to Inter- cotia.'s _......oj -unuu wua u. tutu: 01 outs. which Sold 3} to 1c higher at M100 per bu. About llftecn loauls of hay were de- llvered: old sol(l 50c higher at $18 per ton, and new uncl1_ung`e(l at $8 to $9. (lnolnud of struxv sold. `un- clmngecl at $10 per ton. Other pro- duce was nominally unchanged. ` Wlxent, white .... ..... ..$ 68 _ 00- ; do red.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($7 00 do goose... ......... `($25 00.. do spring... (l7 ()0 Bnrlov , " A ` -.. ,......... .u.-.u, v FARMERS 1\IARKE'l`. 1`oronto, July 80.--Buslness was dull on the street nmrkot, ltcrc to- day. and the _rccciptH of produce were very small. The only grain of- fercd'\vns u load of oats. which sold 1} 1c hi'hnI' nf Aha nnu kn Ballad` ] Tny-1\`Im-lust inactive, with u. very light donmntl. Cm` lots on track here uro -unto:-"l at .$`.).."0 to $10 {nor Lon. V Hnlml H1v}nn__nn:na .....1 ......I.-.._--4: iluu ' I oLntm-.s'-'I`he nmrkot for 01;] stock is "very dull, und both .suppl_v and demuml uru lirrht. Quntntidn:=1 vnre nominal at. two per bag for cur lots und 40 out of st'0re. I`- c\v puta- tucs are very source and the (icumud , for them is keen. 'l`hc_v am: qumcdv steady ut $1.10 per hun'l1_u| for large lots and $1.20 1.0 $13.35 ml: '0! store. 1,.\lr\:`- 11,... 1' ` auuun are selling` 11!; 210.` Eg'gs-.S`olucts are very scurcc nnd ure quoted rm at .12{.c. Oerings of frusln g`u1.horml uro _lurge and tho murkct. is steady at 11c 1.0 11.c. Seconds urc slow and weak at BC to 9c. T)..A ..4 ,. nu - - .. _ _ -.---uva4. Butt.or-I)airy is coming In firoly and there is mplcntiful s`uppI_y'r of tubs. pails and crooks. l`h'ey nro sollixng` at 160 to 17c for the choic- est lots um! 1:30 to 1.-`Sc for the com- mon to medium. Pounds _1'o_lls are in goml (lemund at -17c t,o18c. Crcunwry hulds steady und the de- mand is ru1.h'cr g'ood. 1`1'ix}f,s' and solidn selling ut ` I!`4.:'1:s-.S`olucts urn vm-v nlH\vnn mu! a:}:uv_V HIGHS`, -Til. LO 51.9.50. ..-11`1oI und Dry Sultctl Monts- Lonp; vieur. tons and (3{l.`l(`S, 11c, and small lots at 1150. ; l)1'ev.}:f-3.9!, bucmg. 14, ,c to .150: huuns. for snmll nml nu.~diInn, "1330: rolls, ]1..}c to 12; slmuldors. 110. to 1]{.c; bucks. 140 to 15c; t{'l'L'(.'lI meats out of pickle are quoted at 1c joss than Sm()|\ 0(l. l`ic1-cm: 10-'.'r' oulm 11.. ....A url: qumeu (Ll. Lc JOSS than sI11()l l`icrccs 10`-','c, tubs 11': pails JHC. lVl\'lI\YrI\I\`v ..-..` -\_. ...__ 1.'uUv1s.`uUNb'. Values are rmly maintained and .tho 1nu1'lu-t is strong`. l!u.'a'i_ness is active -and dealers report. u steady inquiry for all classes "of hog pro- duct. _ ' _ `l o1'k--Cm1n.du short. ':11t.- 821,; hcnvy nwssn 31.0 to $19.50. -."un`1()knrl nnrl hm: '\`..Hml nr....a.. Lu, uuu _;.'u(: more for ]~ cns--Arc nominal ; frolghts. :I " 2-xtcd ed ack- (')uts--Arc in q'nod demand and firm at 36;(: for No. 1 white oust, 350 for No. 2 white north und West and 35&c to 360 middle fu-ni_qlnLS.' 0n,tmm,|--Is rm M. $8.85 for cars nf hnl'v1n`n ......I on HP ;_,, ... u-n. uuuuu: 1v'I1I_I_,'llLS. firm of bnrrcls and $.`}.7.")-for bugs Toron- to. and _25c for broken lots. 0n.<---Avn ntrnhnnl ni v.-n.. ...x.I.n.. uuI].',lll-H. V ~ Oorn-Is firm. Cunadu. yellow is nominal at 47c_ and mi.\'ud `at. 46c west. No. 2 Amc-,ricm1 _vullo'w is quoted -at 602 on the truck Toron- to. ' zugnvl`. Millfc-ml-ls s_tcx1d_v at $14 for shorts and $12 for bran west. Barley-ls nominal at 420 {or old No. 2 middle frcig`ht.s.' ~R,vc--ls rm at, 470 to 48(: middle frclx.:ht.s. ' (`.n|'u\_"lx- u. lV..L....). __-nW_- v nut` wcxu ueuvery, '1'oront.o and West. Flour-Is dearer; cars of 90 pct" cent. pntontx; are quoted at, $2.57 to $2.60 in buyers bugs middle fveigllts Choice brands are quoted 15c to 200 higlwr. NfiIH`nn:L 1.. ..a.....I.. AA 1.. . - uiunu. uue largely to the advance-in the west and less favorable crop news from Canadian wheat (lelds. There were sales of red and white at 67c middle `frelghts, and No. 1 spring sold at 6730 to 68c east. Goose whom; was higher ; n lot-of No. 1 "sold here lake freight to go to Monl.rerLl at. 70c, and it. was quoted at .66c oust. Manitoba wheat is firm at 82c to 825:: for No.1 hard grinding in transit, 80c to 80:10 for No. 2 hard and 760 no 7631: for No; 8 hard, and 2e less than these prices {or local delivery, 'l`oronl.o I"l0lll'-Tsi llnnrnr ~ Ivnn-u no un ...... The Ruling Priccs in` Live Stoek and Breddstulfs. % 13m3Avs'rUI'Fs, Wheat- I`he market was quite act- ive and strong to-duy- on a good (184 mund, due largely I0 [Hid lnun fnvnu-nhh. nunn LEADINIG MAHKE'l`S.] ' coUN'rn'v PRODUCE. cam 'driv- ; fattlu.-r'S imfl n0- PlA!OVIS]'0NS_. .l..L 6.00 1.00 In 9.-: am 35 8.235 T_1.1_o .0 '1 `kl 18.00 8.00 10.00 11! -1.1) [-1.00 ' 6)I'. I-ll \'l\UJI I`) [-3. ' at 70c middle QU 1.00 1K Uil 4( Inn Ii) . 10; I. ;u`[.nprcn- he Eur! VL-'11 L to 15; 7.00 [Ill 1.00 rzn UU 0.00 0.00 0.00 on uu O0 ' DU L25 12; O0 uu 44} 39} und `vu-u .LilUU auuw uuu. D53 V\'0l'C kill- ed and - 4,585 injured. Of 9,244; shunters, 49 were killed and 693 in- jumd,` ' V - on the :n.r_v for umplscll .\`hcri!Y no nt. mtibuto Qmnual Statistics Show 583 Killed and! * . _-1,585 Injured. A dcsputch from London says :- Tho returns of casualties .:unong the Britlsh railway workmen timing tju year 1900 show tlmt, 583 V\'r.-re kill- ed nnrl 4.59. ; hnu-nrl -310 f\ I111 lUl' cuuul /urlcu. only. Trude enquiries from j the High Commissioners omce were received by_the '1`mdu Depm't.ment on Friday. The names of intmufactux-ers in Can- udu. ofairon and steel \vork,- cast and wrought irofi piping, steel plates, steel tu1gles,.etc. A well-known rm of stutioners in London-is open to take up the agency. for Englangl for`; any C:um.dln.n specialty in its line; of business. The names of `Canudimu exporters of cheese-box wpod and ` hoops for bxu"rcls are asked for. A Manchester rm asks for the nd~ ', dresses of Czumdlzm paper mills sup-.1 plying ne\vspri_nt. _ I 1 e . Many Trude Enquiries lg`:-om Britain Re- oeived'a.t Ottawa. A desputch from Ottawa suys_:-A letter from Mr. Harrison Watson, curator of. the Cumulian section of the Imperial Institute, was received at the Depzwtnxent of Trade and .0-ommerco on Friday. In it. he says a gentleman in the timber trade" purposes visiting Canada in Sep- tember with the object. of n'u1ki_ng urmngeinents for obtaining large zmd regular supplies of shocks for nmking fruit -and egg cases. At. the same time, on behalf of a. friend of - his who has a. United Kingdom undg` South African business, he desiresel to zuwmnge for supplies or agencies V in such lines as leather`, lobsters. flour, cheese. furniture, doors, .- and V woodemvare, either for both- the j United Kingdom or South Africa, or V for South Africa. only. ' ennui:-ins fl-nrn ' um tn.- 1 I I 1 .uuuumuc1' :61 one. ` Paris -C|osc-Whcnt. tone ` rm ; July 22! 200, September and Decem- ber 28f. I-`Iour, tone` rm: July 271' 90c, Septc-mbcr tuulDeco1nbcr 28f 65c. ' - I 1`l'lllll3U ' ' London--Close-Spot corn, qrs I American mixed, 223. Spot. our, K qrs, Illimleupolis, 225 3d. Foreign I wheat Iirm at an udvunce of. Gd. English quiet; -Al1lCl`iCl.U1 corn "rm ` at an advance of 1s. .l)unubia.n rm: American flour firm at my advance of 9d, Em.-;li:sl1 floxrr -rlrm at. an ad- vn.nce.of Gd.` - '-\Liverpool. July 30.--0penlng- W'lIeuL,__fi,xtux'es steady; September 5.3 843d. I_)_ecember 5:4 91d. Maize, fu- tures steady; September, 45 Gd. Oc- `toher 4s (l.}d. V Liven-pool-Clos:e-Spol; wheat Ilrm;` No. 1 standard California. Gs to Gs gd;'\Vu.lluV, 5s11d to 53 115d; No. 2 red winter, ."s`9-gd to 55 10d; No.` 1 northern spring. 533 (Md to '53 10d; futures steady; September. 535 `Md . December {is 11d. Spot corn rm; American mixed. new, as Md to 45 4S,`d; futures quiet; September 45 7d, October 49 7:1! sellers. Minneapolis our, 185 to 19s 3d. Thu-in _lnIu un :\.._'..,-.,,A In- uuul, Lou Lo 1318 -"Ml. _ I`uria,. - July 30.-()pening- Wheat, _Lono rm; July 22! 10c. .`_~`<'3ptcn1bcr nnd Decomb_m_' 221` 80c. Flu1_u*, Lone firm; Julv 271' 75c. Sr-mnmm... ....n uuu uuuu.-unu_mf :21 auc. 1`lo1_u'. July 75c, September and .1)occmb01' 28f 65c. ' `pnriu _!`ln.... 1:71....` A - BRI'l`ISH RAELWAY WORKMEN. __ ..-....--.._4.n-J. London; July V8O.-Opening-When.t. onpussugo, mtlie_r ousler; cargoes about No. 1 Cul., iron, arrived, 29s sellers; Walla, iron, arrived, 28s 9d sellers; Australizul, iron. passage, 29s 9d; Lu Plutu, f.o.r.t., loading, 28s 6d sellers, fine uud heavy. Corn. on passage quiet and lmrdly any de- mand; Lu Plum, yellow. rye terms, September 213 sellers; passage, 209 9d: l)nnubin.n, prompt. Woutller in England shmvery and ,in France cloudy. I.nn(|nn ._ (`Inc-n_.Q-Al ------~ ~ "V BUFFALO GRAIN MARKETS. .BulTalo, July 30.--Flour strong; good demand. Spring wheat, fair. Winter xvhcut. No. 1 norLhcrn;old, SO}'c; do. new, 7550; No. 2 red win- ter, 75; No. 1 white. 75c. Corn strong: No. 2 yellow. Glc: No. 3 do. 61:12; No. :3 com. 600; No. 3 do, 605c. Outs, firm; No. 2 white. 430; No. 3 do, I1-2.5c; No. 2 mixed, 420; No. 3 do, 41;-c....]3m'ley. nothing `do- , ing. Rye strong'er; No.1, 58c uslaed. mm i L- pnsctl I-`und . I I nn, I-AU UU\\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .do bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bulls. export, heavy, per cwt ................ .. do light, per c\vt......_ Feeders. short-keop...v. do medl_u`m . . . . . . . . . . . .. do light ................ .. Stockcrs, 400 to 600 lbs... ................. .. do o`-colors... Milch cows, cnch ..... .. 8 Sheep, export. ewes, per cwt ................. .. do bucks, pox` c\\'t;..v do culls, cuc.h.., ..... .. Lambs, spring`. each .. Culves._ per head ..... .. Hogs. choice, pox` cwt,.- Ilogs, corn-rod, nor cwt; ................ .. , I verydull tone in the .trading at the I . Western Cattle Market to-day. and business` was poor`. The receipts were very large, but the demand owes light and a good deal of stufl was left over. Exporters were too . plentiful and the market was clog-; god with them. Prices were easier ' and the results of the day's business were disappointing. tosellers. "But- chers' were also oilered freely, and only the good ones had any chance - of being sold. Otherf cattle were ' quiet. with a. light demand, but the n oilerings were heavier thanusuul. Sheep and lambs'were easier, and. calves and hogs were unchanged. The total run was 100 loads, including 1,785 cattle, 846 sheep and lambs, 80 calves and 800 hogs. -. . Export, cattle, choice, per cwt ................ ..$ 4.60 .8 5.10 do medium, per cwt 4.25 4.60 do cows, per cwt..... 3.75 4.25 Butchers, cattle, pick- ' ed lots; ................ 4.40 4.75 do choice .............. .. 4.00 4.40 k do fuir ................. .. 3.50 4.00 1` do common . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 3 50` tin nnllvu 0 IV` " _._._- EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS. v .:__----- WANTS CANADA'S WARES. u . . . . . . onto ... ligl;t. per cwt: , fut. per c`wt..... per (:\vt..... . per cwt... losc--Spot xed. nlis, . a Iirm; 1' . 1 floxl*r-r1rn1 Tnnnuuun di-IJU 82.00 U-Ii) 4.00 2.00 ll IU` Mr. with- ; met! I` 1 nn " 7.00 6.75 I! UK 8.40 2.50 2.00 0.-zn 7.i)U 1 .00 H 0!! 3.00 ()P:!\ 8.00 3.00 ' \JuUU so-00 . 3.25 `J. f|l\ .-1, LU U0 nciution D.&i.) 3.00 E nn o.uu 3.75 n r-.n V-\~\7i'llitun Cox-nis`h.'a. saiio1', in jail ! at liemxfort, S.C.. fo'r~:.1ttcInpt.ed.A - Sir Claude Mxmcdmmld, former British Minister at. Pekin, has been appointed a Knight Commander oi the Bath, in recognition of his sex`-* vices-in China. Emperor Willvinm will I personally -uttcnd to the Y.l".1l1SfCl' of the remains lot` French s0l.dicr:~: c-xhnunurl at Mctz to the French :-.u'.l:uri1,ics on the. fro`n"cier. ~ _..,vvv,vvv slum: vulc- A motl1e1' and three children were lburncd to death by the explosion of mu oil can in :1~tenement house at Pittsburg, Pa. - At. Los Angelcs. _CoI. .-`klbcuzrt. Jcks, 'n, well-known artist. dropped dead in the street while 1:11:53-`l2i12g' and chat.-_ ` with fricndsf ~m....__..-..' nun- \d v u.--yuu The Rev. J. 1'-`oxvvorth. one of the best known Methodist divines of II- linois, droppeddead on the streets of Moweuuqun, 111. The Russian wheat crop is put at 58,000,000 qum't.ers, ag`:\in'st.56,000,- 000 in 1900, or an export. surplus of 18,000,000 qum't,ers. I, A .....l..... ._...I -I....,- 4-`- v.....`....-.. r -Mrs. Martin Freeze, surprised {while bablling in a small stream . gnear. Franklin. Ind.. killed the man 'who insulted` her. , rru ...... Aunuxunvul-D lawn: Thifeq Englishmen and three guides, while climbing Mount Cervino, in Italy, tell down 0. chasm_anqi all were killed. ' _ ` nu .. - -- 1:11) of Lieu-. r `Jodoph Bennett was beaten to death in a fight in a saloon in North Scranton, Pm, byxwultcr Cospzmrwicz who escaped. 1\`l'..,. Ir, __4:,, - _, v... . At St. Pctersburg next year there will lie an international"exposition of precious and artistic jew- lt.-1_lery. u I 'l...l....I. -n _..`_........ The Scllenectzuly plant of the Am- erican Locomotive Company is to have a capacity of 1,000 engines a year. 1;,-, - ~ ~*' 6! year. A; Lb I tionm nu-. ___-..- -. .--......-.uu uuuu nuupa .LllUl`U. The Seventh National Bank of New York wlxiph recently failed, is to -be reorgtmized with increased capital. n\I._ n-1, , .-....... -.....auu.s uv uuu.uul:LlI, xV.vJ. The King has ordered thu-t, the Queen shall be addressed. on all oc- cnsions, as "Queen Alexmldru." TJ'n.~.'O- .-!.--.------A AA -- -- ' " " ............ uunll u; cp\I~,I\',\fVUL'.L'UU. A Paris lawyer sued to have piano- plnying in'ding school next his office stopped, but he fuiled.. 'I`l\.-. u:.-........- _-.777 - ..... ..-....., ....u,-,_.u.u, uuu An: uuu:u.. The Viennese shoenm.kex's are tak- ing` `steps to oppose the osta'b|ish- ment of American shoe shops .tl1ere. l`hn .Qnvn~m Ia 1\r..4 :,\..-1 -n , , - - .-.v-- nu. uvo\.s.u\u.| vvlll IJU \.llUbl.'ll. Joseph R. Hixon. a railway agent. `dropped (lead wllilepluying with his little daughter at, Elizabeth, N.J. Il`l... `L7 Q | .-cu `U100 .ruct- gnh, \u\.`Ull lllUAiLIlUl'll. Heat damage to crops in the Unit- ed States is now cstinmted at the enormous sum of $Gt,)0,()00.000. A 'n...:... I-__,_~ - ` ...a ... srannvulapla _;uu uuualiu ll|l|4. (.`.u,ptain Jaunes Flynn was fatally -injured at Kokomo, 'Ind., by the ex- plosion of 11 soda. water tunk.. John Jones was killed and Geo. W. Blevins badly wounded _in a fight. with knives at English, Ind. 11- Se 4|.n.....l. 41...; AI.... __-n . . ..... ......\..) u.u Auugll-`Ml. um- It- is tho_ught that there will : he :1 conclave to elect a Pope`.-' that an outsider will be chosen. T........l. h 11.-,, , .._. uwu nun. out; All cry. The hyum. The Dying Thief .R<.- joiced to See," at a prayer meet- ing in jail caused rioL._ {V....4..:.. 1'...__.._ up. A - The second wife of John Page]. at Chicago, has ,been adjudged inszmc. as was also the rst. - . rnL_ 1,, n.. _ . ..`. . V yv .,u,uvu King Edward has 1`uisedEv'clyn_ During, First Viscount Cromer, to an curldom. ......v.-. .....u mu. "wow JIIIJIUH. The numnbc-r of striving makers at New York has to 85,000. ' iIung&1'iaL11 crops-t.! 1is your will be light. Part of Davenport, Iowa. is in V ashes. Loss $700,000. Wireless tclcg'mphy is to be intr`o- duced into the West; Indies. PIVL- ._...._I__ , A ... VI ntwuv uv muuu unun. ulcu. .Winnipcg's population, ncco'rding to its assessment commissioner, is increasing at the rate of 200 a month. and, exclusive of the oating population, is at present nearly 43,- 000._ - V .. -Ivvln nnlnlvuu - `Eugene ()lIa1'e1Jtc. 11 ve-yea!`-"old Hull boy, was crushed beneath a. Waggon, and. jumping` up, ran to his nmthcr to tell her that he was not hurt. but; he soon after died. Il'!.-..:__-._v._ ,, - ' - l'.`UH . dyku Luna- H-`H luf- s`l.umn he union u.uv1u`ul uroxen uvnce While at work in the Winfgston locomotive works. Had a beslt not broken he would have been killed. ' - V-1 ----.......- ....... .,y..,uuu -nr wz.v,uuu. The loeomoti_ve_ works at Kingston managed by Hon. Wm. I-Iurty,` have orrlers enough to keep the works running night and dgxy for several years. 754......` up , . `, \FUV. u. Edward Mziloncy, machinist.` had a.uvm'm broken twice While at the \\'in.Lrst.nn Im-nmnnun m,-...1... . . . . ~ . . H . u . . . u . Ivy! vs. u~u_u uutlo. Ottawa. City Council has decided ~to increase". its grant for the recep- tion of the Duke and Duchess of Comwau from $2,500 to- $10,000. 'T`l\n 1............a.-.... .......u... _. T72,, ......u4 `l\.\A Mu may xxuauav uhlt. The American syndicate which has just bought the St.*Luwrence dock property at South Quebec. will build extension. wlmrves and mills-. ti;1____, nu. n .. .. vv Iauvalv nnua uaA__v . The barley` harvbst. islv in "full blast" in parts of Munit.obo.._ and wheat. will~be ready for cutting in `some parts by August 5th. "Fl. .. A........:...... .._....u...... _,u,- - - vlavvn ...u... --us vv cuuyyuun , Thos. Monk, up gold miner. was killed at the Caribou Gold Mines, Nova. Scotia, by u fa1l_of rock. ` 71'....:...'....-... 1:1: .... -4 n ovsrvny uavuuuu, u,y cu noun Ul lUUl\- Winnipg`s Finance Committee re- commends the acceptance of Andrew )arncgle's- offer 0! $100,000 for a. free public library. _ "Finn I-.....1.... . |.-_...'..... 1- s u- -- ---_ -.... .......a...,.. ....,...u...-;.. The Victoria. B.C., 3-rograunme for the cntertainxnent of the `Duke in eludes an Indian war dance. : - `ll 1'r-.._:u___, nu. , IV ~..u.un.-.- Uta: nun-uu nun ucuL\4U. 1! Hamilton City Council does not vote 82,000 more. work on the thir water main will be stopped. 5 "`1r|r\a `l\l'.\...I. .. . .....I.I ....-M." '--- U UL L lit.- met. np.-,'st Pu. uuuLLL\ LULV . The City Council of Kingston has appropriated $10,000 for the Duke 0! York's reception. ' The Parks`. cotton mills of St. John, N.B.. will be sold by auction _ and the mortgage foreclosed. rm... v:..s...:.- 1'2 N - -- -` The Very Latest Items From All Parts of` the Globe. % [NEWS BBIEFLYTHE i is proposed to hold an exhibi- [.011 an extensive sealant Bendi- Australia`, at `the end of this n EXAMINER, I THURSDAY, AUG. 1. FOREIG N. DOMINION. garment- increased DUUII ` and .u I uruu , a.'.,),'J..`.iU . There were 777 deaths among the whites in the camps, the list includ- " mg 576 chiltlrcn. The deaths among the 'colo,rccl7 persons numbered ve. Com- Lralin. -econ L- castle 'l\`ho Present Population Numlors Over 1oc,oao. A dc-spa'.ch from London says:.- A I arlinmcntur_v paper just issued gives-the numbers of persons in the concentmthm cmnpsa in South Africa in June, as follows: :---`.\ hi1.c, 95,410; 7.-olored, 23,-189. - 'T'l.n.m ......... r-H-H _l-_.l, --' ' London Rumor That no wm Negotiate It for the `Boers. l_ A despntch from London says :- L "The rumor as to early pence nego- tiations which has pervaded the House of Commons for some days," says the Daily Express, has taken the more definite form that Emperor William is soon to assume the role of peucemaker. Mr. Kruger and his advisers are represented as having empowered t.he Kaiser to act, for the ` Boers, and l1e .is considered" Willing to take the initiative in order to popularize his relations with the ' German people, who clisnppi-ove his friendship for Great Britain. Some- thing is apparently on foot, whether Emperor William is in it or not." Mr. ]{ruger's arrival at the Hague is connected, the , Daily Express thinks, with the rumored pence sug- gestions. __..._s , Population . Win Probably Add Very Largely to the A de.<'.pn.tch from Port Arthur, raged for. a year between Port Ar- thur und Fort William to secure the location -of I~`inger s big sawmill has ended with n win for Port Arthur. The Pigeon River.Lumber Company, asthe institution is styled. has de- ` cided to locate in Po1't-ArLl1ur, and will build a mill of twenty million Iuinual czumcity. and establish wood- ` Ont., says:--The ._fight which has,` I I work enterprises as well. It is ex- pected that the enterprise will add g`ren.tly"' to the population of the town, as 400 men are to be employ- ed an the year round. Construction of the new mill is to be started forthwith, and there is consequently great rejoicing. ' " x ,-...,_, \ll ntwua n_y uwu `L0 0110. At the Tubc-rculosis'g'Congress in London, Professor Bronnrdel, chief medical adviser of the French Gov- ernment. declared that meusuuzes on the part of the State to limit the rawnges of nlcoholizzm would be most; precious auxiliaries -in the crusade ugain.s"t consumption, and that the Ministers of 1~`inunc_e should With- draw enough from the alcohol reve- nues to pay for the cure of the in~ ebriute and his children. THE KAISER AS PEACEMAKER. PORT ARTHUR S NEW INDUSTRY ,. _.___..a..... . As a. result of domestic troubles, Mrs. Minnie Black, of Battle Creek, Mich., drank cnrbolic acid in full sight, of her husband and several neighbors, and died fteen minutes later. ' ` ..n _. - .. yv-I wllu John Marshall, 0. nonvimion. motor- man of Brooklyn. who had his skull fractured in three places in the .A1- bany strik, has sued the Albany Traction Company ` for $50,000 da.mages.. `_ _ H_,,.. - . .... ..V vs; nun.-mug. Julia Merkle. fourteen years old, was killed by lightning while assist- ing her father to build a straw stack, near Seuth Haven, Mich. In addresses at the Second Pres- byteriun church. Chicago, the Rev. W. D. Nowlin charged churches with using hold-up methods to get money. - -John Ballard. fnwn ann..nI~...| .: (_.'())11- Volun- `n, in r l)iu1- _ ......,b uunu-up xucl,-HUGS 1.0 get. Ballard, town. ma.rsl1.f1l of French Lick, Ind., shot and fatally wounded his brother Geo1`ge._'1`here was trouble of long standing be- tween them. ,..... uv ).uuuu.uuug -,`.\V`.),VUU|.l.- The director of the Bcckex' and Hcilmau Banking Co., Crceld, Ger- many, has abscondcd and the bank is `closed. and several other banks arc; said to be tottering Jnlin 1\.I m1_-In an---4---- --.._.. V, ucucuu aU1J|.I.i1. Thieves .nr'e operating sue. on the Paris-Geneva. tmins, their victims being Rev. Mr an American clergyman. _ whc purse containing `$5,000.- Thn dirnnfn-. no 41.- 1's--I Kruari district`, Venezuela, _--.. uuuu cnuayuu. General Rodil, Governor of the Yu- covering the region of the gold mines,` has been assassinated for political rea- sons by General Zcpata. ' 'l'`hI`nvna -- -A -----A ` 5 urunmau ass:Lults,. tied the deputy _who was guarding him, hand and foot and escaped. [Inna-...I *n_.I:I I`- criminal ass:Lults,_ was mxnrrliu-m M... coucnnraixox CAMPS. DIED OF UNHEQUITED LOVE. xgot. 4-r_....... succr.-_s'sfully Geneva trnina .....,..... _ H. _v in _____._..u.-au_v tins, among Mr. Todd, _who lost. :1 .. hand and An Engagement Reported From Eastern Cape Colony. -1\ dcspatch from` Cape Town says`: ---A fight is I'cport:d to have taken place between Jaxnestown and Lady Grey, Eastern Cape Colony.- Fou- chcc's coummmlo nttau.-ked a hundred Com_1a.ugl1t. Raulgcrs. but scouts from Alixval North appearing, the Boersl, axppzwcntly thinking that. the scouts \vere_sufougly supported: The Boers are said 1.0 have lost.` ` heavily: i .n\uuui.u'ul. uu \,veuncsua.y mternoon. l The Military Court, which is sit- ting at Dordrecht.,Vl1as sentenced 13' rebels to imprisonment for life. Two others. who were convicted were sent-' enced to fiyo and ten years impris- onment, respectively. - i lfwo Pay Penalty at Kenhardt and Others were sentenced. ! A desputch from Cape Town says: Two Cape rebels were executed at. Kcnhardt on Wednesday afternoon. - The Militalrv Cnnvf whit-In in an-` and thankfully accepted Mr. Car- (LLICU. ,Mr. Carnegie has asked `Mr. Bob- ertson for statistics and pamphlets regarding Winnipeg. and this offer; is the result of his jurlgment on me} ixnportalice of the city s position] The committee, o(cou1'se.joyfully, negie s generous oller. Mr. :Cur- negie' on'ere(l the same amount. to Ottguva for {L similar` institution. I` I . ___, Will Give Winnipeg $100.00) on Certain.` 1 Terms. A (Iesp-atcli from Winnipeg says :- A lchtei` was read on Thursday even-i` ing at the Finance Committee of the; City Council from Provincial Lib-, ruriun Robertson, offering on bclmlfi of`Andrcw Carnegie to denote $100.- 000 for a free public library to! Winnipeg on condition that the city spends u.unu`ally $7,500 for mninten-l anon. ' ) _ .. -.v u. .-uvuuua. i A despatch from Ottawa says :- The bank statement for J uno shows the note circulation to be $49,119}! - 479, and increase of $3,500,000 over - the same month of last year and of $3,000,000 over the return for the} V previous month of V May. The; - amount of current loans and disu` 1 counts for June was S282,872,134.. . ` This is :1 gain of $24,000,000 overgi - the some time last year, but u. fully} ling off of about four millions asii compared with May, 1901. Calljl [loans on bonds and stocks are-` shown as 874572.820, greater than! lthc _1'etu1`ns for the previous monthil of Mayor for the month of June-,~: l 1900. Deposits by the public of`l Cu.nuda., payable after notice or on a. fixed clay, no\v.amount to 82:22`,- 877,616, El gain of $38,500,000 over June of 1900. The 35 banks doing busin`ess'in the country have among 1 . them :1 total paid-up capital _of S67,- O`.)5,718, with test funds of about 54.30.pc1` cent. : It Has Increased a Million and a. Half in Twelve Months. ` A ,1, . . uu: pi.u.u. _ Questioned by a lj_vsLnn']e1' the o`i- cer stated that `us the rules applied to all classes, from Cabinet Minis- ters to newsboys, all classes must obey; and obey they would when he was insight . I ll \VH.H u dump ubluh tno velvety swm- A VDominion police constable. on` duty in the park, noticed the Cabin- et Minister's (lisregard of `the "Keep all the grass mandate. He prompt- ly ordered Hon. Mr. Tarte back to the ':inder-path. Do you know who I am?" queried the latter, considerabiy surprised at the reception of such an order, I am the Minister of Public Works. The ollicer promptly replied the rule made no allowunee, or words to that effect. He had his orders to execute. und there was no z-.-lterna.- Live. Hon. Mr. Tarte saw the logic of the argument, and without, furth- 1 er argument resumed his walk along ` the path. ` `nuns:-in.m.I 1... .. u.`.....-___._, .- - - .___ The Minister of Public Works Ordered on` the Grass. A despatch from Ottawa says :- The citizen. state and station are words unknown in the Dominion po- lice. This was beautifully illustrat- ed in Major's Hill Park a few clays ago. _Hon. J. Israel Tarte, Minis- ter of Public Works, who has power to order anything from the construc- tion of a. trzLns-contiuental canal to the suspension of a messenger for cigarette smoking. was ordered on` the grass. iHe obeyed orders. Mr. Turte was taking a stroll along the shady avenues of the capi- tal's favorite breathing spot. His stroll led him from the across the velvety sward. , 'T)nn1ininn nnlh-n n......4..x.u.. -.. ` wul'K and hardships; The large consignees are the Alas- . ku.- Commercial Company. $600,000`; the Selby Smelting Works, $900,000; the Canadian Bank of Commerce, $750,000. Among the miners 9. main named Miller brought the largest sack and he had only $20,000 in gold dust and nuggets. The only prominent passengers were Governor William `0gilvie and Bishop Rowe, Episcopal Bishop of the. Yukon diocese. The steamer had been fog-bound off the Golden Gate since Sunday morning, the cap- tai-n'_not; daring to enter with his valuable cargo. V V ---........ ..m. .:_.u.u1 ur- rived on Wednesday` evening direct from St. Michaels, bringing six tons of gold from Dawson and other points on the Yukon, valued at $2,- 339,500. l`l'.is treasure ship differ- ed from those which'came during the-first year of the Klondike boom, as most of her gold was consigned to large commerqial companies, and the tWo-score of returned miners had little money to show for their hard work and hnrdshins. uuuu money to show and hardships. larcc cormirrnm . .... . uuu anngl That Amount Francisco From North, ` A ' despatch from San Fr`: CAPE REBELS EXECUTED. BOERS LOS" I/HEAVILY. BANK NOTE CIRCULATION. ELM. _.__._,._.___._ MR. TARTE AND POLICEMAN. . ' $2.339.5D0 IN -KLONDIKE GOLD. ..:_. on CARNE(IE'S LIST. stute . : Till Park n fnw Juno 11 um can Francisco ' steamer St. Paul "ar- nesdav nvnnana A:-nu-t ,,_-_._, Francisco mr Rf Dnul '.... How the wind sh:1kcs the sashes, dear, said Mrs. Shadysidcs nc.-r\'ou.s'- my to her husband. \'.'hi!c 1|-1: :_;'-ale w;1s~lxi:.;!1. Yes. 1.he`_\vin(Iu\'.'.: are having it ruttiing good Lime, assent- ed` Mr. Slnadyslcie. Why are you" so out of sorts, Jen- kins`? You ought to be pleased that your son has at last. become 3. \"c1.-- crinary! '.l`hat, s just it! He was studying so.`.ong` that I had to son all my cows but one, and then he gave that one some medicine, and it died! Commandant spruyt Falls in Attempt ta I Cross Boidolperg Line. | A despatch from` Jolmncsburg says :-Boe1' Colmnand-.u1t, Spruyt. was killed on 1?`ri while cndca.vor- ing to cross the l-Icitlelberg; line. L/I IIUL` wh- Frank Lee I-`.13: Placed in Insane Ward ` ' I ` 1 I: at Kingston. A despntch from Kingston says : `Frederick Rico. the Toronto burglar, is in solitzuw confinement in Kings- ton`y, in tl1o.insane xvixrd iIIis cell is the only one occupied in (the corridor. He is given this place, [not because he was suspected of in- Iszmity. . but because the con_."mement. would be far more solita1'y__thcrc ' than in any other pnrl. otfthe prison. I \_ lrzubu. m111pL'1'U1` U1 Jllulu. ' l Lord Salisbury said the bill would ;be permissive, m-.1king it. lawful for `passing-.of the bill to make such ud- diLions1 to the title as might seem [tting to him. , `. his Majesty within six months of the` B111 Introduced by the Premier in the * House or I.ords.- In the House of Commons to-day the Marquis of Salisbury, in intro~ ducing tl. bill in relation to :1 Royal title, said his Majesty would prob- ably assume this 1.i1.le:---Ed\vurd {the Seventh. by the Grace of God, of Great Britain and Irc-_lun(l, and of all the British 1.`vnninions beyond ,the seas, King. Defemler of the {1"z1itl1. Emperor of India." l `I'.nr1l .9`.nli=hnu-u unit` Han kn: .......1.x : Lul: Ll U115 uL'.3u'u_y:u. ` The rct.urn.of the c ilooks doubtful. Supp! [been ordered sent, to .` `present. lxc-.udquar?.ers c i [Great Distress in the Yangtze Valley-- ` court`: stay at Slngan-in. A despatch from Shanghai su.ys:-- ;Thc oods in the Yungtse Valley are `causing great, distress. Two of the ;in:1iu embmikments have broken iabove Wuhn. and flooded :1 thickly- `populated district for forty 0'1` fifty !huve been rendered homeless, and {the crops destroyed. 1 'T`hn rnhlrn nf Hun nnnri In Dal.-:n `miles. Tens of thousands of people` MILL`-_Y IJFULIHLIU. The King held a. special meetingof the Privy Council last Tm:-sd;1y to sw'e.u' in Rhodes. This is` bitterly. re- sented by Radicals, who mean to protest against his continuance in the Privy Council after tl1e decep- tions which they allege he practised on the Imperial and Cape Ministers over the Jameson Raid. Has His Own Cow and Helm From South" Africa. A despatcll from London says Cecil Rhodes, who is staying quietly at the Burlington Hotel with Dr. Jameson. is rapidly becoming a con- hned h_vpoclmndriu c. He brought with him from South Africa. his own chef, his own poultry, and his own cow, and he lives wholly on Wlmt. they produce. T`l\n 1(inn- huh! n nv\:\p\u'..I ...,.,..L:..... -1 uu guuru Lne secrets. I~,`.ng'ineer Albrizzi, however, stated that the submarine boat Delno tra- versed at good` speed-under water the whole Bay of Spezzia. and launched it torpedo` against the side of the arlnorclad Varese, despite the fact that the latter had been warn- ed to expect an attack. l`|m "D:-Hinn g- (H4.-;.`l mun. ...- ..-\--- cu LU expect. an attack. The Delno is tted with an appar- Aatus invented by Albrizzi, by which it is said the range of vision is ex- tensive. and photographs can be taken under water for a. range of 100 yards. A despatch from Rome says :-The Italian Navy Department, as a. result. of experiments last week, makes claim to possessing the finest sub- ` marine vessel in the world. The ex- periments. which were conducted at Spezzia, will have to be taken on trust, for only Italian naval olcera were permitted to be present, and it is stated that the actual working crew of the submarine boat. was composed for the occasion of men of commissioned rank in order better to guard the secrets. ]*`_nn'innny- Allrxui-n.: 1-..... .... .. -A - ' Miss A" F. It may Enact 3 Revolution in Naval War- {are Methods. A as no ..........:.w...;_ - ... us nun. parties a n :g .. _.-._-..-. uuvuuvs to-uoleuo a. Loon Volunteer corps. A dospatch from Cape Town says: --Reply1ng to an appeal by the May- or that the Duke of Edinburgh Vol- unteer Ries, a. local corps, be re- lieved from active duty, after_t\veu- ty months service, Gen. Kitchener has pointed out that the prcmt. dusturbed state of the colony makes a:ny reduction of strength very dif- ficult and most undesirable. Boers are .<('_nHm-nd n...,......:.-..L un IN _SOLI'l`ARY E0NF`I7h:EMl-INT. _.._..- Kitchener Declines to -1 vnlnnqumu I THOUSANDS` LI<.:FT HOMELESS. BOER GENERAL KILLED. RHODES A Hvpocixonnnmc. `______________._____ CANNOT REDUCE STRENGTH. -_--{---: NEW SUBMARINE BOAT. who 17`,.l, THE KING`.S ' court. to Pekin I])'it`.'~'. have again Singan-fu. the : of Lhc'court.. 1 TITLE`. -Release ` Corn: uscin, atl- deficiency` ics umso xlutions. 40 yuwls tons of recently, uding on `nun: Manna DESIGNS \':a.'4vmc.Hrs &c. Arnno wmcl c :1 H189`?! and donor! vllnn may \11=|'|>':xsI3nrl!\e y: c-plmgn rec whether nn :_ "'` N No 5-_Li1 vfleu ab 0. Com tumou- `n5`0_tr\-3! |u-1-.n.u-r. Handbook on ntenta IOBl_`$1m. -..dn.`~v. an utter rnr at-oummpuwnts. 5-ants 1.-.\:n _L5re 'h Mann 3; (0. receive "" """~'*. W`-`.u-Iuv. danyre. In tho nAu4::Ix.. ......:. -.. Ammnss vvnvlilll A lmnd.s-tunely uh culauun at any your: {our man! ` Q---n... A - v-nu-up .,v nuabl Iho ! : -`. . nr est air. culauunn! `}?u.'. "WHY L E mime .3. 1.`uo'w1ur:;3:}i n 3mn.....u....... I1`-n V--L INVESTED IN CANADA.., ACCUMULATED FUNDS . 1'o'1u._AssU1mNuE...... INCOME. own ----nun-n -.-_-___!:'FE ~ - uruvauri oz b'Al(-IEANT. DEAL SJ EII8 in UOAL of all lxinds. imported meet from the mines; also Lam and Shingles, White and Qrey Lnnn, Plaalerer Hair Sewer Pipes .l"u'o Bricli. Fire Oluy. flatter of Purl: (laments, etc., allot beat uallxy. and semi at very reasonable rates, nxcn: 23 Elizabeth St.. n:-surly opponite Wellington Hotel. 6-27 . .-u.-.-ms h`.h!\ aura-yh Nuhn .""f."."r`oi:'0"1'vI F)! `In! 5. vv.'.`.iz-Iuv.o an :9. Hui scientic T merncan. m}_!l_1}_{l_0}I\0ly Hlmtnuu-`. up.-shxv, nu-an-9 nu of `Mr. (or, Ayn`. 'mu's Mr. ml)lishing' will! 0: U """ ' Brunch Omoe.ut525 B` 8!"? -WESTERN m/s`URANoE56 -OF TORONTO. - ---.._.-. Olve-Over In-mlerson is Hard wm-o Entrum-c, Owen street. 34-]; `*~ nn. w. n. Maouumn Dentist. Barrio. Vmtl coolntown. every Wednesday. _()_lt_e -Ross Block. East of the Past um... Vlllll UDDKIIOWII. ()_lt,o Block. Bumo. &UlUlIIUn O|oc-Upsmlrs In the M(-Cawlhy Block. not to Muum-1h,y & Co's Omvcs. two doors cast I Dougall Bros. Furnlmru Store. 29 --uv Ill HI IJTIEIFIBI HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Late licsidont l hys1cuu|nndSu:' non of tho Toronto Gr.-nmjnl I_lc.m>!mI.\v1un specln attention to Dxscnses oi \\ omen and Nmo and 'l`hro.u walk; and also Surgeon to Immrgexlcy Hospital. Toronto. ~ nlnn_lV....A-x.... I- u. `I n .- --- Assume: oi/u5ANi. JOHN R.6_(-3ERS.ON. Insurance A,-gent-. Finn n nrl Y `lb. .-..-._-- .I:xcoz.~;sox-atod. 1851. (linburgh `mug in- ling in to _oggnLt'n 1 _ , ,_ oxuncv: AND Iimsu>1sxcE:-Cornor Owen and Comer Shanta. Barrio . _.__ ___ OHNSON & SARJEANT. EnS_ kinda. mnnM-r` LENNOX. ARDAGH, GOWMI QBRDWN. ' BARRISTERS. solicitor: {or obtaining` pro hum of wills. guurdlunshln and udmmlstru man. and General -Solicitors, Notaries . Uonvoy nnccrn, .clc. fnuamou Llcuxox. Ar.1:x. Comm. Howouu Aulmm. E.J. l3no\vN,-l..13.B. Olcei: Hinds Block. No. 0 Dunlop Fin:-ct. Barrie. , 1 Branch Omcea-Lenuox & Ardmtll. Grave):-' hum; L_m;x1_c_ax.A|'dn;;l1.GowuIn Sn Brawn. Urco I -no 5- Iran. '.l'1N|.'iu COUN`Y CLERK, will be at his Olco in we Court Houso. Burric, every Snturday Rekidmce and P.0., Ooolu~t,o\vn. nn. J._ 0. smru. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON 6:0 OFFIPIP nun luunmvnn. n......-.. .- Barrie. ' `V T "V Oi- Lennox. Ardtu;h. Cow-an Brown. more and A Jluton. \ln\YI'r1r rnn v I\ n \v 1:11 LSUIAN. HIIRGEO Orvxcns AND Nmur 1n:a1;~r.m.'1~.: Itlyclc Hlmlu v HI.. b'u1'n'c. '1`elcph~ ue 97. I 21 money 10 Loan. Donn. Ross. LL.B. . UV . HUI-III ' B AR'R1S'I`ER. SOLICITOR. PltGf)'I'0R. ;N0'1`A RY. CONVEYANCER, ETC; Bpet-lal attention In the Drawing and Probntlm: of Wxun. pbuulnlnc Lezlm-a or Administration and Guardianship. and collcctlon of accounts, to. Money to Loan. Olccaz Rosa Block, Duulop street, Barrie. a1'n.u.1'nx ea ESTER AIllllB'1Em', Sol citora in night Uourt o Juutice, Notuitu Public. Convoynnccr bmces: Oven-Bnuk of .l`oronto.Bu-rte. ' Molmg in mum of canoe and upwsx-la, to Lanna: rnroent. H. U I-.'rnA'ruv. Q.O.. G. 8. turns. VVIH) in Ed- ~a:L-ivctl. H ngo. )1` ago, islnirc, _ Alex- 0 uv W - l'.l;|X.'l.'UNu B A RRISTEI}. SOLICITOR. AOTARY. CONVEYANOER. &o. MQNEY TO LOAN on most favorable (arms. VH1! Probhted. Estateadlnlnlltored. Au` counts collected. ' 0loe--ML-(.`nrthy's Block. South Side Dunlap street. Bnrm. 6 \. --on vv uvov in 113186 11 IVIDIII AIIIUSTEHS Solicitcrs for the Sup:-em Court of Judicature {or Ontario, Pro . '30" Notaries, Oonveyaucunetc. Mqnuy to . . Omcel : Rona Block Barrie. ms E. luwjuou. A. 13.13. Cnnawxcxn. aa uunuur u`1'ur.'3L"1', MARINE. -Jsrrnsv A. Mcoaamv. W. A. Dora. 0. U. Muncmsox. Mane; to loan from I) to 5 per cent. on im- proved arm property. . u--...... .. -uvuw Q SIDVRUVUJEII ARRISTERS SOLICITORS. NO'1`Al5IES. OONVEYANCERS, &o. Om:-03- Bank of '1`. romo Buildings, Buno. _ Branch ok-o. Goldwater. Money to Loan. DoNu.n Rn. 1.1. n 1 n n---------- MOOARTBY. BOYS & 3103581501? '5 ARRIRTFDQ anrtnvmnua L- V R. W. A. ROSS, L.R.0.S. Edin. F. C. l`.. London. Bank of Toronlio Building, 4 Owen Street. ` ss muvnnanx. nuxn at MUIIUIIIIIUN. SARRISTERS. SOI:IC! l`ORS &C.. DUNLOP S'l'REE'l`, BARHIE. WFBEY A. MCCARTHY. \\'. A av- F, M. MONTGOMERY, AGENT. BARBIE. DR. 3- 1'1. BRERETON. DEN T151`. H, Corp. > 1llI)lUCl'.H`, :11 ch uml crnu ` nu `Lu. W. A. HUB` 1)I l\'DfIl A _..__:_______ HEWSON & CRESWIOKE. nlnnefnnnu n-..n...n-.... 1-- LL- cu..- DR. R. s. BR/OAD. .`1l'l_\\! tun L'fIl\l\I.1n\v r1ln;1 R083 81. SROKOVBKI. vnievnrsnu on: 1-nu-up.-'-... v. 1 ., 110110011: ` PJIYSCIAN. SURGEON. &c. :5 _.uu_)_Nunu- 131-oxvuu s'm.u'x-nr an 1is'r1:N' llllB'.lEllH. 80] Pilnvn in I-huh! anus IIIIUU ("51 Fire and Life. -n . '1'. 31i71'iNa. I U 111 unit _..; P. 0. Box 214. BARRIE `won. 'R'l`]1'T? Qnl 'l"Y'l'l\li MlSCl.`l.l4.lNli0lIS lllllllu MONEY T0 LOAN. 7... _..j___.-_.... 1W. AU'Io'. - D on! vnvmnn v1 - our: chat. um bynll r~o\vadoaI'er.~.' oadway.i)!_lg!a `VI Wuh LEGAL: vvuuuasnny. Post Ufco, J. 0. Bnokowuu ..8 12,500,000 . . 41. I 15.000 . . 14 305.000 . . 5.450.000 all WIT. `qh. n. L: l|orli- n'n H-9 nu . ow. .l3t0\Vu H Store. ly L.-uulua. yuurung, per nu do spring`, per lb....... Mutton, per c\vt......A Veal calves, light, per pmxndn`... ..; do vcholco, per m....... T`l U1'.1 Qnwnnxr urn: vU1_.',UI.lLl.)lU uuu'ro\v, pol` doz.......'.. V._ Wn.t01cx"c-ss, per (102 Dressed Hogs, per. cwt. Beef, hindqunrtcrs . do fm''s _ do cnrcnscs, choice do common... `Lambs. yearling, pc1'"I`T..) (In nnrimr nm- In UuCUlllU0l'S, pol` uoz... . (In small, pm` doz...... . Lc~tt.uco, per doz... ` Onions. green, per doz ' Pm'slcy.- per doz Pens. green. pen pc-ck.. Potatoes, par bug` do new, punt lmrrcI.... do per bushel Rhubarb, per dun`... Tomatoes, per lmskeL.. Vegetable mm'1'ow, per (lnz ..... , , In-nu-um` . . . - - - - . u . u. on nu U choice. , 7-,1 LIVE STOCK nr.An_I A `Toronto, July 30,_--There was ;.uu.ur, pound l`()llS do. cracks... Eggs. new laid... .. do hold stock Chickens. old, pcrp'n.i1' do spring, per pair... Ducks, per pair l`urke_\/S, pe1'_pc_)und Asprwugus, per doz... ., Boots, per doz... Bonus, butter. per bu.. Cnhbugos, new. pe1"doz Carrots, per doz .(`a1.)1iuo\ver. per doz Corn. g'rcen,. pm` .doz....- Cucumhors, doz... s1nnll_ nm- dnv ' u uprulg... Barley Rye Outs...... .. HIW. old, per t.un.. dn nnw V UU llU\V..-nu nun... -- Strmv, per ton...... Iiuttor, pound rolls (In (`Pna-|:u I, ma,- sylluu :()Ltlh Cruel- to the 1' Sick