Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1901, p. 1

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I THE BARBIE EXAMINER. \.uI.I| wilnvu -u uvu uvvvu uvuug vvuuuu -The latest improvefment in the nmntle department of Vnir. Vic-kers 8:. Co. is a. very handsome couxbina.tion revolving mirror It. consists of three panels of he-av he-veiled plate glass min-ows each ' x 58 inches in quarter cut (mk frames. the whole set on a. copper mount. This will he a. real: convenience to customers who wi I, as far as outward appearance `goes, be able "to see themsels as ibhers see them." ' ' ,1-I. . 1 , 11 uuv uu. -For unadulterated nerve wewould commend to the public J. -W. Pepper. who publishes a. monthlv music nm.ga.- zine in Philadelphia. The suhscri tion price of this publication is one Ollill` mar nnnnln and its nuhlisher srenerons- nvn. vuxi but-uvu vu \Ivov\n|.\l\-J! Town Council resumes business next Monday night. after its holiday. A nnwl nil-A AF Du -n3nI*nI-nnin nlunnlon an Lunuuvv uxzu u Safennt L- Smith `are evidently get- timzt eir share of the general pros- nm-itv and an a. result. Ill`!-I. pxfendimz pI'|C8 OI bills pllOIlCkI.Dl(){l IS ONE (l0llllI' per unmun and its publisher generous- Iv (?) offers to send it to newspapers who will carry a. four-inch advt. for one `V:-.uv in payment. therefor. Vex-ily, Mr. Pepper, forsuchu. but name you huvenhont the coolest cheek of any- thing we have run across vet. ---A smart. boy is \vaut,ed,at THE Ex- AMINER. olua. 1,, ~r|,,,I, lI_L_I -1---) IILVILLVEIV UIIJLCI The Peninsular Park Hotel closed for the season on Saturday. Vl\..._.. IV.........H _. ......... luunlnnnn -`A-G J.u.vu\-Iw, Illllll mlvun uvw nav--nu}. A sextette of Barrie tennis players go to Bradford for a. friendly n_1atach to- mo:-row. ' . A-,_,,, I,I_..J, -1 A.-- _..._ __.._:_...I Iuulsuwu -0ur four blends of tea are I1nfival- led at 250.. 35c., 45c.. and 500. Try them. Honunr Bnos. n-IL, 1-,I,_n .,,,,, 4- 1'._I__-..!_ l!_:_L l Serious Accident to the Penetang Flver on for avery serious accident to the fast `express running into Penetang on Saturday afternoon. The train was thrown into the ditch and badly wrecked but fortunately no one re.- ceived fatal injuries. '1`l1e running time of this train is close to a mile a minute and running down the grade about a mile from Penetang station the train struck a cow which was thrown high in the air and fell straight in front of the engine. The. train which consisted of engine, baggage 3 car and passenger coach, was over- ~ turned into the ditch, the baggage car " being piled upon the -tender and the engine made almost a total wreck. Harry Hawker the engineer and John Spearin, reman, managed to clear the wreck and esca. ed with slight injuries the former iaving one arm -` scaldedand the latter getting hurt in the back. Harry Hamilton, the bag- Snurday Mternoon. , A cow onthe track was responsib`e gageuian, was stunned and never knew ` . what happened till it was all over. His whole body was badly bruised, his chin cut open and one rib fractured. . Considering the position he was in his escape was wonderful. Conductor Fcrgusou and Brakeman Patchell. who were in "the passenger coach, were uninjured. Of the twenty-live passengers on board three or four got severely bruised while the others es- caped with a bad shaking up. The track was cleared by 6 pm. but the whole of the wreck was not removed till Tuesday. ' mnvistluc mL---- Good snurt boy wanted to learn printing. Ap- ply at once M `Tu: Exmmsn Olee. Dozen strong oung men. 16 ears and up ward. to learn cm es ot iron moul inn`. tlnsmltn- Jug. stone -mountlngk GURNEY` `FOUNDRY 00.. Limited, Toronto. 37-1 Found. on Thursday evening lust. near `the G.T.R. am tion. a. small parcel wrapped in paper with Simpson & (31).. Toronto. name. Owner can have some by proving propertv and pa_.{lnz for this advertlaexnent. Aprly ta MRS. A._ HURS- -TON. -10 Small SI.. Barr e. 87-1 LOCAL NEWS. COW DITCHED TRAIN. Boy _V_Vante`d.-w Found. BARRIE. ONT.. THURSDAY, SEPT. 12, 1901. as. Ualaweu, m.uu. v It was moved by Mr. Andrew, and apcnndo-d by Dr. Palling, _Tha.t. H. VVhibe s account be paid. Mnved hv Mr. Smith and seconded Telenhoue lab. kme scnools on cue aucu mun. -- The umtter of repairing the roof of South Ward School \va.s introduced by Mr. Brunmn, and was sup orted in brief remarks by Messrs. Au rews and Reid. On motion the Supply Com- mittee were instructed to have roof regaired at. once. cost. not to exceed $9 . Dullina anvu nntiun that at. nuvr. Isa a\vuvvvu u (1) That the different schools of the town opened on the 3rd inst.. all teach- ers being present. (2) That the model class opened on the same date under the supervision of Mr. Hallett. (3) That having received several requests from parties outside the bounds of the Cent- ral School that their children might attend the same and having carefully considered the ma.tter cannot recom- mend the granting of their requests. but would advise that the principal observe the rule and see that the boundary lines are adhered to. - All of which is respectfully submit- ted. ` '.l`hos. Smith, Chnirinztn. The Property and Supply Committee submitted the following report : 'l`n I-ha nhniv-man unrl Innnnhurn Raw-rip SIIUIHIIIGCIX EH8 IU|l)\VlK FEDUPD To the chairman and members Barrie Public School Board : Gentzleme-n,-- Ynnr Cummit.t.ee on Propert and Sup- ply hegv leave to report: hat Mrs. dun-an: has resigned the caretakership of the E1I.8t.VV.I`d School. her resigna- tion to `take place Sept. 30th. We would recommend that Mr. Abinethy . be appointed in he!` place place at the same salary ($60). The I~<`innni-4-. (`.nnnnit.t.-H rennrtnd as same salary Hll . The Finance Coxmmt.t,ee reported as follows : - tn, .1, ,I,,s,,,,,__- __ J_`__-_._I_,_-11_,_,,-, l\llI\lIVSl c To the chairman and members Barrie Public School Board: Gentlemen.- Your Gomlnittee on Finance he leave [C recommend p:|w|e11t- of fol owing accounts: Chas nnding,att.ending \Vest. \Vard lawn, $4.00; J. Cr.-ispin, attending Centr.-tl lawn, $4.00 : James Cbeesman. supplies, 50c; P. H1-hner, attendtng Ea-st; VVa.rd lawn, 82.00: P. McIntosh; repairs. $6.10 :' Nelands & Lin`z.'$3685; Barrie Gas Co..` 31 40: n N :1` dwnll, 81,00. VV HIDCVS KCCOUKIL U9 palu. , V Moved by Mr. Smith and seconded by Mr. Brunton, That" having received the kind" invit.M.ion from the Agricul- tural Society for children to attend the fair. we instruct the teachers to close the schools on the 26th inst. . . Tho -nut!-an nf` 1-nnniv-inn fhn vrinf nf A meeting of the Public School Board was held on Monday night. All the members were present, Capt. Cnwan in the chair. After routine business communications were read as follows: _ . a:.___ -- ,. n~....... In I w....n .1. rm mm-nnm,`:n xouows: \ ' g__-_- From '1`. J. Ford ch 00.. Toronto, in reference ma Blackie`s Encyclopedia. for Aliandale School. . . la`...-nu My-c W l'hnl*.ma nn mania-nina nnn. I0!` Auunuaue Bcnum. From Mrs. F. Out:-aux resigning pos- ition of caretaker of East \Vu.rd School. and from S. Aberuethy applying for tb`eMposition. II`. wnxufnn nrrnfn inf-'nt-nninm l'.I1n me oamnn. . ;E. Foster wrote informing the Board that $3030 was still on hand from the picnic held in June. 18$, which he as treasurer held. He suggested that this sum he spent in placing a. picture of theilnte Queenor of the present King and Queen in every school room not now having one.-Re- terred to the Managing! Committee. , 'l`hn flnnnnittnn nf Mnnanmmant nrn. `Roux-5-11 mi; 7168. ICPPCQ I30 I/D0 Dllllllillly U0llllaCB- The Colulmttee of Management pre- sented the following report. : Tn 1-hairman and members of Barrie sennea me muowmg report: - To chairman and members of Barrie Public school:-Your Commit.tee_ of Management met on Sept. 6th, with all members present except Dr. Pulling and E. B. Reid. and beg leave to report. as fullows : .1. nu . .1 som,_, . 1 , ,1 ,p .1, re HIT? ll-L DUCC. CUSD HUI; LU CKCCU-ll $50- 1`. Pulling gave notice that at. next meeting he would introduce a. motion to rovide for the. at-mngeuxent of-T `a sea e by which the sa.laries- of teachers . will he settled. stating the salm-y at which they begin. the yearly increase and ixmxinnxxu to wliicli-they may attain. . ' . The principal event of the coming season at the Barrie Opera. House will RE-obnbly be the coming engagement. of onday next of F. C` \Vhitney' and Edwin Knowles` sumptuous production of "Quo Vudis, attended as it will he with all the grand scenery. beautiful costumes. hewitching music and superb calcium and mechanical effects that have placed this production in the very front of the great; successes of the day,I%nd made the names of Whitney ulnd nowles faunous the world over. Thu nun:-'InnI>h.n flux!-. min I-so a-innn nf-. gun; uuuvui a. yr. Ln v |Lin .'$3685; Bu l S. aldwell. $1.00. If uynn nnnvu In: and nnowies muious one worn) over. The production than; will be given at Burrie s Grand" is the original and only complete preseiitation of this la._v. It. is the same for which Mr. Vhitney paid fty thousand dollars in London, Eng., where it enjoyed the almost unrirecedented run of two years. and which has" had a close re- cord-bre-:i.ker" following in the New York. Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia. and the other large American city en- gageuients during the past two years. Dun Vadis" is it ul-av th-it must. _gag'9u|enr,R aurmg vue PIISL l\VU YEEPS. Quo adis" is m play ti)-it must -iute1-est. ll classes. It; is preeminently one of the stlongesb stories that has |eve1' been told in thea.t1*ica.l,lore. ' ' congregation. . the Lord's Supper was The nancial District Meeting of the Barrie District Methodist Church was held at Ehnvale on Tuesday, the chair- man, Rev. J .J .R.edditt, presiding, with Rev. John Locke. of Urillia, nan cial secretary. Provision was made for the connectional `funds and anniver- sary services throughout the district. The mission interests received special consideration and an earnest resolve was made to raise four thousand dol- lars on the circuit this year for mis- sions. An interesting service was held in the evenin at which Rev \V. E Baker of Hills ale preached to a. large The sacralnent of afterwards administered by the chairman,assisted hv thn ministers. ' aumlms Lercu U) D `by the ministers. M,W. Bro. R. B. Hun erfcrd. Grand Master of the Ontario lasonic Grand Lodge.wl10 had. been suffering for ovr a. mouth from paralysis of the right side-..died in Victoria. hospital, London. on Moudav morning. The Grand Mas- ter's condition was supposed to have mate:-ia.lly' im roved recently and it was only on 'at.urday|that he was removed to the hospital. MEX. MILNE. `MERCHANT TAILORIII 4 Methodist mstrlct Mee ting._ Masonic Grand Master Dead. :I100L Bomb. V A Dramatic Treat. A special meeting of the Collegiate Institnite Board was held on Thursday evening last. His Honor Judge Ardagh in the chair; Mr. Wesley. Capt.Whish,. Mr. Hall, Very Rev. Dean Egan, Major Rugelts. Rev. Dr. McLeod and Dr. Smith were present. `The meeting being called to considetthe reaigimtion of Mr. Bennett, classical master, also to consider applications to ll vacancy caused by same. Mr. Bennett's resig- nation was read. when-eiirhe requested it should take effect. at the end of Sep- bem ber. llnunrl luv (Want .lXIk=Ir. ennn-..`h.A kn OK 0`: HllCC85SDl.'.-\./\l'l`lBll. Applications and, credentials to ll e vacant classical maatex-ship. there being twelve in all. were read and _dis- | cussed. ~ , l Mniinl` Iain l\.I'u1'nu panama cunnnnin ECIIIUCP. Moved by Capt. Whish, seconded by Very Rev. Dear. Egan : That. the resig- nation of M1-. Bennett beiuccepted to take effect; at once, but the Collegiate Institute Board regret that Mr. Ben- new has thought t to sever his con- nection. with the Institute without giving notice of his intention of doing sn_a.b ll proper time so as to give the Board the opportunity to make choice of a. auccessor.-C.u-ried. Anr\':lInnI':nnn uni` nIvn(Innl>:nIu in H Cll8U8(ln Moved b'y Mafor Rogers. seconded by Captain Wnislh : That A. L Auhin he appointed" classical master of Barrie Uollegiate lnsmitute at a. salary of $750 per annum.--Ca.rried. , Moved bv Rev Dr. M:-Lend. seconded PC!` ROUGH).-USIPPICU. L Moved by Rev'Dr. McLeod, seconded by Cup_tain Whish: That the Board approves of the action taken by the Oha.irIua.n and Secretary in appointing M1-._l~Iinch to a. position in the Institute without calling a. meeting of the Board.-- Carried. Thu ulininl-nu nf Wnutohfinn Iuvunfa gt`- uoara.-- Uarrlea. V V. The Minister ot Educiusion wrote ad. visiug thellioard that specialists would shortly visit. the public and separate schools to strive practical lessons in dnnmstin Sf`if-`|.nl!P. and snm:r'9 that J]. H. MacLAREN, L llruggisl and llpticianf 1 Barrie A ECIJUUIS (40 HIV? pl`llCl':lCH| IESSOIIB Ill domestic science. and suggested that the Collegiate Institute should also participate in the instructions. The nmtter was left In the hands of the Principal to deal with. The xnnptincr ad innnmd. A quiet house wedding took place esterday afternoon at Maple ill, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. H.`Ross, when their niece, Miss Georgina. Maconchv. was wedded to Dr. W. D.` MacLaren. In the presence of about thirty relatives and intimate friends the cere- mony was performed in the drawin room at 3 o clock by Rev. Dr; ML-Leotl. The bride was gowned in white silk orgundie over white silk trimmed with Valenciennes, and carried bridal roses. Her twin sister, Miss Annie, was the hridesumid. Her gown was of pale blue and white grenadine trimmed with lace and ruching of chiffon. She carried a bnquet ot meteor roses. The groom was supported -by his brother, J. A. MacLa.L-en. The bride's going- a.wa.y suit was a grey tailor-inade tweed with white silk blouse nnd hat A very orettv wedding took place `in, the Reformed Episcnpnl_Churcn. Tues- day noon. when Miss Louie \Vebb, dmnglner of A. A. Webh. J P. and mayor ofChipping'Nora.n. Oxfordshire. Engla.nd."bec.~une the wife of Mr. D. [-1. Henumn, merchant, of Part Sound. The ceremony was perforrue by Rev. W, Wittpn. The ht-ids-_ .~x dress was nf 1ne ceremony was periurlueu uy rwv. W. Witten. The bride s dress was of -old liberty silk. trimmed with chiffon gold lace. Her ornarnients were pearls and diamonds. She was given away by Mr. F. Brooks. 3. near 1-elative.` The bridesmaid was Miss Eva N. `Elenmzm. while the groom was asislzed by his brother, Capt. F. Hemnan of Parry Sound. Two \vedding` marches were played most. beautifully and with great. expression by the organist; and the singing was excellentlv rendered by the choir. A v:h:ml:. "The Dews. was also sung at the close nf the service. At. the conclusion of the ceremonv III lilo LIJIIMIOIDLCLII uhlli. Ill. IILC 0 Ulll tniloxfzuade tweed with white silk blouse and hat to match. After the ceremony a. largely-attended recgptiun was held at. which their friends extended felicita- tions to the newly-wedded couple. They left on the evening train for a trip down the St. Lawrence. {USO 31.5 (.119 C1058 01 [He St I'VlL't'. At. the conclusion the ceremony the svedaing party adjourned to the home of Mr. F. Brooks where hr: akfast, was pa:-ta.ken of, after which the bridal couple left town on the evening express for at tour of the northern lakes. A quiet home wedding took place yesterday morning at the home of the hi-i(le s parents, when Miss J ennie, only daughter of Colin MacMillan, In-came the wife of David J. Speers of Ivy and formerly of Greenwood. B{ C. The . ceremony was perfmmed at 11 o clock by Rev. Dr. McLeod. The bride was ` handsomely aowned in :1. tailor-made traveling suit of "opal ladies cloth and carried white roses, while the brides- maid-her cousin, Miss J ezui Ma.cMi1lan of Bracebridge-wore a suit `of grey ladies cloth with steel trii-innings and carried cream roses, The groom was supported by his brother, VV1-ight Speers of Ivy. After spending their honeymoon in Toronto and buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Speers will take up their residence in Ivy. -` . - _-_-_ _-V..,,_ ,, The annual regimental rie matches , of the Simcde Foresters will he held at; the Spring Creek ranges, Barrie, on Friday. Septernlyer 20.. when $210 cash and two silver cups will he put up for cnmoetition. Entries must be made to the Sec:-eta:-_v by 6 p. m. on September 19. Shooting commences at 8 a. m; on the 20th. The pt-esenmtion of prizes will be made by VVa.rden Wright: in the County Council chamber at. 7.30 o clock p.w. the same day. Major J.B. Ma.cPhee is range officer and Capt. Macharen secretary. . The Mayor is desirous that at Citizens` ` Reception Committee be organized to prepare for welcoming the Snncoe Old Boys Association on their visit here on the 26th iust. All citizens who desire to take part in this committee are requested to attendat the Council chamber tonight at 8 p.m. .'l'll'll'lph.l [0 (I831! WISH. The meeting adjourned. 'v``Q`Q"vQvQ QQQ 35th Reginient Rifle Matches. I1e_nmau-Webb Nuptials MacLaren--Macovnchy. To VrV;=.lcom Old Boys. Speers--MaciIlan. Tcorlleglate Board. vquuu Dan. A. 1*`. .1. buluv-an uexenaed. Walter Simona and Edward Simons of Midland were charged with opening a boom and stealing boom chains. Jury disagreed after being out six hours. Prisoners released on $500 bail. \V.H. Bennett for defence. Inhn Qnuw nkuwnn nv-In nbnnlinn never occurred nexore in this count.) . Angus Black was charged with set- ting tire to a. stable belonging to John Henderson of Duntrnon in April last. Jury disagreed. Prisoner released on 32,000 bail. A. F. J. Sullivan defended. W:|.Ifar Simon: and li`Anp..-A Q:-nnnn As reported last week there were no civil cases and only three criminal cases. The court lasted three days. A very remarkable feature of the sittings was the disagreement of the jury in every case. something that never occurred before in this county Angus charged with net. _ D ' RbettJs'1 ~a%%s`fgre nennett. mr aezence. John Gray. charged with stealing logs and defacing marks thereon, was left in uncertainty by the disagree- ment of the `my. $200 bail was ac- cepted. W. . Bennett appeared for the prisoner. GRAND JURY S PRESENTMENT To His Lordship JUSTICE Fmwusnx: Yo rho t!.......-I 1....-- at oh.` n........ ~ L\V LL: Llusullly auuxlum I.` l'.l`DLlUBIl.V Z We the Grand Jurors of the County of Simcoe as the present Court of Assize, beg leave to congratulate your Lordship on the absence of serious crime in the County. In nursnance of our dntv we havn crime II) we uonnny. pursuance of our duty we have visited the House of Industr at Bee- ton and made an inspection t ereof as far as the limited time at our disposal pel'Init|:ed_. VVe have much pleasure in testifying to the thorough cleanli- ness. system and order throughout the House. W e convereed with the inmates who ap ear on the whole to be satis- fied an content.- nlihinn I-Mn nnunnn gnu Olnnnn In--... ueu 8.1111 COIlLCl]Do ` During the present year there have been 118 commitments, 15 deaths. At present there are 77 inmates composed of 14 females and 58 males. We would compliment the House Com- mittee on taking hold of the heating question which up to the present has not only proved inadequate. but un- satislactory. The Committee haveacon- tract let tor the betterment of this and no doubt when com leted will prove very satisfactory. V e are in- debted to Governor Ross for his kind- ness in showing us through the House and also to Sheri Drury who accom- panied us and showed us every possible attention. WA H-nun uicikn flan 1'0" -13 `f\Iif\fI UEIUPB yO|.lI' 1JOI'(lSIllp S HODICE . That in the opinion of your Grand Jury there should certainly be better accommodation provided for the jail- er, who at present occupies the centre of the older ortion of the jail and which is total y unfit for residential purposes. \Ve also think that better accommodation should be afforded to the insane female inmates who have to be detained until there is room for their admittance into the asvlurus. \Ve also are of a. strong opinion that the same system of heating should he adopted in the Women's department as is already in the men's, and this alteration should he attended to at once as the means of heating now employed by stoves is not only danger \ ous but does not give sufficient heat andthe inmates really sutfer from the cold. \Ve also nd theoor of the men s dining and day room in need`of repair through dampness causing an uphe`a.v.'i.l of the floor. We have visited the hospital and ` acnennon. We have visited the jail and found only seven inmates, 2 of which were insane and 2 vagrants, leaving only 3 criminals. `Va ....,...:...,.a ..+ H... ;.....a_. A: r;.........._ CI'lHllI18.I5. \Ve received at the hands of Govern- or Sissons every opportunity to thoroughly examine the remises. which we found thorougiv c ean and orderly. From, our inspection we would like to law the following facts before your Lordship's notice. That in the oninion of vnur Grand upnemnu or me noor. _ V We have visited hospital were kindly received by the Superin- tendent andlshown over the building as far as was convenient without in- terfering with the patients tunder treatment. Everything was beauti- fully kept. clean and in order and reflects great credit on the staff, considering the building at their disposal for hos- pital purposes. \Ve congratulate the Town as well `as the County on the very wise steps taken by the Hospital Board in securing a modern and well equipped hospital for which purpose we understand the ground is already broken for the erection of such a. | building All nF whir-h is resnectfullv submit- xbunmng All of which is respectfully submi_t- ted. Fnwn \fAnR, `Q/v$vQ*Q/Qv`Qr%"*v` When you pay cash keep in mind the money-szwingvchzmces at. the cash store. The largest stacks of new and stylish Fall goods in Barrie to select, from and the saving runs from 10c. to 30c. on every dollar. New dress materials. $1.25. All-wool Frieze Skit-tings and Jacket Cloths for 75c. Wide all-wool Dress Serges, 251-. 750. lines of Dress Uheviots and Serges for 50 and 55c. 25c. Fancv Dress Goods for 15. $3.75 extra large \\ ool Blankets for $3.00. Regular $3.00 Blankets for $2.25 a [mix-. Heavy greywool Blankets, $1.10 and $1.60. worth $1. 40 and $2.00. 20c. grey Flannels for 15c. _ Rlnauet crnz-l1 nf T.adi:-s .'lackets In Flannels for lac. Biggest stock of Ladies Jackets in Sum-oe. Stylish coats at $1 00 to $6.00 off regular prices. - Pm. nr-im-ts on Underclothinz. Linens, off regular prices. Cut. prices on Underclothinz, Huse, Flanneiettes. and 35c. off English sample Wool Shawis. _Hose, Gloves, Scarves, Ties. Cardigans. etc. New shipments of 2000 pairs stylish Boots and Shoes at wholesale prices. and the Fall Clothing for Men and Boys at the lowest prices in Canada. ` 'l`hnus.-mds of m-onle save monev with lowest. prices In uanncm. _Thous.-mds of people money J C IRWIN-why should not, you ? Hinds Old Stone, Five Points. v- G R. Ford was well known in Barrie before he became senior Ameniher of 5 l v the furniture rm doing"business at ` the Five Points and the steady increase of the biisipcsu has` been a. matter of con ratulation with his friends. Mr. For has found. however, that the strain of the business, added to that of his other duties, is too great for a. man of his years and has with considerable reluctance disposed of his interest in a remarkably promising business to Alfred A. Harkness, late 01` Toronto. FALL A55IZE$ Reduced Prices. Change of Firm. Fm-:1) .`IARB. Foreman. unvvvll n.\.vuv\.Anu5. Samuel White. Miss Vina. \Vhite, Miss Maud Cooke, Miss Elsie Mayhew and Miss Rebeca. Pollock are attending the Barrie C01legiateInstitnte.-Co0ks- town Advocate. ' (iv, 1- n.. . . . 1.. nu vv u 4.xu vuuunu. Wm. Levis, of the Waterworks staff, who underwent an operation an. the Royal Victoria Hospital a. few months ago, has gone to visit his daughter at Lovett. Ont. A....._-_LL..I).__!,.fA_-,.LAL .Y'I._. A... auvvvus. _\r|AUI Amon the Barrieites atthe Pan-Am. last. wee were, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Parker-. Clifford Carley. Dr. Morton. J. A. Otton, Alex. Brown, Morley Duff and A. VV. Wallace. us: .. I n --1 -v nu `Ac v - I.nI|n\\- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uampbell, W. V. Brown, Roht. Muir. Alex. Muir, of Guthrie; and \Vm. Addison of Mine- sing were visitors at. the Buffalo, Ex- position last week. Dnuv 1 T 1).`/l.1:4+ .....s..2.`l....4 ..6` 41. ..vIl0lI4I\.Ill A:-..n. n Lun- Rev. J. J. Reddittv. president of the Ontario Sundayschool Ass0ciatimi,\vill be absent VVe(1nesday and Thui-sday next attending the Muskuka. Sunday- schuol Association at Bram-.1):-inlgv. \T .4.-`n fl...` `(V 12......" nl\.\Il:n.....-nnrl ,............,... Harry Linney. late publisher of the Fenelon Falls Star, has joined the stuff of THE EXAMINER. II",, 1\,,, , u u 9.: lrl . 1` Va an.-u A4L11v|1AI unto Miss Gampbellof the Toronto Gener- al Hospital visited her brother. Dr. Campbell, this week. `Ilium `L`...I-u I).....~!-.. .....I ll: .. [l..l.\-. `an. A vn. uuv The Bradford Witness snvs that J. B. Reid (formerly of Ban-ie). who was threatened with a paralytic stroke last, week and has since been quite ill, is slowly recovering. Q-annual \X7l\3lrn M:nn `Yip... 1lf|.:aA LLCIUIIIC vunnc lac IVUCB. During the absence of D1-. MucLaren - his practice is being attended to by Dr. J. P. Mr.-Laugblin of Toronto. Mrs. Cameron of Toronto has been spending a few days with Mrs. Aultou her way home from Muslsoka. `Al... `I -1)-.. ..n. . . . A _ ...._.a: . . _ . _ . . . _.-| vv u u u nun uyn unuvuyn (nun ulauclo Rev. E. I. Hart of North Bay was in town on Monday. Mrs. Hart. who has been visiting Miss Harper, returned home with him. 112,, L, 1: :- nun -.. nuuunnnuu nuunu vvnuu unu- Mis Emily MacL'u'en. of Iirnmilhon. and J. P. M.-wharen. B. A., of Ottawa, are in town this week. Thev came to attend Dr. MawLaren's wedding. Mm "1u`n1oc 1...- Mun.` ..:...o...... 47 Dunlop, St, Barrie, ` Inclildin Duke of York 2 Ouse.` _ Soft Du e of York, very pretty ~' shapes. Two prices- , $1.25 and $2.00 ` u.uuu- .;.w.:u V . x . : nu uu uuuuxv-u nuu. .\I ajor Geo. W . Bruce. of Gnllingwood. one of the 35Lh's most popular otcers, was given an amte-nuptial send-off by his fellow citizens on Aug. .- `th and presented with two chn.ir:~. On Sept. 3:-d be was xmu-ried to Miss Nellie Mclellzmd of B1-;uupt.0n. nun. nu uuu.Ic LLUIJI Auualunllu Mrs. LeRny, after spending several months with her son, D. W. LeRoy, left last, week for Port, Arthur. `|l2-_ :u,,,, s n.AI. luau vvccn Jun 1 VIII (11 uulll. Miss Came:-on left for London on Tuesday after spending the summer in town with her brother and sister. n__ r: r 71 L 1- `xv .1 u. uuvuuu a.-nu nan-rm:.u-sulv 9 Iv CIJ\lll)!o Mrs. Holmes. who has been visiting her sister M1-s.W.\\ itten has returned to her home in Elizabeth, N.J,, accom- panied by Mrs. \Vitten @1111 Miss Gertrude nu, up a nun.` .. . -o -. Vutuunnrvnrullg uuuu vv ucn Miss Emil Brasier and Mi~s Helen Sinclair of `ox-onto were guests of Miss Hattie Carlev last. \veak_ mncxaxr or '1'01'0nt.0 were; Battle Czu`l`ey last week. TN.`-Jn.-u olnn ..lu......... -1` `I nquuu I `I-A 1131-:-I The Band will give the following pmg1'a.ru at, the postoice this evening: 1. March, Mr. Volunteer." P. Dresser 2. Intermezzo, L1 Ruse, E. Ascher 3. Overture, Fm Diavnln, Auber- 4. Selection from The Bur-g0maist,er." G. Laden-s. 5. Song, "Mv Mary Dear," Hamill FR BULL. Mal-ks Brm. No. 1 Company opened their engagement. an Sa.tm-day ni rht with a good presentation of Pal-at ise - Reqamed. On Mumlav thev stave wwn u guuu px-esenmuon ox "ran-aunse Re ainet . On Monday they gave T xe Rose of Ken-_v," and skipping Tuesdav. remlel-ed last night :1 van-sinn "uie nose or net-1-y, zuiu suuppmg Tuesday, remlex-ed last ni ht a version of Ouida s Under Two F ags, closing a very satisfactory engagelnent. \Vhvle these are the first present.-Ltions by this company this s:-ason. they show evidence that they have not forgotten how to please the public. They have many new songs and good specialties introduced between the acts, notably a. boy tramp sketc-h,a.nd it is a pleasure to hespeak for them the ' crowded houses they deserve as one of the most plealsing popula1'-priced shows on the mac . 20 per cent off all FURS-our own make-t.o `Oct. 1st.` * J. Ill` Ul'E'\V Ul LIIC lSl'rI.__V Slaal LUU LU I'll a moonlight excursion to Strawberry Island on Monday calling at the several wharves in Oro. On 1-ear.-hing Hawk- srone it was found that there were not enough people to pang for the trip to _ Stx-awbel-rv so the out returned to Baa-1-ie and the_ passengers had their fares refunded. u. uncle!-s. "' Mv Hamill J ersev Review. The Mosquif-o s Pa~ mde. - ~ \Vhituey Song, "I've a lomzing in my hem-c for you, Lmise." Chas. K. Harris Pu Rrn r I01 1.4')lHSt , UDELS. IX. I1-'*l.Y`l`lS En. BULL. March. "9 )0U, Conn, Coon, Engel V "Star Spangled Brumer" --- Gun SAVE`. THE Riven +The crew of the Ia-lay stat ted to run . .~..nnnHn-hr nvnunulnn In Q0-...n.l\.n-nu-v .l' DpH.I)}ZlL (l Drlllnel" Gm) SAVE THE KING. Band To-Night. .1 __.:II _._... .l... Fla:-ks Bros. .0 ' the b Next Door to Telegraph Oice. DR-.J. ARTHUR ROSS. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 37. I have just received and placed in stock at new line of AVUU Vvuctu `yuu ml:-..vu :: BUT :: What you get for wlmt you spend" . . . ilmt counts. A fundzunenml business principle is . . . . . Not what; you spend" :2 HUT 2: Opp. P.0. 133- R- It VIVIAN. HOMGGOPATBIST. 156 Dunlop Street. Barrie. -11 to ; 7 to 8. Residence and Oft-e. .JaCks0n s Portraits :,':,:"` me Post um Phone 54. SIGN 0! `III BEARS comes SOLD BY To lmnd. 3 Cases of English Stiff Lute Wlsmer's.' nd Railway Ste PO. Box 96. Warren.I are the l Bent \ 7 Principles are _':Eternal A yonnk married man who has had large ex- neriencowlth horses and came (also fin general fxmn work). wishes a situation in Barrie or vicin- lt . Best of references. Addrtss "S. W.. x/uuunn Osman. Barrie. 37 for` Coal and W0)d. The GRAND JEVVEL VVoud (`()ok. The RADIANT HOME and SOUVENIR Base Burner and Double Heatiu r Stoves for Coal. T`uIl nu nf \Vn:\rI gal-inn Qhnvna. in- Full line of `Wood eatin Stoves.- in- cluding OUR OWN MA E LIGHT: NIN G STEEL STOVE. double heater. (`on nut" uun lnlvn L(\hl! wivnnv Qftuvn LVILVU a1`v.nu axu v r... uoume nezwer. Call and see our stock, Every Stove is` guumnteed. N0 trouble to sho them. --- ` M10 o'clock in the forenoon. to hear and deter- mine the several comnlnluta of errors and. omis- sions in the Voters'_Llst of the Municipality of Barrie for 1901. All nersons hnvlmr business at the Court urn Barrie for 1901. All persons having business at the Court. are r ulred to attend at the said time and place. atednt Barrie the 9th any of September. 1901. E. DONN ELL. 37 Clerk of the Municipality of Barrie. DIRINTUBIS AT 4 GENT. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. These Debentures are issued for one year or longer. with Inuerest payable half yearly. No cost: tothe investor. A positive securll: . aweptableln any money market. For purtlcn are. apply per- sonally or by letter. to on - uununuivooauu To lot. after Oct. lat. turnished or unfurnished. largo ,comforw.ble brick residence : centrally located and with all modernlvlmvenleucea. Apply on the premlsea,`rU2 Dunlop St.. Barrie. 3'. -1 l'V'qters Li sF:3ExI| L. R. G. P; & S.. Edinburg. M. F`. P. & S.. Glasgow. Member of British Ophthnimoiogiai Society. `sveonnuv-Diseases or iv: En. Tumour Mil! Nos: Oiee--84 Dunio ) Street. Bothweii s Block. Bur- .-rle. oppoaiue Post Rice and Railway Station. V - OTICE is hereby given that :1 Court will be held. pursuant to The Ontario Voters Lists Act. by Hs Honor the Judge of the Count Court of the County of Simcoe. at the Court ouse. Barrie. on the . Any person hnvlg from 8100 and upwards can- procure an undoubted investment imthe Deben- tures Issued by this Corporation. , nn--g 4.un--u Ann .4- A.- `HE largest and the moat. up-to-date stock of Stoves north of Toronto will be seen on our oors within the next fteen days. VVe sell the H; H. mow & sow, $51513] canada Pormanont & Wootorn canada Mortgage corporation. Irowu MD. F-!RM_Lo11 IH. H. 0non&. Sonl Belonglniito the Estate ot"the lute 15'AL'l'0N OGARTBY. situated in the Under instructions from the Toronto Gwen`. Trugts Corporation. HERE wlll be om-ed for sxe 1. T mun. Almtlnn. hv G. R. Ford. E.~1a.. Aunt nneer. at Johnston &. ' HERE wlll be otfcrcrl for sale 1 Puhll-. Auction. by G. R. Ford. E.~;q., Auct oneer. at the Queen : Hotel. in the Town at Barrie. on n 4... . -- At twelve o cIo-.k, noon. the following lands and premlws : PARCEL-1.-Lnts 16 to 26. both vlnclualve. on the East side of Clanpertrm street. as slr_-vv.| on Plans Nos.,31 and 143. . PARCEL 2.-Lota 16 to 22. both Inclusive. nn ;;;;;a;;,;h;14.;h6aa;.;;`sep- tember. 1901. Plan 3]. ' PARCEL 3.-Lols 1:3. 17. 18. 19. 25. (executing; the Foutherly 10 feet thereaf) nnd 20 on the Wea; side of Owen sweet. as shown on Plan No. 31. PARCEL -1.-Lot.s 1. 2. :5 and -1 on tho Ensn sl in side of Owen sweet. unewn Plan No. I PARCEL 4.-Lots 1. 2. on tho Exsn. sl it: of Charles street. as shewn on Plan No. 114. I ~ PARCEL 5.-Lots 1. 9. 3. 4. un-1 W est lmlf m` Finns Nos.,31 and 148. 2/kota 22. Inclusive. on gilt: gist side uf-Olnppertou street. as ahewu 0.1 an . PARCEL 3.-L0lS ll}. 17. 18. 19. 25. ln)n'|m\tI|1uI of Charles street. shewn Plan No.11-1. PARCEL 5.-Lots1.9.3.4. W est hull` of son the South side of East street. as shewu on Plan 114. ` PARCEL n.--Lots 1 and 2 on the South sln nf Plan PARCEL n.-Lota1 and 2 on the South sle of John street. North. as shown on Plan 114. PARCEL 7.-'l`he Northerlv two thirds of Lnt -.-..... .0... - ...... _ .... .......... an -4 Va Jo'h'|'1nt1-oer. Nlirth. 1-"En PARCEL Norzherly thirds of Lot glen :13: East side 0! J olm street, as ahewn on an 1` . V PARCEL 8.-Lnf_a Q In H. hnth lm-.lunlw:. rm Plan 121. PARCEL 8.-Lots 210 11. both inclusive. on the West alde of ('ln.npeI'ton street. ,1`:3_RC,EL 9.-Part of the Eamerly half of Int Peerless Harvest- Iing Oil is the Best. the West PARCEL Emterl 13).. North Mark street. being the Vesterl h-.Llf of the property known as the " Mccurtny B oc k." being the shop at present occumed bystr. Garrett. ~ and the omces over same. yielding the annual rental of about 0450. PA KUEL 10.-'1`he nronerkv known as Omkhw rental of about 10.-'1`he propeljty known as Oakley Park Faun," and containing by odmeasurennenc 130 acres. mom or less. and hem ' composed of all that rcel or must of land whlc 1 is bounded on the outh bv Centre street. on the East by con- cesslon road. on the North by Rose meet. and on the Weat by Peel screet. In the Town of Barrie. The lots comprised in parcel No. 1 to 9. both will be sold separately. ' Immediate possession 01 lots comprised In par. celsl to 9, lucluslve. . can be given. but parcels - 9 and 10 wul be sold subject to exlstmg leases. .TERMS OF 8AhE.-'1`.en percent. at date of Peel In the Town comprised parcel inclusive. will be sold either separately or In blocks. to sult the ixurclmscr. Pamela 9 and 10 separa ely. Immediate possesslou comprlged sold subject to extsung leases. 0F,8Al..E.-1`.en r cent. sale and balance in 30 days. he other terms and conditions will be made known at the time of undersigned; - v '1`he several lots and pm-eels will be offered sub- sale. or m the meantime on applxeatlon tn the . undersigned; The pm-eels jecl. to a. reserved bid. Any of the properties not sold at the sale can be )|I|'Cll wed by rlvate sale on up llcatlon to The enernl Truq Cor rs.- uon` orouno. Executors of the lace D` Icon Mcbnrthv. ur on annllentlon to the underallmed. non` Toronto. Executors of the lace D'Awon Mecarth . application to the undersigned. Further erms and condltlona wlllhe made known at the time or sale. or In the meantime on appli- cation to the undersigned. ' McoAR'r_HY.' BOYS & Mifnonrson. 86-37 _ ` Vendors Solicitors. .9 .........-- R. Ia. BABWIGK. Bunk of Tcl'0lIb0 Building. Bnrrjc i4t-l;(i':1-):V;)7i"elulier. `I901. . _ n__ p__..____ 1-o"Wii"3F"EX"nus These goods were, imported for my Dundns store. but in matkinsz the cha.nge.'I brought the combs with me. Prices range from we up tQ75c. We invite you to call and see these -goods. and we know you will lik them. VSTOVESI Fiv Points Hardware Store. Executors Sale Position Wanted. HAPPY THOUGHT and SOUVENIR Ranges. . _-_r-. _ Iivi. ovn1;s;3.ooo.ooo. House to Let. sT0vEsx ` I"h'one 1'34.- STOVES! ..'..Satisfaction Guaranteed... anvuu. law; v Iwvn wv Au nu-nub : Rev. J. A. Gmnston. the new minis- ter of `the Uollingwpod.Preshyterian church, will preach at me at-auto:-y service in the Btrrie Pres yterian church on Friday night. `ll ..- `A1,...-. I .......~l.n.n llnnalnnnn Itlllllbll llll .l.`I-IVIIUJ llialllll . --Mrs. Mary Lampham Goodyear, av. resident. of the town for many years. diedat the residence of her son, Rich- ard.-on Tuesday of last. ;week. aged 69 vea.rs._ Interment. took lace in the Union Cemetery on Satu n.y. A nu .u..ulnn Ir\ntv:nIv 6`.-Ignule {n '1".-sun!-A Uuluu \a'ClLlU|uI-ill vu vuuwusuungu Anyreu.der having friends in Toronto who were former residents of Simcoe County would help the Simcoe Old Boys by sending gs soon as possible a. card with munes and addresses to Percy W. Rogers. 3 Kensingtou Ave., Toronto. - nu _, , _,___._.,4 ,_LI, r\,,,,, ,1 t\,,,, _ uuru. V: vnuauuuu Rev. R. S. Fraelick of Minesing will preach in Collier St. Methodist Church next Sunday, morning and evening. Mr. Redditt will be attending Harvest Home services at Minesing. D-.. 1* A n......'.o..... I... ........ ....:..:.. `I/uvvuo The poison distrilnltor was at work7 on Mary Street, last week. A. J. Our- son lost his pretty terrier, Fred Warren mourns his fine spaniel, and Wm. `Gallie would like to see an exam le made of the ersou who threw into 1is back yard txe poison that laid his splendid St. BcI`n:u'd low. 7 FIVLA I_`l.\..... IQ` `D..4`..~n l`a\Uvi"\=l\r| nJ`.a|\/AA\n|\ um Lav- nnivn. .- .u u u --The House. of Refuge Committee have acce ted the tender of Neelands & Ling. o Barrie, for the proper heat- ing of the building. the amount: being $1.745. W. J. Bell. of B-.-eton. got the contract for supplying the coal. for the institution, his gures beimz. furnace coal $5.65 81. ton stove con}. $5.75. VINL- `.LA-L : _ . _ H _ _ _ . _ . ._a. :_ LL- vuvllu JLIIIIIJII I. Lanvuuo C The Isla.y s trip to Jackson's Point and Orillin on Tuesday failed-to draw enough people and was cancelled. Dr. {V fl" VI`.-nus}. nf Ilnnnlunn-an."-I1- cuuuu Puuyu: uuu was \.u-usvuuu Rev. C. T. Tough of Hornbv preach- ed in the'Presbyter1a.n Church on Sunday. Dr. ML-Leod preached at Mansewood. -.1 , -1 4:- ,,,; `CHIC Tanell` snare OI CH8 general [JP03- penty and as 3. result are extending their premises. D-.. 9 1 `IF-mnlh-`Ir AC ll:-`n'u:nn mill 1.-u uu Inn The management of the Grand Opera. House deserve very liberal patronage on Monday ni ht. To bring such at high-c_luss pro uction as Quo Vzulis - here isablg undertaking and should be u.pp1'eciuted, by the people of the -town. nu - 1-. u . . 1' Notice.

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