loudly 111. red out. :1. n'ophcL"` to In)! In: Iiv- LU `t.()U. r , I In butchers. cattle the otTerings were disappointing, coimncn stock: being plentiful.` with little or no de-' mum]. while choice lots _ were very!` scarce. and readily picked up.` "Pick-'. ed lots were firm at. $4.40 to $4.75, 4 mid there was a brisk demand `for - choice at $4 to 34:40. 1 Fnmlm-A mu! cfnnl.-nnc ..........-.....x .... uuuus. at cauves. xmu UU11 hogs. I In export cnttlothcrc was :1 gqodlj demand for choice "stock, but buyers 4 looked nskmiccat the lmlf-llnished_] cattle olrcx-ed to-(lu_v. `:1, large number. 1 of which remained unsold. ' Choicc'1 cattle ranged from $4.60 to S5,-10`.!, Medium cattle were slow'at, $4.25: to $4.60. - ' [; Tn )\uo..I......_1 -,,AAIr 4' -` Bbl'l|.(l_V. ' _' The run totalled 79 loads. compris- 'ing 1,351 cattle". 1.316 sheep and! lambs. 37 calves. and 602 hogs. . export, cnttle thm-.-. \\'nu n (rnn Toronto. Aug. -8.-I`rice:s' were fair-I 1_v stcmly at the \ve:~'tern`c-.1Li.le mur-,' kot to-day, but as the majo'rity of- the onerings did not -meet. the re-' quirements of the buyers `business was .-.ao1_ncwhnt. sluggish. There was a. brisk demand for choice cattle, butchers and export, but as the bulk of the run was of n. somewhat common order sales were slow. There was a plethora of small stun`, but trade was inactive. Hogs held steady. `H 'l`hn run invnllmvl n I.....1.. ......__..y, I I . I u`.`ul.'. > ` Potntm-s--1\fau'ket, is steady and rat-' thcr quiet. on nccmmt of the cmnpnr-g utivcly Iif.-,'ht ol1`urin,r:s. The clmmmcl: in uL'Li\-'0 and prices are no `Iowan! .1obl.>c.-'s `quote lau'p,'c lots at $1.10- por bushel. und potutoes out of store brim: $1.20 to $1.25 per bushel. Bulotl IIu_v-.`1e\vhn_v is plentiful` and (leaders are able to secure all` they require at present. Prices are! stemkv at, $8 to $8.50 per ton for! car lots on track here. Old hay is dull and quotations are practically! nominal at $9.50 to $10 pt-1' ton for ` cur lots on track here. > Bnlnrl Rh-n\u_'!\r.m1.-A-4 :.. ,....-... -...:. uur mu; on u'ncK new. | Ruled St-ru\v-]\Iu1'kc't is quiet. and` steady. Dealers quote cur lots on! 1 track here at $5 per ton. I _ .--.. -...,.,-V`.-. uul` Il11Ltcx'-Dzci'I'y in tub.sj._ pulls and .ull'u cracks is still o'erim.r ;fl'0(.`|_V and the \\'lu-ut- quu.liL_v is rather hotter. 'l`l1o_>l1`ectsfold, 7! of the cxtremcl_v hot \'.'cuthc1' ` are but 1'. still to be seen in many of the sl1i;r~l\vl1iLc-. monls, but tlic new `butter grmles yellow` Ihi;;'hcr. Pound 1-olls m-n vnrv uvnl-on . l\JI' DKHIU .5 V I<)p,'gs-Murket is `well supplied With` nllc-'{;'c(I fresh stock, but select. stock! is \'r.~ry scarce. H. is quoted Ii1'm~ut "` Hclxl stock is plentiful at 11! 1..._,(:. to 11.}c, and cul!s are slow at. 8 to 95`. ,.,_ .... ,...., -n` J.'J\., xullri. .L..'.l.','l slmuldc~r.<:. 11 to ]1:_`,c; bucks, 15} to! Jc; green meats out, of pickle" are. quoted nt. Jc loss Hum smoked. - Lu1'd-- I`i0rces 10`;c,- tubs 11c and` pails 11.10. - .-=ou.~m1s, but, the coast of the rauv mn- urriul nmkcs :1 lower rmurc of quota- tions impossible. .`~`Lucl~:s me do- crousixu.-: m1Ii(|l_V, and there is very little of uny [mrticulm' cluss of mcut. on hand here now. , 1`ur1-;--Caumdu short out. $21; hea- v_v_ 11:os.s' $19 to $19.50.` \.\;uI_v u-1. ,-1. us cuu1[:1`.rL'u \\'IU1 Other! i Snmketl and Dry vSu1ter1' M01115- _I.nng.( clear. tons und cases. 11c. and sum}! lots at 113C; brun.l:fa1st. bacon. 15 to 16; lmms. 14c; rolls. 12c; td to!- ]'.nI'(L-'T7invnnu 1 (HI n 4 "I... 1 1 .. .... .1 wlcslxirc stu- xc rank of u 01' would 01'- 'h proplxocy ; ` case of the aim; in turn Duke of Luc- thc high of- u Household in the l)uch_v W11 (.0 the Murkct is active and rm with no chztn,-.503 in prices. The domuncl is stcmly and all classes of hop; product. are moving freely. Prices are admit- tedly high. as coxmuzu-ct! with other :=vu.~m1s. but. Hm mud nr Hm .-um ....._ uu: nrcxguts, August slnplncnt. I{_vc--'l`he nmrket is steady at 45c bid for old and 46c_ asked, middle ~ f1'L-iglxts. 3 f'I\`vn.._Tc nnin IVn...`.I.- ....n....._ z.. llL'l[.',`llL-'3'. : ' Corn---Is quiet. Canada. yellow is stoauly ut I1$)c west. No. 2. American ycllmv is quoted M 59 to 60: for curs '1`01'ont0. ~ - l`I..luA...\ ..o......I.. -4 run` p_,, 17 < L'i.ll'h' 1Ul'()HLO. (`Iuts-Are stczuly at 360 for No. 1 V white oust: No. :3 white are quoted at 35c middle froights. (,)uLxm-.`:,I---`Ls: .141:-znhr nfr .952 gr.` rm. nu. uuu uuuulu u'L'l;,',`l1LS. (,)uu11c."Ll'--`Is steady ut; $8.85` for cars of lmrrcls and $3.75 for bn.gs.in cur lots Toronto, und 25c "more for hrolzen lots. 1`)...u._ A..n ......l..,.I .. n-A, ,,--n IJKVUHCH ICES. P(.~us--Are -nominal. at 70c middle frcights. ` u.nzuJ1uDJ.U1`J.`D. _ ' Toronto, Aug. 13.`-Whcat---The mm-kct is quiet, with "little change. [led and white are quoted at 65 to `Mic middle freights. Goose is_un- changed at. 63: for No. 2 and (520 middle freiglns. Spring wheat, is rather Iirincr at 67 to 686 for No. 1 middle freight, and '6. car sold at 69c oust; Manitoba. wheat. is `steady at 320 for No`. 1 lmrd grinding in tmn- sit. 80: for No. 2 ha1'd,und 76c for `.\'o. 3 hard. und 2c less {or local dc- livcry 'l`omnLu nud _\ve:;t. Flcnn---lu (`n-mun ut Q0 .'.'7 cm. l\l1II(` m cur nus, Imgs 1]lC|ll(lC(l, '1`01`onto. - MiHfecd-]s stczuly at; . $13.50 to $14 for cars of shorts and $12 for bran west. 4 I}m'ley-L~: steady. No. 2 is quoted at two middle freigl1l.s. New No. 2 is quotod ut.,41c and feed at 39c mid- dle freights, August shipment. ]{VC'-']`h(! lnnrlmf. is` HI:-1\ll\I nf An unury xuronto nnu _\V'L':s`l`,. . F.lmu'--15 {inner ut. $2.57 for cars at 90 per .ce'nt. patents in buyers lmgs middle freights, and 15 to 20c higher for choice brund. Manitoba l.'()u1` is steudy nt. $4 for I-Iung'm'iau1 gmtems and $3.70 for strong lmkers . ,in cur lots, lmgs included, 'l`oronto. Millfm-I-15: ,-.-tnmlu nr 912.2 rm on The Ruling Prices in Live Stock and Breadsiuifs. lied the r.rcn - ' ing wlliskcr.-I xch ; I'll git, at ottymubblo 'efs t.l\' ten. amlnu MARKETS.] eucn. and 54.25 to $4.50 per Export ewes were steady at L0 33.50 nnv nmf `CAT J`LE _MA RIC ETS. COUN'l`R~\ PRO DUCT". 131:1-3ADs"1`UF1`As. ` Pnov 1s1<.):Js:. a range of ' quota`-l n """An `Alabama. Mob Takes Ven-. . what . * [om geance on a. Negro. I , W93 . A "dc-spatcli from Binninghaln, Ala.., , sa_vs:-John Wesley. a negro. was 4 burnedlat the stake near Enterprise, '1 H`1S- Aln., before a crowd of 500 enraged a !11l detc-rmined citizens of CofTey`g County on Wednesday morning. The] 790d, mob was composed` of both \\'hites_' V .V0l`S and blacks, and though the victim; S #119, pleaded for mercy, and frantically en-5 i lb0l`_. (leavored to break the chains that. I 0iC tightly bound him. not a trace of! 510-` sympathy was shown. . I`, i-353 Pennington had committed a brut -,. lal' assault upon Mrs, J. G. Davls,_ ngs. wife of one of the most prominentlc rock` farmers of Coffey County, and hadlh dc-I confessed his guilt. ` The crirne was] 0I`.V committed Tuesday afternoon, while:- [ck-' Mrs. .Davis was gathering vegetables; 1" 75. in.her garden. Pennington chokcddy the woman * into insensibility. A; large posse was quickly organizedl tl un-' with bloodhounds, and they chased! at the negro until early Wednesday C ML morning, when he was captured in a` w )0d swamp; . He was bounclhaud. andlel the foot. and taken to the Davis `home a n- for identification. ` iz [`[2`e I-ll-a T14-ruin u...nn.....:.....I 1..-_'.. ,, I lU1' lUCl1BlIlC(ll'.lOn- _ Mrs. Davis recognized him as her '~ assailant, and the negro brdke down v and wept. He admitted his guilt _ quickly dispersed. L and pleaded for mercy, but was drag- ged from the house to the woods, where the crowd" had gathered. He was chained to an iron pipe in the ground, and both whites and blacks were piling brush\vo'od around `the ` stake. A match was applied to the . pile, _and_ the ncgro s, body was i quickly ons_u'n_1ed., K The crowd then` 1' 7 4 .w.s LU ;.'us S;$(!._ . ' I Pnri:-:. Aug. 13.-Opcn-\Vheat. tone! Qdull: August. 23f 4-5c: November and ' I-`ebx'1u1_1`_v. 23f 40c. F1ou1'- tone dull: August, 28f 30c; November and Feb-I I ruar_v. 29! 65c. I I p,,..;_( `1..,., ,u.'1..... A -.. . - H '5' Coming Lincoln's 1lltll'_\`. '.::VI 096. I`uris-Close--Whcat. ton_e August, 221' 35c; November an lruury, 23f 25c. 'FI'om'-ton1 x Atuzust, 28! 20c; vNovember an |'ruur_v, 29! 40c. I uur. us. an; uc 195 to` 20s 3d._ `D.-I-in A u... 1 . \`nIA\.v uub DI.L'(lU_V.. ' , l j Liverpool. Aug. 13.-Closc--Spot.: wheat quit-t:' No. 1` standm lk`/`IlifO]"I: niu. Us to (is ;d; \Vullu,. 5s 11d to 59` l 115d; N0. 2 red Winter. 598:] to 55 , S.|.1J(l; futures steady; September. 5:4` ,' 8d; Decc-n1l;cr, 5.9 9!.(l: spot, corn lirm: - ; new. 45 End; futures stcutly; Scptcnn-I , hcr,,4s 3511; futures steady: SrpLem-| 'bcr. 43 8d; `October, -is S:d;' ouxxg 119s 20s ma, - quu.-1, UUL stcnuy; 1~'1`ench. lirln. .Londan--Clos_e-M:u'.k Lune--'-Wl1en.t. --1"oreign (met. but stcndv; Emrlish I. . 1 . . -. >. !(|lllCt; corn. Amcrlcun und Dunubmn itirln; our. American und_ 1:2ng1ish_ .quict. but stcud_v.. Tivnvnnnl - Ann 10 (`In C`-._:. |1lHL'b uuv. SLCl(l_V.. d; W pl -_.E 111,:. .\`r.. n .." --;4I|\/A n.44|4V \ll\1|l.LV .X\JIll\.I\l.`A1l3 London. Aug. 13.--Opon--Whe_at on._ 1m. rather en.-aim`; corn on pus- suge quiet. zind steady. Weather in Englaml line: in France cloudy. Yes- tcr(lz1y's country m:u'kcts-EngIish' quiet. but stcmly; I~`rench. rm. L0ndnn--(Yln:n._`.H'n w).- I" 1) ...;\v1..\.. o UU l.'Hl'CZl5.`5L-'3', CHOXC1 _d() common.....~. (Lambs. yearling-, 11).. i (In slwimr v I g L.i1u|us. yL'lU'l I (In s1n`ir.g... . Mutton, per. Veal calves, do c-hoi'cc. -bllllJX\L'IlS. Ulu, IH.\.ll'...... do spring. pair Ducks, per puixx. 1`url per. 11). Beets, per do2.... . I7.cun:~', butter, bush .. L`uI)lJm:e.s`. new. doz..... Cm_:mts. per (loz.......Z. C:`.Lili0\\'0l', pox` doz .. Celery, pi.-r doz...... ..' .. Corn, green, per (loz... Cucumbers, per doz do snmll, per doz... Lettuce. per d0z.......... (minus. g~x'een per dor... 'Pnrslo_v. per doz... Pens, green, per pack... v1`ot'.1Loes. new, bush do do per peck... .. . lihubnrb, per doz... I`omu.toos, per baskc-t.." Vegetable marrow, doz \Vutcrc1'e.<:s, per doz Dx'o.~:sc(1 hogs, per cwL.; '13,;-cf. lximlquawters... (10 fort.-(1u:u'to1's...,.. do cm-c-asses, choice... (In I-nnunnn . U'l`ux'nips, pr'doz.....`. .l)U .50 .75 A .10; .20 ;(;o .40 .20 1.00 .-10 .121.- 1.00 0!` ....u) ..`l..") .10 :15 .25 1.00 .35 I) ...-) ..-`)0 J10 1.00 ...'.20 9.50 R 50 4.50 6.50 AKA ulLl.'l' IJUUHLI FUUS... do cr0cks......... Eggs. new ]uid...... .. do. hold stock........ .Chickcns. old, 1m.i1'.. do snrinn` nniu In: azuu , ul- "vcry law; You will be` mericn, but. no! I must. Out.-: ................ .. .. IIu_v. old, per 1,011.. (in 1mm- UU Ill.'\V.....-u. gun... Stl`a_t\V...... Butter pound rolls.. (in m-nr-ks 4 .n,suu. nu; 4uxn:.u;x;.4a . Business was quiet on the street. market. here to-day and the deliver- ies of produce were small. One load of poor goose wheat sold at 65c and u load of outs sold .14.: higher at 39%. Hay was rmc-r; old sold 50c higher at $13.50 per ton for one load. and new was 31 higher ut,S9 to3$10. No straw was o`e1'd . Vegetables and dressed lmg.-s were steady, with quo- 'tntions unchanged. Wlxcut, xvhitc-...... ........ ..S .69 S .00 (lo rcd......' ....... .. .69; .00 (lo g`oosc..... . . . . .68 .00 , do spriug.... .......... .68 .00 nnrlnv . IR nn .1./{LIVE-5, L'll.CH . . . . . . . . . . . nu Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt... Light hogs, per cwt... Hemry hogs, per cwt.. Stags, per cwt......- ..... .. JUIIKC Cows, c:u:h.... Calves, euch.. UQLLIC. - Slzippcrsypcr c\vt....,.....s4.6 . Do lig`l1t,......... .. 4.25 Butchers, cl1oice..:.;. 4.40 Butchers, mid. to good 3.50 Butclxcrs, inferior . . . . . .. 2.75 ` Sheep and Lambs. Choice ewes. per cwt.... 3.25 Cullcd sheep, each . . . . .. 2.00 Lambs each . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 Bucks, per cwt..: ....... .. 2.50 Rlknvcv nn '.nlunc .D|11ppu1'a,JJ ligl1t.. cl o i1 Q] _ BURNED AT BU]-`FALO (:'_1_u_x1-.\7 1e`A,1'mI:n`s' 1\iAI{KE'I". ago u. re- dictod for u `my grocery 1-. I guess 0 mun said, vords. Be- vo us much I`. ` -I I\\1\Iu\ PC!` C\VE... ......... J4.DU Milkersv and Calves. nru-I1 on nn . . . . . . . . .. -. cwt.....v. , light, 1b.. per Ib .... .. ._.___a Cattle. Inn: 6 THE STAKE. Vhcat. tone N11,; 'm1d` Feb-_ I T?`I`:nm__on.... .I..n. nu\'L'ulUl:l' (`l.!l(l J(.`l)-V Flb11r-tonc (lull; and Feb- `TI-IE BARRIE EXAMiNEB. THURSDAY. AUG. _MAR1~ZE'I`S. ./ill V115. ..80.00 . 1.00 u.a)u 6.50 0.00 xwdned wlU1 Nh growing wopheU' Hv-V u_thc prnur tnithc mu anuuty.nf .\lJ ` .\)|) .07} .08}. $5.05 4.60 4.75 4.00 '2 0?`. 50.00 8.00 ll. Ii) 2.00 3.50 3.00 3.50 3100 ` .. .......a V uuu. uusuwwu Rebecca. Ann McDonald, of Bing- hamton, N.Y., is said ,to be prepar- ing to enter suit to recover property in New ,York,-`the value of which is estimated, at ` V$100.000.-000, .Two _, , um,-ves `SL010 11 Waggon of the s Arthur Dixon Transfer Company, r, ' Chicugo.- while the driver was in a. d[s`t.ox'e. They got $1,000 worth of _v`goods. ' _ _ GI Emperor William will be presented S.'\vith an official invitation from Pre- 3} sident. McKinley to visit the Louis- `iimm Purchase Exposition at St. iLOuis`in 1903. ' IZCO. RE rnu/a.ae1pn1a._ Paris authorities have posted up thousands of small" bills on dead walls, lamp posts, and houses, ask- ing the public to avoid the danger of spreading consumption or other 'zymot.ic diseases by refraining from spitting on the streets. 1').\......_ In It `H - I .... uuuv--4 an vvun. ' The National Wholesale Grocery `Company, a. big grocers combine, `With :1 capital of $100,000,000, and embracing. 270 of the largest con- cerns in the States, is being organ- ized at Philladelpiniat Pn,ri nuthnrin `imam n-.;..,x '.... ("lL'lH'l'-`I, HI` u, and to rkublc warn- is common as (listiuclly ` tlmt would vhose ussns- and painful every pre- u- him could o uvcrt his It is announced in England that no fwarship aoat has an operating ;room . for suxfgeons-, and that the Ilwoundcd cannot be carried'l:e1o`w, `but must '11:: where they fall until the battle is over. S run. my . -... . 7 '.._........ ... ._vvv. A dmstic inxmigration bill has been int1`o 5,31 the Au$tmIian=-Pur!ia1- `n1cnt. Deceascdbr insane persons, gcrimixmls and paupers are excluded} Iby the bill. -I-.:_.,, ...'_. _ I Masked men robbed the u'1c'e of {the Suburban Railway Company at Hutrlenm,-near Chicago, and secured! $700 after overpowering the \vatch-3 man. ~ ' ' ....- nun..- \..u.-n. :uuuu:A.ub'. . Alaska and Siberia may be united by rail. M. Barbiel`, :1 Russian railm `way oiciul, . is_now in St. Paul, Minn.. in conncction.\vitl1 the`, scheme. I ..--.. \lI ..- -- \4\--Vln- I The English-speaking colony of! Paris has been shocked by the suici _ ` of I-`mncis Simonds, cashier of :11 large house there. `Gambling . I Ala;-I.-n .....I u:k....... ..._-. 1-. ._,.,>-,,. ,_.-.--.. .,.,......-.. ... I Swedish Government is considering lplans for the installation of electri- lcity through the whole rnihvay sys- }tem of Sweden. nu uw . . .. \I.hl V .....e,... The body of a. murdered` into pieces, was found in Iinearthed by street. graders I Seattle, Wash. uv n -..._, Workman in the Britisll Iio_v:11 idockyurds have IL-ukccl out. the 53-! `crets-pf :1 stem-_:Lble tm-pedo, and tile; French have obtained it.. I .w,,,, 1- . ru I The Cape Times praises I3u11er's! work in the war us having been the ,hm-desL.of the South African strug- iglle. ' Q I nwi... r1-.,4,,u' -r 1 `IV - . ru The Central Labor Union of I-1us-' ton,` Pa.., have protested against. that town amccepting :1 $50,000 lib- rury from Canlegie. ' 'I`l.,. 1-.,..l.. l\' .. ...... ..1__..A.1 ..s._u _,,. prophecies ulmve cases. `no-tenths 0! ml m'n'pl1c:-has - Duke of Cm'nwull and. York will .has a. consignment . Mu_yOr Morris, of 0t.ta.\vn, smxggests that the naune Alcrumdm. be given .to the intcrprnvimziul lwidge across the Ottu\vu, which ibis hoped_ the to --..;n....uu.. induced to Iux~mully,o1'Ien. -Thc`qucst.ion of opening` up trade in South Africa. has taken dejinite `shape in Quebec, and AL large whole- sale dry goods house i_n 1\1ontreal of men's shirts nn(1.1mder\veur; and u boot. and shoe 1irm.in Quebec has sent. a traweller out with sump1es.- , _ . I The Kosta glass Works, the large `t. ! `in Sweden, have been burned. A N'c\vYork paper says sbclulism is spreadingvin 1 -ri\,i.~ dockyurds. 'AO~ \7nul- 13.. `lf..,. .17-. . 1-\..:n__ ' ... ..y. -......-..c, u ..-. avnnvan \\)\4l\`y u: u 2 "At, York, 1 u., Mxs.`1Icnry Reilly, while aiming at (:11ici thieves, shot _and killed her sister. " Crops are" 11 failure in several pro- Ivinces in Russia. It, has been virtually decided that the Government will decorate Duf- ferin bridge and Maria. street. bridge, the grological m`useilm, the printing bureau {uni Rideau Hall at Ottaxva. in honor of the royal visit. (V 1:` 1'\. r1. ,, ~rr..,.,-u. ... ..v..v- \lO View .-4_,.... IlIJl|Iv C. F. De Cue, u I-Iumilton commer- cial t1'a\'eller.V ha sued the \Vz1b:_1sl1 Railway for $5,000 daxnages for `in- juries receivctl when he fell over a. stool that :1 tminmun had carelessly [left in the vestibule. ur -v . . .-.. A strong now of nn.t.u1'ul gas has been struck on the farm of Cluirles Mcsse, Longuc Pointc, near l\lon- tron], and visions of cheap light. and Izcnt. for the district. are being seen. n..4 I\` 011-. nnn -..... - . V . . V . \ .. ...u, \4A-J\.IA\4V um uvnus Dvull. Out of $15,000 provided by Monr- troul for the entertainment. of the 1)uke,o1' York and party, $10,000 has been `spent on the City Hall, and it is feared that. arches cannot be} erected. . | Thieves _ stol Av-O hnr hivnn Illigntor is The -A`F"i`. v 4. un nll ` -- ..... .,..,vvv. The O.t.tu.\va Government, will short- ly place on the nmrket a. number of the Thousand Islands but.\vccnVI~1ings- ton and Bruckville. nu, , -n ~ --.. ....._ .....us.n v-u The Dominion Govcxjnment may display :1. picked number of Cuna- diam horses at tho Royal Agricultur- oi Show in lixxglmxd next. year. VYVLA A~l....._.__;,.._ -.A AL. I` " _...,....._ ....... The telegmpncrs on the Canadian Atlantic and I'm'ry Sound Railxvay have united in a. demand for l1ig'ha2r wages, and have presented it to the company. A .....\.... 41.... _p ,,,,;,.,. u - vvv .- - Farmers in the vicinity of Kings- ton are crippled through want. of help. They blame the western h-.u'- vest excursions. . ' v -/>4v u..u-.._- ua\IAluv A dredging company has picked up :1 six-pound nugget. in the Saskat- chewan-lliver, near Edmonton, valu- ed at $1,800. nu. l'\AA ,,, n - --- .. . ~ . V . . u. IJUUIIJ \II ydxsuaus nw.l.uApb'. ' A team of five men from H.1\I.S. Crescent, now at Halifax, will com- pete in the D.R.A. nmt_.cl1cs at Ot- tawa. . A hunt club`hx'Ls been organized at Stratford. .3.` .. V... nu-vava un- Hamilt.on s refail grdcers want, a. b_y-`law `passed in that city to pro- hlblt the sale of trading stumps. A +n-nu nc nu.-. ....... :....... ~n .. R The Very Latest Items From` All `Parts of the Globe. [NEWS BRIEFLY '.l`0LD[ hILl.'s good compuniun him away, u-ospect of than 1; flat- In nun,- nun- rmul to the vcro shower- : Inter. und n,. n..I lnn..I FOR EIG N '. DOMINION. of the Trn nnfnr f`.nrnnn nu 1- girl, cut 1 at trunkyl l at South 5 , 1u!:uI:I.u.b' vauey. . President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor, after a two days, ` conference .--with President _ Shalier and his associates.-' issued a formal statement on Friday night, specically pledging the Federation of Labor to moral and nancial sup- port of the Amalgamated Associa- tion. His written review of the train .of events leading up to the in- dustrial quarrel sustains the course of the Amalgamated Association, and declares that nothing remains for labor but to battle for the cause of unionism. _ V The omcial announcement of the order to dismantle the Dewees Wood Plant came on Friday afternoon to- wards the close of an otherwise un- eventful day, and its importance was such that it claimed the serious con- ` sideration of the men on either-.side_ I of the great industrial conlct now being waged here; A a` lunucr uxrccclng mat. the great. Dc- 1 [wees Wood Plant zit. .\Tc{ee.~spm't. be dismantled and removed to the Kiski-3 -menetas Va.l1_ey. President flnmnm-c n: 41... A.......:--.. A dcsratch from Pittsburg says :-I There were gravely important de velopments in the strike situation on Friday. The United States Steel; Corporation moved decisively in: its strike campaign with,n. perempnoryul order directing that the great." gwees Plant -.\'t nrn:(.a..u.m... pm? Gompers Pledges Federation s 4 to Strikers. `Aug >'uuI.gun hear 2_1L Ham]. | Dr. John Mallock, who lives in the! I`-next. house. was quickly at Dr. Mac-i .donald s side, but his aid was of no avail, and in :1 few minutes Dr. Mac-D donald expired. The gunshot. had `made :L'fem'Iul wound, fllifly riddling the dead mnn s body. The deceased phy.s'icia_n was 30 years of _-age. I lllll DC. ! Pr. Mn'cdor.nld had made arrange- lnlents to go to the Is|1u'1d \\'ith his I wife and `little daughter. About 2.30 `o'clock Mrs. 'Mucdonuld, who 'was' mvaiting him do\vnsta1irs. became! impatient, and went up to see wh-.1t,5 iwus keeping hcr_husbund. He was `in the back room in a much agitated: condition, and, elnbrucinp; his wife, he aslcrxl her to go do`\vnstairs, and` he would he with her immediately.` 1_` Mrs. Macdonuld did so, and scarce- I` Jy more than a few minutes pz1ssed}_ ibefore she, was startled by it loudr I report. from above. Rushing up-:2 stairs Mrs. 1\Iacdo1mld found hero} husbzmd with the blood pouring` from his breast. and :1 breech-lo_ad- ` Hm: shotgun incar 2_1t. hand. ` I 1))`. Jnlm Ytfnllnnh ..-1.,` 1:...... :__ .u.-H |\U l-ID l||l|l}l| hultl, more 1e,World Lo- you'll know Jneopathist, who 1'L`Si(1C`(_l :11. 329 Col-` {Toronto Doctor Commits Suicide! ` with a Shotgun. ' A dcspntch from Toronto says :--- Dr. Ovcrtou 'l~`. ]\T:`.(:(lon:1l the ho- l_cg,"e S1.l'(`_f:[, co1nn1ittc-(I suicide on '1`hursd:1_v afternoon about 3 o clock_ by shooting 11im.w.-If through the; heart. and lungs: with a breecl1-IoauI-` inp; shotgun. The act '11:; 1.hl_ll; of` :1] practically demented man. for .Dr.| [Macdonzd had never fully recovered` fronra. severe attack of grippc, and - wns under the care of Dr. Evans, of, Spudin-.1 Avenue, and a. tr-uined5.` nurse. ' - I` uuu. g.;x`uuL. uu:unV0nlCnCt.`." I "So far as I can learn there have been but three operations performed in which the entire SX.()ll!nCIl has {been removed." J`he German opera- gtion before mentioned; the Dodmnn goperaition, in Newark. and one in `Brooklyn. On next, Tuesday I will gremove the stoinnch of a man who ;lxas been sul1'ering- fromie-ancer for {some time. If he did not undergo` the operation his death would be a. certainty withixra. few weeks. If he, _st-ands the operzition I c-.u1_prmnise `him a renewed. lease of life mid there -is It possibility of u.- cure. At_ any rate, he will not suffer the tortures 'thnt, come in the last days of `u. !:zmcer victim. nLu:ul.1Sl, conunueu '1)r. 1*'x'alick. " It prolonged the patient s life for some Lime and put an end to "his sun'erin_g. We have no trouble re- moving cancer in other parts of the body, when. the cases are brought to us in time. The stomach being ul- most. at vital organ presents greutc-r.f' (lilT1cultie:;, but it. can be removed, and the patient. can get. along \\'ith-_- out great inconvenlence. "S1\ fnr nu 1 (`mix In.-.. I1-..-..`... 1.....- auuuung n'un1 -cu_nCe1`." This statement was nmde Monday afternoon by Dr. Wilfrid G. 1*`:-nlick, who in April'1x1st. performed an op-A eratiou of the-kind, removing the stomach of D. G. Bodnmn, of New- ark, N.J. On next. Tuestluy after- noon. at, the Metropolitan Hospital, Dr. 1~`n1l1'ck expects to remove the. stmnnnh nf n lmeinnuu vnnn nf 11-\:a| , \;L'r. "The rrst operation of this kind of which 1 can get. any informn.tion. was perfornled in Germany by Dr. "Sch!-.1Ltcr. :1 \V`ell-kno\vn surgeon, and scientist, continued `Dr. Fralick. ` It. nu-nlnnn-ml Hm n..nm.u.. 1:.-.. 4-,... LIL. rnuuus expects to remove stnnmch of a. business man of city, who is nearly dead from CPI`. A New York Man Hop_es for New Lease bf life. A despntch from New York says:-- The_ life of the Empress Frederick of Germany would probably have been s1uve(l had she permitte(l sur- geons to remove her stomach when it, was first ascex-tamed that. she was suffering from cu_ncer." ' l`hie Qfntnnlnnf u-no ....I.. nr,...:_.. --.-. ...v\...... vvu -uuzuuxauub 11511110. An exhaustive report on the Rus- sian military operations in Man- clmrin, received througlx the Foreign Olce, refers to the inexperience and inefllciency of the Russians in handl- ing artillery, only a few modern battenfies being used. ` '1-.A \T..4:_.._I 1:: ' a v1 . .- ..-......-....\...: -nuub u-:\;u. The National Miners Federation at Paris has'sent ll. circular to all its members, proposing a{g'cnex'al strike In France for November 1st,. They ask eight hours work per day and a. pension of two francs per day after 25 years work. ... .4-nu uv uu Auvulvuu. ,Emperor William has decorated Field Marshal Count Von Wuldersee, W119 commanded the allied forces in China, with the German Order , of Merit. He has also ordered that :1. regiment of Schleswig m't,illery sha-ll hem` Count, Von WaIdcx'sce's name. An nvhnnufxwvn cvnnnut ._ `L, -n blo pro(lic- "oml uulhm'- old that the 1 have seven * tin heir to I11`. Clmrl'c-s V told I`rosi- - 11! die with- . of tho.px`0- died within hundred and eighty prop are said to be involved. 1n......._-._ 111: a. - . 5: 1901 LABOR AND UNIONIS1-:L WILL REMOVE STOMACH. SPOT HIMSELF. eighty property holders] mvolved. - LHU: this suuruy ElI.8X`W8.l'(lS (ICCZLIDDCG. Van Rhynsdorp is about 60 miles to the northeast of Clanwillinm, and about .1604miles from Cape Town. "l`|1l-on ni"\nn.1-nrnnnnuidnne en-n ynnn-I1- lI.UUL|L .l0U,LUlleS ITOIH Uapc '10\VIl. 'I`hree,Bi`)e1\.comman'docs are march- , ing in-"the direction of Cla.n\villiam. I` toetiug `at; u. Ind fn fhn Hon. Mr. Van Rhyn Prisoner in Boer Camp A despatch from Cape Town says: -News has been received here that] the Hon. Mr. Van Rhyn, a member| I of the Legislative Council, has been captured by the Doors and is he_ld a.` prisoner. _ - _ Ti hm: 1-mm. l.......... 1-... 41..-. ..m..:..1.. }ll'lBUllUl`. It. has been known by the ofcialsl that a. party of Boers entered Van-| Rhynsdorp a. couple of days ago and shortly afterwards dccumped. Van Phvncnrn ic nhnuf rm rnilnc i_Missionary From -V_v'est Speaks of! Manitoba.'s Crop. _A desp:1`:l1 from Montreal says :-- Futher Lucombe, the well known 1-`rench-C:1n:ulia1n missionary, has nr-I rived from the North West, und was! at the C.1 .]{. headquarters on l}Thursday. With regard to the hm`-I vest prospects, l-`uthcr Lncombe suidi that the grain crops would probably be the best ever experiencezl in Manitoba, but in the Norlll-West he was afraid it would be poor in zpurts "So faunas Alberta. is con- cerned," said Fatlmer Lacombe, it is greatly feared that it has been entirely ruined by the long continued _3rai11s.-".[`l1at it may yet he saved I Wvcather, I regret to'say, has bccn am praying for daily, but the ne all 400 late for a. good h'ar\'est, un- less by some providemial dispensa- tion the frosts are kept on'. :]ltJllll(l L01` ll1i1l1lll:1(.'Llll'lg'. I '.l`hesc crcmncrics I I are :1 great 1153- gsistunce to the furnxcrs of the I\'orth- V "West as `it, enables them to Imtkc 2L-` little money from the start, since: 'the Government makes them an ad-- vance of 10 cents per pound on the 'crczunc-ry products. ]n this Way, Ixvhilc `the crops are growing, the ifnrnxcr is cngthicd to take in (1. small frevcmxc from his cows without ex- lpense for labor, other than the milk- [ing and drawing" to the crcamrzry. `There has just b_c-cu established at Cz1lg'm'y a cold storage plant with :1 capacity for 200 tons of butter. This {will be a, v.1luz1b|c accessory to the 3 dairy system of the 'I`errit.orios. _CAPE MEMBE `CAPIURED. alums. ' DLS"1`I{lBUTI-_\I(} -TUE I`l{0CLAMA--I ' 'I`I(')N. ` A London. Aug. ]2.-A dcrpatch from Eclcnberg. Orzmge River Colony. lsaiys spetziul lrutrols are distributing Lord ]{it(`l1cne1"s pi-uclunlutiml in re: `g-.u'(l to the banisluuent of burgh:-rs who do not s1u'r(_-nrI<.-r by Sc-ptcnlbcri 15 tlwoughoux. the country; ' I \l|.'lAl.`X HI ing the northward. :skir1ni:-;hes I I L-:r\|1a\ puun. Ul.'lU\Vo - As the bout neared the rough wa- ter it was seen by those walking along the bunk tlmt she was about- to take the waves at a perilous point. She swept` headlong into the first billow and immediately capsiz- ed. It is thought. that she 'mayl1zLvc struck a rock. In Ilrl-.:o.\. .v1.......`.. - _.:.I,...., -...I CHEEBING REPORTS. -Nine Hundred Boers Rounded Up I in `a. Week. ' I A despatch froni London says:-Un- der date of Tuesday General Kitchen- er tclegruphs from I x'eLoriu. to the War Uicc as follo\\'s:_--"I am glad to send you the largest report, I have yet. had for one'\_veek. Since Aug. 5 `the columns report, 39 killed and 20 wounded, 685 prisoners, ineluding F. Wolmanars, lute chain-mun of the`! First. Vollcsru;1d, and 85 surrende1's,' including Conmmndzmt, De Villiers, of Wuterberg, a. total of 8:29. The -columns have also captured 221L100! rounds of small-arm a1mnuniLion,; J-254 wagons. 5,580 horses, and overi 1'31-3,000 cattle. Most, of the captures! were made in the Orange River Col-I onv. ' ' ELI u\Jl\ il. FUUIX. Mr. Whitney'lcavcs a Widow and .1'ou1` daughters, and Mr. Whitcra. widow and eight, children. ' `H. Llllh pru- "\\'hcn Lhut `aid, I. cul- L to work uuy, uuu` Mr. w1_i_i_t.ney, -who owned the yacht, `cook a pleasure party for a cruise down the river. The party consisted of Mr. Whitney and two daughters, Mr. Lane, Mr. White, a. young man named Raney, and two Misses McPherson. On reaching the Galops Rapids, which are about four miles eust..of Prescott, Mr. Whitney landed all the party excepting Lane mid White, the i1'1tent.i0n being to run the boat ' down the rapids and take the others-on board again at. a point below. Ac. Hun h.-m4 ...-........i 41... ...\....v. -- Fatal Attempt tov Shoot the Ga- lops Rapids. A despatch from Prescott, Ont., says :-An~-attempt to run the Ga- lops Rapids in a small steam yacht resulted on Monday morning in the drowning of'the "three occupants of the vessel, James Whitney, a. ma- chinist ; Ezra. Lane, Town Clerk ; and Clmrles White, a. barber, all of this tow'n. There is little hope of the bodies being 1-ecnvm-nd fnr cnlnn uuys. V The day WaS'I rescott's Civic Holi- day. and` Mr. \Vl_;_t.ncy, -who _V(1Cht. `COOL 9 nlnncvn-n Y\nI'f\1 Inn ----- -:4) BEST EVER EXPERIENCED. LILID b: days. fl... THREE WERE DROWNED. NORTH-WEST BUTTER. , wwn. Jncre 1s little hope being` _1'ecove1'cd for some 's. ]rcncl1 is g1'zu'.uzL1I_v driv- cnem_v s scattered hands. There have been several! with indenite con<:1u-l Disgraced by Czar fr Massacre of I Qhinese.' A dcspatch from Victoria, 13. C.. says:-1~`,1'.om an unimpeaclmblc sufce the Nagasaki Press learns that Gen- eral Gribski. the military governor of Blagovcstchensk and districts, ` committed suicide on July 14- as he was approaching the above city on his return from St. Petersburg. He was returning in disgrace, utter en'- ideavoring to explain the innssaicre |o! thousands of Chinese by his Cos- sacks a. year ago by the fact. that the telegram Fling, Chinese across Amoor, sent from St. Petorsburg, was received in his absence and in- ` terprcted Fling Chinese in Amoor." said to [my (--tcllvrss, ul- .. ...u1 in I Althoughthe population of Europe has increased on!y 33 pcr cent. in the last, 60 years, the number 01 children attending school hzus increas- ed 15O per cent. in the same period. ' ulilll Cilllill Ol1k`,U-".t lugnauutuu LUX18. COl1lDil.l`(:ll with the tralc during July, 1900. there was an incrc-z,1_se last month of more than t.hrce-(1uzu'- tcrs of :1 million tnns of freight, and half a. million increase in the ton- nagc of vessels using both canals. E Tonnage of Month Through Can- adian Cunal 276,624 Tons. \_A dc-sputch from Ottawa says :- Traic through the canals at S-uult Ste. l\I:u'ic' during the month 01 July was the largest. on record for any corresponding period. The freight. passed through totuilrzd 4,- 781,072 tons, of ivhich 276,621 tons ,wcnt. LI11'()}lgh the Caxmdiun canal. ` The vessel tonnage was -1,(I91,(3U9. of which there passed through the Cn.n- ` iadian canal 3()8,024.- rcg'ist.c1`cd tons. . (`nunnnu-ml xuith Ihn trninn llnr-inn 3; Lnuon Ur 111]`: 1\\JL1L)L';N 1" .. The accident is.uttributc(| to "the 5' {act that a p,'an_L`: of men who were ,-`working on the line with scrapers in crossing` the track lled up the space inside -the nails with p;x';wcI. It is supposed that the an'gt-s of the driving wheels, striking the'1.;ru.vcl, threw the engine off the rails. The )_,stcu1nbont express was half am. hour 1-.110 at ()ran,'.{0\'ille. Had it been on time it would have pas-`.~;e(1 the way .frc-ight. at'])und and would have ibccn the rst. to rczu-I1 the spot. jwhorc the ztcciticnt ucc1I'rx`ud. in -which case the co1:.~`c-qucnccs to the ';hundx'c(I and so-vcxlty-1":vc 1ms~'cn:;-rs "on bozlrd would ]11l\'L` bu.-n disus-I trons. -4 g A clasp-utcl} from Ottawa. says :- kTl1c Militia Department. was notifictl =on 1-`riduy that the Victor-i:L Crosses `c-arnctl by Canadian soldiers in South jAfriczL have a11'ri\'c(l at Halifax. and - are in. cl~.;u _;e of the o'xcm' cnxnmzmd- ling the Imperial troops there, who lms been instructed to armngc for ;`thcir distribution at the |.".ll'C.a't. :possibIc oppumuuity. In uil pro- bability these curetczl decorations Iwill be di.-striblltcd by the ] l1kc~ cf ; Cornwall and York. The cro? are Z three in number. Tlmsc who are: to {receive them are Lieut. Cockbum, f of Toronto,` Licut. (now Liout.-Col.) ~'l`urne1', of Quebec ;an Scrgt. Hol- E land, of Ottmva. 1 ;Decqra.tions Will Be Pinned On By i the Duke. uuul uuul:l' Llll: cngmc. The auxiliary was sent from here, and the three injured men brought. {'to.town and taken to the hospital, N where McCrz1\vVsu<:cumbcd to his terrible injuries at about 4.30 this _morning. Wre(:king trains were sent from '.l`o1'onL0 Junctiun and the w1'ecl is l;ein;; <.-leaned mvuy as rapidly as possible.` ' (`APSE nv.` '1'nn Ar`1'1rnnm~ ....-uuun uun railway wreek that ever occurred on the Owen Sound line of the C.l`.It. took place `S-aturday afternoon near Proton Station, about thirty miles south of this place. As it result En- gineer Ctllllpgbell, of Toronto Junc- tion and Wm. McCrz1w_.'a b1`ni~:t,-s- man, are dead, and I-`ireman William McAuley, son of Roadin:-.st-r /\le.\'. ]\IcAuley, of the Toronto-Ilzwelock division of the C.l .l{., and John Lancaster, another l.'l'{ll\l..`2lll1l!l, whose home is ut Iiavelock. are _ in The wrecked, train. was the way freight between Toronto and (.`\v<.-:1 Sound, and consisted of i'1flec;1 lox cars, the majority of them being empties, and the van. It wars in charge of Conductor Lappin. and was making the run from Dundalk to Flesherton to make way for the steamboat. express, due here at 5.10. The train was running 2.1. about thirty_ miles an hour when the leer.- motive left the rails in a cutting and turned over. Thirteen cars in-, vstantly Biled up inside of the length of two cars , the debris reaching fully twenty feet in height. EJGINEER AND Bl`{AKESl\`lAN KILLED. ' Engineer Campbell was thrown out of the cab of his em_.-;ine. and the ponderons boiler crushed him into the ground. Death must have been instantaiieoils. though the body was literally cooked with the escaping steam. Fireinan McAuley was ter- ribly. sculded from the waist down, while Br-akesinun McCraw, who was riding on the locomotive. was scald- ed all over his entire body. llis fellow~b1-ulgesmun, Lancaster, who was riding on the center of the train could not be found for some time after the accident, and it was feared had met a similar fate as the en- 'gineer, but he was discovered among Ithe wrecked cars He is seriously injured internally, besides` receiving several cuts and contusious, which make his case very serious. The in- ljured men were taken to Proton !Stati`on, about two hundred yards [from the point of the accident. and "the engineer's body was removed from under the engine. Tho nn\'ili:1rv HIE emu 6.-um 1.... tc hospital here seriously injured. Engineer and Brakesman Killed ` and Two Badly Injured. A despatch from Owen So-.md,' Ont., says :- 1`l1c most diszxstrous wrcc ' OWE!) Snnnd Iinn no` 41... n n 1- puny ilh pub.~H)J(.'. CAUSE UP` THE ACCI[)EN'I` 'l"|\n nnnhlnuo .'n ..44..:k..n.I 4.5 ED DO. V.C. S FOR CANADIANS. GENERAL SUICIDES. WRECK ON C. P. R. S00 TRAFFIC. if I were to would you he may with d't,hc uncu.'r- IJOME : FFUIIIIUL LU but he 1iv-V n u n-nu I TULD, : \'.'mu(lm'ing w-.1_vsi(lu inn chy of Pur- will be um- f the L`ill'l.|l. um{Ll1c1' to he (lies nu- 1a\'VES'l`I4ID IN CANADA", A('CUMUlu\'I`l'Zl) FUNDS . 'IU'l`.-\ L A`SNUlhh\`UE. . ...` INCOME. UVER. . . . . . . . Annnzsn - vvuvuul I IV J IIIIVI All dl G] H C H . "..'.'."""*.*.`f."".:.zI infun n n ' . - ia`:'Iu`"'a Anyone KW a van: on . uutrh um. free. L v1u\'au'.V , an b'Al(.ll`J:\NT, .DEALI EIIS in_ UOAL of all kinds, imported v Jlrect from the mineayulno Lam andi Shingles, White nnd qrey Lune, l |nsten-re Hum Sewer Pipe: .l"ll'8 Brivll. Fire Clay. (lane: of Paris ementn, ot<'., allot best quality. and soul at very roaannable rates,` mums: 28 Elizabeth St., nan-Yy opposite \\`ellington Hotel. 6-27 STANDAEB '__:-__!f,'FE - `- L`'lt'E: 25 L-zliznl; - WESTERN INSURANCE. CO --'oF TORON'1.`O.-- . _ I when A bru- rurnled us `tutos. . ] l()1 IlICC\', (and. That`.- ix: ovning of uLc-r, when -Lon`, Booth, 1L's brain. ulwu_vs evil mus` predict. hnn 1.u'nnIu (`mrc--Over` endersbu's IIm'd\\'a.ro Store.` I-Zn1nuu~c,0\\'cn street. 3{-ly V I : vuuus _uuouu.0wn, every weaneuaayn umm -R<.ss Block. Ens: of the Post 0ico,| Bxmxu. > | _... -. ._..-n-. I HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. l.:uu _1 l`hysxcmu_uml Su:`gnon._of the Toronto Gum.-I;nl l`{- 9.:-I.-u. with special nltcntiun in Dxzc-:l.~ecs 0! \\ o"\-u uml Nose and '1`lu'o:Lt wank: uml also Sulgculn to Exuv.-rgency Hospital, Toronto. ' l I I..n,lY-ml A 1.. n. . \t..n...u___ n:,,u_ 1 U] UIHU. (,1vc~Upstnlrs in the .\k-Cnrthy. Block. nex In Mucnrlluy & Cu .-4 Oicci. two doors cast of Dougull Bros. Furniture store. 2:) ` ' I DR. W. D MMLAREN Dentist. Barrio. Vmts ..Coolm.own, every Wednesday. -LBS Block. Ens: of mu Pnnv. nmun I pumm:ua,`ii:s5aia1.'ar.i3.'ia':i.' `" %{gntinc flmerican. __ VI}! OIIQOIY Illustrated waeklv. I'.u-nan. nip. m uuuy I0 LCM). Do.\'u.n Ross, LL.B. mm. and UL-ucrul -`.0U_t'tlI.-)5, Nourlcs . Uouvcy nnurs, ole. - llarrmmm Llaxxnx. Am-:.\'. Cmv.vi. l5.Jlm.1-`mm .\nu.um. G. I-.`.J. }suuw.~', I..IJ.B. l`I|..n;- ]-lin:1.I' lu.\..I; \'.. 1-. !\nuI.\.. at-mu J1. -lI|1l4l' UIHJ 1\U\|I'N. U. 1'4.J- HllU\V'.", 14.1.5-U. Bolces: Hinds Block. .\'o. 6 Dunlop Street. an-u-. Bram-In Ok-oi-I-Le1mox & AI'dn:.'h. Graven- lxurn; Lcuuux. Ardn4.:n,Uuw.1u'.'k HI`u'~\'ll, Cree more and A listen. Iln\Vh"U Inn I I\ A\V 1 Ormcm nx).Il1:s1m:xcu :-Camer Owen and Comm` f:5l.1`enLa. liuruo l Il|LL7l, (|IllJ a-- national ,()xitl11cl1ls. tall, gaunt, ud nmdc u. us u.hircd tompu-d by, - his, fortune who had u. he future. ` `he said, at- ` `sunny Inn". III a.- ditch! QLAIUII Couxn onmuc, mil be at his 00103 in the Court llomw. Jh1'l`io., every Saturday Iiuimnco and l .().. Cuolc.-t,u\vu, ' `V DR. J C0 SMITI{o PHYSICIAN, SURGEON $90 OF! -`!(`M An Hlrxxnv`-wrlr -_l`m-um. r vi. CQ\lb-Epl - ARRISTIER, S()LI()l'l'l) 1 ROCTOT}' .\'0 l`:UlY, C().\"'4 ANUISIK. 1-J'I`C1 Spec-lnl attention in `he Druwim,' and Prubntlnu of \VllIB. vg.buuimIu: Lovers at Adxnxnislmlloxn and Guuudnnmlnlu. and conwtlon of at-L-aunts, sc. Money to Loan. Omccs: Ross lilo;-k_, Duulop street, Dairrle. lENNbX, ARDMIH, OOWAN 6': BROWN. BARlllS1'ERS. S:.licilo1'.~I 201' 1 .-btl|llI.'l_I g pro hum of MI 3. 1.:uurdl:m.s!nu and ndu:.ul>m'u non. nnd Ga.-ucrul -5011;-Ll;-us.No:urlcs.Uou\'cy etc. 1'11 1 Dl_nl.`\1\', DU1tU'l5U.LV. (YO. 0I l`l(.'l-`.8 Am .\'uam 1. :-:=1;u.m:1~::. .Ul'0Wu5 11: ch lmulo 1 Sn, Hume. '.l-lu 11 no '57. 27 `J V" FIJQQLIILW ARRI"'I`ER. SOLI(JI1'OR. ` 3 1\`O'l'AlH'. UONVEYANCER. &.' MONEY T0 LOAN on most fxwornbfo tennn Wnlls l rob:\u:d. Estates Admlniszcred, Ac ` counts Outlet-tun.` L Olcc~-.\u-Curt.hy's Block. South Side Dun!o_ ; 3 Strcc-t.Ban'1c. ~ 6 N ' HEWSUN & CRESWICKE. AIUUSTEIRS Eoiicittrs tor the Sixrrcm Court of Judicature tor Ontuio; In Iowa Notaries, OuuV(`yM1c(rH,etc. Momsy ll Lmm. Omccs : Ross Block, Bu-tie, 0 E. uwaox. A. E. u. (hutswxcxz. ._-._.--u STRATHY & ESTER ' .lI1lUb'1Elu~', I-`ol'itu)'u`;r..llIuhl Uourtu Jul-tico, I\`(:txli`H l'u|-Hr, Conveyunur omces: Ovpruxxnuk M 1`oron_to.B. trio. V ]\.one_v Ill rum 0! 82 U0 and upwurlv, 14 U 11$; `V LUU JEFF!!!-IV A. MccAmu'.'. D. U. .\`.I,'n: U: U. .\i`.'l(l.'llXHU.V- Moucig to lonn from 4); to 6 per cent. on Im proved nrm ]:)`cvclI)'. . I-I0 -HAD ran- _ - (fmcee: uvpruxuuu m '.L'oromo.u. mo. Laney upwuylv, Loan al.6IOI'1'cm. _ H. U r'.rn.n~uv. s).(`.. G. I}. rams. AssunAm_:5_cuM|5Auir. ._:._ Incorporated 1351. /c7I41`1`\*-5NV & SARJEANT, `DEALI Ililld. imnnu-Ina JOHN Hggnson luau Inn Ilnn outta-I U5 AI.sI.4n:2.\I U wanna: BAIIII STERS. S()L).f.!I`l`-JRS. N0'l`AuIl.`S. (:uX`. 1J\'A\CERS, &c Om:-es- Bank of '1`. ronm mulumgs. Ls.\me. Branch olce. Uoltlwntcr. Money to Loan. _ DHNALD fhmn, ll. ll .1, I`. llnnx.-Avuzl MOOABTBY. BOYS & MUEOHISON. -. nI>\v~nIrorrIv1v\-\ n.-.a u'..u'm.\...-. ._ IIIUVIIIDGGIIQ naval) to unvbivsonuvgvg ARRISTERR. sm.1'c1*mns &c.. uv.\'1.u1- .s"l'REl'l`. BARKIE. 7I)I.`hI.V A ll:-l`An|n'.' \\', A Rnvz )R.. W. A. Boss, L.R.C.S. Edin. 1". C. l'.. 1.: ndou. - l llYS(.7IAN, SI-JRGEON`. &c. )I l"l(. l-'.S AND l\'l'J:lL\l.N(.'l1V l51'u\Vu H mn, Umccs Hon mock, uxrzw, ....--u IIIL'h' pruulcb. Vhan twenty -sent l)c~aut.i- ugh was lit- , a. fortune- ne day she nd that, she ' cstress or a. part of this true, nnd latter part DR. H. In. BRIJRHTON. DENTIST. ' ' Bunk 01' To;-ont Buildin nlmnn Q F, M. MONTGOMERY, AGENT. BARRIE. .a- ll` I\\J\iEl`|\. lusuramce Agent-, Fire and Life. DR. R. s. BROAD. :YI`1l\V own an \I.Vr\\v nun.` ROSS 8!. IRCEOVSICI. ;')1Q!l\I.`I\LI on: VlII`l'.\I'\.I `O-`ii/A-m1;.i'.;Axr0N. 'l"I\L'I ) (urn vnr-nnn ' n. if A":i-i~'zYv'a.- unrvxnur _..,n u . I'll l'Iel('lA.&'. I'J'I'C. ualullu MONEY T0 LOAN. ullns-Yorke ivlng` prom- uty of Inter righton for- she would . n. prospgcl; impossibly aunrnoa woolly. Lorna: cir- enmo on Phil` '1' I I. O1." Bodbyu noIv:'!l'o.3!.e%.'_~ 8IIunl.n.. "nun V-all ' I P. O. Box 214. B_ARRIE' ' `W. 11011.2 . u, 43.12. 0l"I"l(7lA!u - LEGAL; 3 Building, Owen Street. n arr? J. C. Bhoxcovsxu lL'ULlllb' ll L U. led to tho Duchess of mmIei!'eu.' %5 -.`";;1{!"f ....o 12.5oo.ooo' .... 41,15,000 A .... u.su.mo nu .".I5U.0D0 vllv I ' DH lIl\l|`4u \\'. A. Boys. u.su.mo -"$50,000 vu-uu cucn. lulu )%.::O to $4.50 cwt. $3.40 to 83.50 per cwf. _ `Hogs were quiet. with pricesVun- changed at $7.25 per cwt. for selects, $7 for corn-{ed and $6.75 for lights and fats. ' . .'|'.`.-.n....v.:..... .-. . u_, , -' uuu IRIS. -Following is the 1 t_1ons:-- u1u:rulgS nnswjereu tms description. The receipts /of lambs were so large that it caused something in the im- ture o{_a glut, about 250 being left over. They were quoted at $2.50 to $3.50 each. and $4.25 to $4.50 Export ewes Wm-r. sfnnrhr nf .;u..;.u LU oa.uu.- spocxers were dull. There `was :1 fair demand for good milch cows, but `only gt. few of the orfcrings answered this description. receipts of Inmhg mam en Inn-rrn cuulcu an :54 to 34:40. Feeders and stockors remained un- chaulged. Light feeders sold $3.25 to $3.5(|.- Smokers` dull. There `was n fnir Ramona rm. n-nntl hen earning: mll [)I`()Sp(`L'L p: more than '11. this pm- ".'l\nn lhnl