||A\| "ll|.l lIk|\l' brvn :xpr:<'tin_Ix its pm-.~.(-x 1u\ti()n fm',a' lun;.{ time. I'(:('ciV u-I orders recently to procuml r1-unx Alxlx-r.~;lmt, where he I nmv l.~r3l:n_L-;:~: 1.0 lmttory, to Lumlnn, where he re.-,1-i\'cul his rc- '.`.':-.1-(l from Lhc llumls of the King. `The champion olliccr L arms vfnrl the ye:-.r an the nlilitury 1,uurm1ment. has I)(.-cu fuuml in Cuptuin and 'l{ixl-l lug l\IustcI' ll. W. Waite. of the-,10Lh llu.-s-;urs. who will`, until the next tulnmaum-nt. hold the Clmllmlgc -Hhllfltl. um! lulu: for his own the I I . Z (J()\'(l(:ll guld nzuzlaxl. Thu (:l1a1mpion-!l ship is tlecitll.-ll upon Llw ugg`I'cgute' ]l0illlS .=(:ol':_~(! by com|.mtitors in the \'a\rim:s; events in which they are I.-n-| tltl-4:1! Ln lulu: p-.n`l.. . . I 1!, u- n... 1 ...... ..c I .\...l .....,.. ... ....\., ,....... , Mr. \\'nltm' (`m_n|ll)(.-ll. one of Lord; VIll_\'tl1s\vm)l'+: |u'utllc1's. luls made. in (:nn_'mm:Linn with an l*`.(linl)urgh pub-' -lislu~1'. (L lmmhoxnu [n'(*.SuIll; to tl1c| l.H':u`LIi:;lx \\'u1' Fuml. 11. takes the} dorm of :1. pm.-m written by Mr.` (fnmplcll. and is ymlnlizslmcl in an edi- lirm Ill: luxo, with t\\`(.-l\ o illustra- `liuns l._v l`1'iIm.-ss .l.uuisc._ I)1lcl1oss- uf Argjvll. Lila: all her Royall High-l `nu-.s.~:'s \\`(n`k Llu-.~:c-' (ll-;u\'iug'.~; are spir- ited and intelligent. ':md follow the text. \vl\.irl1 is nu account. of (L curl- inp.-; ;.v;:unc,' with keen hunlur and up-, ynxrziulimx. u-|. _ In ... 1-: L|zlCL\A\IAAv A The War Ullice liau: provitled the llonnm Catholic 1-Icciesiusticul a_u- timrilies with :1. piece of ground at !\~l(h_-rslmt for the erection ofvn. Soi- diei-s' Jlub a-.1ulI1.slit.uto. Duildinp; will he commnsnced as soon as possi~ hie. so that men returning from South Africu mny h-.1`vc u. suitzible nlaec for recreulimi and zunusomont.i Lord `Roberts, Sir \\ illia.m Butler. the Duke of Norfolk, Sir lledvers Muller, .l.ieut.-(:en. J(eI|_\'-1{c':nn,v. they !7:u-1 of 1`-cubigh. Lord Talbot, I..icut.-| Pol. Ross, '(L`. 13:, Bishop Brindle. 1). .s`.().. mid others have '.u._:1'cc(I to act is the committee Lo curry out the xeeessztry llI'i'lll1g`Oll)U2li.S and to re- :r:ivc` SU|)S(.'l'i|)LiOI`lS. 11.... n..II.... .-u ,..1 1 1...m',.....nn1.I ...-._ .I.n v\. on u-Jun -1-gnu...-. (lcn. Bullcr Visitml lIud(lcl'.<:el(l re- :cnt.ly' and opened an new drill hall and volunteer lmv.-.uu'. Uc impressed .l|)()n the volunteers that the applica- liur.'of drill required stutly. tliouglit, ind intelligence. untl was more im- uurtnnt i.hu.n drill itself. 4\Vit.houL `npplicatiou drill was largely uselcss._ No gent.-ml in the licld ever com-I nuindccl a, mum: devoted. yxzillmit. x:lf-sucri..cing; bmly of men than he haul in Nutul.` 'l`hc realization] that the country was behind the army save-.1 .`.~loutl1 Afridu. for us. The les- .=:uns tuugllt were to mulec every pre- |~nrn.Lion in time of peace, :u1d`Lo1_1sc all the p1'cpm'utinns liberally when .l.l1c time of strup;glc came. Our sad lusui,-s :s|m'.1ld mulcu us realize this ne- They wen; sitting near the rlve1"`s edge, watching the dimplcd wavelets |)r<:nk on the cor1'ugateq`bnnk. Sud- denly .-she said, in IL soft, dreamy voice: _ j 1 1.... C4-\`1'L~Qnu\ F.` Clin `.3-nu. `I11.-w. iul.V|,Iuu;_.', LU buy. Yes, was the absent response, _it. reminds me so forcibly of you. The rustle of u silken skirt was all. he heard, as the drooping brmuzhes of u weeping-\v11lo\v swallowed her _up, away in "the bcyend. I` '.I 111311 \\'ll_Y HUI] L yUl| Ll")! ull gen! rid of it`? asked the youth who hadn't. uny.i.nherite(1_.wcxilth. I um doing the best. I can, rejoin- ed the other. I keep (1. yacht, .run an auxtomobilc, belong to a. swell gull club, and lend you money. j..__L Edgu1'--Is your futherzfnvorublc ti) my love for you. Ethel ? 1`.Hm1._nh vac: nvm-vhndv gets I love klisten fo the 1-ivr, Hen- ry dam`, nn t. you? ,'-_It. is always lmbbling, lmbblixig`, yet it never has " anytlxing to say. \7nn u-nu fhn nhcnnf I-ncnnncn it yuuu, I 'J`hen 1 `I n Iv` U ,._\- 11' 111', \.'.-:t __F , 'j.`}lE TDELLS WILL NOT RING OUT lily IUVC IUl.' yUll, 1`JLlllJl - Ethel-Oh. yes; everybody gets along with pa unless they try. to borrow money of him. A little girl sat. upon the xsoor cry- ing. Aftcrlu. while she stopped and seemed buried in\thought. Looking up suddenly she srLid:- Mother, \v.l1:\t was I crying about ? .]3ccmI.- I would nnt. Inf. vnu n nut. .muuu:1 , wtuu. wins 1 Cl'_VIl1g RDOUL 1' would not let. you go out and see the shop windows. I Oh vn:_ nml Hm Inn in one un ...u-.u.. .. .-.1 .1:-vuou Inherited .W01Ul, exclaimed the lust: young mam, with n. dreary vnlvn. is n. cm'se! ' * unu act: um 3:10}! \\'.|Hu0\\`S. Oh, yes, and the little girl set, another howl-Bo-o-o ! Chm-Icy dour, said Mrs. 'l`orki1_1s, I wish you would save up your money mud buy a. yacht. What for? We .1 red so many things for the-.tuble. And winning; races scams tp bo~sucl1 an easy way to get :~;ilvox' cups and things. ' I --.-._. , . . She: Yes. she's, xx woman who has `.+ml1urcd a. great. deal because 9! her Eheliet. He: .lnl=cd}.. Ayvxd wlmt. is her Jgone ` lio Thkit. arm can 'wc":v.~ `a n`n'.'nn 1' 'An;.`.. ` 4-.- THE PLACE "fro .STOP. why don't you try and get, In It uusau: ' it`) ns-kml the vmnh whn \lIIl|ILl` guinl-rt |cip;_I.1, > their gcw~ whis islx in - 1)o1Nc} ms BEST. ` I -. I{.H.A.. who won' -'.-~-at .H`unna.'s Post, l`.m. .!. and who hu(l| : pm-sat-xiutti()x1 A1131-|'\`hn{ \\'hr-mt ht! @m wwmmmiwa@1J txJnur2!uJIElEJr2InIriIE`IE JE.`JE`JEfE1JL"l9_fFJEiEEI3 ' %.'13"- J- {1 E`: r\ Le:-~ . . 7 ' A E f ` PLUMS. e Plum Je1ly--Secure: soiu1d.plu1n's. wash and wipe dry, then cut (I. slit in each, place in 8. jar and cover. Set the jar in 11` kettle of boiling Water. um|_leL the water boil three, hours or until the juice-is extrxicted.? Str.;iu and measure, 1111u\\'ing one pound of white sugar for every pint of juice. Cook until it. drops from n ` skimmer in several places, when it x if) (lix-nod in Hill] nu! .-an-nin Rn n-um--1 nguuuuur Ill several IHZICCS, dipped in and out again. ful to stir constantly. The nuln cam hn Ixiilivml nu LU .sur con.~:u1uuy. _ I pulp can be utilized for nun`-. mulurle. \\ cigl1 and allow three-3 fourths pound of sug'm' to every ppund of pulp and cook until.ll1ick- or for mm`mula(lc. . Dlnnu lf..mnn1.\.I.. 11'.` n o...'.v.u .....x cl ll)!` nuuuuuuulc. ` Plum Murnmlxule No. 2--Sc:'1l(l and skin-ripe plums, remove the pits and allow one pound of white sugar ' to every pound otpulp. Mix and lot. it, slum! om: hour, then boil togeth- er for 20 minutes. ` 1-.v,_, vu, - - Plum Prcscrve:~.:--Re1no\'c' the stems and wash tl1e_f1`uit.. piercing` ouch one with (L fork. Wcigln -and allow one Ipouml of grunulu.te(I sugar for every} up_oun(l of fruit. Di.~:.<:nlvc the sugar! in :1 little xvntur and stir until -'it.' boils, puur in at few plums at n. time and cook slo\\'l_v, keeping them as! wlmle as possible. Skim out on (1 |p1ul.Le1' and cook more. Continue ;Ll1 i.~*. until all are cooked. drain `off `the syrup and boil until thick, heat the plums m_:uin~ 311111 pour into two [quart glass _i:u'.-=. , . l .. nu-.. n,.4...... -n.'...; I, i\4l -v . , ! ! _,__ ___'._.__u ._r| i Plum Cm,sup--AlloW one pound of :sug.rm' to live pound:-: of plums, four loa1:~:poo11fu1s of cinnamon, two ten- Irapnonfuls of cloves. two teaspoon- Zfuls of pep]`cr, n.'litt.1c salt. Place the plums over the stove in n porce- lain kettle, mash and rub through a. !c0lunde1'. Ilculrn to tha fare, add the asugur and :~:pic(~s, and cook until lthick, then hot.t.'a,- and scan ftightly. Plum (`:\IuI'xn Nu )_,--\\ :\ch. {mn- l|4l||L`l\, Llfll IJUL-Lil.` KIIIU ISUHI .Ll],'ULly. Plum Cntsnp No. '.`..-\\ asl1` four lquurts of dxunson pluums and place ,'in it porcelain kettle with :1 quart of .hot water, couk slowly until ten- "er. then rub th1'ou;:,h :1 Sieve. and return to the kettle after it has `been \\'usl1e1l; add one large `cupful inf sup,'ur. two teuspoonfuls of cinna- mnnn nnn-hnlf 1nnI.'nnnnfnI nf 1-lnvnc SUI hU].',lll . l.\VU LUl|B}|`UUlIll|l U1 L'lHll|l' xnon, onc-hulf tvmsjpnonful of cloves, one tcnspoonful of nllspice. Simmer slmvl_v until thick, then pour into l,mt1.1es and sun]. -' Plum .H`o,v.--1-`o1n' mmrts of mums scultlctl and rubbed` tlwoug.-;h an colan- der. add one pint. of \_'inegxu'. four .tul)les1noonfuls of hI'o\\'n slu,-`ar, one itenspuonful of black pepper, one ton- spamnfnl of cloves, one tou.=:`ponnful`- of salt. Boil slowly one hour, then bottlcund soul. I ' . ' ` Hum 13u1.tor--\Vnsh and cook drun- [son plulns in just cnou;.\;h \vz\tc;j to keep from burning-;. Rub through u`col:1ndcx' all but..tlu.- skins < xindl stones. Measure and allow one` v\:\IIu\1l l\ .-.nn-nu Gnu nI`.\IuIr nnunul nl l\L'L']| ll'Ulll' l1lll'llH|}.',~ l\llU Llllullglll lponnd of s11p,'n1' for every pound of lpulp. Cook over` half an hour_ org until thick. Watclx-uu1'cf1xlly 0 pre- vent burning. 1"}:-lzlnrl - T ln|nc._..,`-\`n1vnn nnnnn nfl VCHL Uul'lllllg'. . _ ` I'iC|(l0(l I Iums---.`.sev0n pounds of plums, three pounds of sugar, one pint of V'ix1og;`nx`. four temepoonfuls of cinn:1.m0n. . two tcm~:poonful.~: of clovi.-.~:. F111 5; stone jar and earthen dish with -.11tL-rnntc 1n_\-`era of fruit and stigulyxviul _spicc and .vinegar between each. Set. this into_n. kettle of boiling water and cook until the plums are tender. Pour into cans and ,jm's. Hal.-nil nllnnu nrn dnHr-I'nuI: hill , vnvv ,[ {NIH , _llU'l'}. } llukcd plums are deljcimlsbilt. very rich. Fill n. stone jar with z1ltc1'n_x1tc layers of fresh damson plums and sugar. cover. and let them bake slowly four or live hot_n's in a mod- crate oven. ` < In these days nearly everyone has a rocker chair or two. They may be almost.` indefinitely preservecl if one will only take the trouble to give them a coat of. linseed oil every spring and follow it, with a. coat of varnish. The oil keeps the rattan soft. and the varnish keeps it from getting. dry and brittle. Then, if the woodwork. should there be any, gets a coat. of paint, once a _vem";'or $40`, the chairs will not only last long but will look well for _\'(`al`S. And `the woman can do the work herself instead of incurring a bill oi s_everal dollars. ` A rug` is like :1. "1'nih'ond stocking" [in the rapidity with whicl1v_it. goes to pieces wlu.-n a. thread or twogcts broken. Most. people think, ".1 Il fix it. to-inorrow," and evenuutlly u- wnkcn to the met that the i`u'g is past. redemption. 'l`he1e is no place wlurrc "u -stitch in Lime saves nine- t.y-ninc" more than in the case of t\. rug that begins to riwcl. I\`l-nr ul\nnl.-l..'4- .. uu\u..`.. .1 .. ...L, unnuv ....,_.,..... .,.. .,..... Why sl1Qul(ln't. n,_. woman do her own work`? asl in one of our magazine.-e, speaking if the wives of clerks, xnecnuniqs, trgulesmen, pen,-Q plu gcncrully-wlm must live on small incomes. 'Why` shouldn t she do her own work and do it well, too? 'I`lmt, :-1 her and` of the land, why not pull lair? \Vh"_v should shcv feel ub- used becaus s"e has her -daily tasks`? Why rcsot. them and shirkv them and epinplain about them}? l1 c1'. - lxusbund has his work, work l1tS'cun t shirk, mic} that. he does cheerfully. On him reposcs the -heaviest part. of the burden, the most .responsibi1it_v--- that 91- earning` (L maintenance. for his family. \\7h'n.f n chnlnn if ii fniv n lvninhn nus luuuxy. , , \\ h'o.'t a shame it is for a. woman to \`v'1stc the material __her husband provklcs,. by turning it over to an incompetent "girl" nr by her own value. _ \\ annnn nlllihf. fl) thmk more Of ignorance depriving `it. of its full` 'viuue. . _ Women ought. to think more thci1`.duties 'to'their husbands and less of their husbands obligations towards them. There would be more Vhxtppiness, lqss discord. more wealth, in many at home if they would. -._-._- r-.|.\.:~.`* mli;m.. Ivy llm ` k-lI.-ir- Hll Z34`! .\' dz|_\ .`~| pnlica: 1. of :L 1'n\VuH l`l'u.~s1_c'.| A woman writing on "Cooking for 'I`hrcshcr:~:," says: The general sup- position: is thut.' U`I|`CSh0lj8 are fond of beans. but they must. get. lleartily sick of them before the close of the season. J3cm1s_aro very hcm't.'y; and 'rcu:s.}u' well {o.dnpt.cd 1.9 the I `q 1-; (D1 _ > . -., ~ 4 .99 FOR 11'o.usi3I 1m;s. l`0O MANY BEANS. ' 11., . `ro\\"n I. nnnnnu .\|\A\ On.-._ w uuu I L 5 Be c:u'c- l ulict. of them fails to be appreciated laitcr a certain length of time. 1! we elTer beans at nil they are limn beans than-ouglily (:onl\'e'd and the liq- uor well seasoned with butter, in which has been dissolved a. table- spoonful of cm-;.- starch. These have never failed to be eaten with avid- ity. Soiiietixiies the white beans may ' be made into succotash with green e or canned corn ;` this dish is a wel- come ehnnge` from baked beans. Rn.-~.n-dinar rnnnie mnn dn nut like llegurding meats, n1en do not like ,_ pork unless, it is fresh. - .' A boiled fresh ham that nray be sliced cold ;for supper. served with n. nice`cat- sup or mustard dressing never fails to please. The best and. cheapest `meat We ever had for threshers \\`-.ts_ a. stew of mutton of our o\vn raising. |Men \_vho' had expressed themselves as unable to eat mutton because of the "\\'oolly lhtvor. passed their |plates for tho third helping.()(-.ca- `i.<:ionall_v when tln'eshers came upon \short. notice we have given them I I I I COIWC cnnngc` IFUIII IJHKCU IJUHIIS. ` of beef that is rather expensive fare and is \\'a1'1neraml harder \vorl_: to cook than a. stew. In all instances, however, the cook has been the first one considered. It is downright. foolish to make frosted _c-akes for threshers. Good plain cake and C()0l\il}S are good enough for anyone. ll some extra. thing,by. Way of 11 . ) = 5 treat is desirable, make :1 freezerful of ice cream or at fruit ice; the trou- ' ble would be less and it would he - appreciated more. We economize in the matter of dishes as much as pos-! sible. _']`here is no use serving the- beef steak, but at the present. price` I i pic on individual plates; if transfer- red from the tin to a white plate and the pieces are well cut.'ap-.1rt.I so as not to bother the one who. helps himself, that is suflieient. _ We do not, believe in serving soups or` I puddings to threshers. who eharac terize them as "slops," and they do: not n-cuiisll the consumer as there is need. Extremes are to be avoided! One may overdo as well as fallvshort. 5. in her cooking operations. Fancy. cooking is as much. out of place at, such a time as an insuflicient quan-' tity. ' _ . _________`__ _ A .'Joy~~and Trexsure When Good} Naturei and Healthy. All ehild1'cn`i11 every home in the} country need at some time or otherj I1. medicine such nsVB:1h_v"s Own Tub-; lets, and this famous remedy has! cured nmhy am serious iliness and! S:1V'(.`(1 many a little life. Moth-rs insist/nlmn huving iL -because it cou- tuins no opiate or lmrmful drugs. It is pm-el_v V'o;:<:lable. sweet. and ple:1s-; ant. to take und pronmt in its elTe:t..`! 1.`.\.- uhnnln fnvnrq 1-nlin, (innstinn-I uni. L0 MIKE unu |Jl'u1u|H. in IL-3 uncut... D For simple jevcrs. c.ulic,_cunsti[u1- ..t'ion, disordc-rod stonmch, dinrrho-`a, irritation u'cc0mpun_ving the cutting: of teeth and il1di;.',`C!~`tiOl). I -:1h_v s Own? `nhluts ui'e' xi cc-1't'uin 'c"urc-. ln`--fact! i_n almost any disorder common to? lclxildim-2'1 these tablets `should "be pqiv-. ,en.ut once um] relief may be mmnpt.-'3' Ely looked for. ' | wt...-nu nhun Hun hnhim; cn-r-nllntll Hy mmuzu nor. Never .give the lmbies so-culled soothing medicines which simply 1':u'L them into an unm1t,u}'n_1 sleep. Tlmsel tablets are sm_:\ll, :_s\\"oct, p1ca~sa.nt to} take and proinptn acting. `llissolv-E ed in ivuter, they will be taken read-; ily, by the smallest, infant. l an-e .ln1in .\f:-Ewan. `ntlmrst. Vil- I fut al I- ` M in- mul \\'n.~'.h- Iou:`a.-, I lift}. lily, by ulqslmlucsn nmuu. I _Mrs. John Mc_Ewan. Bn_Umrst, Vil-i Iago, N.l\.. writes: . " My baby \vns= ulmcsl. constantly` troubled with co1~ ic before 11 gave him Baby's Own Tab- lets, but since giving; them to him he; has not since sulfcred. Every mother i should kep those tablets always nti hand. 1 Ihnu nnc} 0"; nnnia-' n hnv \7nIlv Imnu." . I They cost. 25 cents {I box. You; can nd .thcm at your druggistfs or. 3 if. you do not, f()1'\v:11'l the m0nc_v'l divect to us and \vc-will send the tablets prepaid. The Dr. Willimns'i Medicine 00., Dept. l`., Rrockvillqi Ont. V ` i n._;__.._ An old 1ad_v applied aL ,pn employ- ment. otfice, for {L maid. ' | 1 mm: .~. Hula rrh-l."hnt\\'N-n inn` menu omce, 101` {L luulu. ` 1 _wm1t. xx little p;i1'l.-`between ten years and fo\1;'teen _vc:u's of age -who is fond of x_nush1*ooms'.", ,- 1;-.....I Ar nnvchl-I\nl`r'| 1-nm.-ufml tlmi is loud 0! x_nusu1`umus. .; . u 1-and or nlushrooxns.-? tjepe-.1tc(l thci employment. agent. Tylmt. is_ someml thing` I ncvr inquired about of up-: plicuntsf I don't. uxyiierstmld. I wnn. T nlwnvs- reimire it. remied: 'pl1cun[S. J uon L 1uyuurm,uuu. . Well, I always require it, replied! the old lmly. I gun very fond. OH mushrooms myscl.f, and there -.u'c Sp` many nmismkcs-" made` The idea`. icmne to me sexfeml yours ago, and` it. was a of Providence tlmt it did, or 1' would have been killed. I lmxgje my maid "eat 11. por- tion of all 1 ush1'ooms brought; to the house b.fore any are se1'vc_2(1 10 me. `I hmia lost. two 'excc~.llent. maids from toudst0ols.clu1'ing the past. ve years, and, ol`- course; 1 could not. think of t_,ul the clmnces of ear.- ing mushrooms unless I have at maid to test them . ' v 4. ' A ;._~,'er.'.lmnun hug! . iV`e daughters, thei .l'u'sL of \vl1on1 1nm'rie(1 M1`. Poor, the.` second Mr. Little, the third. Mr. -` Short. the fourth M1'.`Brown, and.` the 'I`|fth Mr. Hogg. At. the wed-| `ding; of the latter her sisters, with 2` their husbands, were there. and the; old gcnuemuu said to the guests :{ I have taken pains to educate my` '_duughLe_rs that they might. act. `well! their part in life and do honor 1.6] my -family. I (ind that all my pains, ' cares and expcct:1`t.im1s luwc come atl last. to nothing but xx Poor, Little, Short, Brown, Hogg." (L Vntis do nmdder, Izzy. I am in great troubles. Ve soldt a. man a. set. of teeth mit a gold plate at four dollars down und two` a_ veek. Und he hasn't. made the sec- ond paymont. . - Vv dnnw. vou take de teeth away onupaylnonc. Vy don't you take away from him '2 V0 can __t.p He's got lockjaw. _____Y _ Grxuidinm Now, Willie, what. are` they going to do with you when you grow up? What is your ambition ? Little, Willie v(putt.lng' down his ' Ddmlwood Dick ) I'd like to have people tremble_ like aspen leaves nt_ the very mentioiyof my name. V I |I Alt strii hm. ho .- ukl) no lira` Isozonnmrm.%1asr:: 2-56} .m..........~'~ - ~.. *:_.a...aL..:..__._`.._;.....nns.u.......< -* *4 A NEW QUAL1F.lC ATJON. EVERYONE W AS _II1f\I`I`Y. BABY T A DISTRESSINC: CA SE. IN THE HOME. mm _BARRIE_ ExAL111v1:iz, THURSDAY, SEPT. 19. 190., Suzqdont Liquid 25c Lairge Liqurd and Pun der 75 All I slows or by mail lo : :11: price. Sample Iur postage 3-,, ' HA1 I . P: D'Hl"l(l`I uunuau-no... ` HUWSUME MEN PRUPDSi!.| Tooth jowder #0 (mly II III`.

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