handing over ll. cactus. V71 .- _ CHAPTER man crossed the hull of Arnglin, and - looked somewhat vaguely round mm_ ,aiud then hesitated as if in doubt. as how to proceed. It. was late to arrive anywhere. and of course there was no one to wel-i come him,` or put him au fuit with .10 his surroundings. Alle wandered ra- theriuimlcssly through the salon on his left, `mid, avoiding the lmll-room which wns,1uunistnku.ble because of the liddling, went for (1. quiet little nook of xi plnce__ that 1 l appeared to 1 him to be empty of everything hu- man. tmdu prey only to_flo\vers and o. dripping fountain. 1t. was badly lit, uud he was quite into it before he discovered that immunity after all I had (1. place there-~-o. humanity re- mote from himself. - A slender form clothed in lace was _ = l`he mnor-. ous plant had seized her dainty robe` and was holding it fast in spite of all the ownex's- ellorts to release it. 0'Grady went f'.)l`\V'zu'(], und uddres- sed himself to her. my-5-..`, ,__ 1- ,u 1,, ;kind, or more replete with gentle Midnight had struck when it young .d1srnty- have no doubt she will You were sziyiiig-"' she began, "I was suying'h_ow I had "omitted prese'nt. myself to mylliostess." replied he, gayly: An omission I appreciate. Poor woman, I expect it was It kind- ness to relieve her'of so much of her duty." . , "You think, said she, looking downwards nththe fun she was idly ` swaying to and fro. "thut; Lady V;u'- ` ley is one who would willingly evade! tt duty?" . `'I am not thinking of her at all," declared he, laughing. Why shouldl 1? Strangers we nre, strangers W0: shall probalgly remain. She knows` as little of me as I do of her. "As little, indeed. said she slow- ly. _"l.lut let me tell you--- Ah! if you men`. friend of hers," exclaimed he; rising too, and speak-_ ing with a sudden accession of ear-i nestness. "tell her from me. tliat, Mr. Young\\`cd---Do ,y'on mean to isay you are'2A _veau's old t.o-day`? iwhy, you told me six months ago, -just before the \vL-dding. that. you m.-re only 2]. . ` ! 1n.... \7...........-...l,,,,\7.m 1 I-...\u~~ hut . '\\'(.'l'l.' UI|I_V .JJ. ' Mrs. Young\ved~-Ycs, I Lumv: my dean`, I've aged so rapidly we were married. L .._______ I.\JLV`J'JlJ L . I found an hnest man one time, u\7.`... . out-n 'n"..o"l-.":}'l " 1' o .-incl 1 Iounu nu u_o_m::.L`1uau uul: mu-II: You mjc 1::_t]1,'i_i`,I," 1 cried, when 1,. had caught }him in the s 27: n.I:.~:.n-a:..h;.|.z_~|'.R`..'in nn1 ind- __.4.......` .___.._..._ TIIE LIGIIT S IN 'l`HI~3 SKIES. Over our sorrow Aurl nunu nIII' 1:3 UVCI` our rsurru \v And over our sighs Ever this message: The light/s in the skies ! "- Joy will be blooming Where hope mints and dies; Ever and ever--; ` lIY`I`l.n Huh! c in flan cbhmc I vor anu cvcr--_- "The lights in `.1 the skies ! " .___.:v HONtEST. I his volcoito (L comggenutu wuu. "kn`owing nothing` of-`my hostess, I had no `great. desirp 1.0 get. here at _I1l1, but. 1~`catl1crstou was imperative; and riow that I am here." with 0, lingering glance at her. "I am` more nag mmnnninn hluslmd vxvidlv. and Em KING AS An emaa. Speaks. With Distinct Enunciation And Without Any Hesi- tancy. ` l`]1crc are fc-W speakers," S-..i the lute Mr. (llzulstmic, Whom I listen to with more pleasure than the Prince of \\`nl2.-. His spec-lies are ir.vuriul_)ly m:*.rvrlu of (zomsiscness, graceful c.\`pr-s. :m. clear t.-locu- tion" : and Mr. }.`he,-lps, the late All2'.'l`ll.'iIll ` Annhussndur at London. himself ":1 man of silver uinguc," (le- clnrcd in the '\\'ritcr's hearing that. there was probably only one better after-dinner spcmkcr in -F.ngl:1nd. if indc_~c(l.' Lord Roscbcry xvas the Prince's superior. ' King I-Edward VII. has been endow- d-with that prime requisite-.of a public Sp(`ul\'L`1'. :1. clear and hc-zuitihll voice, \'.= hi'ch cmn make itself ht,-nrcl xvithout appurcnt eI`1'o1't in the lznrgcst, hall. This voice is lurgt.-l_v nz1l.\n'al. as :Lir\'<)11c who can recall his ur:1tnr- icnl en'ort's of forty _vc-ars or so :.;,rn will admit; but it. is also p:u'L'1y the result, of a long training in eluvzutimi by one of its host masters. but,`- I snow. nu-.n.\,. .1. uy unc un um In the early years of manhm.-d the King _ha1te(l no part. of his pin` lic duties so much as the necessity of making public :;peeche.'~:, but he n.-zxrly determined that "as he had to speak he would, at. any rate, make sure of being 110111`-I"; and under the g.,'ui(I:mce of his fz\l.l1ex'-himself :1 t1'aiw.-(l mid e(Tect.ive speakt.-1'-und under an L'lu(:ll- tion nmstexi. he rapidly acquired that. clearness _o` enilimiatimi which Iiinkr.-.*-; his speeches so V . ` PLEASANT TO LISTEN T0. In those days he used to prmstice so :ussiduous]_v Hint if he ever could not be found it was ai\v:L_vs concluded by his brothers and sisters that un,...:,. ma u...mmluu-n 1:.:n-ninrr 1.0 Dy ms Ul'OI.llCl'S unu wan.-..s ..u.... "Bertie was sr)me\vlIcrc 1v.'u`nim2; to _spou1.": :md.stori.-s are [old uf how he would try his prcnlicc oratory un his young brot.l1o1's. planting them at dicrcnt angrcs amt! (list-.mc,-:<. and practising until :_-mzh one he-.n'l'(;-very word. -r.. mm`... .....-1..- .1-,u.- Hm 1 :-`um-n was woru. "In those eur1_v du_V.< the Primer: was obviously and pairnfully nm'vmx:~::' and .cven to-day. although long familiar- ity has 1m)dm':1ted his t1'(.-lnurs um! he has better learnt. the art of cnnco: 1- ing his sensations he has C011f4:.\'f~:(12 "1 nlwnvs lmvc :1, bad num'tIrr of am L. - . t In his int'-.1nr.',_v':1.s :\ spczzign speeches were c:1rcfull_v pm-p:u~.:ul_, ied out, and colmnittcdtn me,-1 1!0n one memorable oc('u.-`inn '.1 rince had forgotten tn- ml; "rn1:musc1'ipt. and nItImu_L,-`I1 ha,` `_.1'e1'er1'e(l to the copy ox` u . iknoxvledgc vthnt. in this case 1` ; nut. :wai1:1b1e for c1nm'g`oncic.< _ ' so U:~.'-:~:1-:m'1:n um ,,_x . 1,. C ing his sensauons. N) has (:Un|I.'.\.\-:u. "1 always have :1, (;um'tu.-r ilmur before I make a speech in pub- ulic. and there nrca tinms wlmn 1 \vould fgive much to s-lip'quiotly ;-.\\':xy." l And yet. to all >npp.-awnnco. the !Kin.;,' as he chats gcnially with um: - and another, or listens with n .' to an address. _is the most sclf~]-:e- scsscrl man present; but u clusc nI,-- 'scrvr will detqct, cr:rt:\in nex-\nu~: .5n1u\"ements--the furtivo stroking; nf illlis moustache, fthe t0_\7ix~.g with his .-`\vat(':lx-chaiu, his hat, or : _:pr0\'c that after nll the King is h.:- 'm:m and has nerves. l . .. . `mexmngv and. mm-c ..v -.-.....-- that his memory comph,-tcl_v fr him, and he had for once in 1 to improxnptu (:n nrt:;. I-`urum:-. he succeeded so wen th:-.L ha: \\'u.~ courugetl to trust less in future A to inspirzn with the hnppic-at results _\'mv :-neeclzes are only tfpml in onlli.` Hnlil.-n hie nnnlarrwf thn (}(-rinzvn Smallpox Record of New York Qity for July. The Ontzlrin I-Teulth `l|cp:u`lnr;)aL mm the ne\V$}pnp4,-;:;< of Ontawio mm,- bceu criticized fur x-upurtim; uml }vn].- lishing` every case of sun:-.l]po.\' in Ha pruvince. 11. is held by Llxuw o:l'X'.iL.*: `that. this course ta-n<`:s U) L13:-[V .x\\';:_V t0urist_s mul l;u.' nu-1;. aim ;,:x'.. the improssimr Llmt the cuumry xs (1a1'ngc1`ously full of Snl:\H[m:\', \\'l;;n. as :1 matter of fact. lhcrcr m:~._v mt be half as numy cases as in u.-ir own State. the auxtlmriti--s of M ich pilrsue the pl-.m of kcepizxg` ll.ix,Ljs` quiet. - 'l`hn nn\\`(`-1' Dr. lh-vac. S(:L'\`L'H`.I`_\' 1,0 lingering glance at uer. `'1 am mow His companion blushed vxvidly, an expression he {oiled to under- stand widened her eyes. Was it sur- prise, perplcxity? And it so, why? "Vnn nnnsin lives M. the Grange. 'l`he answer Dr. Iii-you- .<.-crux:-.1;\' the Provincial Health lionrd. iliuiu`-` to this is that full publicity is me best quarantine. and he urgt-,< the health authorities of e\'er_v im-.x.ir.i- polity to hum. d(i\\'n the di!~'L`:\..'~(,` with the utmost euerg_v. in order to tlmr 9 themselves of the odium oi having smallpox in the district. J] That the plan of hushing up 1.1-\v.~: '1 0 is .~:ho\vn in the `of smallpox cases does not hit`. out ,thc disease, or make it less \ir-.d~r.t. mont.hi_v .~1;;i--_-:.--Lt for July of deaths in .\`\\' \m'k State. This report slioxvs Him in this one month in the city mi` .\'\v York-proper there were S0 h';1tlIb' Irom s1nalipox,` including the In- roughs of Brooklyn. Mauilmttzm, and the Bronx, 160 deutlis. In Ontario there were abuux TOD cxtsesz of sinallpox, all told. from January 1 to July 1, which :u\`cI`*` the period of the outbreak, and ('5 those not more than one per whi- were fatal. There are now I('>.\' Hm a. dozen cases left, and it is liupvcl 5 11. very short time to have the W0` - vince clear of the disea:-.... .~.:'-__.`;.._ FINE AFTK3 DINNER SPEAKER. - EIGHTY DEATHS . OI 1a(:L. u'.t:n_- ]Ili|_v mu as their '1 1l.x.gs oxnpln-tcly fui'.ml or 1ru~L ts. X"m'L\1n:-.1:-Py L tlult. \\';lH -1.- css tn inspirutiun. 't_:suILs .\ mv hi-: vpml m:LIir.u,-. " the (icrmavu I-3:.-.- Ludiou. ;;\`m:'.~ n.tm'_v, :~':-nLinu;nr. turu. ' `I10 .~p<.`u..:= nct mmn inn 91` xmlt. :m__V su:~p1- .m..h ...~.n..~.m- h;-- ff lhvemlnn Is p tlona nrlcu y m sent free. 01414 lmtonu luk4 taken In rptrial Mute, wnhu QASAAAGXCS VWIVIVVIIIV A handsomely Hluntr nallon of any M.-Ion vent: I-)\}r1-2 gnu. U DPISO, perplcxltyv .f\!l(l ll 50, \\u_yr "Your cousin lives at Grange. I think," she said at last. ' ...v , u,_. 4... `.1... nmm..nu') T ionr: fmI|'1I'.nnHH. H. ; mum & Ila.-W . ,Bl'|nch C.`Y.":.~. HTS F 2' TU l';\ I . IN(.'Ul\l 1'2, A I-u'm:~ n L\I W Dcntls Vlaltn Cgokstcwn 1 (Ti. n I!` u I! ...' WESTERN xx in 3.~"H2lr l.\' '.\l. A~.\l' :\(.'( I7.\|lTI.,\'l'| 1'! gunrny. nun mud urnrr: '1!!!-II`-/.;n Wellington Hotel. STA Nolk: an l`uro::lo. 0Iv.'r.~'~ I In 3.:-(Em `about it too", that enhanceo rather _ than detracted from its charm. . globe, only to return to his starting .1 IJIIIIK, mu: Muu no luau. "Yes. You know him perhaps? I have been in Egypt for the past year or more, and on my return to Eng- land was quite glad to receive an in- vitation from him to my native shore. It seemed. to, me-- sick of arid plu.ins-an excellent thing to come down here and thoroughly vegetate for a bit. I am Irish of course, my name is guarantee for that, but I had not seen the dis- tressful country for many a year. It has left itself open to comment. be- yond doubt-to abuse, perhaps; but," with an irrepressible glance at her. "It certainly has its compensa- tions. ' . - ` Again V that curious look itted across her lace. "Truly it is an unhappy land," she said. Her tone was colder this time,. and she regarded him with what might be almost termed dis- trust. This distressed him, though he hardly then understood why, or what it `was that had beiallen him; he only felt that hecould not remove his eyes from the face before him. its calmness. its purity, the extreme beauty of its gentleness, touched. his very soul. And there was a` sadness than glad I came." He was astonislied at his admiration, but not displeased; yet it did occur to him as strange that he should have travelled over half the known one wonian at choose to Jay point to find the whose feet he would his heart. . 7 All this: uvnc: vnlin tn hill). S~VCtI B ` I . f~1nl-` ) Jrrt` )ll\\ w:vh- -~n I Scieniiiic A \~.n-dtnmnlv Hln-O 1-.1: Auv ; f(>l7'.\"I \' 'r41:::2 I, ll 1` ('14.: I l'...~.. Inca:-pox AssunAnc1 donwl HIS lll.`lll'L. All this was vague to him nsvyct`; but still he. knew--vngucly, too, in- clcetl-thut. his fate was sitting them near him, grave, and (1. little cold, perhaps, but only us he would have her. Who was she--this calm, still girl? * "Vnn nrn rmt dnllclll." she Said }:;*.`. -"W", '1 A Lzienux. "rn_A'rH' `Llw. I4 E,- ..H.~v.nk I II` I\ lnsnrzul AH F..\"l| V`-_0]1' gu-1? \ "You are not dancing," she said` wosexxtly; you say you came late, I and perhaps---' ~ "Sn nlmurdlv late. that it is of no _ me at. nu." - At. this she started, and looked to- Wm'(lS him as it to speak, when` some one -passing by her, laid a hand lightly on her shoulder. It was 0. large, distinguished-looking womrm, at the generous side 01 forty. "Vnn hm-o. Yolmade?" exclaimed at the generous sun: on nu:-u_y. "You here, Yolnnde?" she, smiling. "You are n. wrnitl1-a. veriuible spirit. 1 was positiv I saw you in the supper room a. mo- ment. since. and yet, now--" "I7nIvhnn vol) ((11 tn-nmht Inni uncut. since. mm yet, um -- "Perlmps you did; to-night lam ubiquitous? .']`l1c new-comer laugh- ed and went on, but 0 G}'udy hardly noticed her departure, VnInn1ln' nmv Hm nnme suited _not.iccd her (Icpmmuro. Yolnnde! How the. name united her! Surely it was made for the pale, statuesque creature beside him; could any other-so well bet the clear, soft eyes. the open hr;-3;; the pure. sweet. lips? Yolanda! - high-born chuielaine of o1t.1e;1;;;i_ia")"?x`.;. , coujd have showed .n .ho.ught_.i3r in-'0'-' ma. v. sp:ra.ue1' s{ni}e.: a; gun} , anu per-nnps----" "So absurdly late, that use, I imnglne,_ to think of partners. . Unless. indeed-of course, I lmow no one. I did not even` present myself to Lady Vnrley-V-u rudeness, 'ccrt.uin- 'ly,_but one I_do.ro say she will opu- doue, when she" knows at wlmt "an unearthly hour I put..in an appear- ` nncc--tlmt is, indeed, if she hours of at all." ' - in thin clan ctnvharl, nnd lnnlmrl tn- ___---r- . *` Red Witch %; \ 4 \ 1 \AlA\llA\ll Au/Axu;\u;\A/A!uAu.(A1IA:MAXAM(A she said; looked at nwlu\'m'd, .-:1-v:t\ `lain HU\V CU l'l'UUUUll. 3 snyihghow to "replied apprec'mtc.; kind-i 'ness her; duty." ` "Vnn {him}: cnhl nhn 'lnnL'in0`l I unue, ulucuu. mun aux; muuv you---" ` "Ah! friend too, speak- 5 ear-g. ucstness, that`: though I have not had the pleasure`: of being made known to her, that.` when I `had only been half an hour in! her house, I knew a greater happi-I uess than 1 had ever nerore `exper-, ienced." ` - ."Sir. said she very gently. "1 am T adv vnI'lnv| ' greatest dimculty of his life was ex-` ' that attxfnctcd him to an ext.mordin- . v my degree. - Med about five miles ` Mr. Strange did not discover some . N It. was about this time that thol periencea by Mr. Strongc. ~ This was to keep uwuy"fro1n the,Cottage, sis Miss ]\IcGillieuddy s very unpreten- tious residence was called. There was something` in it--literally in R-4 His `own place, Inchirone, was situ- from it; . yet: _ c was scarcely a morning Uliltl 1 here ! special business that led him [Just the d nxodestgute behind which dwelt Con- stantia. . L " '1`o-day--having nbsexmted` himself, 1 with a courage that wixs `Spnrtan,'=; from The Cottage for nine du_vs-he'1 felt; he might can there without be-3 - ing regarded with coldness. or snulm` bed as n 100 persistent visitor. "It/C was. xx ne Mny afternoon. and as he walked up the steps and knocked at! UK: hull-`door. the extreme beauty of 1` Ilnn nnfnI'n'u` infn E Iunnu . Chm. l:l\hL`l\I\ ~ Du`, Lady V Vic n1\ll'uUUl'. {He U-`LFCIIIU `|JL'l|.|lLy U! l "' the hour,- the season _ente1'c'Ll into . 59 him. The door was opened pre-i`h sently by thedeinure Minnie, \Vl10.!S wore, besides a jubilant air--tlmt. sut:l" very much at home :upon her prettyllil 1'ace-n. new `mid remzu-lmbly sm-.1`rt.,it cap. It was tri1_nme with cherry`"' j colored ribbons. and was of 0. most `"1 almornnlly small size. ' W `fl\Iiss McGillicuddy is not in sir,"`=>11`l she said in nnswer_ to his qucstion.;8hf "She is ol`i to Dubling, but Illiss Con- ` `VII nie and Miss N_or`ah s at. home. Co1nc_b`" in, sir; they rm the young gintlemen SUI is in the `garden up to some gmne. or! 1 another. They'll be raal plazed to Wu i see ye, {or there hasn't been a sowl he near the place all the mornin' " `etc Qh-nnrm wont into the 1-zhnbbv little lea the place an um morrun - Strange went into the shabby dmwing-room to wait. for Constan- | xsuxu Bl ' Van-levy! ` nu. allnnouluao ,\.u uvn. "Pcrlm,ps I can not you fxjee, he said. Let. me at least try. -A cuc- tus is such a. hurtful thing. and you are wounding,` your ugex's.! "I! vmx think vnn mam. shn said: CHAPTER VII; Constantia. "Em my mm: mam.` ' I 001: apt`-rito. txcome let an all n - nite._ T sing our country's praise; For God, a.nd.homo.un! . \ ". . V, I _M I right. Our w *7 -v-"'7 othe brave Aug " ,With,hev.rt and voice,We now re-joioo. To ','.` I ._.- 4,1,. ,. .. -8 Fromseatousourlsna "`* Fktnnn Imr vnnIu1nmAi* MIC SCGIIOS IIIDIIIIIO IJIG grnuu ~ A We sing this glad retrain :-Ono, We'll wolbomo with 3 cheer, . ` wm? uu$3x"axnn z+'cu~ I l.`l'D!l1 583 `W I3 OE!` III! Extends her vast-domain". Mid scenes sublime and grand n We nimzthin ulad rel:-ain:-O: bbvoi-c (Ill: \VUl|ll!Jll|[-f yUlll' JIIIRUFB "I! you think you can, she lifted her head and him. "I hgvc been vow-_v ]_)ut.._._." an... ...........u .....a nvn.....1. iDEAR,CANADA:`~TO,THEE.. -V - Boys. ' .. ! - . ."~ tulse;-7 Dear Ca.n. - 81- (In, to thee Hom g ' 'n`.i'5r"r XII, 1.ia,_Ieeling a_lnzAo,st/a.s glad axsvminnici herself that Miss McGilIicuddy was in Dublin. That meant absence from The Cottage for a day or two at all events. perhaps for ix. week. Would it be possible for him to call at her house .duriug her absence, with. say, an'osten:sible message for the boys? To be able to call upon her (she had I-`.:.I-n -> ."hn- huh n lnnn` tin-an nn\v\_ U UU l.Ull.' (.0 can U[JUl1 HUI` `aux; lluu been hlr for a long time now), even for a. moment. or two, every day for a week; to be able to see her oncc in every t\venl.y-four hours. It, seemed Loo good to be true. was so wrapped up in his blissful dreaming, that it was with a quick start. he turned from the open win- dow neur which he was standing. and which was only -.\. foot from. the l He, : ground `outside, as the door of the- ` dr-mving-room was `gopcn. Ilc glanced towards it. expec- `{l. untly, and than gone--dasl1cd past him. cleared the .lwindo\v sill, and was gone like at ,`l1laLsl1 of lightning round the corner. H. wax in litllr-. vinr mxm with [lung violcnuy somcLhing-some- l: I 1 1 1111.511 01 11g'11|.11|I1g 17011110 1110 CO1'1lL'l'. silken hair st1'c1(n1ihg` wildly in the wind. It was Norah; her cyps`bluz- ing with excitenleixt, um} evidently in mud fear to judge by the rapidity; with (vhich she ran. She had liter- Ially own past. him! "Oh!_ `M1-.3 Strange," she had gasped, and that.` was all. In u1oLhcx' instant she wa\s' `out of sight. A~..:.. 1|... .1..- unnn lY\I'r\\\1I\ Ivfn It was at litqc ying gure with`: Ullh UK 51511. Again the door \_vns thrown wide, and in rushed the rest. of the McGiK-. ilicuddys en musse. First. the colic- `gian, than Constantia, then the two `younger boys. They all nmde for the `window; they all went, through it; all vsavc Const.-.uxLiu. ' Qhn n.~.ua_-nyl nn'Hu nnn `fnnf nn ihn 3', life. I l Follow me; .1 kmxv 11. short cut. :|'Wc'll catch Lhm up this way, 1vunt.- ` t ' ccl C'm1stm1tiu. 110 followed wildly in (.`~onst:u1t.ia's 5 . footsteps and foiuid hin1sclf_prc$cntvly ,1: in the _m'cluu*(l, toiling at brcaluiecl; olspccd up xx still little hill, which, ,.'jtl1ough short. \\`ns steep. ]\Ir. nfstrongc went l_)l-zwcly up it. though 1,` panting and. pulng in n_r:\'1l1e1' yl'alm'1ning (legltcc; -but Constantin took .. I u. like n. x"mum:' dce"r. ' At the top ot_ I sill to cxfy uonst.-.uu.m. . She.pnused with _one foot. o_n the aloud to him in a. breath- less way. ' ` _ ! "Come .011. Come on. .S,lxe'l1 be round the corner, and if she once gets t_o the wood we'll never catch her. There never was 9. have like Nomh.4 ' nnum hr-n\.-n7 unnn., Rirnntrn. A Norun. 4_ . _ _.])u.\vn broke` upon Stronge. A . luu'e`L` Hare and hounds,-of L-on1'$e!`.~: All this extmordinary ex'cite1nent. \ then, was about nothing greater thaw apgame-a simple game-mx old game. He relneiubcwzd it. well. The very- sound of it brought back his youth- ful hours. It was absurd: but as this picture grew before his me`nt.z\l eye, his heart. begun to beat. vigor- iously. Could he full in and hunt. the ;flying- Norah? Should _l1e--hc. with 'his yours, his sizc`2,.'-It would be un- ' dignied, of course. and yet.-- `I 1.. ......\l\...- an.-nut Im hut] mu-Inur uuL--- She paused, and 0 (}md,v. stooping over her strove '1'1.l1 the prickly luut: for nm.s;t.er_`v. Eventually he gained. She stood released. and gave him as his reward `a Lovely. smile. It pnrtc,-(I her lips and shone in her_ lustrous eyes. arr ...-. :...I.....a :...l..k|..,l 4.-. " unn ,"mm'1nu1g (gegycc; '_UuL \A)u:|.uu\.nu. Wm. it like a iloilixg" ,:it. they overtook the`oLhers.~s1;ill in 5 full cry. 'and_ rushed with-.thcm through xx wooden gateway into a. ' zsmull wood beyond, made sweet \viLh= ,!,sha(lo\':s and cool winds, and in all Jways desirable as. :1 retreat. from they 9 burning rn_vs of the young spring .. cnn unsnu-u.u, un yuu,-nu. ....`.. J-.. In another instant. he had sprung; infter her through the low window, iund was running. as` if for his very into. x 1'`nHn\u mm 1 knmv 11. short sun. _ ! Dubif Mr. Strange inmgincd he was to 1:0 n1!o\v_ed to breathe hl.".Cg was much mistaken. `At. this in- st'ant; a wild slmut arose from the leading Mcuillicuddy boy. He ~ pointed `nuticully with his 1mnd,; {NATIONAL ANTHEM. `CHORUS. ' 01 s. "-T1'r':?1":-;fl: ,BARRIE EXAMINER. THURSDAY.` SEPT. "T"1.`etj";`:u*-xii-ie".`wooa'".`i:a we `or Ila-ooho.this our song; :, Our" son: Ihsll novor'yio|.*' wt... 1-Inhtn u. um. Ounomuhsll novol"y|`d.L' - Whatrightatqthnn L 'v'.. `Qu'-`v`~._s .ur- .-uh - '.~: "Si" ' ' \n.'....t.a...m. inn; 1'... l_.L\-.- wnau IT. ' Io: tinnlgt '70:" till. ~"-?!9`39' {and there, far away, at, the very end of the long eld thut.___ stretches to their. left, a..f1-agile little creature in .. ..:.,...+ man. frank and with xzoldenl _ I g The;...` % %:T :,]',`,__ ;; . _ ' . - `- oom ' pm wash i 9: K- 4 tl1eir.left,, 8.fl'l1g`il.C ntue crezuuru mg; a. short. white frock and golden E oating Lresses . can be seen, still in l good wind apparently, and making for xx gap tlx-at will give her a. chance 1 of doubling on her pursuers. 4 A still` elnbanlunent, boumletl this : eld, with :1. heavy fall on the other 1 side of il.-a. treacherous fall. as it. -was impossible to juclge-it from the` ; wooded side. To the Mcllillicuddys > it was evidently an olil friend, as they all made for it in :1 body, clear- ing it like so m-.m_v birds, and were` ' scouring away down the llcld before! you could say " "Jack Robinson. =lNot so Mr. Strongc! Essuying to %-emulate them he found his wings '. were `clipped by time, and, xnissing` his mark, cmlght his foot. in a. mali- ..:.....= nu nr hinrlwnnrl_ V and rolled I. -,self in his glee, and was so far car- - ried on by his delicious enthusiasm _ caught his IOOL in a. l.uu.u' u cious bit of binclweed, and s comfortably on his face and hands. ' _ Not hurt, however! He was up h {again in an instant, _ satisfied him-4 1 self that Constantia. had not been 8.` witness of his downfall, and was pre--1 sently tearing along again at 0. rip- c ping pace`. lle scouted the notion ;that he was considerably out of "bl'C`&l1.l1. and, indeed, put on such a - ifresh and gallant spurt that in ill lminute he had caught up Jimmy and actually passed him--passed a. lad of C 2 1 rah! 'l`a.llyhol he shouted to him- I 1 l u that presently he passed the other 2 boy, and came up with George and l Constantia, who had circumvented 3 were pursuing with hands outstretch- - ed to grasp, so near was their prey. the wretched little hare, and now twelve! "10 triuniphe! Viva! Hur-\ ', They were on the _outskirts of a rabbit warren by this time and it was easy to see that Norah's race was run. George made a plunge for- ward and caught. -her by the arm, in doing so he got; his foot into a. bur- row,.an(l over he and she went. Con- .`-`stuntia. trinpeti, too, and so did Strange, in his eagerness to seize the in the rear followed suit, catching - their feet. in a hole likewise; and in- \ I t m luckless quarry. 'I`he two small boys V L. deed over they all went. 'l`hnv wm-n nn their feet. llilill in (ICCCI O\ L:l` Lucy uu \Vl.'Hb- They were on their feet again an instant, the captured Norah their midst. .--n..o hnl um!" 1-nnl-nd `Mr, Strnn: then` nnusn. ' - "Ha! ha! ha!" ro:u'cd Mr. Strongc Still Lull of the glad excitement that had held him all through this Ine- mornblc pursuit. _ "mu ha! ha!" Immrhml C0nstanLi:\. JIIOYIIDIO DUI` "Ha! ha! ha!" laughed in concert, SUIL. George joining in. Consiam Lia The two `younger boys fairly chuckled in their joy: and even the poor hare, dead beat as she was, gmfc way to_ wild merriment in gasps and sighs. It was mean! pnntccl she at last. pointing` Strange. the nger of scorn tit Mr. The child,\v:1s,so thin that her iiugcn" was like :1 claw, but thcrcl was a \\'m`l(1 of meaning in it: and! when one is plnyszicully exhausted, ac- ` tion costs less t_.han speech. "1_Iox_'ri- To press a "stranger in_t.o1 my menu! the hunt! 0112". \Vonls failed her. "A st.ramger,VI\1iss Nom.I1! that?" always Lo~ be Am I dcm-.1 ndcd Strougc rop1'oa_ch[u!ly. \T.\.... 1. non: ..n.1 .. uul unnnzl hnv !I1"n1 Music bjy J. I-`. JOHNSTONE.` ..,.......5.; .\,,,....._.. `. ` Norah grinned, and slipped her: wi_Lhiu his. rv - , u 1, ,3 u..,__ v....__\ f Constmntia. all the time. slmrplyg and heart. I "l\:n .-n uni ncarn. I "This running is :1. terrible thing, said she, when one is growing old. Such (1. pain as I_ have llercl It, is a. lesson to me; I shall run .110 more. -`They all gave way to mirth again at 11 -u- ' -7' ` sing iapra.iso_ thee! In uI.'|_ l.|lDI4l uun v_yI..-1. "I am indeed indebted to you," she said courteously. She regu1'd_ed him very thoughtfully for, a few mo- ments. v"I do not think 1 saw you be- loro t.his,cvcning," she rc1n:u'kcd at lxszt, in a gentle. gracious tone. n'(h-mlv nmilmi. It wm; surelv ~11 . wuo nuu m:(!n muguuu.-, . now drew her breath laid her hand upon her; I who had been laughing"! nnw :h`n\\`I hm` hr:-nflx. this, `Being still 'uns.musnd with laughter; and Constantin. still with In-r hnnd nnon her heart. looked at. making. 111 ms heart.--u pam: An eternal one, he said quickly, giving himself no time for thought. Indeed, he spoke in a moment of im- pulse--:m impulse that red his eyes and made hi1n young'e1'. so long as it lasted, 1,h`i1u even the chance race had ` xnagle him. Cdnstuntia must have seen some- I present. 3 Aunt. Bridget. is gone to Dublin. }` Didn't you hem`. Didn't. Minnie tcllii you? when the cat. s away you-2 know, the mice may play. We are`. going to pIu_v--\vc are going to give a. part,y. -She broke into gay|4 ]u12gl1tr'31' at the very extravagance of ` the thought. ` ` George laughed "too. Norah's molehills, he sa.id. ' : "Donna Dundus is coming to after - , noon tea on Thursday, and thut s hnv nnl-fu " 1, IIUUII LU- hcr party." ' V0: if ix her party." |}I Yes, it is Donna," said Nor:11,lu hooking herself on to Mr. Stronge slc `mun and smiling up at him- "\Ve'reln a little" troubled, of course, because? we don't quite know what, to giveir her, or what she would like, she lmsh lived so long ubro-.1t." 11 "Garlic, said George. H; l "1\ onsense'! interrupted` constan- ; n ` tin. who \'us' now very red. She (lid lg llnot. mean to invite Mr. Strange to ll {meet Doimn, and it, seemed so dread-ix . `fully inhospitable to be discussing`;; . the little insignilicant a.'nir \vit_hE] .,him, when he was` not to be one `of gthe party. -Altogether, this after- _=noon in~' perspective has proved a K 1 [jsource of much annoyance. Donn:1l( lifm` one thing had_ invited herself`. H I partly witli :1; mischievous . ilonging to do what i\liss'M-.(}illicud-H l3?}L2113"}fiai?i{3ln"foil3"? .J7f{'v' 3 iifor other: retasonls . "fo eiitertalin lien! ` gprorerly was causing lonstanti-.i ";man_v troubled moments; `t.l\(`._1'esour-`V , ice? of 'l`he C_otta\ge'licing annteih E H muuuml rnnin n '~. rv:Il(`l`1d0llS 5 1 *cc.<' ()1 "Inc L;_ou.z\gc uc1u:._- annual.` { It seemed quite a 'u'cmcndous ` unzlcrtzyking for Constantin, this sim- ple cup of tea, so um1.ccu.$mn1cd was xshc to receive "any guest, within the Qwulls of The Cottage. She would [have liked to ask :1 good mamy peo- ple, of cont-se:'Mr. Strange, for ex- zunplc. nnd-anLl Stzmdish I-`cuthex'- stmi, but her courage tailed hcr.'And |l)csid:<, If her aunt should hem` of it`? 11".... nun.-n-.. lu inin 1111- rnnvnr-: l 3 E > I I I)cs1uc:<, 11 nor aunt snmuu -nun: Herc (Ieorgc broke into the conver- sation with :1. genial air. "You'll come. won't you?" he sum. Constamtiu grew pale. smiled b1`u.\'ely. H\z`.-u `I hnnn vnn rill Bu 2. Fnllif` U1 IL. she `-\h'. | a ,T i 9 115'. Ill [,'C_I11.|L`. grucxuus Luuc. 0'Gr.ndy smil_c_d. It was surely singular spbech for- make to an utter-strnnp;er', but as uid by her it pleased him, and besides she struck him as being altogether unlike the ordinary run `of people. Ivrrnno Us 4.-..'.." Im cam bar, `I at-- smiled Dl`:l.\'0l_V. l Yes, 1 hope you will come. `Ah-.ll` SL1'ni1gu_`.," she said. F`onr o'clock; *9 u:1n -'-- Shh stopped bec:m: Qt` |(lidn t, know wlmt. else it. was Sllcgwf Could say. -V SLmn_':_'c. lo};-l-zeal at her. and read " luzr cm'rcctl_\'. I-Ic smv all tl1c~m-1--'0 \"m:.-: Sll3 ]lt`.'~iS_ that wars mnsuxning';l' Ihcr; he `saw. too. the little thm-ough-I lzrcal air with whiclrslle hurl hidden , him to nor lmusc--s'1n'ely against, her willl He was on the point. of de- icliniug her invitation, when u revul- I F 5 ..-.. ...- :....1:....- Ln: in . \\'hn1V: I-ng} `\UlI.`i `lI.\ nLnn u-nu .-`.1 ..... her; thm'oug!~- clining rovul-': sion of ,fc~v1ing spt in. Wlmt!j _\vas he always to be r`L-gnrdcrl -by her" as :1 ` str-.-.n;.v,'e1'--as one apart? No, hc_ \\`<`.' '-:1 break down thc.barricr.` `- -213; you: I #111111 be \'m'_v glad` ind x: I," he -s_uid. ' To In Continued. ` - - I A group of men sitting on the dry-goods boxes in front. of :1. c0 un-, try store. were discussing a. tremen- dous storm that had swept. over the neighborhood the day before. 'l`hm-n'!<`nn use in tnlkimz. rc-1mn`k- 1 [neighbornoou me (my Uciurc. ` 'l`here s`no use in talking, ccl one of them. We are all badly scurcd in a. thunderstornl. Y ncnvnnnfhnv nun ihnn \\`hf`H T W115.` `scarce In ll1UI1U(.'l'b|.Ul`1u. I remember one time when I was, sure enough, Szlid`8.Il0l1)0l`. It was about :1. year after I was umrried, and 1 was on my way home from town. 11." begun to thunder and lighted when I was about lmlf-yxvay there, and the rain fell in sheets. I stopped lll`l(}'l?_: :1. big tree. I_ knew t.ha.t.-"xv-.1sn t _s`.\fc, but I thought, I'd |l'iSk it. " - '- T.. .. `.un. n.nnln< H10 'Hvrh1nin;rr ' YISK 113. In :1 feugyninutes the lightning struck a tree about :1 hundrccl feet. away and I fell down, either from the shock or from fright.---I don't._: know which, to this day. But. 1 got':` up again, and my hair rose on cu(li< when I re11xe1ube1'cd that.I had u.|3 plug of tobacco in my pocket. What had tlmt to do with it ? ` Nothing but this. My wife didn't ~ knlow I chewed tobacco. She hated the weed like poison. Wlmt if I had been killed and that plug of tobac- . co found in mypocket? I thought. I think I had the worst fright then that I ever had in my life. . I.-Well ? - '-_ . Well. before the next. ash ezune I j took that plug out o1:my pocket. mid thrfew it as far as `I mind send it, end I have never clrewed Ioliacco T. sin9- T -- i _.------:--i ._-.---- 7---------- ::'Ai`5i o1icc Magistrate: Haive _vou- . /seen the prisongy at._ thq.bar.? ' hips: Never. ydillt.-` -.l.1on9r:. but -...'.` luiin qnhnixf :lit'{hi;'l1'} nnann RE l_"OIh\1'.\_ T'URY L1G IITNI N (1. 19' 1901 7 Y _ dice Halve ever prison; Wit- : y9'u1j,.-._1.1ongr\;. I've '. mm ._whe`n$;;I vstihily suspcptedi. mhnnn-_gnI'..,I'.u`..-- ~..n`a.._u: 5 -mu... \ \; \1 x; \ \1 rs; ~:\m*\ \/ \: s.-\a\1 ;K":k..+ . . 0.4 :kOrk . m . \ . frc HUM FOREST TD PRESS.] WONDER OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY DESCRIBED. , __ The Manufacture of Paper from Pulpwood by Many Interest- ing Processes. To-(lay, in all the hardiness of growth, and to-moi'1'o\v in the course of distribution among people in the form of newspapers, is the 1'emm'ku- bI_v sudden fate thug cam be given :1 spruce tree. indeed. it.` seems almost. incredible to think that we can look on a spruce in its natural state. and in ten or twelve h0".`u.`:-:1f{`.3l'\Vul'dS* be rezuling the news of thewoi-Id from `?0IT :1 portion of its ]n`o(1uct. 1 Hun-h -In nnlnvr-nu`-1`.I. has been IHIUIO loll` [)0l`ll0l1 ox us ]ll`Q(lll(.'L. Such an achievemerut has been [possible by the hand of genius.- \\`ith- in the past few years processes have -bern discovered and machinery in- vented for the rapid tr-.msforxnation of's[1ruce. or in fact, almost any kind` of wood into paper. But. spruce lends itself more favorably than any other sort, on account of its brous nature. And this is an especially l'ortunate'thing for Canada .in View of the great `abundance of Wspruge in nearly every district, which >|until only a short time ago was re- _,p:arded as of no value, excepting for fuel and little at that. FROM THE W()()I)S T0 PRIN'l`. 1 While means have been devised for 'the speedy conversion of the tree in- to paper, providing it is within close proximity to the nmchinery. yet, un- der ordinary cireuin.-:.tzu1ce.'s it gener- some Weeks, -.m(l even after the Sawyer cuts the ) tree that the manufacture is com- l.])i(_`L0. The tree is cut into four-foot 3 lengths, running , from eip;ht to itwelve inches in diameter. These are - Itllen drawn out of the womls over an liimprovised roadway. to the nearest 1 lake or stream, and thrown upon the 0 ice where they remain until the ally takes- months l I 3% water to the mill. are driven in the "" ' ' -- ~ R11! A: `L, .. L G "break-up in the spring, and then Ilnalclnne where It Is strlpg eu us mun, , . and thence into a chopper. thitt slices Igit up into chips. From the chopper I 9 3 the chips fall into large digesters and ] fthv.-:c go through the secret, sulphite; `process. which is commonly kn0\\`n:` ns "enohing. Unde2`ne:1th the (li-`,_ ",;_:,esters are great. tires of coals. mug-`g ) 1neuted by the bark taken from the 'jwood., Tons and tons of water are after\\'m'd.-=. tIn'o\vn on the cooked, 1 zmuterinl in order to blc-:u:h_ it and.` f.tal-:e out the dirt. It then looks ex-j ` actly like :1 drift. of sznow, pure snow. ', 3 The time taken for the cooking pro-', "*_cess varies. as there are the slow and"; 3 ?the quick inethods, one taking about. Siiifteen hours and the other about ' half that time. 1 ! 3 n . -1 1-an-.~\--uv A r 7n1nn1".r"1'\ . l litli U1` bLll.'iun, uuu uuun u upuu \.ll\4 This is theway the great bulk of the spruce is taken out, although in some instauc-vs, \V'l1(.`1'O it is cut in` I shipped in at cars. It is taken up la p:an{!,W:\y from the water to :t sul- gphite mill, the same as large logs to [u szuvmill, is run against. a saw and {cut into t\vo-foot lengths, then to at lgmuchine where it is strip: ed pf bark, that -`lit i and? sulphite! lcnown: (li-`, ll-vrnclnrv: zn-0 m-mt res coals. am:-', `close proximity to a ruilwxt_v, it. is 'lIilIl Lllnlla LIIIAU. AN ESSE.\i'1`1AL I R.ODU CT. % l a r I ! '- This white material is the essential lprmluct in the mmiufacture of paper. `It. is that which gives the paper itsl rmllxesive quality. It is mixed up ai'- ;1tex'\v:u'ds with :1. simple wood pulp. {or wlmt. is termed as "ground wood : and the mixture is then rezuly for the elpaper machine. It is s\vnllo\ve(l up lsby this nmchine. which, if of modern ,:i1i:1ke, will turn out paper in a. few lminutes :l('l'\V`i\I'(lS at the rate of !. 3U0 feet :1 minute width of twelve in- ';ches. The paper is turned out in" llargc rells, and in such is ready for !the printing press \\'l:ich makes it on- lly a. matter of :1. second or two be-; Ifore being it folded newspaper, rendji l ifor distribution. g 1 L`n|\\n t\: qlm nnnnr n\nnnfn('.tlll`Pl'.. 4 - 0 C _5the \\'|llCl1 makes in :~'|It_'t:Cll!.':5 :u't: Ullly t_\pl'u H. mm...- Unlike his noplnzwftlm ll.`-.~ Vgforc ne\\`spapex', 1'en(lyv]\u,-1'01-. the Kings: .-uulim:.~1_\A ;.u-uZ-- ggfor ,:ln_v uttonzpt at. m'u.tm',V. Some of the paper xn:1nul`acu1rer.~= or uxtravngauit g`vsttIl`c. `Ilu -1--;:l~ hzuie no sulphitc 4.-st:1blish1:n;-nt, in slmvly, with a. tlislixicl. mull -.ti:~.nr-1` iconncction with their mills. and it, is eucli word and witlzrmt, ztimrcforc.necessary for them to pur- cion of lngsitmu-y. .`:`.(.`l! :VI":llt`ll('(,' l.-- `chnsc the prepared mutcri-.11 to 1'un_,ing as skilfully |'min(lml as it. 2-- !U1l`()\lgl1 tlu-ir mills. This is shipped grmicfully mill L-l().Wp"L]y uqn-~,~;.~m: ]*to them in lm'g`c rolls, weighing from; lrevit_v," he cnn. ll: June tliousnnd to fteen hundred soul of oi-utm-_v, as of wit: nml'l-- 1-onnds. lnor. only lD:1l\'L'S 3-`.h01't, S[l(`(.`Ch0!~ him self but expects them of othcn-'. Ill: stmlinus;!y ;1V`0i(lS' qtmtatigm t-spmriz.1- ly of poetry: and llt-V`l}l' tries to In: fnniiy. His attitude is eagsy and un- conventional, his left. hand resting on the table or on his hip. and the riglil. hand left free for the vvigv iimitul gestures with which he t`l: l}`lxil.\`l't'.I,` the points of his .~:pcocl1. ,4 AA ' `. -a : 101' (USll'1l)lIllOX]. i mamufaculrcrs` `have icmmccml them put- run_. tthrnxnrh u-ir mills. This .shi1mc(l vnuuuuy nun un gauuluu. "That. is true. he told her. I at- rived quite late. I meant to be 1:.-re yesterday it possible--tlmt, is at my cousin I-`eather.-ston's place-but. I tound it impossible to get. hero until to-night; an hour ago, in fact. The . last train` brought me so you can imagine what, little time I had to hurry -into my clothes and get here. 'I`o tell you the truth," here he laughed invo1unt:u'il_v, mud lowered his volcoito eoniiglentinl tone. ul,..'..nv:..u nnnuinnv nf.5nn1 hnH\SS_ I