:sponsi- Lru.s1ed nsvunl. states this - JJ Toronto, market is 4 the west. at (me to ' G7 in R9!- WU-vb. xs quoted zc lower, Flour is steady and local exporters are still quoting $2.95 for cars of Ontario patents in barrels middle frelgllts, and holders are asking 5 to 10c more. No sules were,repm"t.ed. Choice brands are held at $3.10 to $3.15. Izmitoba our is quoted at $4~ for I-Iunguriun patents and $3.70 for strong bakers in our lots, bags included, '1`ox'onto. - , lllilll.-.mI_t.,. .. nun. ......:,... ..+ C1 ) lluULUU Illa '.l.lU \\'L'HL. ' Corn-I:-1 sli;_;`hLly `easier at 530 to 540 for Cmmdimx yellow West. No. 3 American is quoted at 6/15c To- ronto and mixed at 64.-c. l\nfQ._. ]`hn|-n in n ufnnrln durnnnfl IUHLU Lulu IIIISUKI itl: U`l.'U. 0uts- l`here is :1 steady demand and old are lirm at 370 for No. 2 middle frcfghts. New No; 2 White- are quoted at 34c middle f1'eights, with buyers at 3350." ()nf.Innnl-- l`l1n nun-kn}, In 151' hlrrhnn _quuu:u ILL one c1;uL ICSS Lnun smoked. .Lm-(l-A-'1`ierccs 10c, tubs 11c and [mils 11-1-c. LEAIJING WMAI1KETS.] uuzluupu, '1`01'onL0. 1\Iillfeed-I:4 a. little easier at $13 to $13.50 for shorts and $11.50 to $12 for bran in cars west.` nu-lnu_Tu nnnlunnn-nrl - KT.` 6 Aid In- 1. l'll:L'.`i uru uuuuungcu. V I Pm-I:--(Jmm.du. short cut, 821; hoa- v_v mess. $19 to $19.50. , .Qnn\L-nrl nnrl Hun Qnltnrl 1\l`n..cn,_,I ltla `l;UU LU 1.lU \\'UHL. R_vc---Sold at 500 east and was quoted at 47c west. (`.nrn-Tu' clirvhtlu hncinvv n+ K. -In fn HU ` le ny of the my op- tz them cod no. LIVE STOCK MARKE I`_S. "1i'.;ii':5, 7,30;-.""c"-"t .'.' per cwvt ......... .. fut,_ per :\vt..... COUNTRY PRODUCE. _---_- PROVISIONS. - 3.00 2.25 30.00 U.li)' 4.00 Arr: 0 an I 3:25 l 4.40 4.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 ull llUlU' import.- viguting what 1|. aero- beyond. 75 by -bs, tho 0 (mil- x. eleven xdcd. M. one only 3.40 i) rzn I!!{\ 3.25 3.00 50.00 3.60 3.00 3.00 5.00 4.00: 10.00, 0.00 0.00 0.00 -, A` nl I)-UU 3.75 `.1 Pill DLY; U71 uu.u:uu 13 au uuusuou um.l'. we war is virtually over that Lord Milner (now on his way back to South Af- rica.) has in his pocket` the draft of a. complete constitution and plans for the fqtu r'e government of the annexed _ territories. ` ' `.2 Government Expecting an Early" M End of the War. ' V A despatch ' from London, su.ys_:-- ` The Sun of Saturday says it hears ` ; the cbncen-truti'on of General BoLha s forces at Hondweni, on the borders , of Zululand (announced in u. clespatch from -Durban on Friday night. which said Lord Kitchener was moving with a. strong force on the place) does." not foreshadow a fight ,with Botha, but his surrender. in pursu- ance with an understanding reached ` between Ge eral Botha. and Lord Kit- ` chener. The Sun adds that the Gov- I ernment is so satised that the wax-I in virhmllv nvm- Hun `ram: nr:I...... ( I U r I ; '1'.lU-VIIIUUN. _ ' The Deparuuealt. of Agriculture is ment of orders for foreign ports. Prof. Robertson, Dominion Dairy Commissioner. will leave for. St. John, N.13_., in a day or two. from which port the steamship I-Iuronian will sail next week with a cargo of very `busy these days with the ship- ' Imperial Wm! Ollice .for tl_1eV\_1se of l Ilmy. meat and jam, ordered by the troops in South Africa. : An` bcial Finds Eizporters Mis- I - _understa.nding It. A despatch from Ottawa says :- Mr. W. A. MncKinnon, of the De- partment of Agriculture. has re- .turned from a tour of Ontario, where he has been looking into the working of the.Act, for .-the marking and inspection of packages of fruit exposed J0!` sale. l`here seems to i have ` been considerable mi_sunder- standing of the- intention of the ` Act. ' Some exporters thought, ' , up-3; -parently, that they were: not_to be ` allowed to send away their second grade fruits at all, and`other fruit 1 {men had other objections. Mr. I `MacKinn0n says. however. that on 1 the whole the exporters thought the I Act was benecial. The inspectors who are supposed to look -after the ` Vshipinent of fruit this fall have not 1 yet been appointed.` but will be very ` l shortly. They" will probably be sever. in number. These are princi- pally. for Ontario and the Maritime I I'ro.vinces. 'l`|un I\nnn..a.......c ..: A._..:-__u,,,, lulu. 0:5 Lu L0 05 130; wa.1m, 08 L130 to (SS; No. 2 red winter, 53 9d to 53 11d; No 1 northern spring, 53 End to 55 lod, December 53 11d. Spot corn rm; now; 4.9 11-.d to 45 ,115}d; futures quiet: September 45 `11-:d. October 55 -.}d, November 53 ad.` Flour. 235 9d to 25$. - Paris, Aug. 20-Opening-Whea.t. tone steady; August 22f 60c, Novem- lber and 1~`obx'um'y 23! 55c. Flour. tone stcmly; August 28f 60c, Novem- ber und Februzmv 291' 95c. ' . T :n-e_.f`.Incn_ll\nnI- O-nun o+nnrhr- London, Aug. 2O.-Opening-\ Vl1ez1t,`| on passage firm. but not; o.ct_ive.. Corn on passage quiet and steady._ Wea- ther in England, min. F1-mice. fine. lish rm, French quiet but steady. Yesterday's `country markets, Eng-V L`ondon-Close--Mo.rk Lune-Wheat,, foreign quiet at` an advance of 3d," English firm and rather dearer; corn, American and Dzmubian strong at an` udvzuice of 3d; our. American rm` [and rather dearer, English nominally unclmnged. T.ivnI-nnnl Annr on _l`lAun._.Qnn+ I.lI_lUlH.l.H5Ull. ' Liverpool, Aug. 20.-C1se--Spot wheat; -rm; No. 1 standard Califor- |niu. 6s 1d to 63 1d: t11l.. 5's 11a}d |1'.n (i! Nn, 5! rad winfnv Eu 01:1 in Ultl` uuu J.` curu1u',v HUI UDC. Pzu'is-Closc--Wheat. tone steady; August 22! 70c, November and Feb- rum'_v 23f 65c.` Flour; tone quiet; August. 28f 75c, November and Feb-} ruary 30f. _ , ' 1 w A .l)uLLUl', IU 1'UUb'...... .. do croc1_ . Eggs, new 1..1id...... .. do held stock... Chickens. old. pain. (In snrinrr, nor rniv u1m.:Iu:u:s. mu. pu1r...... do spring`. per pair... I Ducks, per pair... Turkeys, per lb ........ Appls, per basket... Beets, per doz... Beans. butter, per bu.. Cubbages, per doz... Carrots. per doz... . Celery, per doz... Cauliower, doz... Corn. green. per doz... _ Cucumbers... I rln nu\1 :1`, Ix...-but Illh V nu referred Erlgl ish wri Lton DUUULIIUUIVH... ...-u Iuvuouun do small basket... ' Egg plant. each... Lettuce, per doz... Onions, -green. per doz Pau's1e_v.Vper doz... I ursnips=, per doz... Peas, grpcn, prck... Potuloos, pox` bu {In rln nrnv nurlr l.'U|;U.LUl.'5, [JUY UH nun- do do per peck... . Squash, each... Tomatoes. per bask... Turnips. per doz... Vgetuble-Murrow. dc -Dressed hogs, cwt... Beef. hindqun1't.e1fs... do fo1'cqum`ters... . dn murnn.-:cn.a nhnion UU CUIUUIUH. . _ Lambs. _vcm`ling, 1b.. (In . , .l.4ll.luUb', _vuau`xu1g, 1u.... do spring... Mutton, pox` cwt... Veal calves, light 1b.. do choice, per lb..... .__j. -..y- . .....u \.lblAIAL-V ;u4;;.u,sn;.4;.>.a- Buulo. Aug` . 20.-' Flour rm. V Spring wheat. quiet; No. 1 northern. old. 813C. \Vintor.\vheu1'. lower; No.'_ _:3 red. 76.30; No. 1 White, 76C. Corn dull but Iirm: No. 2 yellow. 630; N04.` 3 do. 6:3~c; No. 2 corn, 6250: No. 3 do, 620; ()ats~`stoudy; No. 2 white, Iold, 430; do new, 41c;ANo. 2 mixed. |3),',c;t. No. 3 do. 3822c. Rye strong; `No. 1 old, (350 in store. I Buled Straw--Quiet and unchangod at $5 per ton for car lots on track Toronto. ' Wheat. white.. do red ...... .. do goose .... .. do spring... ` Barley .......... .` Rye ............. .. ` Oats. old .... .. . (In inn \JubB. Ulu. do nw.. Hay, old, d`n nnw UU U\V...... u... Str:uv...... .. Butter, 1!) rolls.. (In nuonlilzn EUROPEAN CI!AIN MARKETS. uuy sun- British n every wmed 0. families remained in pro- mt, the n Ix.-Alp ... 7 BOTHA MAY sunnzwfmn. BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. 1\.,n- u n FRUI'JE fr:EZ:ii6iI ACT. FARMERS MARKET. ......-no ton.. , choice.. THE BARBIE EXAMINER. Tnvnsmv. AUG. UD 6:00. l\K Uq.) .Ul) I07; .03 hcs, u.nd_ ` ever. hus he num- u.;)u 7.25 5.00 my .U:7 7.00 OI! .... .., .......,.u...... uuul. uuruu. -'In'view of the interest taken in this question of Whetlier or not animal , tuberculosis can be communicated to human beings, '1`. L. 1\I0ns01l,_StatO Dairy Commissioner of Colorado. has otfered .himself as "a. subject for "a? thorough test of tlwtmatten-. A r9......L....L:..__I. J - -._...=,.. .....n. U: mu; u.m.Lu:r. A Constantinople desp'atch says that sevn hundred and four exiled. _per\sons, many of them being women, starfsed tor Yemen, Arabia, August .....u.u _n_;\4c|.uI.:a >.Jv.:uu.u:. "Dangerous social troubles, along ' with a costly scal conict is with- out doubt the ca.tustrop11e with which the proposed tariff lziw threat- ens_t.hc_ German Empire, according to a. despaitch from Berlin. --Tn'Iv:ntvv IKE u._ .-._;_,,,,. _--., _.......u-V nu-uuunu. J.\L|l\Vlly. rt" is said that Lord `Pauncefote has with him in England a. draft of a. treaty re -the Nicaraguan Canal, which has received the private ,ap- * proval of many members of the Uni_t.ed_States Senate. uv\....._-.., , V ;.u.uu.uu\ Aul. 10. It is said that 1,000 shares of stock, in value amounting to more than $1,000,000, were distributed by General William `J. Palmer among the old employees of the Rio Grunde Western Railway. Pt. i Raid fhnfl Tn-I 'D....._....A-A- . -.-. .. .. uu; uuuxu. A fortune of $11,000,000 has been waiting Peter Nelson Oague, .9. Dam- ish farm hand near Deadwood, S. D., for the last twenty-two years. He` has gone to Denmark for it. T4 ... ......: A_I.-A 4 I\I\A . --.....-. Av: mu; JLILLII u.Ull.'S, ll]. Ul1lCllg0. The German Government has-ap- propriuted $50,000 for an armored motor car that will carry two Max- im guns and will be rie and bullet- proof. Qonllu ......I n..........L A - The Vossische Zeitung, Berlin. in 11 leading article, severely criticises Field Marshal Count Von Waldor- _see's "bombastic" speeches since his return from`- China. A fA..L.. . ..-- ..,... -4 . link with pl'UUl. Stella and Gervtrude Ambrose, dau1gl1tcvs of .C_aptuin Amlrexv Am- brose. ll. Savannah pilot, were drowned while _bathi1ig at Tybce Is- ` land. ' It is announced that the members of C buttery whp went to South Africa. and were cut 0!? their defer- red pay because they "received a grzmt from the Rhodesian Govern- ment. are to be given the amounts claimed. and that the necessary or- ders ,hi1.ve been issued for the pay- ment. ' |...a mu. uJllU5|(lylllClLl Ll'u.U Charles D. Avery. an old-tim gam- lblexxv who is credited with giving `away $500,000, died pcnnilcss at the Home for the Incurubles, `in Chicago. I The CDl'lh5II1 r1!\\InI\I\l1\nnO- `Int! -- .......-.. ..-4--.u.u. At, Brazil, Ind.. one person was killed and six persons were injured in a. trolley accident. AL KT-.. \7.._..I_ 1' A_,,u 1\ - - The French F.cderation of Printers has issued "a. circular in which it de~ plorcs, the fact that women are ruin- ing the typographical trade. (`.l\n..I.m 1\ A ..... -. A ....~ --.... 9. -us.-. .4.-v-\.u\.\. A notice of motion has been given in the Montreal council to reduce tax exemptions by ubolishingunore of the exemptions on religious pro- perty. Lost your the exemptions in~ creased by $1,500,000 and are in- able property. , , Willinrn Bird, of New York, a. sail- : creasing in greater rate than the tax- .or on the battleship Indiana. and Private Duncan McLean. of the Royal Canadian Regiment, were Efinod $60 , apiece at Halifax-for en- tering` Mrs. Annie Do_vle s house, qtenring the clothing from her body, 4 knocking her down, and assaulting ` her. J.` \J~llA.'JJ\JL`n Marquis Ito..formc'rIy the Japanese I x'.ime Minister, will shortly visit. the United States. ` ... u. I.lA\Ill\J`y u\.\.nux;uu- At Ngw York J. Axel Dduglas has been sentenced to life imprisonment for killing his wife. A ..u..:.. ,1 71- A - -- 5...... wvlato u_y uu:t.u Lu 1uu.l:llll1L'l`_Y. The British Government has spent $1,000,000 in Kansas Cit_v'for `hor- ses and mules for service in South Africa. ' na . V . . . . . . . "D .u... vvnlv A sprixig at Housatonic, Mass., was poisoned for the purpose,-it ` is said, of killing two families. "I"nvn f`l.......... ~I._L...|.__ u, ........, `(I ........5 uvvu u.uu.un:a'. V Two Cl1icng'o`bimks have adopted the plan of weighing and sort;ing gem coins by electric machinery. I`hn T}:-Hi;-In f`.....\.......-..L L . - DOMINION. _ Ottawa has ve cases of smallpox. Little Current is now lighted with electricity. ' nu... 1'\..I... ..n 1r....I. _...: ___.L, _en It looks as if Stratford will have an electric; railway next year, a. main line running through the city from Woodstock to Goderich. Irv-Iv n... V`, \l'\1A V...`-v,vvvo It, has been decided that all the Cabinet Ministers will go down to Quebec to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York when they land about September 16th. r- 1.V__'__.I_ Y..,u__._, 1,, 4, ,9 ...u.u \I--lvvnv -'\a`4vvAA|wvA .|.UuaA Mr. I-`rvanlc Jackson. 11. graduate of tho meclmn1`cu.l department of Queen's University, has been ap- pointed dra.ft._smr.u1 in a large on- gineering firm at I-Iux'1`isburg',' Pa. | Another powerful syndicate or Cam- 'adia.n and American capitalists has [been formed to carry on the wood pulp industr_v on the north shore of ltho Ghlf of St. Lawrence. .-..v .. .._..._, s The Duke of York and party will only remain three hours in Hamilton. '11 -.. 1:: ur n.._..:.... 1... u__.,, u nu \.a van. Ann. New rie ranges are likely to be es- tablishecl by the Militia. Department at Winnipc-g,- Bhockville, Sherbrookc and Fredericton, N. B. _ ~ nu-. - .-4`.-..>.uu.au, .1. .u. Three` London . lloteikeepers who kept their places open after hours while the Old Boys" were there, were ned $20 each and costs. . vur_.___ -. ,__ !,,_,,A_ A,,,, All the lumber mills at Three Riv- ers are shut down for want of logs, while hundreds of thousands of these are strmxdetl onthc banks and shoals of the St. Maurice. 7 :: trous- mow I 31. whole V. ...... ...... `mun. .uv. It is stated that the tenders` for the improvement; of the Ilmnilton Beach canal and piers have been opened, and the contract given, and that the cost will bc.over $100,000. Y; 1.-.. 1.4.... .I..-2,)-.| LI, , 1 u. ' .- , Irmwg BRIEFLY Tum} "V.-.. -nu. V-uv uu.-4.. ......u nu-Ino- Many prominent tourists and mountain climbers, including Mr. Edward Whympcr, .the celebrated mountaineer and artist, are in the Canadian Rockies. Tho Very Latest Items From All Parts Of H19 E10118. `I053. ....-gun volnvv nun.-4 nu unwzunnvuu. ' Hon. F. W. Borden has been asked to open Peterbol-o' fair on the 25th inst. ` FOREIGN. . some .Enth_usiastic, Welcome Accorded the Duke. A despatch from Cape Town says : The `Duke and `Duchess of Cornwall find York arrived here on Monday 1;'1orning', and were entlmsiastically received. They drove to the .Gov- ernment House through thronged ` streets. The Duke held a reception in` the afternoon at Parliament House. Subsequently, With the < Duchess, he received an address welcome from all parts of the col- - ony. Numerous valuable and hand- presents `ere given to .the royal pair. The weather was un- usually hot. ofi i l So sure are the men of ,this that they are holding thanksgiving ser- vices. The wives of men still in the field are continually insulting the Wives of those who have surrender- ed. Consequently some of the bur- ghers who l1.c_we sur`reudered, desiring to be on the winning side, have. es- caped and returned to commando. `ROYAL PARTY AT CAPE 'rowN Causing Burghers Who Surrender- ` ed to Fight Again. A despatch from London says :- A despatch toethe Standard from Pretoria A states that Boer women who have just been taken to the concentration camps, their husbands being on commando, declare loudly that in spite of all that has happen- ed lately the Boers are going to win. They say that letters. from the Boer delegates in Europe assure the ght-1'n'g leaders that the Con- `tinental powers will shortly inter- VGIIO . ' 1--Was Ul.`IL' Ul L0 1001: d with his dis- Fmglish V paper cum-0 urity is Boers, lity for , there- uuvuxuur-ut:uo:1'11l 5 root. uuarus, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 22nd, 26th, 2_7t,h, 30th. 32nd, 33rd, 36th, 37th, 38th, 42nd, 43rd, 45th, 46th, 481.11 and 57th Regiments. Medical Co1`ps-Nos. 2; 4, 6 and 7 Bearer Companies, Nos. 2, 4 and 7 Field Hospitals. One Cu- det Corps. Total of all r-.u`1ks', 10,- 000. A \VLllL'l'. ' The steamer left Skagway in the evening of Wednesday last. and was proceeding out of Lynn Canal when the collision occurred. Most of the passengers and members of the crew who were in bed were rudely awaken- ed by the shock. The majority got out on deck in time to be saved in the boats, which were quickl_v,man- ned. but a large number went, down in their state-rooms l}il..lll.U 111 >w1u1 L110 news. , The survivors were landed on Douglass island, and the mate was sent to Juneau forhelp. the steamers Flossie and Lucy responding and tak- ing them to Juneau. - The identied nre- ' Passengers Lost.--Mrs. 1:. Ross, wife of the governor of the Yukon Territory, her child and niece: Dr. `John Duncan. of Victoria; Mrs. Phil- ips and child, Seattle; Mr. I . W. Bell, Victoria; W. H. Keating and t.woTsons. Los `Ange-les: Mrs. Nickel`- son, wife of Capt..Nickersm1; Mrs. J. C. Henderson. Vjctorizl: Mrs. V. Smith. Vancouver. . `l\fn.nhznm .-J 0...... T ,...a n..-4. Clllllhll. VllIlL'Ul1VL'l'. Members of Crew . Lost.-C-apt. Foote. Geo. Allan, third engineer: -Horace Smith. second st2\vard; S.J. Pitts, cook; two Chinamcn: Burk- holder and Oink, oilers; Porter and Moran. coal passcrs: Kendall. night, saloon watclmmn: Joe llcard. second pantry man: two waiters: M. P. Jock: G . Miller, bm"bcr; N. Law; two I'u`emen. , !'\.`&...on `D- ......... ... c4-..-.I `KY A b\VU lll'UlllL'll. Ontario Passengers Saved.--N. A. Belcourt. M. P.. Ottawa: C. C. Ray, Ottawa: Russel Williinson. Lemming- ton; Noble Johnston, St. M-.1r_v's. n List of the Regiments That Will Participate. A dcspatch from Ottawa says:- The list, of rcgilnents that are to take part in the Toronto review dur- ing the viit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York has undergone revision,, and now stands as follows: ' -Cuvulr_v-Royal Canadian Dm- goonsg G.G.B.G.V, 1st, Ilussurs, 2nd and 3rd Dragoo,ns,A4th Hussars, P.L. DI}, Cnnnrln Rfnnnfnrl Diana ,A.-HI- in u. .Lu\.u r u:|u J.)iI.l.l.l:1'1cS. 1u11gll100l`S I`*'onto Company. Infantry--The Governor-Gencral sV Foot Guards, 2nd. 7th. 10th `lot-h 1:111` 14+!` v'.|'.`he Steamer Islandef ,Co11ided With an Iceberg. - Adespatch from Victoria, B. C., says:-The steamer Islander. the flag- ship of the Canadian Pacific Naviga- tion Company, and the largest and fastest passenger steamer on the Vic- to1`iu-Skagway route, collided with an iceberg on` Douglass islzind. Alas- ka, while on her way south with the largest` number of passengers that shelms carried since she was placed on the run a. few n1ont'hs ago, and sank within 15 minutes after strik- mg. Unnf pnnfn L... ...._..z.... .7: uzlplz. roote, her master, and about 32 persons, including passengers and members of the crew, were drowned. 1`o add to the horror of the terri- ble disaster her boiler exploded as she'went down, causing the death of many Who wt-rn Rf.rInrrrII'nrr .-.. um. ....u u m many water. VPL.-. I`. A uu uch n. .-ml the lish ml- : uny of Ill LlH.'ll' zsultc-l`070111S. , Some of the survivor's arrived here on Sunday evening by the steamer which passed over the scene of the appalling _disaster on the following evening`, and picked them up at Jun- can, to which city they ha(l.been taken. ` l.ll.KUllo _ 1`l1e news came as a. terrible blow to thewzitizens of`Vict0rin, many of the lost being ;\vell known and hav- ing families in this city. and was 1-articularly sudden, as the stearrner had been expected, and 1m1n_v were u.\va.iLing her arrival when the Queen came in with the news. I`l1n cun-uhrnun I'VYt\|`r\ 1-.. 4...: _._ unu oru l.JI'll.g'UOIl5,kLl1 nussars, 13.14. lD.G., Cnnadu_ ]_&_I9un;ed _1{it1e.s;-ArLil- lcry--A"- and B" 13-atteries R.C.F. A.. 2nd, 4th, 7th, 9th,_ 111.11, 14th an d. 16th Field Batteries. Engineers `onto Comnnnv. Tnfnnf.rv--'I'hn --... acvvA\4lAL un. hut: Illlllz falacc. A murder, resulting from a. Ven- detta of 20 years duration, occurred in 0. church at Obotti, Austria, on Sunday. A general ght ensued be- tween the respective partisans, with the result that seven persons were killed and twenty-three wounded. O I 14. The prisoners include those who were implicated in the recent fire at lthe harem of the Yildiz Palace. A 1YIlII`lnw ..,.....I4.--._ A -` [ ; uynrn imnli ug . Capt F00t_c. her abouf L`-I Dersous. mcludinrr nnccnnrrnmz and U THIRTY-TWO LIVES LOST. TORONTO REVIEW. -. Spenc- -nt of M. - uh uuwu, cuusmg me death oil who were struggling in the` ?__:__. BOER WOMEN. Igor ~ .... _..,_, . This talk is utter nonsense. One might as well ask the men of Ger- 1nau_V to Wear rings in their noses as smootlr faces. From time imme- morial the Geriuans have believgd :1 handsome beard and mustache to be not only man's proudest heritage. but the bulwark 0! \he nation's I Women . Threaten to Revive the} Crinoline. A dos; atch from Berlin says:--Ger- man women have be;_.-;un_ a crusade against whiskers, and are lling the columns of the Berlin and provincial papers with warlike communications insisting that beards and mustaches must; go, unless the men of the na- tion desire reprisals in theform oi`! hoopskirts and long trained dresses.| Francois Haby, the Ka.iser's bar- ber, and the designer and keeper of the Imperial mustache, said on Sat-v urday:-- ' | un-n.2,, . `n A I us IOILOWS City Montreal... Toronto... Quebec... .. Ottawa... . Hami1ton.. Winnipeg... Halifax... . St. John... London... . Victoria... Kingston... A despatclrfrom Ottawa says :- The first oicial bulletin of the cen-! sus was issued on Friday: The` population of the Dominion is given at 5,338,883, anincrease of 505.644 over the census of 1891. The popu- lations of the Provinces are as fol- lows :- _ I Province 1891 1901. : Brit. Columbia. 98,173 190,000- Manitoba ........ .. 152,506 246,464| New Brunswick._ 321,263 331,093 Nova. Scotia. 450,396 459,116 Ontario... .....2,114,321 2,167,978 P.E. Island `. 108,078 103,258 Quebec . . . . .. ...1,488,535 1,620,974 Territories... 66,799 145,000 Unorgzuiized Ter- ritories 32,168 75,000 The populations of the cities of Canada. by municipal bounclaries are as follows : _ ` ma... -~~ Inc1'ease of 533,000 Over Returns of Ten ` Years Ago. CRUSADE AGAINST BEARDS. IVL'HL\\'Ul`LIl IL and Brant .. \\70ntW()l`th S . York E York, N ....... .. York, W... . uunn -.- .~' `truction weighed `I1 n orn- I Ontarioi N . . . . .. 0nt.a.rio. '0nt;u`io, W . . . . .. Ottawa . . . . . . . . . .. . 0xfo1'(1."N': Oxford, S . . . . . . . . Peel . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perth. N ........ .. ` Perth, S... . Pcterboro', Peterbo1o', W... Prescott . . . . . . . .. Prince .Ed\\'ard. Ronfrew, N .... .. Renfrew, S ..... .. Russe1l...... Simcoc, E . . . . . .. Simcoe, N . . . . . .. Simcoe. S . . . . . .. Toronto, C .... ., Toronto. IO ... 'l`0r0nto. W... .. Victoria. N.`.. Victorizt, S ..... .. Waterloo, N...... Waterloo, S .... .. Wellm_1d. . . . . . . . .. Wellington. 0... Wellington, N... Wellington, S... Wentworth` E and `I1.......L \.'Ul`l1\V.Lll and Stormont... Dundas... ...._ Durham, E ...... Durham, W ..... .. Elgin. E ....... .. Elgin, W ....... Essex, North Essex, South _...- 1v`ront.onac... Glengarry . . . . . Grenville, S... _\ Grey, East... . Grey, North Grey, South..... Ilaldimand and T\`fnn:-Lv 4uu uu, vv Kent... .. Kingston Lambton. 1 Lzunbton. \ Lanurk, N.. Lanark, S.. Leeds and (`J nnnuln 1.aL'L'Ll3 illlltl. Grenville... . Leeds, South . Lennox . . . . . . . .. Lincoln and Niagara... London ... .. `Middlcsex, E . Middlcsex, N . Middloscx, S . .1\Iiddlcsex, \\.'.. Muskoka. and T7...-`nu C`,...... Districts. Ont-ario...... Addington .... . Algoma... .. Bothwcll... .. . Brant, Brockville... _. Bruce, ... Bruce, N ....... .. Bruce, W .. Cardwcll... Carleton... - Cornwall and gfnv-Iuunnf .uLl|Bl\UALiL uuu. Pzu'r_v Sound. Nipissixlg Norfolk, N . . . . . .. Norfolk, Northumbc-rland, W! Ill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- Northumberiautl, w LLLLIUILAIELIIU Monck... I-Ialton... .. IIun1ilton.. T~]'.a cf : I\n-rs lllllll I bUll- Hastings, _-Izfstings, EI-.Lstings. *-TIn'nn F: FIGURES OF THE CENSUS. Hll. , LQIU c broken uml be- 5;. H . East . Q 1591 ..441,79s 4,986 .. 7,452 .. 5,244 4,907 3.288 I 3,770 4,028 A 190 0,.` I 0 13,992 3,202 4-.O)() 4.827 4.863 5,247 A .-Inn `t.(3-IL 7,018 4,110 7.970 u,.'rx1 4-,5()2 4.6238 4,805 4.384 A 031 5,007 3,937 3,522 3,256 5,978 4,996 6,035 4,844 2,452 3,991 2,706 , 5,071 5.048 4,469 -z,.:.1.t 4,823- 1891- ..220,181 ..181,-22O 63,090 .. 44,154: . 48.980 . 25.639 38,495 . 39,179 31,977 . 16,841 '.. 19,263 the `No 4,334 4,344; 9,663 3,619 4,214 3,962 3.677 3,962 3.956 R A 0'7 \),'k~"l I 3,762 4.856 4.881 3.472 3.758 2.797 4.692 3.192 5.80-'1 4,376 5,010 3.882 3.966 3,590 5,101 3.263 A 01'.` 4,669 -x,.Lt-3 2,965 3.010 - .,.,u.-nu. 1891. 1901 7C A911 00!`! CENSUS 01? THE COUNTIES. t\-.__:I2__ . -My _-...-y-V Families. 1r\r\` `A- RINTS Lo LUKIJ. 451.839 5.123 10,450 5,494: 5.876 3,414: 3,713 4334 ~ 3,797 CH1 ) L 1901. 5 190,000 '- 246,464 I I 4.137 5.234; 8.411 4.061 10.847 1 .04.) 5.504 4.082 5.187 8.958 16,'11,5 3,282 4,314 K '.)".'I! .3. 21;.) 4,216 3,83!) 3,815 10,83; 5,471 5.071 2.960 5,547 3,893 4v.533 0 3'10`) 4,391 4,240 10,908 3,677 A r-on .1, I :):; 4,451 4.891 5.020 `lnlnil. 4.884 6.511.- ? '50`) u,.;.a..7 4.861 4.589 /1 `I01 207,971 68,834 59,902 ' 52,550 42,336 40,787, 40,711 37,983 20,821 ' 18,043 1901 266.826 Cl} I- Tho!`- (vt\n\r| 3.063 4.705 3,323 0.; 4 u 5.585 3.8959 4,201. 3.604: 6.390 6,000 4,373 -1.956 5.417 T 4,334 3,343 3,055 6,414 5.186 6,673 5,517 2,283 4,173 2,848 5,274 5,523 4,485 -x,toa 4.142 -3.74.-9 3,814 4.027 6,922 3.815 5,023 4,840 `.4! K01 17.061 4.018 ' 4,604 4,11.-3 3.848 6,208 ."_1"'!! HUU 3 for I:,-)L`3: 376 5. 3. 2 1891. 406,748 ` 4,872 7,276 5,148 4,825 3,244 ` 3.753 3,897 4,119 2.866 2,985 BLILULIUII. "H. W. Laird, formerly publisher of the Cobourg Sentinel Star, has been appointed secretary to Premier Haul-, tin, of the Northwest Territories. has 1 the 5 ` pug-;. _ Andrew Czirnegie has offered $50.- 000 to St. John,N.I3., for zL.pub1icIib< r:1r_v. stipulating that the city pro- vide n free site and maintain the in- stitution. `T1 In `I'..:...I :.......-._v.. -__Lu:-L-._ -5 Arnold's glove factory may be mov- cd from Acton to Georgetown. The t`.if.i7.n'n.-2 nf Qndhnrxr nvncnnfnrl uuI..n:r.s` {U10 u'cx1cn-ulggers. "I fear these ladies have undertak- lcn a. hopeless task." cu xruxu 1\CI.l)[l L0 _UCOI`gCLOWIl. The cit.ize`ns of Sudbury presented `an address to Mr. Edison. the fam- - ous inventor. I w 1 an, n A -: n-A-.A----W greatness. Our whi-Skers have-really" come to mean more tlmn that, be< jcausc nowadays it whiskcrless face is the monopoly of waiters. ca.b-'drivers, butlcrs and trench-diggers. "I fnnr thr-so lnrlinq lmvn IIn1lnrOnI(_ 01.1. 4.059 P7 `"(\1 INVESTED IN CANADA A(.'CUMULA'l`I!ID FUNDS . l`0'l`A I4 ASSURANCE. . . . .. INCOME, OVER............ 4.2247 4.838 6,811 A l'\"1l'\ ' .l)I`il.XlUUU. . . . . . . . . . . . . - .- Oft (U The population by families pared with 1891 is as follows :- VI 1891 Canada... I . . . . . . . ..h.92].,643 1,04. Brit. Columbia. 20,718 3 Manitoba 31,786 4` New Brunswick 58,462 6 Nova. Scotiu. 83.730 8 Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . ..414_,798 45 P. E. Island ....... .. 18.601 1 Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..271,991 30 Territories ........ .. 14,415 2` Unorganized . . . . . .. 32.168 - 7` The dwellings are as follows - 1891 11 Canada... ........ ..877,58G 1,00 Brit. Columbia 20,016 3 Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . .. 20,790 4 New Brunswick 54,718 5 . Nova Scotia. . . . . . .. 79,102 8 Ontario . . . . .. . .... ..I1O6,948 44 P.E. Island ....... .. 18,389 1 iQuebec... ......24G,644 28 Territ_ories . . . . .. . 14,129 2 `.l,n)l I) 4,821 5,180 4.511 4.565 4,692 Brantford... . `Hull ............. .. Charlottetown . Valleyeld... Sherbrookc . Sydney... . .. Moncton... .... .. ;Calgary Brandon I rm". .... DVIUICOLIVCP ... .. I .-. . . . . . .. .. lP.E. `Quebec . . . . . . . .. Tcrrit_orics... . Lug?! 5,4()8 6.507 5.097 3.899 4.496 7.955 1 0 `JP?! Ln),-It U 3.169 3,918 /I 7. !!! Vancouver `Rm. n 9 fn r-rl 3.028 4.070 3,924 3,998 7,564 5.186 4.836 3,011 4,994: 3,818 4,152 :'},()(S$) 4,005 4,420 3.708 0 (H11! . hm nus: zqpuper mpnLh- s had 4.969 3,093 4,193 4,748 4.937 3,880 3.506 3,235 5,872 4,931 5.876 4,766 .2407 3,883 2.685 5.011 5,000 A `J O `J 4,363 4,280 9,663 3,552 ' 4,145 3,864: 3.614 3,638 3,894- 6.292 3,633 4,785 4,609 3,408 3,738 I lll\'Ul1LUl'. L . J. Spence. B. A.. of Peterboro. ; been appointed to a position on : staff of Wesley College, Winni- Dwllings. )1 -Inn o,..In 4.033 10.613 4,362 4,203 ` 10.803 3.333 4,698 3,994 3,710 3,769 4,004 6,837 3.671 4,981 4,797 3,540 3,981 y'unJ.\au:< (G KSAKJJHNT, DEAL `t `l ER8 in UOAL of all kinds, imported root from the mines; also Lam and Shingles, White and Qrey Lune, Plasterers Hm: Se-ver Pipe: Ezra Brick. Fire Oluy. Platter of Paris dementia, otc.. allot best uullty. and soui at` very roaaonablo nten, Inca: 23 Elizabeth St., non:-ly opposite Wellington Hotel. 6-27 4.112 5,162 O t1'Tl) *x...'..'..g 5,211 5.287 5.741 4,407 4.872 ` 4,992 2,870 4,161 3,815 3,771 9,945 5,444 4,996 2.936 33.486 3,847 4.475 3.469 4,700 4,530 ') (\F.'-1 -x,Iu.) 6,1100 7.421 5,453 4.039 4.82!) O EDA \),.:l :1 5,700 4,338 4.907 4.660 I),`Ji)D 6,345 5,723 6.611 5,425 2,252 4,046 2,777 5,233 1'! /IF"(\ -).`.t 1 3 4,430 2,949 4.022 0 1-11 I).1l() 5,085 5.547 3,853 4.167 `J KR ! uurxcz: 2:5 umzar. 5,188 4.093 3,319 3.038 R `JA 1': r.(`I. 4;I $.58/L 1:10.". nun.) ) 67` 3,.`- 1 ED n\ P) -1 _. .1. ..--... .. 1891 2,114,321 3 ' 24,151 D 37,570 -' 25,593 3 23,359 7 15,853 ) 21,355 9 20,771 3 ' a 22,377 . 15.382 ' 16,534 21.629 24 .990 35,148 20,284 41,857 14,947 20,723 19,033 1 8,792 42,481 26,131 22,421 15.466 26.1202 1 9,400 21,919 15,808 24,173 18,889 22.484: 23,972 31,643 35,801 :2R,.`()3 20,824 26,632 A 1) l`'.`l:A `.l-), -')Y) t 73.827 1 6.849 20.455 25,32 . 25.139 25,132 23,387 ` 47,1 nun- -4l),nJl.~l 17,970 19,400 22,702 27.043 22.281 25,569 7 19,080 18.806 17,288 i"A1\`fj5AE>> `.W.j%%LlFE. . I 26.515 1 '7 n-7n 27.156 20.132 17,053 15,374- 26,724 23,925 `.11 KPH) .-u ,;)'.:a 24,022 13,445 22,447 12,929 26,225 26,341 no 1: :-q 21,463 21,982 48,980 18,050 22,070 18.964 18.968 -18,184 20,021 31,434 19,263 24,269 23.146 19,260 ' 15,862 4u,oftL 23,672 13.709 ` 12,753 11,264 11,373 5,515 ` 10,097` 2,427 5.165 `3,876 3.778 n funnulin Population. 1on1 -tn ;,u.:.L 3.449 L900 - 100x 1 ,042,7s2 39,000 43.590 02.700 89,106 451,339 18.74_6 303,301! 29,500 75,000 lama - IuW`l 1901.- 1,003,944: 33.000 47,903 58,227. 85,033 440,419 18;530 287,533 28,300 Vi ' fl-llbilllv ARRISTER. SOLICITOR. B 1\'(J'L`ARY. CUNVEYANCER. &c. MONEY T0 LOAN on most favorable terms. Wills Probnted. Estates Administered. Ac counts Goliected. ' Omcc--Mc(.`nrthy'a Block. South Sula Dunlor Street. Burma. 6 1901. 2,167,900 24,495 56,500 25,..32 26,722 15,909 I 19,310 20,802 17,725 13,003 17,375 1.5. I L}! 24,447 40,442 1 3,737 53,744 I ,0 I I 22,213 16,840 27,035 1 7,864 23.201 26,677 35,206 39,257 26,963 19.272 28.744 45,707 81,574 16,27 20.357 27.16 ? 25,480 26,090 20,563 23,800 23,767 26,196 16,631 13,988 12,080 11,055 11,765 ' 9,908 9,026 12,142 K "."JC) .1.),uou 01 9 20.500 13.055 20.716 16,794 16,695 57,614 25,358 21,797 13,686 0'. IA ! 27,589 24,417 26.615 17.455 18.639 15,847 oo, (gs 33.500 18.658 20,889 coda iv IIIIOV I3 EIIDXQ UV l\II3! ARIUSTEHS Eollcilcu for the Sup:-em Court of Judicature for Ontario, Pro ton Notaries, Omvcynucex-.~I, otc. Money to Loam. Olucos : lion Block, Barrie. 0 E. III.\vaut'. `A. 11.11. cnnawwn. ;a,Iun 14,464" 13,109 27,258 22,865 33,4 5. 25.3 12,598, 22,131; 12,832 ` 25.095 27.073 22,125 20,063 19,573 52,530 16,472 24,077. 17,770 17,26 17,46 18.778 31.873 18,043 23,048 22,019 18.174 19.507 13,644: 21,185 13,422 14,114 5.738 a1'na1'.rI.x G '.l.'liN AIlltlB'1`El(tI, Solicitors in night Court 0 Justice, Nomi:-a Public. Conveynncer omcea: Ovorank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in mm of $2.00 and upwu-III, to ' Loan at .5 1 or (-cut. H. u t'.mA'rnv. <:.o.. V G. Exams. .1; uu.N1.u1.' a'uusu;'L'. BAIHILE. J1-zxvrxuzv A. Mccumw. W. A. Boss. D. U. Muncnxsom Monoy to loan from 45 to I) per cent. on im- provcnl farm property. -- mmox. AHDAGH. cowm a show. BARRISTIERS. Solicitors for omalning pro bum ut'\\'i1.`s, guardlanahlu and udmlnistra , non. nnd'GL-new! .~.ollcIlors,Notarlcs.Uou\'ey .nm~cx's, etc. HM.'GIl1'0N Lmmox. ALI-zx. COWAN. B. Howonn Aumuu, G. E.J. uuowx. L.I3.B. noties: Hinds Black. No. 6 Dunlap St:cct. nmc. Brunch Ofces--Lcnnox 8; Ardaurh. Graven- hum: Lennox, Ax'd:u.:h. Cuwan 6; Brown. Ulco more and Adlstou. unxvmv Inn 1 t'\ n\r WiEEN"NTIANEE7:Y) -o1` TORONTO.- ` Iycial name, without chnrzo, In the TRADE-MARKS Dzsume . copvmm-rrs &c. Anyone aendlng a sketch and desert tlnn mny qntckly ascertain our opinion free w ether an Invention is probably natentablo. Comnmn|ca- tlona atrlctliy condenunl. Hnndbooi on Patents lent free. ( ldent nzunny for securing ntenta. Patents taken through Mum: & 0. receive) n Q.:A..4x1x.. AAA AAA A,A.; . 1900 his lot.- fumily h. The will tell of 1110 ysclf to ,, . -.-........ .--0...." avll-M39 (II -0 year: tau: uuthn. $1. soid byml newedenleru. iJBu.a'=r-W New Ygrk B_x-ranch Once. 625 F St. Washington. D. `. muncy 10 L013. DOKALD Rosa, LL.B. --u III cl I-II&rV&l PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Lulu Resident Physician and Surgeon of the Toronto General In-sultan. with special attention to I)lscm!c.-i of Women and Nose and 'I`lu'oat 'vIs:oxk:` and also Sun.;cuu to Elncrgcncy Hospital, own 0. . r.m.... n....;..a.... ... u.. u_n....;,, ... . AUI Ull|Ua 0m(~e-Upstairs in the BIcCa1'lh$' Block. not to Mcuurmy. 81. Co's Omc-cs. two doors cast or Dougall Bros. Furniture store. 29- DR. W- D. MMLAREN . Dentist. Barrio. . vnm cookatown. every Wedneadny.. (Jmcc--lloss Block. East of thn Pout nm.-n I vnuu uuuxuwwn. every weaneadny.: Umx-c~1loss Block. East of the Post Olco, Ilame. . C'!oo-0vcr Henderson : I1m'd\\'m'c Store; Icntrum.-c,0\\'en street. uhly - _ V vuvuvu I IV I I lllvl Ivlio A hnnaaomeiy illustrated weakly. !.nn:c:t t-Ir. culutlon of any nclammo ournal. '1'erms.!:s :a months. so d newedenlerol. .9 Fn lNI:....I...... "nun V--'1 v vv. Gavan`! ' B.lRRIS'l`ER. l"aOLICI'l`0R. PROCTOR. ;N()'1`Alt`z'. CONVEYANUER. ETC) 8 pet-l_n1 attention in the Drawing nndfrobntlnsr of wars. _obI.n1ning Leuers of Admmlsu-nuou nnd Guardianship. and collection of accounts, kc. Money to Lonn. ' _ ` Olccs: Ross Block, Dunlap street. Barrie. s\- an 4.12:.` AJHWI `foamy CLERK, will be at his Oiceln the Court House. BnI`l`io., every Saturday Rel-iduyce and P.0.. Coolmzowu. '1: treat- t. and u-dinnry the sol- prise ;` |_V plun- descrip- n I in J. on-wcx: nab In-:un1:r Owen and Collier su-ems. Barrie DR. .1.` 0. SMITH. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON dzo Om-umr. nah 1u.~.-unmmn -_r`m....... r PHYSUIAN, SURGEON. &c. OF`!-`ICI-ZN ` /mu Nlmrr In-:s1;\I-.uc1:: Brown 3 14: ch lluulo s St.,l31u-u'o. ' 1`ele[h no }7. 27 KOCABTBY. BOYS & MUIICEISON. I\ ADDIETDDQ DAY vnvrnnnn n _. -ovum! & ulnvllil V lillinl BARR STERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. GUNVEYANCERS, &c. utccs-Bnxfk of '1`. rontu Btllldixngs, u.m'lc. Branch otco. Goldwater. Money to Loan. Dnxnn Ram: LI. n I n nun--mu-iv ..- avuvli.` mcuu winiixi ?:TixirE6,"l}i'tlTe' scientic Hmericats. A haaaomely lllmlrntcd wnakrv. -nu-.m.o nh-A --.-.- Incorporated 1851.. ASSUBANBE cumrim. ' ` I OHNSON & SARJEANT, DEALI kinds. imnm-Ind .10:-m RTJEERSON llrulnun nnn A man! .l HUI" dc soon collected nun. Uwcos uou block, Barrie. Onmwxaxn. ,..._----~---. -v-- our auction gARRISTERS_. SOLICITORS &c.. UUNLO1 STREET. -`l.`l.`!ll.`V A ll:-(`nu-u-nu Y )R. W. A. ROSS, L.R.C.S. Edit}. F. C. l ., London. 1 PHYSUIA N, SURG EON. )FF]CI-EH Kl'JBlD|'.NL'E: Browns HEWSON & CRESWICKE. .I)l)Ic n,n__u.__ ._,, 4. DR. 3. Ia. BRIIRHTONV. DENTIST. F, M. MONTGOMERY, B088 8: BROKOVBRI. nuvnmnnn any 1'rIvrvII\l\(\ Bank of Toronto Building, El Owen Street. STRATI-IY & ESTER `.lllS'J`EllH, H'nl'nu.\... ;.. Hmm` 1: ll` n\J\lEl'1D\u lnsm-amce Agent-. Fire and Life. PION. ) weigh .I1\` Hf` DR. R. S. BROAD. `rnr | tv | xrn ulv n I1:\\v v\n11w 0- W- PLAXTON. 'c'nr:n any vnvmnn R. T. BANTING unrnnn _-n u . . AGENT. BARRIE, ulllllllu MONEY TO LOAN. I'll \'alClA.\'S, I'J'l'C. DIISCHLLANIEGDUS EW. AULT. . I) nru vnvmnn n I P. 0. Box 214. BAR-RIE_ 0|-`l*`l(1lAlu says : - ring to iment in gution. u noted (lu_v'thut rrywood. sult of perfected 'pI~'O the nt. Mr. m aerial nml V is no ppxvcr tor. It L 1). col- .) 'l`Iu 1\I'_ ' LEGAL: n on: J. 0. Buoxovslt .s_ `12,5oo.ooo 41.~1.s.ooo 14,305,000 5.150.000 '.'n.\m1E. '. Ruled Hay+New is oITeri1_1g freely and the market. is steady at $8 to $8.50 per ton for car lots on track lwro. Olgl is (lull, car lots on trilck 'I`oronLo being quoted at $9.50 per `ton. with few buyers. ' LUUS 0 _$1.10. Tlulnr LLQU Llllhl ULIIID l.l.l'U IU\VUl' ill: I LU DU. 1 olo.toes-Market is rather rm owing to small ol1'er_ings. Demand is good and all the ollerings nd buyers rcaulily. Job lots urev quoted at 900 to 9.50 per bushel and pom- toos out of sLo1'c.m'c held at $1 to \ R110 411-}U lUl.' [ll'llH.S uuu &iUU.IUl.' 501105, '_1C;:gs-lteceipts are heavy and the nmrkot. is steady at 12c for case lots of selasts and 12c for large Iots.. Heid fresh are unclmnged at 11c to 1150 and culls are lower at 7 to 8c. 1311! nfnnc_..RTn 1-lanf in unfhnv u-an ) . . , Dealers in outside iowns have been- Butte.r-0llerings of dairy continue large nnd stocks are uccumulnting`.] yvv.-. ' holding their stocks for jun upward turn in the market, and-lnwe learned Lhut there is no imniediutc prospect of higher prices. They have sent. along` theirshipments nnd the mar- ket is too Well supplied. The qual- ity of many of the consignments is disappointing and the movement is not. very active. Prices are un- clmuged but, only the choicest. `lotsv bring good figures. The best rolls _ are quoted at, 17 to 18c and _tubs, pails and crocks are quoted at 16 to 17c for top grades. ` Common to medium butter is slow and barely steady at 12 to }_5c. Creamery `is active and prices are tlnclianged at 21.50 for prints and 20c.for solids, 'T`.n'n':--I?nr\ninfu nu-n hnnvtr nnrl flan 1 ipped to u`. Eng- delivered |.l\) UU\V-on up u. noun:-II! d_o l)ull.s'... Bulls, cxporl;. heavy per cwt... do light. per cwt... ,.. do lncdium... . do liglu... Stoclwrs. 400 uo"6b'o ITJS. . . . . . ... .... .. ...\......- do OIT-colors... ...-I ..-... Milch cows, ez1cl_1... 3* Sheep. OX[)01`L.e\VOS, per cw); . . . . .. ' do bucks, per cwt...... do culls, cuch.. do per cwt... A Lambs, cuch......~ Calves, pm houd... ...`. Hogs. choico.- pm` cwt.. Hogs, corn-fed, pet` I mvl . ..u ---r [JJ\I5n, cwt... Hogs, Sowsx. I Hogs. ....v a.. :;.vv;.\. J-IJ\AwJ.\A-U&_L)- 'I`oront.o, .Aug. 20.-Trude was slower at the Western Cattle Murlcet to-du.y. The aggregate demand was lig'htex', and the quality of the cat- tle otfercd was not good enough to stimulate business. The run was rather heavy. and all the cattle were "not". sold. Tho good ones moved fair- ly well, but. the con1n1on.to medium gmtles were 0. drug on the market.` Exporters and the bust butchers were steady, and poor grades of 1)lll.ChcJ'.'s" were still weak. ]3u1ls_ shm\"cd a. little more activity. and u. few cows found bu_vors. Feeders and! .stocl:or.4x were UIl(.'htlll[,','O(l, while milch cows-x were slow. Snmll stuff was -:h\;ulu In (`nun nnl. Inn.-a. IVVAIIA ....._ uuwaxunu muw. ouuulsum was :1cudy Lu ruy and hugs were un- changed. 'Phe total ,run \vus 72 mmm_mmmmm Lm mmm.1MM sheep urul .lan1bs. 36 calves and 14- 000 1u)[_.';s. ` lx[n)rL cuttlc, ch(cu mrmt . . . . . . . . . . . . . "$4B5$ doxucdhnn.percwt". 410 do mnwL_pm'cwL . . . . .. :L50` Buwhmw muum mdwd l()lH... ...... ...`... ... .... - dowmwmmm"_m d0mmum"_Wmm .mmmmm um .0. -.u v -lI_l|.\14IvJn Murk`cL is active and an lines of hog px-o(lL_1ct. are firmly hold. There is" a. keen dcmuml, and as stocks are runniuu; out (loulers are not; in a DO- sition to pus strongly. Prices are unclumgcd. ' 'I nI'It---(".nnnrln sahnvf nnf '7.1- hon- g1I...'. lUl' |)l'illl Ill CHTS WCSE. Btu'lcy-Is unclmnpgccl. No. 2 old is" quoted at. 43c middle and _new feed at 400 to Me West. l.hm__.QnI.l nu. kn .-.....+ .....1 ....... wlul u,uyur.~s 111. 0.351;. OxLt1x1cal--`l1c market. is 15c higher! at $4 for cars of barrels and $3.90 for bugs Toronto, and 30 more for broken lots. ' Pcus-Are rm. Old are nominal at 70c und new are quoted at 650 middle froights. v_v uxuhb, .p1:I Ln .p1:I.:)U. ,] Smoked und Dry Salted Meats- Long clout`, tons and cases. 11c and small lots at ]1c; breakfast bacon. 15 to 16c; hams 14 to 14-;c; rolls, _12c; shoulders 11{,c; backs. 153; L0 160; green meats out; of pickle are quoted at one cent, less than smoked. Tm I-(I--'l`in|-nnu 1 F1 (in lnl-nu 1 1 n n .~..) The Ruling Prices in Live Stock and Breadstus. 1-2 BREADSTUFFS. August 2o.-w1xeat-'rne easier in sympathy with .Old red and white is held 70 outside and new at Q7 to 68. No. 2 goose is." quoted at 04% t.o 65c middle freiglxts, and No. 1_SPI`mg at 69c east. Round lots of 1\Im1itQbu No. 1 hard sold rmer at. 3730 grinding in transit and 85,c for No. 2. Local delivery, 'l`o1'ont.o and west. is quoted 2c lower, T"lnIII' in cfnndu null Inn! nurr\1\v\Cnun \`()L'I 5 ill U brr,-n k i ng `hey had hnu uim-