COAESE GRAfN. a) ly to ` R. L. ARWIGK. BARBIE. Avlmzwm-nu by an-Iain LIIXI-Una `E. J. DAVIS. _ _ Commissioner Crown Lands- I ` nxvv I -_\rna 1 nu: BARBIE EXAMINER, T`HURSDAY.'_M..TULYA 25, 1961.` the Pzwliamen: I u. on TUESDAY. - _ SEPTEMBER m the afternoon. I Good strong bay. who"uudex'stan:1s the care of horses und wants to _!e1rn ghe lm-dxm.r.e blulness. Apply to H. H. O1"1`O.\ & SON. Five Point: o. H. LY;0];`|'g'| horse; und w.1u1s _!9 H. 01 :11-dware Store. mm the bl-:ln es"s`. TON SON, Fsive Points `I - 1*`: "' .-` "' -'-,."""'-'*_` _ Gordon McLeod, from-Faote s Buy, f Mus_koka,-;.; a_t Hgnxy Tx:3j s._ ` Mrs. Stewart, of Barrio, "spent a few days at Mrs, Jan. Fletcher`:-. 1 I ...., ...-.. _ A number from here _ attended the cuncerc given at Gxbsm,by 3Iot,her`Goose - Sand her Temperance family. They repcrt ugood entertainment. Y . It ' 1 `J vv u-.~. FtNE BLEACHED DA.VlAbK. `Z unrn trhha nun-na Y3-nu. ... -. . W. M. B:'umh_v accompanied by his` sisters Cam and Vials; era. spending part of their vacation with zheirgr' `M. um; 11'... T) D : ?m:._ `D -. ...-....-.. 5.....\._y....-....~. Mr and Hrs. R. Hi.-my and Miss F. Hauning were gues-s `of Mr and Mrs J. Spring on Sunday ' HVL , .._,. _.._ ..1 _, J , \u' KY? (17 o "I"""l'| "" "" ""'J V The many friends of Mrs. W. W._<;pring will, be pleased to learn that she is im- pmving and wehope soon t-fsee her out nnnn ll'lnI`|-. ' very suddenly on the morning cf Friday ithe 19511 msmnt. The`f:1nera1 service was "conducted by Wm. Standennnd Rev. Mr McIntosh, in the 0, en Com- afternoon. July 23.-.\Ira.. Philip Fulle. died. muniou Bzptish church, on Saturday -"('?r-:)-1':i:): 1' Cleal, of Da._vtou, ()'z1_i_h,. is On-the farm, at '1`. D. .\`[cLaa_n's . I!` 1-r -.- -.-- --. I-nu -. g. us-4A.aauu :- I\fr.=. M. Huntley. ofUr11liJ, Vis_visit-M ipg at. '_J.`. S. M_orton _s._ I l'V___I___ 'If,`l I E in . n U` - ..- -~_...- ....... .nv\-vuuvn ~ Miss Mountjoy, from Russellton; is ` Visiting at Mrs. A. S:auden s. \l'___ `I':,1,,, I n 1 n1 I" Darcy anel Ddton Lannox have been lvisitiug at Ivy. Miss Kerr; of Toronto,` is visiting at .\Irs. James Co,xx`i;,;an's. I . _ . V . V - - --, v.,...,,--.. s.-- Geo. Tracy, inn, spent` Foote s Bxy. Muskoka. AI;aa R1-on wlnfnllnn is JJUUDU LII.) \ I'll-lHUI\uu bliss l\Iay `Fletcher is visiting Mrs., Malcolm at O: j_llia. . Mrs. Thomas Stokes has been visxtiug I friends` in Orillia. FINE BLEACHED DAMASK. V full 2 varda wide. {our excellent. 'M;rs.`S:ewaIt, of_Bsrrie, spent a few days_Iast week with Mrs. Jas. Fletcher. July 22-l\Iost of our fgrmera are thro- ugh haying and a number have started their harveav which seems,to be ripening` very fast. ' A ._......l. __ E._._,_ L-.._ ,4: V I u u-`gun vI4v\4u'M|IlIn4vIIv. [ Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dickenson `an the 18:b. inst., a daughter`. C;mgrtul- | ntions. .-. .-n .v-.-.-.. . _, ""I;I.isse`s. H. He1':dex'so:1 uf Sauli Ste. Marie are spending their hohdays with their friends at home. I .....-... ...,| ,--_-.... -_ -..----.-----_,- Mrs. J ame;-'1V l\1cPi1erson of Alladale, and Mrs. Taylar of Bsrrie, were "the guests of `Its. John Muir last week, "l'PT\. Mrs, John Lmnox, of .\Iine=ing, was` the gue's_t of Mrs. A. Lennox,,last week, The G T R. steam shovel baa again made its appenr-mce in the gravel pit. `. Wedding bells are ringing. . ,_--._.a ..- ... .. -.. - wt: Hrs. Li;1dsay left here Sn Tuesxhy ('23rd) for Saskatoon, Assmaboiu. ` . IT:-n1-r.-'u. ___ ,-..----.~-`-.., -~4.> VPSYID. Waishxngtnn, of Wimiipe;z, Manitoba, spent a few days at T. D.` lMcLean .~=. On Inesdny afternoon. July 23rd. at the residence of Mr. N. Wheeler, Peneheng streeb. Mnrgereu_Alice Mabel Brown, of London. England. "was wedded to Walter J mes Rxtcli , oi Tm-out : The officiating minister was the Rev. Joseph Young, of Sundry last, was given uwny by Mr. Gertrude Brown were bridesmaids, while ' M;-.. Joe Young ably perfomled the p'.e:.snra'- bie duty of best man. The bride wore a gown of cream silk, trimmed with chiffon and `lace 1 After the ceremony and congratula- '_tions, the bride, bridegroom and guests, had lunch. Ihen fO1_1')WEI1 1 most erxjuynble t_1me. The bride, who is a singer of much abi'ity and renement, pleased the guests by giving a selection of music. The happy ` coupie intend staying in Bertie for a. few days.` and then leave for Bradford and :2. visit to Niagara Falls. ' ` Bradford. The bride, who arriv__ed in Canada ~ Wlheeler . Miss'Elit'h Prince and Mice 'J1ily 22.--A-I-Iarry Lennox, of Minesing spent. Sqnday with Hmfoxd Lsnnox. I 11'?` A I -,__:, ,n n FINE _BLEACHED TABLING. 2 yards wide. verv urahtv mmm `_`_-__- -;_...._J ...-.. ........a.-. ..q uuuuu an A. Lewi.~=, of Ba.r.rie,`spent last. week with J. Elliott. - V iowe, of Mjd;;1nd, is s.pea}1i"ng a. `raw days with Mn .axi_d Mrs. John _J0hl'..I8.0I). - V . W . --.._..,,,. ..._. ......-u_... . I. Miss Annie Dickey" lettirueds "6 Su:og1d'on Suurday. ` " ` ' " \.r_- 12.--; aa,n~_, _ .- ... '. . _...._ .. ...-.. urvnnl-I uguu lll "cun- W. Rosa, Aof Ivy.` pent Smday with `Herb Johnson. -. Lu uunn. Ii uuuu`u1 A van Take Laxative Bromo Qnin.ino`;fI`ab!e:.-'. All ` dru;:;:!sts refund th_c mov.ey.if it mils to cure ` I I-.`..W. Gx'o\'c'ssr.:11:\tm'c15011 cachlwox. -Keep the (livid Holiday for the - Presbytx-ia'n' Excursion to` Penecaug and `Sans Snuci-.' Excursionists -wera delighted with the nip last. year. '1_s17r`."'-;{nd 31:5, Chas. ChAui>chi!l, 6f B:-rrie,, e guests of Mr. and Mrsf You_ng,. on Sua'da_v.. ` a. II ! *1 - I .`_vening3 at residence. 6? Owen St. No witnesses required. Gexierul servaxit. must be good cook and Jaun- iress. References. 812. Apply at this oilce. wn ca $'`o"5R5aA= O`nly.a few FINELEGHORN FLOPS left, worth 75c : $,tosellat: _ ___.___.____________4 3 dozen SAILORS to sell at _ " 4 dozen SAILORS to sellfat ,___ .,_._ __ ..__ .. ,__, I6 TRIMMED HATS, worth $2.50`to $6.00. to clea out at half price. All 1j`;.Q\\'Ez;s, SPRAYS, etc-', at asacri'1` -n-on-o -oc--. o Q . g n q u-.... IhCa 03ce-95 Dunlon St.-Ross-1 Block. MAjRRlAGE `asceaazsss TO CURE A 1 11-. T -|nI:~v~ I3..- Children Cry for kKs3xj-?__ Servant Wanted._ Ratcliffe-Brown. ALLENN.\v;>0_D ' Wanted. MINES ING. GRENFEL. We invite you to come to this store for your Linens and [guarantee you'll be pleased with genuine values for your money.- ISSUED BY . `cb:.D- m A DAY `- 7l"n Lb..- lIt\I\1/\ n: ` last week. at LII-l\l;BUl3 stuancu. The study of this monster shellsh is *a most interesting one. In_ order to get rid of the parasites` that cling to their shells they often enter fresh streams to enjoy a bath, but they are extremely `timid `and take fright at the least nolseq The hunter knows, however, that the turtle feeds `in brackish streams where the tide falls rather low .'and where.the' turtle grass grows, in greatest profusion. The turtles out great quantities -of`this'grass and then roll it into a bnll, cementing it as they roll it with the clay ln_whlch_t_he grass grows, and in this way._ when they havetnanaged to amass `e. .goodly.s`up-1 plyzot.-provisions. they whit for high . tide` and oat` away seaward. feedings as` they oat. Thu ruInf'nc{nnnI In-nh-u-n no-A nnlnlr Ln (LB LDC] HUil.lo - The professional hunters are qulck to detect these balls. and just the mo- ment they do so they set their selnes and send theirpeggers, as the men are called; in `search of the feeding shoals. Men are not the only enemies the tur- tles hnve, however. for hears, raccoons ' and` other animals native to Florida destroy great numbers of them.-Jack- sonvllle (Fla.) Cor. Baltimore Ame:-l can. An Expennlve Adventure of I Fu- monu Parisian Wit.- Romieu, the famous Parisian wit, was one day caught in a shower and forced to seek refuge in a doorway of the Opera House. It was 6 o'clock al- ready, and he had an engagement in the 'Cue_de Paris for that very hour. The rain fell in torrents.` There was no carriage tovbe had. -He had no um- brella. What was to be done? While _he was lamenting his bad luck :1 gen- .tlemau- witha large umbrella passed by. 9 R_omleu was seized with a sudden inspiration. He rushed out and grasp- ed the stranger by the arm and gravely `Installed himself under the protecting` umbrella. A an _... -_.-._1___.1 ;_ .._, _-,, n a,, . ; uu LIUUUV xncxucuuuco ' Without giving the stranger time to express his surprise Romieu rattled away with gossip and anecdote until he had led the unknown companion to the door of the Cafede Paris. Then he glanced at him with a. face of well feigned astonishment. II)n-uAn-1` oun.\r`n\!nun-"' I... A--1;-.I 1&7). Acraucu uatuu Anunucut. "Pardon; monsieuri he cried. It seems I am mistaken." I believe so, said the stranger. ' "Good gracious!" added Romieu. Be discreet. Don't repeat what I have told you." ' I promise you." : A thousand pardons! Romieu hastened within the cafe and amid great laughter told the adventure to his friends. Suddenly one 0: them said: . . Your crnvat is rumpled." Romieu put his hand to his neck and turned pale. His pin. a valuable sapy phire, was gone. On further examina- tion his'1)u1'se and watch were found to be gone. The "man with the umbrella. was a pickpicket. . The Opnlv uperItitlon. There is'one...superstltion of wide. range and inuence that is directed _ngiaiust one of the most beautiful ob- jects in nature. the opal. A man in my town failed in- business, and what do you think he did? Took hisopai ring `into the yard and smashed it tdpieces with n immmor! He ascribed his bank- ruptcy to that opal. and be intended neither to suffer such misfortune again nor to allow any other one to do so by inheriting or-buying that ill starred property. ` {Inn nl-' H-in rnru-G nn~.-n-:-..- .u.o..-.-,... -0 FINE BLEACHED LOOM "AllAgK F4 innhnn n-irln lllUlICLI..\o ` One of the most amusing instances of 11 trust in wrong things is I`L'D0l'tE(1 from New York. where 5. man took an opal to a jeweler and asked him to sell it. as he had had nothing but bad luck since he owned it, his business. ven- tures having failed. his children having suffered illness and the old scratch having been to [my generally. The jeweler found the gem to have been an imitation. its falsity must have been A obvious to everybody except the vic- { tin). because the opal is the stone that I I has never been even pussably imitated; ` . Ills" Enxnncipntloh. ' - Away back in 1771 Josiah Woodbury of Beverly, Mass; thus pubiisbed bis- lmppy emancipation from matrimonial woes: ' n...._..... n__; 4. .-... ` . B1-:v_EnLr, Sept. 16, 1771. Run away from Josiah Wcodbury. cooper, 1:15 house "plague for seven long years, Masury Old Moll. nllas Trial of Vengeance. He that lost will` never seek her: he that shall keep her I will give two`B~.'xshel of Beans. I forewnm all Persons in Town or County li-om trusting said Trial of Venge- t.n':c. I have hove all the old (shoes) I can nd for joy, and all my neighbors rejoice with me. A good Riddance of bad Ware. Amen! Jnal Au Il n.-xnnrnu It Ylelded. - . V First Physician-Did old Coupon's 1 case yield to your treatment?'l I31-vaipdnv-n_I'd. All! I A.......;-.1 HOW BIG SEA TURTLES FEED Take Bic Bnl_lI ot Gran. out to` sea _ and Eat Vvhlle Swimming. With nay gastronomic taste I 1;_atum1- ly was very curious toknow just wlmt kind often-apin are'cau'g`nt iifthese .waters., for the dish is. one much Sought after'hy epicures and" forms . part of the menu for every first class __h_ote1 on the `coast. 1 was ,told that none is caught about here. but was 0 invited to. 8. sea turtle hunt. Let the reader imagine a. turtle weighing all the way from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds, and not long ago one was turned over on the beach neat-.4 Miz 1n1l-that weighed more than 1,600 pounds. 01 course I am giving the largest weight, for the average weight of those caught along the coast is about 500 pounds. After they are caught the turtles are kept for a loug`tin1e'. their captors -feeding them on cabbage,. lettuce. turnips. `carrots andsea grasses. rmm a'{-ma. no 4-mg cl-uxllak I. `.`1 am overjoyed to see you. be im- mediately began. "I have been looking for you for two weeks. I wanted to tell youabout Clementln;" ` 'Hhnno an-Ir... H... .4-nu-..-..._ 52...... 4.. um: _y Aclu LU ,y uuy ucu uucuu Second Physician-It did. I treated It for six months, and it yielded some-` tmng like a hundred gu1neas.- * " ~* `UNDER AN U_MBRELLA. Josua Woonaum. FINE BLEAOBED f L00.\i DAMAQW R1 hmhnn min in A nuinber of Trimmed Hatsv worth $1 75 are how offered at 1; price ....... ""883 . i 16 Trimmed Hats which show the latest features of summer style, our price has beet $2.=00;`whi1e they` last will he sold at | ,0 ). Elegantly Trimrhd Hats, latest New York designs. our. best productions, worth $3and $4.50, will -be sold now toclear at.{. ....... ..$2 and $3 each l..Untrimmed'and Sailor Hats are included in the clearing sale prices. Hats ; ' g worth f'r'o,n.A7_5c to. $1.50 may be had at ............ ....... ..25c to 75 A A goodbselection of Flowers are also included in tho selling list. Flowers '1 worth from 25c to 75 on sale at from..., ...... .. .... ..5c to 25 per bupch I -. ' I II` A July Clearing Sale of i _ . , -, _ . `the b_alace of. our stock of Manufactured Milli.- nery commences this week `to convince gut readers that big reductions in high class, Milliuery gcaninow be obtained. Our object is no secret. Our Miss Wright gis an up to-date Millinery artist and must have next season s goods ?of the newest ._ and brightest_as an aid to the production of our =usua_l high class millinery. Our Dresa Goads section presents an opportunity for buyrs who for any reason desire to get a bxg pile for little money. -This department never con- tributed bigger values. ` I ' _ `. Latest shades and patgterns in Muslin wear. A few specials in the new Blue Shades, Spots,_and Figures, good sellers, only a small quantity now left. Price per yard ........ ..-. .......................... .. | Oc Some very pretty Summer Goods, best designs, strictly new, fast. colors, 15c ' A few pieces of a special Gingham, well suited for dresses or shirt waists, in Stripes, Solid Checks and Broken Check effects in colors such as Blue, Pink, Green and Mauve, worth 15c the yard, now selling at 10c. I o Stylish Shirt Waists _ In all leading colors and White Muslims, pleated, tucked, and with Lace and Embroidery trimmings,` from 50c to $2.50 each. . i Batfgaihs in Ready-to-War Skirt, materials of White Pique, White Duck, or 1 Linen Crash, selling a ; price of the material, 75c upwards. - A _._-__ - . . -.v_ --vv--v-u f r This important section of out-.bus'iness is very complete and offers advantages I to buyers of Me_u s or Boys Suits, Hats, Caps, Shirts. Collars, Ties or Underwear. FHAWLEY & DEVLIN FRAWLEY 82: DEVLIN jj-T I. 4 I Canto:-ta` is an excellent medicine for! "Custoria 1 children. Mothers have repeatedly told me ` that I recommc of its good eect upon their children." 3 scription know `rm. (1. 0- cnnnn r,.-,...n vr. . ` ' u x - B'I1s'E BLEACHED TABLE. ` DAMASK, 2 yde. 2:1; and 23 yda wide. The finest In town, at ' $1, $1.25. $1.35 to $1.45 ' :-ms for each 500 miles. No extra charge for Ladies Bicycles. EVERYONE KNOWS THE EAGLE BICYCLES. T`:u~y are the Highest Grade wheels made: no Bicycle has a better. .epntation: no Bicycle has been more widely advertised by the makers ; big favourites with best Bicycle Clubs; the leading wheel with _ prolessiarnl riders. Fuilt on honor, ush joints nes: has er, hubs and bearing. highest grade equip- ; ment. ~'d. wiv.`.1 Vi-rtar Single Tube Tires. 2.50 extra or Morgan & Wght Tires-85 00 extra for - "".'0p 1'res H-ghts of frame-.\Ien s 20. 22 and 24 in.-Ladies 20 and 22in.--namelled Black. . ' E OFFER splendid chance to a glad agent in each town. Send for Calaloguennd :51: for Agents ..~.m:= Wheels slightly used, :$.00 10 $25.00. , T, W, BOYD Q, SON . ""`? 4"` "" ""-- ' 1883 Nova! Dane S12. MOITIIIL. Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops` and Soothing Syrups. " It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. -Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys VVorms and allays Feverisl1- ness. Castoria. cures Diarrhoea. and \`.'iml Colic. Castoria - __relieves Teething `Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels oflnfants and Cliildrc-n. giving health} and natural sleep. Castoriahis the Children s Panacea--Tl1e Mother s Friend. V V 7 iexnlnlnc I` KLIUKUUEUIY 3` your EX` press Ofce and if found perfect! satlslaclo , exactl as represented, A HIGH GRAKE I90! I00 L GEIIUI E EAGLE BICYCLE pay to the Express I Agent the balance due -- 29.00 - and Express Nos. 45. 50 Ind SI C at es. The express changes are only 50 to 75 ::nts for each No charge for Ladies Bicyc es. EVERYONE KNOWS THE EAGLE BICVCLES. '1 any Highest made : Bicycle .epulation: Bicycle Midsummer Millinery Notice. . THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE or: APPEARS ON EVERY'\/VRAPPET1`. . BHS l. upuu LnlX' (.`1X(11'E." DR. G. C; OSGO0D,,L0:t.'cII. .1I.:s.~` Castoria. Opposit G. T. R. Station and Post Oice. / one week before the holidays ancf ail .1\/IILLIN trimmed and untrimmed, must be cleared out. " . Fluslins and Wash Goods THE DOUBLE.S'l"ORES. Ready-to-Wear Skirts Men s Wear Section What is Dress Goods UR End of the Season _ clearing up saleshave so advertised themselves in the past thz'1tA_scarcely more, is required than the mere announcement that-ou1'- I Cuuhs ad.out . I nndscnd muswith Shae whuher you Wis] or Ladies Biuyclc, heighl and gear wamed, and we ou this High Grade I91 agle Bicycle by Exprcs subject to examination. exgmine it thoroughly at nress Office And 11 found ncrfectlv sat F I uLEsubject examination. You can examine your Ex- exactly |90|_MOD|-EL; o _ Cnstoi-in 15 so well adnptd to children `; recommend it as superior to any pre- : known to me." ` I H. A. ARCHER, M. D. Brodklyu, 4V. 7 A general clearance forlonie weeE.only of all Whitewear in thehouse. Gowns, Drawers, Corset: Covers, Skirts, etc , ctc., at one-fth off the already very;__low prices._ I. W. KC. DA Cut zh.s ad. out .- muswith$`s u Wish 1\1e:1'9 height of frame ear will send Eon t is l90I odel Express C.O. D. erxamination. You _can Castoria. FRONT ST. BARR I E. :ssC.O.D. van: Ex. Annuai iu. 1-` Once qlofe we wish to demonstrate~our ieadeyship in Fine Linens, and __have on view an ext`ensive Aran"g_ of .the finest weaves in Blgached and Unbleaghed Table 1_)_a.n';asks} `I7, I, mm e@ Tfzlfi. 47'Dunk `sPElALTY~ ` 7` ~37 Studio : Aug, iv mSilU.~'f;: Johns! VP.eerie ing Oi , - .--.-..v--,._ _-.y.v -rm-gay-ans Wehave stlch goods ..a.s \viI.l.`e:`ccite. the atitriita_.tio_n or 'all_ lovers ofFin`e. Linen." :s'~_I`he patterns are .exquisitc,\vi-thgtput a avg, and .theeqnalities unexcelled. : They are _a'.ll'-`imported by. us elitect frpmBel_fa'st, the "greatest linen market pf ' the wortd, and we 'haLve ~j'ust- claim t6 the best `and" 'x'nor.e'nea rI_'v'"cor`rip1ete sto<'_:kof Fine Linens" in Barrie, md here we mightvetriphasize the fact that the values are the best `to be had. Hnnj on and Hcndquz{ v V 01-- 7ra VEIR.VI6BERS,& U0. nun. ,nun.Au;1n'U uw1.u\'G. yards wide,_very rettv Floral designs. excellent` nibh, a bat- guiuat...... mvlvpu ..-. - nun. punnuumu U.-U1.-Bbli. 2 yards wide, purest Linen. In five magnicent pattern. as. . .75c, :u.\'rz DLEJAUHJSU UAMASK. - full 2 yards wide. {our excellent- designs. worth $1.00 yard, at. ..85c zmn nmmuunu hUU.Vl DAMASK. G4 inchel wide, pretty Floral Designs. as genu- ine Bargaiu ....! :.|.LVn nLr.AUu.nU 4LUU.\X DAMASK, 64 inches wide. in Shamrock `and, ' Fern deaigna. 6 an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ,, Thef are Bargains for the first"'caIle[1-s,"`so` ' come real early. TO WINNIPEG. --us, -Illjlmf "| T` The Iargest Ilmporte-rs of>BaY1 .is11 and Foreinv Goodsin Bax-lie. Millinery Department. FINE Everything Just as Represented...` j Whitewear. SPECIALS. FOR FOR .'90c` ".500 '. 65 `The Dnke' Visit to orima ! - Hen. R. W.` Seutt Secretary of `State. in reply tn an imitation fmm the B*.J0.I'd of Trade In their Rwyalighn eseesof Curnwull and York tn visihfhlllia. during iillxqir stay in Cunad 1, regretsihat he ?cu.nuz'>t,give adefiiiite ' repiv "M l'he_pro- igmm win have to be submitted" to the Duke` on his urrival _in Cu nirda ' . As- you nre mt-are , "writes 31!`. .$'cott ,'"xhe time of the Reyal pm-f'y in Canada is. limiteditu thirty -fourdnye. "during which period they visit. the Pacific coast.Tune will not. therefore, admit ` nf their accepting the many invitations that have been extended to them. ffthe train con- veying the royal party will be passixlg Ori- !1i:! dining the day time, I should hope .their Royal Highneases would benble to stay over at least; long enough for the pre- sentation of an address fromtha citizens of the town .-Ne we-Letter. he (to- sinus qlmnnn uuu uumeauneu. 3150 I11 UH` mene ran"ge'TURKISH BATH LTOWELS, at. .. . ...l2c to`75c BUTCHERS Iantl DRAWING. LINENS. prices varying frpm 10 up to...._ . . . . . .._ . . . . . ..60c TOWELINGS in. Huck, Crash. eto.,etc.. ..............5:to I5 3 PATTERNS, HEAVY UN? BLEACHED TABLING . . . . ..2 3 PATTERNS HEAVY UN- BLEACHED` in Check and Fimnl Hnnianl no-. 5 v-mu,-u_..._ . . . . .. -'3: ... 0 FINE UNBLEAUHED DAM- ASK. fuIl,'60 inch width, rich design, an....'....- . . . . . . . . . . ..6 Am-eat .qua.ntity of PLAIN `and ` I-Tl'T{`.k' "l`nlV`l`.T.Q kI.....I.....: CASTORIA 1 zregt uantity ` HUCK TOWELS. bleached nnd'i1nh1nnnhs{d. nlun an .'m_ DUUA. J.U\V 51.43. bleached and "unb1_eaqhed. also an im- mamin rnniam "l`l'TR KIRK `R A 'l`I .l' On complylu with conditions of Certicates which wll be I; veu Hurclmsers of one-way r810 tickots.pusscngers w I be rouxrued .to starting point by same route on or before Nov. moth. 1901. on payment of $18. TICKETS um smnxn f`.l.AR, -numnunmu` In _ Fioxal designs at.` l T\L`u"I'fl\TQ PVT! 3`-vuu ucuxsg-In uv.oau on u... . -nova = DESIGNS EXTRA E EA VY UNBLEACHED LINEN, 54 to 58 inches wide . _ , . . . . , A U&V_ Dbl; EIUIIIAI 58 Inches wide . n . nun-rs gv.-. . W1=Xi3'1r'1-:1'2" ' ' 'F'1}}'E' ` ' 't}'z\}I BLEACHED L1NEN.60 inches S DJJDAL :1 wide, at _. FY I711` I ? `I For Infants and Children. - C I I : Q - g '. b_` cleared , a`sacri'ce. :..45c~ ...38c ...48c : nd I. 25c uu uuyxuuuu ux 31.9. TICKETS ABE SECOND CLASS. Apply for pamphlet glvlng fall lmticulurt to your nearest Agent, or to ` ` u A. H. INEOTMAN. Asst. Gnl. Passr. Agent. - .1 King Street East, Toronto. 30-38 50 . 66. .40: mrea (lee! No. 20503. ` ' Ercctul tln-reon ls kl. coxnfurmble brick dwcl1ln_g containing eight rooms. aJso bcl: stable, all m good order. The {.,'1`0umls are int`! out with omn- mental and shade trees. about slxty irui_t trees, excellent. \v.1ter.- and commanding a. ben_uritu1vie\v pf Kcmpeufezdt Bay. ]`.RRMQ- 'I`c`m nm nni-If ..+ u......'..a Q..a.. .....a r.... n. u. nAn.\v1U1x. BARBIE. Or to Bmwxk, Aymswonh as Wright. Vendors solicitors, Toronto. Dated 20:11 nv nf`Jnm':, A n 1u11 M n- mnrke V . Secundly.-Pz11't cf Lot 10 in the 11111 Caztoeson 0In11i9l.cu11t-2 1i1r:52 :1c1"es,`n:11'c 01' Iv?-' inclus- - we of roads e.' tm-.)11;:l1 the.9.1111.=.c1;1n 111u11c.-1111,-.:1t the dlsmm-e of 71-11:1ins and 51 links . on the west side or 1'oz1d 11llow:111c-e_ between Lots ' 10 and 11,so11lhe1'ly trum the .\'orthc-rn Ry. on the , said 14111 C011,; thence v-'e.=te1'h{ and 1 -:u'z1l:cl with | the R) . t1H`it nncets division hne between 11,01-th 1 -1111r1;t1.ds:.11tl1l1:1l1'of`s:1lLl Lot '10, ten c1mi11s111o1'e or 195:`; !1l`:_l:Ce Awe-.=tcr1,v 1111 it meets .11 point 111 diviaion line between Lots No. 9 and 10 and distant np1'therly 2 cl1.'tI11s and 1:5 lmks f1`u111, 11111: of divis- lrm Ixetwpen south haif and north1p:11~t 0'.` Lot 10 at`ores:.i<:.; thence IAOTIIICFI `on division. line lJltW(`f'll said Lots 9z`1nd 10 t 1 1t 1111-ets Ke111pe11- fcidt Buy; -lhcxgct`, 01\$tel'lV (110111; sl1o1`e-1t` hem- tenfeldt Bay to west side of mud a11owa11ce etwecn Lot; thus. 10 and 11 :ifo1'-=3:tid: thence on \\`este1'!_y side. of sxdd _1'o1u1 ILHOW:mce to place of Le;:i1111i11g; 1e.~erv!:1g thereout the Northern Ry. CL-. .s right of way and that part ut` lot conveyed t) that con1,1:1ny by regisu.-1ed dc-eds Nos; ism.` and 1872._a11d that part come ed to the ()m'po1':1tion of Iumstil by regis- tered ( eel N` . Ercctul 1.111-reo11 Is 11 L-n1nt'm-tnhln h1-ink dw:-lllno ul nuuxpcuxuzul mu`. TERMS: Tn ex cent. at Iivnevof kale, and for balnnce terms w 1 be H`ocra.l and wlil be made known at time of sale. `l4`mn can"... u....H....I....- ..__u__ .. I of the east half of said Lot 27. V (In Parcel N-.-. 1 is A fmme d Ivollizxg house 26 by 32 feet. frmne bz'u'n~38 b 80 f::(`.f. and fcedixw stables with stem foundat an and sheds nttzu-hecf. Abo'.1tG0a<-res of clay and clay loaun under culti- vation. Cedar rail fence :m.'1 exccllu-x1tp:1st111'eto lnkektront on maiuro-.1cl. (`.`uOZlt I uxilcs to Barrie M `e mSQc.'ndl\'.-Pz1'1't(:f Lot` 10 in tho `H111 (`,. \`1(~.1L`:`.".v1 nut to authority .ot' Onfers in Cou`nc I. the Red and White Pm:-: Turn) -:3 In the, following townships in the DISTRICT OF ALGOMA. nmnely:-4The'"l`bu-ushtps of GRAHAM (part), Hun`, CARTIER. Lnzucx. Juwxs. Asnansox. Cmzsux-zv. GILLMOB, \VHl`l'M.1N, Cunns and RU1'Hx~:RFonn.(part). and certain areas between the -Prusox Rxvxm and the Annow Rxvmz waters in the District.-ot Tauruma Bu. wmbe offered for sale b '.Puhllc Auction at the Pzwlinment Bulluin s. n the cit ' of Toronto. the SE ENTEE-. H dnv `m sI`.P1`lo`.um:n I PUBLIC NOTICE is herehv given that u1'su- ` From sttlons iu Ontax'1o E-.15: of Toronto :6 Smwbot Lake and Kingston and Mldlancl Dmslun North of Toronto and Card wen, , {or time D'.rl.lDlIc Aucnon at I Toronto,` ENTEE-. H day by next. guc xhe hour of 0.\' E o'L-nock 11 at afternoon. I At the same time and place. certain forrelted ' and abnndolled Bertha `in the Townshi 5` of ` Drum . Suzmunms. and Lurrrzmvouru n the ot'- Hangncnrom _m1d County of We- TORIA.\\'lll be ocreu for sale. the purchasers of these latter Berms t: have the rignt to cut all kinds of timber. V Sheets conta1niu{._.-tenns and conditlom or Sale I and iut`or1n..non z_1s to Aneus and L=.-ts and Conces- sions con1prl_s_ed In each Berth wlllbe x'ux'ni-shed applicatiqn. either personal or by letter. to the`. .Qe1I1\X'Ill}_e_1lL_'0t _Urowu Lands. 1`uron'to. or me appllcatxqn. elmer loner. Dexmrtnlem.-ot Crown Lands. Crown Timber Agencies at Urrun. SAUL`! Sra. MAR}!-2 and Pom` Anmun. `D 1 nu:-to . uounmssxoner urown Lands. | Daranrnxaxr or` Cnowx L.-.>ms. Toxouro. J cm: 1. 19in. N.B.-Nd unauthorized pupllcuzlon of this uc1ve.t1se1nent.wl:l be palg for. v ! UNDER pmvcr of sale In :1 ce1'tmn redsxc-re~1 ' blortgaue to thq Vendors. whiqh will be produced nt the tIme_ot sale. and on detault belmz made in payment ox the monies thereby secured, I there will be p`ercd_ for 52119 by public zurctlon by` I J USEPH ROGERS. Aucuoxneer. at the Queen s I Hotel. Barrie. on uvuno liillln At One .0 `clock. the follow1ug`pI'opertles. n:une`.\': Flgstly.--Tlxe ens_t hqlves 0: Lots 27 and 28 In the-_ Iv ourth Conce.~:s1o11 of Oro conminimr together ' 171 acres more or less excepting the north 14 ac-x'e.=. of the half of snld ' On I- eu'ce1 .\'..-. is 11. frame dwr-Ilinrz 1m::=n an my Jillllef, ID I01 Egg: (fresh) . \vu-A ' Hay".`prt6'n .. .` . Straw, per loa'.d.. .. . Wood. dry, short. . Wood, my. long. . .. Wood, green, long.` 'l'l1a` North American LireAss_Ingg1ca Gnmuanv, vonk'roN} ` [ MOOSEJAW. J ESTI:-IVAN. mm 5TH Bead Omo-Toronto V Barrie Omoe--Bank of Toronto Building . 4,, ,,_ I Presldgnt-J. L. BLAIKIE. Vice-Presidents -E xE1 `x`s33:. x`&`: 1f:`z'a z'a'1ra; Directors-Senator Gowan. `Barrie: J. K. 05 | home. Toronto; E Gurney, Toronto; D. McCrae.Guelph. ` , ' WM. MC-CABE. - L GOLDMAN. , Managing Director. ~ . Secretary; Pollcieslssued on Life. Endowment.-Lifmted. Paymnt Llfe and all cmsses of deslmbie lnsur-' nee. N0 BETTER. xoxm sum. l`0.ll_CIeS lS:!'.|Cd Life. Endowment.- deslml BETTER, A nan`: \K O D`. HUG: AVIJ LWEIL LIB, i\\J-`Ill can 13: Assets ..8 8.977.263'00 Insurance in force. . . . . . ... 25.575.000.00. Ftortfurther Information. apply personally or wne o ' . ` RICHARD L. BARWICR. 1V8-ly ' - Barrie. I |AuoT|Qg\s ISALE1 Va.1ua.ble"Property` IN TOWNSHIP Ola` aka I DAY OF! JELY. 1901. ` `At One n nlnt-Ir, ux 6`nl|nn~lnn-`m-,-.nnuun. .........1... \\'00L AND 1`! W091, uhwyaavhed . . . . .. We-:1. washed ... . . . .. .. Beef Hides, gtean`. . . . . Tallow, renidered, per lb.` Tallow. `rough. per lb . . . . Lamb Skins ,Ca.l fakina'. per lb. . -. . ` . . $ki|I5.. . 3 . . . . . . I.` a noun nnnvmov an--. r. D085 ? "V9, Hgflli BX! less than choice ' Chickens per "pair. . . Turkeys, dressed . . . Lard, pet lb ...._.. Butter, iub, per 1}: _. Butter. in roll . . :2 . V Roan {fl-Anh.\ the VENTEENTH `ox SEPTEMBER place. forrexted 265000 IN.M.-XNITOBA 7 Harvesters viiknm. V wa "ted NOR|'rH-\\`Es'.`. % FARM LABOBEHS sxcunslous . __.A1\u ,_,,_.r.___ | Residential Proipeny near Barrie. >1 4 _4Flour, family. ..... ....3 50..-U I Carefully corrected todate July`?! 1931 Fl . \\'h6-at ..; , . . . . . . .. 50.. Flour`, bakers, per bbl,....V......-I 50.,,5_ Shorts, per cwt.... 9U..l- Bnn, per cwt...... 7.._..,,}_.80.. I nut, rodnmv AND tmmv 21 Beef, hiudquarters . Beeforeqnnrters Mutton,per!b....... Lnmb......'.-..... Hogs` d`reased;...." . . . . . . Hogs. live, ohpice 170 to 23 ) lks. . Hogaive. lights and fate. 50:.` less than chbice Pen, small 1 Penn, large Jats . . .j. . \ Purlev. . . . .. Rye. . . . . . . . Buckwheat . .VE Potgtoe. per bag . nvnnv \ enI10l'S' aoucuors, Dated 203.1: day of J une. A. D. 1931. suuwu uh tum: Qt sale. For father 1'm.rt cular! agaly . ARW] AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS. BARBIE MA R_K rs, . J," TOWNSHIP or ORG And all stations Noith-\\'cst.n \Vcs_t nndsouthwost to